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org/IECR Article

Treatment of Brackish Water RO Brine via Bipolar Membrane

Chunliang Du, Jennifer Runhong Du,* Xiangshan Zhao, Fang Cheng, Mohamed E. A. Ali,
and Xianshe Feng
Cite This: Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2021, 60, 3115−3129 Read Online

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ABSTRACT: Due to the demand for acid and base in brackish water reverse
osmosis (RO) desalination plants located in remote areas and the difficulty of
transporting acid and base, bipolar membrane electrodialysis (BMED) was
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employed to convert brackish water RO brine into acid and base on site. The
effects of operating parameters (i.e., initial salt content, current density, content of
electrode solution, and initial HCl and NaOH contents) on the BMED
performance for batch processing of brackish water RO brine were investigated
with NaCl solutions. The operating conditions were optimized via the response
surface methodology. Using the actual RO concentrate from a brackish water
desalination plant as the feed solution for BMED after softening pretreatment, an
acid of 0.7 mol/L and a base of 0.6 mol/L were produced in three BMED cycles,
and the salt content in the feed compartment decreased from 19.8 to 4.1 g/L in
each cycle. While the acid and base produced on site can be used for membrane
cleaning and pH adjustment of the RO influent water, the residual salt solution from the BMED can be pumped to the RO system to
maximize utilization of the water resources. The purities of the acid and base produced were 91.1 and 97.2%, respectively, and the
total process cost was estimated at $1.69/kg NaOH.

1. INTRODUCTION desert areas).8 Unfortunately, the acids and bases needed to run
With the rapid growth of population and economic develop- the RO are not readily accessible, and it would be of great
ment, the global shortage of freshwater is becoming increasingly significance to produce the acids and bases on site for proper
serious.1 For inland areas, such as Northwestern China, Saudi operation of RO desalination in remote areas.
Bipolar membrane electrodialysis (BMED) is a process that
Arabia, Egypt, and Turkey,2 desalination of brackish water has
combines bipolar membranes with conventional electrodial-
been pivotal in solving the freshwater shortage problem.3,4
ysis.9 Water molecules in the bipolar membrane (BM) are
Currently, the main desalination technologies include reverse
dissociated into H+ and OH− under a direct current (DC)
osmosis (RO), nanofiltration (NF), electrodialysis (ED),
electric field. Subsequently, the H+ ions combine with the anions
multistage flash distillation, and multiple-effect distillation.
migrated from the feed salt solution through an anion-exchange
Among them, RO accounts for about 65% of the total installed
membrane (AEM) to form an acid solution in the acid
desalination capacity globally.5
compartment, while the OH− ions combine with the cations
However, a major issue in the application of RO desalination
migrated from the feed salt solution through a cation-exchange
is the treatment of the concentrated brine byproduct. Industrial
membrane (CEM) to form a base solution in the base
RO desalination systems typically run at a recovery of about
compartment.10 Since the BMED technology has the advantages
50%. That is, about half of the feed water is discharged as brine
of environmental friendliness and low energy consumption, it
into the sea or nearby areas, which has significant environmental
has attracted significant attention.11−14 BMED has been
impacts.6 Effective treatment of the RO brine is needed to make
successfully used in biochemical and food processing to generate
good use of water resources, thereby minimizing liquid
or purify organic acids/bases or control the solution pH during
Another problem with RO desalination is membrane fouling.
Strong acids (e.g., HCl or H2SO4) and bases (e.g., NaOH) are Received: January 25, 2021
commonly used in RO systems to adjust the pH value during Revised: February 2, 2021
operation or as cleaning reagents in cleaning cycles.7 A number Accepted: February 4, 2021
of medium-/small-scale brackish water RO desalination plants Published: February 12, 2021
are built to produce freshwater for drinking or irrigation in some
remote areas rich in brackish water (mainly mountains and

© 2021 American Chemical Society

3115 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2021, 60, 3115−3129
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

fermentation or chemical synthesis.15−17 It has also been studied Table 1. Major Characteristics of Membranes Utilized in This
recently for environmental applications to remove harmful Worka
heavy metals and exhaust gases.18−20 There are some reports on
area exchange voltage
using BMED to produce acid and base from NaCl-rich thickness resistanceb capacity drop efficiency
brine.1,9,21−24 For example, Reig et al.25 reported the use of membrane (mm) (Ω m2) (meq/g) (V) (%)
ED-purified and concentrated SWRO brine as the feed solution CMB 0.18−0.25 2.5−6.0 1.8−2.2
of BMED to produce HCl and NaOH of 2 mol/L. BMED has ACM 0.10−0.13 2.0−4.5 1.8−2.0
some advantages compared with other base-producing BP-1E 0.2−0.35 1.2− >98
techniques, such as traditional chloride-alkali industry and 2.2
direct electrodialysis. BMED makes it possible to produce base Data were obtained from the manufacturer’s product manual. bThe
from RO brine, unlike the chloride-alkali industry, which area resistance of the ion-exchange membrane was measured with a
requires pure NaCl solutions.26 Direct electrodialysis, which 0.5 N NaCl solution, at 25 °C. Membranes were separated by
requires a special electrode material, is currently at the proof-of- Plexiglas spacers with a thickness of 1 mm.
concept stage and has not been tested with real RO brine.27
Therefore, BMED has the potential to be a scalable solution for 2.2. Experimental Section. A BMED stack with the BM-
acid and base production using RO brine.28 However, almost all AEM-CEM-BM configuration was employed in this work (see
of the studies focused on synthetic solutions or seawater RO Figure 1). The membrane stack had two electrode compart-
brine, and no systematic studies exist on the use of brackish ments and 10 repeating units, and each repeating unit contains
water RO brine to produce acid and base by the BMED process. three compartments for the acid solution, salt solution, and base
Brackish water usually refers to surface water or groundwater solution. The effective area of each membrane was 510 cm2. The
with a salt content of 1−25 g/L.29 Globally, more than 85% of solution volume in a respective compartment was 4 L. The
brackish water on the earth has a salt content of less than 10 g/ compartments were connected to their respective external
L.2 If the feed salt content of an RO desalination plant is 10 g/L solution tanks (see Figure 2), and the solution was recirculated
and the recovery rate is 50%, brine with a salt content of 20 g/L into the membrane stack using pumps (MP-70RZ, Xinxishan,
will be produced. Therefore, the main purpose of this work was China). The flow rate of each loop was set to 130 L/h and
to desalinate brackish water RO brine, especially brine with a salt monitored with four rotameters (0−400 L/h). The electrodes
content of 20 g/L, and to generate acid and base using the located at the two ends of the membrane stack were connected
BMED process. On the one hand, the products acid and base can to a direct current (DC) power supply (ZJ-2100-70, Zhengjie,
be supplied to the desalination unit to meet the operation and/ China). Small amounts of HCl and NaOH were added to the
or cleaning needs of the RO system. On the other hand, the acid and base solution compartments in advance, respectively, to
desalinated brine from the BMED process can be recycled to the avoid membrane damage from excessively high voltages in the
RO system for further desalination to increase the overall initial stage of experiments.21,30 The concentrations of HCl and
recovery of water resources and to reduce wastewater discharge. NaOH were kept the same. Na2SO4 was used as the electrode
The brackish water RO brine treatment with BMED was carried solution. All of the four solutions were circulated for 0.5 h to
out in a batch process. The specific experimental steps are as remove gas bubbles in this system. The operating temperature
follows: (1) the effects of operating parameters (i.e., initial salt was maintained at 30 °C, and each batch process was terminated
content, current density, initial HCl and NaOH contents, and at a fixed voltage drop (25 V). The BMED process was operated
the content of the electrode solution) on BMED performance at a constant current mode.
were investigated with synthetic NaCl solutions; (2) optimiza- 2.3. Experimental Design for RSM. Based on a central
tion of the major BMED operating conditions based on the composite design (CCD), the RSM was used to find out the
response surface methodology (RSM) was performed with optimum operating conditions with maximum current effi-
synthetic NaCl solutions; and (3) a case study of BMED for ciency, minimum residual salt content, and minimum energy
treatment of an actual brackish water RO brine at optimal consumption. The following operating parameters were
operating conditions was conducted, and the process economics considered: initial NaCl content (X1), current density (X2),
was evaluated. This work provides a systematic study on the and initial HCl and NaOH contents (X3). Each operating
effects of operating conditions on BMED performance at the parameter had five levels, and they are listed in Table 2. The
termination of a batch treatment. It is also expected to offer an statistical analysis of experimental data was obtained using
insight into the sustainable and environment-friendly approach Design-Expert software (version 8.0.6) based on the following
for brackish water desalination plants that do not have access to second-order polynomial equation
acid/base and to provide reference data to the literature about
3 3 3
the treatment of brackish water RO brine.
R = a0 + ∑ aiXi+ ∑ aiiXi2+ ∑ aijXiXj
2. EXPERIMENTAL SECTION i=1 i=1 i<j (1)
2.1. Materials. The cation-exchange membrane (membrane where R is the value of predicted response, Xi and Xj are the
type: CMB), anion-exchange membrane (membrane type: coded values of the independent factors, and a0, ai, aii, and aij are
ACM), and bipolar membrane (membrane type: BP-1E) were the intercept term and the linear, quadratic, and interaction
all purchased from Astom (Japan). Table 1 lists the major constant coefficients, respectively.
characteristics of the membranes utilized. All of the reagents 2.4. Evaluation of BMED Performance. Energy con-
used in this study (including HCl, NaCl, Na2CO3, NaOH, and sumption (E) and average current efficiency (η) are two
Na2SO4) were of analytical grades. The RO brine was collected important parameters characterizing the performance of the
from a surface brackish water desalination plant at Jinhai Lake BMED process,31 which were calculated on the basis of the
(Tianjin, China). The total dissolved solid (TDS) of the RO NaOH content since HCl is cheaper than NaOH,21 E (kWh/kg
brine was 20.7 g/L. NaOH) was obtained from32
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2021, 60, 3115−3129
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of BMED for preparation of HCl and NaOH from an aqueous salt solution. (a) Na+ in the salt compartment penetrates
the CEM and combines with OH− dissociated in BM to form NaOH in the base compartment; (b) Cl− in the salt compartment penetrates the AEM
and combines with H+ dissociated in BM to form HCl in the acid compartment.

Figure 2. Schematic diagram of the treatment of brackish water RO brine using the BMED process. (1) BMED membrane stack; (2) salt tank; (3) base
tank; (4) electrode solution tank; (5) acid tank; (6) pump; (7) pretreatment. EC, electrical conductivity meter; pH, pH meter; BC, base concentration
meter; T, thermometer.

Table 2. Codes and Levels of Factors in the CCD η (%) from time 0 to t was calculated by
code level VF(Ct − C0)
factor code −1.682 −1 0 +1 +1.682
η= × 100
NIt (3)
initial NaCl content X1 16.59 20 25 30 33.41
(g/L) where C0 is the initial NaOH content (mol/L), F is the Faraday
current density X2 7.9 12 18 24 28.1 constant (F = 96 485 C/mol), and N is the number of repeating
units of the membrane stack (N = 10). In this work, all
initial HCl and NaOH X3 0.13 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.47
contents (mol/L) experiments were repeated at least three times, and the data
reported represent the average of all measurements or
t UI experiments.
t dt
E= ∫0 CtVM (2)
2.5. Pretreatment of the Brackish Water RO Brine.
Scaling will occur on the BMED membrane surface if water
hardness and the pH is not properly controlled. Pretreatment of
where Ut (V) is the potential at time t (h), Ct (mol/L) is the the RO brine is needed to reduce the divalent cation content
content of NaOH at time t, I (A) is the operating current, V (L) prior to the BMED process. OH− and CO32− can be used to
is the volume of the solution in the base tank (4 L), and M is the precipitate Mg2+ and Ca2+, respectively, due to the low
molar mass of NaOH (40 g/mol). Since the transmission of ions solubilities of the resulting precipitating compounds formed34
occurs in the form of hydrated ions,33 there will be a change in
the solution volume during the operation. In this work, the Ca 2 + + CO32 − → CaCO3 (s) (4)
volume change of the base solution was no more than 2%.
Therefore, to simplify the calculation, the volume change was
ignored. Mg 2 + + 2OH− → Mg(OH)2 (s) (5)

Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2021, 60, 3115−3129
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

Figure 3. Influence of initial NaCl content on (a) voltage drop across the stack, (b) products’ base and acid contents, (c) energy consumption and
current efficiency, and (d) residual NaCl content of the salt compartment. Current density: 18 mA/cm2; Na2SO4 content: 0.5 mol/L; initial HCl and
NaOH contents: 0.2 mol/L.

Therefore, NaOH and Na2CO3 were used to lower the hardness drop decreased with an increase in the initial NaCl content at a
of the RO brine. Specifically, 244 mg/L Na2CO3 and 726 mg/L certain time. This is easy to understand because the electrical
NaOH were added to the RO brine, and the precipitates were resistance of the membrane stack decreases with a rise in the
removed by a microfiltration membrane (pore size 0.45 μm, NaCl content. Additionally, a higher initial NaCl content
Kewei, China). To keep the pH of the softened brine consistent resulted in requiring a longer batch processing time since more
with that of the NaCl model solution (pH = 6.7), the pH of the Na+ and Cl− needed to be transferred. At a given initial NaCl
softened brine was adjusted from 10.9 to 6.7 by adding an content, the voltage drop experienced a slow increase as BMED
aqueous solution of HCl with a pH of 1. proceeded over time before a drastic growth in the voltage drop
2.6. Analytical Methods. The contents of salt, acid, and was observed eventually. At the early stage, the decrease in the
base were measured online by an electrical conductivity meter salt content as a result of BMED was not drastic enough to cause
(EC-410, Suntex, China), a pH meter (PC-110, Suntex, China), a notable increase in the electrical resistance because of the high
and a base concentration meter (DCG-760A, Yidian, China), conductivity of the salt solution, which resulted in only a
respectively. The contents of the main cations were determined marginal increase in the voltage drop of the membrane stack.
with cation chromatography (ICS-1500, Dionex), and the However, when the NaCl in the feed solution was significantly
contents of SO42−, Cl−, and Br− were determined using anion depleted, further processing with BMED led to a more
chromatography (ICS-2000, Dionex). The content of HCO3− significant increase in the voltage drop due to an elevated
was obtained by titration (ASTM 15451-2006). The TDS was electrical resistance of the stack.
measured by the weighing method (ASTM 5750.4-2006). The The influences of the initial NaCl content on the yields of
total organic carbon concentration (TOC) was measured by a products’ acid and base are shown in Figure 3b. As expected,
TOC analyzer (QBD1200, Hach). more acids and bases were produced with a rise in the initial
NaCl content because more ions were transferred when the
3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION initial NaCl content increases.35 When the initial NaCl content
3.1. Effects of Operating Parameters on BMED was 45 g/L, the final content of NaOH and HCl in the
Performance. 3.1.1. Initial NaCl Content. If brackish water corresponding base and acid compartments was about 0.5 mol/
with a salt content of 10 g/L is desalinated by RO and the L.
recovery rate of the RO system is 50−75%, the salt content of As presented in Figure 3c, the current efficiency slightly
the RO brine will be 20−40 g/L. Therefore, the investigation lowered with a rise in the initial NaCl content. Increasing the
range of the initial salt content of the BMED process was initial NaCl content increases the contents of the resulting HCl
selected to be 15−45 g/L in this work. The effects of initial NaCl and NaOH, and consequently the concentration gradients of H+
content on voltage drop are shown in Figure 3a. The voltage and OH− across their respective ion-exchange membranes
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2021, 60, 3115−3129
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

Figure 4. Influence of current density on (a) voltage drop across the stack, (b) products’ base and acid contents, (c) energy consumption and current
efficiency, and (d) residual NaCl content of the salt compartment. Initial NaCl content: 25 g/L; Na2SO4 content: 0.5 mol/L; initial HCl and NaOH
contents: 0.2 mol/L.

increase. As a result, the leakage of H+ and OH− from the acid an increase in current density increases the driving force for ion
and base compartments to the salt compartment is intensified. migration across the membranes, the transmembrane ion
On the other hand, the increased concentrations of HCl and movement across the membranes and water dissociation in
NaOH also mean an augmented osmotic pressure, which slows the bipolar membranes are facilitated. The fast transmembrane
down the supply of water molecules to the bipolar membrane ion transfer leads to a more severe concentration polarization on
and thus impacts the dissociation of water molecules.36 The the membrane surface,37 resulting in a rise in the electrical
energy consumption gradually increased at higher initial NaCl resistance of the stack. Running BMED at a higher current
contents. This is obvious because the higher NaCl content needs density accelerates ion transfer across the membrane and leads
a longer BMED processing time under the same operating to a shorter batch processing time.
conditions (see Figure 3a), which in turn consumes more Figure 4b exhibits the impacts of the current density on the
electrical energy to split water molecules in the bipolar contents of the products’ HCl and NaOH. The contents of HCl
membrane and to induce transfer of sodium ions and chloride and NaOH produced by one batch of BMED were reduced
ions across the corresponding CEM and AEM. This result is gradually as the current density increased. An increase in current
consistent with the report by Reig et al.25 density will accelerate the migration rate of ions, thereby
The residual NaCl content in the feed solution is shown in increasing the yield of acid and base produced at the same
Figure 3d. When the initial NaCl content was increased from 15 operating time (as shown in Figure S1 in the Supporting
to 35 g/L, the residual NaCl content gradually reduced. As Information). In this work, the voltage drop increased sharply
mentioned before, more acids and bases were produced at a after it reached 25 V. Therefore, a voltage drop of 25 V was used
higher initial NaCl content and thus the electrical resistance was as the terminal time of a BMED processing batch. An increase in
lowered. This in turn helps in the transport of chloride ions and current density shortened the processing time of a batch of
sodium ions from the salt solution to the acid and base BMED (see Figure S1 in the Supporting Information). As a
compartments, respectively, to form HCl and NaOH. However, result, the NaCl in the salt compartment solution was not
the reduction in the residual NaCl content in the salt thoroughly converted into the corresponding acid and base at a
compartment was less significant with a further increase in the higher current density (Figure 4d). Therefore, the yields of acid
initial NaCl content from 35 to 45 g/L. Overall, an increase in and base produced by a batch process of BMED were reduced
the initial salt content resulted in an increased product yield, with an increase in the current density. Similar results were also
running time as well as energy consumption, with lowered observed by Shen et al.38
current efficiency and residual NaCl content. As shown in Figure 4c, the current efficiency increased with an
3.1.2. Current Density. Figure 4a shows the variation of increase in the current density. This is understandable
voltage drop with time under different current densities. Since considering the fact that the migration rates of Na+ and Cl−
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2021, 60, 3115−3129
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

Figure 5. Influence of the initial HCl and NaOH contents on (a) voltage drop across the stack, (b) products’ base and acid contents, (c) energy
consumption and current efficiency, and (d) residual NaCl content of the salt compartment. Current density: 18 mA/cm2; initial NaCl content: 25 g/
L; Na2SO4 content: 0.5 mol/L.

across the membranes and the dissociation rate of water decrease in the voltage drop due to a lowered electrical
molecules are accelerated at a higher current density, while the resistance of the stack.21,32
transport of their counterions is suppressed,37,39 and thus the Figure 5b shows that the contents of HCl and NaOH
electric energy is used more effectively. The energy consumption increased slightly with an increase in the initial HCl and NaOH
increased slightly with the current density, demonstrating that contents because more Na+ and Cl− in the salt compartment can
the energy consumption required to conquer the higher be transferred to the corresponding base and acid compartments
electrical resistance due to the usage of a higher current density when the electrical resistance of the solution decreases. A similar
is not much different from that required to operate at a lower trend has also been reported by Reig et al.21 Figure 5d shows that
current density but for a longer period of processing time.39 In increasing the initial HCl and NaOH contents tends to reduce
summary, as the current density increased, although the the residual salt content. However, when the initial HCl and
operating time of the BMED process was significantly reduced, NaOH contents were high enough (e.g., 0.3 mol/L), there was
the energy consumption increased and the production yield little change in the residual salt content.
As displayed in Figure 5c, the current efficiency decreased as
the initial HCl and NaOH contents increased. This is not
3.1.3. Initial HCl and NaOH Contents. Figure 5a shows the
surprising in view of the increased osmotic pressures at higher
voltage drop over time at various initial HCl and NaOH
HCl and NaOH contents, which limit water supply to the
contents; the content of HCl was the same as the NaOH
bipolar membrane for dissociation into H+ and OH−.36 In
content. When their initial content was 0.1 mol/L, the voltage addition, the increased HCl and NaOH contents will increase
drop slowly decreased first due to the dissociation of water the concentration gradients of H+ and OH− to pass the CEM
molecules into H+ and OH− in the bipolar membranes, which and AEM, respectively, and enter the salt compartment. There
decreases the electrical resistance of the stack. Then, the voltage was a gradual decline in energy consumption with an increase in
drop increased gradually until a sharp increase near the end of the initial HCl and NaOH contents because of the reduced
the process because of the consumption of NaCl in the feed electrical resistance of the stack.32
solutions. On the other hand, increasing the initial HCl and 3.1.4. Content of Electrode Solution. An increase in the
NaOH contents leads to a rise in the osmotic pressure of the Na2SO4 content from 0.1 to 0.5 mol/L resulted in a reduction in
solutions in the acid and base compartments, which reduces the the voltage drop (see Figure 6a). This is due to the fact that the
supply of water to the bipolar membrane and then limits the electrical resistance reduced at higher Na2SO4 contents because
dissociation of water molecules, resulting in an increase in the of the increased conductivity of the electrode compartment.
processing time for a given batch volume. At a given time, However, when the Na2SO4 content was high enough (e.g., 0.7−
increasing the initial HCl and NaOH concentrations caused a 0.9 mol/L), a further increase in the Na2SO4 content had little
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2021, 60, 3115−3129
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

Figure 6. Influence of Na2SO4 content on (a) voltage drop across the stack, (b) products’ base and acid contents, (c) energy consumption and current
efficiency, and (d) residual NaCl content of the salt compartment. Current density: 18 mA/cm2; initial NaCl content: 25 g/L; initial HCl and NaOH
contents: 0.2 mol/L.

Table 3. Observed Response Values from the CCD

code level
runs X1 X2 X3 energy consumption (kWh/kg NaOH) current efficiency (%) residual NaCl content (g/L)
1 0 0 0 0.99 ± 0.058 65.1 ± 1.39 4.21 ± 0.21
2 −1 +1 +1 0.66 ± 0.033 66.1 ± 1.77 6.92 ± 0.14
3 +1 +1 −1 1.41± 0.08 67.8 ± 1.90 6.13 ± 0.29
4 0 +1.682 0 0.87 ± 0.038 67.1 ± 0.56 7.91 ± 0.57
5 0 0 +1.682 0.80 ± 0.032 53.1 ± 0.64 4.09 ± 0.26
6 0 0 0 0.91 ± 0.058 63.6 ± 1.39 3.98 ± 0.21
7 −1.682 0 0 0.68 ± 0.037 71.4 ± 1.08 4.87 ± 0.29
8 0 0 0 0.95 ± 0.058 62.8 ± 1.39 4.36 ± 0.21
9 −1 −1 −1 1.03 ± 0.041 65.6 ± 0.89 3.00 ± 0.17
10 −1 −1 +1 0.75 ± 0.035 54.4 ± 1.50 2.84 ± 0.11
11 0 0 0 0.88 ± 0.058 62.2 ± 1.39 4.11 ± 0.21
12 0 0 0 1.06 ± 0.058 64.4 ± 1.39 4.58 ± 0.21
13 0 0 −1.682 1.66 ± 0.076 69.0 ± 0.94 5.54 ± 0.32
14 0 −1.682 0 0.94 ± 0.032 50.3 ± 0.78 2.00 ± 0.08
15 +1 −1 −1 1.59 ± 0.075 61.3 ± 1.12 2.51 ± 0.10
16 −1 +1 −1 0.91 ± 0.065 69.8 ± 1.44 7.39 ± 0.42
17 0 0 0 0.94 ± 0.058 61.4 ± 1.39 4.20 ± 0.21
18 +1 +1 +1 1.11 ± 0.063 57.7 ± 1.03 5.95 ± 0.36
19 +1.682 0 0 1.26 ± 0.064 64.1 ± 0.73 4.20 ± 0.13
20 +1 −1 1 1.09 ± 0.042 50.3 ± 1.04 2.71 ± 0.11

impact on the voltage drop because the electrical conductivity of was moderately affected by the Na2SO4 content over the
each compartment solution was large enough to be not affected experimental range studied.
Figure 6b shows that the content of Na2SO4 solution had no
by a small change in the Na2SO4 concentration. In addition, the effects on the yields of products’ base and acid. Similar results
batch processing time needed to complete the BMED process have also been reported elsewhere.30 The current efficiency
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2021, 60, 3115−3129
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

(Figure 6c) and the residual NaCl content of the salt




P value
compartment (Figure 6d) were not affected by the Na2SO4
content either. However, the energy consumption gradually
reduced with an increase in the Na2SO4 content and eventually
leveled off when the Na2SO4 content was high enough. This is



F value

because as the content of the Na2SO4 increased, the ratio of the

residual NaCl content (g/L)

electrical resistance of the electrode solution compartment to
the electrical resistance of the stack decreased, i.e., the

R2 = 0.9837, R2adj = 0.9691, CV% = 6.28

contribution of the electrode solution compartment to the

total electrical resistance was reduced. However, there was only a

slight decrease in energy consumption when increasing the
Na2SO4 content above 0.7 mol/L. From the energy and material
consumption standpoints, a Na2SO4 content of 0.7 mol/L was

chosen in subsequent experiments.
3.2. Optimization of the BMED Process by RSM.
3.2.1. Model Fitting. Based on the experimental results of the

above one-variable-at-a-time experiments, three operating

parameters that influence the BMED performance (i.e., initial
salt content, initial HCl and NaOH contents, and current
density) may be optimized based on CCD. The CCD matrix and


P value
output values are listed in Table 3. The regression equations
obtained by the analysis of variance (ANOVA) for different
responses are



Energy consumption:

F value
R1 = 1.30 + 0.0498X1 − 0.00664X 2 − 6.97X3 current efficiency (%)

R2 = 0.9758, R2adj = 0.9541, CV% = 2.20

+ 0.000227X1X 2 − 0.0675X1X3 + 0.0491X 2X3


+ 0.000238X12 − 0.000609X 2 2 + 9.59X32

Current efficiency:

SS, sum of squares; DF, degree of freedom; MS, mean square. Significant (P < 0.05); highly significant (P < 0.01)


R 2 = 79.4 − 2.72X1 + 2.22X 2 + 16.8X3 − 0.00817X1X 2
− 1.53X1X3 + 1.77X 2X3 + 0.0574X12 − 0.0515X 2 2




− 93.3X32

Residual NaCl concentration:



P value

R3 = 3.62 − 0.133X1 + 0.304X 2 − 14.0X3 − 0.00697X1X 2
+ 0.163X1X3 − 0.147X 2X3 + 17.2X32 + 0.00295X12
+ 0.00653X 2 2




energy consumption (kWh/kg NaOH)
F value

As shown in Table 4, the regression models possessed high F-

values and very low P-values (<0.0001), indicating that the three
models were highly significant. The fitness values of the model
R2 = 0.9639, R2adj = 0.9313, CV% = 6.84


equations as measured by the determination coefficient (R2), the

Table 4. Statistical Significance of the RSM


adjusted determination coefficient (Radj2), and the coefficient of


variation (CV%) are also presented in Table 4. The R2 values for

all three models were higher than 0.96, indicating the adequacy
of the three models to describe the experimental data



satisfactorily.40 Statistically, the high Radj2 value also confirms

the significant correlation between experimental and predicted
values,41 and the low value of CV% means that the results of the


fitted models had good precision and reliability.42



3.2.2. Influences of Variables and Optimization. As shown

in Table 4, the variables that have a significant impact were X1,
X3, and X32 for energy consumption; X1, X2, X3, X12, X22, and X32
for current efficiency; and X1, X2, X3, X22, and X32 for residual
pure error
lack of fit

Cor total


NaCl content. All of the interactions between different variables



appeared to be insignificant. To determine the optimal levels of



the variables, three-dimensional (3D) response surface plots

Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2021, 60, 3115−3129
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

Figure 7. Three-dimensional response surface plots for energy consumption as a function of (a) initial NaCl content and current density, (b) initial
NaCl content and initial HCl and NaOH contents, and (c) current density and initial HCl and NaOH contents.

Figure 8. Three-dimensional response surface plots for current efficiency as a function of (a) initial NaCl content and current density, (b) initial NaCl
content and initial HCl and NaOH contents, and (c) current density and initial HCl and NaOH contents.

Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2021, 60, 3115−3129
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

Figure 9. Three-dimensional response surface plots for residual NaCl concentration as a function of (a) initial NaCl content and current density, (b)
initial NaCl content and initial HCl and NaOH contents, and (c) current density and initial HCl and NaOH contents.

were constructed between two operating parameters, while (Figure 8a) and a decrease in initial HCl and NaOH contents
another operating parameter remained at the zero code level.40 (Figure 8b). For a low initial NaCl content, the current
As shown in Figure 7a, at the zero level of initial HCl and efficiency was higher at a higher current density and lower initial
NaOH contents, the energy consumption of the BMED HCl and NaOH contents. Figure 8c shows that at a given NaCl
gradually increased with current density at different initial content, the current efficiency increased to a constant value with
NaCl contents, and it also increased with the initial NaCl an increase in current density at different initial HCl and NaOH
content at different current densities. A lower initial NaCl contents. Clearly, lower initial HCl and NaOH contents and
content or lower current density leads to a decline in the energy higher current densities favor the current efficiency of the
consumption. Figure 7b shows that at the zero level of current BMED for batch treatment of salt solutions.
density, the energy consumption declines with an increase in the Figure 9a shows that the content of residual NaCl in the salt
initial HCl and NaOH contents regardless of the initial NaCl compartment gradually increased with current density. More-
content. Moreover, the energy consumption increases with the over, it decreased slightly as the initial NaCl concentration
initial NaCl content irrespective of the initial HCl and NaOH increased at given current densities. Figure 9b shows that the
contents used. The dependence of energy consumption on the residual NaCl content reduced with an increase in the initial
initial HCl and NaOH contents can also be clearly seen from NaCl content at different initial HCl and NaOH contents. At an
Figure 7c. At the zero level of the initial NaCl content, the energy initial NaCl content of 33.4 g/L, a relatively low residual NaCl
consumption declined with an increase in initial HCl and NaOH content can be reached when an initial HCl and NaOH content
contents at various current densities, and the impact of current of 0.3 mol/L was used. The dependence of residual NaCl
density on energy consumption was insignificant. Overall, the content on current density can be seen in Figure 9c. At different
effects of the initial HCl and NaOH contents on energy initial HCl and NaOH contents, increasing the current density
consumption are more pronounced than the initial salt content resulted in a higher residual NaCl content, whereas the initial
and current density. This is because within the parameter range HCl and NaOH contents had little impact on the residual NaCl
selected in this work, the variation of the concentration of acid content in the salt compartment solution.
and base solutions had a relatively greater impact on the To minimize energy consumption and residual NaCl content
electrical resistance of the membrane stack than the variation of while maximizing the current efficiency in practical applications,
current density and initial salt content. the optimal operating conditions for the BMED process were
Similarly, Figure 8a,b shows that the current efficiency optimized by ridge analysis and canonical analysis.40 For an
decreases with an increase in the initial NaCl content. Regardless initial NaCl content of 15 g/L, the following performance specs
of the initial NaCl content investigated, the current efficiency were obtained: minimum energy consumption of 0.66 kWh/kg
increased significantly with an increase in current density NaOH, minimum residual NaCl content of 3.41 g/L, and
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2021, 60, 3115−3129
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

maximum current efficiency of 70.9% when the BMED was As shown in Figure 10a, the yield of the base and acid
conducted at a current density of 12.4 mA/cm2 and an initial increased linearly with time. The conductivity of the salt
HCl and NaOH content of 0.27 mol/L. However, considering
that the TDS of the actual RO brine to be treated was about 20
g/L, the initial NaCl content was set to a fixed value (20 g/L) to
reoptimize the operating conditions. This yielded a minimum
energy consumption of 0.80 kWh/kg NaOH, minimum residual
salt content of 3.82 g/L, and maximum current efficiency of
66.8% at a current density of 15 mA/cm2 and an initial HCl and
NaOH content of 0.25 mol/L. To verify the model predictions,
three additional independent experiments were run under the
optimized results. The average performance values are as
follows: minimum energy consumption of 0.85 ± 0.05 kWh/kg
NaOH, minimum residual NaCl content of 3.87 ± 0.21 g/L, and
maximum current efficiency of 67.1 ± 1.02%. These results
confirm that the optimization of the operating conditions was
3.3. Case Study for Desalination of RO Brine by BMED.
The Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions in the RO brine can migrate from the
salt compartment to the base compartment and cause the scaling
of Mg(OH)2, Ca(OH)2, and CaCO3 to form on the surface of
the cation-exchange membrane and the bipolar membrane in
the base compartment.43−45 In this work, the contents of Ca2+
and Mg2+ in the RO brine were 203 and 605 mg/L, respectively
(Table 5), and the total hardness was 2987 mg/L (calculated as

Table 5. Main Compositions in the RO Brine with and

without the Pretreatment
main ions concentrate pretreated concentrate
Figure 10. (a) Variation of the base content, acid content, and
Na+ (mg/L) 6798 ± 124.60 6914 ±106.73
conductivity of the salt solution with operation time. (b) Variation of
K+ (mg/L) 142 ± 4.99 138 ± 4.86
energy consumption and the average current efficiency with the number
Ca2+ (mg/L) 203 ± 8.89 2 ± 0.41 of cycles.
Mg2+ (mg/L) 605 ± 11.08 1 ± 0.67
Cl− (mg/L) 10 789 ± 108.97 10 674 ± 162.54
compartment solution decreased almost linearly in the BMED
HCO−3 (mg/L) 61 ± 1.31 43 ± 2.31
cycle, which was reasonable due to the constant rate of ion
Br− (mg/L) 38 ± 1.50 36 ± 2.05
migration under a constant current density. After three BMED
4 (mg/L) 1085 ± 15.4 1041 ± 29.98
cycles, the base content and acid content were shown to be 0.6
TDS (g/L) 20.7 ± 1.02 19.8 ± 0.85
and 0.7 mol/L, respectively. On the one hand, the actual RO
TOC (mg C/L) 2.1 ± 0.11 1.9± 0.08
brine also contains other cations and anions in addition to Na+
conductivity (mS/cm) 30.8 ± 0.66 29.4 ± 1.78
and Cl−. On the other hand, the ion migration rate is related to
its hydro-radius or weight in an electric field. Ions with a lower
weight or a smaller hydro-radius would migrate faster than
CaCO3). According to the requirements of the membrane heavier and larger ions.33,46 H+ ions have a higher mobility than
provider, the total hardness of the solution in the salt OH− ions, and therefore, the amount of acid produced was
compartment should not exceed 10 mg/L (calculated as slightly higher than the amount of base.25 According to the
CaCO3). Therefore, the RO brine was chemically softened by technical information supplied by membrane manufacturers,
adding NaOH and Na2CO3. After the chemical pretreatment, HCl solution with a pH of 2 (0.01 mol/L) and NaOH solution
the contents of Ca2+ and Mg2+ were reduced to 2 and 1 mg/L, with a pH of 12 (0.01 mol/L) can be used to clean the fouled RO
respectively. The total hardness of the softened RO brine was 9 desalination membranes and ultrafiltration membranes, which
mg/L, which was low enough to meet the operating require- are usually used for the pretreatment of RO systems. The
ments of BMED. contents of the acid and base generated in the BMED process are
To further investigate the feasibility of using BMED to recover thus sufficient for cleaning of contaminated membranes or
water and produce HCl and NaOH from RO brine, a cyclic adjustment of the RO influent pH. It may be mentioned that the
“continuous” experiment was performed with an actual brine contents of acid and base produced in the batch BMED process
solution. The BMED process was operated under optimized can be controlled by the number of operating cycles, making the
conditions, i.e., current density of 15 mA/cm2, initial HCl and process particularly suitable for uses in remote areas where on-
NaOH content of 0.25 mol/L, and content of electrode solution site manufacturing of the acid and base is desired. It is worth
of 0.7 mol/L. The conductivity of the softened RO brine was mentioning that because of the various ions present in the actual
found to be 29.4 mS/cm. When the conductivity of the feed RO brine, the produced acid and base are a mixture of acids (i.e.,
solution was reduced to about 6 mS/cm, it was replaced with HCl, HBr, H2SO4) or bases (i.e., NaOH, KOH). However, in
another 4 L RO brine to carry out the next cycle of the BMED view of the slower transport rate of divalent ions through an ion-
process. exchange membrane than monovalent ions22 and the low
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2021, 60, 3115−3129
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

content of other ions (e.g., K+, Br−, and HCO3−), HCl and BMED process gradually declines with the generation of acid
NaOH were the main products. The compositions of the acid and base, presumably due to the non-negligible passages of H+
and base produced were measured by ion chromatography (see and OH− across the ACM and CMB when the acid and base
Table 6). The purities of the acid and base produced were 91.1 concentrations became remarkably high.42
Table 7 summarizes the reported results for treating various
Table 6. Composition of the Produced Acid and Base (mg/L) types of brine by the BMED process using different membrane
ion acid base materials. Most of the reports focused on the treatment of
Na+ 117 15 902
seawater RO concentrate or high-salinity wastewater. To meet
K+ 4.8 345
the influent quality requirements of the BMED process,
Ca2+ 0 0.2 pretreatments were used to eliminate the effects of adverse
Mg2+ 0 0 factors (such as hardness and suspended solids). This table
Cl− 24 550 101 shows that a reasonable energy consumption and current
HCO−3 98.9 1.5 efficiency were achieved in this work.
Br− 82 2.3 3.4. Estimates of Process Costs. Table 8 shows the total
4 2091 15 process cost of this study, which was the sum of the capital costs,
chemical cost (including Na2SO4 and Na2CO3), and energy
and 97.2%, respectively, which were not lower than those costs. The capital costs include the costs of membrane stacks and
reported by other BMED processes.1,35,46 In addition, the acid peripheral equipment. The cost estimates were based on the
and base produced did not contain impurities harmful to the following: (1) the cost of the membrane stack was 1.5 times the
membranes. The quality of the acid and base produced via membrane cost, and (2) the peripheral equipment cost
BMED will not affect their use in applications that do not require (including pumps, monitoring, control panels) was calculated
high-quality chemicals such as membrane cleaning and adjust- based on the purchase price in China.
ment of influent water pH.1,23,35 If there is a higher quality Table 8 demonstrates that the total process cost was $1.69/kg
requirement, the acid and base produced can be further NaOH. This process cost refers to the cost of simultaneously
upgraded by a purification process (e.g., ion-exchange method) producing 1 kg of base and 1.07 kg of acid. The key factor in the
to remove trace impurities such as sulfate, calcium, and BMED process cost was the cost of membranes, especially the
magnesium.9 In each BMED cycle, the salt concentration in
bipolar membrane. A similar result was also found by Shen et
the salt compartment changed from 19.8 to 4.1 g/L, and the
al.48 Therefore, although this cost was higher than the Chinese
residual salt solution in the salt compartment can be pumped to
the RO system for further desalination treatment,9 thereby market price of the same amount of commercial acid and base
increasing utilization of water resources to ultimately achieve a ($0.53 including $0.37 for 1 kg of NaOH and $0.16 for 1.07 kg
minimized discharge of RO wastewater. of HCl35), if the cost of the membranes can be reduced or if the
Figure 10b shows that the energy consumption increased and processing scale can be enlarged, the total process cost can be
the current efficiency decreased as the number of BMED significantly reduced.48 Additionally, for RO desalination plants
operating cycles increased. At the end of cycle 3, the energy in remote areas where transportation and storage of the acid and
consumption and current efficiency were 1.81 kWh/kg NaOH base are practical issues, the BMED process is one of the most
and 66%, respectively. This means that the performance of the promising candidates.

Table 7. Comparison of the Published Data on Brine Treatment by BMED

product yield
membrane (mol/L)
content area I E
influent (g/L)a AEM CEM BP (cm2) HCl NaOH (mA/cm2) η (%) (kWh/kg) refs
industrial saline water after 70 PCA acid PCA SK PCA PBM/ 64 PBM: PBM: PBM: 57.2 PBM: 47
PP filtration 60 Fuma-Tech 1.6 1.7 65
1.8 2.0 81
synthetic SWD-RO brine 61.2 RALEX RALEX NEOSEPTA 200 0.78 0.82 100 55 23
SWD-RO brine after 52.9 PCA acid PCA SK PCA PBM 64 0.66 0.61 44 70 2.6c 21
softening pretreatment 60
SWD-RO brine after ED 52.8 PCA acid PCA SK PCA PBM 64 0.63 0.62 47 67 2.89c 25
concentration 60
SWD-RO brine after SED 52 AMX CMX NEOSEPTA 189 0.65 0.6 10 68 1.87 35
concentration BP-1
SWD-RO brine after 42.5 Qianqiu Qianqiu Fuma-Tech 88 0.7 57 60 9.0b 1
softening pretreatment AEM CEM FBM
surface water after ED 26.2 TWEDAI TWEDCI TWBPI 200 0.7 52 5.8b 42
brackish water RO brine 19.8 ACM CMB NEOSEPTA 510 0.7 0.6 15 66 1.81c this
after softening BP-1E work

Main ions: Na+ and Cl−. bkWh/kg (HCl). ckWh/kg (NaOH).

Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2021, 60, 3115−3129
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

Table 8. Estimation of the Process Cost Concentration of the produced acid/base vs time curve at
operating conditions different current densities and the calculation of NaOH
annual production capacity (PDF)
flow rate (L/h) 130

current density (mA/cm2) 15
initial salt concentration (g/L) 19.8 AUTHOR INFORMATION
initial concentration of HCl and NaOH (mol/L) 0.25
Na2SO4 concentration (mol/L) 0.7 Corresponding Author
working time (h/year) 6000 Jennifer Runhong Du − State Key Laboratory of Separation
effective membrane area (m2) 0.51 Membranes and Membrane Processes, School of Material
energy consumption (kWh/kg NaOH) 1.81 Science and Engineering, Tiangong University, Tianjin
base production capacity (kg NaOH/year)a 384 300387, China;;
RO brine process capacity (m3/year) 48 Email:
energy cost
electricity charge in China ($/kWh) 0.1
Chunliang Du − State Key Laboratory of Separation
energy cost for the membrane stack ($/year) 69.5
Membranes and Membrane Processes, School of Material
energy cost for pumps ($/year) 108
Science and Engineering, Tiangong University, Tianjin
total energy cost ($/kg NaOH) 0.46
300387, China
capital cost
Xiangshan Zhao − State Key Laboratory of Separation
ion-exchange membrane ($/m2) 165 Membranes and Membrane Processes, School of Material
bipolar membrane ($/m2) 945 Science and Engineering, Tiangong University, Tianjin
membrane cost ($) 819 300387, China
stack cost (including membrane cost) ($) 1228.5
Fang Cheng − School of Environmental and Municipal
equipment cost ($) 573
Engineering, Tianjin Chengjian University, Tianjin 300384,
initial capital cost ($) 1801
capital cost ($/kg NaOH)b 1.21
Mohamed E. A. Ali − Egyptian Desalination Research Center of
chemical cost ($/kg NaOH) 0.027
Excellence & Hydrogeochemistry Department, Desert Research
total process cost ($/kg NaOH) 1.69
Center, Cairo 11753, Egypt
Please see the Supporting Information for the calculation of base Xianshe Feng − Department of Chemical Engineering,
production capacity. bThe life of membrane and membrane stack was University of Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1, Canada
calculated as 3 years; the service life of equipment was calculated as 10
years. Complete contact information is available at:
This work investigated the influences of operating parameters The authors declare no competing financial interest.

involved in BMED performance and the feasibility of using
BMED to valorize brackish water RO brine for acid and base ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
productions. Specifically, from the work, the following
conclusions can be drawn. This work was supported by the National Key Research and
Development Program of China (Grant no. 2017YFE0114200).
(1) The current density, initial NaCl content, and initial HCl
Research support from the Science and Technology Develop-
and NaOH contents have significant effects on BMED
ment Fund (STDF) of Egypt (Grant no. 30379) is also gratefully
performance, while the content of the electrode solution

had little impact.
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