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Pediatric Pulmonology 50:1039–1050 (2015)


Evaluation of Bedside Pulmonary Function in the Neonate:

From the Past to the Future
1 2,3
F. Reiterer, MD, * E. Sivieri, MSE, and S. Abbasi, MD2,3,4
Summary. Pulmonary function testing and monitoring plays an important role in the respiratory
management of neonates. A noninvasive and complete bedside evaluation of the respiratory
status is especially useful in critically ill neonates to assess disease severity and resolution and the
response to pharmacological interventions as well as to guide mechanical respiratory support.
Besides traditional tools to assess pulmonary gas exchage such as arterial or transcutaenous
blood gas analysis, pulse oximetry, and capnography, additional valuable information about global
lung function is provided through measurement of pulmonary mechanics and volumes. This has
now been aided by commercially available computerized pulmonary function testing systems,
respiratory monitors, and modern ventilators with integrated pulmonary function readouts. In an
attempt to apply easy-to-use pulmonary function testing methods which do not interfere with the
infantś airflow, other tools have been developed such as respiratory inductance plethysmography,
and more recently, electromagnetic and optoelectronic plethysmography, electrical impedance
tomography, and electrical impedance segmentography. These alternative technologies allow not
only global, but also regional and dynamic evaluations of lung ventilation. Although these methods
have proven their usefulness for research applications, they are not yet broadly used in a routine
clinical setting. This review will give a historical and clinical overview of different bedside methods
to assess and monitor pulmonary function and evaluate the potential clinical usefulness of such
methods with an outlook into future directions in neonatal respiratory diagnostics. Pediatr
Pulmonol. 2015;50:1039–1050. ß 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

Key words: pulmonary function testing; neonates; respiratory impedance

pneumography; electrical impedance tomography; respiratory
inductance plethysmography; review.

Funding source: None.

INTRODUCTION AND HISTORICAL OVERVIEW status of neonates with and without assisted ventilation.
With the better understanding of neonatal pulmonary
Pulmonary function testing and monitoring is an physiology and pathophysiology by researchers in the
objective clinical tool used to evaluate the pulmonary 1950s and 60s, especially in relation to lung surface

Division of Neonatology, Department of Pediatrics and Adolescence 
Correspondence to: F. Reiterer, MD, Division of Neonatology, Department
Medicine, Medical University Graz, Graz, Austria. of Pediatrics and Adolescence Medicine, Medical University of Graz,
Auenbruggerplatz 30, 8036 Graz, Austria.
Section on Newborn Pediatrics, Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia, E-mail:
Received 22 January 2015; Revised 1 April 2015; Accepted 8 May 2015.
Division of Neonatology, Department of Pediatrics, Children’s Hospital of
Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. DOI 10.1002/ppul.23245
Published online 2 July 2015 in Wiley Online Library
Department of Pediatrics, Perelman School of Medicine, University of (
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Conflict of interest: None

ß 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

1040 Reiterer et al.

activity, along with the introduction of the first neonatal these ventilators now also have closed-loop computer
ventilators, came an increased need for more comprehen- control of physiologic target variables like tidal volume,
sive assessment of neonatal respiratory function. Meas- minute ventilation, or arterial hemoglobin saturation.14,15
urements of lung function would provide valuable Recently, in an attempt to reduce incidence of ventilator-
additional information supplementing the traditional induced lung injury, there has been a trend toward
physical examination, chest radiography, and invasive increased use of non-invasive forms of respiratory support
arterial blood gas measurements.1–3 such as nasal continuous positive airway pressure
In the 1970s to 80s, transcutaneous blood gas monitor- (NCPAP), nasal intermittent positive-pressure ventilation,
ing and pulse oximetry were introduced as noninvasive and heated and humidified high-flow nasal cannula
clinical monitoring tools for pulmonary gas exchange.4–6 (HFNC). The requirement of a nasal interface for these
Also during this time period technical advances in support modalities precludes the use of a traditional direct
instrumentation adopted for use in neonates, such as airflow sensor at the infant’s airway. Hence, alternative
miniaturized airflow sensors and high-speed computer indirect techniques are being implemented which measure
technology, led to development of simplified mobile tidal breathing parameters at the chest wall.
instrumentation systems which facilitated measurement of These alternative technologies include respiratory induc-
more technically demanding variables of lung function tance plethysmography (RIP) and more recently, electro-
such as pulmonary mechanics and energetics, as well as magnetic inductance plethysmography (EIP), optoelectronic
lung volumes.7 Pulmonary function testing moved from plethysmography (OEP), electrical impedance tomography
tightly controlled research settings to the infant’s bedside. (EIT), and segmentography (EIS).16–20 Although these
Clinical studies during mechanical ventilation showed that techniques are utilized in many research applications they
bedside pulmonary function testing had the potential to are not yet used in a broad clinical setting.
identify lung over distension and therefore lessen the The purpose of this clinical review is to give an overview
incidence of pneumothorax and intraventricular hemor- of the different bedside PFT methodologies for assessment
rhage.8–10 Commercially available pulmonary function of pulmonary function in intubated and unintubated
test (PFT) equipment became increasingly popular in the neonates and their potential clinical usefulness and
neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), but these systems relevance, and finally, to give a personal outlook into future
were not without limitations. Interpretation of data directions in this important area of neonatal pulmonology.
collected with this equipment necessitated a thorough
understanding of physiological, clinical, and technical MEASUREMENT METHODS OF PULMONARY
aspects of the measurements.11–13 Additionally, such MECHANICS, ENERGETICS, AND VOLUMES:
bedside PFT’s provided only snapshot assessments of THE CONVENTIONAL APPROACH
respiratory mechanics which, by nature, could vary
significantly over short time periods. In the last decades Conventional evaluation of pulmonary function is
bedside “PFT carts” were more or less replaced by a new based on simultaneous measurements of three respiratory
generation of ventilators with their integrated measure- signals: airflow (V0 ), driving pressure (P), and volume (V)
ment capabilities to provide continuous real time display in order to compute pulmonary compliance (C) and
and trending of several numerical and graphical parameters resistance (R) as related by this simplified equation of
of lung mechanics and ventilation. In addition, some of motion of the respiratory system:2,21,22
P ¼ V=C þ RV
The instrumentation needed to measure P, V0,
PFT pulmonary function test
and V consists of pressure transducers, an airflow sensor,
RIP respiratory inductance plethysmography and a means of recording and analyzing signals derived
EIP electromagnetic impedance plethysmography from these devices. There are several technologies for
OEP optoelectronic plethysmography measuring airflow, including: flow-resistive type sensors
SLP structured light plethysmograpy such as pneumotachometers, hot-wire anemometers, and
EIT electrical impedance tomography
PNT pneumotachometer
ultrasonic beam sensors. Tidal volume can be obtained by
HFOV high-frequency oscillatory ventilation either analog or digital integration of the tidal flow signal.
HFV high-frequency ventilation Driving or transpulmonary pressure, requires measure-
LV lung volume ment of the pressure differential between the intrapleural
EELV end-expiratory lung volume space and the airway opening. Intrapleural pressure may
VT tidal volume
MV minute ventilation
be estimated by measuring esophageal pressure either
FRC functional residual capacity with a balloon catheter, a liquid-filled open-ended
EtCO2 end-tidal CO2 catheter or a solid-state micro-transducer tipped catheter.
Calculation of compliance and resistance, as well as work
Pediatric Pulmonology
Bedside Pulmonary Function Testing in the Neonate 1041

of breathing, is usually achieved using any of several decreased dynamic compliance, decreased FRC, and may
traditional manual methods or computerized regression be associated with significant long-term morbidity in later
analysis algorithms employing some form of the above life. Pulmonary function testing using different methods
equation.2325 Respiratory mechanics can also be mea- has been reported in numerous studies of neonates with
sured passively by various occlusion or forced oscillation RDS and BPD to objectively evaluate baseline disease
techniques.26–28 severity, history, and disease predictive value38–41 as well
The measurement of functional residual capacity (FRC), as the effect of interventions such as surfactant,42
a static lung volume, is mostly performed by different gas steroids,43 theophylline,44 bronchodilators,45,46 diu-
dilution or washout techniques, mainly helium dilution and retics,47 inhaled nitric oxide,48 and ventilation.49 A
nitrogen washout methods.11,22 More recently, a sulfur state-of-the art critical review, focusing on respiratory
hexaflouride washout method has been available in which a mechanics, has been published recently by Gappa et al. to
very low concentration of this gas is measured with a summarize and discuss available data on PFT’s performed
combined gas detector and ultrasonic flow sensor avoiding on neonates and infants with chronic lung disease.50 The
many of the gas composition and accuracy constraints of interpretation of many of these data is limited due to
the earlier washout methods.29 Whole-body plethysmog- incomplete evaluation of the pulmonary function status,
raphy, although a standard modality for measuring thoracic for example, the lack of simultaneous FRC measure-
gas volumes, is not a practical technique to measure FRC in ments, different testing methods and populations and
the NICU, but it has been shown useful in the clinical small numbers of study patients.51
assessment of infants with bronchopulmonary diseases.30 Pulmonary function test values derived from current
The techniques described above all have some neonatal ventilators, with their intergrated measurement
limitations related to technical aspects. For example, capabilities for lung mechanics and ventilation param-
the reliability of intrapleural pressure is dependent on eters, have become popular in recent years to guide
proper esophageal catheter placement and response respiratory management in ventilated neonates, but this
characteristics, and the accuracy of tidal volume measure- usage also has its limitations. Under-reading of tidal
ments comprises airflow leakage around an uncuffed volumes and inaccuracy in compliance and resistance
endotracheal tube or an inadequately sealed facemask.7,31 measurements has been shown for several tested
Some other factors to be considered which also contribute ventilators in vitro and may lead to misinterpretation of
to a large inter- and intra-patient variability include the pulmonary status resulting in inadequate ventilator
patient’s tolerance, unstable spontaneous breathing adjustement and lung injury.31,33 This has to be
patterns, body and neck position, timing of the last considered, for example, in the case of an endotracheal
feeding, sleep state, sedation, and the interaction of tube leak and targeted tidal volume ventilation, a
mechanical ventilator breaths with spontaneous breaths. ventilation mode which is highly recommended in the
Standardized measurement conditions and testing of management of neonates with RDS, as it shortens
equipment with a calibrated infant lung simulator are duration of ventilation and reduces BPD.52,53 In general,
advisable to ensure accuracy of data prior to analysis.32,33 knowledge of basic physiology of the ventilated lung, the
As a guide for proper interpretation of PFT data in sick influence of ventilator settings on lung function and the
patients, cross-sectional and longitudinal PFT’s were interaction of spontaneous and mechanical ventilation is
performed during the neonatal period providing reference essential for data interpretation.13,54–56 Recently, in an
values for healthy term and preterm infants.27,34–36 effort to standardize testing methodology, Rigo et al.
suggested integration of automatic selection of optimal
CLINICAL APPLICATIONS AND USEFULNESS OF respiratory cycles to improve the precision of pulmonary
GRAPHICS The fundamental measurable parameters of respira-
tion, P, V0, and V can be displayed as scalar waveforms
Pulmonary function testing has been applied in studies along a time axis or as x–y plots of relationships such
of acute and chronic neonatal respiratory disorders such as volume-versus-pressure (V–P) or flow-versus-
as respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) and bronchopul- volume (V0–V) loops. Previously reserved for special-
monary dysplasia (BPD), both occurring predominantly ized recording equipment these pulmonary graphics
in preterm neonates.37 RDS is characterized by significant representations can now be displayed continuously in
alterations in elastic and resistive properties and volumes real time with modern graphics-display-based ventila-
of the lung based on surfactant deficiency or dysfunction tors. V–P loops have been used clinically to detect
typically resulting in stiff lungs with low-lung compliance ventilatory overdistension, lung atelectasis, endotra-
and FRC. BPD is a multifactorial chronic lung disease cheal tube leaks, and air trapping.8,58 V0–V loops have
characterized by prolonged oxygen dependency, in- been shown useful to detect and manage various types
creased airway flow resistance and airway reactivity, of intrathoracic and extrathoracic airflow limitation.
Pediatric Pulmonology
1042 Reiterer et al.

Typical examples of such use is in patients with Capnometry

obstructive airway disease as in chronic lung disease or
The measurement of CO2 concentration in an exhaled
tracheobronchomalacia are shown in Figure 1.59 An
breath to determine end-tidal CO2 (EtCO2) displayed as a
overview of clinical applications of PFT´s is given in
numerical readout. Capnography displays the expired
Table 1.
CO2 level graphically over the time course for each
breath. Measurements of EtCO2 have been reported
RESPIRATORY MONITORING OF OXYGENATION useful in assessing lung aeration and ventilation in
AND PARTIAL PRESSURE OF CARBON DIOXIDE preterm and term infants requiring respiratory support
immediatley after birth.61–63 Depending on the capnog-
The assessment of adequate oxygenation and ventila-
raphy technology used and the severity of lung disease,
tion is the main goal during respiratory support in the
EtCO2 measurements may also be useful for bedside
delivery room and in the NICU. Pulse oximetry, a well-
monitoring in ventilated neonates in the NICU and have
proven and popular noninvasive bedside technology,
been shown to correlate well with arterial pCO2 values.64
provides the clinician instantaneous, and continuous
In spontaneously breathing infants, measurement of
information about peripheral oxygen saturation (SpO2)
EtCO2 has been used for assessment of functional lung
and heart rate, but is not without limitations such as the
alterations related to BPD.65
lack of data accuracy during hypoxemia, hyperoxemia,
peripheral hypoperfusion, and body movements.60 The
Colorimetric Devices
assessment and management of ventilation also requires
bedside information on tidal volume and CO2 levels in These provide a qualitative indication of several ranges
order to evaluate the effectiveness of pulmonary gas of EtCO2 by displaying color changes on a chemical
exchange. This can be done invasively by capillary or indicator strip rather than a numerical readout. Because of
arterial blood gas determination, and by several continu- their ease of use, colorimetric devices may be of particular
ous noninvasive methods including: benefit for preterm infants in the delivery room and during

Fig. 1. Flow-volume tracings in a patient with severe congenital tracheobronchomalacia. At PEEP

level of 2, and 4 cm H20 there is almost complete flow interruption during exspiration, at PEEP of 6
there is moderate, and at PEEP of 8 cm H2O there is no flow interruption.59

Pediatric Pulmonology
Bedside Pulmonary Function Testing in the Neonate 1043
TABLE 1— Clinical Applications of Pulmonary Function Testing

1 Assessement of pulmonary airway and tissue disease severity and resolution

2 Assessement of efficiency of mechanical ventilatory support: tidal volume, tracheal airflow, optimum CPAP, time constants of respiratory
system, and ventilation distribution
3 Assessement of weaning efficiency from mechanical ventilation and readiness for extubation
4 Assessement of pharmacological interventions: surfactant, bronchodilators, methyl-xanthines, diuretics, steroids, and inhaled nitric oxide
5 Assessement of the effect of posture on airway resistance and delivered tidal volume
6 Sequential follow-up of chronic lung disease

neonatal transport as well as in the perioperative setting to apparatus consists of sinusoidally arranged coils embed-
verify correct endotracheal tube positioning. ded in soft elastic bands which are placed around the
thorax and abdomen. As an infant breathes, changes in the
Transcutaneous CO2 rib cage and abdominal cross-sectional areas circum-
scribed by the bands are transduced into electrical signals
This technology utilizes specialized skin surface
(Fig. 2). This technology has been used to evaluate infant
sensors to estimate arterial CO2. This method is not as
breathing asynchrony by providing a continuous display
popular in the NICU as it requires regular calibration and
of the phase angle, or phase delay, between abdominal and
positional changes of the skin sensor and is prone to
thoracic excursions which may vary between 08 (com-
artifacts during unstable hemo-dynamic conditions.
plete synchrony) and 1808 (paradoxical breathing) as
However, during stable infant conditions, transcutaneous
illustrated in Figure 3. Phase angle, as an index of
pCO2 measurements have been shown to have good
thoracoabdominal asynchrony (TAA), has been shown to
agreement with corresponding arterial measurements
be useful in detection of airway obstruction and for sleep
even in extremely low-birth weight infants.66
apnea monitoring.67–69 Other RIP-derived asynchrony
and work of breathing indices include: the labored
RESPIRATORY PLETHYSMOGRAPHY AND breathing index (LBI), defined as the ratio of the sum of
ELECTRICAL IMPEDANCE TECHNIQUES maximal ribcage and abdominal excursions to the actual
tidal volume, with values >1 indicating increased
breathing effort; phase relation total breath (PhRTB),
Respiratory inductance plethysmograph (RIP), a rather defined as the percentage time in a single breath spent in
simple commercially available technique has been in use asynchrony; control of breathing and timing parameters
for several decades in pediatric sleep laboratories to such as the ratio of time to peak tidal expiratory flow to
describe thoracic and abdominal movements. The RIP expiratory time (tPTEF/tE).70–73 In a number of studies,

Fig. 2. Schematic of respiratory inductance plethysmograph (RIP) bands and the recorded
ribcage and abdominal waveforms. The ribcage-to-abdominal phase angle is calculated using
the equation as shown using measurements from the x–y plot of the ribcage versus abdominal
display, where m ¼ the loop diameter at the1/2 ribcage excursion, and s ¼ maximal abdominal

Pediatric Pulmonology
1044 Reiterer et al.

Fig. 3. Phase delay between rib cage and abdominal motion during respiratory cycles of varying
asynchrony displayed as idealized plots of the ribcage versus abdominal signals obtained using
respiratory inductance plethysmography (RIP).

RIP has been used to evaluate the effectiveness of invasive has been shown to be accurate for measuring tidal
and noninvasive ventilatory strategies on thoracoabdo- breathing parameters in term- and pre-term infants.17,89,90
minal asynchrony and tidal volumes in preterm infants
who have very compliant rib cages and are prone to chest OEP
wall distortions especially with underlying lung dis-
Optoelectronic plethysmography (OEP), estimates
eases.74–77 RIP has also been used to measure relative
chest wall volume by measuring the three-dimensional
end-expiratory lung volume changes at different levels of
(3D) position of several reflective markers placed on the
NCPAP.78 In another study, RIP was used to detect a high
patient’s thorax by an automatic motion analyzer getting
breath-to-breath variability in healthy as well as in sick
input signals from several cameras.18 It has been recently
premature infants with respiratory support.79
tested in spontaneously breathing term and preterm
If properly calibrated, RIP may also be used to
neonates, validated in comparison to mask pneumo-
accurately measure tidal volume, and several calibration
tachograyphy and provided accurate measurements of
techniques have been developed for this purpose.80–82 In
lung volume changes and tidal volumes. It is an
general, all such calibration schemes require a period of
interesting, futuristic technique, requiring no previous
restful breathing with close to constant tidal volumes to
calibration, but besides other potential errors, the
generate appropriate weighing factors for the different
complexity of its bedside setup mainly limits its routine
ribcage and abdominal contributions to the total tidal
clinical application at the moment.18,91
volume. A period of breathing through a calibrated flow
A recently developed method also in the field of 3D
sensor, such as a pneumotachometer, is also required to
optical technology is structured light plethysmograpy
scale the final RIP signal to known reference volumes.
(SLP).92,93 This is a completely non-contact technology
Consistent accuracy is usually achieved while the subject
in which a structured light checkerboard pattern is
remains in a single postural position.83,84 When thus
projected onto the frontal thoracoabdominal surface. Two
calibrated, the RIP technique has been used to estimate
camera images, the moving surface and generate a 3D
respiratory mechanics and work of breathing measures in
reconstruction giving an estimate of chest wall volume
infants in which direct airflow measurement at the airway
over time. The system is calibrated by simply scanning an
would interfere with a nasal/oral interface device used, for
object with precisely known physical dimensions.
example, with NCPAP or HFNC therapy.85–88
Currently, although a commercially available version
(PneumaCare Limited, Cambridge, UK) of this technolo-
EIP gy is available for use with adults and children, there is as
yet no known adaptation of this system for use with
Electromagnetic inductance plethysmography (EIP), a
newer method, measures volume changes from chest and
abdomen during respiration via changes in the electro-
magnetic field, generated by a weakly electrified vest worn
by the infant. Although the required bedside equipment for Electrical impedance tomography (EIT) is a relatively
this technology may be bulky (at the time of this writing), it new radiation-free technique in the neonatal field that can
does not require subject dependent calibration, which detect regional changes in lung volumes. This is
allows measurement of truly undisturbed tidal breathing. It accomplished by generating cross-sectional images of

Pediatric Pulmonology
Bedside Pulmonary Function Testing in the Neonate 1045

the changes in distribution of electrical impedance within the EIT-system, data comparison with adults, maturation-
the thorax measured by electrocardiography electrodes al lung function changes, and effect of breathing patterns
placed on the thorax just above the nipple line.19 and posture.
Connected to a special EIT system, data are continuously EIT or EIS technology is commercially available but
acquired, analyzed, and visualized. An application of not yet routinely used in a clinical setting. Some
electrical impedance measurement, which has been limitations in its use are the lack of standardized
specifically developed for use in neonates, electrical measurement protocols, the somewhat difficult placement
impedance segmentography (EIS) or quadrant impedance of the electrodes, especially in VLBW infants, the low
monitoring (QIM), differs from EIT in that it determines resolution of the generated images, the applicability and
impedance changes in four quadrants of the thorax usefulness for different lung diseases, the lack of
(Fig. 4) and also allows quantification of impedance appropriate reference values that take gestational age
changes of the lung expressed as absolute tidal volumes into account, and the lack of experience with long-term
when calibrated with known volumes using a pneumo- monitoring. In addition to respiratory applications, the
tachometer.20 Clinical and experimental studies using different aspects of EIT imaging for cardiopulmonary
EIT and EIS/QMI have already shown their usefulness in imaging and monitoring have also been recently reviewed
several clinical areas including: detection of small by Frerichs et al.108
pneumothoraces,94 evaluation of distribution of ventila- A summary of more recent clinical studies on EIP, OEP,
tion in different conditions, e.g., during endotracheal and EIT is shown in Table 2.
suctioning,95 endotracheal tube placement,96 body posi-
tioning,97–99 pulmonary recruitment maneuvers,99–102
pulmonary assessment prior to extubation,103 and pre,
during, and post surfactant therapy.104–106 This method- Pulmonary function testing and monitoring plays an
ology has also been used to study ventilation inhomoge- important role in the evaluation and management of
neity in chronic lung disease.107,108 The first prospective neonates with respiratory compromise. Being predomi-
study of EIT in surfactant-treated neonates showed not nantly a research tool in the past and limited to a few
only an increase in lung aeration but also reduced right-to- clinical bedside applications, present-day NICU’s are
left asymmetry and increased ventilation of dependent offered a number of newer, noninvasive, methods to
regions after surfactant.104 A summary of nine EIT assess clinically relevant respiratory parameters even in
publications from 1995 to 2003 in preterm and term very premature infants. Pulmonary function testing has
neonates with a gestational age range of 27–42 weeks is been shown to be useful in studying basic pulmonary
given in a study by Pillow et al.107 reporting issues related physiology and the natural course of development of the
to practical factors such as: applicability and feasibility of immature lung. Routine PFT’s have also been useful in

Fig. 4. Electrical Impedance Segmentography (Angelie EIS system, EMS Biomedical, Korneuburg
Austria) from a preterm neonate showing the ventilation pattern in four segments of the lung over
time. UR, upper right segment; UL, upper left segment; LR, lower right segment; LL, lower left
segment. The values given inthe circles of the lung window indicate percent changes in each
quadrant’s capacity compared to a baseline start point.

Pediatric Pulmonology

TABLE 2— Clinical Studies With Electrical Impedance and Plethysmographic Techniques

Pediatric Pulmonology
No. of Study Authors refs. year of
Reiterer et al.

Method GA (weeks) infants population Study aim Main results publication

EIP 40  1.3 10 Healthy Validation of measurement system Tidal parameters correlated closely Olden et al. 201089
29  4.6 11 BPD oxygen with facemask measurements in
dependent healthy neonates, differed from BPD
EIP 35  4 (28–42) 49 Healthy Normative data of tidal breathing parameters VT and MV decreased with advancing PCA Pickerd et al. 201317
EIP 28  2 (23–33) 29 CPAP clinical Compare effects of three CPAP devices at MV/kg similar between all devices, Pickerd et al. 201490
stable different pressure settings on tidal decreasing difference for VT/kg over
breathing, assess changes during weaning time on and off CPAP
OEP 34  5 (29–41) 20 Healthy Appropriate experimental setup, system validation Accurate measurement of lung Dellaca et al. 201018
with PNT volume changes
EIT 28.3 median (25.3–31.9) 15 RDS on HFOV Immediate and regional effects of surfactant Surfactant increased LV by 61  39%, Miedema et al.
on LV, mechanics and ventilation stabilization most prominent in 2011100
dependent lung regions, ventilation not
affected by surfactant
EIT 28.1  2.6 (24–33) 14 On CMV Evaluation of PEEP-levels (5–8 cm H2O) on air Best homogenous air distribution with Rossi et al. 2013103
distribution before extubation PEEP 6.3 þ 1.1 cm H2O
EIT 27.9 median (25.6–31.4) 15 RDS on open Measurement of EELV comparison to RIP Significant correlation va der Burg et al.
lung HFV 201419
EIT 30.94  2.38 (27–35) 17 RDS on CMV Global and regional lung function changes before More homogenous air distribution after Chatzioannidis et al.
and after surfactant surfactant, improvement in global 2013104
lung function
EIT 32 20 RDS on CMV Assess the extent and duration of change in EEL Significant LV increase (for at least 90 min) Hough et al. 201495
from endotracheal suction

EIP, Electromagnetic impedance plethysmography; OEP, Optoelectronic plethysmography; EIT, Electrical impedance tomography.
GA data are mean  SD if not otherwise indicated, ranges in parenthesis.
Bedside Pulmonary Function Testing in the Neonate 1047

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