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October 16, 2020 - Leave a Comment

By Khalid ibn ‘Ali al-Mashayqih

Indeed, all praise belongs to Allah. We praise Him and seek His help and forgiveness.
And we seek refuge with Allah from the evils of ourselves and the evils of our actions.
Whomever Allah guides can not be misguided. And whoever is left to stray, no one
can guide him. I bear witness there is nothing worthy of worship except Allah along
with no partner set up with Him. And I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave
and messenger. To proceed:
There is no conflict between inviting kuffar to Islam and bara’ah from their beliefs,
their kufr, and their shirk with Allah (‘azza wa jall). The Prophet (‘alayhis-salatu was-
salam) and before him Ibrahim (‘alayhis-salatu was-salam), the imam of the hunafa,
disassociated from the kuffar and what they were upon of corrupt beliefs, kufr, and
shirk with Allah (‘azza wa jall). Nevertheless, they were sent with the call to tawhid.
Thus there is no conflict in that. The fact a person is absolved of them does not
mean he should not invite them to Allah (‘azza wa jall). As for treating them well,
there is no problem in that because Allah (ta’ala) says:
“Allah does not forbid you from dealing kindly and fairly with those who have
neither fought you because of your din nor driven you out of your homes. Indeed,
Allah loves those who are just” (al-Mumtahanah, 8).

Treating them well with good manners, honesty, fulfilling contracts and covenants
with them, not wronging them, and not abusing them by word or deed – this is what
is wanted to invite them to Islam. When the Prophet (‘alayhis-salatu was-salam) sent
a letter to Heraclius, the Roman leader, he said, “To Heraclius, the chief of Rome.”
As for what is related to congratulating them, accepting their gifts and giving them,
answering their invitations, all this is related to interest and benefit. If what results is
a legitimate interest, then this is permissible and may even be legislated unless this is
in relation to their religious rituals. In that case, it is not permissible to answer their
invitations nor congratulate them.
And Allah, the Highest, knows best.


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