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Le Ngoc Qui

Mệnh đề danh ngữ

1. Noun clauses beginning with a question word

Ex: I don’t know who lives there.
Ex: Please tell me what happened.
Ex: I wonder who is at the door.
Ex: What he said surprised me.
2. Noun clauses beginning with “whether” or “if” (có… hay không)
Ex: I don’t know whether she will come (I don’t know whether she will come or not/ I don’t know whether or
not she will come / I don’t know if she will come or not)
Ex: I wonder if he needs help.
Ex: Whether she comes or not is unimportant to me.
3. Question words followed by infinitives
Ex: I don’t know what I should do = I don’t know what to do.
Ex: Pam can’t decide whether she should go or stay home = Pam can’t decide whether to go or (to) stay
Ex: Please tell me how I can get to the bus station = Please tell me how to get to the bus station.
4. Noun clauses beginning with “that : “Việc…”
Ex: I think that he is a good actor.
Ex: That she doesn’t understand spoken English is obvious = It’s obvious that she doesn’t understand
spoken English. S V
Ex: That the world is round is a fact = It’s a fact that the world is round.
Ex: The fact that Ann was late didn’t surprise me. (The fact that + SV: sự việc là…)
Ex: Which route would be best isn’t obvious
5. A noun clause can be a complement (bỗ ngữ) of “be”:
Ex: The truth is that I don’t get on with my flat-mate.
Ex: The difficulty was how Emma was going to find us in the crowd.
Ex: The government is looking into what needs to be done.
The object of “into”
* We can’t use a that-clause after a preposition
Ex: No one told me about Nicola’s illness / about Nicola being ill / that Nicola was ill.
We can use a that-clause after some adjectives:
Afraid, amused, annoyed, anxious, aware, certain, confident, conscious, convinced, delighted, determined,
eager, glad, happy, horrified, impatient, pleased, proud, sorry, sure, surprised, willing.
Ex: I’m glad that you enjoyed the meal.

Le Ngoc Qui
Ex: The news that the plane had crashed came as a terrible shock.
Ex: It didn’t seem possible that he could be mistaken.


1. I talked to Bob two weeks ago. I thought he wanted to know about my cat, but I misunderstood him. He
asked me where ___, not my cat.
A. is my hat B. my hat was C. my hat is D. was my hat
2. “The people in the apartment upstairs must have a lot children.”
“I don’t know how many ___, but it sounds like they have a dozen.”
A. children do they have B. do they have children
C. children they have D. they have children
3. Do you know___? I myself have no idea.
A. how many years the earth is
B. how old the earth is
C. how long is the earth
D. how much time has been the earth
4. “There’s too much noise in this room. I can’t understand what ___.”
A. is the professor saying B. is saying the professor
C. that the professor is saying D. the professor is saying
5. When I was little, my father gave me some advice. He said ___ talk to strangers.
A. I shouldn’t (liên từ that có thể bỏ) B. that shouldn’t
C. don’t D. that I don’t
6. “I didn’t expect Ann’s husband to be here at the opera with her.”
“I’m surprised, too. Ann must have insisted that ___with her.”
A. he come B. he comes C. he came D. he had come
7. “Ms. Wright, can you give me a little extra help typing some letters today?”
“Sorry, I can’t. the boss has an urgent report for me to write. She demanded that it ___ on her desk by
5p.m today.”
A. was B. will be C. is D. be
8. “Did you tell Carol where ___ us this evening?”
“Yes, I did. I can’t understand why she is late.”
A. should she meet B. she to meet C. she meets D. to meet
9. A fortune-teller predicted ___ inherit a lot of money before the end of the year.
A. that I would B. that I C. what I will D. what I
10. “Bill Frazer seems like a good person for the job, but we don’t know why he left his last job.”
“I know why. He told me ___ a serious policy disagreement with his boss last January.”
A. If he had had B. he had had (bỏ that. That: rằng)
C. what he had had D. that what he had
11. “Is it true that you feel asleep in class yesterday and began to snore?”
“Unfortunately, yes. ___is unbelievable! I’m very embarrassed.”
A. That I could do such a thing it B. That I could do such a thing
Le Ngoc Qui
C. I could do such a thing itD. I could do such a thing
12. “Officer, can you tell me how to get to Springfield?”
“Sure. What part of Springfield ___ to go to?”
A. do you want B. you want
C. that you want D. where you want
13. “Is it true ___ the law says there is no smoking in restaurants in this city?” (Mệnh đề that làm S:
“Yes. That law was passed last year.”
A. That what B. what C. if D. that
14. ___ prompt (đúng giờ) is important to our boss.
A. A person is B. Is a person
C. If a person is D. whether or not a person is
15. A scientific observer of wildlife must note every detail of how ___ in their environment: their eating
and sleeping habits, their social relationships, and their methods of self-protection.
A. do animals live B. live animals C. do live animals D. animals live
16. The mystery movie was clever and suspenseful. The audience couldn’t guess ___ committed the murder
until the surprise ending.
A. who he B. who had C. that who D. that
17. How do you like your new school? Tell me ___.
A. who in your class is B. who your class is in
C. who is in your class D. your class who is in it
18. “What do you recommend ___ about this tax problem?”
“I strongly suggest that we consult an expert as soon as possible.”
A. do we do B. we will do C. we do D. should we do
19. The college doesn’t grant degrees simply to ___ pays the cost of tuition; the student must satisfy the
academic requirements.
A. whoever = anyone who: bất cứ ai mà… B. who
C. whomever D. whoever that
20. “What are you going to buy in this store?”
“Nothing. ___ want is much too expensive.”
A. That I B. What I (Mệnh đề danh ngữ bắt đầu bằng what: cái mà….”)
C. That what I D. What do I
21. “My aunt has been feeling bad since Uncle George died. Is it because she’s depressed?”
“I think so. ___ can cause debilitating physical symptoms is a medical fact.”
A. Depression B. That depression it
C. That depression D. It is that depression
22. It is hoped that all present-day communicable diseases will be conquered. However, ___ about certain
diseases is still not sufficient to prevent them from spreading easily among the population.
A. what we know B. what do we know C. what we know that D. that we know what
23. ____the National Weather Bureau predicted severe storms didn’t deter the fishing boats from going out
into the open seas.
A. The fact that …: sự việc là… B. That fact is that
C. Is fact that D. The fact is that
24. “I can’t decide what color I want for my bedroom. What do you think?”
“You should choose ___ color you want. You’re the one who will have to live with it.”
A. whichever B. whatever (có thể đứng 1 mình hoặc đi với N: cho dù cái gì đi nữa)
Le Ngoc Qui
C. however D. that what

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