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© Copyright. Oil Spill Response Limited.

Session Outcomes

The aim is:

Appreciate realities behind a successful spill response.

The objectives are:

Describe the practical considerations of response

 Name the key features of IMS
 Explain the importance of record keeping
 List areas covered in a post-incident debrief

© Copyright. Oil Spill Response Limited.


What do you think are challenges on

an oil spill response?

© Copyright. Oil Spill Response Limited.

Common Complexities of Response Management

 Highly emotive  Conflicting objectives and

priorities between
 Highly political
 Many different stakeholders
 High public / government
 Unfamiliar location expectations
 Potential multi-national impacts of  Unplanned work schedule
single incident
 Unplanned budget
 Large welfare requirement
 Unfamiliar team
 Waste
 Safety
 Unrealistic expectations
 Government approvals

© Copyright. Oil Spill Response Limited.

Managing These Issues

Ok, so we now understand the

common complexities but how do we
manage these during a response.

© Copyright. Oil Spill Response Limited.

Incident Management System (IMS)

What do you think the key principles

are to a successful Incident
Management System?

© Copyright. Oil Spill Response Limited.

Key principles of IMS

 Organisational Principles  Management Principles

Use of a single, integrated organisation Objective driven response

to manage the response
Formulation of IAP
Organisation by function
Common Terminology
Establish clear, hierarchical reporting
Span of control


© Copyright. Oil Spill Response Limited.

Organisational Principles

© Copyright. Oil Spill Response Limited.

Management Principles

 Span of Control

Optimum is 1:5

© Copyright. Oil Spill Response Limited.

Management Principles

 Management by Resources Tactics

 Reactive Mode
Initial Response
Emergency Phase
Activities driven by resources
Immediate priorities

© Copyright. Oil Spill Response Limited.

Management Principles
 Management by Objectives Tactics
 Proactive Response Strategies
“Project” Phase Objectives
Activities driven by
 Objectives/ Strategies Incident
Resources built upon demand

© Copyright. Oil Spill Response Limited.

Objective, Strategy and Tactic Refresh

Prevent oil impacting the shoreline (from marker 102 to 105) by 0800
Strategy: Technique #1: Technique#2: Technique #3:
Burn Oil at sea Contain oil at sea Disperse oil at sea

Tactic for technique #3:

Use Aerial dispersant systems to apply dispersant to the slick using
spotter aircraft to target the dispersant
1 Boeing 727 aircraft with Spray system, 1 Spotter Aircraft, 17000 Ltrs of
© Copyright. Oil Spill Response Limited.
The Planning Process

Proactive Mode

Reality = Public &

press will not
give you more
than 1 – 2 days
Reactive Mode ERPs to get into the
response mode!
© Copyright. Oil Spill Response Limited.
Incident Action Plan
 What should be included in the Incident Action Plan?


© Copyright. Oil Spill Response Limited.

Basic Incident Action Plan Format

 Aim/objectives
 Safety
 Operations
 Tasks & personnel

 Logistics
 Equipment

 Administration
 Command & communications
 Medical
 Maps/charts/weather info etc.

© Copyright. Oil Spill Response Limited.

Log Keeping - Why keep a log?

 Legal Reasons
 Accident Reporting / Health and Safety
 To record what you / your team were doing
 To assist in statement preparation
 Insurance Claims
 To monitor the progress of the response
 To refresh your memory later on
 To give the full picture to the incident commander

© Copyright. Oil Spill Response Limited.

Areas Covered in Post-incident Debriefing

 Human Resources
 Equipment Resources
 Response Strategies
What would you cover in
 Decision making
a post-incident debrief?
 Financial arrangements
 Interaction with outside agencies

© Copyright. Oil Spill Response Limited.

Response realities

 Oil spills are dynamic

 Booms are only partly effective
 Equipment takes time to deploy
 Oil spills quickly extend over wide areas making response difficult
 Oil types and weather are key factors
 Do not promise how much time a clean up might take

© Copyright. Oil Spill Response Limited.

Spill Management
The aim was:
Appreciate realities behind a successful spill response.

The objectives were:

 Describe the practical considerations of response
 Name the key features of IMS
 Explain the importance of record keeping
 List areas covered in a post-incident debrief

© Copyright. Oil Spill Response Limited.

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