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Customer service is the provision of service to

customers before, during, and after a purchase. The
quality of service which student entrepreneurs provide
determines the level of satisfaction of their customer
even though what is seen as quality by one customer
may not necessarily be quality to another. There are
student entrepreneurs who experiences different
approach from their customer, which could be affected
by their services or products.

ISO 9001:2015
The study of Greenwell (2002) describes
customer satisfaction as the post purchase, judgment,
connected with the purchase decision and tends to
return again back for the purchase. Customer
satisfaction has shown itself to be an increasingly
important determinant of a business's success and this
is arguably more so in relation to the cafe industry.
Studies have been undertaken whereby it was
concluded that satisfied customers are central to the
long-term success of a business.

ISO 9001:2015
Two Factor Theory
The study has worked with the concepts
discussed in Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory that
introduces two separate scales, the satisfaction and
dissatisfaction of customers. It states that there are
certain factors in the workplace that cause job
satisfaction while a separate set of factors cause
dissatisfaction. Further, the diagram presents the
contribution of these two factors. Satisfiers gives
positive satisfaction. On the other hand, hygiene
factors, also known as maintenance factors do not lead
to higher motivation.

ISO 9001:2015
ISO 9001:2015
Research Site.
This study was conducted in University of Perpetual
Help System DALTA - Molino Campus.
Respondents of the Study.
The data collection in the present study will be
obtained from the senior high school department. We will
select 10 random student entrepreneurs from the ABM
strand, five from grade 11 and another five from grade 12
will be selected to be part of the study.
The researchers chose ABM student entrepreneurs
since they are exposed to handling business due to
immersion, have sufficient expertise and know the basics of

ISO 9001:2015
Research Design and Data Collection.
The study will employ phenomenology as research
design. According to Creswell (2013) it is an approach to
qualitative research that focuses on the commonality of a
lived experience within a particular group.
Its objective is to arrive at a description of the
nature of the particular phenomenon. An interview will
be conducted since the researchers’ objective is to
describe the experiences of student entrepreneurs and
characterize their attitude when it comes to dealing with
customers to gain their loyalty and satisfaction.

ISO 9001:2015
Data Analysis.
Thematic analysis is a method of analyzing
qualitative data. It is usually applied to a set of texts, such
as interview transcripts. The researcher closely examines
the data to identify common themes – topics, ideas and
patterns of meaning that come up repeatedly.
It is a good approach to research when the
researchers are trying to find out something about people’s
views, opinions, knowledge, experiences or values from a
set of qualitative data.

ISO 9001:2015

Research Instrument.
The “Two Factor” Theory by Herzberg, whose
purpose was to understand and analyze customer
service. A required course in methods of educational
research will be the primary research instrument,
interview protocol will be used as an instrument of
inquiry, asking questions for specific information
related to the aims of a study (Patton, 2015).

ISO 9001:2015
1. To determine 1. How do you make your customers
the experiences of patronize your products?
2. When is the time that you had your
student toughest moment in dealing the
entrepreneurs in complaints of the customers?
handling their 3. What is the part Your life experience You
business. would Alter If you had the Chance to?
4. How do you plan and organize all the
necessities in setting up your own
5. What products or service do you offer to
the costumers?
6. How do you manage your time in terms
of your priorities?
7. Did you sort your time in advance for
the coming transactions?

ISO 9001:2015
2. To distinguish 1. How do you manage your business along
the effects of these with your studies?
2. Does it affect your academic
experiences to them performance?
as student 3. What does it contributes to you as a
entrepreneurs. student and as a family member?
4. Does it affects your sleeping hours?
5. Does it affects your daily lifestyle?
6. At such a young age, how do you cope up
with running a business and maintaining
your studies at the same time?
7. Do you have a time off your work a week
to focus on your other priorities?

ISO 9001:2015
3. To identify 1. What are the ways that you apply to keep
appropriate your customer interested on your
techniques on how 2. How can you create a lasting impression
student on your customers?
entrepreneurs 3. What are the proper techniques on how
respond in dealing you’re going to respond to the questions
with customers. that are being asked by the customers?
4. In what ways can you determine that
your services is favorable?
5. What specific strategies do you consider
in terms of retailing or merchandising
6. How do you address your customers?
7. How will you convince your customers
for them to buy your product?

ISO 9001:2015
Tao (2014). “Customer Satisfaction and Customer
Loayalty”. Page 6.
Hoyer & Mclnnis (2010). “Effectiveness of Customer
Complaint Handling and It’s Impact on Customers Retention: The
Case of Unibankghana Limited”. Page 10.

ISO 9001:2015
Michael Schaper, (2004).
Lane (2002) "Barrier students and student structure" Page
Politis et al., (2011) “Student Entrepreneurship: A
Research Agenda”. Page 267.

ISO 9001:2015
Maxwell & Westerfield (2002) “Effect of individual
factors on youth entrepreneurship”.
Sternberg (2004) “Effect of individual factors on youth

ISO 9001:2015

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