Abstract Preview For National Seminar

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Abstract Preview Environmental challenges on Women and their health

The study investigates the effect of women all over the world and their increase in health risks
caused due to the environment either directly or indirectly. In contrast, women and men both
interact differently with the environment. The connections between gender and environment are
multidimensional and labyrinthine and groups of both are not affected equally. Environment affects
women more as they are more vulnerable to climate change. Women’s health is concerning, every
human on earth deserves to live in a pristine, noxious free land and a healthy environment. An
unhealthy environment can affect many women’s health in various ways, they may be physically,
psychologically or spiritually.

In pursuit of the objectives, a descriptive review regarding the issues and how to mediate them was
conducted. Structured readings of different articles were gone through and show how women have
been affected by environmental factors as they impact women’s health and help identify health risks
and vulnerabilities, it promotes environmental justice and strengthens public health to prevent
environment-related illness. Women have been suffering for ages and still suffer in the modern world
due to a lack of resources and the degradation of the environment. A woman’s health is most
important and spreading awareness about common health problems affecting women due to the
environment, such as Reproductive Health, Respiratory Health, Mental Health, Cardiovascular and
Occupational Hazards are essential

Research was carried out by going through several articles. Studies show that women go through
unbalanced impacts of disasters, inclement weather situations, climate change because of cultural
norms and discriminatory distribution of roles, assets, and abilities. These are mostly in
underdeveloped and developing countries. Many studies show that women are exposed to toxic
chemicals at least 40% of the time during the day and that women expose themselves to over 90-100
individual chemicals everyday through personal care products which are deleterious.

In conclusion, women’s health affected due to environmental influences requires extensive strategies
involving reduction of harmful pollutants, promoting sustainable development, addressing climate
change impacts, empowering communities, and promoting health education and awareness. By
fostering collaborations and adopting these strategies along with society, healthcare providers, and
governments, and supporting research and innovation we can make it possible to safeguard women’s
health and well-being against environment degradation

By- Mehak Chowdhary

BA.LLB (1st year)

Rayat Bahra University

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