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Data using

Data Wrangling

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Data Wrangling
Data wrangling is the process of converting and mapping raw data and
getting it ready for analysis

At its core, the tidyverse is a collection of packages designed to work together
as a full pipeline for doing every stage of data analysis on tidy data as an
alternative to the inbuilt base R functions.
dplyr library
The hflights Dataset
The hflights Dataset

Step 1: Filter for flights originating from IAH airport

Step 2: Count total flights and delayed flights by each carrier
Step 3: Convert it to a Delayed per thousand (DPH) metric
Step 4: Sort the result by DPH in descending order
Data Manipulation using R
The Pipe %>%
Reshaping Your Data with tidyr
Our Data


The goal of tidyr is to help you create

tidy data. Tidy data is data where:

1. Every column is variable.

2. Every row is an observation.
3. Every cell is a single value.
Hands on

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