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Year 2000 2001 2002 2003

Real GDP (base year: 2015) 2.05 2.09 2.11 2.13
Nominal GDP 1.37 1.38 1.5 1.84
GDP Deflator 149.635 151.449 140.667 115.761
Inflation rate (GDP Deflator) 0 1.212 -7.119 -17.706
CPI 79.9 81.3 82.8 84.6
Inflation (CPI) 0 1.752 1.845 2.174

Year 2000 2001 2002 2003

Change in inflation rate of GDP defla 0 1.212 -8.331 -10.587
Change in inflation rate of CPI 0 1.752 0.093 0.329

- From 2000 to 2021, the inflation rate (according to the GDP deflator index) fell from 1,212% to -4,554%. The inflat
- The year 2015 saw the sudden and highest inflation rate in the period 2000-2021, reaching 18.672% (according to
- Following the crisis period, there was a drop to a low level in the inflation rate (according to the GDP deflator index
In 2001-2002, the GDP deflator index decreased from 1,212% to -7,119%, while the CPI increased from 1,752% to

Inflation rates fluctuated slightly between 2002 and 2004. The GDP deflator index increased from -7,119% to -1
Between 2004 and 2006, the GDP deflator index showed a sharp increase from -10,763% to -2,609%, while the C
Between 2006 and 2010, the global financial crisis had a significant impact on inflation rates, reaching 5,273% and
Year 2010-2011:
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
2.19 2.22 2.28 2.33 2.34 2.27 2.32
2.12 2.2 2.32 2.66 2.93 2.7 2.65
103.302 100.909 98.276 87.594 79.863 84.074 87.547
-10.763 -2.317 -2.609 -10.869 -8.826 5.273 4.131
86.4 87.9 89.3 90.6 93.2 93.3 94.7
2.128 1.736 1.593 1.456 2.87 0.107 1.501

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

6.943 8.446 -0.292 -8.26 2.043 14.099 -1.142
-0.046 -0.392 -0.143 -0.137 1.414 -2.763 1.394

m 1,212% to -4,554%. The inflation rate (according to the CPI) fell from 1,752% to 1,624%. However, during this time, the infla
reaching 18.672% (according to the GDP deflator index), compared to 2.87% in 2008. Inflation (according to CPI) is the result
cording to the GDP deflator index) between 2016 and 2021, down to -4.961% in 2018 and while the rate Inflation (according to C
e CPI increased from 1,752% to 1,845%, indicating France's control over the situation. Inflation pattern.

dex increased from -7,119% to -10,763%, while the CPI increased from 1,845% to 2,128%. This was the early period of France'
10,763% to -2,609%, while the CPI showed a decrease from 2,128% to 1,593%.
ation rates, reaching 5,273% and 4,131%, respectively, according to the GDP deflator index and 1,501% according to the CPI.
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
2.37 2.38 2.39 2.41 2.44 2.47 2.52
2.87 2.68 2.81 2.86 2.44 2.47 2.6
82.578 88.806 85.053 84.266 100 100 96.923
-5.676 7.542 -4.226 -0.925 18.672 0 -3.077
96.7 98.6 99.4 99.9 100 100.2 101.2
2.112 1.965 0.811 0.503 0.1 0.2 0.998

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

-9.807 13.218 -11.768 3.301 19.597 -18.672 -3.077
0.611 -0.147 -1.154 -0.308 -0.403 0.1 0.798

during this time, the inflation rate calculated by both indexes exhibited volatile fluctuations over time.
ording to CPI) is the result of stagnation in the French economy following the 2000s, as well as the impact of the global econom
ate Inflation (according to CPI) reached its lowest level after the crisis period of 0.2% in 2016, demonstrating the adjustment and

he early period of France's economic expansion.

1% according to the CPI.

2018 2019 2020 2021
2.57 2.62 2.42 2.58
2.79 2.73 2.65 2.96
92.115 95.971 91.321 87.162
-4.961 4.186 -4.845 -4.554
103 104.2 104.7 106.4
1.779 1.165 0.48 1.624

2018 2019 2020 2021

-1.884 9.147 -9.031 0.291
0.781 -0.614 -0.685 1.144

pact of the global economic crisis.

trating the adjustment and recovery of the French economy at this stage.

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