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Front. Eng. Manag.

2023, 10(4): 625–639


Hui WANG, Yafei YANG

Decomposition analysis applied to energy and emissions:

A literature review

© The Author(s) 2023. This article is published with open access at and

Abstract Decomposition analysis has been widely used

to assess the determinants of energy and CO2 emissions in 1 Introduction
academic research and policy studies. Both the methodology
and application of decomposition analysis have been Decomposition analysis is a useful tool in energy and
largely improved in the past decades. After more than 50 climate policymaking. As an accounting approach,
years’ developments, decomposition studies have become decomposition analysis distributes a change in an aggregate
increasingly sophisticated and diversified, and tend to indicator of interest to policymakers to a set of pre-
converge internally and integrate with other analytical defined factors that have policy relevance. The decompo-
approaches externally. A good understanding of the litera- sition results can therefore explain the change in the indi-
ture and state of the art is critical to identify knowledge cator, which provides a quantitative understanding of the
gaps and formulate future research agenda. To this end, underlying dynamics with managerial implications.
this study presents a literature survey for decomposition Applying the decomposition approach, for example, IEA
analysis applied to energy and emission issues, with a (2022) examines the effectiveness of energy efficiency
focus on the period of 2016–2021. A review for three improvement on global energy use, IPCC (2022) assesses
individual decomposition techniques is first conducted, the technical and socioeconomic drivers of global CO2
followed by a synthesis of emerging trends and features emissions, and Keramidas et al. (2021) evaluates how the
for the decomposition analysis literature as a whole. The COVID-19 and 2 °C target affect energy system and
findings are expected to direct future research in decompo- emissions. Such information is usually fundamental to
sition analysis. the formulation and assessment of energy and climate
policies. As a result, decomposition analysis has been
Keywords index decomposition analysis, structural widely used in policy studies by international organizations
decomposition analysis, production decomposition analy- (Zhong, 2015; World Bank, 2015; UNFCCC, 2021) and
sis, energy, CO2 emissions governments worldwide (Rørmose, 2010; Wright, 2014;
Natural Resources Canada OEE, 2016; Emele et al.,
2022; US EIA, 2022).
Due to its widely-recognized practical usefulness,
decomposition analysis has flourished in academic
research since proposed in the 1970s. As of March 2023,
Received Mar. 24, 2023; revised Jul. 20, 2023; accepted Jul. 25, 2023 over 10000 decomposition studies are found on Google
Hui WANG (✉) Scholar. A large body of the literature are devoted to
School of Economics and Management, China University of Petroleum, studying the methodological and application issues of
Qingdao 266580, China; Institute for Energy Economics and Policy,
China University of Petroleum, Qingdao 266580, China decomposition analysis. Since similar to the construction
E-mail: of index numbers in nature, a key theoretical pillar of
Yafei YANG decomposition analysis relies on the index number theory
School of Economics and Management, China University of Petroleum, (Boyd et al., 1988; Hoekstra and van den Bergh, 2003).
Qingdao 266580, China From a systems science viewpoint, the methodological
This work was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of foundations of decomposition analysis are built from the
China (Grant Nos. 72222020, 72173134, 71934007 and 71804189) perspectives of energy, economic and production systems
and the National Social Science Foundation of China (Grant No. (Ang, 2004; Lenzen, 2016; Wang et al., 2017a). A wide
22&ZD106). variety of decomposition models are developed to
626 Front. Eng. Manag. 2023, 10(4): 625–639

respond to the diverse needs and challenges in policy in the pre-defined factors u at sub-aggregate level i.
analysis (Su and Ang, 2012; Wang et al., 2018b; Ang and Following this idea and adapting to varying needs of
Goh, 2019). To better perform decomposition, theoretical analysis, three decomposition analysis techniques are
properties of calculation methods are studied to ensure developed.
consistent results across decomposition strategies and no Originating from energy balance analysis, IDA aims to
residual exists (Ang, 2015; de Boer and Rodrigues, 2020). track the flow within and reveal the dynamics of energy
With these methodological progresses, the application of systems. Generally IDA models an aggregate indicator
decomposition analysis has also been significantly from three aspects, i.e., the intensity, structure, and overall
expanded in terms of scope, scale and dimension. scale of relevant activities. Taking national energy
After more than 50 years’ developments, decomposition consumption as an example, the simplest three-factor
analysis has become increasingly mature with new IDA model is given in Table 1. Accordingly, an energy
features ever emerging. At present, three branches of consumption change is decomposed into the intensity
decomposition analysis exist in the literature, i.e., index effect that indicates the impacts of energy use technolo-
decomposition analysis (IDA), structural decomposition gies, the structure effect arising from shifts in composition
analysis (SDA) and production decomposition analysis of energy end-use activities, and the activity effect that
(PDA).1) With the same purpose of assessing determinants captures the scale of overall energy end-use activities, as
of indicators, the three techniques differ in modelling, shown in Table 1. In this manner, IDA quantifies the
application and thus implications delivered. More determinants of energy and emissions by end-use activities
recently, decompositions become sophisticated and tend from an energy systems perspective.2)
to converge internally and integrate with external SDA aims to capture the energy and emission conse-
approaches. These diversities in decomposition studies quences of structural changes in both production and
create ambiguities and even confusions to researchers and demand. To this end, SDA is built upon the input–output
analysts. A good understanding of the literature and (IO) model that portrays economic dependencies between
particularly recent developments helps to better grasp the sectors and regions. With the relationship between supply
state of the art and identify research gaps. To this end, and demand established by the IO model and combined
this paper presents a systematic review of the decomposi- with energy intensity multipliers, a country’s energy use
tion analysis literature. Given its main application area can be modelled with production flows that satisfy
and to avoid overlapping with previous surveys, this consumption, as shown in Table 1. An energy use change
review is confined to decomposition analysis applied to can therefore be decomposed into the intensity effect that
energy and CO2 emission issues and mainly focuses on signals energy use technological change, the production
the literature for 2016–2021. We first present an structure effect that captures changes in production link-
overview of the decomposition studies collected, ages between sectors/regions, the demand structure effect
followed by a detailed review for the three decomposition that reflects shifts in consumption pattern, and the total
techniques separately. The key features and trends of the demand effect that indicates the scale of final demand
entire decomposition analysis literature are then analyzed. (see Table 1). As a result, SDA, from an economic
The findings are expected to direct future research agenda systems perspective, examines the structural impacts of
setting for decomposition analysis. production and demand on energy and emissions.
The rest of this paper is structured as follows. Section 2 PDA scrutinizes the energy and emission impacts of
briefly introduces the decomposition approach. Section 3 technological issues in production processes. For this
conducts a bibliometric analysis of the decomposition purpose, PDA is built upon the production theory that
literature. Section 4 identifies key developments for three well characterizes the general production processes. With
decomposition techniques separately, and Section 5 technical performance measured, a country’s energy
presents a synthesis. Section 6 concludes and discusses consumption is modelled focusing on the technological
future research directions. factors underlying energy use in production, as given in
Table 1. Consequently, an energy consumption change
can be decomposed into the potential energy intensity
2 Decomposition analysis approach effect that captures the impacts of non-energy technologies
(e.g., production technology and inputs substitution), the
Decomposition analysis begins with modelling an aggre- technological change effect that indicates energy-use
gate ∑indicator in the form of index numbers, e.g., technology innovation, and the efficiency change effect
V = i u1i u2i · · · uni , where a change in the aggregate indi- that reflects energy use efficiency impacts, in addition to
cator V during a time period can be explained by changes the activity structure effect and total activity effect as
1) The approach is also termed as the “production-theoretical decomposition analysis” to highlight that it is built upon production theory (Zhou and Ang,
2008). Since the approach primarily focuses on the technological issues involved in production systems, a number of studies also term it as “production
decomposition analysis”, e.g., Tan and Lin (2018) and Zhou and Kuosmanen (2020). We adopt the simplified term in this study.
2) Representative variants of decomposition models and commonly used decomposition methods are given in Appendix A in the Supporting Information.
Hui WANG and Yafei YANG. Decomposition analysis applied to energy and emissions 627

Table 1 Basic decomposition approaches

Decomposition model Determinants Decomposition effects Explanation
IDA ∑ E i Xi ∑ Energy intensity of sector i (Ii) Energy intensity (∆Eint) Energy use technology changes
E= i X = i Ii Si X
Xi X Share of activity for sector i (Si) Activity structure (∆Estr) Shifts in composition of energy
E T − E 0 = ∆Eint + ∆Estr + ∆Eact end-use activities
Total activity (X) Total activity (∆Eact) Changes in scale of overall energy
end-use activities
SDA ∑ Yj ∑ Energy intensity of sector i (Ii) Energy intensity (∆Eint) Energy use technology changes
E= i j Ii Li j Y = i j Ii Li j FS j Y
Y Production structure (Lij) Production structure (∆Epstr) Changes in production linkages
E T − E 0 = ∆Eint + ∆Epstr + ∆Efstr + ∆Etfd
between sectors/regions
Share of final demand for sector Demand structure Shifts in consumption pattern
j (FSj) (∆Efstr)
Total final demand (Y) Total final demand (∆Etfd) Changes in scale of final demand
PDA ∑ Ei Di,E Xi ∑ Potential energy intensity of Potential energy intensity Non-energy technology changes
E= i Di,E X = i PEIi TEi Si X sector i (PEIi) (∆Epei)
Xi X
E T − E 0 = ∆Epei + ∆Etc + ∆Eec + ∆Estr + ∆Eout Technical inefficiency of Technological change (∆Etc) Energy technology innovation
sector i (TEi)
Efficiency change (∆Eec) Energy use efficiency changes
Share of output for sector i (Si) Output structure (∆Estr) Shifts in composition of energy
end-use activities
Total output (X) Total output (∆Eout) Changes in scale of overall energy
end-use activities

Notes: E denotes national energy consumption, the superscripts 0 and T denote time period, and the term Di,E is the distance function that measures the gap between
a production entity’s performance and the best practice frontier.

appeared in IDA (see Table 1). Thus PDA looks into the frequently applied to environmental studies, a significant
technological issues in energy use and emissions from a number of SDA studies appear in environmental science
production systems perspective. journals, e.g., Journal of Environmental Management and
Science of the Total Environment. Similarly, since PDA
is rooted in production technology modelling, journals
3 Literature overview such as Technological Forecasting and Social Change
and European Journal of Operational Research are
As aforementioned, we confine the survey to peer- important outlets for PDA studies.
reviewed articles in English published during 2016–2021. Key articles in the decomposition analysis literature are
The articles surveyed are collected from Web of Science identified using the citation-based method. We calculate
(WoS), which is one of the world’s largest academic the local citation score (LCS) and global citation score
databases. A total of 1890 studies are found using the (GCS) for each article. The former indicates the citation
keywords “decomposition analysis”, “index decomposi- frequency of a paper within our sample, while the latter
tion”, “logarithmic mean Divisia index”, “structural shows that of a paper in the entire WoS database. Since it
decomposition”, “input–output”, “production-theoretical focuses on the local database of decomposition analysis,
decomposition”, “energy”, and “emission”. After initial the LCS conveys a higher reference value and has widely
screening and filtering, a sample of 983 articles is been used to measure the relative importance of articles
obtained, which covers 602 IDA papers, 314 SDA papers, (Yu and Shi, 2015; Zhou et al., 2018). According to LCS,
and 67 PDA papers. the most influential articles in our sample are identified
Figure 1 shows the top 10 journals for decomposition for each of the three decomposition branches, which are
analysis literature. They account for 63%, 64% and 68% listed in Appendix B in the Supporting Information.
of the collected papers for IDA, SDA and PDA, respec- The top 50 articles with the largest LCS value are visu-
tively. This implies the decomposition analysis literature alized in Fig. 2. Of the 50 studies, there are 29 IDA stud-
is fairly concentrated. A number of journals are found ies, 17 SDA studies, 3 PDA studies and one review article
popular across the three strands, e.g., Journal of Cleaner on both IDA and SDA studies. Generally the bulk of
Production, Environmental Science and Pollution these articles concentrates on methodological develop-
Research, Energy Policy, Energy Economics, and ments. For instance, Ang et al. (2016) and Su and Ang
Applied Energy. A reason is their interdisciplinary nature (2016) introduce decomposition models catering for
and large amount of publications. IDA has become multiple dimensions, and Su and Ang (2017) and Wang
matured in energy system analysis, which makes Energy et al. (2017b; 2017c) deal with intensity indicators
Efficiency and Renewable and Sustainable Energy modelling. From these studies, common interests are also
Reviews also popular for IDA studies. As SDA is more found across the three decomposition techniques, e.g.,
628 Front. Eng. Manag. 2023, 10(4): 625–639

Fig. 1 Distribution of papers among the top 10 journals for (a) IDA, (b) SDA, and (c) PDA (note: red/blue parts refer to the common/
unique journals for the three branches of decomposition analysis).
Hui WANG and Yafei YANG. Decomposition analysis applied to energy and emissions 629

Fig. 2 Citation graph of top 50 decomposition studies (note: the size of circle reflects the magnitude of LCS (the value before author-
year in labels); red circles indicate IDA studies, green circles indicate SDA studies, blue circles indicate PDA studies, and yellow circles
indicate interdisciplinary studies).

decoupling analysis (Zhao et al., 2016; Roinioti and a standard tool in monitoring energy efficiency. To operate
Koroneos, 2017) and embodied energy/emissions (Su and the decomposition, a number of decomposition methods
Thomson, 2016; Lan et al., 2016). These similarities in have emerged, and logarithmic mean Divisia index
methodology and application make the literature of three (LMDI) has been most widely used in the literature given
decomposition branches intertwined, as shown in Fig. 2. its desirable properties in theoretical foundation and
application. As the methodology matures, IDA has pene-
trated to a broader range of application areas, e.g., air
4 Recent developments pollutants, material, water, and particularly CO2 emissions
with the rising concern on climate change. These devel-
4.1 IDA opments of IDA literature up to 2015 are well documented
in earlier reviews by Ang and Zhang (2000), Xu and Ang
IDA has been extensively studied and applied in energy (2013), and Wang et al. (2017a).
and emission studies. Due to its simplicity, IDA can be Over the period of 2016–2021, the IDA literature
flexibly adapted to various dimensions (e.g., temporal generally follows the past trends in terms of key method-
and spatial) and scales (e.g., economies, sectors, firms, ological and application features. Figure 3(a) shows that
and plants) with customizations and extensions in IDA has been widely applied to energy and emissions at
modelling. As IDA is able to isolate the impact of activity both the economy-wide and sectoral levels. CO2 emission
intensity on energy use from other factors, it has become studies take a growing weight, which is four times more
630 Front. Eng. Manag. 2023, 10(4): 625–639

Fig. 3 Methodology and application features of IDA studies, 2016–2021: (a) Total number of IDA studies involving both energy/emissions
and at economy-wide/sectoral level; (b) number of studies by single-level and multi-level analysis; (c) number of studies by aggregate
indicator and decomposition form; (d) number of studies by decomposition methods.

than energy studies, while a small fraction of IDA studies are also found for the building (Zhang et al., 2020a) and
is devoted to other environmental issues. The multi-level transport (Dennehy and Ó Gallachóir, 2018) sectors. This
IDA analyses increase steadily1), which reflects a need for development coincides with the general recognition that
more detailed results by practitioners and policymakers, technology is central to energy transition and decar-
as shown in Fig. 3(b). Figure 3(c) indicates that most bonization (Zhou et al., 2022; Yang et al., 2022; Chen
IDA studies deal with quantity indicators, where additive et al., 2022). Based on the advanced modelling and with
decomposition is usually adopted to facilitate results the more readily available high-resolution data, an
interpretation. Figure 3(d) shows a greater popularity of increasing number of micro-level IDA applications has
Divisia-linked methods and the dominance of LMDI in been reported. For instance, in addition to the conventional
decomposition method selection. national and provincial analyses, the decomposition of
Several new developments are found in the IDA literature energy use and emissions at the levels of city (Shan et al.,
since 2016. As to the methodology, the decomposition 2022), firm (Qian et al., 2021) and end-use devices
modelling tends to become detailed. In particular, the (Huang, 2020) emerge. Such detailed and micro-level
decomposition identities are usually expanded to detail analysis delivers more informative results for policy
energy and environmental technologies. Taking the elec- formulation and evaluation.
tricity studies as an example, other than the overall intensity Prospective IDA analysis has gained growing attention.
and structure of electricity generation as specified in Different from retrospective analyses that deal with
conventional IDA analyses, technological factors, e.g., observed changes in the past, prospective decomposition
transmission and distribution (Goh et al., 2018), carbon examines energy/emissions issues in the future, e.g.,
capture and storage (Ang and Goh, 2019), renewable possible paths and scenarios (Ang and Goh, 2019). Based
electricity (Goh and Ang, 2018), and combined heat and on the understanding of past energy/emissions patterns
power (CHP) (Goh and Ang, 2021; Harmsen and Crijns- and combined with relevant assumptions, IDA modelling
Graus, 2021), are increasingly studied. Similar extensions from a prospective perspective helps to develop future
1) Multi-level IDA generally refers to the decomposition at two or more levels with hierarchical data, e.g., regional and sectoral air pollutants in Hang et al.
(2021). As a counterpart of multi-level decomposition, single-level IDA is only constructed at a particular level based on single-dimension data. See Xu
and Ang (2014) for detailed explanations of these two models.
Hui WANG and Yafei YANG. Decomposition analysis applied to energy and emissions 631

trajectories of energy use (Wang et al., 2018a) and CO2 modelling, other than the usually studied quantity indica-
emissions (Shahiduzzaman and Layton, 2017). The fore- tors, SDA models with intensity indicators have emerged.
casting is more suitable for short-term analysis as energy/ Different from IDA, the decomposition method proposed
emissions patterns are usually assumed to remain by Dietzenbacher and Los (1998) (hereafter the D&L
unchanged in such studies. Focusing on a specific energy/ method) is the convention in SDA, especially for two-
emissions path, prospective IDA can quantify the under- stage decomposition analysis. With the methodological
lying determinants (Mathy et al., 2018; Kone and Buke, progress, SDA has been applied to study energy and
2019). The results present an outlook on the dynamics emissions issues from different perspectives, e.g.,
and driving forces of a particular energy/emissions production, consumption, and embodiments in particular
scenario. To further assess the variation across scenarios, supply/demand segments. Key features of SDA literature
prospective IDA can also be used to capture the sources prior to 2016 are summarized in previous reviews by Su
of differences between scenarios (Yeh et al., 2017; and Ang (2012), Lenzen (2016) and Wang et al. (2017a).
Palmer et al., 2018), which helps to identify barriers and During 2016–2021, the SDA literature largely continues
potential opportunities in energy and emissions manage- the past trends, as shown in Fig. 4. Figure 4(a) shows that
ment. Since uncertainty is inherent in projections and SDA studies are usually confined to the economy-wide
scenarios, several studies attempt to account for the level since it is built on the IO table. Arising from the
uncertainty issues in prospective IDA studies by combining increasing concern on climate change, the emission-
with Monte Carlo simulation (Zhang et al., 2017; Chen related studies have become the majority. Figure 4(b)
et al., 2021). presents a growing number of two-stage SDA analysis,
IDA has been increasingly used in conjunction with which reflects a rising interest in assessing the restructuring
other analytical approaches. As a descriptive technique, production network. While the additive decomposition of
IDA is limited in revealing complex interplays between quantity indicators still dominates the SDA literature, the
energy/emissions and underlying factors. To overcome multiplicative decomposition of intensity indicators has
this shortcoming, IDA has long been combined with increased, as shown in Fig. 4(c). As to the decomposition
econometric approaches. Recent examples include Cheng method selection, Fig. 4(d) shows that Divisia-linked
et al. (2020) that combines IDA with an econometric methods, mainly the LMDI, have become more popular
regression model to examine the causal effect between despite the most widely used Laspeyres-linked methods.
fiscal decentralization and CO2 emissions, and Luo et al. Some emerging trends are observed in the SDA studies
(2021) which couples IDA with the Granger causality since 2016. The SDA modelling of technological and
analysis. Integrating IDA with optimization models structural factors of production has been largely advanced.
further enables the estimation of energy savings and In the context of energy transition, transformation and
greenhouse gas reduction potentials (Olanrewaju and generation processes of the energy sectors are investigated
Mbohwa, 2017; Fetanat and Shafipour, 2017). Moreover, in greater details by disaggregating production technolo-
the coupling of IDA with energy system models, e.g., gies (Guevara and Rodrigues, 2016; Li et al., 2019),
PRIMES (Fragkos et al., 2017), MESSAGE (Kone and which improves the modelling of technological changes
Buke, 2019), TIMES (Yue et al., 2020) and IMAGE (van in economic systems. The organizational structure of
den Berg et al., 2021), helps to uncover the impact mech- production networks is studied from a variety of aspects,
anisms behind these “black box” models, which is useful e.g., goods composition, regional distribution and firm
to explore possible trajectories of energy and emissions type (Wood et al., 2020; Dietzenbacher et al., 2020;
in mid- and even long-term. Zhang et al., 2020b). With the rising trade protectionism
and changing geopolitical landscape, the relocation of
4.2 SDA global production networks and its energy/emissions
consequences are increasingly examined (Hoekstra et al.,
To disentangle the complex economic structure and its 2016; Jiang and Guan, 2017). This helps to identify barriers
energy/emissions impacts, SDA has been largely and opportunities for sustainable supply chain manage-
improved and widely applied. Detailed insights regarding ment. Given the deepening production fragmentation, the
the organizational structure of production, e.g., factor production structure of economic systems is studied from
inputs and substitution, can be derived by the two-stage the perspective of global value chains to further reveal
decomposition. The demand side can also be scrutinized the determinants of both value creation and environmental
to explore pattern changes in consumption, investment impacts in a comprehensive manner (Wang et al., 2021a;
and export. With the increasingly integrated global/ Zhang et al., 2021).
regional production network, SDA has been extended The demand-side modelling in SDA has become
beyond individual economic systems to a multi-region detailed. As the energy and environmental impacts of
framework. Beyond conventionally temporal analyses, consumption as well as investment are increasingly
SDA has been adapted to compare energy/emissions recognized, targeted demand-side measures are urgently
disparities across regions and databases. In terms of needed. To this end, the production activities and
632 Front. Eng. Manag. 2023, 10(4): 625–639

Fig. 4 Methodology and application features of SDA studies, 2016–2021: (a) Total number of SDA studies involving both energy/emissions
and at economy-wide/sectoral level; (b) number of studies by one-stage and two-stage decomposition; (c) number of studies by aggregate
indicator and decomposition form; (d) number of studies by decomposition methods.

associated energy/emissions induced by particular types Table (European Commission JRC, 2020)) and global
of demand, e.g., consumption (Zhang et al., 2016; Duarte (e.g., World Input–Output Database (Timmer et al.,
et al., 2021), investment (Södersten et al., 2018; 2015), Eora (Lenzen et al., 2012; 2013), and EXIOBASE
Kobayakawa, 2022), and domestic/foreign components (Tukker et al., 2013)) levels, which facilitate the chaining
(de Vries and Ferrarini, 2017; Chang and Han, 2022), are decomposition. Also, the IO data that are usually lagged
examined separately. With the rapidly changing population can be updated to recent periods (Wei et al., 2020), which
structure, household consumption and embodied energy/ makes SDA analysis more timely. Further to the yearly
emissions are further scrutinized with various demographic IO data, the granularity of IO tables can be improved, e.g.,
features, e.g., urban and rural (Zhang et al., 2016), to a monthly basis (Su and Ang, 2022), to study the
income (Duarte et al., 2021) and age (Shigetomi et al., dynamics of energy and emissions in a more detailed
2019). Moreover, to integrate the supply-side and manner. For the spatial dimension, conventional country-
demand-side efforts, the sourcing structure of demand level IO tables are extended to finer geographic scales,
can be disaggregated to track supplier pattern changes e.g., province (Fan and Fang, 2020) and city (Li et al.,
(Kaltenegger et al., 2017). These extensions reveal the 2018), to derive detailed assessments. Going a step
structural changes in consumption preferences, which further, sub-national datasets can be linked to global
offers insights into policy formulation regarding green multiregional input–output tables to study both the intra/
consumption and investment. inter-national patterns of energy and emissions (Mi et al.,
SDA studies have been refined with higher-resolution 2017). For the sectoral dimension, a single aggregate
data. For the temporal dimension, conventionally IO sector in IO tables can be split to reveal differences in
tables are only available for some individual years. To production technology and emission performance across
scrutinize the changing patterns of economic systems, subsectors (Ma et al., 2019). Also, the modelling of
annual IO datasets are compiled at national (Su and energy sectors in IO tables can be augmented with physical
Thomson, 2016), regional (e.g., Asian Development data on energy flows and transformation processes, which
Bank (ADB)-Multiregional Input–Output Table (Marias- helps to look into energy-economic system changes in
ingham, 2015) and European Multiregional Input–Output greater details (Guevara and Domingos, 2017).
Hui WANG and Yafei YANG. Decomposition analysis applied to energy and emissions 633

4.3 PDA have grown and accelerated in recent years, though still
less than the multiplicative decompositions (Fig. 5(c)).
Within the production theory framework, PDA focuses As to the decomposition methods, LMDI has been
on the technology-related impacts on energy and emissions increasingly penetrated into the PDA literature, despite
from a production systems perspective (Zhou and Ang, the conventionally used direct decomposition and gener-
2008). To perform the decomposition, entities’ technical alized fisher index, as shown in Fig. 5(d).
performances in production and energy/emissions need to Several new developments of the PDA literature over
be first measured, which is usually estimated using the 2016–2021 are found. As a foundation of the PDA tech-
nonparametric frontier approach (Pasurka, 2006). The nique, the measurement of technical performance has
decomposition results therefore capture the impacts of been largely improved. First, the modelling of production
both energy/emissions and productive technologies. technology better reflects the reality. Rather than the
Determinants of the productive performances, e.g., allo- traditional assumption of mutual independence between
cation of and substitution between inputs, can be further inputs and outputs, the principle of material balance is
studied with two-stage decomposition on the potential adapted in PDA models to rationalize the environmental
activity intensity. In calculation, two main decomposition outcomes from the production process (Wu et al., 2020;
methods used for PDA are direct decomposition and 2022). To characterize the negative behavior of emission
generalized fisher index, only the latter of which is appli- mitigation by reducing production, the natural disposability
cable to the two-stage decomposition. Prior to 2015, PDA of inputs and outputs is applied to the PDA studies
is mainly applied to assess economy-wide technological (Sueyoshi et al., 2019). To reflect the possibly varying
impacts on energy and emissions at country level. scale efficiency in production, the non-increasing and
Since 2016, PDA studies have tripled, as shown in variant returns to scale assumptions are adopted in PDA
Fig. 5(a). While economy-wide studies, especially for models beyond the usual constant returns to scale
China, dominating this area, analyses at the regional, assumption (Liu et al., 2017; Wang and Feng, 2020).
sectoral, and plant levels have emerged. Figure 5(b) Second, distance functions that measure entities’ technical
further suggests that emission studies have become the efficiency are improved. Conventionally the Shephard
majority. Proposed in 2017, the additive PDA studies distance function is the most widely used in PDA models,

Fig. 5 Methodology and application features of PDA studies, 2006–2021: (a) Total number of PDA studies at economy-wide/sectoral
level; (b) number of studies by emissions and energy; (c) number of studies by aggregate indicator and decomposition form; (d) number of
studies by decomposition methods.
634 Front. Eng. Manag. 2023, 10(4): 625–639

which can only deal with radial changes in inputs/outputs 5 Trends and features of the decomposition
without proper treatment of undesirable outputs. To over- analysis literature
come these shortcomings, radial and non-radial directional
distance functions that allow for reducing undesirable The preceding reveals some key trends and salient
outputs while increasing inputs and desirable outputs are features of the decomposition analysis literature since
introduced to PDA studies (Chen and Duan, 2016; Wang
2016. First, decomposition studies have become increas-
et al., 2018b; 2019b). This yields a more accurate estima-
ingly sophisticated. To generate results that are specific
tion of technical performance for further PDA decompo-
with richer policy implications, a growing number of
factors appear in decomposition models, even nearly 30
Heterogeneities in energy use and emissions have been
factors used to model energy and emission patterns at
better modelled with PDA. Energy/Emissions patterns
finer levels. For example, transformation and distribution
tend to vary across production units in different sectors
of energy are formulated by technologies using multi-
and regions with different technologies (Wang et al.,
level IDA models to assess energy system transition
2018b). A good understanding of the heterogeneities is
(Mohlin et al., 2019), the energy/emissions cost of a wide
necessary for formulating targeted policies. As to the
variety of trade patterns and demand categories are exam-
regional and sectoral heterogeneities, when decomposing
ined using SDA models with highly disaggregated supply
an aggregate energy/emissions indicator, technical perfor-
and use data (Wang et al., 2019c; Duarte and Serrano,
mances of sub-aggregates (e.g., sub-regions and sub-
2021), and the impacts of resources allocation/substitution
sectors) can be first measured separately, which are then
aggregated following the principle of index number and mitigation behaviors in production processes are
theory (Wang et al., 2018b). Examples of studies include captured by the two-stage PDA model (Wang et al.,
Wang et al. (2018b), Tan and Lin (2018) and Xie and Lin 2020). These expansions better characterize the operational
(2019). Such studies usually involve multi-level decom- features of energy and economic systems in greater
position with disaggregated data, which requires details. This is driven by practical needs and accompanied
advanced decomposition methods, e.g., LMDI. To with the available high-resolution data. To inform
account for the technology heterogeneity, the meta-frontier targeted and tailored policymaking, decomposition analy-
technique is adapted to the PDA modelling (Wang et al., ses that contain more information, better account for
2019a; Liu et al., 2022). By grouping production entities heterogeneity and carry more managerial implications are
according to technological features first, entities’ technical desired. The increasingly advanced digital technologies
performances are measured within individual groups and and data science also boost such analysis (Moran et al.,
among all entity groups, respectively. The productivity 2020; Qian et al., 2021).
and energy/emissions performances of entities with Second, the decomposition techniques tend to converge
respect to homogenous peers as well as the technological internally and combine with other modelling approaches.
gaps with respect to the best practice are revealed, based Originally the three decomposition techniques emerge
on which the technology heterogeneity and its energy/ and develop separately with few overlaps (Hoekstra and
emissions impacts can be captured. A recent example is van den Bergh, 2003; Zhou and Ang, 2008). More
Wang and Feng (2020) that tracks the emission conse- recently, particularly since 2016, the similarities and
quences of heterogeneities in production technology and common grounds between them have been increasingly
energy technology between the heavy and light indus- recognized. As to the methodological foundation, the
tries. decomposition principles built on the index number
The application scope of PDA has been significantly theory are found universally applicable to all the three
expanded. Further to the traditional economy-wide analy- techniques (Wang et al., 2017a). The shared decomposition
ses, PDA empirical studies go deeper to sectoral and firm principles facilitate the convergence between the three
levels. Examples include PDA applications for food (Xie techniques in terms of modelling. For example, drawing
and Lin, 2019), civil aviation (Liu et al., 2017), manufac- on the IDA approach, PDA strengthens its modelling of
turing sectors (Wang et al., 2020), and power plants heterogeneity (Wang et al., 2018b), and the modelling of
(Wang et al., 2019a). These studies yield sector- and firm- IDA and SDA are linked (Wang et al., 2017c). Largely
specific results and thus generate tailored managerial following the development trend of IDA, the modelling
implications. Other than energy use and CO2 emissions, exercises of SDA and PDA extend beyond the traditional
PDA has increasingly been applied to investigate other temporal analysis to cross-sectional analysis. Also,
issues, e.g., air pollutants (Wang et al., 2021b) and envi- decomposition methods are commonly applied across the
ronmentally sensitivity growth (Zhao et al., 2020). Similar three techniques (de Boer and Rodrigues, 2020). For
to IDA and SDA, PDA is also extended to the spatial instance, LMDI that was proposed in the context of IDA
dimension to compare regional disparities in energy and has been introduced to SDA and PDA, and the Shapely/
emissions (Wang and Zhou, 2018). Sun method in the IDA literature and the D&L method in
Hui WANG and Yafei YANG. Decomposition analysis applied to energy and emissions 635

SDA are found identical. On the other hand, the decom- the application of decomposition techniques significantly
position techniques have been more frequently combined extends toward broader areas, finer disaggregation levels,
with other approaches. For instance, to test the causality and diversified dimensions. These academic research
of energy/emissions determinants, decomposition analysis progress also enable a wider use of decomposition tech-
can act as an initial step to isolate the technological and niques by governments and international organizations in
structural impacts, which are then regressed on possible climate scenarios assessment, emissions mitigation paths
determinants using econometric approaches. Serving as planning, policy portfolio formulation and evaluation.
an add-on, the decomposition techniques help to quantify Looking forward, more efforts are needed to advance
the drivers behind a changing indicator derived from both the methodology and application of decomposition
other analytical tools, e.g., the marginal abatement cost analysis, and some issues may deserve particular atten-
curves from energy system modelling (Kesicki, 2013) tion. First, it is necessary to establish a generalized and
and emissions paths from scenario analysis (Ang and comprehensive methodological framework for decompo-
Goh, 2019). These convergences and extensions address sition analysis. A more systematic view on decomposition
certain methodological limitations of decomposition tech- analysis could better clarify the linkages between decom-
niques and further promote their practical usefulness. position techniques and facilitate possible integrations of
Third, the application of decomposition techniques has individual technique’s strengths. This also helps to guide
been largely diversified. With its rising popularity in application of decomposition techniques. Second, uncer-
energy and emission studies, all the three decomposition tainty needs to be better studied in decomposition analy-
techniques penetrate to a broader spectrum of environ- sis. With prospective studies flourishing, decomposition
mental and even socioeconomic issues, e.g., land use, is increasingly performed with respect to projections and
water, poverty, inequality, healthcare, and social change. scenarios, where uncertainty is an inherent nature and
Given the improved modelling and data quality, decom- may largely affect decomposition results. Better under-
position analysis also goes deeper and moves from macro- standing the role of uncertainty in decomposition thus
level (e.g., economy-wide and sector) toward micro-level helps to clarify associated ambiguities and enhance
(e.g., firm, plant and household). Adapting the usual robustness in policy formulation. This requires to develop
temporal studies to a cross-sectional setting yields decomposition models and data analytics tools considering
decompositions along various dimensions such as spatial, uncertainty as present decomposition is confined to the
scenario and database. Furthermore, traditional decompo- certainty condition. Third, it is meaningful to accelerate
sition studies that are solely retrospective extend to a micro-level decomposition analysis. Further to the usual
prospective perspective that deals with future trajectories country/sector level studies, assessing energy/emissions
of energy use and emissions. These diversifications patterns at a more micro level (e.g., firm, production line,
enrich the application of decomposition techniques and and equipment) is able to offer more targeted managerial
help to understand the dynamics behind energy/environ- implications and inform actionable measures. However, a
mental/economic issues in a more comprehensive manner, key barrier to micro-level studies is usually the lack of
which markedly enhance the practical usefulness of data. This could be overcome with the increasingly avail-
decomposition analysis. able high-resolution data (e.g., big data collected from
remote sensing, industrial internet and smart meter) in
conjunction with advanced data technologies. These
6 Conclusions and outlook issues also present challenges and opportunities for
decomposition analysis, and we encourage more studies
in these directions.
This study provides a systematic literature survey of
decomposition analysis applied to energy and emission Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available
issues, focusing mainly on the period of 2016–2021. Key in the online version of this article at
journals and articles in this area are identified through a 0270-4 and is accessible for authorized users.
bibliometric analysis of 983 studies published during the
six years, which presents the development trends of Competing Interests The authors declare that they have no competing
decomposition analysis literature. The review reveals
several new features of decomposition analysis. Generally Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution
the decomposition techniques become sophisticated with 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution
refined modelling of technologies and economic systems. and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate
Convergences among decomposition models/methods as credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative
Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made.
well as couplings with other analytical approaches The images or other third party material in this article are included in the
increasingly appear in the decomposition analysis litera- article’s Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit
ture. Accompanied with methodological improvements, line to the material. If material is not included in the article’s Creative
636 Front. Eng. Manag. 2023, 10(4): 625–639

Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regu- patterns and income inequality in EU countries: Scenario analysis
lation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission for a fair transition towards low-carbon economies. Energy
directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this licence, visit
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