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1. Upon registration, participants will group themselves into 8-10 members.

2. They will be asked to choose a name for their group and elect a team leader.
3. On a first come first serve basis, they can choose their team color.
4. Each team will be given a bandana of their chosen color depending on the discussion of the
group, it can be use in the head, neck, or arms, etc.
5. Six challenges will be accomplished by each team.
6. Each challenge will require a certain number of players.
7. The team leader will assign who will be playing for a specific challenge but must ensure that they
are equally divided among the players.
8. A maximum of 10 minutes will be allotted per activity.
9. Points will be earned by each team depending on performance (0-10 per activity) with a possible
maximum point of 60.

Guidelines and Mechanics
1. The patintero court will be 6 meters long and 4 meter wide. It will be divided into 6 squares with a
dimension of 2 by 2 meter.
2. Patintero will be played by 6 members from each team which will be categorized based on the
3. One team will start as the ‘Passers’ and the other team as the ‘Guards’. Toss coin will be used to decide
which team will be the ‘passers’ or the ‘guards’.
4. The guards assign a team leader who will guard the first line and has the right to guard the central/
middle line of the rectangle.
5. Two other players will guard the outside vertical line.
6. The other 3 players will guard each horizontal line.
7. During the game, the guards should ensure they have both feet on the ground before tagging their
opponent; otherwise, it will not count.
8. Passers should ensure they have both feet on the next square for it to be considered in.
9. The objective of the runners is to get across to one end of the big rectangle and back without being
touched or tagged by a guard.

How to play
1. To start the game, all Passers must go and try crossing the rectangle back and forth without being
touched by any of the Guards.
a. If anyone succeed, they score 1 point for their team.
b. If a Passer fails as he got tagged, he is out of the game and must wait until the next turn.
c. If a Guard tagged a Passer without having his two feet on his line, then it does not count.
2. Once all Passers have finished (either won or lost), the teams switch roles (Passers become Guards, and
Guards become Passers) for a new turn to start and complete the round.
3. The game will consist of 3 rounds. Whoever has the highest points (points accumulated from rounds 1
to 3) wins the game.

Game Ramification: (Single Elimination)

Background of the game
Agawan base or <taking bases= in English is a form of tag like capture the flag but without a flag. It is a
traditional game originated in the Philippines and became a popular game which everyone played for so
long. It is also called <agawang sulok= in some versions and <Bilaran= in others. The grassy area is also
a good setting for this game. This game tests your speed, agility, and strategy.

Objective of the game

The goal of this game is to take the opponent’s base and capture it.
Rules of the game
1. There will be 2 bases. Each base has equal members.
2. Mark your base with the base markers.
3. Assign a member to guard your base. Other members may run outside their base to capture the
opponents or to steal the opponent’s base.
4. To capture the opponents, you must tag them.
5. The captured opponent will be the other team’s prisoner. He or she must stand in the captor’s base until
his or her teammates tagged him or her to be saved.
6. To steal the base of the opponent and win, you must touch their base. Two base markers like:
 Slippers/ chairs/ trees.
How to Play the game
1. Participants are divided into two teams with equal number of team members and each team assigns one
member who will protect the base.
2. The object of the game is for one team to try & capture the base of the other by reaching the other's
home base first & tagging a pre-decided item (e.g., a tree trunk, a rock, etc) symbolizing the opposite
team - without getting tagged by the defending members of the opposite team.
3. The other team members may leave the base to run and attempt to get other individuals from the other
group or to take the opponent’s base.
4. A safety line is drawn between the two teams. A member of an opposing team who crosses the safety
line into the territory of the other team can be chased & tagged by the team that owns that base.
5. If the attacker gets tagged before he/ she manages to get back to his/ her safety zone or home base,
he/she becomes a prisoner of the opposite team. He/she can be rescued by his/her teammates if one of
his/her teammates manage to get close to the base and tag the prisoner without getting tagged
himself/herself by the guard or one of the defenders in the opposing team.
6. The game ends when a member of an opposing team manages to tag the symbol of the other team or
when all the members of one team are captured by the other leaving their home base free for the opposite
team to attack and capture.


Guidelines and Mechanics
1. Have the groups with ten (10) members form their lines. There must be a big distance from each
group. Give each group a sack.
2. Put a chair in front of the group at least 10 meters distance away from them. The chair will serve
as their point of reference wherein there will be pieces of paper and each participant will get one.
3. There will be two sets of players in every group. Each set will include five (5) members who will
step inside the sack.
4. When the “GO” signal is given, they start rolling towards the reference point (the chair) go
around the chair, pick up pieces of paper, and roll back to their lines.
5. When they reach back to their line in the group, the next set will follow doing the same procedure
until all of them are back in their base.
6. Once all the members are done, they will now arrange the jumbled words and a representative
from the group will be the one who is going to announce/read what is the quotation about.
7. The first team to do so, wins.

1. Play will be 4 on 4. A minimum of 3 is required to start the game.

2. Play will be held in the school ground.
3. No substitutions will be allowed once a game has started, except for injuries. There is a 15 second
stall count between each game for substitutions. No substitutions will be allowed after the 15
second count.
4. Team may substitute between games.
5. Five (5) minute time limit. Team with the most wins in the 5 minutes will be deemed the winner.
If teams are tied, there will be a sudden death game to determine match winner.
6. All players must wear non-marking rubber-soled athletic shoes.
7. Game time is forfeit time, if your team is not there at your scheduled time you will forfeit.
8. Team will switch ends of the court between every game.

The Game
SEC. 1 Objective
The objective of dodgeball is to eliminate all players of the opposing team by throwing one of four game
balls and hitting the opposing player below the shoulders on the fly.
SEC. 2 Starting a Game
Each team starts with ONE (1) ball and then there are TWO (2) balls evenly spread on the center line at
the beginning of each game. It is a sprint to the TWO (2) balls once the play begins. There is a five (5)
second grace period after the initial rush before balls can be thrown.
Each team member must start with one hand on their back wall. Play begins on the referees signal of
“Go” and “Dodge” after the five (5) second grace period after the initial rush.
SEC. 3 Eliminating the Opposing Players
A player is out if:
• They throw a ball that is caught by the other team.
• They get hit by a ball thrown by the other team. (If the ball does bounce off an opposing player and is
then caught the thrower will then be out. This is true even if a different player catches the ball. However,
if the ball bounces off another ball, the ball is dead.). Players may use the ball to block; however, if the
ball is knocked out of their hand while blocking, they will be out.
• They hit another player above the shoulders.
• They cross the center line.
SEC. 4 Out of Bounds
A ball that hit any wall/ceiling and the likes is considered dead and is not back in play until someone has
picked up the balls and throws it at an opponent.
SEC. 5 Off-Sides
The center line is the off-sides line. If any part of your foot or body touches the center line, you will be
declared out and thrown ball will be dead.
SEC. 6 Stall Count
No player can hold the ball for longer than 5 seconds. Penalty- roll the ball gently to the other team. The
opposing team is responsible for calling the stall count. For example: Stall 1, Stall 2, Stall 3…Stall 5.
Then at this point the player must roll the ball over or is out.
SEC. 7 Court Procedures
Players are expected to be honest and take themselves out when the time comes. Once a player is out,
they must stand with their back against the team’s right side’s station. Players should not squat due to risk
of being hit. Do not leave the venue during game play unless an injury

The short line is the center line for the dodgeball tournament.
How to Play Volleyball
 A volleyball game consists of two teams of six players each, separated by a net. The six
volleyball court positions are setter, middle blocker, outside hitter, opposite hitter, libero and
serving specialist.
 To start, flip a coin to determine which team serves the ball first.
 Then the two teams will rally—or hit the ball back and forth over the net using a towel with their
partner—until a fault occurs. There is a maximum of three hits per side.
 The objective is to score points by sending the ball over the net, grounding it into the opponent’s
 Volleyball matches are made up of sets, typically three or five sets.
 Three-set matches are two sets to 10 points and a third set to 5 points. Each set must be won by
two points. The first team to win two sets is the winner of the match.

Volleyball Rules
Here are the fundamental, must-know rules of a volleyball game:
1. Only three pairs on the floor at any given time.
2. Points are made on every serve for the winning team of the rally (rally-point scoring).
3. Players will catch and toss the ball using a towel together with their partner.
4. Ball may be played off the net during a volley and on a serve.
5. A ball hitting a boundary line is in.
6. A ball is out if it hits an antenna, the floor completely outside the court, any of the net or cables
outside the antenna, the referee stands or pole, or the ceiling above a non-playable area.
7. It is legal to catch, hold or throw the ball while using a towel and doesn’t contact with any part of
a player’s body.
8. A player cannot block or attack a serve from on or inside the 10-foot line.
9. After the serve, front-line players may switch positions at the net.
10. Matches are made up of sets; the number depends on level of play.

Volleyball Rule Violations

Committing any of these volleyball rule violations results in a point for the opponent.
1. Stepping on or across the service line when serving while contacting the ball.
2. Failure to serve the ball over the net successfully.
3. Ball-handling errors and contacting the ball illegally (double touching, lifting, carrying, throwing,
4. Touching the net with any part of the body while the ball is in play.
5. Blocking a ball coming from the opponent’s court and contacting the ball when reaching over the
net if your opponent has not used 3 contacts AND has a player there to make a play on the ball.
6. Attacking a ball coming from the opponent’s court and contacting the ball when reaching over the
net when the ball has not yet broken the vertical plane of the net.
7. Crossing the court centerline with any part of your body, except for a hand or foot. It is only
considered a violation if the entire hand or entire foot crosses the court centerline.
8. Serving out of rotation or out of order.
9. Back row player blocking (deflecting a ball coming from the opponent) when, at the moment of
contact, the back row player is near the net and has part of their body above the top of the net.
This is an illegal block.
10. Back row player attacking a ball inside the front zone (the area inside the 3M/10-foot line) when,
at the moment of contact, the ball is completely above the net. This is an illegal attack.

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