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Dear Professor Tarah

Greetings, Applyuni@555
I am a full scholar Bsc Agriculture graduate from Tribhuvan university,Nepal and have
acquired some on hand skills in several topics of agriculture through my 2.5+ years of
work experience as a programme officer from CHESS(Child Health And Environment
Save Society)NEPAL. I seek to pursue MS in Agricultural crop and soil science and
have humbly written this email to make an inquiry
about possible GRA/GTA opportunities under your supervision for spring 2023.
Browsing through university's website I came to know that you had been experimenting
on soil microbiome's interactions with plant roots and on that note, I also have had
a similar experience of recommending farmers about weed management practices of
corn where to farmers where I used to teach procedures of preparing locally
manufactured botanical pesticides Hamal Jhol 1 and Hamal Jhol 2 and along with soil
recommendations of NPK values after Lab testing and I also have had a General
Biology teaching experience in a crash course institute where I taught
Biogeochemical Cycles of water, Nitrogen, Carbon, Phosphorous, and Sulphur.
Amidst organizing research oriented colleagues at different phases of my agri career
and inspiring them to do something creative I got involved in publishing two research
journals and a Book on Plant Breeding, Plant Pathology and Farm Management
respectively with the help of our respected professors. So given that I am guided by an
experienced professor like you then, I can further assist you in your research
Also If your other projects demand analysis from a diverse angle of view then in that
case some of practical skills that I am confident about are screening of crops for
breeding, qualitative and quantitative soil testing and Vegetative propagation of citrus
Lastly, If you are not requiring further students as of now then please recommend me to
your other researcher colleagues with similar match of interest.
My CV is attached as follows.

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