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APRIL 2000

A Aerosol treatment of acute asthma: And the winner


Treatment of acute asthma in children

has evolved from the relatively inva-
of aerosolizing β-adrenergic agonists.
Unfortunately, administering inhaled
airways is complex and a multitude of
inhalation devices are on the market,
sive and uncomfortable process of re- there are essentially 2 mechanisms for
ED Emergency department
peated epinephrine injections to the
MDI Metered-dose inhaler
effective and largely painless practice SVN Small-volume jet nebulizer
VHC Valved holding chamber
See related article, p. 497.
J Pediatr 2000;136:428-31.
Copyright © 2000 by Mosby, Inc. medications, especially in ill young chil- administering aerosolized bronchodila-
0022-3476/2000/$12.00 + 0 9/18/105149 dren, is not a simple endeavor. Although tors: the metered-dose inhaler and the
doi:10.1067/mpd.2000.105149 the science of particle deposition in the small-volume jet nebulizer. In spite of


a large and ever-growing body of evi- lihood of a reasonable dose of medica- In the study by Leversha et al,7 the
dence in support of the equivalence of tion reaching the lower airways. order of medication administration
both techniques in the management of Data from a number of studies indi- may have contributed to the response
acute asthma, only the SVN enjoys ex- cate that use of β-agonists from an of the patient. Patients in the MDI
ceptional popularity. MDI or MDI plus VHC is as effective group first received active drug from
The development of inhaled β2- as use of an SVN for treating acute an MDI plus VHC (6 puffs) and then
receptor–selective adrenergic agonists asthma.3-6 Two recently conducted were given a placebo aerosol from
spawned a revolution in the manage- randomized clinical trials add further an SVN. Those in the SVN group
ment of acute asthma. The ease of use support to the equivalence argument of received 6 puffs of placebo aerosol,
and efficacy of the SVN rapidly led to the MDI and SVN. Schuh et al6 com- followed by 2.5 mg of nebulized al-
its place as the “gold standard” modali- pared efficacy of 2 puffs or 6 to 10 buterol. Although the authors state
ty for treatment of acute asthma. The puffs delivered by MDI plus VHC and that the medication was administered
added convenience and portability of 0.15 mg/kg albuterol delivered by when the child was “quiet and cooper-
β-agonist in MDI form further ce- SVN in resolving mild asthma attacks ative” whenever possible, there is no
mented inhaled bronchodilators as the in children aged 5 to 17 years. All indication of the number of children
cornerstone of acute asthma manage- groups showed comparable improve- who cried through either treatment.
ment. Unfortunately, the possible asso- ment in forced expiratory volume in 1 Many children become tired or less co-
ciation of rising asthma death rates and second. In this issue of The Journal, operative or begin crying before or
MDI β-agonist use, coupled with the Leversha et al7 identified MDI-deliv- during aerosol treatment. Crying sig-
significant difficulty in mastering prop- ered albuterol (600 µg) as equivalent nificantly reduces the amount of med-
er MDI technique, drove the inhaler and by some measures superior to ication delivered to the airways.9 A
into some disfavor. Development of the SVN-delivered albuterol (2.5 mg) for child who became agitated during
valved holding chamber or “spacer” treating moderate to severe asthma at- placebo administration might still have
and documentation of its efficacy, as tacks in children aged 1 to 4 years. been crying when the active drug was
well as partial exoneration of daily use Children treated with the MDI had administered. Paradoxical response to
of inhaled β-agonists, have again pop- greater reduction in wheeze after the a component in the placebo inhaler is
ularized the MDI.1,2 first treatment only, and fewer patients also a possibility. Administering med-
Although the difficulties in using an in this group were admitted to the hos- ications in random order might have
MDI are widely known, a common fal- pital (33% in the MDI group and 60% addressed this issue. Nevertheless, an
lacy holds that SVN use is far less sen- in the SVN group). The unusually inhalation treatment that can be deliv-
sitive to vagaries in patient technique. large number of patients admitted to ered quickly and quietly may be less
The caveat in use of any inhalation de- the hospital in the SVN group is well likely to perturb its recipient.
vice is that technique is everything. beyond that reported in other studies8 Although the authors do not directly
Proper SVN use, resulting in maximal and may be explained in part by inadver- describe the process of applying the mask
airway deposition of medication, re- tent unblinding of study investigators, to the child’s face in either group, it is an
quires use of a mouthpiece and not a inconsistent application of admission cri- important detail. The soft, pliable mask
mask (or even worse, tubing held in teria, chance, or a truly less effective on the VHC must be firmly held over the
front of the child’s nose). As with the treatment. However, there was no sig- child’s mouth and nose after MDI activa-
MDI, inhalation should be slow and nificant difference between groups in tion and kept in place until 5 to 6 breaths
deep, followed by a few-second breath the absolute change in clinical score are taken. The SVN mask must also be
hold. Few children younger than 4 over the entire study period, the out- kept closely applied to the mouth and
years of age, and especially those who come on which the study was powered. nose for the 10 minutes necessary to com-
are already acutely ill, will or can In both studies, patients and families plete nebulization. Efficiency of delivery
breathe in such a fashion. Appropriate overwhelmingly preferred the MDI to falls considerably as mask distance from
technique with SVN is not so different the SVN. face increases; moving just 2 cm away
from correct MDI use, which is further The equivalent performance of the from the face can reduce deposition by as
complicated by difficulties with “hand- MDI plus VHC and SVN is difficult to much as 85%. Unfortunately, it is a com-
breath coordination.” Use of a VHC, dispute in view of the data presented in mon practice to merely wave the nebuliz-
which allows large, non-respirable par- these and other studies. Perhaps the er tubing or T-piece under the child’s
ticles to rain out and provides more question to ask is not why the MDI nose, a practice that results in negligible
time to inhale the respirable cloud of 1- works as well as it does but why the airway deposition.
to 5-µm particles, obviates most of SVN does not perform better. A num- The authors also indicate that some
these difficulties and enhances the like- ber of factors should be considered. nebulizers have relatively poor output.

APRIL 2000

Quality control can be a problem with at home? And if the dose used in the medication retention in the chamber,
jet nebulizers; devices may vary signifi- ED does not work, how about just a and doses delivered from the MDI must
cantly between and even within lots. few more puffs? One hypothesis for be counted to avoid using an empty
Moreover, the inexpensive, disposable the increase in asthma deaths is abuse cannister.
nebulizers used in most cost-conscious of β-agonist MDIs, resulting in unrec- Improving or maintaining quality of
hospitals and emergency departments ognized progression of attack, delay in care while cutting costs was the mantra
and by most families at home are often seeking medical attention, paradoxical of the 1990s and will certainly contin-
of marginal quality when new and may bronchospasm, increased airway reac- ue into this millennium. Use of an
be pushed into service beyond their in- tivity, and cardiac arrhythmia. Even MDI with VHC in the hospital and
tended use. Nebulizers used in the patients with mild intermittent disease home setting has been demonstrated to
study by Leversha et al7 were simple, may have a severe exacerbation, such be effective and less expensive (in
unvented updraft models, which may as those caused by respiratory syncy- terms of personnel costs and time)
have come from a “bad lot,” rendering tial virus or influenza. Delay in seek- than use of an SVN to treat acute asth-
their output less than optimal. Several ing medical care could be critical. ma. Insurers must be convinced to
vented, durable, high-efficiency breath- Overuse of β-agonists from an MDI cover the VHC as readily as most pay
enhanced nebulizers (eg, PARI LC may become widespread as more pa- for the SVN. Altering established med-
Plus; Salter Nebutech) are capable of tients receive frequent doses delivered ical practice and physician behavior,
generating increased output in a signif- in the ED with the same delivery de- even in the presence of convincing
icantly shorter time.10 Use of such de- vice available at home. Or will patients data, is always a challenging task; but
vices adds equipment cost but can save learn that many episodes can be abort- patients and physicians must endorse
some medication and personnel cost. ed at home with simple measures, such the MDI plus VHC and use the modal-
Lastly, the relatively high-dose of as a few extra doses from an MDI and ity properly in a number of settings.
β-agonist delivered to both the airways institution of oral corticosteroid treat- Admonition against excessive use of
and systemically (the amount deposit- ment? Data collected in our ED over β-agonists and the benefits of using a
ed in the oropharynx and subsequently the past 3 years demonstrate that 20% written asthma action plan must be rein-
swallowed) could contribute to ad- to 25% of patients presenting for treat- forced. Lastly, a careful watch must be
verse effect. Albuterol is a racemate ment of acute severe asthma took 2 or kept on asthma morbidity and mortality
containing a 50:50 mix of R- and fewer aerosol treatments at home, re- rates as the shift to MDI-administered
S-albuterol. The S-isomer has no bron- ceived 2 or fewer aerosols in the ED, bronchodilators expands.
chodilator action and has a long (ap- and were successfully discharged.13 Carolyn M. Kercsmar, MD
proximately 6-hour) serum half-life.11 Proper home management of these pa- Pediatric Pulmonary Division
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studies suggest that accumulation of visit altogether. Case Western Reserve University
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smooth muscle contractility and hyper- lence of VHC plus MDI and SVN,
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