Higher Eng Maths 9th Ed 2021 Solutions Chapter

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EXERCISE 131 Page 332

1. Differentiate with respect to x: (a) 5x5 (b) 2.4x3.5 (c)

(a) If y = 5x5 then =

(b) If y = 2.4x3.5 then =

(c) If y = then =

2. Differentiate with respect to x: (a) (b) 6 (c) 2x

(a) If y = then or

(b) If y = 6 then =0

(c) If y = 2x then =2

3. Differentiate with respect to x: (a) 2 (b) (c)

(a) If y = then =

(b) If y = then =

If y = then =

4. Differentiate with respect to x: (a) (b) (x - 1)2 (c) 2 sin 3x

(a) If y = then =

(b) If y = (x - 1)2 = (x – 1)(x – 1) = =

then = 2x - 2 or 2(x – 1)

(c) If y = 2 sin 3x then = (2)(3 cos 3x) = 6 cos 3x

5. Differentiate with respect to x: (a) - 4 cos 2x (b) 2e6x (c)

(a) If y = - 4 cos 2x then = (- 4)(- 2 sin 2x) = 8 sin 2x

(b) If y = 2e6x then =

(c) If y = then =

6. Differentiate with respect to x: (a) 4 ln 9x (b) (c)

(a) If y = 4 ln 9x then = (4) =

(b) If y = then =

(c) If y =

then =

7. Find the gradient of the curve y = 2t4 + 3t3 - t + 4 at the points (0, 4) and (1, 8)

If , then gradient,

At (0, 4), t = 0, hence gradient = =-1

At (1, 8), t = 1, hence gradient = = 16

8. Find the co-ordinates of the point on the graph y = 5x2 - 3x + 1 where the gradient is 2.

If , then gradient =

When the gradient is 2, 10x – 3 = 2 i.e. 10x = 5 and

When ,

Hence, the co-ordinates of the point where the gradient is 2 is

(a) Differentiate y = + 2 ln 2 - 2(cos 5 + 3 sin 2) -


(b) Evaluate when  = , correct to 4 significant figure.




(b) When , =
= -1.032049 + 1.2732395 + 10 + 12 + 0.0538997

= 22.30, correct to 4 significant figures.

10. Evaluate , correct to 3 significant figures, when t = given s = 3 sin t - 3 +

If s = 3 sin t - 3 + then

When t = , = 3.29, correct to 3 significant figures.

11. A mass, m, is held by a spring with a stiffness constant k. The potential energy, p, of the system

is given by: where x is the displacement and g is acceleration due to gravity.

The system is in equilibrium if . Determine the expression for x for system equilibrium.

If then

If then kx – mg = 0 i.e. kx = mg and displacement, x =

12. The current i flowing in an inductor of inductance 100 mH is given by: i = 5 sin 100t amperes,

where t is the time t in seconds. The voltage v across the inductor is given by: v = L volts.
Determine the voltage when t = 10 ms.

If i = 5 sin 100t then

Voltage across inductor, v = L

When L = 100 mH and t = 10 ms, voltage, v =

= 50 cos 1 = 27.0 volts

EXERCISE 132 Page 333

1. Differentiate with respect to x: x sin x

If y = x sin x, then
= x cos x + sin x

2. Differentiate with respect to x:

If y = , then

= or

3. Differentiate with respect to x:

If y = , then
= x + 2x ln x or x(1 + 2 ln x)

4. Differentiate with respect to x: 2x3 cos 3x

If y = , then

= =

5. Differentiate with respect to x: ln 3x

If y = ln 3x = , then

= =

6. Differentiate with respect to x: e3t sin 4t

If y = , then

7. Differentiate with respect to θ: e4 ln 3

If y = e4 ln 3, then

8. Differentiate with respect to t: et ln t cos t

If y = , then

9. Evaluate , correct to 4 significant figures, when t = 0.1, and i = 15 t sin 3t

Since i = 15t sin3t, then

= 45t cos 3t + 15 sin 3t

When t = 0.1, 45(0.1) cos 0.3 + 15 sin 0.3 (note 0.3 is radians)
= 4.2990 + 4.4328
= 8.732, correct to 4 significant figures.

10. Evaluate , correct to 4 significant figures, when t = 0.5, given that z = 2e3t sin 2t

Since z = 2e3t sin 2t, then

When t = 0.5, (note 1 is 1 radian)

= 9.68587 + 22.62727

= 32.31, correct to 4 significant figures.

EXERCISE 133 Page 335

1. Differentiate with respect to x:

If y = , then

2. Differentiate with respect to x:

If y = , then

= or

3. Differentiate with respect to x:

If y = , then

4. Differentiate with respect to x:

If y = , then

5. Differentiate with respect to θ:

If y = , then

= =

. Differentiate with respect to t:


If y = ,

= =

7. Differentiate with respect to x:

, then
If y =

8. Find the gradient of the curve y = at the point (2, - 4)

If then gradient,

At the point (2, - 4), x = 2, hence gradient = = - 18

9. Evaluate at x = 2.5, correct to 3 significant figures, given y =

If then

When x = 2.5, = 3.82, correct to 3

significant figures

EXERCISE 134 Page 336

1. Differentiate with respect to x:

If y = then i.e.

2. Differentiate with respect to x: (2x3 - 5x)5

If y = then

3. Differentiate with respect to θ: 2 sin(3θ - 2)

If y = 2 sin(3θ - 2) then i.e.

4. Differentiate with respect to α: 2 cos5 α

If y = 2 cos5 α then i.e.

5. Differentiate with respect to x:

If y = then

6. Differentiate with respect to t: 5e2t+1

5e2t+1 then i.e.

If y =

7. Differentiate with respect to t: 2 cot(5t2 + 3)

If y = cot x = then

Thus, if y = , then =

8. Differentiate with respect to y: 6 tan(3y + 1)

If θ = 6 tan(3y + 1) then i.e.

9. Differentiate with respect to θ: 2etan 

If y = , then =

10. Differentiate:  sin( - ) with respect to , and evaluate, correct to 3 significant figures, when


If y = then by the product rule

When ,
= 1.360 + 0.5 = 1.86, correct to 3
significant figures.

11. The extension, x metres, of an un-damped vibrating spring after t seconds is given by:

x = 0.54 cos(0.3t – 0.15) + 3.2

Calculate the speed of the spring, given by , when (a) t = 0, (b) t = 2 s

If x = 0.54 cos(0.3t – 0.15) + 3.2 then = (0.54) [- sin(0.3t – 0.15)](0.3) + 0

= - 0.162 sin(0.3t – 0.15)

(a) When t = 0, speed of spring, = - 0.162 sin(– 0.15) = 0.02421 m/s = 24.21 mm/s

(b) When t = 2 s, speed of spring, = - 0.162 sin( 0.45) = - 0.07046 m/s = - 70.46 mm/s

EXERCISE 135 Page 338

1. If y = 3x4 + 2x3 - 3x + 2 find (a) (b)

(a) If y = 3x4 + 2x3 - 3x + 2 then and


2. (a) Given f(t) = t2 - + - + 1 determine f ´´(t)

(b) Evaluate f ´´(t) when t = 1

(a) f(t) =

f (t) =

f (t) = =

(b) When t = 1, f (t) = = - 4.95

3. The charge q on the plates of a capacitor is given by q = CV , where t is the time, C is the

capacitance and R the resistance. Determine (a) the rate of change of charge, which is given by

, (b) the rate of change of current, which is given by

(a) If q = CV , =

, =
(b) If

4. Find the second differential coefficient with respect to the variable:

(a) 3 sin 2t + cos t (b) 2 ln 4

(a) If y = 3 sin 2t + cos t then

and (6)(- 2 sin 2t) - cos t = - 12 sin 2t – cos t or - (12 sin 2t + cos t)

(b) If y = 2 ln 4 then

and =

5. Find the second differential coefficient with respect to the variable:

(a) 2 cos2x (b) (2x - 3)4

(a) If y = ,


(b) If y = ,

and =

6. Evaluate f ´´() when  = 0 given f() = 2 sec 3

If f() = 2 sec 3, then f () = 6 sec 3 tan 3

and f () =

When  = 0, f (0) = = 18

7. Show that the differential equation -4 + 4y = 0 is satisfied when y = xe2x

y = xe2x then


-4 + 4y = ( ) – 4( ) + 4(xe2x)

= - + 4xe2x


8. Show that, if P and Q are constants and y = P cos(ln t) + Q sin(ln t) then +t +y=0

y = P cos(ln t) + Q sin(ln t)

Hence, =

+ (t) + P cos(ln t) + Q sin(ln t)

+ P cos(ln t) + Q sin(ln t)


9. The displacement, s, of a mass in a vibrating system is given by: where ω is the

natural frequency of vibration. Show that:





10. An equation for the deflection of a cantilever is:

where P, W, L, E and I are all constants. If the bending moment M = determine an

equation for M in terms of P, W, L and x.


Bending moment, M = =

i.e. bending moment, M =

EXERCISE 136 Page 338

1. (b) 2. (d) 3. (b) 4. (c) 5. (b) 6. (c) 7. (d) 8. (c) 9. (a) 10. (b) 11. (a) 12. (a) 13. (d)

14. (d) 15. (a) 16. (d) 17. (a) 18. (c) 19. (b) 20. (c)


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