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deviceg like dang A bulbg wing ’ forth Jom the smecttphene © Machine M&M 18 two Machines communicating ng date, without humen imlecifacing ev intevacton al. MIM communication are mtefered te cellulert ant Gwikching overt to wireless ho» mode M9t communica on much S eaniey and enabled more appliahens te be connected Mam can refer + ony two machines ‘wired oy wise ley : ( _@mmunicating with one ane they ie! ~ il Mart = Emain purpose of mary -echnelagy is to tab into sengoy and trangmil it +o a netwenk, | Systems oflen ure public nehvonles cind aceedry der examble Cellular er Lthecinet to make cb th effective oe ma oJ an Mary system include sengey Bere rel autemated acteng 1S able +o remotely meniteY equipmentg and systems enifrt's of tar —, BERS AO © Reduced costg by mini mizing equipment maintenance ‘and dotonti me © Boosted mevenuc by Nevealing nes business chpestuni ties fon Sewicing preductS in the field GS improve Custemeng gevvice IBbPIeations 0] mor — RO, - * Applications of Mat cwmmunication ave e Secunity = Sunveillanceg, aleim systems , 2088S control con | dxivey secanity © Tracking & tracing = isoads od Fleet management ,ordest management, pay ar we dnive e racking navigation traffic infermaton read Aolling fre oplimi Zartion | Steevi ng vehicle dragons ties Power, gas, water: heating , grid centre) industria) metering © Manufacturing => Pacduchen chain meniteving and automation: © Facility Management — Home | building | campus auctematen Sees ef Mart communicotion —» FLEE GEIGER GRO I © lew mobility 7 ee e. MAt4 devices do net meve move infrequently ey move only within a cesttain region wrtre ied — ae Si xeceve data only, al certain pre- defined peoieds. L— Pata +ransfey can be delayed i © Honitening — cane Provide funchonality +e detect the events 8 Love power consump Hen — To impneve the ability of aygtem to efdiciently sectv ice rioM applications Jo lecatien apecifre 19. 9e” — pee Intending + trigger MOM iGeplainl) HiaMi"earmmunication aici lectute pplication lye] device (nc peeth alan aneq Communication layer es Nefwoak [ayer A) considem the context §) Build strong brand 6) Test prrohj pe eonly ard often 2) Use dota acxponsibely Sensing | Secure Communication | n eS eto Stone collected deta and a seftware applicatin vallews the dota te be anelyzed, meportted , and acted upon algo key components of a successful end teend gelation )iSetvice capabilittess genv ice capabilities ane the Set of dunctionali tes defined Inthe | nication apprications DV epenification and ane wed +o putin comme aon +hem: both network apbticatons and geteuicry and device application Gapillang Network ¢ are The sengon, communication and proces sing units act ay end poi Beets ay Mat application and dogether congshtute the capeltony Nekworls | © The dewces: will inteerconnect amongst +hemeelves oveq Nanioug PAN and LAN +techrvlogipy in both Wivelese and Wireline domain: tjam Gresle way - iceS gon date collechor ays algo double up in concentrating tvofdic fothe ba Cone Bluctwth , ZigBee, GPRE eoppabili Heg ‘ Bi: iG ee tad (e able input from prysica) environmen’ detect and ep Table to meagum a physics phensmenon ard m it into an’ electric nigno) awple of Sensor include infraved sense culbragenié Mees camestG Senso, dempenature sensor ete : ——- : -that ib meos.anes Bie should be sensitive + the phensmenon 2 \t Should ned Mee icengiiave te Other physica} phenome mmeaguted phensmenen QDIINiE © \t should met modity -the Efemnoncmentl prs % Tne mavimur and minimum values of the Phenomenon af the Senor can measur Try mimimum change of the mele en goiamebey thal caused a detectable change in oud pul bigna) yateresig 18 the chanalenighrca) a sensor by which gon produces a difherentset vj outputs if +h dotq 1 a meonded in difdenent dinechons (incest coding inpud on decvaanitg nu) Welolisation t— 4 meaning {ul measurement output of t< iste be mode IE TRY Senger with acewertely) Meceers cory te tune the known input) Preeteten'e The precision of a sencon | ee Beare when ra pertedty meorunce Gen The same inpal The ig \¥e. ability te parece’ stotisti col analy sts like standand precision is delatmined uring deviation 8) meena g—- The acewriact o} a eengor dedines pees J Mieeruaito ne cea! 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System that helps te. delivent and +ranspett dota to dota cent se vanious ites acess the Inteainet © The different dota and programmes can be accessed easily -}som the central ged claud system meidiende computing iS AN eionomic: Solu Dn goes i+ doay not nequitc on- site infragtructr for storage processing and analytics o The scalability of clad computing means that ars yor buniner8 grog your're technological and analy Ha} Calpa bilities can +oo eo Thate are difdement tyPes of cloud Seowice available including Mverusoft Azure cloud development, Pmozon Web Seotvi C3 sebe © it apb lication can connect cloud Sexvicars and ure the available atorage ae ag aing cloud computing companies do not have + extensive hardware configure and manage Bethea and (ndrastustes in Tot deve loyment @ cloud computing. belps: +> speed up the dove lopmen® process and cut down “the development cost e 3 lsd Topology es 2 ere pooner ances —@ cloud computing is aph bared suftruane infer ghruc TUNE Bother Stone data on memote geoverg and uRing By cloud computing declines into gent ena back end infected WANS ae cloud computing devided the urert +0 pahng gof tus ane . Front-end provide acco deta uning interne} | browses oF cloud com securely Store tidal @ back end Chota cwompubing wntaing 3 ntvol gear od. cloud provider yideg virtua) dem\ctop fom the wrens oie comp tert , data bane ja DaaS (pemlctop ar a geo tee) n farce cloud providert manager IT infrastyuctiwnre Ruch os Stevage , senven and networking mesounces and deliver them do subscriber organi zetion whieh, Geeessed through Internet StS cloud senvice that provide — banic computing wnfrag tructune J Instead of having +o purchase handwane oubright wseq Cam punchage taas bared on consumption similan to electricity oy other ub lity biting iS Seoice onc available an “PNY- FoR WHAT-You- USE PEBMN(PIatfors as « Service) 8 © Faas is a mode] where a thivd ponty provider delivens hhandwone and goftwane tls to wrens oven apblication withack deve lsper te deploy ghructune ich provides software abblication See end called an on demond gogtwane 8Y web Sof toane @ Sac applications oe browsers, Usens nimbly peu o qubscriphen dee gain fhe qojfware which 18 a ready sgbseallye cuceamred VEO web ta tees to made solution 4 want to maintain any Iv equipment then ¥ 1f your louriness does? chovge Software ar O service % if your com pany srequive o plotqowm for hui lading Software product, prele plat qesm cs a Service hine , Fe inf co shrucl ure ar 4 *% if your Jyiness. heed 4 virtual mad Seavice © Cloud ig senvens thet one accessed oven the Intesmneb | ani the gvjtwane and data baye run mm Senne +h vi © Uoud gonven 18 locoted tndaty center all ever th. wold Compnies. and unex donot want +o selup rogaine @ wun Software abblicatioy on THIS machine and with cloud store ge , Denial af Service) &$ (CADistibuted denial of Senvice) frfermoh en Manipulation 4 Uncutheri-zed acces & Indormation Disclogune DOH 2 In trig We 9 isque the attacker Sends continousl ae ly goubrogs an unnesacory megueat +2 out SRIVEr} For this unnesgany mequent the Sanvev gets down lecamus of this ficaded ganbage unnearany Nequert send by ‘the athackey

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