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Friday February 23rd

Examine why the USSR impose the Berlin Blockade

The Berlin Blockade, which ran from late June 1948 to May 1948, was the single most important event in
confirming the division of Germany into two countries. The Soviets argued that the blockade was the result of
‘technical difficulties’, but the West was not willing to relinquish control and supplying Berlin.

The USSR imposed the Berlin Blockade in 1948 as a response to the Western Allies’ introduction of a new
currency, the Deutsche mark, in West Berlin. The Soviets saw this as a threat to their influence in Germany,
particularly in East Berlin, which was under soviet control. The blockade aimed to force the Allies out of West
Berlin by cutting off all road, rail and canal access to the city.

In addition to the currency issue, the USSR imposed the Berlin Blockade for several other reasons:

1. Geopolitical Tensions – the blockade was part of the broader geopolitical tensions between the western
allies and the Soviet Union following WW2. It was a manifestation of the growing Cold War rivalry
between the two superpowers.
2. Desire for control – the Soviets aimed to consolidate their control over East Germany and prevent the
integration of West Berlin into the Western sphere of influence. By imposing the blockade, they sought
to assert their authority in the region.
3. Response to Western policies – The blockade was a response to Western policies, such as the Marshall
Plan, which aimed to rebuild Western Europe economically and politically, and the establishment of
NATO, a military alliance perceived as a threat by the Soviet Union.
4. Perceived threat – The Soviets viewed the presence of Western forces in West Berlin as a threat to their
security and interests. By cutting off supplies to the city, they intended to weaken Western resolve and
potentially force them to abandon West Berlin.


- The USSR wanted to see Germany as a further buffer zone between them and the Western capitalist
states. As such, they opted for the existence of a neutral Germany, fully united.
- However, the USA believed that, in order to see European economics prosper, there ought to be an
economically strong Germany that was open to trade and deeper integration. They were also reticent of
the fact that the harsh economic sanctions of the Treaty of Versailles brought a certain degree of political
- The USA also rejected the idea of a neutral and united Germany since there was the fear that the state
would fall into the control of the USSR.


- Was the result of increasing tensions over Germany up into 1948.

- There were negotiations in March 1947 vis a vis monetary reforms with the express aim to stimulate
German industry – these broke down when the USSR rejected the proposals.
- As the result, the USA and UK agreed to form closer economic relations, forming Bizonia – the
combination of UK and USA zones
- In May of 1948, France agreed to a number of currency reforms, introducing a new Deutsch Mark
- This was done alongside the introduction of aid from the Marshall Plan. Further political integration
would be formed in April 1949, when France joined to form Trizonia.


- In the Soviet Zones, there was the extraction of reparation payments which brought about economic
hardship. Since there was no Marshall plan available for the soviet satellite states, this made things worse.
- Finally, when news of the introduction of the new currency came out, Stalin made the decision to cut off
roads and rails into the other side of Berlin.

- In response to the blockade, the US and the rest of the West initiation a series of airlifts to drop supplies
into the region.
- The airlifts themselves were highly successful. Dropped 2.3 million tons of supplies by May 1949.
- In response, the USSR had conceded that the blockade had failed and reopened communications on May
12th 1949.

Essay title Which of the following were more important reasons for the division of Germany in 1949?
1. Currency reform
2. The Berlin Blockade
Explain your answer with reference to both 1 and 2.
View about question Berlin Blockade overall more important
Opening sentence: Evidence to support: Evidence to challenge:
Currency reform can Allies introduced a new currency, the Currency reform was part of the reason that the
be seen as an Deutsche mark, in West Berlin in Berlin Blockade happened
important reason for 1948.
the division of America also wanted Germany to
Germany in 1949.
have a strong economy as they didn’t
want to see any European countries
fall to communism via the Domino
The USSR saw this as a threat to their
influence in Germany and imposed
the blockade.
The Berlin Blockade The blockade was part of broader The currency reform in the Western zones of
can also be seen as geopolitical tensions between the Germany was a critical success. It helped to
an important reason Western Allies and the Soviet Union stabilize the economy and lay the foundation for
for the division of following World War II. It was a the West German "economic miracle" of the
Germany in 1949. manifestation of the growing Cold 1950s and 1960s. This economic success made
War rivalry between the two the Western zones of Germany more attractive
to Germans living in the Soviet-occupied zone.
superpowers. As a result of the
Blockade, NATO was formed,
The economic disparity between the Western
officially separating the Western and Eastern zones became more pronounced
Allies from the Soviet Union. after the currency reform.

The Soviet Union's reaction to the currency

reform was hostile. They saw it as a threat to
their influence in Germany.
Judgement: In conclusion, I believe the Berlin Blockade was the most important reason for the
division of Germany in 1949. Currency reform was only part of the reason that the
Berlin Blockade happened, and there were a multitude of factors leading to it, causing
Stalin to start the Blockade. NATO was formed as a direct result of the Blockade, which
eventually caused high tensions and cemented a division in Germany.

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