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Unit and Measurements

Q - On dimensional homogeneity
X = a + bt² (find dimensions of a,b)
(P + a/V²)(V-b) = RT {find dimensions of a,b}

Q - If force (F), velocity (V) and time (T) are taken as fundamental units, then the
dimensions of mass are

Q - Relation between physical quantity -

if time period of simple pendulum depend on effective length and acceleration
due to gravity

Motion In Straight Line

Q - Prove equations of motion using Integration and graphical method.

Q - Numerical on instantaneous velocity/acceleration

X = 2t² + 3t -4

Q - Graph In NCERT
Q - Free fall (motion under gravity)

Motion In Plane
Q - Derive formula for resultant of two vectors in triangle or parallelogram law of
vector addition.

Q- Prove that the path of projectile is parabolic.

Q - Time of flight, maximum height and maximum range in projectile.

Q - Basic river swimmer problem.

Laws of Motion
Q - State and prove Newton's second law of motion.

Q - Prove Newton's third law using conservation of momentum.

Q - Prove Conservation of Linear momentum using Newton third law.

Q - Prove angle of repose is equal to the tangent of coefficient of friction.

What is angle of repose?

Q - What is angle of friction l. Prove that angle of friction is equal to tangent of

coefficient of friction.

Q - Numericals on tension in string (pulley).

Q - Motion of vehicle on banked curved Road.

Work, Energy and Power

Q - State and prove Work energy theorem.

Q - Prove that mechanical energy of freely falling body is conserved.

Q - Prove Relative velocity of approach is equal to relative velocity of separation

before and after collision.

Q - Expression for potential energy stored in spring

Q - Formula for elastic and in elastic collision.

system of Particle in motion
Q - State and prove parallel axis theorem.

Q - State and prove perpendicular axis theorem.

Q - Moment of Inertia of ring, disc, sphere cylinder.

Q - Relation between Torque and angular momentum

Q - Numerical on Centre of mass and moment of Inertia.

Q - Circular motion.

Q - State and prove Kepler's second and third law of planetry motion.

Q - Expression for variation in 'g' with height and depth.

Q - Expression for escape velocity of satellite.

Q - Expression for orbital velocity of satellite.

Mechanical Properties of Solid

Q - Explain stress strain curve for steel.
Q - Derive expression for tension in cooling wire.
Q - Derive expression for potential energy stored in stretching a wire.
Q - Factor affecting the elasticity of a substance.
Q - Define stress, strain, Elastic limit, Elastic after effect, Fatigue,
Hooke's law, poissons's ratio.

Q - What is the elastic constant? Explain it's type.

Q - Numericals on young modulus.
Q - Dynamic lift.
Mechanical Properties of Solid
Q - Write Pascal's law, prove it. Also write its application.

Q - Derive expression for effect of gravity and fluid pressure.

Q - What is stoke's law? Write its necessary condition.

Q - What is terminal velocity? Derive expression for it.

Q - What is equation of continuity?

Q - Derive expression Bernoulli Theorem.

Q - Derive expression for excess pressure inside liquid (drop/bubble).

Thermal Properties of matter

Q - Derive relation between coefficient of linear expansion α, superficial expansion
β and volumetric expression γ.

Q - What is Newton's law of cooling. Derive expression for it.

Q - What is specific heat? Write its application.

Q - Define latent heat, latent heat of vaporization and latent heat of fusion.
Draw graph

Q - What is the effect of pressure on boiling point, melting point and freezing point.

Q - What is Anamolous behaviour of water? Write it's application in daily life.

Q - What are isothermal and adiabatic process. Write necessary condition for
each of them.

Q - Derive expression for work done during isothermal process.

Q - Derive expression for work done during adiabatic process.

Q - What is heat engine? Derive expression for efficiency of heat engine.

Q - What is Refrigerator (heat pump)? Derive expression for coefficient of

performance (β).

Q - Write expression for relation between efficiency (η) of heat engine and
coefficient of performance (β).

Q - Write down assumptions in kinetic theory of gases.

Q- Explain Boyle's law, Charles law, gay lusacs law. Also draw graphs to
understand these laws.
Q - Obtained expression for pressure exerted by an ideal gas on walls of container.

Q - Show that pressure exerted by gas is 2/3 of k.E/unit volume

Q - What is degree of freedom? Find d.o.f for mono, diatomic and polyatomic gas.

Q - Calculate the specific heat and ratio of specific heat (γ) for monoatomic,
diatomic, triatomic gas.
Q - What is law of equipartition?

Q - What is Maxwell law of distribution? Write important features of speed

Q - Define mean free path. Derive expression for it.
Q - Derive expression for time period of oscillation of simple pendulum.

Q - Derive expression for velocity and acceleration of particle performing SHM.

Q - Derive expression for total energy of particle in SHM. (kinetic energy +

potential energy)

Q - Derive expression for time period of oscillation is liquid column.

Q - Derive expression for time period of floating cylinder.

Q - Numerical on Time period and Velocity & acceleration in SHM.

Q - What are the characteristics of wave motion?

Q - What is Newton's formula for the speed of sound in air? Identify the error and
discuss the Laplace correction, deriving its new formula.

Q - Describe the properties of longitudinal and transverse waves.

Q - List the factors that affect the speed of sound in gases.

Q - Define progressive waves and derive the expression for the speed of a
progressive wave.

Q - Explain what stationary waves are and discuss their various modes of vibration
in the case of a string fixed at both ends.

Q - What is Doppler's law? State its limitations and derive the formula for the
apparent frequency of sound under various conditions.

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