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Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 312: L32–L41, 2017.

First published November 23, 2016; doi:10.1152/ajplung.00416.2016.

RESEARCH ARTICLE Real-Time Visualization of Lung Function: From Micro to


Effectiveness of individualized lung recruitment strategies at birth: an

experimental study in preterm lambs
X David G. Tingay,1,2,3,4 Anushi Rajapaksa,1,4 Emanuela Zannin,5 Prue M. Pereira-Fantini,1,4
Raffaele L. Dellaca,5 Elizabeth J. Perkins,1,2 Cornelis E. E. Zonneveld,1 Andy Adler,6 Don Black,1
Inéz Frerichs,7 Anna Lavizzari,1,8 Magdy Sourial,1 Bartłomiej Grychtol,9 Fabio Mosca,8
and Peter G. Davis1,3,10

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Neonatal Research, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, Parkville, Australia; 2Neonatology, The Royal Children’s
Hospital, Parkville, Australia; 3Neonatal Research, The Royal Women’s Hospital, Parkville, Australia; 4Department
of Paediatrics, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia; 5TBM Laboratory, Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione
e Ingegneria Biomedica-DEIB, Politecnico di Milano University, Milano, Italy; 6Systems and Computer Engineering,
Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada; 7Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, University Medical
Centre Schleswig-Holstein, Campus Kiel, Kiel, Germany; 8NICU, Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda, Ospedale Maggiore
Policlinico-Università degli Studi di Milano, Milano, Italy; 9Fraunhofer Project Group for Automation in Medicine
and Biotechnology, Mannheim, Germany; and 10Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Melbourne,
Melbourne, Australia
Submitted 16 September 2016; accepted in final form 20 November 2016

Tingay DG, Rajapaksa A, Zannin E, Pereira-Fantini PM, preterm; infant; open lung ventilation; sustained inflation; lung me-
Dellaca RL, Perkins EJ, Zonneveld CE, Adler A, Black D, Fre- chanics; regional lung injury
richs I, Lavizzari A, Sourial M, Grychtol B, Mosca F, Davis PG.
Effectiveness of individualized lung recruitment strategies at birth: an
experimental study in preterm lambs. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol THE INITIAL TRANSITION from in utero life poses many problems
Physiol 312: L32–L41, 2017. First published November 23, 2016; for the preterm infant (14). Effective tidal ventilation requires
doi:10.1152/ajplung.00416.2016.—Respiratory transition at birth in- the underdeveloped lung to rapidly transition from a fluid-filled
volves rapidly clearing fetal lung liquid and preventing efflux back to aerated state (12, 14). This complex process requires rapid
into the lung while aeration is established. We have developed a
clearance of fetal lung fluid from the airway and alveoli,
sustained inflation (SIOPT) individualized to volume response and a
dynamic tidal positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) (open lung establishing a functional residual capacity and then prevention
volume, OLV) strategy that both enhance this process. We aimed to of fluid efflux back into the alveoli spaces during expiration
compare the effect of each with a group managed with PEEP of 8 (13). Inability to successfully complete this process exposes
cmH2O and no recruitment maneuver (No-RM), on gas exchange, the preterm lung to heterogeneous states of aeration and ven-
lung mechanics, spatiotemporal aeration, and lung injury in 127 ⫾ 1 tilation, both increasing the risk of injury (14, 40).
day preterm lambs. Forty-eight fetal-instrumented lambs exposed to Both positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) and an initial
antenatal steroids were ventilated for 60 min after application of the sustained lung inflation (SI) have been suggested as methods of
allocated strategy. Spatiotemporal aeration and lung mechanics were optimizing respiratory transition (13, 18). In rabbit pups, an
measured with electrical impedance tomography and forced-oscilla-
tion, respectively. At study completion, molecular and histological
initial SI has been shown to assist clearance of lung fluid, with
markers of lung injury were analyzed. Mean (SD) aeration at the end PEEP then preventing fluid efflux back into alveolar spaces
of the SIOPT and OLV groups was 32 (22) and 38 (15) ml/kg, during subsequent tidal ventilation (31). Subsequent clinical
compared with 17 (10) ml/kg (180 s) in the No-RM (P ⫽ 0.024, and preclinical data regarding an SI have been conflicting (16,
1-way ANOVA). This translated into better oxygenation at 60 min 18, 28, 31), with some studies showing no substantive benefit
(P ⫽ 0.047; 2-way ANOVA) resulting from better distal lung tissue over tidal ventilation with sufficient PEEP (11, 39). The inter-
aeration in SIOPT and OLV. There was no difference in lung injury. pretation of these studies has been hampered by inconsistencies
Neither SIOPT nor OLV achieved homogeneous aeration. Histological in both the SI and PEEP strategies used and the use of proven
injury and mRNA biomarker upregulation were more likely in the
lung protective therapies, such as antenatal corticosteroids and
regions with better initial aeration, suggesting volutrauma. Tidal
ventilation or an SI achieves similar aeration if optimized, suggesting exogenous surfactant (38). We have previously shown that
that preventing fluid efflux after lung liquid clearance is at least as tidal ventilation at birth with a dynamic PEEP, or open lung
important as fluid clearance during the initial inflation at birth. ventilation (OLV), approach that exploited hysteresis resulted
in more homogenous spatiotemporal aeration and better out-
comes than ventilation with a fixed PEEP of 8 cmH2O or a 30-s
Address for reprint requests and other correspondence: D. Tingay,
Neonatal Research, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, Royal Chil-
SI (33, 39). The advantage of an OLV approach is that it uses
dren’s Hospital, Flemington Rd., Parkville 3052 Victoria, Australia (e-mail: real-time feedback on the mechanical properties of an individ- ual’s lung (3, 15). In contrast, SI strategies have traditionally
L32 1040-0605/17 Copyright © 2017 the American Physiological Society
used a predetermined pressure, duration, or delivered volume computer-generated system that ensured equal matching of group
(24, 30, 31, 33, 37–39). permutations and no repetition of the same strategy within twined
To be effective, an SI must overcome the long time con- ewes. 1) No intentional recruitment maneuver (No-RM) group: pos-
stants of the fluid-filled respiratory system (30), which are itive-pressure ventilation (PPV; SLE5000; SLE, South Croydon, UK)
in volume-targeted ventilation (VTV) mode at PEEP 8 cmH2O,
highly variable even in standardized preterm animal models
inspiratory time 0.4 s, rate 60 inflations/min and set VT of 7 ml/kg
(34, 40). Recently, we demonstrated that a “volumetric” SI, in [inspiratory pressure (PIP) 40 cmH2O] (39). 2) Optimized SI (SIOPT)
which the SI duration was individualized to achieving stable group: an optimal aeration SI at 40 cmH2O individualized to each
aeration optimized outcomes compared with a predefined 30-s lamb, defined as 10 s after aeration plateau visually determined by two
SI (34). It is possible that the SI strategy used in our previous investigators (CEZ, DT) in the global EIT volume signal on the
OLV studies, and by many other groups, was inappropriate Thorascan display (34). The SI was administered with a Neopuff
given the variable mechanical characteristics of the preterm Infant T-Piece Resuscitator (Fisher & Paykel Healthcare, Auckland,
lung. Notwithstanding this, the observation that an OLV strat- New Zealand) at 8 l/min flow. On completion of the SI, the lung was
egy achieved lung aeration without the need for an initial SI to held at a PEEP of 8 cmH2O for 5 s before the clamping of the ETT
rapidly clear lung fluid is intriguing. To date, optimal SI and and transferring the lamb to the SLE5000 ventilator and PPV ⫹ VTV
per No-RM (34, 39). 3) OLV group: step-wise PEEP strategy (OLV)

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OLV approaches have not been compared in the preterm lung
using PPV ⫹ VTV (VT 7 ml/kg) (33, 39). PEEP was increased by 2
exposed to antenatal steroids. cmH2O every 10 inflations from an initial PEEP of 6 cmH2O until 20
We hypothesized that optimizing lung recruitment at birth cmH2O (PEEPMAX) and then similarly decreased to 6 cmH2O. PPV ⫹
using an SI or OLV would create different pathways of VTV was then commenced at PEEP 8 cmH2O after a transient
spatiotemporal aeration during respiratory transition. The spe- 10-inflation rerecruitment at PEEP 20 cmH2O (170 –180-s total du-
cific aims of the study were to compare the effects of an ration) followed by PPV ⫹ VTV per No-RM.
individualized SI, dynamic PEEP OLV, and a static PEEP Ventilation strategy and general management after birth. Addi-
approach on gas exchange, lung mechanics, spatiotemporal tional 10-s FOT measurements were made at PEEPMAX (OLV), on
aeration, and lung injury in preterm lambs exposed to antenatal completion of the SIOPT and OLV, and 90 s and 180 s (No-RM and
steroids. SIOPT). All lambs were initially supported in 0.21 fraction-inspired
oxygen (FIO2). PPV ⫹ VTV was applied for 60 min using a standard-
METHODS ized strategy, including titration of FIO2 and VTV to maintain SpO2
88 –94% and PaCO2 40 – 60 mmHg after the first arterial gas. At the
All techniques and procedures were approved by the Animal Ethics end of the study period, all lambs received a lethal dose of pentobar-
Committee of the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, Melbourne, bitone. The ETT was then disconnected to atmosphere until lung
Australia in accordance with National Health and Medical Research collapse. A static in vivo super-syringe pressure-volume curve was
Committee guidelines. generated (maximum pressure 40 cmH2O) to determine the static
Experimental instrumentation. Surfactant-deficient Border-Leices- mechanical properties of the respiratory system and calibrate the EIT
ter/Suffolk 127 ⫾ 1 day preterm lambs (term ⬃145 days; n ⫽ 12–13 signal. An additional (1, 34) 10 age-matched fetuses (unventilated
per group) born to date-mated ewes who received 11.7 mg of beta- controls, UVC group) were euthanized at delivery for injury analysis
methasone 24 and 48 h before delivery were delivered via Caesarean comparison.
section under general anesthesia and instrumented as described in Data acquisition and analysis. Physiological parameters were re-
detail previously (33, 34, 38, 40). Twin pregnancies were preferred to corded at 1,000 Hz (LabChart V7; AD Instruments, Sydney, Austra-
minimize maternal variability. After we exposed the fetal head and lia) and analyzed at key time points (34). Together with these data,
neck, the carotid artery and external jugular vein were cannulated, an EIT data were monitored in real-time and recorded (Thorascan,
ultrasonic flow probe placed around the contralateral carotid artery, Carefusion) continuously for the first 15 min, and subsequently for 2
airway intubated with a 4.0 cuffed endotracheal tube (ETT), and lung min with each arterial blood gas. EIT signals were also recorded
fluid passively drained. Electrical impedance tomography (EIT) during the static in vivo PV curve. PIP, PEEP, and inspiratory change
(Goe-MF II EIT system; CareFusion, Hoechberg, Germany) needles in pressure (⌬P) were determined from the PAO data, and dynamic
were then positioned around the chest (20, 33, 34, 37, 39, 40). At compliance (Cdyn) was calculated from the ⌬P and VT data. XRS
delivery, the lambs were weighed, placed supine, and commenced on (indicator of lung recruitment) and RRS were computed from FOT
intravenous infusions of ketamine and midazolam. recordings (34, 42). Static respiratory system compliance (CRS) was
Measurements. Peripheral oxygen saturation (SpO2), heart rate determined from the PV curve. The alveolar-arterial difference in
(HR), arterial blood pressure (HP48S monitor, Hewlett Packard, oxygen (AaDO2) was calculated from the arterial blood gases.
Andover, MA), carotid blood flow (TS420 Perivascular Flow Module; Time-course EIT image data were reconstructed using an anatom-
Transonic Systems, Ithaca, NY), airway pressure (PAO), gas flow, and ically correct custom-built GREIT algorithm (2) with non-lung re-
tidal volume (VT) at the airway opening (Florian; Acutronic Medical gions excluded during postprocessing and filtering to the respiratory
Systems, Hirzel, Switzerland) were measured continuously from birth. domain, as we have described previously (39). The trough values of
Global and regional lung volume changes were acquired by EIT at 25 the EIT signal were used to determine global and regional change in
scans/s (24, 33, 34, 39), and the unfiltered global lung volume change end-expiratory volume (aeration; ⌬EEV) and the trough to peak
was displayed in real-time using the Thorascan software package amplitudes VT. The global ⌬EEV was calibrated (ml/kg) to the
(CareFusion). Arterial blood gases were measured at 5 min of life and change in impedance during the static PV curve (34, 39). Functional
every 15 min from birth. The respiratory system resistance (RRS) and EIT images of aeration throughout the imaged cross-sectional slice
reactance (XRS) were computed using the forced oscillation technique were also computed to determine the spatiotemporal patterns of
(FOT) (4) from the pressure and flow signals measured at the inlet of aeration (39). The fraction of VT within each gravity-dependent third
the tracheal tube during a small-amplitude (5 cmH2O) 5-Hz oscilla- of the lung weighted to equal lung pixel area was determined (39) and
tory pressure superimposed onto the ventilation waveform for 10 s. calibrated to ml/kg from the corresponding Florian VT value.
These were conducted on completion of the ventilation strategy at Lung injury analysis. Immediately after euthanasia, the lung was
birth and immediately after every arterial blood gas sample (5, 6, 41). removed. The right upper lobe was fixed at 20 cmH2O with 4%
Ventilation strategies. Lambs were randomly assigned before de- paraformaldehyde and five hematoxylin and eosin-stained 5-␮m sec-
livery to receive one of the following strategies at birth using a tions from each of the upper, middle, and lower gravity-dependent

AJP-Lung Cell Mol Physiol • doi:10.1152/ajplung.00416.2016 •


sections scored for lung injury (n ⫽ 15 total/lamb) on the following and PEEPMAX, and both greater than the EEV of 19 (13) ml/kg
criteria: 1) alveolar wall thickness, 2) detached epithelial cells, 3) immediately before the OLV (10-s life) (P ⫽ 0.0008, 1-way
hyaline membranes, and 4) alveolar collapse/atelectasis by an inves- ANOVA). The ⌬EEV at the end of the OLV maneuver was
tigator blinded to treatment allocation (34, 39). Bronchoalveolar
similar to the SIOPT group at 180 s. In contrast, the No-RM
lavage with saline was performed on the left lung and total protein
concentration determined using the Lowry method (17). Lung tissue group demonstrated less time-based recruitment although this
samples were collected from the gravity-dependent (lower) and non- was still significant from birth, increasing from 10 (6) ml/kg at
dependent (upper) zones of the right lower lobe and immediately snap 10 s to 17 (10) ml/kg by 180 s (P ⫽ 0.004, 1-way ANOVA).
frozen in liquid nitrogen. RNA was extracted from lung tissue using ⌬EEV was significantly higher in the OLV compared with
TRIzol, and 0.1 kg RNA was reverse-transcribed into complementary No-RM group from 90 s onward (P ⫽ 0.033, 1-way ANOVA).
DNA. Primers of early biomarkers of lung injury [connective tissue SIOPT and OLV had similar regional aeration patterns on
growth factor (CTGF), cysteine-rich 61 (CYR61), early growth re- completion of the recruitment maneuvers (Fig. 1, B and C),
sponse protein 1 (EGR1), and the interleukins-1B, ⫺6, and ⫺8] were with lower relative aeration in the most gravity-dependent third
designed using the Roche Universal ProbeLibrary Assay Design
Center. All reactions were performed in triplicate on the Light-Cycler of the chest compared with the least gravity-dependent and
480 System (Roche, Mannheim, Germany). The 2⫺⌬⌬Ct method was middle regions (P ⫽ 0.0007 and P ⫽ 0.0008, respectively,

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used to calculate relative changes in gene expression, determined from 1-way ANOVA). The No-RM group had more heterogeneous
qRT-PCR experiments using GAPDH as a housekeeping gene and aeration with both the most and least gravity-dependent third of
relative to the UVC group (22). the chest having lower relative aeration at 90 s and 180 s (both
Statistical analysis. On the basis of our previous studies with this P ⬍ 0.0001). Within each region, the OLV group had rela-
model (34), a sample size of 12 lambs per group would detect a tively greater aeration in the least dependent third at 90
clinically meaningful difference (SD) in Cdyn of 0.08 (0.067) s/PEEPMAX and 180 s compared with No-RM group (P ⫽
ml·kg⫺1·cmH2O⫺1 at 60 min (power of 0.8 and ␣ error 0.05). Data
were first tested for normality and analyzed with t-tests, one-way
0.0228 and P ⫽ 0.0478, respectively). Although not statisti-
ANOVA, Kruskal-Wallis test, or two-way repeated-measures cally significant, the SIOPT group had the most homogenous
ANOVA (using time and ventilation strategy as factors) and Tukey’s, aeration at 180 s of life. There were no differences within each
Dunn’s, or Dunnett’s (against UVC) posttests as appropriate. Statis- region of interest over time for all strategies.
tical analysis was performed with GraphPad PRISM 6 (GraphPad Lung mechanics. No-RM and OLV groups showed time-
Software, San Diego, CA), and P ⬍ 0.05 was considered significant. dependent improvement in Cdyn immediately after birth (Fig.
2A). Cdyn was higher in the No-RM group at 90 s (P ⬍ 0.0001)
RESULTS compared with 10 s. At the end of the SI, Cdyn was similar to
Forty-eight lambs were studied. The groups were well that of the OLV group at the same time point (PEEPMAX) and
matched for weight, gestation, drained lung fluid, and fetal greater than No-RM group (P ⫽ 0.16, Tukey’s posttest). At
wellbeing (Table 1). Four lambs were excluded because of 180 s, Cdyn was lower in the SIOPT and No-RM groups than the
severe fetal hypoxia, two in the fetal UVC group, one attrib- OLV group (end of RM) (P ⫽ 0.036 and P ⫽ 0.0002,
utable to unrecognized esophageal intubation (No-RM), and respectively). Thereafter, SIOPT and OLV groups behaved
one severe intrauterine growth restriction (OLV). Four lambs similarly and with better Cdyn than No-RM although this was
developed pneumothoraces after inflation to 40 cmH2O during only significant at 5 min of life (P ⫽ 0.0087, OLV vs. No-RM;
the static PV curve, three in the No-RM and one in the SIOPT Tukey’s posttest). This translated to better PV curves at the end
groups. of the study (Fig. 2B).
Initial aeration during respiratory transition. The time No-RM and OLV groups showed improvement in XRS from
needed to achieve plateau aeration during the SI was a median 10 s and PEEPMAX (OLV) (both P ⬍ 0.0001, 1-way ANOVA)
(range) 72 (36 –132) s and resulted in a mean (SD) 32 (22) (Fig. 2C). XRS did not change over time in the SIOPT group, but
ml/kg ⌬EEV from birth (Fig. 1A). This was comparable to the the post-SI XRS was higher than the XRS at 10 s for No-RM and
⌬EEV of 38 (15) ml/kg at PEEPMAX (90 s, OLV), mean (95% OLV groups. XRS was higher at the end of the OLV RM
CI) difference 6 (⫺13, 24) ml/kg, Tukey’s posttest (2-way compared with No-RM group at 180 s (P ⬍ 0.025, 2-way
repeated-measure ANOVA). The OLV maneuver resulted in repeated-measures ANOVA, Tukey’s posttest) but not SIOPT.
hysteresis with a similar EEV at completion (PEEP 8 cmH2O) By 5 min of life, there was no difference among the groups.

Table 1. Study group characteristics


Number 12 13 13 10
Gestational age, days 127.0 (1.0) 127.0 (0.8) 127.0 (0.8) 127.0 (0.7)
Female, n (%) 5 (42%) 7 (58%) 7 (54%) 6 (60%)
Singleton, n (%) 1 (8%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1 (10%)
First born, n (%) 7 (64%) 5 (42%) 5 (38%) 3 (30%)
Birth weight, g 3,169 (519) 3,042 (420) 3,120 (724) 2,765 (432)
Fetal lung fluid, m/kg 15.9 (8.6) 16.5 (10.0) 20.1 (5.4) N/A
Arterial cord pH 7.33 (0.04) 7.33 (0.06) 7.36 (0.06) 7.20 (0.19)
Arterial cord Pao2, mmHg 22.0 (5.1) 22.7 (3.7) 22.3 (6.2) 21.4 (14.7)
Static CRS, ml·kg⫺1·cmH2O⫺1 0.94 (0.26) 1.20 (0.35) 1.16 (0.39) N/A
All applicable data are means (SD). No differences between groups (1-way ANOVA or ␹2 test as appropriate). No-RM, no recruitment maneuver; SIOPT,
optimized sustained inflation; OLV, open lung ventilation; UVC, unventilated controls; CRS, respiratory system compliance.

AJP-Lung Cell Mol Physiol • doi:10.1152/ajplung.00416.2016 •

Overall, RRS behaved similarly between all groups (Fig. 2D).
RRS was significantly lower at PEEPMAX and at the end of
OLV compared with 10 s (P ⫽ 0005, repeated-measures 1-way
Ventilator parameters. All groups demonstrated a reduction
in ⌬P requirements with time (all groups P ⬍ 0.0001, RM
1-way ANOVA), with OLV having the greatest decrease in ⌬P
during early respiratory transition (Fig. 3A). ⌬P was higher in
the No-RM group throughout the study, reaching significance
against OLV, but not SIOPT, from 180 s (P ⫽ 0.001, Tukey’s
posttest) to 10 min of life (P ⫽ 0.049). No strategy was within
target VT range before 180 s, with No-RM and OLV groups
being below range and SIOPT group above range (Fig. 3B).
Measured VT was lower in the No-RM group at 10 s compared
with OLV group (P ⫽ 0.0149). Both No-RM and OLV groups

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had a lower VT at 90 s compared with the SIOPT post-SI (P ⬍
0.0001). Thereafter, VT was the same in all groups.
Figure 4 shows VT within the middle, least, and most
gravity-dependent thirds of the lung. At 5 min, the OLV and
SIOPT groups had higher VT in the least dependent regions
compared with middle (both) and most dependent (SIOPT) (P ⫽
0.029 and P ⫽ 0.011, respectively, 1-way ANOVA). By 60
min, all groups had significantly higher VT in the least depen-
dent third of the lung compared with all other regions [P ⫽
0.020 (No-RM), P ⫽ 0.001 (SIOPT), P ⫽ 0.004 (OLV)]. Only
the No-RM groups demonstrated increased spatiotemporal re-
distribution between 5 and 60 min (Fig. 4C), with significant
changes in VT toward the least dependent lung (P ⫽ 0.0007).
Oxygenation. OLV and SIOPT attained target SpO2 (in FIO2
0.21) by 180 s and 5 min, respectively (Fig. 3C), compared
with 15 min for the No-RM group [P ⬍ 0.0001 against OLV
(90 s to 5 min) and SIOPT (3 and 5 min), Tukey’s posttest].
Required FIO2 was similar for SIOPT and OLV (Fig. 3D) and
lower than No-RM. By 60 min, FIO2 was a mean (95% CI) 0.26
(0.03, 0.42) higher than OLV in the No-RM group (Tukey’s
posttest). AaDO2 was higher in the No-RM group (Fig. 3E)
from 30 min (P ⫽ 0.014, OLV) and 45 min (P ⫽ 0.036, SIOPT).
All groups could be ventilated within the target PaCO2 range
(Fig. 3F) although the initial 5-min PaCO2 was higher in the
No-RM group (P ⫽ 0.0005, OLV and P ⫽ 0.0077, SIOPT).
EEV. OLV and SIOPT had similar ⌬EEV beyond the initial
period of respiratory transition (Fig. 1A). The No-RM group
had a lower ⌬EEV at all time points of the study, and this was
significant compared with OLV [with mean (95% CI) differ-
ences ranging between 19 (1, 38) ml/kg (30 min) and 20 (1, 39)
ml/kg (10 min), Tukey’s posttest]. All groups showed redistri-
bution in aeration from the most dependent lung regions to the
middle regions over the duration of the study (Fig. 5). This was
most apparent in the No-RM group. Both RM groups behaved
Fig. 1. Change in global end-expiratory volume (⌬EEV) from birth (ml/kg) (A) Lung histology. All strategies had similar total lung injury
following the no recruitment maneuver (No-RM) (black circles), open lung scores on histology, and all were greater than UVC overall
ventilation (OLV) (gray circles), and optimized sustained inflation (SIOPT)
(open diamonds) strategy. *OLV vs. No-RM; P ⬍ 0.05 2-way repeated- (P ⬍ 0.0001, 1-way ANOVA). Regionally there was no
measures ANOVA with Tukey’s posttest. †OLV vs. 10-s life EEV, ‡No-RM difference in lung injury between all groups in the middle
and OLV vs. 10-s life EEV; P ⬍ 0.05 1-way ANOVA with Tukey’s posttest. regions (Fig. 6A). Only SIOPT had higher injury in the most
B: relative regional aeration at 90 s, end of SI or maximum positive end- gravity-dependent lung regions compared with UVC (P ⫽
expiratory pressure (PEEPMAX) in the least gravity-dependent (black), middle
(gray), and most gravity-dependent (white) third of the cross section of the
0.0156, Tukey’s posttest), and all strategies demonstrated sig-
thorax, expressed as a percentage of total aeration. C: relative regional aeration nificantly more injury in the least gravity-dependent (upper)
at 180 s or end of OLV maneuver. *P ⬍ 0.05, **P ⬍ 0.01, ***P ⬍ 0.001; region compared with UVC (P ⫽ 0.0002, No-RM and SIOPT;
1-way ANOVA. All data are means ⫾ SD. P ⫽ 0.07, OLV). Within strategies, regional injury distribution
differed. The No-RM and SIOPT strategies had higher scores in

AJP-Lung Cell Mol Physiol • doi:10.1152/ajplung.00416.2016 •


Fig. 2. Dynamic compliance (Cdyn) (A),

static pressure-volume curves (B), respira-
tory system reactance (XRS) (C) and respi-
ratory system resistance (RRS) (D). Sym-
bols per Fig. 1A. P ⬍ 0.05 *SIOPT vs.
No-RM (90 s), †OLV vs. No-RM and
SIOPT, ‡OLV vs. No-RM; 2-way repeated-

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measures ANOVA and **OLV and No-
RM, ††OLV vs. 10 s or ‡‡SIOPT post-SI
vs. OLV and No-RM at 10 s; 1-way
ANOVA. All data are means ⫾ SD.

the least gravity-dependent regions compared with the most pressure gradient is applied to the lung (12). Thereafter, suffi-
(No-RM, P ⫽ 0.030) and middle (SIOPT, P ⫽ 0.011). Injury cient end-expiratory pressure is needed to prevent fluid efflux
scores were higher in the middle compared with least depen- back into the alveolar spaces during tidal ventilation (12, 13).
dent regions in the OLV strategy (P ⫽ 0.001). There was no This mechanical explanation of aeration at birth emphasizes
difference in total lung protein (Fig. 6B). the need for sufficient applied pressure. The SIOPT and OLV
Molecular evidence of injury. Gene expression of markers of strategies we employed both aimed to optimize aeration at birth
lung injury (Fig. 6C) was increased in all interventional groups but focused on pressure during different components of the
when compared with UVC in the nondependent lung (all respiratory transition, the initial inflation pressure (SIOPT) and
markers P ⱕ 0.004, Kruskal-Wallis test) although SIOPT dynamic PEEP during tidal inflations. The median SIOPT du-
(CTGF) did not differ on subgroup analysis (P ⫽ 0.076 ration was similar to the time to OLV PEEPMAX, and both
respectively, Dunnett’s posttest). In the dependent lung, all achieved similar absolute lung volumes that were greater than
strategies exhibited increased IL1␤, IL6, IL8, CYR61, and No-RM. The improved aeration was associated with beneficial
EGR1 (P ⱕ 0.0017) gene expression compared with the UVC mechanical changes in the lung. Thus it is not unexpected that
group but not CTGF (P ⫽ 0.90). the subsequent clinical outcomes were similar. How best to
support the preterm lung at birth remains unknown (18). SIs
have been extensively investigated (11, 16, 24, 28, 33, 34,
This is the first study to compare the mechanical and injury 37– 40), with large clinical trials ongoing (7), but investigation
responses after two different active lung recruitment maneu- of the role of PEEP has been limited (32). Our study reiterates
vers individualized to the mechanical response of the lung and the need for active maneuvers to facilitate lung aeration at
designed to optimize aeration at birth. One strategy focused on birth, but, unlike previous studies, ours emphasizes that more
rapid lung liquid clearance (SIOPT) and the other on preventing than one effective option exists. Whichever maneuver is cho-
fluid efflux via PEEP and gradual tidal aeration (OLV). Both sen, it is critical that it is applied optimally.
strategies produced similar benefits over a control group using A striking finding of our study was the high variability in the
tidal ventilation with no active recruitment maneuver in ste- aeration duration and subsequent volumes achieved irrespec-
roid-exposed preterm lambs that would represent clinically tive of strategy; between 36 and 132 s was needed to optimize
meaningful short-term differences. This has implications for the SI response. We have previously demonstrated that lung
clinical practice, as optimal approaches to PEEP and SI have aeration at birth depends on both the strategy employed and the
yet to be determined in human infants; our study suggests that mechanical properties of the recipient’s lung. For this reason,
both could be equally effective. our sample size was considerably greater than previous phys-
Birth involves the rapid transition from a fluid-filled to iological studies (24, 28, 30, 31, 33, 40). Most of these studies
aerated lung state, a process that is essential for successful have used predefined SI durations of ⬍60 s (11, 24, 28, 33,
respiratory function (14). Moving lung fluid from the airways 38 – 40) and/or static PEEP (27, 31). Our study reinforces that
and into the interstitium can only happen when a driving such an approach to both SI and PEEP is very unlikely to create

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Fig. 3. Change in pressure (⌬P) (A), tidal
volume (VT) (B), SpO2 (C), FIO2 (D), alve-
olar-arterial difference in oxygen (AaDO2)
(E) and PaCO2 (F). Symbols per Fig. 1A. P ⬍
0.05 *SIOPT vs. No-RM, †OLV vs. No-RM,
‡No-RM vs. OLV and SIOPT (2-way repeat-
ed-measures ANOVA), ‡‡SIOPT post SI vs.
OLV and No-RM 90 s (1-way ANOVA). All
data are means ⫾ SD.

uniform outcomes across an intervention group. This may ical feedback mechanisms at the bedside. In this context, EIT
explain the conflicting and inconclusive outcomes of previous offers promise as a direct measure of aeration that is robust in
human (26) and animal studies (11, 24, 28, 30, 31, 38, 39). Our the presence of poor face mask leak and can demonstrate upper
dynamic stepwise PEEP strategy is based on the OLV concept airway obstruction (8).
(33). This patient-defined approach aims to place ventilation on The EIT data showed that the benefits seen with both SIOPT
the deflation limb of the pressure-volume relationship, the and OLV were due to improved distal lung aeration, particu-
region known to optimize lung mechanics in the already larly within the least gravity-dependent lung. In contrast, aer-
aerated lung (9, 35, 36). Our results suggest that future clinical ation was mainly limited to regions associated with the major
studies should also focus on providing meaningful physiolog- airways and adjacent alveoli (middle third of chest) in the

Fig. 4. Regional VT (ml/kg) in the least-gravity dependent (black), middle (gray), and most-gravity dependent (white) third of the cross section of the
thorax at 5 min (A) and 60 min (B). C: change in VT in each region between 5 and 60 min. *P ⬍ 0.05, **P ⬍ 0.01, ***P ⬍ 0.001; 1-way ANOVA. All
data are means ⫾ SD.

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Fig. 5. Functional electrical impedance tomography (fEIT) graphs of the regional gravity-dependent distribution of relative aeration (end-expiratory volume,
EEV) within 22 nondependent (top) to dependent (bottom) slices of the thorax immediately after the recruitment maneuver (SIOPT and OLV) or at 180 s of life
(No-RM) and 60 min (right) following No-RM, SIOPT, and OLV strategies. fEIT images divided into the least-gravity dependent (dotted), middle (nonfilled) and
most-gravity dependent (dashed) thirds shown in Fig. 1B and C. All bars are means ⫾ SD. There was no spatial difference between 2 time points within each

No-RM group. Despite this, both SIOPT and OLV failed to That both recruitment approaches already had evidence of
achieve truly uniform aeration in our surfactant-deficient significant lung injury by 60 min and failed to demonstrate any
lambs, mainly attributable to poorer recruitment of the most meaningful benefit in injury over No-RM despite more uniform
gravity-dependent lung. This is not unexpected, as these lung aeration is intriguing and not simply explained by the potential
regions are the hardest to recruit in poorly compliant diseased effects of antenatal steroids. This finding challenges the hy-
lungs (3, 10, 21). EIT measures relative aeration and ventila- pothesis that fluid/aeration inhomogeneity in the lung at birth
tion differences, so it cannot determine whether these lung increases injury (13). It is possible that protecting lung regions
regions were anatomically atelectatic. Interesting, across all that are very poorly compliant, and thus hardest to aerate, from
groups, lung injury markers were greater in those regions the initial high driving pressures placed on the lung during
easiest to engage in ventilation and aeration. The two recruit- aeration may be beneficial (37). The use of VTV with a
ment strategies resulted in the greatest heterogeneity of VT by threshold maximum PIP allows this to be achieved, as the
5 min. This suggests that volutrauma is an important compo- volume exposure is primarily defined by lung mechanics. The
nent of preterm lung injury in early life, potentially more so VT during the first 3 min of life in the two PPV groups was
than atelectasis, and that there may be a risk from excessive much less than the intended 7 ml/kg, and changes then mir-
recruitment. rored the temporal increases in Cdyn, RRS, and XRS as more

Fig. 6. Hematoxylin and eosin lung injury score in the most dependent (open), middle (shaded), and least (solid) dependent regions of lung (A). P ⬍ 0.05,
*between regions, †against all other strategies, ‡against SIOPT (1-way ANOVA). B: total bronchoalveolar fluid protein by strategy. C: IL1B, IL6, IL8, CTGF,
CYR61, and EGR1 gene expression in the most and least gravity-dependent lung regions. P ⬍ 0.05, *between regions, †against all other strategies
(Kruskal-Wallis test with Dunn’s posttest), ‡against unventilated controls (UVC) (Kruskal-Wallis test with Dunnett’s posttest). All bars are means ⫾ SD.

AJP-Lung Cell Mol Physiol • doi:10.1152/ajplung.00416.2016 •

lung units engaged in tidal ventilation. The simultaneous as- newer methods of injury evaluation with proteomics (23),
sessment of breath-to-breath regional aeration, ventilation, and offers potential to detail injury mechanisms at a high temporal
FOT-derived mechanics, unique to our study, allows the lung resolution.
behavior at birth to be defined both spatially and temporally. This study has some other limitations. Similar to other
This approach clearly demonstrates that focusing on immediate translational studies in this field (11, 12, 24, 25, 27, 28), the
and uniform aeration is too simplistic a model of lung protec- lambs were anaesthetized, intubated, and managed with a
tion in the preterm lung at birth. cuffed ETT, inconsistent with clinical practice and likely to
A lack of consistency in animal models, SI strategies, and result in less variable aeration than in humans managed with a
PEEP levels has hampered interpretation of preclinical studies face mask, but necessary to ensure the accuracy of the me-
(including our own) of respiratory transition. We have previ- chanical measures. In spontaneously breathing human infants,
ously found that a PEEP of 8 cmH2O optimized aeration in our the variability we observed is likely to be greater still, and
lambs, a finding supported by data from other groups (25). future work should consider developing spontaneously breath-
However, we acknowledge that this is higher than in other ing animal models or using our EIT methods in the delivery
studies (11, 28). We contend that the focus should be on the room (8). Most previous animal studies of preterm ventilation

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intent of the strategy. The SIOPT focused on achieving aeration at birth (18, 24, 25, 28, 30, 31, 33, 37, 39, 40) have not exposed
through a prolonged but rapid inspiratory driving pressure fetal lambs to corticosteroids, which significantly alters the
upon the highly resistive fluid-filled lung. In contrast, the OLV mechanical benefits of the ventilation strategies (38). It is for
uses a slower approach with a higher transient PEEP applied to this reason that we chose to expose lambs to steroids before
overcome the viscoelastic forces, allowing fluid efflux and birth, but we did not use surfactant after birth, despite also
alveoli collapse during expiration between ongoing tidal fluid having proven benefit (29). Our sample size was almost double
clearance and recruitment via exploiting hysteresis. This is that of most similar studies, but injury outcomes were still
based on the observation that recruitment is an ongoing process underpowered. Future studies should be larger still if lung
in the diseased lung and differentiates the OLV from both the injury is a primary outcome. We focused on alveolar injury
No-RM and SIOPT strategies (15). OLV strategies are used in only, but Hillman and coworkers (11) have recently shown that
atelectatic lung conditions (19) but outside our group have not ventilation strategy at birth also influences airway injury.
been reported at birth. On the basis of observations in ⬍40-g Furthermore, lung inflammation was limited to mRNA expres-
rabbit pups (30), it was recently proposed that the flow dynam- sion in fetuses without overt infection. Immunohistochemistry
ics and tissue mechanics of the lung make it difficult to and examination of other pathways, such as surfactant catab-
ventilate at birth using high pressures and short inspiratory olism and fibrosis, may have yielded different patterns (11) and
times (tidal ventilation) without overinflating and injuring may not translate to fetuses exposed to chorioamnionitis.
aerated lung regions (13). Lung injury was not reported in Finally, the limitations of EIT are well described elsewhere (8).
these studies (30, 31). Our study, using a larger sample size and Specifically, EIT is only able to measure regional volume
lambs with different chest mechanics, refutes this hypothesis, characteristics through a single cross-sectional plane, and as-
as similar regional aeration and injury characteristics were sumptions regarding whole lung patterns should not be made.
reported using both tidal ventilation and an SI, which all In the preterm lamb, similar outcomes can be achieved using
resulted in similar reductions in RRS. This suggests that pre- an SI and dynamic PEEP recruitment maneuver (OLV) as long
venting fluid efflux over time and understanding of the dy- as both are applied using a strategy that accounts for the
namic mechanical responses of the lung may be more impor- individual variability of the mechanical state of the preterm
tant than how the airways are cleared of fluid. lung at birth. We found that similar aeration and injury out-
In our steroid-exposed lambs without exogenous surfactant comes can be achieved using tidal ventilation alone as long as
therapy, the initial benefits of EEV were universally lost by 60 a dynamic PEEP approach was used, suggesting that prevent-
min, associated with a gradual redistribution of aeration toward ing fluid efflux after lung liquid clearance may be the critical
the least dependent lung (39) and were not prevented using step in successful respiratory transition at birth.
antenatal steroids. This complicates the interpretation of the
regional injury results. It is possible that the complex hetero- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
geneous injury pattern at study completion was a response to The authors acknowledge Georgina Huan for preparing and scoring the
one, or both, of either the initial aeration event or the subse- hematoxylin and eosin data, Dan Pavlic for assisting in PCR analysis, and
quent spatiotemporal changes. Spatiotemporal changes are Sarah White and Rebecca Sutton for assistance in preparation of the ewes.
most evident in the regional VT pattern of the No-RM group.
We have now observed this in both the steroid- and nonsteroid- GRANTS
exposed surfactant-deficient preterm lamb lung by 60 min of This study is supported by a National Health and Medical Research Council
life (39). The spatiotemporal redistribution of aeration after Project Grant (Grant ID 1009287) and the Victorian Government Operational
birth is likely to be a major contributor to early development of Infrastructure Support Program (Melbourne, Australia). D. Tingay is supported
lung injury but is poorly understood. Clearly long-term eval- by a National Health and Medical Research Council Clinical Career Develop-
ment Fellowship (Grant ID 1053889). P. Davis is supported by a National
uation is needed, as the spatiotemporal behavior beyond 60 Health and Medical Research Council Program Grant (Grant ID 606789). P.
min of life may differ again, perpetuating new injury patterns. Davis is supported by a National Health and Medical Research Council
We postulate that the beneficial effects of surfactant relate to Practitioner Fellowship (Grant ID 556600).
stabilizing spatiotemporal injury pathways (29, 40), and our
study suggests that there may be an important clinical interac- DISCLOSURES
tion between recruitment strategies at birth and surfactant Politecnico di Milano University, the institution of Emanuela Zannin and
efficacy. The breath-to-breath imaging by EIT, coupled with Raffaele L. Dellaca, owns a patent on the use of forced oscillation technique

AJP-Lung Cell Mol Physiol • doi:10.1152/ajplung.00416.2016 •


for the detection of lung volume recruitment/derecruitment. The other authors Bellettato M, Gazzolo D, Boldrini A, Dani C; SLI Trial Investigators.
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D.G.T., A.E.R., E.Z., P.M.P.-F., E.P., C.E.E.Z., D.B., A.L., and M.S.
18. McCall KE, Davis PG, Owen LS, Tingay DG. Sustained lung inflation
performed experiments; D.G.T., A.E.R., E.Z., P.M.P.-F., R.D., E.P., C.E.E.Z.,
D.B., and B.G. analyzed data; D.G.T., A.E.R., E.Z., P.M.P.-F., R.D., C.E.E.Z., at birth: What do we know, and what do we need to know? Arch Dis Child
A.A., I.F., and P.G.D. interpreted results of experiments; D.G.T., A.E.R., and Fetal Neonatal Ed 101: F175–F180, 2016.
P.M.P.-F. prepared figures; D.G.T. and A.E.R. drafted manuscript; D.G.T., 19. Miedema M, de Jongh FH, Frerichs I, van Veenendaal MB, van Kaam
E.Z., R.D., E.P., C.E.E.Z., A.A., I.F., and P.G.D. edited and revised manu- AH. Changes in lung volume and ventilation during lung recruitment in
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M.S., B.G., F.M., and P.G.D. approved final version of manuscript. drome. J Pediatr 159: 199 –205; e192, 2011.
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