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The application/database environment have their custom-built ERP application hosted on
premise which utilizes SQL Server as its back end. The SQL environment is clustered with
using Always On, High Availability Solution. We are considering managed support services
to support and maintain the current environment to ensure the business continuity and
deliver the same uninterrupted performance. It is essential to manage databases on timely
manner to get the high performance and high availability possible.

In-Scope Services
Maintaining the SQL Server database environment providing SQL Server DBA services.
These services will be provided initially for a period of one year from the date of signing and
could be renewed yearly at the expiry of each year contract.

In-Scope deliverables (SQL Server)

1. Patching the SQL Server with agreed downtime with CLIENT.
a. Service Packs / Software Updates.
2. Proactively monitoring SQL Server Environment (e.g. using SolarWinds SQL
Database Analyzer).
a. Configure the Support Alerts to be sent out to Support Group along with
CC to CLIENT’s identified stakeholder.
b. Upon receiving the alert, admin/engineer will alert the CLIENT based on
the severity of the incident and fix the issue.
3. Performance monitoring and communicating the recommendations to CLIENT’s
stakeholders as and when it is requested by CLIENT / Based on the Critical Alert
produced by Database Monitoring Solution.
4. Establishing and Monitoring SQL Server Management Plans & SQL Server Jobs for
database maintenance related services.
5. Perform time to time recover databases to a specific point of time, as per the
a. Any time recovery requires the “Full recovery model” to be enabled in the
database level along with the time-to-time back-up of Log’s.
6. Proactively connect to CLIENT’s environment remotely once in a week and perform
the following tasks and send report to CLIENT’s stakeholder.
a. Check Database monitoring solution alerts and take corrective actions, if
b. Monitor the warning or alarm created by the Blocking statistics alerts and
take corrective actions accordingly.
7. Quarterly site visits.
a. Check all the DB Servers / databases / maintenance plans / jobs and
produce health check report.
8. Quarterly database recovery activity.
9. Configure Database Monitoring Solution Alerts for the potential issues.
10. SQL Server Security Recommendation as and when it is available/required.
11. 24 / 7 Assistance for P1 incidents.
12. Monitor daily database backup alerts/warning and take corrective actions
13. Design and recommend database backup strategy and continuous monitoring as
and when it is requested by CLIENT.
14. Upon receiving any alert, connect and rectify the issues and update the CLIENT
15. Check, analyses the blocking statistics on database/table, tune the index or objects
according to the relevant issue as and when it is requested by CLIENT.
16. Analyse and take corrective actions on logical and physical reads for SQL database
based on CLIENT’s request.
17. Provide licensing recommendation and compliance report to CLIENT.
18. Monthly support report shall be communicated with CLIENT.
19. Creating additional database / re-configuring SQL Server configuration are part of
the Support Contract.
20. Logging the support calls and escalation matrix.
21. DR Drill activity shall be conducted twice a year, schedule shall be prepared at the
beginning of the contract.
22. Validating the backup shall be performed once in every two months in the UAT /
Development environment.
23. The current SQL Server infrastructure shall be documented and the same shall be
maintained throughout support contract.
24. Analyse and perform the capacity and resource requirements of any new application
and shall recommend for required system resources.
25. Monitor CPU and Memory utilization and take corrective action if any issues found,
the alert shall be configured in the monitoring solution.
26. Health check activity of the database server shall be performed once in a month and
submit the reports to Client Healthcare Group team.
27. Check the database server capacity and take corrective actions accordingly on
monthly basis. This shall be part of the health check activity.
28. Perform the DDL/DML performance statistics of the database on the following
29. Analyse and recommend the INDEX AND TABLE USAGE on the below aspects.
- seeks - the number of times the index has been used in a user query in a seek
operation (one specific row) and act accordingly
- scans - the number of times the index has been used by scanning the leaf pages of
the index for data and act accordingly
- updates - The number of times the index has been modified due to a change in the
table's data and act accordingly.
30. lookups - for clustered indexes only, this is the number of times the index has been
used in a "bookmark lookup" to fetch the row and act accordingly.
31. Prepare and submit detailed incident report for each incident, which to include issue
faced and resolution applied to rectify the same.
32. Ensure the SQL Cluster failover services availability and no disruptions during
failovers – perform the drill once in a month after obtaining approval from CLIENT –
health of the clusters shall be monitored using the monitoring solution.
33. Setting up new instances as and when required is part of the scope.
34. All environments are covered in support however, the support priority will vary
depends on the environment:
a. Production environment.
b. DR Environment. (Support priority will be like the Production
c. UAT Environment. (Normal Priority)
d. Development Environment. (Normal Priority)

Proactive Weekly Checks

1. Monitor each SQL instances performance and take corrective actions accordingly.
2. Check the load-balances across a set of replicas and take corrective actions
3. Check and analyses blocking statistics on database / table, tune the index or objects
according to the relevant issues.

4. Monitoring CPU and memory utilization when finding differences, take corrective actions
accordingly –use Monitoring tool to configure this activity to send alert immediately.

5. Analyze and take corrective actions on logical and physical reads for SQL database.

6. Monitor and take corrective actions on Current wait values – the wait time limit is
calculated from logical CPU count multiplied by 60 seconds.

7. Record the transaction log size growth and let management aware of the potential area
of the high volatile.

8. Monitor and improve the data cache hit ratio on disk.

9. Identify and take corrective actions on the database dead lock event details the
corresponding objects.
10. Monitor the warning or alarm created by the blocking statistics alerts and take corrective
actions accordingly.

11. Understand and provide suggestions on statistics for the SQL statements
corresponding to the query plans that have resulted in the most logical reads.

12. Current wait values - the wait time limit is calculated from logical CPU count multiplied
by 60 seconds and take corrective actions accordingly.

13. Implement and monitor the database maintenance jobs like update statistics and rebuild
index on database or able.
14. Monitor daily database backup alerts / warnings and take corrective actions accordingly.

Preventive maintenance
1. Monthly preventive maintenance and Health Checks for all SQL instance in

2. Reporting for preventive maintenance/health check activities.

3. Fix issues found during the preventive maintenance.

4. Maintain SQL instances and DBs documentation and update it when required,
document should contain names (instance & DB), IPs, size, application using the DB,
server/cluster it is part of version and any other relevant information within the same

Response and Status Update Timelines (Remote


Response Time Response Time

Priority (Mon -Fri) (Sat, Sun & Public Holidays)

High 2 Hrs 2 Hrs

Medium 4 Hrs 6 Hrs

Low 6 Hrs Next Working day

Priority Level Definition

Priority Impact Examples

Service outage or a major application problem Database is not available, Server

High (P1) making it impossible to use the service. Crash, etc.

Slow response time, infrequent session

Medium Large number of users is impacted, and no blocks, some database functionality is
(P2) work around exists. broken or upgrade of version

Impact on a small number of user base or Some minor functionality is broken, but
Low (P3) impact on many users, but a workaround exists the service is still usable.

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