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By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

- Use new words related to the topic

- Use the structure of present continuous tense

II. Language Focus

1. Vocabulary: New words related to the topic

2. The structure: Present continuous tense

Stage Teacher’s activity

Warm up - Turn on one song

- Lead to the topic

Pre-teaching Vocabulary

- Give the S new words that they may have in the lesson

+ Kick a ball (v)

+Fly a kite (v) )

+ Drink

+ Eat

+ Comb hair

+ jump

+ Run

+ Wave

+ Pick

+ Play guitar
+ Brush teeth

- Ask the S to listen and repeat

The structure

Present continuous tense

- Give the S the usage of the structure

- Give the structure of present simple tense in positive, negative and questions form

- Read aloud the structure and give the meanings in Vietnamese

- Ask the S to take note the structure on the notebook

- Give examples

While-teaching Task 1a. Look at the picture and answer the questions

- Ask the S to read the questions and give the meanings

- Give new words if necessary

- Ask the S to look at the picture and answer the question

- Check the answer and give feedback

Task 1b. Choose correct answers

- Ask the S to read the answer from “a” to “e” in the box and give the meanings

- Ask the S to read the questions and give the meanings

- Ask the S to look at the picture to choose the best answer for each sentence. Write
the answer next to the questions

- Check the answer and give feedback

Task 2. Read the questions. Write one-word answers.

- Review the structures “Who is/are doing something?” and “What is/are S

- Ask the S to read the questions and underline the action and name in each

- Ask the S to write one word answer for each question (based on the picture)

- Check the answer and give feedback

Play the game! Animal sentences.

- Ask the S to look at the animals in the picture and tell the T what they are doing

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