Examen Curso de Comprension Lectora

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Examen Curso de Comprensión Lectora Daleissa Leon Romo20 de Octubre de 2023.

A) Simple present. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb.
1. Anna likes (like) ice cream.
2. John is (be) always busy.
3. The pizza is (be) hot.
4. Water boils (boil) at 100 degrees.
5. The sun sets (set) in the west.

B) Simple present. Write the sentences from letter A) in negative using contractions.
1.Anna doesn't like ice cream.
2. John isn't always busy
3. The pizza is not hot
4. The water doesn't boil at 100 degrees
5. The sun doesn't set in the west

C) Simple past. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb.
1. She liked (like) ice cream when she was little.
2. Peter was (be) busy last week.
3. The pizza was (be) hot 5 minutes ago.
4. You went (go) to the party last Saturday.
5. My parents visited (visit) grandma yesterday.

D) Simple past. Write the sentences from letter C) in negative using contractions.
1.She didn't like ice cream when she was little
2.Peter wasn't busy last week.
3.The pizza wasn't hot 5 minutes ago.
4.You didn´t go to the party last saturday.
5.My parents didn't visit my grandmother yesterday.
E) Present Continuous (progressive). Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb.
1. They are eating(eat) pizza right now.
2. Paula is working (work) at the office.
3. The chef is cooking (cook) something really good.
4. People are using (use) social media to post about their life.
5. We are studying (study) English this semester.

F) Present continuous (progressive). Write the sentences from letter E) in negative using
1.They aren't eating pizza right now.
2.Paula isn't working at the office.
3.The chef isn't cooking something realli good.
4.People aren't using social media to post about their life.
5.We aren't studying english this semester.

G) Present continuous (progressive). Write the sentences in question form.

Example: They are playing soccer. > Are they playing soccer?
1. Susan is doing her homework. Is Susan doing her homework?
2. My classmates are studying for a test. Are my students studying for a test?
3. Your mom is baking cookies. Is your mom baking cookies?
4. The kids are playing in the garden. Are the kids playing in the garden?
5. The cat is eating the food. Is the cat eating the food?

H) Simple present. Write what you do every day. Your routine or some habits that you have. 5
1. I wake up at 10 a.m
2. I go to school at 1o'clock.
3. I brush my teeth three times a day.
4.I use my cellphone.
5. I eat breakfast everyday.

I) Simple past. Write what you did last weekend. 5 sentences.

1.I went on a school trip with my friends.
2.I went to an interesting congress.
3.I ate a dessert called "marquesitas".It was delicious.
4.I went by bicycle to a town.
5. I visited a cenote in Merida.
J) Reading and speaking. Send audio reading. 686 119 88 84 (Write your name in the text) 5 points.

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