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A. Look, read and choose the correct animal. There is one example (0) .

A, B, or C?
0. It’s got a tail and two C
1. It’s got a horn.

2. It’s got two wings and

four legs.
3. It’s got three heads.

4. It’s got eight legs.

5. It’s got two legs and

two wings.

B. Look at the picture. Write the words form the box. There is one example (0).

Cyclop / eye / strong / power / giant / hands / legs / explosions / big / two /

I am a 0)__Cyclop___. I am a mythological
animal. I am a 1)________. I have got just one
2)____________ and a 3)____________ mouth. I
have got 4)____________ arms and two
5)___________. I have got two 6)____________ to
walk. I am very 7)____________. My eye has a
8)____________, it can produce 9)____________
of force.

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