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STORIES 73 - 84

Malachi Family Club

Global Children’s Network ©2020

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted by a system, either electronically,
mechanically, photocopied or recorded in voice format, without the permission of the publisher first.

Developed for:
Global Children’s Network
First Edition English - April 2020
Design/Layout: Gustavo Terán – Venezuela
Edited by – Kathy Gause – United States
Table of Contents
Story Title Biblical Truth Scripture Memory Verse
Jesus is the Savior who saves people from
73 - Jesus is Born Matthew 1:18-25 Matthew 1:21
their sins
74 - Wise Men and
Jesus is our Shepherd Ruler Matthew 2:1-23 Matthew 2:6
King Herod
75 - Jesus is God provides a way of escape from
Matthew 4:1-11 1 Corinthians 10:13
Tempted temptation
76 - Jesus Feeds God supplies our needs according to His
Matthew 14:13-21 Philippians 4:19
5,000 riches in glory in Christ Jesus
77 - The Bread of
Jesus is the Bread of Life John 6:1-71 (22-71) John 6:35
78 - Jesus Walks on
Jesus is the Son of God Matthew 11:22-33 Matthew 14:33
79 - The Good Love the Lord your God with everything
Luke 10:25-37 Luke 10:27
Samaritan and your neighbor as yourself
80 - The Lost Son Repenting sinners bring joy in heaven Luke 15:1-32 Luke 15:10
81 - Jesus Raises
Jesus is the resurrection and the life John 11:1-44 John 11:25
82 - Jesus and
Jesus came to seek and save sinners Luke 19:1-10 Luke 19:10
83 - The Triumphal
Jesus is the Messiah Matthew 21:1-11 Matthew 21:9
84 - The Last
Jesus is coming again Matthew 26:17-30 1 Corinthians 11:26
Story 73 Jesus is Born Biblical Truth: Jesus is the Savior who saves people from their sins.
Matthew 1:18-25
This story has so many miraculous things happening. See how many your child can remember. Share
some of your pregnancy story with him. What were some of the things you wondered or thought about
when you were pregnant with him? In this story, so many of the important ones are already known.
Joseph was told the baby’s gender, name, and destiny. Often these are the things we wonder about most
when we are waiting for the baby to arrive and grow up. Joseph knew them before the child was even
born. It is exciting to hear about a baby coming – how much more exciting to know that this baby was the
long-awaited Messiah that the Jewish people had been waiting for – the One who would save all people
Memory Verse from their sins. How frightening or overwhelming as well!
“She will bear a son, and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.” Matthew 1:21

Conversation Time:
Ask them who they think had to show more faith – Mary or Joseph?
Have them tell you why they chose that person.

Have them share what they learned does not save you from penalty
of sin.
Sharing Time:
If they have not trusted in Jesus as their Savior, go over what that Encourage your child to tell you the God’s big story.
means. Listen intently with not only your ears and eyes but with your
courtesy of freebibleimages
Story 74 Biblical Truth: Jesus is our Shepherd Ruler.
Wise Men and
King Herod Many prophecies concerning Jesus are fulfilled in this story. See
Matthew 2:1-23 how many your child can remember. Point out the prophecy found
in Micah 5:2 which is retold in Matthew 2:6.
This prophecy concerning Jesus has not yet been completely fulfilled. Just as the prophecies in this story
came true so will this one. Jesus is coming again. He will be our shepherd ruler. Discuss with your child
what it means to be a shepherd. You may even want to look at Psalm 23 for a great description. Discuss
too what it means to be a ruler. What a blessing to have a shepherd ruler – a ruler who does so like a
shepherd, not like King Herod in this story. Stress that we can count on this prophecy coming true just like
all the others in this story have come true. It is as good as done.

Memory Verse “And you, O Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah, for from you
shall come a ruler who will shepherd my people Israel.” Matthew 2:6

Sharing Time: Conversation time:

Encourage your child to tell you the God’s big Why did the wise men come to Jerusalem?
story. What did King Herod feel and do when he found out
the “King of the Jews” had been born?
Listen intently with not only your ears and eyes Are you troubled by Jesus or rejoicing and
but with your heart. worshipping like the wise men?
Story 75 Biblical Truth: God provides a way of escape from temptation.
Jesus is Tempted Satan is a great liar, deceiver, thief, and tempter. In this story we see how he even
Matthew 4:1-11 tries to tempt Jesus. He waits until Jesus has been without food for forty days and
nights then he comes. Share with your child, that Satan is the same today.
He knows when we are weak and what our weaknesses are. Let your child know that you are available to help
them when temptation comes. Encourage them to find verses to help strengthen the weak areas. Talk about
age-appropriate ways of escape in addition to knowing what is right to do. God is readily available and will
make a way of escape, but we must be willing to take it. Jesus knew what was right and correct because He
knew God’s Word. Jesus not only said it but believed it and followed it. So must we!
“No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man, God is faithful, and He will not let you be
Memory Verse tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation He will also provide the way of escape, that you may be
able to endure it.” 1 Corinthians 10:13

Sharing Time: Conversation Time:

Encourage your child to tell you the God’s big story. Ask your child if he/she knows their weak spots.
Listen intently with not only your ears and eyes but with your Help find verses to help when temptation comes.
heart. Share with your child what you do when temptation comes.
Story 76 Jesus Feeds 5,000 Biblical Truth: God supplies our needs according to His riches in
glory in Christ Jesus.
Matthew 14:13-21
Jesus showed great compassion to the people. Even though He desired to be alone with God, He stopped
and met the needs of the people. Jesus healed their sick then fed them through performing a miracle. Over
5,000 people ate until they were satisfied yet more food was leftover than when they started. Five loaves of
bread and two fish fed over 5,000 and turned into 12 baskets of leftovers. God is an amazing God. God
supplied for the needs of the people. God still does that today. Discuss with your child what it means to trust
that God will provide his needs. God can be trusted to do it. It is not dependent on what we have – five
loaves and two fish – but dependent on God and His riches.
Memory Verse
“And my God will supply every need of yours according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19

Sharing Time: Conversation Time:

Encourage your child to tell you the God’s big How many loaves of bread and fish did the
story. disciples give to Jesus?
How many people ate?
Listen intently with not only your ears and eyes What was leftover?
but with your heart. Who supplies our every need?
Story 77 This story can be difficult to understand, depending on the age
of your child. Go over the story in an age-appropriate way. For
The Bread of Life the younger ones, share that Jesus is our Bread of Life, who
John 6:1-71 (22-71) gives us our life, here and in eternity. For the older ones, share
that we each have a yearning or hunger for something deep in
our souls. That something is Jesus. Talk about what things
Biblical Truth: Jesus is the Bread of Life. people might try to fill that longing in their souls with, sharing
things your child is familiar with. Jesus is the bread of life that
fills and satisfies that deep hunger in our souls.
Memory Verse “Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and
whoever believes in me shall never thirst.” John 6:35

Sharing Time: Conversation Time:

Encourage your child to tell you the God’s big story. Ask your child if there was anything confusing in this story that
Listen intently with not only your ears and eyes but with your you could help them to understand.
heart. Who is the bread of life? What does that mean?
Story 78 It is so important for our children to know that Jesus is the
Son of God. As you hear the story and talk with your child
Jesus Walks on Water about the story, focus in on what in the story showed that
Matthew 11:22-33 Jesus is the Son of God. Share with your child, what has
happened in your life to cause you to believe that Jesus is
the Son of God. See if your child can share something in her
life that has grown her faith in Jesus that He is the Son of
Biblical Truth: Jesus is the Son of God. God. What has He done to help your faith grow stronger?
This story shares that Jesus expects our faith to grow.
Memory Verse
“And those in the boat worshiped Him, saying, “Truly You are the Son of God.” Matthew 14:33

Sharing Time: Conversation Time:

Encourage your child to tell you the What happened to Peter when he stepped out of the boat?
God’s big story.
What caused the disciples in the boat to worship Jesus?
Listen intently with not only your
ears and eyes but with your heart. What did they say?
Biblical Truth: Love the Lord your God with everything and your neighbor
Story 79 as yourself.
The Good
It might be fun to make up a parable together as a family. Think about
Samaritan something your family may be struggling with currently – sharing, not
Luke 10:25-37 fighting, obeying immediately, and so forth. Stories are a great way to
teach. Jesus used them often. In this story,
It is important to remember that each of the three men saw the same thing yet only one showed love to
the hurt man. One of the best ways we can show love to the Lord is by showing love and serving other
people. We can be the eyes, ears, mouth, hands, and feet of Jesus to those around us. Teach your child
to be alert to the suffering of others and not just numb or uncaring. Teach them ways to show
compassion using their mind, strength, soul, and heart.
Memory Verse “…You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with
all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.” Luke 10:27

Sharing Time: Conversation Time:

Encourage your child to tell you the God’s big What did Jesus use to teach the lawyer about who his
story. neighbor was?
Who were the three men in the parable and what did
Listen intently with not only your ears and eyes they see and do?
but with your heart. What did God see and do for us?
Story 80 Biblical Truth: Repenting sinners bring joy in heaven.
The Lost Son
This story is one of three parables Jesus told in response to the religious leaders
Luke 15:1-32
being upset with the time Jesus was spending with sinners.
Jesus was sharing how much rejoicing goes on in heaven when a sinner turns to the Lord in faith. If you
found a treasured animal that was lost or money that was misplaced, you would be happy and rejoice. You
may even share that story with another. Yet if your child is not walking with the Lord and returns to walk with
the Lord, how much more rejoicing there will be! God and all of heaven rejoice over a sinner coming home to
their heavenly Father. God cares and loves each and every sinner. He desires them to come home, no
matter how far they might have strayed.
Memory Verse “Just so, I [Jesus] tell you, there is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents.” Luke 15:10

Sharing Time:
Conversation Time: What did the younger son ask his father?
Encourage your child to tell you the God’s big story.
What did the younger son do with his inheritance?
Listen intently with not only your ears and eyes but with your heart.
Why was there a celebration on his return home?
Story 81 Biblical Truth: Jesus is the resurrection and the life.
Jesus Jesus is never early or late. He is always right on time. Help your
Raises Lazarus child to understand this truth. Waiting can be so very hard. In this
John 11:1-44 story, it seems Jesus is late.
He waits to go see his friend Lazarus who is very ill. Jesus could have healed Lazarus as the sisters well
knew yet he did not. It was not God’s will for him to heal him from this sickness. God had something bigger in
mind! He wanted the sisters and those with them, to witness a greater miracle – the coming back from the
dead, a resurrection. Just as Jesus resurrected Lazarus from the dead, even after four days, He will resurrect
the dead when He comes again. Doesn’t matter if it is four days or four hundred years, Jesus can do it. Jesus
is the resurrection and the life. If you believe in Him, even if you die, you will live again.
Memory Verse
“Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live”. John 11:25

Sharing Time: Conversation Time:

Encourage your child to tell you the What happened to Lazarus?
God’s big story. What did Jesus do when He heard the
Listen intently with not only your Talk with your child about times it is hard
ears and eyes but with your heart. to wait for Jesus’ timing.
Zacchaeus was seeking to find out who Jesus was. While at
Story 82
the same time, Jesus was seeking to save sinners. Is your
child seeking who Jesus is or have they already decided who
Jesus and Zacchaeus He is? Help your child to discover and grow in their
knowledge of who Jesus is by reading and studying the
Luke 19:1-10 stories they are learning. God’s Word was written so we could
know who Jesus is and place our faith in Him. Maybe you
Biblical Truth: Jesus came to seek and know another family member who is still seeking, pray for
save sinners. them as you share these stories with them. May Jesus reveal
Himself to them through His Word.
Memory Verse “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” Luke 19:10

Sharing Time: Conversation Time:

Encourage your child to tell you the God’s big story. Who was Zacchaeus and why did the people not like him?
What did he do so he could see Jesus?
Listen intently with not only your ears and eyes but with your heart. What did Jesus say He had come to do?
Story 83 Biblical Truth: Jesus is the Messiah.

The Triumphal Entry This story shares the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem as the long-
awaited Messiah. Go over with your child the way they introduced Jesus
Matthew 21:1-11 as He rode in on the colt of the donkey.
The crowds also laid their coats and tree branches on the road for the colt to walk upon showing the
importance of Jesus. They sang and praised while they journeyed into the city. Consider making up a
song of praise for Jesus with your child. If they could have been there to see Jesus riding in on the colt,
what would they have thought and spoke. If they could see Jesus now, what would they want to say to
Him? Encourage them to say those things to Jesus in prayer. Jesus deserves our praise.
Memory Verse
“…Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!” Matthew 21:9

Sharing Time: Conversation Time:

Encourage your child to tell you the God’s big story. Why did Jesus ride in on a donkey colt? [Zechariah 9:9]
What did the people say as Jesus rode into Jerusalem?
Listen intently with not only your ears and eyes but with your Discuss with your child what they might like to say to Jesus.
Review the Passover, what it was and why it was celebrated each year by
Story 84 the Israelites. Jesus is now starting a new meal, a new celebration. Jesus
The Last Supper gives them a command. It is found in the memory verse. They are to
celebrate this meal and remember His death. The memory verse also tells
us why – so you will proclaim Jesus’ death until He comes again. Two-fold
Matthew 26:17-30 purpose: we are to use the Lord’s or Last supper as a memorial to
remember and tell others what His death did for us. Secondly, we are to
Biblical Truth: remember His promise that He is coming back again. God often tells His
Jesus is coming again. people to remember. This is probably due to the fact we so often forget.
What can you do to help your child remember what Jesus did on the cross?
Memory Verse What can you do to show you know Jesus is coming back again?
“For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until He comes.” 1 Corinthians 11:26

Sharing Time: Conversation Time:

Encourage your child to tell you the God’s big What is the Passover and why was it celebrated?
story. Jesus said the bread was something, what was it?
Jesus said the wine was something, what was it?
Listen intently with not only your ears and eyes Discuss why Jesus wanted them to celebrate this
but with your heart. meal and remember His death?

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