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Linking words - соединительные слова

Link - ссылка
Link (v.) - связывать
Link = connect

Phrase = several words;

However - linking word (однако/хотя)

On the other hand - linking phrase (с другой

In other grammar sources, linking words is also

‘Cohesive devices’, ‘Discourse markers’,
‘Linkers’, ‘Connectors’.

Linking words help you to express your

thoughts, both in speaking and writing, more
clearly/logically. This means an English
speaking person can understand what you mean
without any problems.

Different linking words are used in different

- And
- Both A and B
- In addition to this… (как дополнение к этому)
- Apart from that (Кроме того)
- Also (Также)
- Other than that (Кроме того)
- On top of that (вдобавок к этому)

Tropical fruits such as bananas, kiwis, and

pineapples are rich in vitamins. Also, their taste is
very unusual, so they’re pleasant to eat. Other
than that, they’re juicy and fleshy (мякоть).
Finally, they improve our immune system and
help us fight against diseases (болезни) like flu
or obesity (ожирение).


- But – Some students come to a class earlier

but they still have no homework.
- though/although/even though – Children
are sweet, playful, and enjoyable, though
(хотя) sometimes they play on my nerves.

Though - more common in spoken english

Although/Even though - in a more formal written

Although (Несмотря на то что) I am aware that

fizzy drinks are bad for my health, I still drink at
least (хотя бы) one can of coke a day.
- However – The team was very welcoming in
the beginning. However (однако), they
showed their true colors during our trip.

- nevertheless/nonetheless – I completed all

the university assignments. Nevertheless, it
turns out that I missed the deadline (крайний

- On the other hand – On the one hand

On the one hand, he has been a loyal friend

to me for many years. On the other hand, he
tried flirting with my girlfriend. What should I

- In contrast

Group language classes are often targeted at

mature and responsible students. In contrast,
one-on-one classes are more suitable
(подходящий) for children and students who
lack discipline.
Cause - причина/ Reason - причина

- Because/Since + S + V + obj – Because

people don’t do sports actively, they usually
suffer from back pain.
- Because of + noun/V+ing – Because of not
doing sports, people usually have pains in
different parts of their body.

- The reason (for) why… is …

The reason for why you failed your test is you

didn’t want it enough.

- So - поэтому/That’s why

Many rich people refuse to help the poor,

that’s why/so we have high poverty rates.
- Since - так как

Since governments are not working on

education improvement, we are sure to have
stupid children in the future.


- If - If parents pay more attention to their

children’s day-to-day lives, their children
will be kinder, more polite, and smarter.
- Unless – Unless we want to live in a
desert, we need to take action to battle
climate change/global warming.
- On the condition that – We are agreed
on the condition that I’ll get 50% of this

- To – To prove that they are eligible,
work candidates need to have

- So as to – We debated each other so

as to find who is mentally weaker.

- In order to – Many children wait for

their parents to come back from their
work in order to share what
happened to them today.

- So that + S + V + obj. (да бы)

- With a view to … (c целью)
With ‘time’ words we never use ‘WILL’

Realize - осознать

As soon as schools allow more freedom to

students, they will see huge progress in their
The first step is collecting ripe red pods, the fruits
of cacao trees, grown in three countries: namely,
South America, Africa, and Indonesia. Once (как
только) those pods are hand-picked, the outer
part of them is cut off with a machete. Then,
fermentation takes place as the beans are
covered with the tree leaves. Shortly after this,
the produce is left under sun on a wooden panel
to make sure they are dry enough to be packed in
sizeable sacks, which are subsequently loaded
onto trucks, or in some cases, lorries, and taken
to their further destination — the factory.

Factory allows beans to be processed in several

ways until the product (liquid chocolate) is ready
for consumption. Having arrived in the factory, the
beans are first stored in warehouses, from where
they are accessed to produce chocolate
according to the demand. This happens as
follows: initially, beans are roasted under
temperature of over 350 degrees Celsius, then a
rotating round machine both crushes the beans,
which then turn to powder, and removes the outer
shell, presumably for a better chocolate quality.
Finally, the apparatus with cylinders applies
pressure onto the beans and the solution is
intended liquid chocolate.

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