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Comparative ADJ

We compare be 2 things
2 kinds ADJ
Short – 1-2
Long – 3 more

Short adj – WE ADD (-er than) (he is shorter than…..)

Long adj – MORE/less adj THAN (she is more intelligent than him)

When I have 3 things or more – I use something called (Superlative


What is a superlative ADJ: An adj that gives sth the highest/lowest

quality in a group.
I WAS WITH __________. HE/SHE TOLD ME THAT____________.
Functions of can:
1. Ability
A. I can swim and drive a car.
B. I can speak English.
C. I can play the guitar.
2. Possibility (The chance of something happening or not/ being
or not)
A. He can be dangerous. (it is possible that he is dangerous)
B. This shop can be expensive. (it is possible that the shop is
C. Today is very cold. It can rain.
D. The car is going really fast. It can make an accident.
3. Request (to ask smn to do sth)
a. Can/could I please get a pizza?
b. Can/could you please close the window?
c. Can /could you give me the pencil?
d. Can/could you drive the car?
e. Can/could you tidy the room with me?
f. Can/could you give me the phone?
4. To say that something is allowed
a. You can bring to coffee to class (it is OK/ it is allowed)
b. Yeah, you can fish here.
c. You can smoke.

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