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PART 5, 6, 7. READING 92

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Lời mở đầu
Các bạn thân mến,

Chắc hẳn các bạn đều biết rằng, chứng chỉ TOEIC hiện nay được coi là một trong những chiếc
chìa khóa thần kỳ giúp mở ra những cánh cổng sáng lạng trong học tập và công việc. Nhưng
muốn phát triển các kỹ năng TOEIC một cách toàn diện nhất và đạt được mức điểm mong
muốn, đảm bảo đầy đủ các yếu tố về nền tảng ngữ pháp, từ vựng và kỹ năng là vô cùng quan

Trải qua nhiều năm kinh nghiệm trong mảng TOEIC đội ngũ sử giả Ms Hoa đã miệt mài nghiên
cứu và xuất bản ấn phẩm “1000 từ vựng hay xuất hiện trong TOEIC”, với mục đích giúp các
bạn chuẩn bị hành trang từ vựng tốt nhất cho chứng chỉ TOEIC.

Cuốn “1000 từ vựng hay xuất hiện trong TOEIC” có gì đặc biệt?

Như các bạn biết, TOEIC phục vụ cho công việc rất nhiều, bởi tần suất xuất hiện từ vựng
chuyên ngành, đặc biệt là kinh tế, tài chính là vô cùng thường xuyên. Do vậy, cuốn “1000 từ
vựng hay xuất hiện trong TOEIC” được ra đời dựa trên lối tư duy vừa là sách học chứng chỉ
TOEIC, vừa là sách học từ vựng. Tuy nhiên điểm đặc biệt nhất của cuốn sách này chính là
không chỉ học từ vựng mà còn học kỹ năng. Cụ thể bao gồm:

• Học từ vựng thông qua các bài nghe (Listening) theo từng Part của bài thi TOEIC.

• Học từ vựng thông qua các bài đọc (Reading) theo từng Part của bài thi TOEIC.

• Học từ vựng đầy đủ nhất, bao gồm từ bằng tiếng Anh, loại từ (danh từ, động từ, ..),
phiên âm, nghĩa tiếng Việt và ví dụ áp dụng từ vựng.

• Học từ vựng thông qua các bài tập luyện tập, thực hành, luyện nhớ sâu từ vựng.

Thông qua cuốn sách này, đội ngũ sứ giả của Anh ngữ Ms Hoa hi vọng rằng các bạn có thể
chuẩn bị cho bản thân hành trang vững chắc, tìm được phương pháp học hiệu quả nhất cho
kỳ thi TOEIC và đạt được mức điểm như mong đợi.

Chúc các bạn thành công!

“1000 từ vựng TOEIC siêu tốc ẵm trọn 990 điểm” là cuốn sách tập trung chủ yếu vào

chủ điểm từ vựng thường xuyên xuất hiện xuyên suốt các Part xuyên suốt bài thi

TOEIC. Trong đó, với mỗi chủ đề từ vựng sẽ bao gồm 2 phần:

Phần nội dung: Bao gồm dịch nghĩa, phát âm từ vựng và cũng như cách từ dụng được

sử dụng trong 1 ví dụ cụ thể như thế nào.

Phần Check-up: bao gồm các dạng bài tập tương ứng với mỗi phần cụ thể trong đề

thi TOEIC, giúp các bạn nắm vững lại kiến thức sau mỗi chặng học.

Để có thể tận dụng hiệu quả nội dung mà sách đem lại, đội ngũ Anh Ngữ Ms Hoa

xin đưa ra 1 số lời khuyên cho các bạn:

1 Lặp lại từ vựng nhiều lần: để nhớ được 1 lượng kiến thức lớn không phải là điều dễ
dàng, vì vậy việc lặp đi lặp lại các từ vựng sẽ rất quan trọng giúp cho việc ghi nhớ trở nên
lâu hơn. Để chắc chắn hơn, các bạn có thể tự tạo cho riêng mình 1 sơ đồ tư duy với những
kiến thức thu nhận được từ sách. Việc vận dụng sơ đồ này chắc chắn sẽ giúp cho việc
học từ vựng của chúng ta thêm thú vị hơn.

2 Dùng và áp dụng ngay sau khi học: các bạn có thể tự tạo những ngữ cảnh cho riêng

mình dựa vào những từ vựng và ví dụ đã cho trong sách. Với cách áp dụng này, từ vựng

sẽ được lưu giữ lâu hơn, giúp chúng ta nhớ lâu hơn.

3 Thường xuyên luyện tập lại các bài tập có mỗi cuối mỗi chủ điểm từ vựng, vì những bài

tập này được thiết kế bám sát với 1 đề TOEIC trên thực tế. Ngoài ra, các bạn cũng có thể

mở rộng bằng cách làm quen với đề thi thật trong các cuốn ETS, Hacker TOEIC,… để

nâng cao trình độ bản thân.

1. Gestures with face


Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
The woman is checking
1 Check sth V /ʧɛk/ Kiểm tra
some information
Kiểm tra, khảo He is examining an
2 Examine sth V /ɪgˈzæmɪn/
sát X-ray image.
A man is gazing at the
3 Gaze at sth V /geɪz æt / Nhìn chằm chằm
computer screen.
Both of them are
4 Glance at sth V /glɑːns æt/ Liếc nhìn
glancing at the screen
She is inspecting some
Kiểm tra, thanh
5 Inspect sth V /ɪnˈspɛkt/ documents on the
The man is looking at
6 Look at sth V /lʊk æt/ Nhìn
the door.
He is reviewing some
7 Review sth V /rɪˈvjuː/ Xem xét
The woman is staring
8 Stare at sth V /steər/ /æt/ Nhìn chằm chằm
at the window.
They are viewing some
9 View sth V /vjuː/ Xem, xem xét

They are watching

Quan sát, nhìn
10 Watch sth V /wɒʧ/ movies in the living
theo dõi

Check-up: Listen and choose the statement that best describes the picture (File 1)

1 2 3


Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
The man is talking to
11 Talk to sb V /tɔːk/ /tʊ/ Nói chuyện
the woman.
The policeman is
12 Speak to sb V /spiːk/ /tʊ/ Nói
speaking to a kid.
Have a /həv/ /ə/ / They are having a
Có cuộc hội
13 conversation V ˌkɒnvəˈseɪʃən/ / conversation with their
with sb wɪð/ teacher.
Give a lecture /gɪv/ /ə/ /ˈlɛkʧə/ Giảng bài, The professor is giving
14 V
to sb /tʊ/ thuyết trình a lecture to the class.
The business woman
Gọi điện
15 Make a call V /meɪk/ /ə/ /kɔːl/ is making a call at her
The teacher is
Address Nói chuyện addressing herself to
16 V /əˈdrɛs/
oneself to riêng với the pupil at the front
The speaker is
Deliver a /dɪˈlɪvər/ /ə/ /
17 V Phát biểu delivering a speech in
speech spiːʧ/
the meeting room.
Give a A woman is giving a
18 V /gɪv/ /ə/ /spiːʧ/ Phát biểu
speech speech to the audience.
(thường People are laughing at
19 Laugh at sth V /lɑːf/ /æt/
phát ra the comedies.
Cười (
Smile at sb/ The child is smiling at
20 V /smaɪl/ /æt/ thường là
sth his puppies.
cười mỉm)
Check-up: Listen and choose the statement that best describes the picture (File 2)

1 2 3

2. Gestures with hands

Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
He is carrying a box full of
21 Carry sth V /ˈkæri/ Mang, vác
They are moving a heavy
22 Move sth V /muːv/ Di chuyển
A woman is holding a pen in
23 Hold sth V /həʊld/ Cầm, nắm
her right hand.
He is using a public phone
24 Use sth V /juːz/ Dùng
on the street.
She is operating the
25 Operating sth V /ˈɒpəreɪtɪŋ/ Vận hành
The businessmen are
/ʃeɪk/ /
26 Shake hands V Bắt tay shaking hands with each
The speaker is pointing at
27 Point at sth V /pɔɪnt/ /æt/ Chỉ
the screen.
The audience is applauding
28 Applaud V /əˈplɔːd/ Vỗ tay
at a concert.
They are clapping for the
29 Clap for V /klæp/ /fɔː/ Vỗ tay
30 Touch sth V /tʌʧ/ Chạm, sờ She is touching her cheek.
The doctor is reaching for the
31 Reach for sth /riːʧ/ /fɔː/ Với

Chọn, cầm They are picking up some

32 Pick up sth V /pɪk/ /ʌp/
lên apples from the shelf.

Kéo, duỗi A woman is stretching one of

33 Stretch V /strɛʧ/
ra her arms.
Check-up: Listen and choose the statement that best describes the picture (File 3)

1 2

3 4

3. Postures

Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
The conductor is
34 Stand on V /stænd/ /ɒn/ Đứng trên standing on the
The women are
/stænd/ /
35 Stand across V Đứng đối diện standing across from
the men.
The cashier is
Stand in front /stænd/ /ɪn/ /
36 V Đứng phía trước standing in front of
of frʌnt/ /ɒv/
the counter.
They are all sitting
37 Sit around V /sɪt/ /əˈraʊnd/ Ngồi xung quanh around a conference
One woman is sitting
38 Sit across V /sɪt/ /əˈkrɒs/ Ngồi đối diện
across from the rest.
The people are
39 Sit in rows V /sɪt/ /ɪn/ /rəʊz/ Ngồi theo hàng
seated in rows
There are
40 Sit on V /sɪt/ /ɒn/ Ngồi trên passengers sitting on
the bus.
One woman is
41 Lean on V /liːn/ /ɒn/ Dựa vào
leaning on the other.
The women are
42 Lean against V /liːn/ /əˈgɛnst/ Dựa, tựa, chống leaning against the
lamp post.
The women are
43 Rest V /rɛst/ Nghỉ ngơi resting on the
They are walking
44 Walk through V /wɔːk/ /θruː/ Đi xuyên qua
through the forest
Walk hand in /wɔːk/ /hænd/ / Đi bộ tay trong The girls are walking
45 V
hand ɪn/ /hænd/ tay hand in hand
Some people are
Đi bộ sang phía
46 Walk across V /wɔːk/ /əˈkrɒs/ walking across the
bên kia
Đi bộ/ tản bộ dọc People are strolling
47 Stroll along V /strəʊl/ /əˈlɒŋ/
theo along the waterfront.
Check-up: Listen and choose the statement that best describes the picture (File 4)

1 2

3 4

4. Appearance

Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
They are wearing
48 Wear sth V /weə(r)/ Đeo, mặc
protective helmets.
The couple have
49 Have sth on V /hæv/ /ɒn/ Đeo, mặc
sunglasses on.
Be dressed /biː/ /drɛst/ / Mặc trang trọng, They are dressed
50 V
formally ˈfɔːməli/ lịch sự formally.
The students are
Be dressed /biː/ / drɛst/ / Mặc không trịnh
51 V dressed casually at
casually ˈkæʒjʊəli/ trọng
the school festival.
A man is putting on
52 Put on sth V /pʊt/ /ɒn/ Mặc vào, đeo vào
his name tag
A woman is trying on
53 Try on sth V /traɪ/ /ɒn/ Thử đồ
some shoes
He is removing his
54 Remove sth V /rɪˈmuːv/ Tháo, cởi
Take off sth/ He is taking off his
55 V /teɪk/ /ɒf/ Tháo, cởi
take sth off striped sweater
Check-up: Listen and choose the statement that best describes the picture (File 5)
1 2 3

1. Transportation

a. Vehicle

Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
Each truck is
Park alongside /pɑːk/ /
56 V Đỗ xe dọc theo parked alongside
sth əˈlɒŋˈsaɪd/
another truck.
Trucks have been
/pɑːk/ /nɛkst/
57 Park next to sth V Đỗ xe bên cạnh parked next to the
A car has been
58 Place on sth V /pleɪs/ /ɒn/ Đặt trên placed on the
The car door has
59 Left open V /lɛft/ /ˈəʊpən/ Để mở
been left open.
The vehicles have
60 Be raised into V /reɪz/ /ˈɪntuː/ Được nâng lên been raised into
the air.
/biː/ / The vehicle has
Be elevated for
61 V ˈɛlɪveɪtɪd/ / Được nâng lên been elevated for
sth/ doing sth
fɔː/ repairs.
Some bags have
/biː/ /ˈləʊdɪd/
62 Be loaded in V Được xếp lên been loaded in the
back of the vehicle.
Three bicycles
/biː/ /lɛft/ /
63 Be left near sth V Được để gần have been left near
the tracks.
/pʊt/ /eər/ /
Put air into the People are putting
64 V ˈɪntuː/ /ðə/ / Bơm xe
tire air into the tires.
Check-up: Listen and choose the statement that best describes the picture (File 6)

1 2 3

b. Aircraft & Boat

Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
The helicopters
65 Land on V /lænd/ /ɒn/ Hạ cánh ở have landed on the
The plane is taking
66 Take off V /teɪk/ /ɒf/ Cất cánh
There are several
/ɒn/ /ðə/ /
67 On the runway Adj Trên đường băng airplanes on the
The boats are
/biː/ /taɪd/ /
68 Be tied up V Được cột vào tied up along the
water’s edge.
A boat is about
69 Pass under sth V /pɑːs/ /ˈʌndə/ Đi phía dưới to pass under the
The passengers
/bɔːd/ /ə/ /
70 Board a plane V Lên máy bay are boarding a
A flight attendant
/flaɪt/ / Tiếp viên hàng
71 Flight attendant N is serving water to
əˈtɛndənt/ không
the passenger.
The ground crew
/graʊnd/ / Nhân viên kỹ
72 Ground crew N is examining the
kruː/ thuật mặt đất
/ɪn/ /ðə/ / People are waiting
In the departure Phòng chờ khởi
73 Adj dɪˈpɑːʧə/ / to board in the
lounge hành
laʊnʤ/ departure lounge.

Check-up: Listen and choose the statement that best describes the picture (File 7)

1 2 3

c. Road & Street

Word/ Part of
No. Meaning Example
Collocation speech
Nhiều phương There is a lot of traffic on the
74 a lot of traffic N
tiện lưu thông street.
75 curves into sth V Uốn cong theo The road curves into the distance
The street is open to one - way
76 one - way traffic N Đường 1 chiều
traffic only.
There aren’t any cars on the
77 on the road Adv ở trên đường
(mặt đường)
78 be resurfaced V được làm lại, làm The road is being resurfaced

Check-up: Listen and choose the statement that best describes the picture (File 8)

1 2 3

2. Architecture

a. Building

Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
There are
/æt/ /ðə/ /fʊt/ / buildings at
79 At the foot of sth Adj ở chân (núi, tháp,..)
ɒv/ the foot of the
Workers are
Around the /əˈraʊnd/ /ðə/ / standing
80 Adj Xung quanh tòa nhà
building ˈbɪldɪŋ/ around the
There are
81 Near the river Adj /nɪə/ /ðə/ /ˈrɪvə/ Gần sông buildings near
the river.
Nhìn ra, xoay ra
82 Overlook sth V /ˌəʊvəˈlʊk/ overlook the
Buildings are
On both sides of /ɒn/ /bəʊθ/ /
83 Adj ở 2 phía on both sides
sth saɪdz/ /ɒv/
of the street.

Check-up: Listen and choose the statement that best describes the picture (File 9)

1 2 3

b. Construction

Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
Some building
/ˈbɪldɪŋ/ / materials are piled
84 building material N Vật liệu xây dựng
məˈtɪərɪəl/ up behind the
85 /biː/ / The building is being
Be painted V Được sơn
ˈpeɪntɪd/ painted
86 /biː/ / A fence is being
Be demolished V Bị phá hủy
dɪˈmɒlɪʃt/ demolished
87 Be paved with /biː/ /peɪvd/ / (Đường) được lát The path is being
sth wɪð/ bằng paved with bricks.
88 The workers are
Pour the /pɔː/ /ðə/ /
V Đổ bê tông pouring the concrete
concrete ˈkɒnkriːt/
into the tank.
Check-up: Listen and choose the statement that best describes the picture (File 10)

1 2 3

3. Scenery

Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
The water is flowing
89 Flow over V /fləʊ/ /ˈəʊvə/ Chảy qua
over the rocks.
The trees have
Be planted in /biː/ /ˈplɑːntɪd/ Được trồng theo
90 V been planted in
rows /ɪn/ /rəʊz/ hàng
In the /ɪn/ /ðə/ / There is a mountain
91 Adj Ở phía sau
background ˈbækgraʊnd/ in the background
/ɪn/ /ðə/ / There is a lot of
92 In the forest Adj Ở trong rừng
ˈfɒrɪst/ grass in the forest
The river is flowing
93 Flow down V /fləʊ/ /daʊn/ Chảy xuống
down the mountain
There is a lake at
At the bottom of /æt/ /ðə/ / Ở dưới chân/
94 Adj the bottom of the
sth ˈbɒtəm/ /ɒv/ dưới đáy
A ramp extends
/ɪksˈtɛnd/ /
95 Extend from sth V Kéo dài từ from the shore to
the boat
The water in the
96 Rough Adj /rʌf/ Dữ dội, gồ ghề
harbour is rough.
The birds are
Be reflected in /biː/ /rɪˈflɛktɪd/
97 V Phản chiếu vào reflected in the
sth /ɪn/
The horse is
along the edge /əˈlɒŋ/ /ði/ /
98 Adj Ven theo mép walking along the
of sth ɛʤ/ /ɒv/
edge of the water.
Many trees line the
99 Line sth V /laɪn/ Kéo dài dọc theo

Check-up: Listen and choose the statement that best describes the picture (File 11)

1 2 3

4. Household Items

a. Store & Product, Interior Decoration

Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
Different kinds of
100 Lay out sth V /leɪ/ /aʊt/ Bày ra, để ra bread are laid out
for sale.
Labels have been
101 Attach to sth V /əˈtæʧ/ /tuː/ Đính kèm attached to the
The bottles are
102 Stack on sth V /stæk/ /ɒn/ Xếp chồng lên stacked on top of
each other.
The cakes have
103 Decorate V /ˈdɛkəreɪt/ Trang trí been decorated

The items are

104 Be displayed V /biː/ /dɪsˈpleɪd/ Được trưng bày displayed in the
A large flower
flower /ˈflaʊər/ / Lẵng hoa, giàn
105 N arrangement is on
arrangement əˈreɪnʤmənt/ hoa
the table.
The vases are
106 Fill with sth V /fɪl/ /wɪð/ Làm đầy
filled with flowers.
Pictures are hung
107 Be hung on sth V /biː/ /hʌŋ/ /ɒn/ Được treo trên on the wall near
the windows.
There are candles
Above the /əˈbʌv/ /ðə/ /
108 Adj Trên lò sưởi above the
fireplace ˈfaɪəˌpleɪs/

Check-up: Listen and choose the statement that best describes the picture (File 12)

1 2 3

b. Appliance and Equipment

Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
/tuː/ /biː/ / The table is located
109 To be located V Được đặt ở
ləʊˈkeɪtɪd/ in front of the sofa
The table is
110 Cover with V /ˈkʌvə/ /wɪð/ Bao phủ entirely covered
with a table-cloth
Be neatly /biː/ /ˈniːtli/ / Được sắp xếp gọn Pillows are neatly
111 V
arranged əˈreɪnʤd/ gàng arranged on the bed.
There are some
/ˈfəʊldɪd/ / Chăn đã được
112 Folded blanket N folded blankets on
ˈblæŋkɪt/ gấp
the sofa.
There is a television
in the corner of /ɪn/ /ðə/ /
113 Adj Ở trong góc in the corner of the
sth ˈkɔːnər/ /ɒv/
/biː/ /
Be arranged by Được sắp xếp The saucepans are
114 V əˈreɪnʤd/ /
size theo kích cỡ arranged by size.
baɪ/ /saɪz/
There is a lamp on
on the left side /ɒn/ /ðə/ /lɛft/ Ở phía bên trái
115 Adj the left side of the
of sth /saɪd/ /ɒv/ của
The hall lights have
116 Turn off V /tɜːn/ /ɒf/ Tắt
all been turned off

Check-up: Listen and choose the statement that best describes the picture (File 13)

1 2 3

1. Who

Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
Job/ Position
Ask the accountant
/əˈkaʊntnt/ if you have any
117 Accountant N Kế toán
questions about your
The director decided
118 Assistant N /əˈsɪstənt/ Trợ lý
/bɔ:rd ʌv You have to receive
Board of Ban giám agreements from the
119 N dəˈrektərz/
directors đốc Board of directors to
run this project.
Tổng giám
Chief Executive Our CEO is in charge
120 N ɪgˈzekjətɪ đốc điều
Officer (CEO) of it.
/dɪˈvɪʒən The Division Head had
121 Division Head N decision-making
hed/ phòng
/ˈedətər/ Biên tập I think Jack is the best
122 Editor N
viên editor of the year

Executive /ɪgˈzekjətɪv Nhân viên It’s the Executive

123 N
officer ˈɔfəsər/ điều hành officer who handled it.
Just meet the
124 Receptionist N /rɪˈsepʃənɪst/ Lễ tân receptionist to check
Người đại He is a representative
125 Representative N /ˌreprəˈzentətɪv/
diện from the IT team.
Ask the director’s
126 Secretary N /ˈsekrəˌteri/ Thư ký secretary to know his
/sɪˈkjʊrəti Our company has just
Nhân viên
127 Security officer N hired a new security
ˈɔfəsər/ an ninh

/ˈsi:njər Giám Đốc She is Senior Director
128 Senior director N
dəˈrektər/ cấp cao at the age of 30.
Our supervisor wants
129 Supervisor N /ˈsupərˌvaɪzə/ to review them in our
giám sát
meeting at 4:00 P.M.
Đồng A colleague of mine
130 Colleague N /ˈkɑli:g/
nghiệp will take my place.


/ˈpeɪˌroʊl Contact the payroll

Payroll Bộ Phận
131 N department to ask
department dɪˈpɑ:rtmənt/ Lương
about your salary.
/ˈhjumən Submit the leave
Phòng of absence letter to
132 Resources N ˈrisɔrsɪz
Nhân Sự Human Resources
dɪˈpɑ:rtmənt/ department
Check your
Personnel /ˌpɜrsəˈnel Phòng employment contract
133 N
department dɪˈpɑ:rtmənt/ nhân sự with the personnel
Public Phòng
Thanks to the PR
Relations /ˈpʌblɪk riˈleɪʃənz quan
134 N department, our sales
department dɪˈpɑ:rtmənt/ hệ công
doubled this month.
(PR) chúng
It’s the marketing
Marketing /ˈmɑrkətɪŋ Phòng department that
135 N
department dɪˈpɑ:rtmənt/ Marketing promotes your
/ˈoʊvərˈsiz Phòng Overseas Division
136 N quan hệ handles any issues
Division dɪˈvɪʒən/ quốc tế related to international.
/ˈkʌstəmər Phòng
Customer Contact the Customer
ˈsɜrvəs chăm sóc
137 Service N Service department if
department dɪˈpɑ:rtmənt/ you have any problem.
/sɪˈkjʊrəti You should go find
Security Phòng bảo
138 N your lost keys in the
department dɪˈpɑrtmənt/ vệ
Security department.

139 John N /ʤɑn/

Sammy N /ˈsæmi/

Yamamoto N /jɑmɑˈmoʊtoʊ/
Frank Jones N /fræŋk ʤoʊnz/
Lauren Kim N /ˈlɔrən kɪm/

Candace Black N /ˈkændəs blæk/


Check-up (File 1)

Listen and choose the correct answer

1. Mark your correct answer. A B C

2. Mark your correct answer. A B C
3. Mark your correct answer. A B C
4. Mark your correct answer. A B C
5. Mark your correct answer. A B C

2. Where

Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
Preposition + Place
Let’s meet at the
Across the Phía bên kia
145 Prep+N /əˈkrɔs ðə stri:t/ café across the
street đường
The post office
Around the ở quanh khu
146 Prep+N /əˈraʊnd ðə ˈkɔrnər/ is near here, just
corner này
around the corner.
Please serve
At the front ở quầy
147 Prep+N /æt ðə frʌnt ˈkaʊntər/ yourself behind the
counter trước sảnh
You will see a
By the front Bên cạnh
148 Prep+N /baɪ ðə frʌnt dɔ:r/ security officer by
door cửa trước
the front door.
From the main Từ văn There is a great view
149 Prep+N /frʌm ðə meɪn ˈɔfəs/
office phòng chính from the main office.
In front of the Just wait for me in
150 Prep+N /ɪn frʌnt ʌv ðə ˈlɑbi/ Trước sảnh
lobby front of the lobby.
Gần công There is a bus stop
151 Near the park Prep+N /nɪr ðə pɑrk/
viên near the park.
The conference
On the first
152 Prep+N /ɑn ðə fɜrst flɔr/ ở tầng 1 room is on the first
On the next ở góc phố The bank is on the
153 Prep+N /ɑn ðə nekst ˈkɔrnər/
corner tiếp theo next corner.
Just park your
Opposite the Đối diện toà
154 Prep+N /ˈɑpəzət ðə ˈbɪldɪŋ/ car opposite the
building nhà
Trong hòm I think it is in your
In one’s
155 Prep+N /ɪn wʌnz meɪl bɑks/ thư điện tử mailbox, check it
của ai đó again.
All the documents
In the file Trong tủ
156 Prep+N /ɪn ðə faɪl ˈkæbənət/ for the auction are in
cabinet chứa tài liệu
the file cabinet.
In the Look for a
/ɪn ðə ˈspɔrtˌswer Ở khu vực
157 sportswear Prep+N swimming suit in the
ˈsekʃən/ đồ thể thao
section sportswear section.
Can I place your
/ɑn wʌnz desk/ Trên bàn ai
158 On one’s desk Prep+N document on your
Near the bus Gần trạm xe I live near the bus
159 Prep+N /nɪr ðə bʌs ˈtɜrmənəl/
terminal buýt terminal.

Look, the poodle
160 Over there /ˈoʊvər ðer/ ở đằng kia over there is so
damn cute.
Walk straight down
Straight down Prep
161 /streɪt daʊn tu/ Đi thẳng đến to the basement,
to Phrase
Vinmart is there.
Head to the post
To the post Prep Về phía bưu
162 /tu ðə poʊst ˈɔfəs/ office and you will
office Phrase điện
see the bank.
Prep Hướng bên The bank is to the
163 To the left of /tu ðə left ʌv/
Phrase trái của left of the post office.
Prep Hướng bên The post office is to
164 To the right of /tu ðə raɪt ʌv/
Phrase phải của the right of the bank.
Hướng The post office is
To the north/ /tu ðə nɔrθ/ saʊθ/
Prep Đông, Tây, to the North of the
165 south/ east/
Phrase /ist/ west ʌv/ Nam, Bắc bank
west of
The meeting is
taking place in
Take place + Prep
166 /teɪk pleɪs/ Diễn ra tại the space directly
prep Phrase
across from the
break room.
Be located in/ Prep /bi ˈloʊˌkeɪtəd My house is located
167 Nằm ở in Hanoi.
on/at Phrase ɪn/ɑn/æt/
Head to Prep Đi về Head to the 14th
168 /hed tu ˈsʌmˌwer/
somewhere Phrase hướng… floor

Check-up (File 2)

Listen and choose the correct answer

1. Mark your correct answer. A B C

2. Mark your correct answer. A B C
3. Mark your correct answer. A B C
4. Mark your correct answer. A B C
5. Mark your correct answer. A B C

3. When

Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
From that day Prep /frʌm ðæt deɪ Từ ngày đó From that day forward,
forward Phrase ˈfɔrwərd/ trở đi we don’t talk anymore.
Một tuần We signed a big
170 A week ago Adv /ə wi:k əˈgoʊ/
trước contract a week ago.
She got fired last
171 Last week Adv /læst wi:k/ Tuần trước
A little while /ə ˈlɪtəl waɪl He’s just left a little
172 Adv Một lúc trước
ago əˈgoʊ/ while ago.

/ə ˈkʌpəl ʌv I stopped eating junk

A couple of Vài ngày
173 Adv food a couple of days
days ago deɪz əˈgoʊ/ trước
/ə deˈkeɪd Mười năm I haven’t seen him for
174 A decade ago Adv
əˈgoʊ/ trước like a decade.

/ˈoʊvər ðə The antique has been

Over the past Một thế kỷ
175 Adv there over the past
century pæst ˈsenʧəri/ qua
I have another meeting
176 Right now Adv /raɪt naʊ/ Ngay bây giờ so I have to leave right
For now, we have to
177 For now Adv /fɔr naʊ/ Bây giờ save as much money
as we can.
I rarely express love to
178 Rarely Adv /ˈrerli/ Hiếm khi
my father.
He hardly meet the
179 Hardly Adv /ˈhɑ:rdli/ Hiếm khi
Thường She’s fit because she
180 Regularly Adv /ˈregjələrli/
xuyên regularly hits the gym.
Sớm, không
181 Soon Adv /su:n/ He will recover soon.
bao lâu nữa
/ˈsʌmˌtaɪm I’m busy this week so
Sometime next Lúc nào đó
182 Adv let’s meet sometime
week nekst wi:k/ trong tuần tới
next week.
/ɪn əˈbaʊt ən The meeting is about
In about an Trong khoảng
183 Adv to start in about an
hour ˈaʊər/ 1 giờ nữa

/nɑt fɔr I just got called for
Not for another Sau 1 giờ a meeting so I won’t
184 Adv əˈnʌðər ˈaʊər/
hour nữa be available not for
another hour.
/baɪ ði end ʌv I will send you the
By the end of Trước cuối
185 Adv report by the end of
this week ðɪs wi:k/ tuần này
this week.
I’ll be by your side in
Bất cứ khi
186 In any minute Adv /ɪn ˈeni ˈmɪnət/ any minute, as long as
you need me.
The new discount
Not until next /nɑt ənˈtɪl nekst Không cho store is not open for
187 Adv
week wi:k/ đến tuần sau business until next
Call me as soon as
188 As soon as Adv /æz su:n æz/ Ngay khi
you get home.
I’ll contact him right
Right after + Ngay sau khi
189 Adv /raɪt ˈæftər/ after I hear back from
clause …
When the construction
is completed, we
190 When + clause Adv /wen/ + klɔz Khi…
should pay a visit
They’re gonna finish
………at the
191 Adv /æt ðə ˈleɪtəst/ Muộn nhất this afternoon, by 3:00
P.M. at the latest.
/deɪt/ They didn’t mention
192 Date N Ngày
the date

Check-up (File 3)

Listen and choose the correct answer

1. Mark your correct answer. A B C

2. Mark your correct answer. A B C
3. Mark your correct answer. A B C
4. Mark your correct answer. A B C
5. Mark your correct answer. A B C

4. What

Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
Office Things
Đồ dùng We need to order
193 Office supplies N /ˈɔfəs səˈplaɪz/
văn phòng more office supplies.
She can provide you
194 Accommodation N /əˌkɑməˈdeɪʃən/ Chỗ ở
with accommodation.
Bài thuyết
195 Presentation N /ˌprezənˈteɪʃən/ There’s a presentation
in the meeting room.
196 Meeting N /ˈmitɪŋ/ Buổi họp
Lịch trình What is the agenda for
197 Agenda N /əˈʤendə/
buổi họp today?
We use different
198 Currency N /ˈkɜrənsi/ Tiền tệ
currencies here.
What’s the deadline
199 Deadline N /ˈdeˌdlaɪn/ Hạn chót
for the report?
Tỷ giá hối The exchange rate is
200 Exchange rate N /ɪksˈʧeɪnʤ reɪt/
đoái likely to rise.
I have a good
Sự ấn
201 Impression N /ɪmˈpreʃən/ impression about the
The improvement
202 Improvement N /ɪmˈpru:vmənt/ Sự tiến bộ
looks promising.
I don’t know what the
203 Interest rate N /ˈɪntrəst reɪt/ Tỉ lệ lãi
interest rate is.
Xin nghỉ I sent him a leave of
204 Leave of absence N /li:v ʌv ˈæbsəns/
phép absence.
I received the offer for
205 Offer N/V /ˈɔfər/ Đề nghị
the job.
Do you have any plan
206 Plan N /plæn/ Kế hoạch
this weekend?
I’ll brief you about the
207 Procedure N /prəˈsiʤər/ Thủ tục
Please send the
208 Receipt N /rɪˈsi:t/ Biên lai
receipts again.
Light refreshments
Sự thư
209 Refreshment N /rəˈfreʃmənt/ will be served at the
Sự nghỉ I am invited to Bill’s
210 Retirement N /rɪˈtaɪərmənt/
hưu retirement party.
Hội chợ What kind of job does
211 Job fair N /ʤɑb fer/
việc làm the job fair have?

212 Chicago N /ʃəˈkɑˌgoʊ/ I live in Chicago.
New York is a busy
213 New York N /nu jɔrk/
214 London N /ˈlʌndən/ I was born in London.
What do you know
215 Detroit N /dɪˈtrɔɪt/
about Detroit?
/aɪt ˈpɜrpəl/ Màu tím I’ll pick the light purple
216 Light purple ADJ
sáng shirt.
Màu xanh I think this sky-blue tie
217 Sky blue ADJ /skaɪ blu/
da trời matches it better.
The dark brown one
Màu nâu
218 Dark brown ADJ /dɑ:rk braʊn/ seems too dark in my
Can you show us how
219 Color range N /ˈkʌlər reɪnʤ/ Dải màu to switch color ranges
again, please?
How colorful the
220 Colorful ADJ /ˈkʌlərfəl/ Sặc sỡ
flowers are!

Check-up (File 4)

Listen and choose the correct answer

1. Mark your correct answer. A B C

2. Mark your correct answer. A B C
3. Mark your correct answer. A B C

5. How

Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
baɪ kɑr/ treɪn/ bʌs/ Đi bằng ô tô/ tàu/
By car/ train/ I go to work by
221 ADV xe buýt/ tàu điện
bus/subway ˈsʌˌbweɪ train.
I go on foot to
222 On foot ADV /ɑn fʊt/ Đi bộ
/raɪd ə baɪk/ She doesn’t
Ride a bike/ a Lái xe đạp/ cưỡi
223 V know how
horse ə hɔrs/ ngực
to ride a bike.
draɪv ə kɑr/ My dad taught
Drive a car/ a
224 V Lái ô tô/ xe máy me to drive a
motorbike əˈmoʊtərˌbaɪk car.
He commutes
Đi lại đều đặn
225 Commute V /kə’mju:t/ to work every
giữa 2 điểm
day by train.
How much
You can get a
226 Discount N /dɪˈskaʊnt/ Chiết khấu
discount online.
You can get
227 Get 30% off V /get ….. ɔf/ Giảm 30% 30% off this
/ə riəl That bag is a
228 A real bargain N Món hời
ˈbɑrgən/ real bargain.
They have a
229 Sale off V /seɪl ɔf/ Giảm giá sale off on all
/kɑst ə The motorbike
230 Cost a fortune V Cực đắt costs me a
ˈfɔrʧən/ fortune.
Compared with
that, coal is dirt
231 Dirt cheap ADJ /dɜrt ʧip/ Rẻ như bèo cheap.

I pay my
232 Every Friday ADV /ˈevəri ˈfraɪdi/ Mỗi thứ Sáu grandma a visit
every Friday.

He has his
233 Once a month ADV /wʌns ə mʌnθ/ 1 tháng 1 lần haircut once a
We go on
234 Twice a year ADV /twaɪs ə jɪr/ 2 lần 1 năm
together twice
a month.
/θri taɪmz ə I hit the gym
Three times a
235 ADV 3 lần 1 tuần three times a
week wi:k/ week.
She no
236 No longer ADV /noʊ ˈlɔŋgər/ Không… nữa longer wears
the sunglasses.
The army has
arrived. We
237 Not any more ADV /nɑt ˈeni mɔ:r/ Không nữa
should fear no
/wʌns ɪn ə I eat fast food
Once in a blue Gần như không
238 ADV only once in a
moon blu: mu:n/ bao giờ
blue moon.
Personal Opinion/ Feeling
The chair is
239 Comfortable ADJ /ˈkʌmfərtəbəl/ Thoải mái
Are you
240 Satisfied ADJ /ˈsætəˌsfaɪd/ Hài lòng satisfied with
the results?
The road is
241 Dangerous ADJ /ˈdeɪnʤərəs/ Nguy hiểm
I am not
/ˈpɑzətɪv Suy nghĩ tích cực positive about
242 Positive about ADJ
əˈbaʊt/ về my exam result
/ə peɪʤ That book is a
[book] A page Quyển sách rất
243 N page turner to
turner ˈtɜrnər/ hay

Check-up (File 5)

Listen and choose the correct answer

1. Mark your correct answer. A B C

2. Mark your correct answer. A B C
3. Mark your correct answer. A B C
4. Mark your correct answer. A B C
5. Mark your correct answer. A B C

6. Why

Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
Positive and Neutral Reason
Get/receive a /get/rəˈsiv ə She just received a
244 V Thăng chức
promotion prəˈmoʊʃən/ special promotion.
/hæv ə
Have a Có sự He had a
245 distinguished V dɪˈstɪŋgwɪʃt nghiệp nổi distinguished career in
career bật his 40s.
The bookstore is close
246 Be closer to ADJ /bi ˈkloʊsər tu/ Gần với to my office.

She is transferred to
247 Transfer to V /ˈtrænsfər tu/ Chuyển đến Human Resources.
/mɔr I think it’s more
Thuận tiện
248 More convenient ADJ convenient to go by
kənˈvinjənt/ hơn
Negative Reason
There is a traffic
249 Traffic jam N /ˈtræfɪk ʤæm/ Tắc đường
jam on the 5th Street.
Traffic /ˈtræfɪk The traffic congestion
250 N Tắc đường
congestion kənˈʤesʧən/ in the city gets worse.
/ˈhevi Giao thông The heavy traffic
251 Heavy traffic N
ˈtræfɪk/ ùn tắc slowed it down
It’s a scorching hot
252 Scorching hot ADJ /ˈskɔrʧɪŋ hɑt/ Nóng nực
/rʌn aʊt ʌv Our car ran out of gas
253 Run out of gas V Hết gas
gæs/ on the way here.
If you keep missing
254 Get fired V /get ˈfaɪərd/ Bị sa thải deadlines, you’ll get

Check-up (File 6)

Listen and choose the correct answer

1. Mark your correct answer. A B C

2. Mark your correct answer. A B C
3. Mark your correct answer. A B C
4. Mark your correct answer. A B C
5. Mark your correct answer. A B C

7. Yes/ No Questions; Request & suggestions

Part of
No. Word/ Collocation Phonetic Meaning
Acceptance/ Neutral
255 That sounds good /ðæt saʊndz gʊd/ Nghe hay ho đó.
256 That’s a good idea /ðæts ə gʊd aɪˈdiə/ Đó là một ý tưởng hay.
Thật là một ý tưởng tuyệt
257 What a great idea! /wʌt ə greɪt aɪˈdiə/
258 I’d be glad to. /aɪd bi glæd tu/ Tôi rất sẵn lòng
259 I’d be happy to /aɪd bi ˈhæpi tu/ Tôi rất vui lòng
260 Sure ADJ /ʃʊr/ Chắc chắn rồi
261 Certainly ADV /ˈsɜrtənli/ Dĩ nhiên
262 Definitely ADV /ˈdefənətli/ Tất nhiên rồi
263 Not at all ADV /nɑt æt ɔl/ Không một chút nào
264 At all times ADV /æt ɔl taɪmz/ Bất cứ khi nào
265 By all means ADV /baɪ ɔl minz/ Bằng mọi cách
/aɪd əˈpriʃiˌeɪt
266 I’d appreciate that Tôi cảm kích điều đó
/ˈfɑloʊ wʌnz Nghe theo lời khuyên
267 Follow one’s advice V
ædˈvaɪs/ của ai

Sure. I’ll do it right /ʃʊr. aɪl du ɪt Chắc chắn rồi, tôi sẽ làm
away raɪt əˈweɪ/ ngay bây giờ
Let sb do sth
269 (Let me check my V /let sb do sth/ Để ai đó làm gì
I’d love to but I have /aɪd lʌv tu bʌt aɪ hæ Tôi rất muốn nhưng tôi
other plans v ˈʌðər plænz/ có kế hoạch khác rồi
That’s Ok, I don’t want /ðæts ˈoʊˈkeɪ, aɪ Như vậy ổn rồi, tôi không
it doʊnt wɑnt ɪt/ cần thêm.
We’d better + V (We’d
better take something
272 /wid ˈbetər/ Chúng ta nên…
to eat or we will be
hungry later)
273 Maybe we should V /ˈmeɪbi wi ʃʊd/ Có lẽ chúng ta nên…
274 I don’t think + clause /aɪ doʊnt θɪŋk/ Tôi không nghĩ là…
Thank you, but I can /θæŋk ju, bʌt aɪ Cảm ơn nhưng tôi có thể
manage it. kæn ˈmænəʤ ɪt/ tự xoay xở được
276 No, thanks. /noʊ, θæŋks/ Không, cảm ơn
277 Sorry, but ~ /ˈsɑri, bʌt ~/ Xin lỗi nhưng…
278 I’m afraid ~ /aɪm əˈfreɪd ~/ Tôi e rằng…


Exercise 1: (File 7)

1. Would you like to join us for dinner? A B

2. Will you be able to come to the meeting? A B
3. Did you want to go to the opera this weekend? A B
4. Can you help me with these boxes? A B
5. Should we call you when it’s time for your appointment? A B

Exercise 2 (File 8)

Listen and choose the correct answer

1. Mark your correct answer. A B C

2. Mark your correct answer. A B C
3. Mark your correct answer. A B C
4. Mark your correct answer. A B C

1. Office

Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
I have to make a
call to headquarters
279 Headquarters N /ˈhedˌkwɔrtərz/ Trụ sở
before we get down to
I am transferring to the
San Francisco branch
280 Branch N /brænʧ/ Chi nhánh
to be closer to my
Your letter has been
281 Department N /dɪˈpɑrtmənt/ Phòng ban forwarded to our
sales department.
It is important to keep
all of your financial
282 Document N /ˈdɑkjəment/ Tài liệu
documents in a safe
Employees are
/peɪd Nghỉ phép entitled to 120 hours
283 Paid vacation N of paid vacation.
veɪˈkeɪʃən/ có lương

The conference
Conference /ˈkɑnfərəns Phòng hội room was silent, the
284 N
room rum/ thảo air purified, the lighting
With the new
Chi phiếu system, the Payroll
285 Paycheck N /peɪ ʧek/
để trả lương Department will send
out paychecks faster.
He’s the manager of a
286 Payroll N /ˈpeɪˌroʊl/ Bảng lương baseball team with a
$50 million payroll.

I give my mother
Ngày trả
287 Payday N /ˈpeɪˌdeɪ/ $100 on payday every

The company offers
288 Wages N ˈweɪʤəz Tiền lương competitive wages
and good benefits.
Staff members were
given a bonus for
289 Bonus N /ˈboʊnəs/ Tiền thưởng
finishing the project on
A government has a
duty to raise taxes in
290 Raise taxes V /reɪz ˈtæksəz/ Thu thuế
order to defend the
Employer – Employee

He has to go on a
/goʊ ɑn ə
Go on a business trip, but
291 V ˈbɪznəs trɪp / Đi công tác
business trip telephones and writes
to her regularly.

292 Turn in sth V /tɜrn ɪn sth/ Nộp gì đó I’ve never had to turn
in an expense report
/ɪkˈspens Báo cáo chi
293 Expense report N before.
rɪˈpɔrt/ tiêu
How should I submit
Submit sth to Nộp cái gì the expense report
294 V /səbˈmɪt … tu ../
sb đó cho ai to the accounting

/əˈtæʧ Scan each receipt and

Attach sth Đính kèm gì
295 V attach them along with
along with sth sth əˈlɔŋ wɪð/ đó
the report to an e-mail.
/pɑrˈtɪsəˌpeɪt Tham gia
296 Participate in V I’m supposed to
ɪn/ vào participate in an
orientation session
Orientation /ˌɔrienˈteɪʃən Buổi định organized by the
297 N human resources
session ˈseʃən/ hướng

298 Settle in V /ˈsetəl ɪn/ Ở yên tại I’m still settling in here
since it’s my first day
of work.
First day of /fɜrst deɪ ʌv Ngày đầu đi
299 N
work wɜrk/ làm

Employee - Employee

300 Competitor N /kəmˈpetətər/ Đối thủ Our competitor is

launching a free
Khai trương,
To launch delivery service next
301 V /lɔnʧ/ ra mắt gì đó
something month.
lần đầu
To stay /steɪ Giữ vị thế To stay competitive,
302 V
competitive kəmˈpetətɪv/ cạnh tranh we should consider
eliminating the fee to
Cân nhắc
To consider sth/ deliver furniture from
303 V /kənˈsɪdər/ về cái gì/
doing sth our store to customers’
việc gì
homes as well.
I’m concerned we’d
Xe giao
304 Delivery trucks N /dɪˈlɪvəri trʌks/ need to buy additional
delivery trucks.
More customers would
Không mất
305 No charge N /noʊ ʧɑrʤ/ use that service if
there were no charge.
We could just lease
306 To lease sth V /Lis/ Thuê them instead of
Initial /ɪˈnɪʃəl Vốn ban That would require
307 N
investment ɪnˈvestmənt/ đầu less initial investment.
308 Suggestion N /səgˈʤesʧən/ Đề xuất I like your suggestion.
Should we prepare a
A cost /ə kɑst cost projection report
Báo cáo chi
309 projection N prəˈʤekʃən before we discuss
phí dự trù
report rɪˈpɔrt/ the idea with our
Meeting report
template at our
Report /rɪˈpɔrt Mẫu báo company includes
310 N
template ˈtemplət/ cáo Date and Time,
participants and main
Check-up (File 1)

1. Where likely are the speakers?

A. In a maintenance office

B. In an outdoor market

C. In a park

D. In a visitor center

2. Who most likely is the man?

A. A senior manager

B. A new employee

C. A technician

D. A receptionist

3. Look at the graphic. Where is a meeting being held?

A. In Room 1401

B. In Room 1402

C. In Room 1403

D. In Room 1404

4. Where most likely does the speaker work?

A. At a car rental agency

B. At a home electronics shop

C. At a furniture retailer

D. At a courier company

2. Agency

Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
Insurance Agency
This is an insurance
Phạm vi bảo policy with
311 Coverage N /ˈkʌvərəʤ/ extensive coverage.

Bao gồm, chi trả Travel insurance

312 Cover V /ˈkʌvər/
cho policies provide a list
of covered reasons
for trip cancellation. If
313 Policy N /ˈpɑləsi/ Chính sách your reason is not on
the list, you will not be
In the event of
In the event Trong trường breaching the
314 /ɪn ði ɪˈvent ʌv/
of hợp contract, you will have
to compensate $2000.
The insurance will
cover the 30% value
315 Theft N /θeft/ Trộm cắp
of the phone in the
event of theft.
The warranty will only
cover damage that
occurs as a result of
316 Breakage N /ˈbreɪkɪʤ/ Vỡ a defect-not normal
wear and tear-so
scratched lenses and
accidental breakage
I’m one of your
insurance policy
/ɪnˈʃʊrəns holders. I was just
Insurance Người hưởng
317 N in an accident, and I
policy holder ˈpɑləsi ˈhoʊldər/ bảo hiểm
would like my car to
be towed to an auto
repair shop.
I don’t feel comfortable
Feel + adj + Cảm thấy thế nào driving it.
318 V /fi:l/
Ving khi làm việc gì đó

I’d just like to confirm
that you’ve notified
319 Confirm V /kənˈfɜrm/ Xác nhận
the police about the
Travel Agency

320 Book V /bʊk/ Đặt

321 Outstanding ADJ /ˌaʊtˈstændɪŋ/ Nổi bật We received an

outstanding review on
322 Review on V /ˌriˈvju ɑn/ Nhận xét về famous travel blogger
Travel Người viết blog George Leeland’s
323 N /ˈtrævəl ˈblɔgər/ Web page.
blogger về du lịch
Is everything ready for
324 Lead a tour V /Li:d ə tʊr/ Dẫn đoàn the tour we’re leading
To stock sth Dự trữ cái gì cho I just stocked the bus
325 V /stɑk/
with sth cái gì with water and snacks.
And we’ve got the
safety gear in case
326 Safety gear N /ˈseɪfti gɪr/ Thiết bị an toàn any wild animals
get too close to the
Bring along cans of
bug spray because
327 Bugs spray N /bʌgz spreɪ/ Đồ xịt côn trùng there are lots of
mosquitoes in the
328 Depart V /dɪˈpɑrt/ Khởi hành Let’s depart to Paris.
Remember to be
Được chuẩn bị kỹ prepared before a trip.
329 Be prepared ADJ /priˈperd/

Real Estate Agency

The apartment comes
/əˈpɑrtmənt/ with two bedrooms,
330 Apartment N Căn hộ
a bathroom and a
modern kitchen.
The Chicago skyline
331 Skyline N /ˈskaɪˌlaɪn/ Đường chân trời can be seen from the
Rent is S1,900 a
332 Rent V/N /rent/ Thuê/ giá thuê

If you’re interested
Fill out an /fɪl aʊt ən in filling out an
333 V Điền đơn
application ˌæpləˈkeɪʃən/ application, I have one
right here.
Have a I have another
334 V /hæv ə ˈʃoʊɪŋ/ Đi xem nhà
showing showing tomorrow,
which I’d like to follow
Make a /meɪk ə through with before
335 V Quyết định
decision dɪˈsɪʒən/ making a decision on
where to live.
336 Tenant N /ˈtenənt/ Người thuê
Be aware Just be aware that
of N/ another potential
Lưu tâm, nhận
337 Be aware ADJ /əˈwer/ tenant saw the unit
that + this morning.

/bi ˈgɪvən Whoever turns one

Be given
338 V Được ưu tiên in first will be given
priority praɪˈɔrəti/ priority.

Check-up (File 2)

1. Why is the woman calling?

A. To request a service

B. To make an appointment

C. To provide directors

D. To respond to an inquiry

2. Where most likely do the speakers work?

A. At an accommodation facility

B. At a tour company

C. At a beverage company

D. At a car rental agency

3. Why does the woman want to wait to make up her mind?

A. She needs to determine a budget

B. She has to consult a friend

C. She will look at another space

D. She is unsure about contract terms

4. Where most likely are the speakers?

A. In a building lobby

B. At a real estate office

C. At a construction site

D. In a residential unit

3. Store/ department store

Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
Customer – Shop owner
I would like to try on
339 Try on V /traɪ ɑn/ Thử
that pink dress.
340 Display V /dɪˈspleɪ/ Trưng bày They are displaying
Người mẫu/ a new model of
341 Model N /ˈmɑdəl/
Mẫu Mercedes Benz.
I’m looking for Dairy
342 Look for V /lʊk fɔr/ Tìm kiếm
/peɪ baɪ kæʃ/ Trả bằng I don’t have cash
Pay by cash/
343 V tiền mặt/ here, would I pay by
check/ card ʧek/ kɑrd/ séc/ thẻ card?
Mua sắm chỉ My favorite time-
344 Shop window V /ʃɑp ˈwɪndoʊ/ ngắm nhưng killing thing is
không mua window shopping.
Please come to the
Quầy thanh
345 Counter N /ˈkaʊntər/ counter to make
your payment.
We will give you a
refund if any defect
346 Refund N /ˈriˌfʌnd/ Tiền hoàn lại
of the product is
Please take the
Take the /teɪk ði Đi thang escalator over there
347 V
escalator ˈeskəˌleɪtər/ cuốn to reach sportswear
Would you like a
Chương card for our loyalty
/ˈlɔɪəlti trình cho program, with which
348 Loyalty program N
ˈproʊˌgræm/ khách hàng you can earn points
trung thành with everything you
International /ˌɪntərˈnæʃənəl Dịch vụ giao Does your shop
349 shipping N ˈʃɪpɪŋ hàng quốc offer international
services ˈsɜrvəsəz / tế shipping services?
I can put the teapot
in bubble wrap
Bọc chống
350 Bubble wrap N /ˈbʌbəl ræp/ for you to protect
va đập
it while you’re

I’m looking to
351 Purchase V /ˈpɜrʧəs/ Mua purchase some
/tɑp prəˈvaɪdər Nhà cung
Top provider of Kiehl’s is the
352 N cấp hàng
sth ʌv sth/ nation’s top provider
đầu về…
of cosmetics.
353 Cosmetics N /kɑzˈmetɪks/ Mỹ phẩm
Please pay your bill
354 Cashier N /kæˈʃɪr/ Thu ngân
with the cashier.
Boss – Employee
/ˌɪnvənˈtɔri Here’s the
Báo cáo
355 Inventory report N rɪˈpɔrt/ completed inventory
kiểm hàng
report you wanted.
Bán chậm Our shop is running
356 Run low on sth V /rʌn loʊ ɑn sth/ mặt hàng low on stationery
nào đó goods
Do you have
/ˈsteɪʃəˌneri Đồ văn stationery goods,
357 Stationery goods N
gʊdz/ phòng phẩm like notebooks and
The free delivery
/dɪˈlɪvəri Dịch vụ giao service we offered in
358 Delivery service N
ˈsɜrvəs/ hàng September helped
us sell more.
Can you please
Đặt thêm
359 Order new stock V /ˈɔrdər nu stɑk/ order new stock by
hàng mới
this weekend?
I found a supplier
Nhà cung who will provide
360 Supplier N /səˈplaɪər/
cấp goods at a lower
This is confidential
Confidential /ˌkɑnfəˈdenʃəl Thông tin information so no
361 N
information ˌɪnfərˈmeɪʃən/ tuyệt mật one has the right to
leak it out.

Check-up (File 3)

1. Who most likely is the woman?

A. A delivery person

B. A shop owner

C. A tourist

D. A travel agent

2. Where most likely is the conversation taking place?

A. At a consultancy headquarters

B. At a conference venue

C. At a retail store

D. At a post office

3. Where most likely does the man work?

A. At a transportation authority

B. At a travel agency

C. At an electronics producer

D. At a cosmetics retailer

4. Library

Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
I need to return
Return sth to
362 V /rɪˈtɜrn sth tu sth/ Trả lại this book to the
But it’s due
363 Due ADJ /dju:/ Đến hạn
tomorrow, which
means you’ll have
Trả phí to pay a late fee if
364 Pay a late fee V /peɪ ə leɪt fi/
quá hạn you bring it back
I need to return
this book to
365 Overdue ADJ /ˈoʊvərˈ dju:/ Quá hạn
the library. It’s
Could you check
Ghi tên
366 Check out V /ʧek aʊt/ out a book for
khi ra về
Sign up for a
library card
Thẻ thư
367 Library card N /ˈlaɪˌbreri kɑrd/ and you will be
allowed to study
in the library.
The book you
are finding is in
368 Section N /ˈsekʃən/ Khu vực
Section 4, which
is to the left.
The doctor
Báo hằng is reading
369 Journal N /ˈʤɜrnəl/
ngày the Journal of
Medical Science.
Find it in shelf 4,
370 Shelf/ Bookshelf N /ʃelf/ ˈbʊkˌʃelf/ Giá sách
section 6.
I love sitting
Lối đi between the
371 Aisle N giữa các aisles and reading
giá sách a novel by Jane
My account is
Dưới tên
372 Under the name /ˈʌndər ðə neɪm/ under the name
David Harris.

Tiểu It looks like
a novel by thuyết you still have a
373 N /ə ˈnɑvəl baɪ [ˈɔθər]/
[author] của tác novel by Brad
giả… Thompson called
Forgotten Time. It
was released just
374 Release V riˈli:s/ Ra mắt last month.

I’ll be visiting my
family in Tacoma
Để lại cái
375 Drop it off V /drɑp ɪt ɔf/ for a few days, so
gì đó
I’ll drop it off next

Hồi phục
Could you renew
376 Renew N /rɪˈnju/ lại, làm
that book for me?
mới lại

Check-up (File 4)

1. Where will the woman return the book?

A. To the bookstore

B. To the library

C. To her friend

D. To the post office

2. What is the speaking man’s name?

A. David Harris

B. Brad Thompson

C. Brad Harris

D. David Thompson

3. When will the man return the book “forgotten time”?

4. Tomorrow

A. Next week

B. Next month

C. Saturday

5. Bank

Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
The teller at the end of
Giao dịch
377 Teller N /ˈtelər  / the counter is helping
another customer
The appropriate
Loan /loʊn Đăng ký policies would be
378 N
application ˌæpləˈkeɪʃən / vay tiền decided separately for
each loan application.
Payment through a
Tiền đặt banker or by written draft
379 Deposit N /dəˈpɑzɪt /
cọc against deposit was
My bank balance isn’t
380 Balance N /ˈbæləns/ Số dư
very healthy.
We invested the money
381 Account N /əˈkaʊnt/ Tài khoản in a high-interest bank
/ˈseɪvɪŋz I was here about an
Savings Tài khoản
382 N hour ago to open a new
account əˈkaʊnt/ tiết kiệm
savings account.
I need to withdraw cash
383 Withdraw V /wɪðˈdrɔ/ Rút before I fly to Vancouver
for a business trip.
Rút quá The exception occurs
384 Overdraw V /ˈoʊvərˌdrɔ/ số tiền if you overdraw your
gửi account.
Chuyển My mother transfers
385 Transfer V /ˈtrænsfər/
khoản $500 to me each month.
You need to bring your
chứng identification to open an
386 Identification N /aɪˌdentəfəˈkeɪʃən/
minh thư account.

Quite a few people are

Prep in line to use that one.
387 In line /ɪn laɪn / Xếp hàng

ATM I need to go to the

Cây rút
(Automated /ˈɔtəˌmeɪtɪd ˈtelər nearest ATM to draw
388 N tiền tự
Teller məˈʃin / some cash.
389 Cash N /kæʃ / Tiền mặt

The ATM is undergoing
Có thể regular maintenance and
390 Accessible ADJ /ækˈsesəbəl/
kết nối won’t be accessible for
about an hour.
Thẻ tín Your credit card is no
391 Credit card N /ˈkredət kɑrd /
dụng longer valid.
The debit card balance
Thẻ ghi
392 Debit card N /ˈdebɪt kɑrd / must be paid in full by
the end of each month

Check-up (File 5)

1. What problem does the woman mention?

A. A line has formed at a device

B. A machine has been damaged

C. A bank has closed for construction

D. A fee has been increased

2. What is the teller at the end of the counter doing?

A. Undergoing regular maintenance

B. Helping another customer

C. Withdrawing cash

D. Going on a business trips

3. Where is the conversation most likely taking place?

A. At a bookstore

B. At an electronics store

C. At a bank

D. At a subway station

6. Museum/ Art gallery/ Theater

Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
Client – Theater
I’m interested in
Be /ˈɪntrəstəd ɪn / Thích thú
393 ADJ seeing the musical
interested in việc gì
Coral Sea.
394 Ticket N /ˈtɪkət/ Vé Are there any tickets
Available for available for the
395 ADJ əˈveɪləbəl fɔr/ Có sẵn
sth opening show on
Opening Màn mở Saturday?
396 N ˈoʊpənɪŋ ʃoʊ/
show đầu
Leading Diễn viên
397 N /ˈlidɪŋ ˈæktər/
actor chính The leading actor was
Be Được nominated for several
398 nominated PII /bi ˈnɑməˌneɪtəd fɔr/ vinh awards last year
for danh cho
I’d like two that are
next to each other
399 Stage N /steɪʤ/ Sân khấu
and as close to the
stage as possible.
Artist – Art Gallery
Tác I can’t believe
/ˈɑrˌtwɜrk  / phẩm Pasadena Gallery is
400 Artwork N
nghệ going to display my
thuật artwork!
We take great pride
Tự hào
401 Take pride in V /teɪk praɪd ɪn/ in supporting local
I think your paintings
402 Appeal to V /əˈpi:l tu/ Thu hút will appeal to our
Đạt được If you go on to
403 V /əˈʧi:v səkˈses/ thành achieve success, we
công can say that your first
Trưng exhibit was held at
404 Exhibit V /ɪgˈzɪbɪt/
bày our gallery.
Quyết Have you decided on
405 To decide on V /ˌdɪˈsaɪd ɑn/
định về the dates yet?

Sự kiện I’m traveling to
Meet-and- gặp mặt Berlin to participate
406 N /mi:t-ænd-gri:t ɪˈvent/
greet event chào in a meet-and-greet
mừng event with other
Aspiring Hoạ sĩ aspiring painters on
407 N /əˈspaɪrɪŋ ˈpeɪntərz/
painters đang lên September 8.

Film Festival
/bɪg stɑr/ Ngôi sao
408 Big star N All the big stars
hàng đầu
will make their
Make one’s appearance here
409 V /meɪk wʌnz əˈpɪrəns/ Xuất hiện

Get the I’m also going to get

Xin chữ
410 signatures V /ˈsɪgnəʧərz/ the signatures of
ký của
of sb every star I know.

Check-up (File 6)

1. Look at the graphic. Where will the man most likely sit?

A. In Section 1

B. In Section 2

C. In Section 3

D. In Section 4

2. Where most likely does the man work?

A. At a theater

B. At a gallery

C. At an art school

D. At a photography

3. When is the film festival scheduled to start?

A. This week

B. Next week

C. Next month

D. In two months

4. Why will the woman request a vacation?

A. To attend the festival in her town

B. To take a trip to London

C. To relax at home

D. To spend time with her family

5. Why isn’t the man joining the woman?

A. He has to participate in a company training session

B. He is going to see a movie with someone else

C. He will be busy with the film festival

D. He is planning to go away on his vacation.

7. Hotel/ Convention Center

Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
Convention Center
He requested
a presentation
a presentation /ə ˌprezənˈteɪʃən ɑn/ Bài thuyết
411 N on the summer
on trình về
sports program.

I’m running late

Làm gì đó for my meeting
412 run late for V /rʌn leɪt fɔr/
muộn with Mr. Baxter
this morning.
The recreation
on the [third] Trên tầng
413 Prep /ɑn ði [θɜrd] flɔr/ department is on
floor …
the third floor.
Take the elevator
414 Elevator N /ˈeləˌveɪtər/ and go to the 6th
I’ll go upstairs
to attend the
go upstairs/ V Lên/ xuống meeting.
415 /goʊ əpˈsterz/
downstairs tầng

I’d like to take
Xe đưa/
Airport shuttle your hotel’s
416 N /ˈerˌpɔrt ˈʃʌtəl bʌs/ đón ở sân
bus airport shuttle bus
Sắp xếp Can you arrange
Arrange sth
417 V /əˈreɪnʤ sth fɔr sb/ cái gì cho that for me?
for sb
I’m busy now
At another Vào lúc
418 /æt əˈnʌðər taɪm/ so could I go at
time khác
another time?
We have a spot
419 A spot N /ə spɑt/ Chỗ trống
open at 8:30 A.M.
My flight is
scheduled to
420 Schedule V /ˈskeʤʊl/ Lịch trình
depart at 1

Check-in time is
Check-in/ Giờ vào/
421 N /ʧek-ɪn/ ʧek-aʊt taɪm/ from 6 pm to 6:30
check-out time ra
I made a
Sự đặt reservation for
422 Reservation N /ˌrezərˈveɪʃən/
trước a double room
The desk clerk
is sending a
423 Housekeeper N /haʊs ˈkipər/ Quản gia housekeeper to
bring more towels
to your room.
Your room is in
424 Suite N /Swit/ Dãy
suite A.

Check-up (File 7)

1. Where is the conversation taking place?

A. In a sports arena

B. In a government office

C. In a shopping mall

D. In a public park

2. Who most likely is the man?

A. A travel agent

B. A flight attendant

C. A hotel worker

D. A bus driver

8. Event Organizer

Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
Buổi nói
425 The talk on N /ðə tɔk ɑn/ The talk on
chuyện về
renewable energy
/bɪˈhaɪnd ˈ
is going to start 20
Behind Muộn hơn so
426 Prep+N skeʤʊl/ minutes behind
schedule với lịch trình

427 Speaker N /ˈspi:kər/ Diễn giả

Notify sb /ˈnoʊtəˌfaɪ sb \ Thông báo cho

428 V I’ll notify the
about sth əˈbaʊt sth/ ai đó về điều gì
audience about the
429 Audience N /ˈɑdiəns/ Khán thính giá change.

Regarding the
Chủ đạo, quan keynote lecture, over
430 Keynote N /ˈkiˌnoʊt/
trọng 200 people signed
up to hear it.
An important Vấn đề quan Food waste is an
431 N /ən ɪmˈpɔrtənt ˈɪʃu/
issue trọng important issue
Harry Potter is one
of the top 10 best-
432 Best-selling ADJ /best-ˈselɪŋ/ Bán chạy nhất
selling books of all
/væˈleɪ ˈ
Valet parking Nhân viên giúp
433 N pɑrkɪŋ/
driver khách đỗ xe A valet parking
ˈdraɪvər/ driver called in sick
Gọi báo nghỉ
434 Call in sick V /kɔl ɪn sɪk/

Hopefully, you
Make things /meɪk θɪŋz Giúp mọi việc can make things
435 V
work wɜrk/ hoạt động work with one less

The number of
436 A banquet N /ə ˈbæŋkwət/ Buổi tiệc guests at the
banquet is 200.

437 To seat sb V Sắp chỗ cho ai
/tu si:t sb/ I’m trying to seat all
the winners near the
front of the venue.
438 Venue N /ˈvenju/ Nơi gặp gỡ

They should have

439 An access to N /ən ˈækˌses tu/ Tiếp cận với easy access to the
We got an e-mail
from the caterer for
440 Caterer N /ˈkeɪtərər/ Người tổ chức
the event about 30
minutes ago.
I’m almost finished
with the seating
441 Seating chart N /ˈsitɪŋ ʧɑrt/ Sơ đồ chỗ ngồi
chart for Friday’s
Beeman Corporation
Danh sách
442 Guest list N /gest lɪst/ expanded its guest
khách mời
list this morning.
The message
just mentioned
443 N /ˌveʤəˈteriən milz/ Bữa ăn chay the number of
vegetarian meals
that will be provided.
/ˌɔdəˈtɔriəm We have to get the
Auditorium Hội trường cho
444 N auditorium lobby
lobby ˈlɑbi/ thính giả
ready now

/deɪˈbju Buổi biểu diễn SNSD’s debut

445 N ra mắt công performance in 2007
performance pərˈfɔrməns/ chúng was great.

There are lots

Refreshment /rəˈfreʃmənt Khu vực đồ giải of tiramisu and
446 N
stand stænd/ khát bubble tea at the
refreshment stand.

His shift starts in 15

447 Shift N /ʃɪft/ Ca làm việc

Check-up (File 8)

Weston Climate Change Lecture Series
Room 101 Room 102 Room 103 Room 104
8 A.M Reducing Food
9 A.M Renewable Energy Cars Are the
10 A.M Sea Levels and Weather and
Cities Its Changes

1. Look at the graphic. Where will Andrea Parker most likely give a talk?

A. In Room 101

B. In Room 102

C. In Room 103

D. In Room 104

-> Inbox
From: Chau Nguyen>>

Subject: Catering Meal

From: Kayla Baker>>

Subject: Banquet Hall Invoice

From: Javier Valencia>>

Subject: Beeman Guest List

From: Andre Wood>>

Subject: Lunch Meeting

2. Look at the graphic. Who sent an e-mail half an hour ago?

A. Chau Nguyen

B. Kayla Baker

C. Javier Valencia

D. Andre Wood

Area A Area B

Refreshment Stand

Area C Area D


3. Look at the graphic. Where most likely will photos be taken?

A. In Area A

B. In Area B

C. In Area C

D. In Area D

1. Airline

Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
Thông báo This is the pre-boarding
448 N /priː/-/ˈbɔːdɪŋ/trước lúc khởi announcement for flight
hành 89B to Rome.
We are now inviting any
special /ˈspɛʃəl/ / passengers requiring
449 N Hỗ trợ đặc biệt
assistance əˈsɪstəns/ special assistance to
begin boarding.
Please have your
/ˈbɔːdɪŋ/ / Vé, thẻ lên máy
450 boarding pass N boarding pass and
pɑːs/ bay
identification ready.
This is the final boarding
/ˈbɔːdɪŋ/ / Thông báo gọi
451 boarding call N call for passengers Erin
kɔːl/ lên máy bay
and Fred Collins.
Tiến tới, di Please proceed to gate
452 proceed to V /prəˈsiːd/ /tuː/
chuyển tới 3 immediately
Please keep your seats
/ˈʌpraɪt/ / Tư thế thẳng and table trays in the
453 upright position N
pəˈzɪʃən/ đứng upright position for take-
Smoking is prohibited
454 Be prohibited V /prəˈhɪbɪtɪd/ Bị cấm for the duration of the
We ask that you make
carry-on /ˈkæri/-/ɒn/ / Hành lý xách sure that all carry-on
455 N
luggage ˈlʌgɪʤ/ tay luggage is stowed away
safely during the flight.
There will be a slight
departure delay due
456 inclement Adj /ɪnˈklɛmənt/ (thời tiết) xấu
to inclement weather
Welcome /ˈwɛlkəm/ / Chào mừng tới Welcome onboard this
457 V
onboard ˈɒnbɔːd/ chuyến bay flight to Seoul.

Check-up: Listen and choose the correct answer (File 1)

1. What is causing the changes that the speaker mentions?

A. Bad weather

B. Overcrowding

C. Construction

D. Flight delays

2. What should international passengers do?

A. Board in the main terminal

B. Take a bus after deplaning

C. Use gates W, X, Y and Z

D. Ride an underground train

3. What should listeners do to get more information?

A. Check a website

B. Go to a special booth

C. Ask a flight attendant

D. Watch the TV news

2. Bus

Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
Attention, please! The next
/nɛkst/ / Điểm dừng
458 Next stop N stop of the bus is the Art
stɒp/ tiếp theo

If you want to go to 5th Avenue,

459 Get on V /gɛt/ /ɒn/ Lên xe
get on the bus number 15.

Remember to get off the bus

460 Get off V /gɛt/ /ɒf/ Xuống xe
at Mountain Road.
Làn đường It is illegal to park a car in a
461 Bus lane N /bʌs/ /leɪn/
cho xe bus bus lane.

Catch a/the /kæʧ/ /ðə/ / From here it is possible to

462 V Bắt xe bus
bus bʌs/ catch the bus back to Peebles.

Miss a/the /mɪs/ /ðə/ /

463 V Nhỡ xe bus They missed the bus to school.
bus bʌs/
Lộ trình xe There will soon be a new bus
464 Bus route N /bʌs/ /ruːt/
bus route circuiting the old city.

Check-up: Listen and choose the correct answer (File 2)

1. Why is bus 234 late?

A. It is having a mechanical problem.

B. It is stuck in heavy traffic.

C. It was involved in an accident.

D. It is coming through bad weather.

2. What does the speaker offer passengers waiting for bus 234?

A. Free boarding passes

B. A partial refund

C. A complimentary meal

D. Connecting buses

3. What should listeners do if they want their money back?

A. Go to the ticket counter

B. Go to the customer service desk

C. Fill out a special form

D. Talk with the bus driver

3. Train

Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
Please step on or off
/stɛp/ /ɒn// / Bước lên, xuống
465 Step on/ off V the train so that we can
ɒf/ tàu
Attention, passengers:
466 Conductor N /kənˈdʌktə/ Người lái tàu this is your conductor
May I have your
/ɒn/ /
467 On platform Adj Sân ga attention please on
platform 14.
Luggage left unattended
may be removed without
Leave /liːv/ / Không có người
468 V warning or destroyed or
unattended ˌʌnəˈtɛndɪd/ trông nom
damaged by the security
Please have your
boarding passes ready,
469 Line up at V /laɪn/ /ʌp/ /æt/ Xếp hàng ở
and line up at door
number five.

/ˈɔːtəmeɪtɪd/ If you need to buy

Automated /ˈtɪkɪt/ / Máu bán vé tự tickets for the light-rail
470 ticket N məˈʃiːnz/ động train, use the automated
ticket machines

There are rail route

maps and information
Rail route /reɪl/ /ruːt/ / Bản đồ đường about the light-rail
471 N
map mæp/ tàu system at the kiosks on
both the main and lower

Check-up: Listen and choose the correct answer (File 3)

1. What is the purpose of the announcement?

A. To give safety precautions to railroad workers

B. To look for a missing child

C. To tell people that the train is being delayed

D. To notify passengers that the train has started boarding

2. According to the announcement, what requires an additional cost?

A. Reserving a first-class seat

B. Booking a window seat in advance

C. Carrying more bags

D. Having a meal

3. What time will the train depart?

A. In a minute

B. In 3 minutes

C. In 4 minutes

D. In 5 minutes

4. Theater

Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
Lúc tạm There will be four acts with
472 intermission N /ˌɪntə(ː)ˈmɪʃən/
nghỉ a 20-minute intermission.
Photography is not
473 Permit V /ˈpɜːmɪt/ Cho phép permitted during the
You can buy tickets in
474 Box office N /bɒks/ /ˈɒfɪs/ Phòng vé person or by calling the
box office at 555-8294.
During intermission, drinks
Ngoài hành
475 in the lobby Adj /ɪn/ /ðə/ /ˈlɒbi/ and snacks are for sale in
the lobby.
Tickets for the play have
476 Sold out Adj /səʊld/ /aʊt/ Hết vé
already been sold out.
The orchestra is
477 Rehearse V /rɪˈhɜːs/ Diễn tập rehearsing a piece by

Check-up: Listen and choose the correct answer (File 4)

1. What type of performance will follow the announcement?

A. A movie

B. A concert

C. A game

D. A play

2. What can people do during intermission?

A. Order season tickets

B. Silence their cell phones

C. Buy food and beverages

D. Photograph the director

3. What should people do if they want tickets to future shows?

A. Order online

B. Contact the box office

C. Mail an order form

D. Leave a message

5. Museum

Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
We are excited about the
state-of-the- /steɪt/-/ɒv/-/ reopening of the museum
478 Adj Tân tiến
art ði/-/ɑːt/ galleries with state-of-the-art
and upgraded exhibits.
Đạt được, The museum acquired a Van
479 Acquire sth V /əˈkwaɪə/
thu được Gogh during heavy bidding
/ˈəʊpən/// Mở/ đóng Please notice that our Museum
480 Adj kləʊzd/ /tuː/ / với công will be closed to the public this
to the public
ðə/ /ˈpʌblɪk/ chúng weekend for renovation.
/ədˈmɪʃ(ə)n/ Phí vào Many museums do not have
481 admission fee N
/fiː/ cửa admission fees.
Người The curator is an expert in her
482 curator N /kjʊəˈreɪtə/ quản lý field.
bảo tàng
On Saturday I enjoyed
wander /ˈwɒndər/ / Loanh
483 V wandering around the
around (sth) əˈraʊnd/ quanh
Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Check-up: Listen and choose the correct answer (File 5)

1. Where does the talk most probably take place?

A. Inside a gallery

B. In front of the art center

C. In the food court

D. In a photo studio

2. What does the speaker ask the listeners not to do?

A. Ask a question

B. Chat in a gallery

C. Drink water in the exhibit area

D. Eat in the food court

3. When will the listeners have lunch?

A. In 10 minutes

B. In 20 minutes

C. In 30 minutes

D. In 60 minutes

1. Business

Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
Be glad to do /biː/ /glæd/ / Hân hạnh I’m glad to see all of you here
484 Adj
sth tuː/ làm gì in the training session.

In order to enhance our

In order to do /ɪn/ /ˈɔːdə/ /
485 Conj Để cho productivity, we decided to
sth tuː/
upgrade the Internet system.

We’d like you to get used to

Get used to /gɛt/ /juːzd/ /
486 V Quen với our new inventory software
sth/ doing sth tuː/
/tuː/ / I’m sure this program will
To be well Sắp xếp
487 Adj biː/ /wɛl/ / help you keep our stock well
organized gọn gang
ˈɔːgənaɪzd/ organized.
Have an /hæv/ /ən/ / Có cuộc
We have a special interview
488 interview with V ˈɪntəvjuː/ / phỏng vấn
with Gary Houston.
sb wɪð/ với
/biː/ / He is responsible for making
Be Có trách
rɪsˈpɒnsəbl/ our Web site truly interactive.
489 responsible Adj nhiệm làm
(/fɔː/ /ˈdu(ː)
(for doing sth) gì
Have a /hæv/ /ə/ / Đi dã ngoại
The staff will have a company
490 company V ˈkʌmpəni/ / cùng công
picnic this weekend.
picnic ˈpɪknɪk/ ty
Hire new /ˈhaɪə/ /njuː/ Thuê nhân The officer is hiring some new
491 V
employees /ˌɛmplɔɪˈiːz/ viên mới employees.
Attend a /əˈtɛnd/ /ə/ / Tham dự We are attending a conference
492 V
conference ˈkɒnfərəns/ hội nghị in the meeting hall.
Đặt thêm
Order /ˈɔːdə/ / She’s ordering supplies for the
493 V văn phòng
supplies səˈplaɪz/ office.
The President is going to take
Take a /teɪk/ /ə/ / a vacation next week and Mr.
494 V Đi nghỉ
vacation vəˈkeɪʃən/ Park will be in charge of the
company while
Thành lập/
/stɑːt/ /ə/ / Our company decided to start
Start a small khởi động 1
495 V smɔːl/ / a small business in the food
business công việc/
ˈbɪznɪs/ and beverage industry.
lĩnh vực
Viết 1 danh I wrote a list of names and job
496 Write a list V /raɪt/ /ə/ /lɪst/
sách titles.

Check-up. Listen and choose the correct answer (File 6)

1. What is the purpose of the talk?

A. To introduce new programs

B. To show how to assemble the new computer

C. To order certain items

D. To teach how to install operating systems

2. What are accountants required to do?

A. Submit the daily sales report after the meeting

B. Have an existing program updated

C. Calculate last year’s sales

D. Develop a new accounting software program

3. What are the listeners told to do?

A. Divide into different groups

B. Attend the stockholder’s meeting

C. Check the inventory in the warehouse

D. Help technicians upgrade current software programs

2. Weather

Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
/drɒp/ /tuː// / The temperatures there will
497 drop to/ into V Giảm xuống
ˈɪntuː/ drop into the low 70s.
Coast weather will continue
continue to /kənˈtɪnju(ː)/ /
498 V Tiếp tục to be warm and sunny for
do sth tuː/
the next two days.
At the start of next week,
At the start of /æt/ /ðə/ /stɑːt/
499 Adj Khởi đầu we expect some clearing in
sth /ɒv/
the north.
The storm is predicted to
Predict to do /prɪˈdɪkt/ /tuː/ /
500 V Dự báo strike southern Florida early
sth duː/
this evening.
Weather /ˈwɛðər/ / Cập nhật về This is Tony Malloy with a
501 N
update ʌpˈdeɪt/ thời tiết valley weather update
We’re expecting afternoon
Expect sth/ to
502 V /ɪksˈpɛkt/ Mong đợi clearing with partly cloudy
do sth
Chance of rain is 40
Chance of
503 N /ʧɑːns/ /ɒv/ Khả năng percent today but drops to
10 percent by Friday.
This morning we
A blanket of /ə/ /ˈblæŋkɪt/ /
504 N Tuyết phủ discovered a blanket of
snow ɒv/ /snəʊ/
snow in the garden.
/ə/ /drɒp/ /ɒv/ / There was not even a
505 A drop of rain N Hạt mưa
reɪn/ single drop of rain.
Gloomy Thời tiết The gloomy weather is
506 N /ˈgluːmi/ /ˈwɛðə/
weather âm u depressing.
Rain cats and /reɪn/ /kæts/ / I am soaking wet because it
507 V Mưa xối xả
dogs ænd/ /dɒgz/ is raining cats and dogs.

Quang The sky was cleared up

508 clear up V /klɪər/ /ʌp/
đãng thanks to the rain.

Check-up: Listen and choose the correct answer (File 7)

1. What type of report is the broadcaster giving?

A. A weather forecast

B. A commentary

C. A feature story

D. A news update

2. What have coastal residents been ordered to do?

A. Help old people

B. Join the National Guard

C. Leave their homes

D. Listen to the radio

3. How often does station WROJ provide news?

A. Whenever it’s important

B. At the top of every hour

C. Early each evening

D. Once every day

3. Traffic

Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
Hướng về/ đi Let’s head east to avoid
509 Head to sth V /hɛd/ /tuː/
về phía the traffic.
The commute to work this
510 Commute N /kəˈmjuːt/ Đường đi morning was slow due to
bad weather.
Ngã 3 có The downtown interchange
511 Interchange N đường hầm is closed due to
và cầu chui construction.
We ought to shift to the
512 Shift to sth V /ʃɪft/ /tuː/ Chuyển sang center lane to pass these
slow-moving cars.
There is a huge bottleneck
Nút thắt giao
513 Bottleneck N /ˈbɒtlnɛk/ in traffic at the intersection
of Center and State Street.
There was a car crash on
514 Car crash N /kɑː/ /kræʃ/ Đâm xe
the ring road.
The cars on the highway
Bumper-to- /ˈbʌmpə/-/
515 Adj Xe nối tiếp xe are bumper to bumper
bumper tuː/-/ˈbʌmpə/
right now

Rising traffic congestion is

an inescapable condition
516 Congestion N /kənˈʤɛsʧən/ Tắc nghẽn
in large and growing
metropolitan areas

Check-up: Listen and choose the correct answer (File 8)

1. When is this report being aired?

A. In the morning

B. At 1 o’clock workers

C. In the evening

D. Midnight

2. What is the cause of the delay at the tunnel?

A. It is closed for routine inspection.

B. It is being renovated.

C. There was a traffic accident in it.

D. It collapsed due to the inclement weather.

3. What are commuters advised to do?

A. Avoid taking the bridge

B. Take another route

C. Use the West Coast Tunnel

D. Listen to the weather update in an hour

1. Promotion

Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
He’s planning to offer a
Offer a /ˈɒfər/ /ə/ / Giảm giá,
517 V discount on the overseas
discount ˈdɪskaʊnt/ chiết khấu
travel package.
Tổng hóa We will give you a 3%
(on) total (/ɒn/) /ˈtəʊtl/ /
518 N đơn mua extra discount on your total
purchase ˈpɜːʧəs/
hàng purchase.
Chiết khấu
I’m afraid we don’t apply
Quantity /ˈkwɒntɪti/ / cho đơn
519 N quantity discounts on orders
discount ˈdɪskaʊnt/ hang số
fewer than 50.
lượng lớn
We pride ourselves in
Pride oneself
520 V /praɪd/ Tự hào về selling fresh products to our
in doing sth
If you reserve any
Receive a /rɪˈsiːv/ /ə/ / Nhận được international flight during the
521 V
discount ˈdɪskaʊnt/ giảm giá week, you will receive a 20%
I’m pleased to announce that
Thỏa thuận
522 Special deal N /ˈspɛʃəl/ /diːl/ Groger’s special deals will be
đặc biệt
available for the next week.
And if you buy one of our
523 For free Adj /fɔː/ /friː/ Miễn phí knives, we’ll give you a
tablecloth for free.

/biː/ /ɪnˈtaɪtld/ You are entitled to the same

Be entitled /tuː/
524 to/ eligible for Adj Được nhận discount by entering the
sth /ˈɛlɪʤəbl/ / 4-digit code on the back of
fɔː/ the coupon.

I’m happy to announce that

A blowout /ə/ /ˈbləʊˈaʊt/ our children’s book section
525 N Giảm giá lớn
sale /seɪl/ on the second floor is having
a blowout sale today
Plus, for any order over 50
/ə/ /ˈspɛʃəl/ / Quà tặng
526 A special gift N dollars, a beach towel will be
gɪft/ đặc biệt
given out as a special gift.
Please stop by our personnel
Phiếu giảm
527 Coupon N /ˈkuːpɒn/ office and pick up 20%

Check-up: Listen and choose the correct answer (File 9)

1. What is being advertised?

A. A special sale

B. A coat store

C. Free gifts

D. Red tags

2. How can listeners get a free gift?

A. By finding red tags

B. By buying earmuffs

C. By arriving early

D. By using coupons

3. What does the speaker urge listeners to do?

A. Order online

B. Come to the store

C. Call toll-free

D. Visit the website

2. Grand opening

Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
I heard the opening
opening /ˈəʊpnɪŋ/ / ceremony is pretty
528 N Lễ khai trương
ceremony ˈsɛrɪməni/ much a ‘must-see’ for
Commence The opening ceremony
529 V /kəˈmɛns/ /æt/ Bắt đầu lúc
at commences at 3 p.m.
Due to the rainstorm last
Behind /bɪˈhaɪnd/ /
530 Adj Chậm tiến độ week, we’ve fallen a little
schedule ˈʃɛdjuːl/
behind schedule.
Prepare for They are preparing for
531 V /prɪˈpeə/ /fɔː/ Chuẩn bị cho
sth the opening next week.
As director of operations,
532 Express sth V /ɪksˈprɛs/ Bày tỏ I can only try to express
how proud I am.
To celebrate the
occasion, the hospital
Kỷ niệm, chúc
533 Celebrate sth V /ˈsɛlɪbreɪt/ has decided to hold a
special ceremony on
James Rosenthal,
Give a Director of Countydale
534 V /gɪv/ /ə/ /spiːʧ/ Phát biểu
speech Hospital, will give an
introductory speech.

Check-up: Listen and choose the correct answer (File 10)

1. Who is Klaus Kirshner?

A. A librarian

B. A city official

C. An architect

D. A movie star

2. How long did it take to build the library?

A. A year and a half

B. Two years

C. Six years

D. Eighteen years

3. What is implied about Mr. Kirshner?

A. He is young.

B. He lives in Europe.

C. He loves to read.

D. He is retired.

3. New collection/ product

Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
When a company
Launch a /lɔːnʧ/ /ə/ / Ra mắt sản launches a product,
535 V
product ˈprɒdʌkt/ phẩm they have to consider
the Internet.
The book will be
Ban hành, released by the end of
536 Release V /rɪˈliːs/ đưa ra thị the month.

It is still a new company

Phạm vi sản
537 Product range N /ˈprɒdʌkt/ /reɪnʤ/ with a limited product
A wide range of colors
Range of /reɪnʤ/ /ɒv/ / Phạm vi màu
538 N is available for this
colors ˈkʌləz/ sắc
The sales team has to
Brand new /brænd/ /njuː/ /
539 N Thiết kế mới work on the brand-new
design dɪˈzaɪn/
design of the product.
All products are
Đặc điểm, chi made exactly to
540 Specifications N /ˌspɛsɪfɪˈkeɪʃənz/
tiết kỹ thuật the customer’s
I got 5 free samples of
541 Sample N /ˈsɑːmpl/ hàng thử shampoo to choose the

Check-up: Listen and choose the correct answer (File 11)

1. What is being advertised?

A. Physical fitness

B. A new health club

C. Fitness equipment

D. An instructional video

2. What does the speaker urge listeners to do?

A. Go to the Porta-Trainer store

B. Work out in their homes

C. Visit a website

D. Make a telephone call

3. How can listeners get a free gift?

A. By using their credit cards

B. By buying two Porta-Trainers

C. By redeeming a coupon

D. By acting quickly

4. Job opportunities

Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
Anyone with the suitable skill
542 Apply for V /əˈplaɪ/ /fɔː/ Xin việc
can apply for this job.
/ʤɒb/-/ How’s the job-hunting
543 Job-hunting N Săn tìm việc
ˈhʌntɪŋ/ going?
The rate of emerging
graduates is increasing daily,
544 Competitive Adj /kəmˈpɛtɪtɪv/ Cạnh tranh
making the labor market
very competitive.
Please fill in this application
application /ˌæplɪˈkeɪʃ(ə) Đơn ứng
545 N form to complete the
form n/ /fɔːm/ tuyển
recruiting process.
You should read the job
Job /ʤɒb/ / Bản mô tả
546 N description before applying
description dɪsˈkrɪpʃən/ công việc
for it.
After 2 interviews, they
/ˈɒfər/ /ə/ /
547 Offer a job V Mời làm việc offered him a job in the
purchasing department.

Check-up: Listen and choose the correct answer (File 12)

1. How many sales agents does Everset Corporation have?

A. 10,000

B. 11,000

C. 12,000

D. 13,000

2. Why is the company hiring new sales agents?

A. Because of the growing supply

B. Because of the growing demand

C. Because of the growing industry

D. Because of the growing competition

3. At least how many years of experience should an applicant have?

A. 4

B. 3

C. 2

D. 1

1. Invitation

Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
I was wondering if I should
Invite sb to
548 V /ɪnˈvaɪt/ Mời ai làm gì invite him to stay at our
do sth
Tham gia I don’t have time for a drink
549 Join sb/sth V /ʤɔɪn/
cùng now, but I’ll join you later.
The negotiations have been
550 Postpone sth V /pəʊstˈpəʊn/ Hoãn
postponed indefinitely.
I don’t think there’s any need
Tham dự, có
551 Attend sth V /əˈtɛnd/ for all of us to attend the
We want to encourage
Participate in
552 V /pɑːˈtɪsɪpeɪt/ Tham gia members to participate in the
running of the club.
Apologize (to
We apologize for any
553 sb) for doing V /əˈpɒləʤaɪz/ Xin lỗi
inconvenience caused.
I rescheduled my doctor’s
554 V /ˌriːˈʃɛdjuːl/ Đổi lịch appointment for later in the
The organization will host a
555 Host sth V /həʊst/ Tổ chức conference about how to cut
corporate crime.

Check-up. Listen and choose the correct answer (File 13)

1. Where does the place take place?

A. At a plant

B. At a storage place

C. At a souvenir shop

D. On a tour bus

2. Who is most likely speaking?

A. A factory manager

B. A chocolate manufacturer

C. A guide

D. A cocoa farmer

3. What will be offered to an 8-year-old boy next week?

A. The tour will be provided for free

B. The souvenir will be marked down

C. Complimentary snacks will be provided

D. An admission fee will be waived.

2. Request

Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
This is John Taylor
from Accounting and
Sự hoàn lại I’m calling about
556 reimbursement N /ˌriː.ɪmˈbɜːs.mənt/
tiền the reimbursement
request you made
Please give me a call
and let me know if you
557 Give sb a call V /gɪv/ /ə/ /kɔːl/ Gọi cho ai
can send it to me by
either e-mail or fax.
If you have any
Có thắc
Have inquiry inquiries about this,
558 V /hæv/ /ɪnˈkwaɪəri/ mắc về vấn
about sth you are encouraged to
đề gì
come by my office.
Please make sure
that food and drinks
559 Make sure V /meɪk/ /ʃʊə/ Chắc chắn
are not brought in the
conference room.
Our experienced staff
Upon sb’s Theo yêu are ready to help you
560 Adj /əˈpɒn/ /rɪˈkwɛst/
request cầu của ai book hotels, cars upon
your request.
I’d like you to do me a
561 Do sb a favor V /duː/ /ə/ /ˈfeɪvə/ Giúp ai

Check-up: Listen and choose the correct answer (File 14)

1. What did Cathy do yesterday?

A. She came back from her business trip to Tokyo

B. She turned in the form

C. She got her reimbursement

D. She sent the hotel receipts to the accounting office.

2. Why is John Taylor calling?

A. To repay the loan

B. To ask for information

C. To submit the receipt

D. To reserve a hotel room

3. What should Cathy do if she has a question?

A. Contact the accounting office by fax

B. Send Mr. Taylor an e-mail

C. Wait for another month

D. Visit the office in person

3. Sales

Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
The president has expected
562 Go up V /gəʊ/ /ʌp/ Tăng the sales of both models to
go up drastically.
Negotiate with Thương Can we negotiate with the
563 V /nɪˈgəʊʃɪeɪt/
sb lượng owner of the house?
I would like a refund for the
564 Refund V /ˈriːfʌnd/ Hoàn tiền
Our products come with a
565 Guarantee N/V /ˌgærənˈtiː/ Bảo hành
Lifetime Guarantee.
All of our prices are
Đã bao
566 Inclusive Adj /ɪnˈkluːsɪv/ inclusive of tax and service
Không bao Prices shown are Tax
567 Exclusive Adj /ɪksˈkluːsɪv/
gồm exclusive.
/aʊt/-/ɒv/-/stɒk/ Unfortunately, we are out-of-
568 Out-of-stock Adj Hết hàng stock of the black iPhones,
but we do have it in gold.

Check-up: Listen and choose the correct answer (File 15)

1. Who is Linda Wang?

A. The manager

B. A shopper

C. A local farmer

D. A cook

2. What does the speaker say about the upcoming sale?

A. It starts today

B. The local milk is one dollar per gallon.

C. The plate set will be reduced up to 30%

D. A knife comes with a table spread.

3. What will take place on Friday?

A. New kitchen items will come into the store.

B. The special offer will expire

C. A sale on some merchandise will begin

D. Locally produced milk will be available.

4. Reminder

Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
We would like to
remind all our guests
Remind sb to
569 V /ˈrɪmaɪnd/ Nhắc ai đó nhớ to leave their keys at
do sth/ of sth
reception before they
You are supposed to
Suppose to do
570 V /səˈpəʊz/ Cho là/ cần phải come to our clinic at
2 p.m. on Friday.

If you want to make

Make /meɪk/ / any adjustments,
571 V Sửa đổi
adjustments əˈʤʌstmənts/ please call me back
as soon as possible.
As you probably
know, our cafeteria
will be under
under /ˈʌndə/ / Đang được nâng renovation starting
572 Adj
renovation ˌrɛnəʊˈveɪʃən/ cấp tomorrow and the
work won’t be
finished until the end
of next week.
Please note that only
full-time employees
573 Note V /nəʊt/ Chú ý
are eligible for these
I need to remind
Upcoming you of an upcoming
/ˌʌpˈkʌmɪŋ/ / Sự kiện sắp diễn
574 N event prior 10 the
event ɪˈvɛnt/ ra
beginning of our

Check-up: Listen and choose the correct answer (File 16)

1. Who is the announcement for?

A. New employees

B. Plant workers

C. Inspectors

D. Electricians

2. According to the speaker, what will take place this morning?

A. New safety regulations will be announced.

B. All elevators will be inspected.

C. Electrician services will be improved.

D. A regular check will be done.

3. Why most likely won’t elevators be in operation?

A. They are too old.

B. They will be replaced.

C. The factory will not have electricity.

D. They will be fixed.

1. Business problem

Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
We are planning to
575 Renovate V /ˈrɛnəʊveɪt/ Cải tạo
renovate our main lobby.
However, please note
Temporarily /ˈtɛmpərərɪli/ / Đóng cửa that our office will be
576 Adj
closed kləʊzd/ tạm thời temporarily closed this
Telephone /ˈtɛlɪfəʊn/ / Hỗ trợ qua Our telephone assistance
577 N
assistance əˈsɪstəns/ điện thoại is still available.
Unfortunately, the printer
model that you had
578 Unfortunately Adv /ʌnˈfɔːʧnɪtli/ Không may
requested is presently
We can’t continue with
579 Rectify V /ˈrɛktɪfaɪ/ Sửa chữa production until this
situation is rectified.

Check-up: Listen and choose the correct answer (File 17)

1. Why does Peter apologize to Bill?

A. For interrupting a meeting

B. For contacting him at home

C. For asking him to return to the plant

D. For requesting additional employees

2. What does Peter ask Bill to do?

A. Examine the main assembly line

B. Install the conveyer system

C. Contact the maintenance manager

D. Bring a new assembly kit to the plant

3. What is the reason for the urgency?

A. The company is trying to complete its orders.

B. A plant tour will be given on the weekend.

C. The maintenance crew is only available today.

D. An inspection team will arrive on Friday.

2. Business strategy

Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
This is our last meeting
before we release the first
580 Release sth V /rɪˈliːs/ Cho ra mắt
issue of our quarterly fashion
We have already had a rush
581 A rush of Conj /ə/ /rʌʃ/ /ɒv/ Rất nhiều of orders from most major
bookstores across Australia.
A business model is a
Business /ˈbɪznɪs/ / Mô hình
582 N company’s plan for making a
model ˈmɒdl/ kinh doanh
Phát triển Customer development
Customer /ˈkʌstəmə/ /
583 N khách is a big change for most
development dɪˈvɛləpmənt/
hàng organizations.
Most types of business tools
Công cụ
584 Business tool N /ˈbɪznɪs/ /tuːl/ provide benefits when used
kinh doanh
Triển khai/ The plan was not
585 Implement V /ˈɪmplɪmənt/
thực hiện implemented correctly.
I think it’s time to change
586 Direction N /dɪˈrɛkʃən/ Hướng đi
our future direction.

(In) high (/ɪn/) /haɪ/ / Nhu cầu Small foreign cars are in high
587 N
demand dɪˈmɑːnd/ lớn demand in the United States.

Check-up: Listen and choose the correct answer (File 18)

1. What kind of business is the speaker involved in?

A. Energy industry

B. Auto industry

C. Electronics industry

D. Oil industry

2. What does the speaker recommend the company do?

A. Stop producing compact cars

B. Create cost-effective vehicles

C. Import small foreign vehicles

D. Cooperate with rival companies

3. Who is the speaker?

A. A car designer

B. A plant worker

C. A car salesman

D. A chief executive

PART 5 - 6 -7

1. General Business

Word/ P art of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
After long discussion,
Sign an /saɪn/ /ən/ / ký kết hợp
588 V we decided to sign an
agreement əˈgriːmənt/ đồng
agreement with Apple.
đồng ý, The two companies
589 Abide by sth V /əˈbaɪd/ /baɪ/ chấp thuận abide by the final
cái gì judgement of the court.
I engage in the
/ɪnˈgeɪʤ/ /ɪn/ tham gia discussion because
590 Engage in sth V
vào cái gì I want to change the
The company gives
Give đảm bảo, assurance that all
591 V /gɪv/ /əˈʃʊərəns/
assurance chắc chắn employees would be
paid on time.
Due to the cancellation
592 N /ˌkænsəˈleɪʃən/ sự hủy bỏ of the flight, they could
of sth
not attend the summit.
You are under
/ˈʌndər/ / no obligation to
593 obligation to do N nghĩa vụ
ˌɒblɪˈgeɪʃən/ compensate for the

We have not fully

594 Resolve sth V /rɪˈzɒlv/ giải quyết
resolved the dispute.

Under the provisions of

Provision of
595 N /prəˈvɪʒən/ /ɒv/ điều khoản the lease, the tenant is
responsible for repairs.
bên tham
Both parties agreed to
596 Party N /ˈpɑːti/ gia (hợp
extend the contract.
The new products
597 Attract sb V /əˈtrækt/ thu hút expect to attract young

/kənˈsjuːm/ The UK consumed
598 Consume sth V tiêu thụ a large number of
hardwoods last year.
The staff tried to
599 Convince sb V /kənˈvɪns/ thuyết phục convince his boss to
accept his plan.
thị trường The stock prices
600 Stock market N /stɒk/ /ˈmɑːkɪt/ chứng fluctuate constantly on
khoán the stock market.
/ˈprɒdʌkt/ /reɪnʤ/ The new product range
dòng sản
601 Product range N is about to be launched
next year.
They hope to come to
Satisfy an agreement which
602 V /ˈsætɪsfaɪ/ làm hài lòng
somebody could satisfy both
The characteristic of
Characteristic this store is the good
603 of something/ N/ Adj /ˌkærɪktəˈrɪstɪk/ đặc trưng customer service.

As a consequence of not
Consequence /ˈkɒnsɪkwəns/ hậu quả của managing the market
604 N
of sth việc gì prices, the government
is facing inflation.
After considering
cân nhắc,
Consider doing buying a laptop or a
605 V /kənˈsɪdə/ xem xét làm
th smartphone, she ended

up buying a tablet.

It is necessary to check
/ˌɛkspaɪəˈreɪʃən/ hạn sử the expiration date on
606 Expiration date N
/deɪt/ dụng the products before

Check-up: (Key 1)

Choose the correct answers:

1. He had the _________ of winning the contest.

A. assuring

B. assure

C. assurance

D. assured

2. If computers are so popular, perhaps we should consider _______ one for the use of our

A. to buy

B. bought

C. buy

D. buying


Dear Ms. Mendez,

Circulation of our newsletter, Towing Industry Report, has climbed 110% since you took over
its editorship almost three years ago. Our contract is now up for renewal and we are eager to
continue the successful working relationship that we -------.


(A) built

(B) have built

(C) will build

(D) will have built


Enclosed is a copy of a new contract that is very similar to the ------- document.


(A) renewed

(B) existing

(C) restricted

(D) reviewed

The only change of note is an increase in your royalties, paying you 1% of all new subscrip-
tion sales and 0.5% of all renewal subscription sales.

We would be delighted to have ------- continue as editor of Towing Industry Report and


(A) it

(B) him

(C) you

(D) them

look forward to further cultivating our solid working relationship in the years to come.


Joseph Smith

Editorial Department Director

Question 6 – 9
From: Jack Wells, Executive Vice President

To: All Employees

Date: July 1

Re: Corporate Volunteer Project - Days of Caring

Days of Caring is an exciting opportunity for corporations in Morris County to get acquainted
with local health and human services agencies. Our company has participated in the project
for ten years now, and I’d like to encourage you to share this valuable experience with other

This year’s Days of Caring will be held from September 12 to September 18. During this period,
industry employees will provide three or more hours of service to nonprofit institutions in their
communities. Days of Caring projects include simple repairs, landscaping, spring-cleaning,
painting, and interaction with children and the elderly.

Last year, approximately 3,000 workers from two different brewing companies, including
ourselves, took part in nearly 200 service projects, contributing over 11,000 volunteer hours to
the communities where the businesses were located.

The company will offer paid time off to participating employees. We invite you to get involved
by completing the attached registration form and submitting it to Glenn Casamassa in the
Social Responsibility Department by the end of this month.

6. Why was the memo written?

A. To organize a new team of volunteers

B. To announce a change in an event

C. To inform employees of a new policy

D. To persuade employees to take part in an event


7. Where does Mr. Wells work?

A. At a brewing firm

B. At a nonprofit organization

C. At a community center

D. At a consulting agency

8. What is NOT mentioned about the upcoming event?

A. It will last for a week.

B. Staff who attend the event will get a paid vacation.

C. It is not a nation-wide event.

D. About 3,000 people will participate.


9. According to the memo, by when must registration forms be submitted?

A. July 1

B. July 31

C. September 12

D. September 18

2. Office Issues

Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
You need to know the
607 Access to sth V /ˈæksɛs/ /tuː/ truy cập password to access the
The manager allocates
cấp cho,
608 Allocate sth V /ˈæləʊkeɪt/ more resources to
phân chia
develop the project.
The new system may
Compatible /kəmˈpætəbl/ tương thích
609 Adj not be compatible with
with sth /wɪð/ với cái gì
existing equipment.
Delete sth from xóa cái gì This command deletes
610 V /dɪˈliːt/
sth khỏi cái gì files from the directory.
A range of brands display
Display sth (to
611 V /dɪsˈpleɪ/ trưng bày their products in the
The accountants figure
tính toán ra, out that it takes them a
612 Figure out V /ˈfɪgər/ /aʊt/
tìm hiểu ra month to complete the
financial report.
We need to search for
information related to
613 Search for sth V /sɜːʧ/ /fɔː/ tìm kiếm
that company before
For maintenance
614 Shut down sth V /ʃʌt/ /daʊn/ tắt reasons, we need to shut
down all servers.
At an /æt/ /ən/ / nằm trong We need to find a new
615 affordable Adj əˈfɔːdəbl/ / khả năng house at an affordable
price praɪs/ chi trả price.
The manager is not at the
616 As needed Adj /æz/ /ˈniːdɪd/ khi cần
store, only as needed.
The treasurer is in charge
Be in charge of /biː/ /ɪn/ /ʧɑːʤ/ / phụ trách
617 Adj of keeping money, not the
doing sth ɒv/ /ˈdu(ː)ɪŋ/ làm gì
/ə/ /kəˈpæsɪti/ / The venue has a seating
618 A capacity of N sức chứa
ɒv/ capacity of 500.
Take the The US takes the
/teɪk/ /ði/ / đi đầu trong
619 initiative in V initiative in repairing the
ɪˈnɪʃɪətɪv/ /ɪn/ việc gì
doing sth relations.

There has been
Reduction in sự giảm some reduction in
620 N /rɪˈdʌkʃən/ /ɪn/
sth xuống unemployment in recent
You must stay on top
Stay on top of /steɪ/ /ɒn/ /tɒp/ nắm bắt tình of the stock prices’
621 V
sth /ɒv/ hình fluctuation in order to
invest in the right ones.
They stock a variety
622 Stock sth V /stɒk/ trữ of equipment in the
The manager had an
Appreciation /əˌpriːʃɪˈeɪʃ(ə)n/ sự đánh giá
623 N appreciation of our
of sth /ɒv/ cao
The paper is made of
624 Be made of sth Adj /biː/ /meɪd/ /ɒv/ làm bằng gì
The company decided to
625 Bring in sb V /brɪŋ/ /ɪn/ tuyển dụng bring in a new marketing
The company has drawn
626 Code (of sth) N /kəʊd/ quy tắc up the new code of
The need for the new
products is so high that
627 Be out of sth Adj /biː/ /aʊt/ /ɒv/ hết
we are about to be out of
He gave more statistics to
628 Reinforce sth V /ˌriːɪnˈfɔːs/ tăng cường
reinforce his opinion.
The company had
629 Verbally Adv /ˈvɜːbəli/ bằng lời nói received complaints both
verbally and in writing.
This packaging needs to
630 Be outdated Adj /biː/ /aʊtˈdeɪtɪd/ lỗi thời be changed because it
became outdated.
The internet facilitates
làm cho
631 Facilitate sth V /fəˈsɪlɪteɪt/ connection among
thuận tiện
/ˈsəʊʃəl/ / The young are getting
ˈnɛtwɜːk/ used to social networks
632 Social network N mạng xã hội
more and more
This brand of cookers has
Popularity with/ /ˌpɒpjʊˈlærɪti/ /
633 N phổ biến an extreme popularity
among sb wɪð// /əˈmʌŋ/
among housewives

Check-up: (Key 2)

Choose the correct answers:

1. By predicting the number of visitors to your site, our marketing team will review your on-
line marketing strategy and search _____ ways to market the site itself.

A. of

B. for

C. to

D. at


2. We encourage frequent customer visits during all phases of the project to facilitate
________ and to ensure that the project goals are being attained successfully.

A. communicate

B. communicator

C. communication

D. communicates



To: All Personnel

From: Executive Office

Date: Tuesday, May 15

Subject: Changes in Employee Parking Privileges

------- resurfacing and refurbishing of the central parking building, there have been several


(A) Because of

(B) Besides

(C) On contrary to

(D) In addition to


changes in employee parking options. Your supervisor will brief------- in greater detail, but


(A) your

(B) yourself

(C) you

(D) yours

We also want to explain these changes in writing in an attempt to avoid any confusion.

Question 6 – 9
Inter-office Memo

We would like you all to pay attention to the following things we can do to reduce our waste in
pursuit of an environmentally-conscious workplace.

1. Packaging

• Eliminate unnecessary packaging, extra boxes or layers and use lightweight packaging.

2. Copying/ Printing

• Print or copy on both sides.

• Edit documents on screen and review before printing.

• When creating documents, reduce them in size and then put them together to make a master

• Make only the necessary number of copies from the master copy.

• Eliminate unnecessary copies, notes, and memos by posting office announcements in central

• Use outdated letterheads for in-house memos.

• Use narrow-lined notepads.

3. Equipment

We have decided on the following:

• To buy only what you know you will use

• To purchase new equipment that contains less toxic materials and can cause fewer problems
with waste disposal

• To use fluorescent lights instead of incandescent bulbs

• To have copiers, computers, and other equipment checked regularly in order to prolong their
life spans

• To donate food, furniture and other materials to local organizations, such as homeless

shelters or charities

6. Who is this memo intended for?

A. Residents

B. Office employees

C. An environmental agency

D. Company board members


7. What is the main topic of this memo?

A. How to cut down on waste

B. How to manage the office environment

C. How to circulate memos

D. How to purchase equipment


8. What suggestion is made about the equipment?

A. To buy products in bulk

B. To purchase used equipment to reduce costs

C. To institute periodic maintenance checkups

D. To lease inexpensive equipment


9. Which method of reducing the amount of photocopying is NOT suggested?

A. To make as few copies as possible

B. To use a copy counter when photocopying

C. To make double-sided copies

D. To minimize the size of the copy


3. Personnel

Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
Có năng The new system has the
Ability to do
634 N /əˈbɪlɪti/ /tuː/ /duː/ lực trong ability to run 5 programs
việc gì at the same time.
The rising number
/əˈbʌndəns/ /ɒv/
of students learning
Abundance of
635 N sự dư thừa economics leads to
the abundance of
employment in this field.
With only a week to
Accomplish prepare everything, we
636 V /əˈkɒmplɪʃ/ hoàn thành
something accomplished the event
After the writing test, 10
Candidate for candidates for the position
637 N /ˈkændɪdɪt/ /fɔː/ ứng viên
something are chosen to attend the
Come up with She came up with a new
638 V /kʌm/ /ʌp/ /wɪð/ đưa ra ý gì
something idea for increasing sales.
Profile of The website lists 1000
mô tả sơ
639 somebody/ N /ˈprəʊfaɪl/ /ɒv/ profiles of successful
something businessmen.
Only two of the applicants
Qualification /ˌkwɒlɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/ / had the necessary
640 N Tiêu chuẩn
for something fɔː/ qualifications for this
tuyển dụng The firm decided to recruit
641 Recruit sb V /rɪˈkruːt/
ai the new CHRO.
Submit đệ trình
He submitted his
642 something to V /səbˈmɪt/ thứ gì lên
resignation to the director.
somebody ai
Apply for I desire to apply for a
643 V /əˈplaɪ/ /fɔː/ Ứng tuyển
something teaching job.
kiến thức,
kinh Her background in
Background in
644 N /ˈbækgraʊnd/ /ɪn/ nghiệm marketing helped her
trong lĩnh succeed in her career.
vực gì
Be ready for No one is ready for the
645 Adj /biː/ /ˈrɛdi/ /fɔː/ sẵn sàng
something extraordinary meeting.

She is said to call in a
Call in
646 V /kɔːl/ /ɪn/ mời tới well-known foreign doctor
for his ill son.
Their partner is hesitant
Be hesitant /biː/ /ˈhɛzɪtənt/ / do dự về
647 Adj about signing the
about sth əˈbaʊt/ điều gì
chuyên gia
Expert in Our manager is an expert
648 N /ˈɛkspɜːt/ /ɪn/ trong lĩnh
something in negotiation.
vực gì
The candidate presented
Present đưa ra, her résumé as well as her
649 V /prɪˈzɛnt/
something giới thiệu qualifications to impress
the recruiter.
We are about to conduct
Conduct /kənˈdʌkt/ tiến hành/ a survey about customers’
650 V
something cư xử attitude towards our
It costs $100 a day to hire
651 Hire sb/ sth V /ˈhaɪə/ thuê
a car.
Keep up with If you do not keep up with
652 somebody/ V /kiːp/ /ʌp/ /wɪð/ theo kịp the payments you could
something lose your home.
All the staff look up to
the manager because
653 Look up to sb V /lʊk/ /ʌp/ /tuː/ kính trọng
of his dedication to the
He is a business mentor
người cố
654 Mentor N /ˈmɛntɔː/ to many young aspiring
If we stay on track, the
đúng tiến
655 On track Adj /ɒn/ /træk/ conference will last for 2
The police set up
Set up thành lập/
656 V /sɛt/ /ʌp/ roadblocks on routes out
something sắp xếp
of the city.
sự rèn Qualified candidates will
Training in
657 N /ˈtreɪnɪŋ/ /ɪn/ luyện, đào receive training in the
tạo production process.
On the basis of her
On the basis /ɒn/ /ðə/ /ˈbeɪsɪs/ dựa trên excellent performance,
of something /ɒv/ cơ sở the director decided to
give her a salary increase.

Check-up. (Key 3)

Choose the correct answers:

1. The successful candidate will be able to work effectively on------- and as part of a team.

A. they

B. their

C. their own

D. themselves


2. Whether you’re interested in the MCSE, CIW, or the CCNA, LaSalle Computer Learning
Center offers the computer ------- that can help you reach your career goals.

A. train

B. trains

C. trained

D. training


To: Sales Department personnel

From: Louis Caldera, Director

Date: August 2, Thursday

Re: Michelle Drumbel’s retirement

A retirement party------- on Friday for Michelle Drumbel, who has worked as a sales manager.


(A) is held

(B) will be held

(C) had been held

(D) was held


The party will begin at 6:30 p.m. on August 10th, in south conference room 107. All of you
are cordially invited to contribute to a gift that our department will present to Michelle in honor
of her hard work over the past 20 years. My assistant, George, will be collecting your dona-
tions through the week. I hope that you will be able to join us to ------- Michelle’s distinguished
career with our company.


(A) celebrating

(B) celebrated

(C) celebrate

(D) celebration


The delicious dinner buffet will be provided by Las Cruces Foods. Please contact George by
August 8 to let us know ------- you will be able to attend.


(A) whether

(B) how

(C) what

(D) whichever

Question 6 – 10
To: All Staff Members

From: Personnel Manager

Re: Application Procedures

If you would like to apply for a promotion in your department, please hand in the following
documents by April 5;

- Designated application form with a photo

- Two letters of recommendation from your current supervisors

The board of directors will carefully review your application and at least two candidates in each
department will be invited to perform ten-minute presentations on future performances and
perspectives on June 10. It will be followed by a couple of interviews before the board decides
who is suitable for being promoted. The final decision will be made, and you will be notified via
e-mail by the beginning of August. If you have any questions, send me an e-mail at tom@mczi.
com and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you for your attention.


Tom Gallon,

Human Resources Department

To : Tom Gallon<>

From : Tony Parsons<>

Subject : Application for Promotion

I’m writing to ask you a few questions about the letters of recommendation that I need to submit
with my résumé. It has been only a year since I started working here at MCZ International and
unfortunately one of my two bosses, Mr. Donovan, has been working in the branch office in
Osaka for the upcoming international project with Yamamoto Industry.

I haven’t had a chance to work with him and he obviously doesn’t know much about my
performance and abilities. My other boss, Mr. Dellington, has agreed to write a letter of

Do I still have to submit one more letter to apply for the promotion? Or should I still ask Mr.
Donovan to write a letter of recommendation for me? Please let me know as soon as possible,
as it will take more than a week to get a letter from Mr. Donovan.


Tony Parsons

Sales Department (Ext: 4413)

6. Which of the following is NOT scheduled before the end of July?

A. Interviews

B. Presentations

C. The examination of forms submitted

D. Notification of a promotion


7. What is Tony Parsons concerned about?

A. His picture

B. His academic background

C. His presentation skills

D. His letters of recommendation


8. What can be inferred about Tony Parsons?

A. He has a good reputation in the office.

B. He is working in Osaka now.

C. He has only one supervisor for his department.

D. He has been at MCZ International for a year.


9. Who is Mr. Dellington?

A. The personnel manager

B. A staff member in the Sales Department

C. The manager of a branch office in Osaka

D. A member of the board


10. When was the e-mail written most likely?

A. In March

B. In May

C. In June

D. In July

4. Purchasing

Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
Lacking audiences,
(At) bargain (/æt/) /ˈbɑːgɪn/ / the concert offered
659 N giá cực hạ
prices ˈpraɪsɪz/ last-minute bookings
at bargain prices.
The supermarket
sự thanh toán/
had to open more
sự rời khỏi/
660 Checkout N /ˈʧəkˈaʊt/ checkouts to serve an
quầy thanh
unusually increasing
number of customers.
He expanded his
Expand /ɪksˈpænd/ / business by opening
661 V mở rộng
something ˈsʌmθɪŋ/ a restaurant chain in
many provinces.
They have to explore
Explore /ɪksˈplɔː/ /
662 V khám phá new ways to market
something ˈsʌmθɪŋ/
their brand.
They lay several
Item of items of clothing on
663 N /ˈaɪtəm/ /ɒv/ mặt hàng gì
something sale in front of the
A drug test is
Mandatory for
mandatory for all
664 somebody to Adj /ˈmændətəri/ /fɔː/ bắt buộc
athletes to compete
do something
in the games.
The customers
seem satisfied with
Quality /ˈkwɒlɪti/ / chất lượng
665 N the good quality
merchandise ˈmɜːʧəndaɪz/ hàng hóa
merchandise of that
Whatever lastest
trend in fashion is,
Trend in
666 N /trɛnd/ /ɪn/ xu hướng it is obvious that
Sammy will be
wearing it.
The company has
been trying to
667 something into V /daɪˈvɜːsɪfaɪ/ đa dạng hóa
diversify its business
into other fields.

They run their own
tổ chức kinh
668 Enterprise N /ˈɛntəpraɪz/ family enterprise in
their hometown.
/ɪˈsɛnʃəl/ /fɔː/
Be essential cần thiết They are considering
669 for/ to Adj if the loan is essential
something for the investment.

The two countries

Maintain have always
670 V /meɪnˈteɪn/ duy trì/ giữ gìn
something maintained strategic
partnership relations.
It is too difficult to
Obtain đạt được, thu
671 V /əbˈteɪn/ obtain a ticket for the
something được
concert now.
Prerequisite An economic degree
điều kiện tiên
672 for/ of/ to Adj /ˌpriːˈrɛkwɪzɪt/ is a prerequisite for
something the manager position.
Every evidence
mentioned in
Source of
673 N /sɔːs/ /ɒv/ nguồn the essay must
have sources of
The company is
đồ dùng văn
674 Stationery N /ˈsteɪʃnəri/ spending too much
phòng phẩm
on stationery.
It takes them a month
Accurate /ˈækjʊrɪt/ / sự tính toán to make an accurate
675 N
calculation ˌkælkjʊˈleɪʃən/ chính xác calculation of the
financial report.
The customers’
Integral to toàn vẹn, satisfaction is integral
676 Adj /ˈɪntɪgrəl/
something không thể thiếu to the company’s
Our inventory of used
Inventory of
677 N /ˈɪnvəntri/ Hàng tồn kho electronic devices is
the cheapest.
If the next storm
causes any danger to
có thể dùng
678 On hand Adj /ɒn/ /hænd/ residents, the rescue
được, có sẵn
team will always be
on hand to help them.
Ship sth + adv/ We need to ship this
679 V /ʃɪp/ vận chuyển
prep package abroad.

A loan of $5000
Sufficient for
would be sufficient
680 sb/ sth to do Adj /səˈfɪʃənt/ có đủ
for us to invest in our
new project.
The government
Supply sth to cung cấp cái gì encourages people to
681 V /səˈplaɪ/
sb/ sth cho ai supply warm clothes
to highland people.
/ˈɪʃuː/ /ən/ / We required the
Issue an ˈɪnvɔɪs/ suppliers to issue an
682 V lập hóa đơn
invoice invoice attached with
the goods.
You have to compile
Compile /kəmˈpaɪl/ / some figures for
683 V soạn thảo
something ˈsʌmθɪŋ/ the presentation on

Check-up (Key 4)

Choose the correct answers:

1. As the largest dealer in the state, Auto Fair maintains an impressive _______ of new vehi-
cles for immediate delivery.

A. invent

B. inventory

C. invention

D. inventor


2. If you don’t order at least ten pairs, there’s an additional $6.00 charge on your _______, so
get the rest of your friends or team together to make one big order.

A. voucher

B. invoice

C. ticket

D. plan

Sears Canada Inc. Return Policy
Effective May 4, 2010
Our goal is that you are completely satisfied with your purchase. If, for any reason, you are
not satisfied, simply return your purchase with your receipt for an exchange or refund within
90 days when ------- by your Sears Card, Sears MasterCard, or Sears Gift Card.
(A) purchase
(B) purchasing
(C) purchased
(D) purchases

Items purchased by ------- method may be exchanged or refunded within 30 days.
(A) so
(B) others
(C) every other
(D) any other

Catalogue purchases cannot be returned without a receipt or proof of purchase. All returned
products must be in new and unused condition. Damages on home-delivered products must
be reported within 24 hours of delivery.
The following are non-refundable:
- Installed or customized items
- Shipping charges

Sears Canada appreciates your business and will take all reasonable efforts to ------- you are
satisfied with your purchase.
(A) sure
(B) surely
(C) ensure
(D) assure

Question 6 – 9

623 Sprite Way

Glenburnie, MD 21061

Mandy Grocutt, Purchasing Manager

HDFC Insurance

9401 Largo Drive West

Landover, MD 20785

Dear Ms. Grocutt,

I realized that HDFC hasn’t placed an order for office supplies with us over the last six months.
We are concerned that you may have been dissatisfied with us in some way. Although we pride
ourselves on the quality of our products and services, we highly rely on comments from valued
clients such as HDFC to give us feedback on how well we are meeting your needs. If you have
experienced any problems with Office Max, we would like to be informed.

I have enclosed a brochure which tells you more about a new purchasing system we
implemented in May, which helps corporate clients, like HDFC, benefit from considerable
discounts for bulk orders. Also included is a postage-paid comment card, which I kindly invite
you to fill out and return to us so that we can hear how you feel about our service. I assure
you that your comments, both positive and negative, will be taken seriously and addressed


Patrick McCann

Customer Relations

6. Why has this letter been sent?

A. To attract a new customer

B. To introduce a new product line

C. To notify a client of overdue charges

D. To solicit opinions from a customer

7. What kind of company does Mr. Mccann work for?

A. A brochure design company

B. An insurance provider

C. A stationery supplier

D. A public relation firm


8. What is included with this letter?

A. A credit application

B. A reply card

C. A discount voucher

D. An order form


9. What is indicated in the letter?

A. HDFC has done business with Office Max before.

B. Ms. Grocutt is unhappy with Office Max’s services.

C. Mr. Mccann would like to speak with Ms. Grocutt in person.

D. Max Office has lowered all of its prices.














5. Financing and Budgeting

Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
làm cho cân The firm has to balance
684 V /ˈbæləns/ bằng/ quyết this year’s profit and
toán previous losses.
/ˈbɒrəʊ/ He is trying to borrow
Borrow sth vay mượn
685 V some money to expand his
from sb/ sth gì từ ai
They considered the
một cách feasibility of the project
686 Cautiously Adv /ˈkɔːʃəsli/
thận trọng cautiously before running
The shareholders will
Receive a /rɪˈsiːv/ /ə/ / receive this year’s
687 V nhận cổ tức
dividend ˈdɪvɪdɛnd/ dividends later than last
Mortgage cầm cố, thế He mortgaged his car to
688 V /ˈmɔːgɪʤ/
something chấp buy a new house.
Be restricted The position is restricted to
/biː/ /rɪsˈtrɪktɪd/ bị hạn chế,
689 to somebody/ Adj candidates under the age
/tuː/ giới hạn
something of 25.
You could use an ATM to
Take /teɪk/ /ˈsʌmθɪŋ/
690 V rút ra take money out instead of
something out /aʊt/
going to the bank.
Credit-card holders
Make a /meɪk/ /ə/ / thực hiện
691 V make 30 transactions on
transaction trænˈzækʃən/ giao dịch
average monthly.
Asset to
tài sản đối The staff members are
692 somebody/ N /ˈæsɛt/ /tuː/
với ai/ cái gì great assets to the firm.
Large enterprises must
báo cáo issue an audit report
693 Audit report N /ˈɔːdɪt/ /rɪˈpɔːt/
kiểm toán annually to let investors
stay on top of information.
/ə/ /ˈbʌʤɪt/ / ngân sách The marketing team asked
A budget of ɒv/
694 N bao nhiêu for a budget of $2000 to
(how much)
tiền run their event.
He has built up his own
gây dựng
Build up business from a small
695 V /bɪld/ /ʌp/ nên, tăng
something enterprise to a large one in
only 5 years.

The firm got so deep
in debt because of the
696 In debt Adj /ɪn/ /dɛt/ mắc nợ
unsuccessful expanding
He cautiously invested in a
A profitable /ə/ /ˈprɒfɪtəbl/ / khoản đầu
697 N profitable investment with
investment ɪnˈvɛstmənt/ tư có lợi
his friends.
doanh thu The sales team reached
A turnover of /ə/ /ˈtɜːnˌəʊvər/
698 N bao nhiêu/ a turnover of $5000 last
something /ɒv/
của cái gì month.
Be She is so conservative
/kənˈsɜːvətɪv/ bảo thủ/ dè
699 conservative in Adj working that everyone is
/ɪn/ dặt
something afraid of being in her team.
The company encourages
Attitude to/ /ˈætɪtjuːd/ / thái độ về
700 N staff to have a positive
towards sb/sth tuː///təˈwɔːdz/ ai/ cái gì
attitude towards teamwork.
/reɪz/ /fʌndz/ UNICEF always tries to
701 Raise funds V gây quỹ raise funds for homeless
children all over the world.
To prepare for the
Invest in /ɪnˈvɛst/ /ɪn/ / đầu tư vào Olympics, the government
702 V
something ˈsʌmθɪŋ/ cái gì invested heavily in the
The firm succeeded
Long-term /ˈlɒŋtɜːm/ / hợp đồng in signing a long-term
703 N
contract ˈkɒntrækt/ dài hạn contract with a large
nắm giữ It would be less risky if you
/həʊld/ /ə/ /
704 Hold a portfolio V danh mục hold a portfolio selected by
đầu tư an investment analyst.
It is estimated that the
Have the /hæv/ /ðə/ / có nguồn
company will have enough
705 resources to V rɪˈsɔːsɪz/ /tuː/ / lực để làm
resources to open a
do something duː/ /ˈsʌmθɪŋ/ gì
branch abroad next year.
If the stock price
/meɪk/ /ə/ / tạo ra lợi
706 Make a return V increases, the firm will
rɪˈtɜːn/ nhuận
make a return.
nỗ lực The success in the event
707 Joint effort N /ʤɔɪnt/ /ˈɛfət/
chung was a joint effort.
nợ ai cái gì He owed the bank $10000
Owe sb/sth for
708 V /əʊ/ để cho việc from last year for a new
gì car.

Check-up: (Key 5)

Choose the correct answers:

1. The CEO has requested that the board of directors review the budget proposal for the
next year -------.

A. attentive

B. attentions

C. more attentive

D. more attentively


2. Lawmakers must ------- find a way to cut another 11 million dollars from this year’s budget
to fix the error.

A. quicker

B. quickest

C. quickly

D. quickness


How to Open an Account

Opening an RBC Royal Bank banking account is -------. You can get started right now and
open your account online.


(A) useful

(B) easy

(C) strict

(D) complete

When you click through to the Open an Account page, you’ll be asked to select the type of
account you wish to open, -------to answer a few simple questions.

(A) then

(B) later

(C) so

(D) and then

Within two business days, we will mail you a Welcome Kit that has everything you need to

complete the process.

Just follow the directions in the Welcome Kit, and return the required information to us, along
with the required identification. We will then activate your account, so that you can deposit
funds. If you prefer, you can complete this ------- at your RBC Royal Bank branch.


(A) project

(B) stage

(C) volume

(D) transition

Question 6 – 9
A Closer Look at the Glaxo Global 1,000

Glaxo, the corporation that ranks the performance of companies in the U.K, is now evaluating
the top international companies round the world in what is called the Glaxo Global 1,000 group.
As part of the statistics and analyses made available on their website,,
they are taking a closer look to see what the secrets of the successes of these top organizations
are. They say that being big helps a company stay competitive in a global economy, but size
alone does not guarantee success.

In an attempt to better analyze the reasons for success, Glaxo looked at various statistics and
results of their multidimensional rating system that is based on sales, market value, profits
and assets. They then regrouped these 1,000 companies by industry and analyzed what was
happening to each of them in terms of profits earned, long- and short-term return on equity,
the dividends paid, sales growth and the market price of the company’s stock. They received
the assistance of one outside company in making growth forecasts and another company that
could audit accounting methods.

With the assistance of these firms, they crossed out corporations from their study that didn’t
meet the standards of accounting, management, or legal issues. Of the 1,000 companies,
fewer than 100 passed in all categories. One global high performer was the Japanese company
Nippon Telegraph & Telephone. This company showed a 49% growth in profits and a 46% total
return in the past year. The debt-to-total capital is only 12% and the growth forecast for the next
three to five years is expected to be 40%.

6. What is Glaxo?

A. A company that analyzes what makes a business successful

B. The parent company of a group of international businesses

C. A consulting company for better business performance

D. A company that predicts the earnings growth of major international companies


7. Which category is NOT included in their rating system?

A. Sales

B. Profits

C. Assets

D. Market share

8. What is suggested about “1,000” in the article?

A. The factors considered for standards

B. The number of companies involved

C. The number of employees involved

D. The percent of growth expected


9. Who assisted Glaxo in making its analysis?

A. A team of selected evaluation professionals

B. Two outside companies

C. Nippon Telegraph & Telephone

D. A team of accountants













6. Management Issues

Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
Collaborate The company
/kəˈlæbəˌreɪt/ hợp tác, collaborated with a
709 with sb to sth V
/wɪð/ cộng tác German firm to develop
the product.
Be conducive
for somebody /kənˈdu:sɪv/ The new factory is more
có lợi,
710 ADJ conducive for their
/fɔr/ thuận lợi
employees to work

Move up The workers who work
711 V /muv ʌp/ hard will move up the
corporate ladder
If he opts to join us, we
712 Opt to do sth V /ɑpt/ will cooperate to run the
chọn lựa
The worker adhered to
the rules of the company
713 Adhere to sth V /ədˈhɪr/ Tuân thủ
and finished his job
The manager gave us
/əˈʤendə/ trình hội
714 Agenda N an agenda to prepare
thảo, hội
for the meeting.
A controversial issue
/brɪŋ ʌp/ giới thiệu,
715 Bring up V was brought up just after
đưa ra
the chairman came in
After discussing for
Conclude that /kənˈklu:d/ a long time, they has
kết luận,
716 V concluded that the
/ðæt/ kết thúc
contract wouldn’t be
In order to operate
effectively, the
717 Periodically ADV /ˌpiriˈɑdɪkəli/ định kỳ
equipment should be
tested periodically
This product is no longer
/ˈdifekt/ khuyết
718 Defect N on sale because there is
a manufacturing defect

Enhance This is a golden
/ɪnˈhæns/ tăng, opportunity to enhance
719 something V
nâng cao the reputation of the
The manager did not
inspect every product
kiểm tra,
720 Inspect sth V /ɪnˈspekt/ carefully, which led to
thanh tra
ruin the company’s
thuộc To be a good manager,
về nhận you need a highly
721 Be perceptive ADJ /pərˈseptɪv/
thức, perceptive analysis of
thấu hiểu the problem
To avoid losing
vứt đi, bỏ customers, the company
722 Throw out sth V /θroʊ aʊt/
đi threw out hundreds of
shoddy products.
/kənˈfɔ:rm/ phù hợp, These equipments
Conform to
723 V thích hợp conform to the safety
với standards
Anxious about (lo lắng The manager seemed
724 sth /ˈæŋkʃəs əˈbaʊt/ về cái gì anxious about the
đó) meeting.
cho rằng, It is reasonable to
725 Assume (that) V /əˈsu:m/ (ðæt) thừa assume (that) the
nhận economy will improve.
It is necessary to
xem xét examine how this
726 Examine sth V /ɪgˈzæmɪn/
chi tiết project can be carried
Conduct an Try out
/ˈkɑndʌkt/ ən làm một
experiment the equipment before
727 V cuộc thí
/ɪks’perəmənt/ conducting an
làm một
/ˈkɑndʌkt/ ə They are conducting
Conduct a cuộc
728 V a market research to
research /riˈsɜ:rʧ/ nghiên
improve their services
Have có trách We have responsibility
729 V nhiệm for ensuring the project
/riˌspɑnsəˈbɪləti/ fɔr làm gì
for something finishes on time.

Solve a Giải
/sɑ:lv ə No one can solve a
730 problem V quyết một
ˈprɑbləm/ problem in a short time
vấn đề

I have responsibility for

supervising a team of
731 Supervise sth V /ˈsupərˌvaɪz/ giám sát
ten customer relations

Be /ˌæprɪˈhensɪv/ They are apprehensive

lo lắng, lo
732 apprehensive ADJ about tomorrow’s
əˈbaʊt sợ
about sth meeting.

Under the trường
/ˈʌndər ðə apprehensive about
733 circumstance hợp,
ˈsɜ:rkəmˌstæns/ tomorr
trong tình

734 Due to sth /du: tu/ Do, bởi ow’s meeting.

The rate of inflation

735 Fluctuate V /ˈflʌkʧəˌweɪt/ dao động has been fluctuating
constantly this year
I wish I could have got
736 Get out of sth V /get aʊt ʌv/ khỏi, rời
out of that meeting
đã được How much memory is
737 Occupied V /ˈɑkjəˌpaɪd/
sử dụng the program occupied?
We have an option
Option to do sự/quyền
738 N /ˈɑpʃən/ to sign the contract
sth lựa chọn
tomorrow morning
lệ thuộc
Be subject to Signing the contract is
739 ADJ /ˈsʌbʤɪkt tu/ vào, tùy
sth subject to their meeting
The report clearly
Be subject to phơi bày, exposes the weakness
740 V /ɪkˈspoʊz/
sth bộc lộ of the government’s
economic policy

xác định,
It is difficult to determine
741 Determine sth V /dəˈtɜ:rmən/ định rõ,
the fate of the project
quyết tâm
Be adjacent to kế cận, The receptionist area is
742 ADJ /əˈʤeɪsənt/
sth gần bên adjacent to our office
tốn thời
/taɪm – It is quite time –
time - gian, mất
743 ADJ consuming for us to
consuming kənˈsu:mɪŋ/ nhiều thời
train her.
The company argues
744 Wage N /weɪʤ/ lương that it offers competitive
That manager didn’t
Success in sự thành
745 N /səkˈses/ have much success in
doing sth công
managing her staff
At the meeting
loại bỏ, yesterday morning, he
746 Reject sth V /ˈri:ʤekt/
bác bỏ urged the committee to
reject those plans

Check up (Key 6)

Choose the word that best completes the sentence.

1. When there is a problem with company policy, it should be __________ before the board
of directors.

(A) bring up

(B) bring in

(C) brought up

(D) brought in


2. The quality control department felt it was making good __________ when the number of
defects declined.

(A) progress

(B) progressed

(C) progressing

(D) progressive


3. The public’s __________of a company depends on how solidly the company stands be-
hind its products.

(A) perceive

(B) perceptive

(C) perceived

(D) perception


Choose the one word or phrase that best completes each sentence.

Dear Mr. Wilcox,

Your lease for the office you ___4___ at 121 North Main Street will expire next month. I will
be very happy to have you renew the lease if you desire. You have occupied that space for a
___5____, and during those ten years you have always been a reliable tenant. Unfortunately,
____6____ to rising costs everywhere, I will have to raise the rent on that space by 20 percent.
I hope this won’t cause you any hardship. Please let me know if you are still interested in re-
newing the lease, and I will have my assistant send one over to you.


Amanda Brightwood


(A) occupy

(B) occupied

(C) occupant

(D) occupancy


(A) month

(B) semester

(C) decade

(D) century


(A) because

(B) up

(C) ought

(D) due

Questions 7 through 10 refer to the following letter
October 7, 2018

ABC Corporation

Washington, D.C.

Dear all,

We advertised the position of Sales manager a week ago in the national newspaper. So
far we’ve had more than fifty applicants for the job. As you know, we’re offering a salary of
$2,000 a month. We would prefer to appoint someone with a few years’ experience in the field.
Remember that we stated in the advertisement that high academic qualifications are not so
necessary for a job like this. We need to stress that in this company all employees are treated
in the same way. All staffs are entitled to an annual share in the progress of the company,
and we believe that good working relations between managers and staff are essential. We’ve
selected ten candidates to be interviewed next week. The successful candidate will take up
his/her appointment from next month.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Best regards,

John Whitney

Personnel Manager, ABC Corporation


7. Who is this letter for?

(A) Applicants for a job

(B) An editor of a newspaper

(C) A manager of a company

(D) All employees of a company


8. What is this letter about?

(A) A job advertisement

(B) An announcement to job applicants

(C) A reminder to all employees

(D) An introduction of new employees


9. When will the new employee start his/her new job?

(A) In September

(B) In October

(C) In November

(D) In December


10. Which of the following is true in the letter?

(A) Applicants with a few years’ experience are preferred.

(B) Applicants must have high academic qualities.

(C) All applicants will be interviewed.

(D) There is a difference in treatment between the manager and employees.

7. Restaurant and Events

Part of
No. Word/ Collocation Phonetic Meaning Example
Does the luxury
lôi cuốn, thu
747 Appeal to sb N /əˈpi:l/ of this restaurant
hút ai đó
appeal to you?
They often make
a compromise to
Make a compro- /meɪk ə thỏa hiệp, dàn have a date at a
748 V
mise ˈkɑmprəˌmaɪz/ xếp luxurious restau-
rant at the week-
They are familiar
with this restau-
quen thuộc, rant because
749 Be familiar with sth ADJ /fəˈmɪljər wɪð/
thân thuộc they have come
here many times
The majority of
đa phần, đa
750 The majority of sth N /məˈʤɔrəti/ our team like eat-
ing the raw squid
trộn cái gì với They usually mix
751 Mix sth with sth V /mɪks/
cái gì milk with eggs.
My parents sel-
dựa vào, tin dom rely on the
752 Rely on sth/sb V /rɪˈlaɪ/
cậy vào restaurant reviews
on the Internet.
They can secure
Secure somebody/ an toàn, an
753 V /sɪˈkjʊr/ us a nice view at
something ninh; bảo đảm
their restaurant
My son wanted to
/meɪk ə make a sugges-
754 Make a suggestion V gợi ý, đề nghị
tion about what to
səgˈʤesʧən/ order?
Be basic to some- Làm thành cơ
thing Vegetables are
755 ADJ /ˈbeɪsɪk/ sở, cơ bản
basic to this dish
của cái gì
hoàn thành, We sometimes
756 Complete sth V /kəmˈpli:t/ xong, kết complete the meal
thúc. with some dessert
Our class is so
phấn khích về
757 Excited about sth ADJ /ɪkˈsaɪtəd/ excited about the
cái gì
next camping trip

Don’t forget to
V invite him to the
758 Forget to do sth /fərˈget/ Quên làm gì
party at Royal
restaurant tonight
That couple goes
to the restaurant
xét xử, phân
759 Judge something V /ʤʌʤ/ at the weekend
xử, xét đoán
and judges the
quality of service.
Remind him to
nhắc nhở ai
760 Remind sb to do sth V /riˈmaɪnd/ meet for dinner
để làm gì
/teɪk ɑn ðə She takes on the
gánh/ chịu
burden of ordering
761 Take on the burden V ˈbɜ:rdən/ trách nhiệm
meals for busi-
làm gì đó
ness meetings
That man usually
/meɪk ðə makes the deliv-
762 Make the delivery V giao hàng
dɪˈlɪvəri/ ery at the week-
I’m impressed with
Be impressed with ấn tượng bởi
763 ADJ /ɪmˈprest/ the elegance of
sth cái gì
this restaurant
The secretary has
/ə lɪst ʌv/ một danh
a list of all the
764 A list of sth N sách của cái
restaurants in the

My boyfriend will
765 Pick somebody up V ˈsʌmˌbɑdi đón ai đó pick me up at
hóa giải, dàn Please settle the
766 Settle something V /ˈsetəl/ xếp, thanh bill with the ca-
toán cái gì shier
Chefs must accus-
Accustom to doing làm cho quen, tom themselves
767 V /əˈkʌstəm/
something tập cho quen to cooking a new
/mi:t wʌnz thỏa mãn nhu Their new prod-
768 Meet one’s demand V cầu của ai về ucts meet custom-
dɪˈmænd/ cái gì ers’ demand

You must incor-
kết hợp (cái
Incorporate sth into porate the fresh
769 V /ɪnˈkɔrpərɪt/ gì) thành cái
sth greens into a

It is a easy meth-
Method for doing phương pháp
770 N /ˈmeθəd/ od for making
sth để làm cái gì
traditional cakes
The chief chef
usually draws
Draw attention to Gây sự chú ý
771 V /drɔ əˈtenʃən/ attention to his
sth đối với cái gì
delicious strange
They will assist
Assist sb in doing trợ giúp ai đó
772 V /əˈsɪst/ you in finding
sth trong việc
Their group try to
phối hợp, kết coordinate their
Coordinate sth with
773 V /koʊˈɔrdənət/ hợp cái gì với activities with
cái gì those of other
kích thước, What are the
774 Dimension of sth N /dɪˈmenʃən/ kích cỡ của dimensions of the
cái gì meeting room?
They have a gen-
A general idea of /ə ˈʤenərəl có hình dung eral idea of how
775 N
something aɪˈdiə/ chung many attendants
will be
We have a new
Plan to do some- kế hoạch để
776 N /plæn/ plan to build a
thing làm gì đó
training place
You can regulate
777 Regulate something V /ˈregjəˌleɪt/ điều chỉnh the activities of
that company
They had him
/səˈlekt ə chọn lựa nhà select a restaurant
778 Select a restaurant V
ˈrestəˌrɑnt/ hàng for their anniver-
We hired a local
người hướng
guide to get us
779 Guide N /gaɪd/ dẫn, hướng
across the moun-
dẫn viên
Do you feel like
780 Eat out V /i:t aʊt/ ăn bên ngoài
eating out tonight?

thành phần, All food products
thành tố, have to carry a list
781 Ingredient of/ on sth N /ɪnˈgri:diənt/
phần hợp of ingredients on
thành the packet.
They randomly
một cách
select food and
782 Randomly ADV /ˈrændəmli/ ngẫu nhiên,
drinks from the
tình cờ
Will you order for
783 Order sth V /ˈɔrdər/ đặt, gọi món me while I make a
phone call?
Guests can have
dinner and relax
thanh lịch, tao
784 Elegant ADJ /ˈelɪɡənt/ in this comfortable
elegant restau-
This is a list of
thông thường,
favourite foods we
785 Commonly ADV /ˈkɑmənli/ thường
commonly con-
They had a huge
party and hired a
786 Event N /ɪˈvent/ sự kiện
photographer to
record the event.

Check up (Key 7)

Choose the word that best completes the sentence.

1. The aroma coming from the restaurant was so ________ that the tourists did not hesitate
before entering.

(A) appeal

(B) appealed

(C) appealing

(D) appeals


2. The waiter ________ that the customer would enjoy the duck.

(A) predict

(B) predicted

(C) predicting

(D) prediction

3. Sometimes diners request ________ or “separate” checks.

(A) individuality

(B) individually

(C) individual

(D) individualize


Choose the one word or phrase that best completes each sentence.

To: Sue Evans

From: Ron Smith

Subject: lunch tomorrow


George will be out of the office all week, so it will ____4____ you to order lunch for tomorrow’s
staff meeting. We always order from Sam’s Deli. We’ll need enough for 15 people. Look at
their list of sandwiches and order three or four different kinds. ____5____ to order a variety of
desserts, too. People always like a sweet treat with their meal. Please make sure that the food
____6____ by noon tomorrow. Thanks.



(A) pick up

(B) fall to

(C) rely on

(D) mix up


(A) No forget

(B) Not forget

(C) No forgetting

(D) Don’t forget


(A) delivers

(B) is delivered

(C) is delivering

(D) will deliver

Questions 7 through 11 refer to the following notice
Event/Festival Features Season

Lighting displays, entertainment,

Winter frestival of lights Winter
Headline entertainment at a live
New Year’s Eve celebration Winter
outdoor concert, firework

Icewine calebration Icewine tasting, tours, special progams Winter

George Benard Shaw theatre

Shaw Festival Summer
Cultural, sporting and general interest
Welland Rose Festival Summer
Historically significant and
Doors open Niagara architectually recognized buildings Fall
open to the public for free tours
Regional cuisine, seminars,
Niagara food festival Fall
Wine tasting, food, parade, concerts,
Naigara wine festival Fall
family activities, samiars and art shows
Fireworks, entertainment, bi-national
Friendship festival Summer
activities, family activities
Historical display, entertainment
Canal days Summer
centrelly focused on the Welland Canal

7. What is the purpose of this table?

(A) To list a series of events by season

(B) To show events by region

(C) To advertise products sold in the festivals

(D) To show the weather forecast in the festivals


8. Who would most likely be interested in reading this table?

(A) Advertisers

(B) Tourists

(C) Weather forecasters

(D) Economists


9. In which event is a live musical held?

(A) Winter festival of lights

(B) New Year’s Eve celebration

(C) Icewine celebration

(D) Welland Rose festival


10. What is NOT learned about the Niagara wine festival?

(A) It displays many kinds of wine.

(B) It has some musicals.

(C) It is for families only.

(D) It takes place in autumn.


11. How many festivals are held in summer?

(A) 1

(B) 2

(C) 3

(D) 4

8. Travel

Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
We will make an
Make an
787 V /əˈnaʊnsmənt/ thông báo announcement of our
new departure time
/ˈeɪdʒənt/ We will sign a contract
đại lý, đại
788 Agent N with an insurance
The government
Alcoholic /ˌælkəˈhɑːlɪk/ đồ uống adopted the laws of
789 N
beverages có cồn the sale of alcoholic
The travel agent
/kleɪm/ tuyên bố, often claim to find
Claim to do
790 V xác nhận customers the best
làm gì deals on tickets and
/dɪˈleɪ/ chậm trễ,
The flight delayed due
791 Delay something V trì hoãn,
to the bad weather
hoãn lại
rời khỏi,
Depart from /dɪˈpɑːrt/ khởi hành The train departs from
792 V
somewhere từ nơi nào New York
/aɪˈtɪnəreri/ Visits to four different
793 Itinerary N lịch trình countries are included
in your itinerary.
The tour operator
/prəˈhɪbɪt/ ngăn cấm
Prohibit (sb) from will prohibit the
794 V ai đó làm
doing sth passengers from

smoking on board
The manager
/diːl/ giải quyết should deal with
795 Deal with sth V
cái gì the complaints of
We reached
Reach one’s /ri:ʧ wʌnz đến nơi,
796 V our destination tired
destination ˌdestəˈneɪʃən/ tới nơi
and hungry.
It is hard to distinguish
Distinguish phân biệt,
between the different
797 between sth and V /dɪs’tɪŋgwɪʃ/ nhận ra,
types of beverages in
sth nhận biết
this room?

Go on an /goʊ ɑn ən đi chơi, đi Next week we’re
798 V
excursion ɪkˈskɜrʒən/ tham quan going on an excursion.
Travel/ travelling chi phí du He must pay for the
799 V ˈtrævəlɪŋ
expenses lịch travel expenses
Kéo dài
( thời
I need to extend my
800 Extend sth V /ɪkˈstend/ hạn....);
gia hạn,
mở rộng
tương lai, I see prospect of
Prospect of
801 ADJ /ˈprɑspekt ʌv/ triển vọng succeeding of this
của cái gì travel agent
We will give you a
bao hàm, comprehensive travel
802 Be comprehensive ADJ /kɑmpriˈhensɪv/
toàn diện package, including rail

Telephone /ˈteləˌfoʊn danh bạ up their number in

803 N
directory dəˈrektəri/ điện thoại
the telephone
cho phép These ticket will entitle
804 Entitle sb to do sth V /enˈtaɪtəl/ ai đó làm tourists to enter the
cái gì zoo
Please pay your fare
/peɪ wʌnz fer/ trả cước at the ticket office
805 Pay one’s fare V
phí của ai before boarding the
hoạt động,
chạy The airline operates
806 Operate sth V /ˈɑpəˌreɪt/
(máy); flights to 50 countries
thao tác
The train leaves
punctually at 6 a.m.
807 Punctually ADV /ˈpʌŋkʧuəli/ đúng giờ
Please pay attention
to that
tương đối; These beautiful old
/ˈrelətɪvli/ có quan towns have remained
808 Relatively ADV
hệ với, có relatively untouched
liên quan by tourism.

He was silent
/ðə rɪˈmeɪndər phần còn
The remainder of throughout the
809 N lại của cái
sth ʌv/ remainder of the

This is one of the most
tiên tiến,
810 Be advanced ADJ /ədˈvænst/ advanced room in this
tiến bộ
There is a chain of
A chain of một chuỗi
811 N /ə ʧeɪn ʌv/ events taking place in
something của cái gì
the hotel next week
làm thủ
tục đăng
ký (vào What time did you
812 Check in sth V /ʧek ɪn/
khách check in the hotel?
sạn, hội
Don’t forget to confirm
xác nhận,
your reservation
813 Confirm sth V /kənˈfɜ:rm/ chứng
after having a room
You should expect a
đòi hỏi,
814 Expect sth V /ɪkˈspekt/ new room instead of
mong đợi
this dirty room.
thông báo, We should notify
khai báo the hotel that we will
815 Notify sb that …… V /ˈnoʊtəˌfaɪ/
với ai đó return the hotel late
về tonight
To make a reservation,
Make a đặt chỗ
816 V ˌ/rezərˈveɪʃən/ you should call the
reservation trước
hotel immediately
I hope that the day of
Coincide with trùng hợp discount on car rentals
817 V /ˌkoʊɪnˈsaɪd/
something với cái gì will coincide with my
có ý định I intend to return home
818 Intend to do sth V /ɪnˈtend/
làm gì đó by plane next week
To operate a motor
/ˈdraɪvərz/ giấy phép vehicle legally, you
819 Driver’s license N
/ˈlaɪsəns/ lái xe must have a driver’s
tùy ý, tùy
It is optional for you
820 Be optional ADJ /ˈɑpʃənəl/ to rent a car to reach
không bắt
your destination

bị dụ dỗ,
Be tempted to do I was tempted to drive
821 V /ˈtemptəd/ bị cám dỗ
sth by myself last night
làm gì đó
có giá trị,
Is your passport still
822 Be valid ADJ /ˈvæləd/ có hiệu
lực, hợp lệ
về bản The quality of that
chất, về company’s products
823 Substantially ADV /səbˈstænʃəli/ cơ bản,
has improved
lớn lao,
đáng kể substantially
We set up a new
824 System of sth N /ˈsɪstəm/ hệ thống system of security for
this hotel last week
dịch vụ, My boss was satisfied
825 Service N /ˈsɜrvəs/ sự phục with the service of this
vụ hotel
The hotel has a
826 Rate N /reɪt/ mức giá special discount rate
for newly-weds.

Check up (Key 8)

Choose the word that best completes the sentence.

1. When __________ your luggage, be sure to check the name on the tag.

(A) claim

(B) claimed

(C) claimant

(D) claiming


2. The plane’s __________ was delayed until the wings were defrosted

(A) depart

(B) departed

(C) departure

(D) departing


3. Many airlines __________ courtesy discounts to senior citizens.

(A) extend

(B) extending

(C) extension

(D) extensive


Choose the one word or phrase that best completes each sentence.

Do you need to _____4_____? Trains are a great way to save money when it comes to travel.
Train fare costs considerably less than plane fare in most cases. On the other hand, if comfort
is more important to you than saving money, you will be happy to know that most trains offer
____5______accommodations. When you _____6_____ your ticket, simply notify the agent
that you want a first-class seat.


(A) economy

(B) economize

(C) economist

(D) economical


(A) deluxe

(B) valid

(C) remote

(D) punctual


(A) will reserve

(B) reserving

(C) reserved

(D) reserve

Question 7 through 11 refer to the following letter
and information
Dear Mr. Park,

Your colleague from the Florida School of Hospitality Administration, Stephanie Wayne,
recommended that I contact you. Stephanie is currently my client at Canyon Consulting. I help
her plan and devise strategies for her company to successfully launch new products.

As you may already know, the consulting business is quite stressful and I believe it is time for
me to take a vacation. I heard from Stephanie that you operate a renowned international travel
agency. Accordingly, I would be very pleased if you could help me plan an itinerary. I would
like to travel with 10 acquaintances of mine. We are planning to spend at least three weeks in
Asia, specifically in China, Japan, Korea, and the Philippines. Since one of my acquaintances
speaks Chinese and Korean, we just need a Japanese translator to accompany us on our stay
in Japan.

If you are interested in helping me out, please let me know at your earlier convenience.


Goulet Wilson

Senior Consultant, Canyon Consulting


Park’s International Travel Agency

This travel agency is known as one of the best travel agencies in the United States.
Annually, on average, this agency deals with 60,000 tourists and a recent survey revealed
that no one was dissatisfied with our services last year. The agency is especially known for
our tours to Asia and Europe. The prices we charge are always fair and reasonable, even
for college students. You may refer to the reviews written by our customers on our website


7. What is the purpose of the letter?

A. To let Mr. Park know that Ms. Wayne is a client of his consulting firm

B. To ask if Mr. Park is interested in providing his group with travel assistance

C. To persuade Mr. Park to rely on his company for consulting matters

D. To reject Mr. Park’s offer concerning a tour

8. What can be inferred about Ms. Wayne?

A. She is a friend of Mr. Wilson’s from the Florida School of Hospitality Administration.

B. She is working for Mr. Wilson at contact Mr. Park

C. She encouraged Mr. Wilson to contact Mr. Park

D. She is no longer in contact with Mr. Park


9. What is true regarding Mr. Wilson’s vacation plans?

A. He wants to travel with people he knows.

B. He is planning to be away for a month.

C. He is especially interested in visiting Japan.

D. Stephanie will accompany Mr. Wilson on the trip.


10. What is NOT indicated about Park’s International Travel Agency?

A. An average number of tourists dealing with the agency every year

B. Its reputation in the U.S.

C. Specific price term of the tour

D. Number of complaints received last year


11. In the letter, the word “itinerary” in paragraph 2, line 4 is closest in meaning to?

A. Travel schedule

B. Education

C. Precision

D. Flexibility

9. Entertainment

Part of
No. Word/ Collocation Phonetic Meaning Example
He will attain his
đạt được,
827 Attain sth V /əˈteɪn/ goal of becoming
giành được
a director
They decided
kết hợp, phối
828 Combine sth V /ˈkɑmbaɪn/ to combine two
visual techniques
Continue doing / to They can continue
829 V /kənˈtɪnju:/ tiếp tục làm gì
do sth to film in the park
miêu tả, diễn It is difficult for me
Describe sth/ sb (to/
830 V /dɪˈskraɪb/ tả ai/ cái gì to describe this
for somebody)
(cho ai) character to you
This film can
Entertain sb with làm ai đó giải
831 V /ˌentərˈteɪn/ entertain us with
sth trí với cái gì
lively animation
The lessons of the
Have an influence ảnh hưởng
832 V /ˈɪnfluəns/ film have a great
on sb/sth đến ai/ cái gì
influence on me
They will release
phát hành,
833 Release sth V /riˈli:s/ the film to movie
công bố cái gì
theater next week
The film
represents the
đại diện, thay
834 Represent sth V /ˌreprəˈzent/ world poverty
through its main
Her performance
tiếp cận, tiến in the film is said
835 Approach sth/ sb V /əˈproʊʧ/
gần to approach
When the actors
walked off
người xem,
836 Audience N /ˈɑdiəns/ the stage, the
khán giả
audience cheered
Do you have
có kinh
Have experience of experience of
837 V /ɪkˈspɪriəns/ nghiệm về cái
sth performing on

trình bày, biểu The play was first
838 Perform sth V /pərˈfɔrm/
diễn, đóng vai performed in 2016

sự phê bình, Releasing this film
839 Review N ˌ/riˈvju:/
nhận xét is under review
They believe that
the tickets will be
840 Be sold out V /soʊld aʊt/ hết vé
sold out in two
sẵn có, sẵn
This recording is
sàng (để
841 Be available ADJ /əˈveɪləbl/ available online
dùng, để phục
or on disc.
Broaden one’s They can broaden
/ˈbrɔ:dn wʌnz mở rộng thị their tastes by
842 tastes V
teɪsts/ hiếu của ai listening to several
types of music
Category of sth The category of
Loại, hạng
843 N /ˈkætəˌgɔri ʌv/ music I like is
của cái gì
They can divide
chia cái gì
844 Divide sth into sth V /dɪˈvaɪd/ this play into 2
thành cái gì
có bản năng, He seems to have
Have an instinct for
845 N / ˈɪnstɪŋkt/ có năng khiếu an instinct for
làm gì acting
thích làm cái He prefers
Prefer doing sth to
846 V /prəˈfɜr/ gì hơn làm listening to music
doing sth
cái gì to watching films
It is the reason
lý do cho cái
847 Reason for sth N /ˈri:zn/ for success of this

They will relax
Relax with thư giãn với
848 V /rɪˈlæks/ with Korean songs
something cái gì
in their free time
Have good taste in /hæv gʊd
music Biết thưởng They have good
849 V teɪst
thức âm nhạc taste in music
ɪn ˈmjuzɪk/
My father often
thúc giục ai urges me to learn
850 Urge sb to do sth V /ɜrʤ/
làm gì how to play the
How long will it
851 Acquire sth V / ædˈmaɪr / đạt được take to acquire the
necessary skills?

ngưỡng mộ,
I admire Adele for
852 Admire sb for sth V / kəˈlekt / hâm mộ ai vì
her talent
điều gì
They express their
/ɪkˈspres/ bày tỏ, diễn thanks for our
853 Express sth V
đạt cái gì support for their
new film
The man didn’t
đáp lại, hồi
respond to the
854 respond to sb/ sth N / rɪs’pɑnd / đáp ai đó/ cái
invitation to attend

the exhibition
There are
đầy ý nghĩa, significant
855 Be significant ADJ /səgˈnɪfɪkənt/
quan trọng changes in the
museum’s policies
đặc trưng về, The shop
856 Specialize in sth V / ˈspeʃəˌlaɪz / chuyên môn specializes in
hóa cái gì hand-made cakes.
I usually choose
lựa chọn làm
857 Choose to do sth V / ʧu:z / to read the New
gì đó
York Time
The facebook
is constantly
858 Constantly ADV / ˈkɑnstəntli/ liên tục
updated a new
They decided
tạo lập, thiết
859 Constitute sth V /ˈkɑːn.stə.tuːt/ to constitute a
system of security
Finally, they
had to make a
860 Make a decision / dɪˈsɪʒən/ quyết định decision about
which stories to
sự ảnh hưởng Media has a huge
861 Impact on sb/ sth N /ˈɪmpækt/ của cái gì lên impact on media
cái gì on our life
Before writing a
điều tra,
/ ɪnˈvestəˌgeɪt book, you need to
862 Investigate sth V nghiên cứu
/ investigate what
cái gì
your story is about

To be able to read
đăng kí đặt the newspaper
863 Subscribe to sth V / səbˈskraɪb / mua cái gì đó daily, you only
theo định kỳ need to subscribe
to the newspaper
She gave the
một cách thấu audience a
864 Thoroughly ADV / ˈθɜroʊli / đáo, triệt để, thoroughly
hoàn toàn professional

Check up (Key 9)

Choose the word that best completes the sentence.

1. Actors can spend too much time __________ as well as too little.

(A) rehearse

(B) rehearsed

(C) rehearsing

(D) rehearsal


2. There is no good or bad music, only that which does or does not appeal to your __________

(A) taste

(B) tastes

(C) tasted

(D) tasting


3. New __________ are one of the most exciting aspects of museum work.

(A) acquire

(B) acquisitions

(C) acquires

(D) acquisitive


Choose the one word or phrase that best completes each sentence.

If you are looking for an activity that the whole family can enjoy, consider visiting one of our
city’s fine museums. It is the perfect way to _____4____ fun with education. Depending on
your family’s interests, you might ____5_____to visit a science, history, or art museum. If your
children are older, they will want to visit exhibits that particularly interest them and take the time
to give each one a ____6_____ look. Younger children have a shorter attention span. Muse-
ums with interactive exhibits are best for them.


(A) separate

(B) combine

(C) rehearse

(D) subscribe


(A) chose

(B) choice

(C) choose

(D) choosy


(A) thorough

(B) through

(C) thought

(D) though

Questions 7 through 9 refer to the following notice
“Free Show” For A Little Bread

A “free” concert will be presented at the Cow Palace in San Francisco on November 18 by
Warner Brothers, MGM, and White Front Stores – free if you buy one of their records. Admission
is the price of one stereo album purchased at any White Front store on the sponsors’ labels.

Featured on the show will be the Association, Eric Burdon and the Animals, the Everly Bros.,
the Sopwith Camel, the Sunshine Co., and the Who. If the White Front Music Festival proves
successful on the West Coast, similar concerts will be held in all major cities across the United


7. What is this advertisement for?

(A) A musical concert

(B) A new TV show

(C) An album

(D) A newspaper


8. Which of the following is NOT true?

(A) The concert will be held at the Cow Palace.

(B) MGM is one of the performers in the concert.

(C) The White Front Music Festival performed successfully in a lot of big cities in the U.S.

(D) The concert will be free if a person buys one of the performer’s records.


9. The word “purchased” in paragraph 1, line 8 is closest in meaning to?

(A) Bought

(B) Sold

(C) Pursued

(D) Run


10. Health

Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
You should get
hàng năm,
865 Annually ADV /ˈænjuəli/ a physical exam
thường niên
Make an He will make
appointment with Hẹn gặp ai an appointment
866 sb V /əˈpɔɪntmənt/
đó để làm gì with the doctor to
check his health
We need to
đánh giá,
867 Assess sb/sth V / əˈses / assess a patient’s
định giá
The test is used to
Diagnose sth as
868 V /daɪəgˈnoʊs/ chuẩn đoán diagnose a lot of
Check these
/ˈsɜrʤɪkəl surgical
Surgical dụng cụ
869 instruments
instruments ˈɪnstrəmənts / phẫu thuật
carefully before
the surgery
The government
ngăn chặn;
took action to
Prevent sth/ sb phòng ngừa
870 V /prɪˈvent/ prevent the
from doing sth ai/ cái gì
disease from
khỏi làm gì
Follow the
sự giới
Recommendation doctor’s
thiệu, dặn
870 N /rekəmənˈdeɪʃən/ recommendation
to sb on sth dò cho ai đó
to you on your
về cái gì
/ˈmedəkəl records hold
hồ sơ bệnh
872 Medical record N important
ˈrekərd/ án
information about
your health history
It is important for
nhận thức us to be aware
873 Be aware of sth ADJ / əˈwer/
về cái gì of your health

The doctor wants
Encourage sb to to encourage
874 V /enˈkɜrɪʤ/ khích ai đó
do sth him to give up
để làm gì
His courage
rõ ràng với during his illness
875 Be evident to sb ADJ / ˈevədənt/
ai was evident to
My grandparents
A habit of doing /ˈhæbət/ có thói quen make a habit of
876 N
sth làm gì đó. doing morning
The light can
877 Irritate sb/sth V / ˈɪrɪˌteɪt/ kích thích
irritate your eyes
The doctor
Do a quick khám tổng advised me to do
878 V / kwɪk ˈoʊvərˌvju/
overview of sth quan cái gì a quick overview
of my teeth
You should
brush your teeth
879 Regularly ADV / ˈregjələrli/ xuyên, đều
regularly after
every meal
My brother uses
this toothpaste
phục hồi,
880 Restore sth V /rɪˈstɔ:r/ to restore the
khôi phục
whiteness of his
The doctor
cho phép ai allowed me to talk
881 Allow sb to do sth V /əˈlaʊ/
đó làm gì to my son before
the surgery
Call the doctor
whenever you
882 Health concern N /helθ kənˈsɜ:rn/ sự lo lắng
have health
The doctor
emphasized the
883 Emphasize sth V / ˈemfəˌsaɪz/ nhấn mạnh importance of
giving up smoking
to his health
She wanted
/ˈmedəkəl some medical
884 Medical personnel N cán bộ y tế
ˌpɜ:rsəˈnel/ personnels to
support her.

The insurance
/ɪnˈʃʊrəns chính sách policy can help
885 Insurance policy N
ˈpɑləsi/ bảo hiểm patients pay for
hospital services
không quan
tâm, không Regardless of the
886 Regardless of sth ADV / rəˈgɑrdləs/ chú ý tới, cost, we need to
không đếm buy that drug
xỉa tới
After six months
tăng tiền on the job, that
887 Have a raise N /reɪz/
lương nurse wants to
have a raise
The doctor didn’t
thừa nhận,
admit that patient
888 Admit sth V / ədˈmɪt / cho vào,
without his health
nhận vào
Cho quyền, Your doctor had
Authorize sb to do
889 V /ˈɔ:θəˌraɪz/ ủy quyền, to authorize us to
cho phép operate on you
xác định, Scientists can
nhận biết, identify a link
890 Identify sth V /aɪˈdentəˌfaɪ/
nhận diện between diet and
cái gì cancer.
Making sure
/ˈmɪʃən/ patients got
sứ mệnh,
891 Mission N well soon is the
nhiệm vụ
mission of every
They don’t
cho phép permit smoking
892 Permit sth V /ˈpɜrˌmɪt/
cái gì anywhere inside
the hospital
They must do
Surgical /ˈsɜ:rʤɪkl thủ tục phẫu some surgical
893 N
procedure prəˈsiʤər/ thuật procedures before
the surgery
You should
Consult sb about hỏi ý kiến, consult a doctor
894 V /kənˈsʌlt/
sth tham khảo about your

The doctor
advised you
kiểm tra,
to take your
kiểm soát;
895 Control sth V /kənˈtroʊl/ medication every
điều khiển,
day to control
chỉ huy
your high blood
thuận lợi,
It is convenient for
thuận tiện
896 Convenient for sb V /kənˈvi:njənt/ me to pick up my
cho ai để
làm gì
dò ra, tìm ra, You should see
khám phá the doctor to
897 Detect sth V /dɪˈtekt/
ra, phát hiện detect the disease
ra early
We need to
tương tác interact with your
898 Interact with sb V /ˌɪntəˈrækt/
với ai friends when you
study English
The doctor will
Monitor one’s /ˈmɑnətər wʌnz theo dõi tiến monitor patients’
899 V
progress ˈprɑˌgres/ triển progress every
Tell all the
tiềm tàng, potential side
900 Be potential ADJ /pəˈtenʃəl/ tiềm năng, effects from the
tiềm lực medication to the
They will check
your blood
901 Blood pressure N /blʌd ˈpreʃər/ huyết áp
pressure to check
your health
He wants to refer
quy cho, ám to the reasons
902 Refer to sth V /rəˈfɜ:r/
chỉ of the failed
That doctor
made a serious
study of women’s
903 Be serious ADJ /ˈsɪriəs/ trọng, trầm
health care needs
in developing

Check up (Key 10)

Choose the word that best completes the sentence.

1. Dentists are as concerned with your dental _________ as with the condition of your teeth.

(A) habits

(B) habitual

(C) habitually

(D) habituated


2. To avoid _________ any additional charges, you should ask to be discharged from the

(A) incur

(B) incurs

(C) incurred

(D) incurring


3. It is as fast and efficient to _________ with your pharmacist as with your physician.

(A) consult

(B) consulting

(C) consulted

(D) consultation


Choose the one word or phrase that best completes each sentence.

The most important part of your health care is the ____4_____ visit to your doctor. By visiting
your doctor once a year, you can feel sure that any changes in your health will be detected.
Your doctor might ____5_____ lifestyle changes, such as diet and exercise, that you will need
to make in order to maintain your health. The best way to ____6_____ serious disease, after
all, is to maintain a healthy lifestyle.


(A) daily

(B) monthly

(C) annual

(D) perennial


(A) recommend

(B) recommends

(C) to recommend

(D) recommending


(A) prevent

(B) prevention

(C) preventive

(D) preventively

Question 7-9 refers to the following article.
The Health Factory will introduce a new line of vitamins, a company spokesman said yesterday.
The vitamins are intended for athletic men and women, who are looking for a vitamin that
will replace vital nutrients lost during strenuous exercise. Unlike regular vitamins, the Health
Factory Active Essentials 2020 has more iron, calcium, and potassium. The new vitamins have
been tested on performance by up to 20 percent. Of course, health products like the Active
Essentials vitamins are not cheap. One month’s supply of the new vitamins costs about $200.
To promote the new product, however, the Health Factory is offering a special 30 percent
discount to anyone who purchases the new vitamins with their Health Factory card. For more
information on the new product or to apply for a Health Factory card, call the company’s
customer service hotline at 1-800-326-HEALTH.


7. What can be inferred about the new vitamins?

A. They are intended for athletes.

B. They are the most popular.

C. They are easy to swallow.

D. They are not sold in stores.


8. What is NOT mentioned about the new vitamins?

A. They increase performance.

B. They were tested on athletes.

C. They are cheaper than other brands.

D. They have more iron and calcium.


9. According to the article, how can people receive a discount?

A. Place an order online

B. Apply for a membership card

C. Enter a contest

D. Spend a certain amount


PART 1 158

PART 2 167

PART 3 174

PART 4 181

PART 5 - 6 - 7 187

File 1


A. They are walking on the sidewalk

B. They are viewing an item in the window

C. They are carrying their luggage

D. They are heading into the store


A. The boy is looking through the microscope

B. The boy is looking at a far-away object

C. The boy is inserting a dime into the machine

D. The boy is taking a photograph


A. He is walking up the steps

B. He is opening the door

C. He is standing at the middle of the plaza

D. He is examining a document


File 2


A. The man is ringing up the purchase

B. The woman is paying for an item

C. The man is talking about something

D. The woman is asking the man a question


A. The panel is standing at the desk

B. The speaker is using a microphone

C. A member of the audience is asking a question

D. The speaker is giving a speech to the audience


A. She is making a phone call.

B. She is doing the housework.

C. She is cleaning the table.

D. She is opening the door.


File 3


A. They’re walking on the beach

B. The woman is carrying a knapsack on her back

C. The place is busy with customers.

D. The floor is being polished.


A. The man is using a tool

B. The man is digging a hole

C. The man is holding some dirt

D. The man is pushing a cart


A. They’re moving a heavy object

B. They’re building a house

C. They’re sliding down a hill

D. They’re cutting down trees


A. The baby is sitting next to the table

B. The baby is swimming in the pool.

C. The baby is reaching for a ball.

D. The baby is petting a cat.


File 4


A. One woman is sitting across from the rest

B. The man is entering the class

C. The people are sitting in a circle

D. The people are attending a business conference


A. The women are resting on the benches

B. The women are walking pass the trees

C. The women are leaning against the lamp post

D. The women are involved in a conversation


A. People are strolling along the waterfront

B. The building is surrounded by water

C. The lamp post is located next to the trees

D. Tourists are taking pictures of the cityscape


A. They are standing outside

B. They are sitting on a bench.

C. They are walking side by side.

D. They are lying on the beach.

File 5


A. They’re rearranging the shelves

B. They’re sorting the items by color

C. The woman is holding up a tie

D. The man is trying on a coat


A. The children are running around the track

B. The athletes are listening to the coach

C. The players are dressed in uniform

D. The boys are resting on the field


A. The people are all dressed in business clothes

B. The people dress informally.

C. The people are all wearing sunglasses.

D. The people are all wearing trousers


File 6


A. The trucks are parked next to a building.

B. The trucks are moving toward a tower.

C. The trucks are parked alongside each other.

D. The trucks are being washed.


A. The bicycle is placed next to a fence.

B. The bicycle is being used by a man.

C. The bicycle is being repaired.

D. The bicycle has a basket in the front.


A. The car door is left open.

B. The car has been elevated for repairs.

C. There are many cars in the room.

D. The car is being repainted.


File 7


A. Passengers are exiting the aircraft

B. The airplanes are coming into land

C. The flight crew is directing the passengers

D. The Airplanes are at the terminal


A. Boats are floating side by side in the harbor

B. The stairway leads down the water

C. Canoes are arranged by size against the wall

D. Kayaks are placed upside down on the rack


A. Passengers are waiting in the departure lounge.

B. Passengers are sitting in aisles.

C. Passengers are boarding a plane

D. Passengers are walking toward the gate.


File 8


A. There is a lot of traffic on the street.

B. There are only a few cars on one side of the road.

C. The traffic light turns red.

D. Some people are walking across the street.


A. There are some pedestrians crossing the road.

B. There are trees on both sides of the road.

C. The road is jammed with traffic.

D. Cars are parked on only one side of the road.


A. The vehicles are being washed.

B. The traffic on the street is very heavy.

C. One of the cars is leaving the area.

D. Cars are parked in the outdoor parking lot.


File 9


A. The buildings are being demolished.

B. There are trees surrounding the buildings.

C. A boat is passing under a bridge.

D. There are many buildings near the lake


A. The buildings are the same height.

B. There are buildings next to each other.

C. Every building has a balcony.

D. Some people are moving into the buildings


A. Buildings are on both sides of the street.

B. There are buildings on only one side of the street.

C. There are people entering the buildings.

D. There are many people on the street.

File 10


A. The workers are standing in circles at the construction site.

B. There are some building materials on the ground.

C. Building materials are being towed away.

D. The truck is moving toward the construction site.


A. The building is being demolished.

B. The building is being built.

C. The building is being repainted.

D. The building is being cleaned.


A. He is painting a picture.

B. They are leaning against the house.

C. She is painting the wall.

D. The window is left open.


File 11


A. One of the picnic benches is occupied

B. The people are waiting in the water

C. The water is rushing down the hill

D. The man is sunbathing near the water


A. The fence is around the arch

B. Some rocks are scattered in the arch

C. The trees are being trimmed

D. Some logs are piled on the grass


A. The lamp post is next to the sign

B. The boat is being docked

C. Many trees line the water

D. The ferry is unloading the passengers


File 12


A. There are some animals near the window.

B. There are some pictures on the wall.

C. The plant is near the sofa.

D. The light is turned on.


A. The ladders are similar in style

B. The windows are being opened

C. There’s a painting on the wall

D. The bed’s being made


A. Flowers are hanging from the wall

B. Price tags have been placed on each item

C. The items have been sorted on the shelves

D. The fruits have been placed on the floor


File 13


A. The floor has been polished to a shine

B. There are candles above the fireplace.

C. The kitchen has been left unattended

D. There are candles on the table.


A. There is a TV set behind the sofa

B. There are some cushions on the table

C. There’s a bookcase on the floor

D. There are some folded blankets on the sofa


A. The woman is taking some cookies out of the oven

B. The woman is baking for some guests

C. Different kinds of cookies are laid out for sale

D. The cookies are still in the oven

Who Where When
1 B 1 A 1 C
2 B 2 C 2 B
3 B 3 C 3 B
4 C 4 B 4 B
5 C 5 A 5 C
What How Why
1 B 1 A 1 A
2 B 2 B 2 C
3 A 3 A 3 B
4 4 C 4 A
5 5 A 5 B
1 B 1 C
2 B 2 B
3 A 3 B
4 B 4 A
5 A


File 1

1. Who should I contact to rent an office in this building?

(A) Yes, I’ll update my contact list.

(B) You can call Mr. Yamamoto.

(C) The one in the financial center.

2. Who will be going to the exposition this year?

(A) It was a good experience.

(B) Several of our colleagues.

(C) The beginning of October.

3. Who’s using the phone right now?

(A) No, it is not useful

(B) Your assistant

(C) To call my friend

4. Who do you think will be chosen to lead the Accounting Department?

(A) It’s a bit difficult to read

(B) Pick me up at seven

(C) It will be Lauren Kim

5. Who were you talking to at the seminar yesterday?

(A) The speeches were great

(B) Yes, the seminar was very impressive

(C) A manager from my old job


File 2

1. Where can I find winter gloves?

(A) In the sportswear section

(B) No, I couldn’t find it yet

(C) It’s twenty dollars

2. Where should I put this weekly report?

(A) John will report it

(B) To copy it

(C) They’re kept in cabinet C

3. Where do we usually purchase our office equipment?

(A) 30 days at best

(B) Yes, Michael is in charge of that

(C) At a store called Good Will

4. Where has the accounting staff been all afternoon?

(A) I placed it in your drawer

(B) Maybe at the weekly meeting

(C) Not until this afternoon

5. Could you tell me where a flower shop is around here?

(A) There is one down the street

(B) Sorry, but I don’t like flowers too much

(C) No, it’s located at the intersection


File 3

1. When did your boss accept your cost reduction proposal?

(A) I put it in the mailbox

(B) It will cost more in five years

(C) Two days ago

2. When did the board approve the change in the benefits policy?

(A) No, he didn’t say okay

(B) Sometime last week

(C) Because the policy has been changed a lot

3. When did the bank say your mortgage application has been approved?

(A) She said the application has been rejected

(B) They didn’t mention the date

(C) I will approve it soon

4. When does the company plan to hire new employees?

(A) For senior positions

(B) In about a month

5. When do you expect the executives to return from their field trip?

(A) The boss is away on vacation for three days

(B) I was told that they had a great time

(C) Before the end of the day at the latest


File 4

1. What city did you grow up in?

(A) That’s been many years ago, but it still feels like yesterday

(B) On the south side of Chicago, but that was a long time ago

(C) I just got back from an incredible vacation in New York City

2. What did you think of my presentation?

(A) No, not this time.

(B) I was at another meeting.

(C) Twenty pages long.

3. What’s the name of the new intern in the design department?

(A) I think it’s Sammy, but I’m not sure.

(B) We sent in the blueprint

(C) Yes, I enjoyed the internship.


File 5

1. How much of a discount applies to this refrigerator?

(A) You can get 30% off

(B) It’s $300

(C) That’s a real bargain

2. How is the book you bought the other day?

(A) He is doing fine

(B) It’s a page turner

(C) I booked it already

3. How many people are we expecting for our performances on Sunday?

(A) 100 for each show.

(B) They’ll be here at 8.

(C) We’ve performed it many times.

4. How often do you go to Tokyo on business trips?

(A) It’s an event occurring in Tokyo.

(B) An agent will plan the trip.

(C) We no longer have a branch in that city.

5. How do you think our department will do at the campaign?

(A) I am not positive about that

(B) You’re doing fine right now


File 6

1. Why did you congratulate your colleague?

(A) She just received a special promotion

(B) Yes, she was very motivated

(C) At the awards banquet

2. Why was the delivery delayed?

(A) No, they delivered it

(B) For about 2 hours

(C) The heavy traffic slowed it down

3. Why don’t you email your order directly to the store manager?

(A) On the main street

(B) I want to, but he didn’t tell me his address

(C) The store is open until 10 p.m.

4. Who should I contact to rent an office in this bulding?

(A) Yes, I’ll update my contact list.

(B) You can call Mr. Yamamoto.

(C) The one in the financial center.

5. Why do you prefer to use a guide?

(A) I’ll guide you around the city if you’d like

(B) I find it much more convenient

(C) Actually, I could use a reference book


File 7


(A) I’m having steak for dinner

(B)I’d love to but I have other plans


(A) it starts in a few minutes

(B) yes, you can count on it


(A) sure, if I can finish this report by then

(B) I love classical music


(A) yes, I do

(B) sure, is that all?


(A) I’d appreciate that

(B) I don’t have enough time


File 8

1. Can you give me a tour of the property on Thursday?

(A) An empty corner lot.

(B) Leave the door open.

(C) Let me check my calendar.

2. Why don’t you buy a new suit for the presentation?

(A) Did you win the award?

(B) Hmm…I’ll follow your advice.

(C) It’ll suit your company’s needs.

3. Why don’t we take a tour of the house?

(A) No, I already saw this exhibit.

(B) Sure, I’d like to take a look too.

(C) Because the tenant will be moving out soon.

4. Would you like me to bring you another soft drink?

(A) That’s Ok, I don’t want one.

(B) No, that’s the first time I’ve heard it.

(C) The dinner reservations at eight.

File 1 File 2 File 3
1 A 1 A 1 C
2 B 2 B 2 C
3 D 3 C 3 D
4 C 4 D 4
File 4 File 5 File 6
1 B 1 A 1 A
2 A 2 B 2 B
3 B 3 C 3 C
4 4 4 A
5 5 5 A
File 7 File 8
1 B 1 C
2 C 2 A


File 1


W: Lance, I went on a business trip last week. But I’ve never had to turn in an expense report
before. Could you help me out?

M: Sure. Were you at the human resources conference in San Francisco?

W: Yeah, I was there. Our boss told me to keep my meal and taxi receipts. How should I submit
them to the accounting department?

M: I’d suggest entering all the information into the report first. Then, scan each receipt and
attach them along with the report to an e-mail. Ah. and address it to Ms. Rivera. She handles
all businesses related to expenses.


M: Pardon me. I’m supposed to participate in an orientation session organized by the human
resources department. It should’ve started at 1:30 P.M., but it’s 1:35 P.M. now, and no one has
arrived yet. That’s the main conference room over there, right?

W: Yes, it is. But, your meeting was moved to one of our other conference rooms.

M: Oh, thanks. I’m still settling in here since it’s my first day of work. Can you tell me where I
should go?

W: Sure. Head to the 14th floor. When you get off the elevator on that floor, go right. The
meeting is taking place in the space directly across from the break room.


W: Our competitor is launching a free delivery service next month. To stay competitive, we
should consider eliminating the fee to deliver furniture from our store to customers’ homes as
well. What do you think?

M: Hmm ... I’m concerned we’d need to buy additional delivery trucks. More customers would
use that service if there were no charge.

W: Well, we could just lease them instead. That would require less initial investment.

M: I like your suggestion. Do you believe we should prepare a cost projection report before we
discuss the idea with our supervisor?

W: Yes, let’s do that. Can I get my tablet back from you? I lent it to you yesterday, and it
contains the report template we’ll need.


File 2


M: Thank you for calling Jenkins Automotive Insurance. This is Bernard speaking. What can I
do for you?

W: My name is Candace Black, and I’m one of your insurance policy holders. I was just in an
accident outside Austin, and I would like my car to be towed to an auto repair shop. I don’t feel
comfortable driving it.

M: I completely understand, Ms. Black. A tow truck will be dispatched to your location
immediately. But first, I’d just like to confirm that you’ve notified the police about the situation.

W: Yes, I did. In fact, an officer is going to stay here with me until the tow truck arrives.


W1: aren’t you both pleased that our agency has had more bookings lately?

W2: yes. It’s probably because we received an outstanding review on famous travel blogger
George Leeland’s Web page.

M: I agree and that reminds me… is everything ready for the tour we’re leading today?

W1: I just stocked the bus with water and snacks. And we’ve got the safety gear in case any
wild animals get too close to the vehicle.

M: Did you also bring those cans of bug spray we ordered, Fiona?

W2: Sorry, no. I’ll grab those from our office before we depart.

M: Good. I want to be prepared, since we had our largest group yesterday.


M: As you can see, the apartment we’re in comes with two bedrooms, a bathroom, living room,
and modern kitchen. Additionally, the Chicago skyline can be seen from the bedroom. Rent is
S1,900 a month. If you’re interested in filling out an application, I have one right here.

W: The apartment is very impressive. But I have another showing tomorrow, which I’d like to
follow through with before making a decision on where to live.

M: Of course. Just be aware that another potential tenant saw the unit this morning. Although
she has yet to submit an application, she assured me that she was going to do so soon.
Whoever turns one in first will be given priority.


File 3


W: Excuse me. Does your shop offer international shipping services? I’d like to get this teapot.
But I’m worried it might break in my suitcase on my flight back to Spain.

M: We can’t send items overseas, unfortunately. However, I can put the teapot in bubble wrap
for you. That should protect it while you’re traveling.

W: Wonderful . . . I love your store, by the way. I often travel to England and always stop in

M: Thank you, would you like a card for our loyalty program then? You can earn points with
everything you buy.


W: Mr. Wesley, here’s the completed inventory report you wanted. Ah . . . our shop is running
low on stationery goods, like notebooks and pens.

M: OK. It seems that the free delivery service we offered in September helped us sell more of
those items. Can you please order new stock by this weekend?

W: I was just about to do that. But I don’t know what happened to the list of suppliers that used
to be posted in the office.

M: Oh, sorry. It’s locked in the top desk drawer because it contains confidential information. Let
me grab a key for you to open that.


M: Welcome to Smooth Beginnings, the nation’s top provider of beauty products. How can I
help you?

W: I’m looking to purchase some moisturizer. My skin gets a bit dry in the winter. Where can I
find these products?

File 4


W: I need to return this book to the library. It’s overdue

M: Could you check out a book for me?

W: Sure. Give me your library card?


M: Excuse me. Can you see if I still have any books checked out? I don’t think I do, but I’m not
certain. My account is under the name David Harris.

W: just a minute… Well, it looks like you still have a novel by Brad Thompson called, uh,
Forgotten Time. It was released just last month.

M: oh, right. I forgot about that one. I’ll be visiting my family in Tacoma for a few days, so I’ll
drop it off next week

W: ok, but it’s due tomorrow, which means you’ll have to pay a late fee if you bring it back then.
I can renew it now, if you’d like

M: I’d appreciate that


File 5


W: Pardon me. Is there an ATM I can use other than the one by the bank’s entrance? Quite a
few people are in line to use that one.

M: Unfortunately, the only other one in the building is undergoing regular maintenance. It won’t
be accessible for about an hour.

W: Hmm . I’m in a bit of a rush. I need to withdraw cash before I fly to Vancouver for a business

M: Well, the teller at the end of the counter is helping another customer, but that shouldn’t take
too long. You can get cash from her once she’s available. I’m sure you’ll find that option faster
than using the machine.

W: Yeah, you’re probably right. Thanks for the suggestion.


W: Excuse me. I was here about an hour ago to open a new savings account. I think I accidentally
left my cell phone here. Has anyone found it?

M: What does the device look like?

W: It’s black and has a brown leather case.

M: Let me check our lost and found box . . . urn .. Sorry, I don’t see anything like that here. Are
you sure you didn’t misplace it elsewhere?

W: Well, I went to the library earlier this morning. I plan to check there next.

M: OK. And I’ll e-mail our staff and tell them to immediately report it if they find anything.


File 6


M: Hi. I’m interested in seeing the musical Coral Sea. Are there any tickets available for the
opening show on Saturday?

W: A few left, but they’re going fast. The leading actor was nominated for several awards last
year, so there is a lot of interest in the play.

M: Great, I’m glad some seats are still available. I’d like two that are next to each other and as
close to the stage as possible.

W: OK. And will you be paying with cash or credit card?

M: You can run this card. And I need a receipt, please.


W: Oh, I can’t believe Pasadena Gallery is going to display my artwork! Thank you so much.

M: We take great pride in supporting local artists, and I think your paintings will appeal to our
clients. Plus, if you go on to achieve success, we can say that your first exhibit was held at our

W: Well, I’m very excited. By the way, have you decided on the dates yet?

M: A two-week show would probably work best. I’m thinking about holding it from August 27 to
September 10.

W: Ah . . . Could it start one week earlier—on August 20? I’m traveling to Berlin to participate
in a meet-and-greet event with other aspiring painters on September 8.

M: That should be fine.


W: The Tan Film Festival is coming to BeIlville next month. I can’t believe it!

M: Does that mean that all the big stars will make their appearance here?

W: That’s exactly what it means. I am so excited. I’m going to put in my request for a holiday
during that time and see every movie they’re going to show. I’m also going to get the signatures
of every star I know. Would you like to join me?

M: I wish I could, but I won’t be here next month. The company is sending me to our head office
in London for the annual managerial training for a week.


File 7


M: Welcome to City Hall. How can I assist you?

W: I’m looking for the recreation department. I’m running late for my meeting with Mr. Baxter
this morning. He requested a presentation on the summer sports program my organization is

M: You must be Dana Royce. We’ve been expecting you! The recreation department is on the
third floor. I’ll call Mr. Baxter now and tell him that you’re here. The elevators are just to your

W: I’ll go upstairs now. Thanks for your help!


W: Hello. I’d like to take your hotel’s airport shuttle bus tomorrow at 10 A.M. Can you arrange
that for me?

M: I’m sorry. That shuttle is already full. But, I can place you on ... urn ... the 11:30 A.M. bus

W: No, I’m afraid that would be too late as my flight is scheduled to depart at 1 o’clock. Could
I go at another time?

M: Let me see. Yes, we have a spot open at 8:30 A.M. You’ll be a bit early for your flight, but
there are no other times available. So, I think you’ll have to take that one.


File 8


M: Sheryl, a word please? The talk on renewable energy is going to start 20 minutes behind
schedule. The speaker texted to say cars are at a standstill on Highway 14.

W: OK. I’ll notify the audience about the change.

M: Meanwhile, regarding the keynote lecture, over 200 people signed up to hear it.

W: I’m not surprised. Food waste is an important issue, and Andrea Parker has written a best-
selling book on the topic.

M: Oh . . . I almost forgot. Sorry to say, but a valet parking driver called in sick. I know you’re
overseeing that team as well. Hopefully, you can make things work with one less person.


W: Tom, I want to let you know that I’m almost finished with the seating chart for Friday’s
banquet. I’m trying to seat all the winners near the front of the venue.

M: Yes, they should have easy access to the stage. And that reminds me. We got an e-mail
from the caterer for the event about 30 minutes ago. Have you read it yet?

W: No. I’ve been focused on getting this chart finished. Beeman Corporation expanded its
guest list this morning. Did the e-mail indicate that there will be some problems?

M: Everything’s fine as we decided on the menu a month ago. The message just mentioned
the number of vegetarian meals that will be provided.


W: Roger, we have to get the auditorium lobby ready before people arrive for tonight’s debut
performance of the play Going for Broke.

M: Right, I’ve got the actors’ photographs framed for display. What else is there to do?

W: Can you set up some tables where programs can be handed out?

M: Sure. There are a few in the basement. I’ll ask Jacob to help me carry them up here. His
shift starts in 15 minutes.

W: OK. And finally, we need a spot where fans can take photos with the cast after the show.

M: Let’s put it where it was last year . . . in the area to the left when you enter the building, just
before you reach the refreshment stand.

File 1


Attention all passengers. Due to our airport expansion project, please note the following
changes. All domestic departures will board in the main terminal building, at gates A, B, and
C. All domestic arrivals will deplane outside the airport tarmac, and passengers will be bussed
into the main terminal. International flights will depart and arrive at the annex terminal, gates
D, E, F, and G. To get to the annex terminal, take the airport subway, which boards in the lower
level near gate A. It leaves every 10 minutes. We thank you for your patience as we expand
the airport to serve you better. Expansion work will last approximately 10 weeks. For more
information about the project, visit one of the information kiosks located throughout the airport,
or call our special hotline at 888-555-7473.


File 2


Can I have your attention please? Bus 234 from Salt Lake City, scheduled in 10 minutes,
is stalled just outside the city limits. A new bus is en route to transport passengers and is
expected to be here in about an hour. We apologize for the delay. Meanwhile, passengers
waiting for bus 234 to Las Vegas and Los Angeles are invited to have a free meal in our lounge.
Show your boarding pass at the dining counter to receive lunch and a beverage, on us. If you
are a 234-passenger planning to catch connecting buses in Las Vegas or Los Angeles, we
are phoning those stations and trying to arrange for extra buses to meet you to avoid further
delays. We apologize again for this inconvenience. Please note that our buses arrive and
depart on schedule more than 90 percent of the time. If you would like a refund due to this
postponement, please take your boarding pass to the customer service desk in the back of the


File 3


Attention please. All passengers heading to Toronto are asked to go down to platform number
3 as the train has now started boarding. For your safety, get on the train carefully because
there is a large gap between the train and the platform. Please be sure to have your tickets
handy. Also, I’d like to remind you that there are still a few tickets left at the ticket booth located
next to platform number 4. If you haven’t bought a ticket yet, please do so as soon as possible.
Please note that you may be charged more if you have any extra pieces of baggage with you.
Again, the train for Toronto is leaving in 5 minutes. Thank you.


File 4


Ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to Smallville Theater for tonight’s performance of “Romeo
and Juliet” by the Smallville Theater Troupe. The performance will begin at 7:30, and there will
be four acts with a 20-minute intermission. During intermission drinks and snacks are for sale
in the lobby. We ask you at this time to kindly turn off all cell phones and pagers and remind you
that photography is not permitted during the performance. After the show, you can purchase
tickets at the box office for any or all of Smallville Theater’s six upcoming presentations this
season. The box office is also open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. You can buy
tickets in person or by calling the box office at 555-8294. Thank you for coming and enjoy the


File 5


Welcome to the Washington Cultural Museum. My name is Sandra Jones and I’ll be your
guide today. A guided tour in the gallery will take about an hour. We’ll start here in the Asian
art gallery, where you’ll see lots of exhibits showing a wide range of contemporary paintings
and sculptures in Asia. Before we enter the gallery, I’d like to tell you a few things we should be
aware of. Once inside the gallery, you are not permitted to take flash photos. However, taking
pictures without a flash is allowed. Please refrain from eating and drinking in the exhibit area.
Following the guided tour, you will have lunch in the huge food court on the third floor of the
museum. If you happen to separate from our group, let’s meet in front of the food court at noon.
Now, would you please follow me?


File 6


Good morning, everyone. I’m glad to see all of you here in the training session. As most of you
already know, we recently developed new computer programs in order to enhance our daily
operations. For warehouse workers, we’d like you to get used to our new inventory software
program. I’m sure this program will help you keep our stock well organized. For instance, when
our clients want to order something, you can check whether we have certain items in stock
immediately by using this new software program. If you work in Accounting, you need to get
your current accounting program upgraded. With this updated program, you can calculate the
gross sales per day more accurately and quickly. Let’s break up into groups of two and learn
how these software programs work.


File 7


I’m Mitch Bloomfield with this hour’s top story. Hurricane Harry is moving south-southeast
about 25 miles off the Florida Coast, and is predicted to strike southern Florida early this
evening. Winds are forecasted to be 75- to 100-miles an hour, with ocean swells up to 10
feet high. Florida authorities have ordered residents of coastal cities to evacuate their homes
for the next 24 hours, and two units of the National Guard have been dispatched to assist
elderly and disabled residents. Forecasters at the national weather center have labeled Harry
a level-2 hurricane and say it might decrease to level-1 by the time it reaches land. Residents
of islands in the Florida Keys have also begun evacuating in case Harry suddenly veers farther
south. This is Mitch Bloomfield reporting for WROJ. The next update will be at top of the hour,
or whenever news breaks on news radio WROJ, 920 a.m.


File 8


Good evening, listeners. This is Henry Gomez from KTN Radio traffic news. Looking at the
expressways, traffic is slowly starting to pick up as we head into the evening on Saturday.
Particularly, there’s a major delay at the West Coast Tunnel. It was reported that there’s a
collision between two vehicles inside the tunnel. This has forced the police to shut down one
lane temporarily. The authorities said the tunnel won’t reopen until past midnight as it takes
time to have those cars towed from the tunnel. If you are driving into the city from the west
side now, you are encouraged to take the Silver Bridge instead. Also, just as a note if you’re on
southbound Interstate seventy-five near Waterloo River, please be aware that there is currently
a high-wind advisory out for that area, so please drive safely. For more of your latest updates,
keep it tuned to KTN Radio. The next traffic news will be aired in an hour.


File 9


Want to stay warm this winter? Then don’t miss the huge sale this weekend at Coat Warehouse.
We’re taking 10 to 50 percent off our already low prices for winter coats, jackets, hats, mittens,
and scarves -- everything you need to be warm and cozy when the temperatures drop, and
the snow starts falling. We have brand-name clothes at a fraction of the cost you’ll find them
selling for in other stores, with the city’s largest selection of sizes and styles. This weekend,
from Friday through Sunday, is your chance to save even more! Products marked with red
tags are reduced anywhere from 10 to 50 percent, and products with green tags will get you
discount coupons that can be used at a future date. Also, the first 100 customers will receive
a set of super-warm earmuffs absolutely free! So, mark your calendars, folk. Coat Warehouse
has two locations, at Southgate Mall and downtown on the corner of First and Pike. The first
100 customers at each location will get a set of free earmuffs. We’re open 9 to 9 on Friday
and Saturday, and 9 to 6 on Sunday. Don’t be left out in the cold this winter. Get down to Coat
Warehouse for our huge winter sale!

File 10


Thank you for coming to the grand opening of the Homestead Library. It’s taken 18 months
to complete this building, but I think the wait has been worth it. This magnificent ceiling-glass
structure has been called the perfect marriage of function and form, and I think all of us here
today would agree with that statement. Now I’m going to hand the microphone to a special
guest, the man who designed this beautiful edifice, Klaus Kirshner. Mr. Kirshner has flown
all the way from Austria for this occasion, and we are honored to have him with us. He is
renowned throughout the world for his innovative architecture and distinctive style. Would you
please join me in giving a warm Holmstead welcome to Klaus Kirshner!


File 11


Are you too busy to get in shape? Not with Porta-Trainer! No, Porta-Trainer is not a personal
trainer, but it IS a complete workout, and it fits in a bag smaller than you’d usually carry to
the gym. This amazing, lightweight device has everything you need to strengthen your arms,
legs, belly, shoulders, chest and thighs in just minutes a day. It’s so simple, it just hooks up to
a doorknob, hook, or hanger. The tough, flexible bands stretch as far as you can pull them,
offering maximum resistance that builds muscles and tones fat fast! But the most amazing
thing about Porta-Trainer is the price. Normally Porta-Trainer sells for $59.99. But if you order
right now, by calling the number at the bottom of your screen, Porta-Trainer can be yours for
only $29.99 -- less than one month’s dues at most health clubs! But wait, there’s more. If you
call in the next 10 minutes, we’ll throw in this beautiful Porta-Trainer tote bag, as well as this
instructional video, absolutely free! This is a $100 value! Don’t wait. Call now. Have your credit
card ready; operators are standing by. Now you CAN get fit, in the comfort of your own home,
workplace or hotel room, in just minutes a day!


File 12


Are you tired of your old boring job? Now is the time to get a new one. Everset corporation
is looking for highly motivated individuals who could be part of the fast-growing real estate
company. With more than 10000 dedicated sales agents we are still expanding our sales
force because of the growing demand of the industry we are now hiring you sales agents they
must be passionate and they must have excellent communication skills both male and female
applicants with at least one year experience in selling real estate may apply you may email
your resume to start your career at every set you can also visit our website at www. for more details don’t waste this wonderful opportunity join us and make your
way to the top because in ever said you’re wonderful careers are set.


File 13


Welcome to the world’s number one chocolate brand, Davis’s main factory in Boston. My name
is Kenny Garcia and I’ll show you around our manufacturing plant today. First, we’ll visit our
storage room where cacao beans are stored, and we’ll see our main processing plant to see
how the separate ingredients are mixed together to make our popular chocolate products. At
the end of the tour, you’ll be invited to browse our souvenir store where you can select from a
wide range of our special items like T-shirts and hats. Before we get started, I’d like to remind
you that next week will be “Children’s Week,” which will give an unforgettable memory to your
family. Any child aged 10 and under will receive a free gift box that contains our chocolate-
covered almond cookies and our famous chocolate bars.


File 14


Hello, Cathy. This is John Taylor from Accounting and I’m calling about the reimbursement
request you made yesterday. According to the request form you submitted, you spent as much
as 1,500 dollars during the business trip to Tokyo last month. Though I went through all copies
of receipts you attached to your expense report I wasn’t able to find the receipt for the hotel
bill. It seems like you didn’t include it by mistake. I need it by the end of the day at the latest in
order to process your payment. Please give me a call and let me know if you can send it to me
by either e-mail or fax. Otherwise, you may have to wait another month until you get paid. If
you have any inquiries about this, you are encouraged to come by my office on the tenth floor
anytime you want. I’ll be working at my office until 8 p.m. today.


File 15


Good evening, shoppers. This is the store manager, Linda Wang, and I’m pleased to announce
that Groger’s special deals will be available for the next week. First, locally produced milk will
be on sale for $1 per 1/2 gallon in our dairy section. Also, in the kitchenware aisle, we will have
a wide range of kitchen items reduced to low prices. If you buy our plate set, we’ll give you a
30% discount on a blender. And if you buy one of our knives, we’ll give you a tablecloth for
free. Come back here next week and get a hot deal. Be sure to remember that the sale will be
over on Friday.


File 16


Attention, all factory workers. This is a reminder that our maintenance department will be
conducting a routine inspection on all production equipment from 9 a.m. to noon today. Although
our normal business operations are not affected, electrical services will be shut down for safety
issues. As a result, all elevators except the ones in the main factory building won’t operate
during the inspection. If you have any questions or concerns, please call our maintenance
office at extension 331. Thank you for your cooperation.


File 17


Hi. Bill. This is Peter from the manufacturing facility. I know that you were at the plant this
morning, and I don’t mean to be an inconvenience. However, I was hoping that you could come
back to the plant as soon as you get a chance. There seems to be a problem with the main
assembly line. The conveyor system isn’t working properly, and I was hoping you could come
by and take a look at it. Unfortunately. We can’t continue with production until this situation is
rectified. As you know, we have a number of large orders we were hoping to complete before
the weekend, Again. I’m really sorry to bother you.


File 18


Good morning. I called this meeting to share opinions about our new growth strategy with you.
As you know, we have experienced a drastic decrease in sales of large cars in the last 3 years.
Although small foreign cars are in high demand in the United States, full-size cars such as
our AX models, have become less popular in the market. I think it’s time to change our future
direction. I recommend we develop new production lines for compact cars as well as hybrid
vehicles. In particular, cost-effective hybrid cars are “strategically” important to us. While the
new hybrids are almost as powerful as normal cars, their fuel efficiency is much better than
most cars. I’m sure they are becoming more popular with consumers. As the president, I firmly
believe that we should start to develop effective hybrids that people want to drive as soon as

PART 5 - 6 -7
Key 1 Key 2 Key 3 Key 4 Key 5
1 C B C B D
2 D C D B C
3 B A B B B
4 B C C D A
5 C D A C B
6 D B D D A
7 A A D C D
8 D C D B B
9 B B B A B
10 A


Key 6 Key 7 Key 8 Key 9 Key 10

1 C C D C A
2 A B C A D
3 D C A B A
4 A B B B C
5 C D A C A
6 D B D A A
7 A A B A A
8 B B C C C
9 C B A A B
10 A C C
11 D A

Hy vọng cuốn sách này hữu ích với các bạn trên con đường chinh phục tiếng Anh
chung và TOEIC nói riêng.
Anh ngữ Ms Hoa xin chúc bạn luôn học tập hiệu quả và thăng hoa.
Nếu muốn nhận thêm tài liệu & bài tập, hãy liên lạc với chúng mình nhé.

♦ Lộ trình tự học TOEIC 800 trong 3 tháng:

Anh ngữ Ms Hoa - Đào tạo TOEIC số 1 Việt Nam

♦ Website:
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♦ Tiktok: https: //
♦ Hotline: 0934 489 666
Website tự học TOEIC hàng đầu Việt Nam
- Trang web luyện thi TOEIC miễn phí đầu tiên ở Việt Nam.
- Website có giao diện cực kỳ thân thiện và khoa học.
- Với hàng nghìn tài liệu học TOEIC miễn phí phù hợp với mọi cấp độ.
- Các bài học được phân chia theo kỹ năng và mục tiêu rõ ràng, để các bạn dễ dàng lựa
chọn luyện tập.
- Cung cấp lộ trình học TOEIC từ mất gốc đến 800+ tinh gọn và hiệu quả.

Địa chỉ: Số 175 Giảng Võ - Hà Nội
Điện thoại: 024 38515380; Fax: 024 38515381

Chi nhánh phía Nam

Số 85 Cách mạng Tháng Tám, Quận 1, Tp Hồ Chí Minh

ĐT: 028 38390970; Fax: 028 39257205

Chịu trách nhiệm xuất bản:

Giám đốc - Tổng biên tập

Mai Thị Thanh Hằng

Biên tập: Nguyễn Thị Lan Anh

Trình bày: Ngô Thị Lý Linh

Bìa: Ngô Thị Lý Linh

Sửa bản in: Tô Lan Phương


Công ty Cổ phần Giáo dục và Đào tạo Imap Việt Nam (IMAPBooks)

Số 14, Trần Kim Xuyến, Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội

In 2.000 cuốn, khổ 20,5x29 cm, tại Công ty TNHH Tre Xanh

Địa chỉ: Thôn Quỳnh Đôn, Xã Vĩnh Huỳnh, huyện Thanh Trì, thành phố Hà Nội

Số xác nhận ĐKXB: 2645-2022/CXBIPH/29-166/LĐ

Số quyết định: 968/QĐ-NXBLĐ ngày 08/08/2022

Mã ISBN: 987-604-360-940-0

In xong và nộp lưu chiểu năm 2022

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