Toy Shop

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By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

- Use new words related to the topic

- Ask and answer about favorite toys

II. Language Focus

1. Vocabulary: New words related to the topic

2. The structure: - Which toy is your favorite?

- I would like…/ I’d like…

- Prepositions of place: on, in, under, next to, in front of, behind, between.

Stage Teacher’s activity
Warm up - Let sts listen and sing a song

Pre-teaching Vocabulary

- Give the S new words that they may have in the lesson












Ask the S to listen and repeat

The structure

Which toy is your favorite?

I would like…/ It is…

- Teach about : Prepositions of place: on, in, under, next to,

in front of, behind, between.

While-teaching Task 1. Look at the pictures and read the questions. Write one-
word answers

- Ask the S to look at 3 pictures and tell the T what they can see

- Ask the S to read the questions under each picture and give the

- Ask the S to base on these pictures to answer the questions

- Check the answer and give feedback

Task 2. Ask and answer questions about toys

- Ask the S to look at the picture and read the toys they can see

- Ask the S to read the questions and give the meanings

- Ask the S to base on the picture to answer the questions

Look at the picture

- Ask the S to look at the picture and list 7 things that start with “c”

- Check the answer and give feedback

Task 1. Look at the pictures and read the questions. Write one-
word answers

- Ask the S to look at 3 pictures and tell the T what they can see

- Ask the S to read the questions under each picture and give the

- Ask the S to base on these pictures to answer the questions

- Check the answer and give feedback

Task 2. Ask and answer questions about toys

- Ask the S to look at the picture and read the toys they can see

- Ask the S to read the questions and give the meanings

- Ask the S to base on the picture to answer the questions

- Check the answer and give feedback

Task 3. Look at the third story picture and read. Write yes or

- Ask the S to look at the picture and tell the T what they can see
and what people are doing

- Ask the S to read the sentences and give the meanings

- Ask the S to write yes next to the sentence if the information in the
sentence matches with the picture, write no if the information in the
sentence is wrong

- Check the answer and give feedback

Task 4. Listen to the teacher. Point and name the object.
- Ask stst to find the things that teacher says

- Check the answer and give feedback

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