Paper 2023 - Drivers and Barriers For The Large-Scale Adoption of Hydrogen Fuel Cells by Nordic Shipping Companies

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Drivers and barriers for the large-scale adoption of

hydrogen fuel cells by Nordic shipping companies

Mauricio Latapı́*, Brynhildur Davı́ðsdo

ttir, La
 ra Jo
University of Iceland, Environment and Natural Resources Programme, Saemundargata, 2, 102, Reykjavik, Iceland

highlights graphical abstract

 Nordic shipping companies are

front-runners in the adoption of
hydrogen fuel cells.
 Pilot and demonstration projects
are testing hydrogen fuel cells for
 A variety of drivers and barriers
affect the decision of using
hydrogen fuel cells.
 Policymakers should address these
factors to boost the use of
hydrogen fuel cells.
 Industry specific and technology
specific barriers require policy

article info abstract

Article history: The shipping industry needs to transition towards new fuels and technologies to reduce its
Received 4 October 2022 environmental impact. A promising option is using hydrogen fuel cells. However, the
Received in revised form technology is relatively new and not commercially available at a large scale. This study
6 November 2022 focuses on the Nordic shipping industry where the first commercial vessels are expected to
Accepted 10 November 2022 be launched. Interviews were conducted with high-level managers to identify the factors
Available online 8 December 2022 that influence the adoption of hydrogen fuel cells. Sixteen factors are identified as moti-
vating the decision and are categorized as internal, connecting, and external drivers. The
Keywords: most relevant are environmental commitments, customer expectations, and policies and
Hydrogen fuel cells regulations. Eleven factors are identified as limiting the decision and are categorized as
Hydrogen behavioral, economic, organizational, and technological barriers. The most significant are
Shipping high costs, lack of infrastructure, and operational challenges. The drivers and barriers are
Zero-emission categorized as company-specific, industry-specific, and technology-specific.
Drivers © 2022 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Abbreviations: CAPEX, Capital expenses; ETS, Emissions Trading System; EU, European Union; FCHJU, Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint
Undertaking; GHG, Greenhouse gas; HFC, Hydrogen fuel cells; IMO, International Maritime Organization; OPEX, Operating expenses;
TCO, Total cost of ownership; COP26, United Nations Conference of the Parties 26.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M. Latapı́).
0360-3199/© 2022 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
6100 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 8 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 6 0 9 9 e6 1 1 9

Introduction the adoption of HFC for Nordic shipping and complements

existing studies by providing an organizational perspective.
The international pressure to reduce emissions from mari- Furthermore, research focused on the region with the highest
time activities has increased significantly since 2015 [1,2] even number of pilot projects for this technology helps advance the
though the Paris Agreement does not cover the shipping in- knowledge regarding its adoption and presents up to date
dustry [3,4]. However, the global efforts to reduce greenhouse insights for its development and incorporation to the market,
gas (GHG) emissions have translated into ambitious policies which can also be of relevance also for other regions. While
and commitments as well as stringent regulations for mari- previous studies have provided a comparative analysis of
time transportation [5e7]. This is relevant considering that the alternative marine fuels and technologies [2,25,26], the focus
shipping industry emitted 1076 million tons of GHG in 2018 on HFC from an organizational perspective has been limited
representing 2.89% of the total GHG emissions produced so far. This context requires a holistic and updated under-
globally [8]. Given this context, many Nordic shipping com- standing of the drivers and barriers faced by shipping com-
panies have decided to become carbon neutral by 2050 (e.g. panies for the adoption of HFC. Given these aspects, the
DFDS and Maersk) which implies a transition towards alter- objective of this research is to answer the following questions:
native marine fuels and zero-emission technologies [5,9]. To
do so, the Nordic shipping industry has begun testing new  What drives Nordic shipping companies towards adopting
technologies in pilot and demonstration projects that include hydrogen fuel cells?
the use of hydrogen fuel cells (HFC) [10e12].  What barriers do Nordic shipping companies face for the
Hydrogen fuel cells are a technology that can play an adoption of hydrogen fuel cells?
important role for reducing the emissions of the Nordic  How can the drivers and barriers for the adoption of
shipping industry [13,14]. However, the technology is still hydrogen fuel cells be understood from an organizational
being tested and is not commercially available at a global perspective?
scale. Given its novelty for shipping, limited studies have
analyzed the factors that influence the decision to adopt HFC. The novelty of this article comes from providing empirical
While the drivers and barriers for the adoption of zero- evidence of the drivers and barriers for the adoption of HFC
emission technologies have been identified by previous and analyzing them through a framework based in organiza-
research [15e17], a comprehensive study from an organiza- tional theory, a perspective that has not received a high level
tional perspective that analyses them specifically for HFC of attention by the literature. By interviewing high-level
seems to be missing. Furthermore, the literature that covers managers and experts, this article provides up to date evi-
HFC has mainly focused on costs and feasibility analysis dence of the factors that affect the decision to adopt HFC.
[14,18,19], development and applicability of the technology Understanding the perspective of practitioners is relevant
[1,20,21], and the challenges for handling and storing considering that HFC are still being tested in pilot and
hydrogen. For instance Ref. [22], identify the challenges for demonstration projects and the first vessels to use them are
storing hydrogen in gaseous and liquid forms, the [23] identify expected to begin operations in 2022. The novelty of this
the challenges for handling, transporting, and storing article also comes from providing an organizational perspec-
hydrogen, while [24] explain the overall requirements to store tive to the adoption of HFC. This allows to understand that the
hydrogen given its volumetric density. Other studies have decision to adopt this technology is influenced at an organi-
provided comparative analysis between alternative marine zational level by internal, connecting, and external drivers
fuels and technologies [2,25,26] as well as projections and while it is limited by behavioral, economic, organizational,
scenarios for green hydrogen production [2,27e29]. and technological barriers.
Focusing on the Nordic shipping industry is relevant The key contributions of this article are threefold: 1) It
considering that the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, contributes to the literature by providing a new conceptuali-
Iceland, Norway, and Sweden) have some of the most ambi- zation of the drivers and barriers by categorizing them as
tious goals for reducing emissions [6,30]. Beyond that, the re- specific to the industry, the company, and the technology. It
gion has the highest number of pilot projects for zero- also provides a novel categorization of the drivers as internal,
emission technologies for maritime application [10] and is a connecting, and external and a categorization of the barriers
front-runner in demonstration projects regarding HFC [12]. as behavioral, economic, organizational, and technological.
Additionally, the Nordic countries have set the goal of These conceptualizations can help understand the nature of
becoming the most sustainable region in the world by 2050 the drivers and barriers and can help policymakers design
[31] and have signed the Declaration on Zero Emission Ship- holistic policies and help business managers improve their
ping by 2050 [32] and the Clydebank Declaration for Green strategies for the adoption of new technologies. 2) It can serve
Shipping Corridors [33] (except for Iceland) that resulted from as a starting reference for policy makers and practitioners
the United Nations Conference of the Parties 26 (COP26). who wish to understand the organizational perspective of the
Conducting an empirical study grounded on organizational drivers and barriers for the adoption of HFC. This can help
theory and based on semi-structured interviews can provide a design policies and strategies that focus on strengthening the
better understanding of the factors that influence the decision drivers and minimizing the influence of the barriers. 3) It
to adopt HFC. This kind of research helps fill in the gap in the provides empirical evidence that indicates that the decision to
literature by focusing on aspects that are missing regarding adopt HFC is influenced by positive and negative input which
can be understood through a systems perspective in the form
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 8 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 6 0 9 9 e6 1 1 9 6101

of casual feedback loops. This could help policymakers and review, it is expected to be adopted between the year 2022 and
corporate decision-makers get a better understanding of the 2023 [40].
interdependence and interaction of drivers and barriers and Other relevant examples of international pressure come
help design effective policies and strategies for the adoption of from an international call to action and two Declarations
HFC. The findings and contributions of this research have made during COP26: 1) the Getting to Zero Coalition [41] was
wider implications beyond the Nordic shipping industry by launched in November 2021 in advance to COP26 with the goal
providing a broader understanding of the drivers and barriers of making the shipping industry zero-emissions by 2050. The
which can in turn help policy move forward. This can help Call emphasizes the necessity of having commercially viable
other regions and industries design policies to benefit from zero-emission ships by 2030, the need of developing further
new technologies such as HFC. zero-emission technologies, and the relevance of demon-
The article is structured as follows: the Introduction (Sec- stration projects involving the complete value chain. By the
tion 1) is followed by Section 2 which provides the background end of November 2021, the Call had been signed by more than
and contextualization of the topic. Section 3 provides the 200 companies and supporting institutions including Nordic
theoretical framework used, while Section 4 explains the organizations (e.g. Maersk, Copenhagen Malmo € Port, and
research method. Section 5 presents the findings and Section Wa € rtsila
€ ). 2) the Declaration on Zero Emission Shipping by
6 includes the discussion and analysis. Section 7 presents the 2050 [32] aims to demonstrate that zero-emission ships
conclusions and policy implications of this research. (mainly deep-sea vessels) can be commercially viable by 2030
and to make the shipping industry zero-emissions by 2050.
The Declaration supports the “Call to Action for Shipping
The transition towards zero-emission shipping Decarbonization” in requesting the IMO to define zero-
emission shipping as a target for 2050. By the end of
The shipping industry faces unprecedented pressure to November 2021, the Declaration had been signed by 14 na-
reduce its emissions and transition towards zero-emission tions, including all Nordic countries. 3) the Clydebank Decla-
fuels and technologies. The pressure comes from policies ration for Green Shipping Corridors [33] aims to create at least
and regulations to reduce GHG emissions [1,13,14], environ- six green shipping corridors consisting of zero-emission
mental commitments established by different organizations routes between two or more ports by 2025. By the end of
in the value chain [26,29,34], and increasing customer and November 2021, the Declaration had been signed by 22 na-
stakeholder demands [5,9]. As a result, the shipping industry tions, including all Nordic countries except for Iceland.
is expected to transform its energy use and adopt new tech- Shipping companies are also driven to adopt zero-emission
nologies such as HFC [5,7,29]. technologies by aspects such as becoming the first movers
The pressure from international policies and regulations and benefiting from a new technology [10,13,34], being part of
has increased significantly in recent years [1,2]. The first the innovation process through funding opportunities and
indication of more stringent regulations came in 2018 when collaborations [1,42], having access to new market opportu-
the International Maritime Organization (IMO) adopted the nities [6,43,44], and responding to increasing customer and
“Initial IMO Strategy on Reduction of GHG Emissions from stakeholder demands [5,9,45].
Ships” which defined the ambition of reducing the GHG The Nordic shipping industry has responded to these
emissions of the shipping industry by at least 50% by 2050 drivers proactively by setting a high level of ambition in the
compared to the 2008 levels [35]. transition toward zero-emission shipping and by becoming
Another indication of additional pressure came with the the region with the highest number of demonstration projects
presentation of the European Commission's Fit for 55 package in the world [6,10]. Accordingly, many Nordic shipping com-
of proposals [36,37]. The initiative proposes legislative and panies have ambitious commitments to reduce their emis-
regulatory changes to help the European Union (EU) reach its sions and transition towards alternative fuels and adopt new
target of reducing GHG emissions by 55% by 2030 compared to technologies [29,34]. An example from the container shipping
1990 levels [36,38]. To do so, the initiative proposes changes segment is Maersk, the largest container shipping company in
for all industrial sectors including the shipping industry the world and part of the Danish group A.P. Moller-Maersk.
which will be mainly affected by three aspects: 1) the EU The company set the goals of having commercially viable
Emissions Trading System (ETS) will include shipping starting net-zero vessels in operation by 2023, of reducing 60% of its
in 2023. This means that all emissions from vessels operating CO2 emissions by 2030 compared to 2008 levels, and to have
within EU waters will be included as well as 50% of the net-zero CO2 emissions in its ocean operations by 2050 [46]. An
emissions of the voyages of ships arriving/departing EU wa- example from the passenger transportation segment is the
ters.; 2) the FuelEU Maritime Initiative will come into effect in Danish company DFDS which has the goal of reducing its
2025. This regulation limits the GHG intensity of energy used emissions by 45% by 2030 compared to 2008 levels and to
on-board and mandates containerships and passenger vessels become climate neutral by 2050 and has committed to develop
to connect to onshore power when at port for longer than 2 h, a zero-emission ferry that uses HFC for the Copenhagen-Oslo
and; 3) the Energy Taxation Directive will have a new structure route by 2027 [47]. An example from the bulk cargo segment is
for taxing fuels based on their energy content and environ- the collaboration between HeidelbergCement Norway and the
mental performance. This includes removing tax exemptions Norwegian Felleskjøpet AGRI. Even though they are not ship-
for fossil fuels starting in 2023 and introduces a ten-year tax ping companies, they have set a precedent in the shipping
exemption for alternative fuels [based on information from: industry by launching a tender in 2020 with the aim of
[36,38,39]. While the Fit for 55 package of proposals is under developing the first zero-emission cargo ship in the world and
6102 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 8 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 6 0 9 9 e6 1 1 9

having it in operation by 2023 for their west-east route in of HFC (see Fig. 1 for a visualization of the systems theory
Norway [48,49]. approach that was used).
While the shipping industry is expected to transition to- Several studies can be used as the basis for categorizing the
ward zero-emission vessels, doing so represents a series of drivers and barriers for the adoption of alternative fuels and
barriers. In the case of HFC, these include challenges in the zero-emission technologies for the shipping industry [2,5,16].
bunkering and storage of hydrogen [22,24,50], competition However, it seems that a systems perspective with a particular
with other fuels and technologies [25,51,52], high cost of the focus on HFC is missing from the literature. This study pro-
technology and fuel [15,16,53], lack of supply of green poses a categorization of the drivers based on the work of
hydrogen and lack of infrastructure [1,54,55], lack of regula- Lozano [65]. While Lozano's [65] framework focuses on
tions and standards [29,44,56], low technological readiness corporate sustainability, his work follows a systems perspec-
level [16,23,57] and negative public perception towards tive to categorize the drivers as internal, connecting, and
hydrogen [29,44]. Furthermore, pilot and demonstration pro- external and considers the interactions and interdependence
jects for HFC are considered costly, technically challenging, between them, a notion that is consistent with the approach
and usually have long research periods [58]. Nevertheless, HFC of systems theory to organizational behavior [see: 61, 63].
are expected to become feasible for short sea shipping in the Lozano [65] defines the internal drivers as those that are
short to mid-term [59]. associated to the company's internal processes, connecting
drivers as those that represent an interaction and interde-
pendence between internal processes and external stake-
Theoretical framework holders, and external drivers as those that are associated with
external stakeholders. However, Lozano's work focuses only
This research follows the notions of organizational theory the drivers which means that the categorization of the bar-
which explains that organizational behavior is influenced by riers requires a different framework.
internal and external factors that need to be strategically A variety of studies have identified and categorized the bar-
managed to guarantee the success of the company in an riers for the adoption of alternative marine fuels and zero-
increasingly complex and competitive world [see: [60,61]. This emission technologies [1,15,16]. For this research, the frame-
article considers the work of [61,62] that indicates that each work of [66] is used as the basis for the categorization because it
organization is influenced by a unique set of motivations and provides an organizational perspective of the barriers [66].
challenges that can be of internal or external nature, which categorize the barriers as behavioral, economic, and organiza-
could help explain the drivers and barriers for the adoption of tional which is a common classification in energy-related
HFC from an organizational perspective. research [67e69]. However, several studies suggest that tech-
The theoretical foundation comes from a branch of orga- nological factors can also be considered barriers [1,2,70]. This
nizational theory called systems theory which understands study builds on the work of [66] by adding the technological
organizations as complex open systems with interdependent factors to propose the categorization of the barriers as behav-
activities within the organization as well as in its relations ioral, economic, organizational, and technological. Based on
with the external environment [see: 61, 63, 64]. A systems these studies, this research considers behavioral barriers as the
theory perspective is useful because it considers that organi- factors that influence the behavior of individuals and organiza-
zations make decisions based on feedback mechanisms with tions; economic barriers as those economic aspects that can
the aim of improving their activities and output for their influence the decision to adopt HFC; organizational barriers as
stakeholders [61,63,64]. Following a systems theory perspec- those aspects directly related to the organizational culture,
tive is relevant because it can help explain the drivers and power, and structure; and technological barriers as the chal-
barriers faced by Nordic shipping companies for the adoption lenges directly related to handling and operating the technology.

Fig. 1 e Visualization of the systems theory approach used. Created by the authors based on the notions of systems theory
explained by Refs. [61e64].
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 8 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 6 0 9 9 e6 1 1 9 6103

This led to the identification of 121 organizations - 17 in

Research method Denmark, 16 in Finland, 16 in Iceland, 36 in Norway, 18 in
Sweden, and 18 international organizations. The higher
This research is based on 38 interviews performed specifically number of stakeholders identified in Norway was expected as
for this study with high-level managers and experts from the the country has a high level of attention on the transition to
Nordic shipping industry. An interview framework was zero-emission shipping [see: 6]. To have a balanced repre-
designed based on the considerations of [71] for conducting sentation for each category and each country, 40 organiza-
semi-structured interviews and consisted of five stages: tions were prioritized as initial selection. The organizations
design of the interview questions, selection criteria and were contacted via email as well as through online contact
sampling, conducting the interviews and transcription of the forms in their websites to ask for an interview. The notion of
recordings, extraction of information and data analysis, and snowball sampling was used to identify and contact addi-
discussion of the findings. Fig. 2 shows the process followed. tional key participants for the research. This led to having 38
interviews from June to October 2021 (the names and organi-
Design of the interview questions zations of the interviewees can be seen in Appendix 2). The
number of interviews was considered adequate as the satu-
Semi-structured interviews were chosen and consisted of
ration principle was fulfilled through the interview process
open-ended questions that were ordered progressively to
and was confirmed during the extraction of information and
guide the conversation. This led to having seven questions
data analysis. The overall characteristics of the interviews can
with specific follow-up inquiries (the questions can be seen in
be seen in Table 2.
Appendix 1).
Conducting the interviews and transcription of the
Selection criteria and sampling recordings

This stage began by determining the characteristics of the

The Coronavirus pandemic, the location of the interviewees,
experts and organizations that could be potential in-
and the preference of the participants led to conducting all
terviewees. Based on the notions of purposive sampling, the
interviews online with the use of Zoom (three participants
first step was to identify key stakeholders in relation to the
specifically asked to use Teams instead). The interviews were
potential use of HFC for the Nordic shipping industry. To do
conducted in English. All participants allowed to record the
so, a stakeholder identification matrix was developed and
interview with Zoom or Teams and the transcripts were done
consisted of nine categories (see Table 1).
automatically by the program. The transcripts were reviewed
and corrected manually in a text file in Microsoft Word 2018.29
participants agreed to review the transcript of their interview.
This gave them the possibility to modify the text slightly
which helped validate the data-collection process. A random
number was assigned to each interviewee to differentiate
them during the analysis and throughout the article. Some
quotes within the article were modified in a minimum way to
guarantee that interviewees cannot be identified.

Extraction of information and data analysis

This stage followed the notions of thematic analysis proposed

by Refs1. [72,73] and consisted of five steps: compiling, dis-
assembling, reassembling, interpreting, and concluding. The
compiling step began by letting interviewees review the tran-
scripts with the possibility of making slight changes to the
document. The final version of the transcripts was transferred
to MAXQDA 2020 which allowed to organize and structure the
data. The disassembling step consisted of a systematic coding
process to identify specific themes covered during the in-
terviews. A coding framework was designed based on the
considerations of [73,74] and included codes that were defined
a priori based on the literature as well relevant themes and
concepts that were induced from the transcription process.

Yin (2015) [72] proposed these five steps for the analysis of
qualitative data from a general perspective on qualitative
research. Castleberry and Nolen (2018) [73] built on the work of
Fig. 2 e Steps followed for the research. Created by the Yin (2015) [72] and proposed the use of the same five steps for
authors. conducting thematic analysis.
6104 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 8 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 6 0 9 9 e6 1 1 9

Table 1 e Stakeholder identification matrix.

Type of stakeholder Selection criteria
Energy sector The organization is a relevant stakeholder for the Nordic energy
Energy companies with operations in the Nordic region. sector.
Funding organizations The organization provides funding for research and/or development
Funding organizations at the local, national, and international level. of projects related to hydrogen fuel cells for shipping.
Governmental sector The organization has a direct activity related to any of the following:
Local, national, and international regulatory bodies and a) the Nordic energy sector.
governmental institutions. b) the Nordic shipping industry.
c) hydrogen research, development, and/or use in the Nordic
d) Nordic institutions.
Industrial and professional associations The organization is a relevant stakeholder for any of the following:
Industrial associations, partnerships, and clusters; professional a) the Nordic energy sector.
associations, and trade and industry unions. b) the Nordic shipping industry.
c) hydrogen research, development, and/or use in the Nordic
Shipping industry The organization is a relevant stakeholder for the Nordic shipping
Shipping companies as well as any organization related to the Nordic industry e priority was given to organizations with a particular focus
shipping industry including ports, fueling stations, shipbuilding on the potential use of hydrogen fuel cells.
companies, component suppliers, passenger, freight, research,
and leisure vessels as well as shipping, cargo and port-related
Research sector The organization is involved in research related to any of the
Academia, research institutes specialized think tanks, consulting following:
companies, and advisory service providers. a) the Nordic energy sector.
b) the Nordic shipping industry.
c) hydrogen research, development, and/or use in the Nordic
Social sector The organization has a direct interaction and/or relation with any of
Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) as well as social and civil the following:
organizations. a) the Nordic energy sector.
b) the Nordic shipping industry.
c) hydrogen research, development, and/or use in the Nordic
Technology The organization has a direct activity related to any of the following:
Technology developers and innovators in aspects such as maritime a) the Nordic energy sector.
management, logistics, shipbuilding, port management, b) the Nordic shipping industry
propulsion technology as well as hydrogen fuel cells. c) hydrogen research, development, and/or use in the Nordic
Other Any additional stakeholder that is or is expected to become relevant
in relation to any of the following:
a) the Nordic energy sector.
b) the Nordic shipping industry.
c) hydrogen research, development, and/or use in the Nordic

Created by the authors.

Notes: 1) This research considers the stakeholders of the Nordic energy sector to include companies in the generation, transmission, distri-
bution, and commercialization of energy.
2) For this table, the term “Nordic” refers to organizations that operate in one or more of the Nordic countries.

This led to having 19 codes for the drivers and 14 codes for the of the coding frame were evaluated following the re-
barriers. The considerations for each code and specific rules quirements set by Ref. [74]. Following Schreier's [74] frame-
for the coding process were included in a coding manual. The work was of relevance considering that it focuses on
manual followed the code definition style set by Ref. [74] conducting qualitative analysis. A pilot test was conducted on
which includes the name of each code, the description of what two interviews selected randomly to evaluate the consistency
it includes, as well as examples and decision rules when and validity of the coding framework. Afterwards, all the in-
applicable. The coding was applied to the transcript of each terviews were coded following the specifications of the coding
interview at a sentence and paragraph level and the use of manual. The reassembling consisted of organizing the coded
different codes for the same text was allowed. The coding was text into thematic matrices and was done in MAXQDA. The
conducted by one member of the research team and reviewed thematic matrices were reviewed continuously to guarantee
by the rest. While this process did not require an interrater that the consistency of the data and its validity and relevance
reliability score, the exhaustiveness, saturation, and reliability for the research. As explained by Ref. [73], the interpreting
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 8 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 6 0 9 9 e6 1 1 9 6105

Table 2 e Characteristics of the interviews.

Characteristics Total Notes
Number of organizations that granted an interview 38
Number of experts that participated 40 Two organizations asked to have two experts in
the same interview.
Gender 12 female
28 male
Maximum duration [h:m:s] 01:05:43
Minimum duration [h:m:s] 00:23:21
Average [h:m:s] 00:43:05
Videocall 38 All the interviews were conducted online via videocall.
Asked to see the transcripts 29
Allowed to include the names of the interviewees and organization. 35 Three organizations asked to remain anonymous.

Created by the authors.

process occurs while conducting the previous steps and con- context of shipping will be different and will have external-
tinues throughout the analysis of the findings. The interpret- ities such as higher taxes on CO2 emissions along with strin-
ing process allowed to understand the relevance of each gent environmental regulations and customer demands for
theme based on the participant's view and experience giving a zero-emission transportation.
lower relevance to the frequency in which it was mentioned. Interviewees explained that their planning indicates that
However, the frequency helped understand its validity across the use of hydrogen is expected to become cheaper to operate
different contexts, in this case different countries. The inter- than the fuels being used today making HFC an attractive
pretation process was reviewed several times to test the technology not only for future-proofing the company but also in
consistency of the themes which allowed to reach the terms of cost-savings. One interviewee mentioned the
concluding step. This iterative process confirmed the reliability following:
of the analysis and allowed the researchers to reach their
conclusions. We ended up actually going with the option that was cheapest,
but also happened to be the best one. So, it wasn't only a question
of price, it was also a question of using the least amount of
Results and discussion hydrogen and having the concept that we believe in the most.
(interviewee #34)
Identification and categorization of the drivers
Proactive leadership and influence from the owners were
Based on Lozano's [65] framework, this section identifies and brought up in 18 interviews and was mentioned with a
categorizes the drivers found in the interviews as internal, direct connection to environmental commitments. This is
connecting, and external. This allows to distinguish the level relevant considering that interviewees stressed that leaders
at which each driver influences the organization. in their organizations are setting higher levels of ambition
than ever before in relation to their environmental perfor-
Internal drivers mance. The same notion was expressed regarding the
Internal drivers are those motivations that originate within an ownership of shipping vessels and fleets and interviewees
organization and are directly associated with internal pro- explained that vessels which are owned, chartered, or
cesses. Based on this notion, six internal drivers were identi- operated by authorities are required to be in line with the
fied within 37 of the 38 interviews (see Table 3). In total, 36 government's environmental goals. For example, the Nor-
interviewees identified environmental commitments as the main wegian Road Administration, operator of the main road
internal driver and highlighted a strong motivation to reduce ferries in Norway, was mentioned as a key driver for the use
the environmental footprint of shipping. Notably, all of them of HFC in ferries.
stressed that reducing emissions from shipping is the main
and most relevant driver for their organizations. However, it Connecting drivers
was explained that the adoption of HFC was not only driven by Connecting drivers are those motivations that originate from
environmental commitments but also by a desire to become first the relation of internal processes with external stakeholders.
movers and as part of a business strategy that would allow them Based on this notion, five connecting drivers were identified
to have a practical experience of the technology ahead of their within 37 of the 38 interviews (see Table 4). Access to resources
competition. In specific, 19 interviewees explained that look- and funding opportunities was mentioned as a relevant driver in
ing into the adoption of HFC was part of a proactive and long- 29 interviews. It was highlighted that access to resources to
term business strategy that would allow their organization to develop the technology and access funding for pilot tests have
improve its position in the market and stay relevant. This become key drivers. Interviewees highlighted Enova, a fund-
notion was mentioned in connection to future-proofing the ing organization from the Norwegian government, and
company and was explained as a way for making sure that the pointed out that it gave financial support for the construction
organization has a business case in the future when the of the first hydrogen fuel cell ferry.
Table 3 e Internal drivers.
Internal drivers Description Frequency Frequency [%] Example
[# interviews]
Business strategy If the organization sees the use of hydrogen fuel 19 50% As a company, we will be investing in zero-emission ships. So that's a
cells as a business strategy or as a current strategic position we are taking. We are going into this market and we are
business case or for the future. willing to take risks to get this up running. And we see that by starting in
the short-sea market we can learn and then develop it into the deep-sea

i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 8 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 6 0 9 9 e6 1 1 9
If the organization sees the use of hydrogen fuel market in the long run. So that's a strategic view - we have to do this.
cells as a way to reposition itself in the market. (interviewee #6)
Cost savings and profitability If the organization sees the use of hydrogen fuel 10 26% We have done a lot of calculations and we are looking at the forecast on the
cells as a way to have cost savings and improve cost of diesel. And the trend is that it's going slightly up towards 2030
its profitability in the future (e.g. if a carbon tax is e2034 and we are looking to break-even at some point. So maybe it will be
in place in the future). a cost for us in the first years, but when we did the financial calculations on
the hydrogen fuel cells ferry, we reached a break-even in 2032. So it is not
that far away. And we didn't include anything on possible carbon taxes. So
it was actually without any involvement from the authority side or from
taxation of emissions. (interviewee #24)
Environmental commitments If the organization sees the use of hydrogen fuel 36 95% We have an internal interest to be a sustainable company in all aspects …
cells as a way to fulfil its environmental we need to lower our emissions by 45% by 2030. This means that we really
commitments and sustainability ambitions. need to get moving. (interviewee #24)
Note: this only applies for environmental For us, the main driver is our contract with society - we have to become
commitments that are made by the organization greener. We know that diesel is a dying fuel. It's not going to die next year
on a voluntary measure and not as a mandatory or by 2030, but it is dying, it's going away, it's going to be replaced. And
response to regulatory requirements. we know that we have a certain role in bringing forward the demand and
hence the supply of alternative fuels. (interviewee #34)
First movers If the organization sees the use of hydrogen fuel 21 55% We decided that we want to be among the early runners and that means
cells as a way to become the first movers/ that we know that the business case is so many years ahead, but we
champions/leaders in their industry or shipping believe that it's crucial to take a position. (interviewee # 22)
segment. We don't want to be the last one to understand it and see how it works,
right? We want to be at the forefront or first-mover. (interviewee #14)
Future-proofing If the organization sees the use of hydrogen fuel 12 32% In the near future there will be requirements and then companies are in
the organization cells as a way to future-proof the company. better situation if they have started early to focus on the right technologies.
(interviewee #7)
Proactive leadership If the decision of using hydrogen fuel cells is 18 47% The driver is the Norwegian Road Administration which pay for the ferries
and influence from motivated directly by the leadership of the to operate. And the administration said they want zero-emission ferries.
the owners organization or by its owners. And now, the administration has required the testing of a both compressed
and liquid hydrogen for their ferries. And the first ferry to be fueled by
liquid hydrogen will start up this autumn in Norway (note: autumn
2021). (interviewee #6 talking about the context in Norway)

Created by the authors

based on the analysis of the interviews.Notes for the tables that categorize the drivers and barriers: 1) The frequency presented in percentage is rounded to the closest number.2) The tables are
organized in alphabetical order and do not follow any other consideration.
Table 4 e Connecting drivers.

i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 8 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 6 0 9 9 e6 1 1 9
Connecting drivers Description Frequency Frequency Example
[# of interviews] [%]
Access to resources and If the organization sees the use of hydrogen fuel cells as a way 29 76% This also has made us eligible for green loans which we have not been
funding opportunities to access resources and/or funding. For example: access to in the past. I know for a fact that quite a few banks, including some of
investments or financial instruments; access to new tenders the larger Norwegian shipping banks are now imposing stricter terms
and new funding opportunities from organisms specifically for brown shipping than for green shipping. (interviewee 34)
designed to support hydrogen fuel cells (e.g. FCH JU, tenders).
Branding and reputation If the organization sees the use of hydrogen fuel cells as a way 7 18% We want to be green and show the customer that we are a green
to improve its branding and reputation. company … As it is now, it is just preparing, showing that we can
deliver a clean solution. (interviewee #28)
Customer demands and If the organization sees the use of hydrogen fuel cells as a way 26 68% Some customers are starting to ask for it. So basically okay, the
expectations to satisfy the demands and expectations of their customers. transporter, the operator, is trying to meet the customers' demands.
(interviewee #18)
Market opportunities If the organization sees the use of hydrogen fuel cells as a way 19 50% You will actually lose out on bidding wars or contract wars if your
to access new market opportunities, such as expanding its transport is not as green as your competitors. (interviewee # 34)
market or target new customers. (e.g. to be able to enter
emission controlled areas, ports with emission restrictions,
etc.). It also includes access to a certain suppliers and
certifications that would allow the organization to expand its
Social license to operate If the company sees the use of hydrogen fuel cells as a way to 7 18% There is a genuine willingness to transition shipping. I think they know
improve or maintain its social license to operate now or in the that this is their license to operate, if they don't go into this transition
future. then they simply are not fit to operate as an industry anymore. So, they
know that this is a basic requirement, it is an expectation.
(interviewee #11)

Created by the authors based on the analysis of the interviews.

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Customer demands and expectations was mentioned in 26  The current lack of specific regulations for the use of HFC in
interviews as a significant driver. Interviewees emphasized shipping is a driver for innovation because it allows the
that there are increasing customer demands for less industry to find efficient ways to incorporate HFC to
polluting vessels and stressed that in the future the demands maritime applications. It was explained that this allows to
will be for zero-emission ships. Market opportunities was test the technology and improve it before it enters the
mentioned in 19 interviews with a close link to the internal market on a wider scale. These aspects were mainly
driver of future-proofing the organization and the external mentioned by technology developers and ship designers.
driver policies and regulations. Interviewees pointed out that One interviewee explained the following:
adopting HFC would create new market opportunities by
being able to certify or label their vessels as zero-emissions There are no specific regulations for hydrogen … But that's not
which in turn would help attract new customers. They also necessarily a bad thing because it makes it difficult at the same
highlighted that using HFC helps prepare for the future when time. It is too soon to develop these regulations because if you
certain market opportunities will only be available to zero- develop too many regulations, it hinders innovation. And that's
emissions ships such as entering ports and harbors with why it is so important to do piloting tests and get the vessels on
higher environmental controls. It was highlighted that the the water, because it is the same with testing the technology, you
creation of zero-emission navigational areas such as the need to kind of test the vessels, test the technology, and after two
World Heritage Fjords in Norway represent market oppor- or three ships, then you can start developing the regulations for it
tunities that are only available for vessels using zero- because you then have done the testing. Otherwise, it would
emission technologies. Similarly, interviewees pointed out definitely be a barrier for innovation and there are still so many
that long-term contracts and market opportunities, such as innovations to be done. (interviewee #13)
tenders for the operation of ships and specific routes, will
require the use of zero-emission vessels. To quote one  The current context without specific regulations for HFC is
interviewee: comfortable for some organizations because they can have
innovative ship designs approved through the alternative
Our customer wanted to be sure to be allowed to enter the Nor- ship design process established within the IGF Code of the
wegian fjords in the future. This was a driver for them to look into IMO. Interviewees explained that this allows them to
zero-emission shipping into the World Heritage Fjords in Nor- determine their own parameters. This view was mainly
way, because there are regulations coming in after 2026 that you shared by interviewees from large and international ship-
are supposed to have zero-mission to go into the fjords. (inter- ping companies.
viewee #6)  The lack of regulations for the use of HFC in shipping is a
barrier because organizations do not have a clear path or
Notably, interviewees saw a clear relation between three of guidelines to follow. These interviewees stressed that they
the connecting drivers: branding and reputation, customer de- intend to wait for regulations as they prefer to use tech-
mands and expectations, and social license to operate. They nology that has clear specifications and has already been
explained that in the following decades vessels will compete tested. This was mainly mentioned by smaller companies
with other modes of transportation that can be faster and more and governmental authorities.
environmentally friendly than ships operating today (e.g. zero-
emission trains and buses). In this sense, interviewees Interviewees highlighted the close link between the
mentioned that many ship operators and owners are looking collaboration with other stakeholders and new industry
into HFC because they want to be seen as a green company and standards for this technology. For instance, nine partici-
doing so would allow them to keep and attract customers while pants identified DNV, the Norwegian classification society,
it would help maintain their social license to operate. as a key driver and pointed out that DNV is leading a con-
sortium of 26 partners called the MarHySafe JDP which
External drivers published the “Handbook for Hydrogen-fueled Vessels” in
External drivers are those motivations that originate from the June 2021.
relations with external stakeholders. Based on this notion, five Interviewees explained that the industry faces increasing
external drivers were identified within all the interviews (see societal and stakeholder expectations to provide zero-emission
Table 5). Policies, legislation, and regulations were mentioned in transportation. They explained that their organizations are
37 interviews as significant drivers and interviewees high- now facing higher expectations than before from a broader
lighted that the political, legislative, and regulatory context of range of stakeholders and pointed out new environmental
the shipping industry changed significantly during the years requirements from banks and financial institutions, sup-
2020 and 2021 mainly influenced by the EU Fit for 55 package pliers, and contractors, as well as from passengers, and port
of proposals. authorities. Finally, technological availability was mentioned
Interviewees pointed out that policies at the national level, as a driver in 19 interviews with a particular focus on HFC
such as National Roadmaps for Hydrogen, have become rele- reaching a higher level of maturity than before. In-
vant drivers to investigate the adoption of HFC as they reflect terviewees explained that fuel cells have already been
the government's position in relation to the future of hydrogen tested in other modes of transport such as buses, trains,
in the country. However, when asked about the status of reg- and cars, and that this motivates the shipping industry to
ulations for HFC interviewees gave three different views: use the technology. One participant expressed that we have
Table 5 e External drivers.

i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 8 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 6 0 9 9 e6 1 1 9
External drivers Description Frequency Frequency Example
[# of interviews] [%]
Collaboration If the organization believes that the use of hydrogen fuel cells is 23 61% People are coming together across the value chain, from ship operators
driven by collaborations with stakeholders from the same or to ship designers, shipyards, technology providers, and classification
other industries. societies and are now really doing, let's say, co-innovation, working
together to solve these issues. (interviewee #31)
Industry standards If the organization sees the use of hydrogen fuel cells as a way 17 45% We have released, together with 25 partners, a hydrogen Handbook
to keep up with or push for new industry standards. This which was developed in a project called MarHySafe, and the handbook
includes standards and guidelines set by classification is available online … and it describes the road for the approval, it
societies. describes critical areas. It is a guide for the ship owners for when they
want to start with hydrogen fuel cells. (interviewee #32)
Policies, legislation, If the organization sees the use of hydrogen fuel cells as a way 37 97% The policies have been pushing forward the development. At the end of
and regulations to comply with existing or upcoming policies, legislations, and January this year (2021), the Swedish government decided to launch a
regulations. This includes policies, roadmaps, climate targets, national strategy for hydrogen, ammonia, and electro fuels.
and regulations. (interviewee #4)
Societal and stakeholder If the organization sees the use of hydrogen fuel cells as a way 23 61% A probably stronger driver we see, at least in some segments, is the so-
expectations to satisfy societal and stakeholder expectations. called public opinion, meaning that people are calling for actions and
answers for sustainable shipping. (interviewee #31)
Technological availability If the technological availability of hydrogen fuel cells drives the 19 50% Fuel cells are becoming a more publicly known technology as well
organization to look into its potential use for shipping. because it's also starting to be used in buses and trucks and trains and
so forth. So, the technology is also maturing, and we are getting
familiar with it. (interviewee #31)

Created by the authors based on the analysis of the interviews.

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the technology now, the technology is ready, we are ready to scale Economic barriers
up (interviewee #18). Economic barriers are those economic aspects that can
negatively influence the decision to adopt HFC. Based on this
Identification and categorization of the barriers notion, five economic barriers were identified (see Table 7).
Interviewees explained that the high costs associated to HFC
This section builds on the work of [66] to identify and cate- are a significant barrier and mentioned that the capital ex-
gorize the barriers as behavioral, economic, organizational, penses (CAPEX), operational expenses (OPEX), and total cost of
and technological. This allows to distinguish the type of bar- ownership (TCO) of using this technology are still too high to
rier faced from an organizational perspective. consider its adoption. They stressed that the access to capital
for adopting HFC is limited and that even with initial financial
Behavioral barriers support for the CAPEX, the OPEX and TCO are still too high.
Behavioral barriers are those factors that influence the Notably, the interviewees mentioned that the OPEX of using
behavior of individuals and organizations. Based on this hydrogen as a fuel is too high in comparison to other alter-
notion, four behavioral barriers were identified within the natives and explained that a CO2 tax on fossil fuels is needed
interviews (see Table 6). While inertia and resistance to change to help HFC become cost competitive. They also explained
was only mentioned as a barrier in 11 interviews, interviewees that using HFC includes additional costs such as the replace-
highlighted that individuals within the shipping industry are ment and/or retraining of staff and costs related to the
used to operating certain types of engines and fuel and installation of equipment and infrastructure for using the
explained that they usually have long-term relations with technology including bunkering facilities. To quote one
their partners and suppliers. These aspects make individuals interviewee:
hesitant about operating a new technology and create a
certain organizational inertia that can cause a path de- Hydrogen is still really expensive, both the fuel itself, but also the
pendency and eventually lead to a technological lock-in. fuel cells. And what we found out when starting to look at the
Notably, two interviewees pointed out that fossil fuel com- numbers for a hydrogen ferry was that the hardware part and the
panies and conventional engine manufacturers and suppliers propulsion package would be six times more expensive than with
are making it difficult for HFC providers to enter the market a classic or conventional diesel engine, and the OPEX or the fuel
and explained that this is mainly done through lobbying with part would be four times more expensive than diesel. (inter-
institutions such as the IMO and directly with shipowners and viewee #24)
ship operators which reinforces their resistance to change.
Interviewees explained that the lack of knowledge of the The lack of regulations and standards was mentioned in 31
technology represents a relevant barrier and pointed out interviews as a key barrier and interviewees explained that
three key aspects: 1) the technology is not commonly known they prefer to wait until there are clear regulations and stan-
around the world which makes people skeptical about its dards before investing in an expensive technology. They
use; 2) shipowners and ship operators do not have the further explained that the current approval process through
knowledge and experience to operate this technology; 3) the the IMO-IGF Code for Alternative Ship Design using HFC is too
overall lack of experience with the technology raises ques- complex and expensive for many organizations, especially
tions about its safety for maritime applications. Another smaller ones. It was stressed that regulations are needed not
barrier mentioned in the interviews was the lack of systemic only for the operation of the technology onboard vessels, but
view from the authorities. Interviewees explained that this is also for building the infrastructure needed to deliver the fuel
evident in the overall efforts to reduce emissions of the to the harbors as well as for its bunkering.
shipping industry which follow a vessel-by-vessel approach The lack of infrastructure and the lack of supply of green
and not a fleet or system approach that considers the com- hydrogen where also mentioned as barriers and interviewees
plete value chain. It was highlighted that the lack of systemic explained that they are mainly the result of a lack of demand
view has a close relation to the lack of knowledge of the for green hydrogen for the shipping industry, and vice versa.
technology. While the demand might increase in the following decade,
The negative public perception towards hydrogen was iden- interviewees emphasized that shipping would compete with
tified as a barrier and interviewees explained that it is mainly other industries for the supply of green hydrogen which might
the result of lack of knowledge of the fuel and technology as well in turn delay the investments for specific infrastructure for
as an increasing negative attitude towards it due to accidents the use of hydrogen for maritime transportation.
involving hydrogen. For instance, one interviewee highlighted Interviewees explained that adopting HFC represents un-
that the 2019 explosion of a hydrogen fueling station for cars certainty and high risk and pointed out that there is no available
in Norway was a very big step back for hydrogen as a fuel supply of green hydrogen that can be purchased and delivered
(interviewee #6). Another one mentioned the following: with the same guarantees as traditional fuels. While they
mentioned the option of using swap containers with hydrogen
A cousin of mine is a captain and he said, oh no, I'm not going on a to get the fuel onboard, they stressed that this is only a tran-
hydrogen vessel. Because he doesn't know anything about sitioning solution and should not become permanent high-
hydrogen. Hes just heard about the explosion danger and of lighting that it represents uncertainty and higher risks than
course if you don't know anything about a fuel and if all you hear using other fuels. Interviewees explained that these aspects
is that it's dangerous, then you don't want to drive that ship. along with the costs associated to HFC would translate into
(interviewee #13)
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 8 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 6 0 9 9 e6 1 1 9
Table 6 e Behavioral barriers.
Barrier Description Frequency Frequency Example
[# of interviews] [%]
Inertia and resistance to change If individuals within the organization have a resistance 11 29% There is another barrier that is tradition. You know, you sailed
to change and as a result the organization falls into a on bunker fuel the last 30 years, and it worked out. Now you
certain inertia that limits its ability to change and adopt need to go to new fuel. (interviewee #9)
new technologies. Note: this focuses on behavioral
aspects and does not consider organizational factors
such as internal structure.
Lack of knowledge If the organization sees the use of hydrogen fuel cells 19 50% Then the next thing I think it's knowledge, knowledge about
limited by lack of knowledge and awareness of the the fuel, I mean hydrogen. What kind of safety systems? What
technology. This includes the lack of trained staff. is the demand of safety systems and what kind of education
must the crew have onboard? (interviewee #36)
Lack of systemic view If the organization believes that there is a lack of 19 50% Instead of focusing on many smaller projects, the government
systemic view from authorities which translates into a decided only to support their own projects, their own
barrier for the adoption of hydrogen fuel cells. companies. But that was a mistake …. they have forgotten the
customers. (interviewee #36)
Negative public perception If the organization believes that there is a negative 12 32% It should not be underestimated that we need to also prepare
public perception towards the use of hydrogen as a fuel. people because the less people know, the more skeptical they
are, and more resistance there will be. And Norwegians are
open-minded to new technology but not in my backyard. You
know, we can accept it, the neighbor can take it, but we will
not have it in our backyard. (interviewee #6)

Created by the authors based on the analysis of the interviews.

Table 7 e Economic barriers.
Barrier Description Frequency Frequency Example
[# of interviews] [%]

i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 8 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 6 0 9 9 e6 1 1 9
High costs If the organization believes that the use of hydrogen fuel 35 92% CAPEX and OPEX are high … And CAPEX and OPEX aside,
cells is limited by its current and/or future costs. This even though they get a 25% support by the government, they
includes CAPEX, OPEX, and TCO. still have to pay the remaining 75%, and afterwards it costs
perhaps two times running the ferry. (interviewee #36)
Lack of infrastructure If the organization sees the use of hydrogen fuel cells 31 82% We don't have an existing infrastructure when it comes to
limited by the lack of infrastructure that could guarantee hydrogen, and to get price down we need to get the volume
that the fuel is delivered when needed. up. So, we need to get infrastructure to kind of, you know,
make that happen. (interviewee #13)
Lack of regulations and standards If the organization believes that the adoption of hydrogen 31 82% There are no regulations and that is a big problem … that's one
fuel cells is limited by the lack of regulations and standards of the big issues and that has also delayed the rollout of the
for the technology. ships massively, because at the moment, if you want to build a
hydrogen ship or with fuel cells, you have to go to a kind of
prototype licensing for certification of your ship. That means
that, every entity that gives you the certification interprets the
rules like they want to, and it is a very lengthy process because
there are no clear rules and it is very costly as well. So, that
doesn't help. (interviewee #18)
Lack of supply of green hydrogen If the organization believes that the lack of supply of green 32 84% We have another issue which could be a problem, we don't
hydrogen limits the adoption of hydrogen fuel cells. know, but it could be a problem, is that we want availability
on a lot of locations, we need to bunker because of the limited
volume we can have on board. We need to bunker frequently
the vessels. And that is, since hydrogen is not easily available,
we don't have hydrogen all over. Right now, we have it in very
few sites. That means that it may be necessary to do trucking
of liquid hydrogen or compressed hydrogen. (interviewee #6)
Uncertainty and high risk If the organization believes that there is uncertainty and 26 68% I think it is challenging, it's more than challenging, it's
high risk for the adoption of HFC. This includes uncertainty absolutely terrifying to go out there and be the first to use any
of demand for their shipping routes, uncertainty of supply kind of a very expensive ship. (interviewee #34)
of the fuel, as well as financial risks for the first movers.

Created by the authors based on the analysis of the interviews.

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risks for their organizations. While the cost of hydrogen is As an example, on the biggest ferry route, we refuel once a
expected to decrease, it was explained that adopting HFC month. That is very comfortable. And in the other routes we are
would translate into operating the vessel without profit for refueling every second week. And how will it be with other
several years which represents a financial risk for their alternative fuels? This is also a question if we need to refuel every
organization. day. (interviewee #16)

Organizational barriers In relation to storage, interviewees explained that the

Organizational barriers are those aspects directly related to characteristics of hydrogen make it more difficult to store
the organizational culture, power, and structure. Based on this onboard than other fuels and pointed out two key aspects: 1)
notion, one organizational barrier was identified in 11 in- hydrogen would need to be stored above deck due to safety
terviews. Interviewees explained that a barrier is the inflexible concerns for passenger transportation, and; 2) hydrogen re-
and bureaucratic structure that many organizations have and quires more storage space than traditional fuels. Interviewees
highlighted that some companies have outdated structures explained that these aspects make the ship design and oper-
that limit their ability to adapt to the market where they ation more complex, especially for passenger vessels. One
operate. Interviewees further explained that these structures interviewee explained the following:
are inefficient for today's competitive environment and can
prevent effective internal communication as well as affect the I would say that for hydrogen it's the storage part which is
relation of the company with its stakeholders. One inter- complicated. You can either have it compressed with high pres-
viewee mentioned the following: sure or you can liquefy it with very low temperature. And those
are the two main options we have today, and none of them is
You don't always have a very good communication between the really good. (interviewee #23)
commercial part of and the technical department. The technical
department may tell the commercial one that we are actually
engaging in this and that this regulation is coming, but they are Discussion
not actually listening. (interviewee #11)
This research had the objective of answering three questions:
Technological barriers 1) What drives Nordic shipping companies towards adopting
Technological barriers are the challenges directly related to hydrogen fuel cells? 2) What barriers do Nordic shipping
handling and operating the technology. Based on this notion, companies face for the adoption of hydrogen fuel cells? 3) How
one technological barrier was identified in 33 interviews. In- can the drivers and barriers for the adoption of hydrogen fuel
terviewees explained that operating HFC has significant oper- cells be understood through an organizational perspective?
ational challenges and highlighted the bunkering and storage of Concerning the first question, the analysis indicates that
hydrogen. In relation to bunkering, they explained that doing Nordic shipping companies are motivated to adopt HFC by in-
so with traditional fuels is rather simple and comfortable, and ternal, connecting, and external drivers (see Fig. 3). The findings
changing to hydrogen would make it complicated. One are consistent with the literature in three ways. First, the
participant mentioned the following: findings suggest that the international pressure and efforts to

Fig. 3 e Internal, connecting, and external drivers found in the interviews. Created by the authors.
6114 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 8 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 6 0 9 9 e6 1 1 9

reduce emissions are the most relevant motivation and it is difficult for shipping companies to adopt them, a notion that
brought forward by different drivers, mainly by environmental is consistent with the literature [see: 1, 15]. However, some
commitments and proactive leadership and influence from the owners studies indicate that the overall costs for HFC are declining
(internal drivers), customer demands and expectations (connecting and it could become cost-competitive in the mid-term [see: 14,
driver), and policies, legislation, and regulations (external driver). 18]. This is consistent with the views of interviewees from
This is consistent with the findings of previous studies [see: 1, 5, companies that have already decided to adopt this technology
29]. Second, the analysis indicates that a significant driver are who explained that the decision considered two aspects
the existing and upcoming policies, legislation, and regulations regarding costs: 1) the cost of using hydrogen and HFC is ex-
which is consistent with the literature on the topic [see: 1, 2]. pected to decline in the near to mid-term, mainly due to the
This suggests that specific policies focused on reducing the European Union's commitment to increase the production of
emissions from the shipping industry are relevant drivers and green hydrogen up to 1 million tons in 2024 and 10 million tons
highlights the importance of initiatives and declarations made by 2030 [see: 53]. As a result, adopting HFC might become cost-
during 2021 (e.g. EU Fit for 55 as well as the declarations made competitive in the next five to ten years, and; 2) their com-
during COP26). The findings show that interviewees believe panies expect a significant increase in taxes for CO2 emissions
that the target set by the IMO to reduce the emissions of the and fossil fuels in the near-term, mainly as a result of the EU
shipping industry by at least 50% by 2050 compared to the 2008 fit for 55 initiative. Therefore, adopting zero-emission tech-
levels is not ambitious enough and is not consistent with the nologies is a way of future-proofing the company for upcoming
international efforts to reduce emissions, a notion that is regulations and taxes. These findings suggest that while high
consistent with the declarations made during COP26 in relation costs are currently the main barrier, this might not be the case
to shipping. Third, the analysis indicates that becoming first by the end of the decade considering that the European Union
movers and having access to new market opportunities play a has committed to increase investment in the production of
significant role in the business strategies of Nordic shipping green hydrogen which will in turn help lower the costs and
companies and motivates them to adopt HFC which is consis- accelerate the wider adoption of hydrogen-related technolo-
tent with the literature [see: 10, 13, 43]. In specific, interviewees gies. Notably, the findings suggest that for some companies,
emphasized that being first movers allows companies to have the high costs are outweighed by internal drivers such as their
practical experience with the technology and it helps them business strategy, the desire of becoming first-movers, and
reach new market opportunities that are only available for zero- future-proofing the organization. However, interviewees
emission shipping (e.g. access to ports with stringent emis- explained that this is only possible for large or state-owned
sion controls). However, the findings indicate that the motiva- companies that can operate a new and expensive vessel
tions go beyond the aspects covered by the literature and without profit for several years before it becomes cost
include additional drivers such as new industry standards and competitive. This indicates that even when high costs have
collaborations as well as the desire to improve their branding and been identified as a key barrier by the literature [1,15], there
reputation along with their social license to operate. are additional aspects to consider such as the ownership and
Regarding the second question, this research identified financial capability of the organization.
behavioral, economic, organizational, and technological bar- The analysis shows that the storage and bunkering of
riers (see Fig. 4). The findings indicate the that the most sig- hydrogen represent two key technological barriers which is
nificant barriers are the high costs associated to the technology consistent with the literature [see: 22, 23]. Interviewees
and that using HFC is more expensive than other fuels and explained that these aspects can be solved through technical
technologies in all its costs (CAPEX, OPEX, and TCO) making it solutions and innovative ship designs but emphasized that

Fig. 4 e Behavioral, economic, organizational, and technological barriers found in the interviews. Created by the authors.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 8 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 6 0 9 9 e6 1 1 9 6115

other barriers such as the lack of infrastructure and lack of supply resistance to change is also influenced by the negative public
of green hydrogen require collaboration between different perception towards the technology which suggests that
stakeholders beyond the shipping industry. This suggests that behavioral barriers play a significant role in the adoption of
the large-scale use of hydrogen for shipping depends on fac- HFC.
tors that are external to the industry, such as the production The analysis suggests that drivers can be industry specific,
of green hydrogen and its delivery to ports as well as the cost company specific, and technology specific. To begin with,
of hydrogen, which is consistent with the literature [see: 9, 26]. there are common factors across the industry such as customer
The findings reveal that interviewees have three con- demands and expectations (connecting driver), policies, legislation,
trasting views regarding the current lack of regulations for HFC and regulations (external driver), and societal and stakeholder
in shipping: 1) It is too early to define specific regulations for expectations (external driver). However, there are factors that
HFC for shipping and doing so would hinder the innovation are specific to the company and the technology such as envi-
process. This view was mainly shared technology developers ronmental commitments made by the organization, proactive
and ship designers; 2) The current context without regulations leadership and influence from the owners, the desire to become
for HFC is comfortable for some companies because they can first movers and have access to new market opportunities, as well
make an innovative ship design and apply for its approval as specific business strategies that consider the use of HFC.
through the alternative ship design process established within The same can be said about the barriers. For instance, in-
the IGF Code of the IMO. This view was mainly shared by dustry specific barriers include the lack of infrastructure, and
participants from large and international shipping com- the lack of supply of green hydrogen. However, the findings
panies; 3) Some organizations prefer to wait for new regula- indicate that some barriers have a different level of influence
tions to come into effect before they consider HFC. This view depending on the company. Such is the case of the lack of
was mainly shared by interviewees from smaller companies regulations which is viewed differently by each organization as
and governmental authorities. well as the challenges in the storage and bunkering of hydrogen
The findings indicate that the inertia and resistance to change which some companies believe can be solved with innovative
is a significant barrier which is consistent with literature that designs. The analysis also indicates that there are specific
identifies the technological lock-in of fossil fuels in trans- barriers associated to this technology such as its high costs and
portation [see: 1, 51]. Interviewees explained that shipping the lack of regulations.
companies are comfortable with the way they operate To answer the third question, this research proposes three
because they are used to the fuel, the technology, and their models to complement the existing literature and provide an
suppliers which makes them reluctant to adopt something organizational perspective on the topic. The first model (Fig. 5)
new. While this does not seem to be a barrier for the most identifies and categorizes the drivers and barriers and con-
proactive shipping companies, it indicates that organizations siders the interaction and interrelation between them. This
along the value chain might not be prepared to adopt new helps understand the variety of factors that influence orga-
technologies. The findings indicate that the inertia and nizational behavior in relation to the adoption of HFC. The

Fig. 5 e Key drivers and barriers for the adoption of hydrogen fuel cells for shipping, Created by the authors.
6116 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 8 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 6 0 9 9 e6 1 1 9

model provides an organizational perspective that can help a visual perspective which indicates that most of the drivers
organizations evaluate their motivations against the barriers are company specific while most of the barriers are technol-
for incorporating this technology to their vessels and can help ogy specific. The model provides a systems perspective that
policymakers prioritize key aspects. can help understand the interaction and interdependence
This research proposes a second model (Fig. 6) that cate- between drivers and barriers. For instance, organizations that
gorizes the drivers and barriers as industry specific, company wish to become first movers or that are driven by their envi-
specific, and technology specific and is based on the following ronmental commitments might be limited by the high costs and
considerations: 1) Industry specific drivers/barriers are high risks of adopting the technology as well as the lack of
directly linked to the industry where the company operates. infrastructure, the lack of supply of green hydrogen, and the lack of
This means that any company operating in this industry faces CO2 taxes on fossil fuels. Another example is if companies
these drivers/barriers. For example, similar customer de- wish to respond to customer demands and expectations and apply
mands and expectations can be found across this industry. 2) to funding opportunities specific to HFC but are limited to do
Company specific drivers/barriers are directly associated to so by their lack of knowledge, their organizational structure, and
the organization's internal activities and decision-making the resistance to change from their managers.
process. For example, proactive leadership and influence This research proposes a third model (Fig. 7) to describe the
from the owners is an aspect that is particular to each com- decision to adopt HFC through a systems perspective. The
pany; 3) Technology specific drivers/barriers are directly model illustrates the drivers as positive input and the barriers
associated to HFC. For example, having access to funding for as negative input that influence the decision in the form of a
the development, testing, and adoption of HFC can be causal feedback loop. The model includes three examples: a)
considered as a technology specific driver. The model provides the positive inputs and the negative inputs have the same

Fig. 6 e Categorization of the drivers and barriers as specific to the industry, company, and technology, Created by the
authors. Note: The barriers marked with an asterisk (*) can be considered in more than one category.

Fig. 7 e Decision to adopt HFC in the form of causal feedback loops. Created by the authors.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 8 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 6 0 9 9 e6 1 1 9 6117

relative strength, and a decision is not made. b) the relative technologies for each segment of the shipping industry. This
strength of the positive inputs outweighs the relative strength would allow to identify the most effective ways to reduce
of the negative inputs, and the organization decides to adopt emissions for each segment as well as the policy options
HFC; c) the relative strength of the negative inputs outweighs needed to do so.
the relative strength of the positive inputs, and the organi-
zation decides not to adopt HFC.
Authors contributions
Mauricio Latapı́: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software,
Validation, Formal analysis, Investigation, Resources, Data
The main contributions of this research are: 1) it identifies and
curation, Writing e Original Draft, Visualization, Project
categorizes the drivers that motivate Nordic shipping com-
panies to adopt HFC; 2) it identifies and categorizes the bar-
Brynhildur Davı́ðsdo  ttir: Conceptualization, Writing - Re-
riers that exist for their adoption; 3) it categorizes the drivers
view & Editing, Supervision, Project administration, Funding
and barriers as specific to the industry, the company, and the
acquisition, Resources.
technology; 4) it presents three models to provide an organi-
La ra Jo
 ttir: Methodology, Writing - Review &
zational perspective of the drivers and barriers for the adop-
Editing, Resources.
tion of HFC.
The shipping industry faces unprecedented pressure to
transition towards new fuels and technologies to reduce its
emissions. However, the transition will require policy inter-
vention to achieve the pace and scale needed to reach the
We are grateful and acknowledge the financial support from
targets of the Paris Agreement. This research can assist poli-
the Nordic Energy Research, the Norwegian Research Council,
cymakers in three ways: 1) it can help understand the nature
the Swedish Transport Administration, the Icelandic Research
of the drivers and barriers for the adoption of HFC. This could
Center, Business Finland, the Danish Energy Agency, Stena
help identify the policies needed and prioritize the barriers to
Rederi AB, and PowerCell Sweden AB via the HOPE (Hydrogen
be addressed in different stages of the hydrogen value chain.
fuel cells solutions in shipping in relation to other low carbon
2) It identifies that most of the barriers are specific to the
options e a Nordic perspective) project.
technology. This suggests that technology-specific policies are
required to accelerate the adoption of HFC. 3) The findings
suggest that addressing the economic barriers is crucial.
Declaration of competing interest
Doing so requires holistic policies across different sectors and
industries (e.g. policies for green hydrogen production fall
The authors declare that they have no known competing
under energy related policies). These aspects highlight the
financial interests or personal relationships that could have
need for cross-sector and technology-specific policies to
appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
accelerate the adoption of HFC.
The study was limited to stakeholders of the Nordic ship-
ping industry with headquarters in the Nordic region which
were selected through a specific criterion and excluded orga- Acknowledgements
nizations with headquarters outside of the Nordic region. The
interviews were conducted in English which can be a limitation We want to thank all the experts from the Nordic shipping
considering that potential interviewees might not have a good industry who agreed to be interviewed for this research. We
command of the language. However, the findings indicate op- also want to thank the partners from the HOPE project who
portunities for research that focus on identifying effective helped define our stakeholder identification matrix and
policies that can help make HFC become commercially viable. criteria and helped with the initial contact of interviewees.
The novelty of the technology and its status within the
shipping industry translate into having a limited number of
studies on the topic which means that further research Appendix A. Supplementary data
focused on HFC and its wider adoption by the shipping in-
dustry is needed. To begin with, research that conducts policy Supplementary data to this article can be found online at
assessments and identifies and evaluates the policies required
to stimulate the drivers and reduce the barriers would be of
academic and practical interest. This kind of research would
help identify effective policies to make the technology
commercially available at the scale and pace needed to meet
the emission reduction targets of the Nordic countries and the
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