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Report about Judgment

Class: Executive General Asistant

Teacher: Francis Rivera

Students: Ashley Galvez

Cristy Castillo
Génesis Bonilla
Kensy Sanchez
Kiany Dávila

12th AEB “B”

Comayagua 27th February, 2024


At first, Judgment in business is a critical aspect that underlies decision-making processes,

strategic planning, and the overall success of organizations. Business leaders and
professionals constantly face complex situations where they must assess information, weigh
alternatives, and make choices that impact the present and future of their enterprises.
Judgment in business involves the ability to make sound, informed decisions based on a
combination of experience, critical thinking, ethical considerations, and a comprehensive
understanding of the business landscape.
Sets the stage for exploring the multifaceted nature of judgment in business, considering its
importance in navigating challenges, seizing opportunities, and contributing to ethical and
socially responsible business practices. As we delve into the complexities of judgment in
business, we will explore how businesses can cultivate and enhance this critical skill,
ultimately driving success in a rapidly evolving and interconnected global business
Phone Ringing
Cristy: Hello?
Gabi: Hello Cristy, this is Gabriela Bonilla, I’m calling about the internship you were
applying to.
Cristy: Oh, hello, yes, I remember. Thanks for calling, Ms. Bonilla.
Gabi: Well is not like I have a lot of options, but, okay, is my work.
Cristy: Oh, got it, I guess.
Gabi: Are you aware of everything you have to do to enter and the requirements that must
be achieve, right? Or do I have to repeat them?
Cristy: Well, I read somewhere some things, but I just want to clarify if I’m okay.
Gabi: Uh, keep going.
Cristy: Well, I heard that I had to put all my information on the university website, I put it
in and thanks to that I received this great call, it is a amazing opportunity for me.
Gabi: Uhm. Are you sure that's all?
Cristy; Well, I don't have internet at home so I have to travel to a cyberspace whenever I
can, or I borrow computers from my friends or family.
Gabi: Well, you must know the work that you’re doing here right, I supposed you’re not so
fool at all.
Cristy: Oh, I’m not sure what I have to do there, It’s new for me.
Gabi: Okay, I sent the thing by mail, I thought were you live you can afford some internet.
Cristy: It depends the zone, but I can afford it.
Gabi: HAHAHAHA, by your appearance it was a little bit too obvious.
Cristy: Excuse me? This is a little awkward and kind of rude.
Gabi: That’s what you got for your appearance I’m just doing my work.
Cristy: If you don’t want to help just ask for one co-worker if she/he can help you.
Gabi: Believe me, madam, no one wants to treat with you.
Cristy. You can't judge people by their looks.
Gabi: You say I can't?
Cristy: Yes, that's... mean
Gabi: Do you think this is mean? *Shows the papers with the applicant’s information and
and she makes a gesture of breaking it with her hands.
Cristy: No, Ms. Please don’t do that, is the only copy I have and I sent it to you.
Gabi: You thought the other thing was mean, so what I’m doing right now is nothing.
Cristy: Please, Ms, don’t do it. I can’t afford another document.
Gabi: Ugh… *Receives a call.
Gabi: Hold on a little bit.
Receives a call from the boss.
( Boss: I’ve Heard it all.
Gabi: Good Morning Boss, Heard what?
Boss: Your conversation with the intern.
Gabi. Must be a confusion.
Boss: No, it isn’t. You better do well your work or you’ll be punished, or even better you
will be farewell.
Gabi: Fine… Thanks for calling Boss, I will keep it in mind.)
Gabi: Good morning, again. I apologize for everything.
Cristy: It’s fine but stop judging people like that because you never know the kind of
people you may find, many will be good and have the patience that I had, meanwhile there
are others who can do worse things that you don't even want to imagine.
Gabi: Thanks for the patience. I’ll change that about myself. Well, your grades are very
good and we take into account that you know many extracurricular things such as dancing,
playing instruments and that you play sports. You are the right person for this quota.
Cristy: Really?
Gabi: Of course, I’ve received a message from my supervisor and he said that you’re
approved. You can come to our offices in a week and we will keep you updated. We will
also offer you a laptop to facilitate communication. I will keep you updated these days, try
to communicate while we solve your internet problem. We hope to see you soon at the
NYU offices in Honduras.
Cristy: I’ll be there as son as possible, thank you so much for tha oportunity.
Gabi: Thanks to you too.w

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