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Once upon a time, in a beautiful blue sky, there

was a little cloud named Cloudy. Unlike other

clouds, Cloudy was always sad and lonely

The little
because everyone seemed to turn away from
The sun, the moon, the stars and even the other
clouds never stayed close to her. Cloudy

-Why can't I be like the other clouds? white and
spongy that are light and dance with the sight,
instead I am heavy, cloudy, full of water and
gray in color.

Cloudy wanted to change her appearance to be

One day, as Little Cloud floated in the sky,
reflecting on her loneliness and longing to
Every morning, Ella Cloudy watched the sun rise
change from her, she noticed a girl named Emily
in the sky, shining brightly and spreading heat
playing in a field below. Emily had a twinkle in
her eye and a smile that could brighten up any
She desperately wanted to be as radiant as the room. Cloudy was attracted by her smile and
sun, hoping that maybe then she would be loved enthusiasm and decided to follow the girl as she
and accepted. then Cloudy said to himself: jumped and laughed.
-One day, I will be as bright as the sun, and
people will love me too.
Emily, full of joy and curiosity, noticed the fluffy
cloud floating above her.
At night, Little Cloud watched the moon and Hello, little cloud! You see sad. What's the
stars rise, the resplendent beauty of her matter?
captivating the night sky. She envied the allure
Emily asked, her eyes wide with concern.
of her resplendent and silently wished she could
shine like the stars. Little Cloud would whisper:
-Someday I will shine like the stars and Little Cloud hesitated for a moment, not
everyone will notice me. knowing if she should tell him the cause of her
sadness, but realizing that she had nothing to
lose, she replied: Emily said:
I feel alone because I'm different. I want to -Besides, there is something that you can do and
change my appearance to be like other clouds so the other clouds cannot, something really
that I can be accepted. beautiful.
- What is Emily?! - exclaimed with doubt and
Emily looked at Little Cloud kindly and said: enthusiasm Cloudy.
-Oh, Little Cloud, being different is not a bad - When the sun is at its brightest point you have
thing. In fact, it's what makes you special. Just as to go, drop your rain and see what happens.
each cloud has its unique shape and beauty, you -Of course, Emily, I'm going to go now and I'll
also have your uniqueness. You don't need to wait until tomorrow to do it.
change to fit in.
cloudy left very excited, she and she wanted to
find out what would happen
Little Cloud reflected on Emily's words and
began to understand that maybe being different
wasn't such a terrible thing after all. She realized Cloudy, just as Emily told her, got under the sun
that she had tried too hard to be someone she when it was at its brightest and released a light
wasn't, instead of embracing her own beauty. rain forming a beautiful rainbow in the blue sky
the vivid colors under the cloud were radiant celebrate. Slowly, the other clouds began to get
making all the other clouds, the sun, the moon closer to Cloudy, wanting to be friends with her.
and the stars will look at her amazed and
amazed by her beauty, Emily felt very proud of
her little fluffy friend. Cloudy welcomed them with open arms,
teaching them the importance of accepting and
embracing each other. The sky was filled with
Emily and Cloudy became the best of friends and laughter, friendship and a new sense of
went on countless adventures together. They togetherness.
sailed across the sky, danced with the wind, and
even made shapes out of the clouds. Cloudy
began to appreciate her softness, her sweetness, Since then, Cloudy understood that it was okay
and the refreshing rain she brought to the for her to be different. She learned that being
world. accepted has nothing to do with changing
yourself but with finding people who appreciate
and love you for who you are. And so Cloudy
As the days passed, other clouds began to notice lived happily ever after, knowing that being
the change in Cloudy and to accept it. They saw different was what made her truly special.
her happiness and how she embraced her
uniqueness. They realized that being different
was not something to fear, but something to
Once upon a time, in a small town called
Sunnyville, there lived a girl named Melody.
Melody was a special girl with unique abilities.
She had the amazing talent of playing any
musical instrument she played, and her voice

could make the birds sing. However, she was
physically different from the other children,
because of that, Melody often felt lonely and

melody One summer day, Melody's parents decided to

move to a new city and she had to enter a new
school called Harmony Elementary. Melody was
excited to make new friends, but she was also a
little nervous since she had faced challenges in
the past.
-if they judge me and do not want to join me, On her first day at Harmony Elementary School,
because of my appearance Melody walked into her classroom looking for
an empty seat. The students in the class turned
-And if they don't want me in their class?
their heads, surprised to see a girl with colorful
-If they don't like me and they don't accept me, hair and clothes that seemed to dance in the
what will I do? - Melody said very distressed wind. As Melody walked unsteadily to an empty
desk, whispers filled the air.

Her mother, who was listening to her,

approached her and said: "Look at her at her hair at her hair! It's so
-Don't worry honey, at first it may surprise them weird!"
a little, but when they meet you and see how
beautiful you are, they will love you. If they
"What's wrong with her clothes?"
don't, they would be fools, for not seeing how
beautiful you are.
-Thanks mom, that makes me feel much better - "Why does she look so different?"
Melody exclaimed happily

Melody's heart sank when she heard her

comments, feeling more alone than ever.
However, she decided to stay positive and As the days passed, Kylie introduced Melody to
hoped things would get better. the other students at Harmony Elementary
School. At first, some were hesitant to accept
Melody's differences with her, but Kylie stood by
During recess, Melody sat alone on a swing, her and explained how extraordinary Melody
playing her invisible guitar. She closed her eyes was with her musical talent. Slowly, the students
and imagined playing the most beautiful began to understand and appreciate Melody for
melodies. Suddenly, she felt a tap on her who she was.
shoulder and opened her eyes to find a girl with
bright blue eyes and golden pigtails standing in
front of her. One day, during a music class, the teacher
decided to hold a talent show for all the
students. Melody's eyes shone with emotion,
"Hi, I'm Kylie," the girl said with a warm smile. and he knew that it was her opportunity to
"Can I join you?" prove herself. She practiced day and night,
honing her skills on various musical
instruments. Kylie, always there to support her,
Melody returned the smile and agreed. It was
became her biggest fan.
the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
Finally, the day of the talent show arrived. classmates no longer saw her as different from
Melody was standing on the stage, breathing her but instead celebrated her talents. And
deeply. The whole school gathered to see her Melody, with the help of her wonderful friend
perform. When Melody played her first note on Kylie of hers, taught everyone the importance of
the piano, the entire auditorium fell silent. The accepting and embracing differences.
melodious sound filled the air, capturing the
hearts of every person present. Birds from
outside flew in, joining the magical symphony So, dear children, remember that everyone has
created by Melody's music. their unique abilities and talents. Like Melody,
it's important to be proud of who you are, and
with the support of friends like Kylie, even the
Everyone in the audience was in awe, realizing toughest situations can be overcome. The power
what incredible gifts Melody possessed. of acceptance, understanding and friendship can
Students and teachers cheered, applauded her really create a harmonious world for everyone.
talent and appreciated the uniqueness she
brought to her lives. Melody's heart was filled
with joy when she made the last curtsy for her.

From that day on, Melody became known as the

music prodigy of Harmony Elementary. Her

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