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Split up for (2024-2025) Subject – Science Std- 5

Book – Together with e Science 5 (Rachna Sagar)

PT-1 No. of working days – 19

Time period – 27th March to 3rd May

Ch-1 Plant Life (pg. 5-17)

Topics - Parts of a flowering plant, Reproduction- Reproduction through parts of a plant-root,

stem, leaf, Reproduction through seed, Structure of a seed, Types of a seed-(dicot and
monocot), Germination of seeds, Dispersal of seeds-wind, water, animals, Explosion, Crops and
vegetables ,Types of crops- Food crops, Oil producing crops, Fibre crops (Rabi crops and Kharif
crops), Agriculture practices and growing crops, Growing healthy crops, Protection of crops,
Storage of seeds. Diagrams-parts of a flowering plant, sweet potato (root), potato (stem)
Bryophyllum (leaf), Parts of a seed, Germination of a seed, Dispersal of seeds (wind and

Ch-6 States of Matter (pg. 68- 76) . Topics – Matter -Atoms, Molecules, Elements, Compounds,
States of matter- Solid, Liquid, Gas, Change in States of matter-Melting, Freezing, Evaporation,
Condensation, Melting point, Boiling point, Freezing point, Solution-Types of solution- Liquid-
liquid solution (miscible and immiscible liquids), Solid liquid solution, Gas liquid solution, Types
of changes-Physical change Chemical change. Diagrams- Molecule of water, Arrangement of
molecules in solid, liquid and gas with one example of each, Change in the states of matter-
Physical change, Chemical change.

PT-2 No. of working days – 26

Time period – 4th May to 18th July.

Ch-2 Food and Health (pg. 18-33.)

Topics – Energy , Nutrients- Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats, Vitamins, Minerals. Components of

food-Sources, functions, Functions of water, A balance diet, Exercise, Rest, Posture, Diseases,
Communicable diseases. Diseases caused by microbes-Bacteria, Protozoa, Viruses, Fungi.
Medium through which communicable diseases spread-Food and water, Air, Insects, Direct
contact, Damaged skin, Carriers or vectors. Preventive measures to control communicable
diseases- Air, Insect. Precautions or preventive measures-Aeration, Direct contact. Non-
communicable diseases, Deficiency diseases. Vitamins- Sources, functions, Diseases caused
by their deficiencies and symptoms. Minerals- sources functions, Deficiency diseases and
symptoms. Prevention of deficiency diseases-Vaccination. Diagrams- Balanced diet, Bacteria,
Viruses, Fungi, Protozoa.

Ch-9 Soil Erosion and Conservation (pg. 101-109 )’

Topics- Soil, Soil formation, Soil profile, Soil erosion- Causes of soil erosion- wind, water, human
activities- deforestation, overgrazing. Soil conservation-In plain fields-by growing grass, by
growing more plants and trees. In forest and grasslands- by avoiding overgrazing. In crop fields
or agricultural lands. On hill lopes. In fields near rivers. Diagrams- Layers of soil.
Term-1 No. of working days – 25
Time period -19th July to 8th September

Ch-3 Animal Life (pg.34-47)

Topics- Habitat- Types of habitats- Land habitat- Arboreal, Aerial, Amphibians, Polar region and
high mountains, Grasslands, dry and Sandy deserts. Water habitat- Freshwater habitats- ocean
and sea, Seabed. Adaptations in animals- body coverings of animals- Shell, feathers, hair, fur,
scale, quills, cuticle. Eating habits in animals- herbivores, carnivores, omnivores. How animals
eat their food- rodents, carnivores, insects. Breathing habits in animals- aquatic animals,
animals living on land, underground animals. Movement in animals- Mammals, human beings,
reptiles, insects, aquatic animals . Aerial animals, Arboreal animals. Changes in animal
behaviour- Hibernation, Migration. Diagrams- Gills (in fish), Lungs (in birds), Webbed feet of a

Ch-11 The Moon and Eclipses (pg. 121-131)

Topics- The Moon, Phases of the Moon, Eclipse- Lunar eclipse, Solar eclipse, Artificial satellites,
How are satellites useful to us? Weather satellites, Communication satellites, Remote sensing
satellites. Chandrayaan-1 and Chandrayan-3. Diagrams- Phases of moon, Solar eclipse, Lunar
eclipse, Length of the shadow during a sunny day.

Previous chapters – Ch-1 Plant Life (pg. 5-17), Ch-2 Food and Health (pg. 18-33), Ch-6 States
of Matter, Ch-9 Soil Erosion and Conservation.

PT-3 No. of working days - 21

Time period – 18th September to 10th November

Ch-4 The Skeletal system (pg. 48-56)

Topics- External organs, Internal organs. The Skeleton- The skull, the backbone or Vertebral
column or Spine, The rib cage, The limbs. Role of Skeleton. Joints- Immovable or fixed joints.
Movable joints-Ball and socket joint, Hinge joint, Pivot joint, Gliding joint. Muscles- Voluntary
muscles, Involuntary muscles- Cardiac and Smooth muscles. Diagrams- The skull, Rib cage,
Hinge joint, Pivot joint.

Ch- 8 Rocks and Minerals (pg. 91- 100)

Topics- Rocks, types of rocks- Igneous rock types – Pumice, Obsidian, Basalt, Granite.
Sedimentary rocks- types limestone, sandstone, shale, conglomerate, dolomite. Metamorphic
rock types- Marble , Slate, Quartzite, Gneiss. Minerals- Metallic minerals- some uses of these
metals. Non- metallic minerals- Coal, Petroleum. Conservation of natural resources.

PT-4 No. of working days – 27

Time period- 11th November to 2nd January.

Ch-5 The Nervous system (pg. 57-67)

Topics- Brain- Parts of brain- Cerebrum , Cerebellum , Medulla. Spinal cord, Nerves- Types of
nerves- Sensory, Motor, Reflex action. Sense organs- Eye, Nose, Ear, Tongue, Skin. Diagrams-
Human brain, Nerve cell or neuron, Reflex action, Structure of an eye, Tongue.

Ch- 12 Natural Disasters (pg. 132-142)

Topics- Earthquake, Tsunami, Volcanic eruptions, Drought, Epidemics, Floods, Cyclones, Forest
fires, Role of indivi during natural calamities, Roll up the community during natural calamities,
Precautions to be taken during natural calamities- Earthquake, Cyclones. Diagrams-
Earthquake fault and focus, Volcanic eruption.

Term- 2 No. of working days – 32

Time period- 3rd January 2024 to 2nd March 2025
Ch-10 Air and Water pg. (110-120)

Topics- Atmosphere, Layers of atmosphere- Troposphere Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Iono or

Thermosphere, Exosphere. Composition of air- Oxygen, Nitrogen, Carbon dioxide. Properties of
air- Air occupies space, Air exerts pressure. Uses of air pressure. Water-Properties of water,
Impurities in water- soluble, insoluble. Separating in soluble impurities- By sedimentation and
decantation, by filtration. Separating insoluble impurities- By evaporation, by distillation. Potable
water. Purification of water- boiling, chlorination, water purifier. Water supply in urban area.
Diagrams- Layers of atmosphere, Composition of air, Sedimentation, Decantation, Filtration.

Ch- 13 Our Environment (pg. 143-153)

Topics- Environment, Pollution and Pollutants, Types of pollution- Air pollution, Water pollution,
Land pollution, Noise pollution, Waste- Solid waste, Liquid waste. Waste disposal. Methods of
reducing waste- Recycling, Reusing, Storage, Composting- Bin composting, Vermicomposting.
Greenhouse effect, Greenhouse gases- Methane, Water vapour, Ozone, CFCs. Effects of global
warming, Biogas- benefits of biogas. Diagrams- Greenhouse effect.

Ch-14 Safety and First Aid (pg. 154-164)

Topics- Accident, Causes of accidents, Some safety rules to avoid accidents. First aid, First aid
for nose bleeding, First aid for sprain, First aid for fractures, First aid for animal bites, First aid
for snake bites, First aid for burns, Fire fighting, Fire extinguisher, Poisoning, First aid for
poisoning. Diagrams- Traffic signs, Fire extinguisher, First aid box.

Previous chapters – Ch-4 The Skeletal System, Ch- 5 The Nervous System , Ch- 8 Rocks and
Minerals, Ch- 12 Natural Disasters.

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