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Name: Gian Dela Cruz Section: ABM201

Date: 4/6/24 Score:

Individual Activity
Instruction: Create a collage combining different images showing consumer behavior.
● Use images that show what you usually purchase (e.g., makeup, school supplies, food, etc.)
● Include images that show where you normally purchase these items.
● Based on the images you provided, reflect which type of consumer buying behavior you possess and
explain in three (3) to five (5) sentences.
Reflection as a customer:

The images depict consumers at the point of purchase, suggesting a habitual or limited
decision-making process. Since the items being purchased (clothing, make up, and groceries)
are likely regularly consumed necessities. This aligns with habitual buying behavior, where
familiarity with the products and past experiences guide the purchases without much

Rubric for Grading

5 4 3 2
The content is not
The entire content Most of the content Few contents were
insightful and is
is insightful and was insightful and insightful and
organized; all of the organized; most of organized; few of
Content the images used in
images used in the the images used in the images used in 15
(x3) the collage do not
collage reflect a the collage reflect a the collage reflect
reflect a degree of
degree of the degree of the a degree of the
the learner’s
learner’s creativity. learner’s creativity. learner’s creativity.
The entire idea is Some parts of the
Organization Most parts of the idea The idea was
organized, clear idea are organized,
of ideas are organized, clear unclear and 10
and clear and
(x2) and understandable. disorganized.
understandable. understandable.

All mages are in an

1-2 images are lacking 3-4 images are All images are
Design appropriate size,
in design or lacking in design or lacking in design 10
(x2) shared, and
placement. placement. and disorganized.
arranged neatly.

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