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Leaders Core


Social Learning Guidelines


| Leaders Core Curriculum | 2020-07-23 | Ericsson Internal | Page 1

Why social learning?

Learning Amig@

Become more Apply your

Strategic Learning

Peer coaching

Relationships Manager check-ins

| Leaders Core Curriculum | 2020-07-23 | Ericsson Internal | Page 2

Why social learning?
Apply your learning
1 The Learning Amig@, Manager check-ins, and experimentation activities are not designed to be more work, rather serve as
opportunities to apply what you are learning anyway, in a more effective, planful and purposeful way. You will be using some
of the tools and learning you have gained, to achieve better outcomes and improve your impact and influence.

Build relationships
The interactions with the learning Amigo@, peer coaching trios and manager serves to deepen connections and further build
2 your network. As well, the discussions allow for reflection (an essential leadership task). It provides and opportunity to reflect
on the kind of leader you are and want to be so that you can lead more authentically in their day-to-day.

Become more strategic

Many leaders are guided to be more strategic if they want to progress in their careers and we found that most don't really
3 understand what ‘being strategic’ means. There is an assumption that it is about ‘blue sky’ thinking and long-term business
planning only. Being strategic is also about intentional, planful and purposeful leadership - taking the right approach for the
situation, or the person, in the context, and for the task/project. It requires skills such as empathy, thoughtfulness and agility.

| Leaders Core Curriculum | 2020-07-23 | Ericsson Internal | Page 3

Your social learning roadmap
Social Learning Roadmap

Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning

Learning pathway 8
pathway 1 pathway 2 pathway 3 pathway 4 pathway 5 pathway 6 pathway 7

Week 3 Week 5 Week 7 Week 8 Week 10 Week 11 Week 13 Week 14 Week 15

Learning Amig@ Learning Amig@ Learning Amig@ Learning Amig@ Learning Amig@ Learning Amig@
check-in 1 check-in 2 check-in 3 check-in 4 check-in 5 check-in 6
Getting started Decision Making Trust Flexible Leadership Conversations that Leadership point
with Integrity matter of view

Peer coaching trio 1 Peer coaching trio 2

Coach each other on Coach each other on
real world scenarios an influencing

Experimentation Experimentation Experimentation Experimentation Experimentation Experimentation

with team with team with team with team with team with team
Trust Flexible leadership Coaching Conversational Influencing Leadership point
capacity conversation of view

Manager check-in 1 Manager check-in 2 Manager check-in 3

Contracting with Manager, Review assessment Presentation to your
agree goals, and draft insights & finalize Line Manager and key
development plan development plan stakeholders

| Leaders Core Curriculum | 2020-07-23 | Ericsson Internal | Page 4 Learning Amig@ Peer coaching Experimentation Manager check-in
Your social learning roadmap

Important points to note:

●Your Learning Amig@ connection will follow a
virtual workshop. Sometimes fairly quickly
afterwards, or you may have a bigger gap to give
you time to complete the other activities on the
Degreed pathway ahead of your conversation.
●Experimentation with your team is not
necessarily connected to a week. We would
recommend you start sharing your learning and
trying out some of your new skills and approaches
as soon as possible to increase the chance that
you will transfer your learning into your ways of

| Leaders Core Curriculum | 2020-07-23 | Ericsson Internal | Page 5

Learning Amig@ check-in 1
Getting started: Contracting (week 3)

Connect with your Learning Amig@

1. Reconnect after virtual workshop 1 or introduce yourselves if
you didn’t meet
2. Share what you are most excited about by joining the
LCC journey
3. What are you looking for in a learning partner? (consider the
Five Focus Areas and the Six Conditions)
4. Review how you will work together: support each other on
the journey, with Degreed and holding each other
5. Reflect on the purpose-driven leadership video and what it
means to you

Be sure to schedule all other Learning Amig@

conversations in your calendars.

| Leaders Core Curriculum | 2020-07-23 | Ericsson Internal | Page 6

Manager check-in 1
Partnering with your manager: Learning goals
& PDP (week 3)
Meet with your Manager
1. Select the appropriate manager who can support you
on this journey
2. Plan for your meeting: reflect on your own strengths,
potential for development. Refer to the Personal
Development Plan (PDP) format.
3. Agree on learning goals
4. Create a draft LCC Leadership Personal Development
Plan (PDP) using the template provided on Degreed

Be sure to schedule all other Manager Check-ins and

block time in your calendars (week 7 & 15).

| Leaders Core Curriculum | 2020-07-23 | Ericsson Internal | Page 7

Learning Amig@ check-in 2
Connect and partner on Decision Making with
Integrity (week 5)
Connect with your Learning Amig@
1. Using the Experimentation Guidelines: Your 360
Feedback, identify what your development
opportunities are. Are they down to opportunity,
frequency, consistency or competency and what
actions do you need to take as a result.
2. Meet with your Learning Amig@ to reflect on key
learnings about your own decision making with
integrity and use the Decision Making with
Integrity Planning Worksheet and Job Aid to
coach each other to think through a decision you
each need to make, using the tools and best
practices you have learnt. Help each other watch
out for bias or low ambiguity tolerance. (30
minutes) Be sure to schedule all other Learning
Amig@ conversations in your calendars.
| Leaders Core Curriculum | 2020-07-23 | Ericsson Internal | Page 8
Learning Amig@ check-in 3
Connect and partner on Trust (week 7)

Connect with your Learning Amig@

1. Share your Trust worksheet and discuss what
building trust looks like today. Discuss how you can
show up and live out what it means to be able,
believable, connected, and dependable in your teams.
How does this connect with Ethical Leadership?
2. If appropriate discuss how you can rebuild trust in a
relationship where you may have been the one to
erode trust.

Be sure to schedule all other Learning Amig@

conversations in your calendars.

| Leaders Core Curriculum | 2020-07-23 | Ericsson Internal | Page 9

Manager check-in 2
Partnering with your Manager: Assessments
insight & PDP (week 7)
Meet with your Manager
1. Review your 360-assessment report share your
insights about the type of development gaps you
have and actions you may need to take, discuss
insights and key actions with your Manager.
2. Review and update your Leadership Personal
Development Plan (PDP)

Be sure to schedule the final Manager Check-in and

block time in your calendars (week 15).

| Leaders Core Curriculum | 2020-07-23 | Ericsson Internal | Page 10

Learning Amig@ check-in 4
Connect and partner on Flexible Leadership
– SLII (week 8)
Connect with your Learning Amig@
1. Share how you are using SLII with the individuals on
your team and how you plan to make the language and
application of Diagnosis and Matching a habit
2. Discuss how you have used the One-on-One worksheet
to integrate SLII language into your check-ins
3. Share how you plan to use the SLII worksheet to
diagnose development level and match

Be sure to schedule all other Learning Amig@

conversations in your calendars.

| Leaders Core Curriculum | 2020-07-23 | Ericsson Internal | Page 11

Peer Coaching 1
Practical activity on Coaching (week 10)

Peer Coaching Trios

1. Share your personal reflections and action
commitments since the live virtual workshop on
2. Coach each other on real world scenarios. Think of
real-world situations where you may need to be
coached. It can be a work situation or a personal
dilemma or something you want to improve on in
your leadership journey.
3. In a similar manner as we did in the session, the
coaching trio to block 1.5 hours and have the 3
conversations. (Coach-Coachee-Observer)

Be sure to schedule all other Peer Coaching Trio

conversations in your calendars.
| Leaders Core Curriculum | 2020-07-23 | Ericsson Internal | Page 12
Learning Amig@ check-in 5
Connect and partner on Conversations
that Matter (week 11)
Connect with your Learning Amig@
1. Discuss your Conversational Capacity Action Plan
and what you need to do in general to increase your
ability to have the ‘conversations that matter’.
2. Then share your Challenging Conversation
Worksheet with your Learning Amig@.
3. Rehearse your conversation and then share the
outcomes after you have had it.

Be sure to schedule all other Learning Amig@

conversations in your calendars.

| Leaders Core Curriculum | 2020-07-23 | Ericsson Internal | Page 13

Peer Coaching 2
Practical activity on Influencing & Persuading
(week 13)
Peer Coaching Trios
1. In your allocated trios, take turns to coach each other
on an influencing and persuading challenge or
opportunity for which you need to develop a strategy.
Use the worksheet you completed in the session or
create a new one.
2. Discuss the blend of tactics you will use; the
persuasion triggers you may incorporate and what
you need to do to take care of SCARF
3. Practice how you will start the conversation

Be sure to schedule all other Peer Coaching Trio

conversations in your calendars.

| Leaders Core Curriculum | 2020-07-23 | Ericsson Internal | Page 14

Learning Amig@ check-in 6
Connect and partner on your Leadership
Point of View (week 14)
Connect with your Learning Amig@
1. Share your draft Leadership Point of View with your
Learning Amig@ and ask for feedback.
2. Amend as appropriate
3. Discuss how you will share it with your team, peers,
and manager and how you can use it to guide your
leadership going forward.

Be sure to thank you Learning Amig@ for all the

guidance and support and the partnership you have
shared during the journey!

| Leaders Core Curriculum | 2020-07-23 | Ericsson Internal | Page 15

Manager check-in 3
Partnering with your Manager: Leadership
Point of View (week 15)
Meet with your Manager
1. After you make any updates based on the feedback
from your Learning Amig@, share your Leadership
Point of View with your Manager. Ask for feedback
and amend as appropriate.
2. Review your learning goals and your progress on
your PDP and identify next steps

Thank your manager for their support throughout

the program!

| Leaders Core Curriculum | 2020-07-23 | Ericsson Internal | Page 16

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