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Physiotherapy Practice

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To identify the physiotherapy paradigm: A

challenge for the future

Raija Tyni-Lenné

To cite this article: Raija Tyni-Lenné (1989) To identify the physiotherapy paradigm: A challenge
for the future, Physiotherapy Practice, 5:4, 169-170, DOI: 10.3109/09593988909037769

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To identify the physiotherapy paradigm: A

challenge for the future

Every one of us has at some time during his or history teaches that a profession cannot hope to
her physiotherapy career inquired: ‘What is phy- gain scientific credibility by clinging to data
siotherapy, actually?’ When a person becomes a without theory (APTA, 1986). Could one way to
physiotherapist, his or her professional paradigm start to develop the general theory of physiother-
includes: what he or she wants to do as a phy- apy be to describe and explain the paradigm of
siotherapist, the skills to perform activities per- physiotherapy?
taining to physiotherapy practice, a picture of The concept of paradigm was first used by
that part of the world with which physiotherapy Thomas Kuhn (Kuhn, 1970).HHkan Tornebom,
activities are concerned, and a view on physioth- a Swedish professor of theory of science, has
erapy. elaborated the concept and appIied it to other
Since there is no general knowledge base in practices than research. Physiotherapy can be
physiotherapy, each of us, when describing what described as a complex of practices in which
physiotherapy is, expresses different aspects of physiotherapists are involved. A practice has at
the physiotherapy paradigm depending on what least one main function, and it may contain parts
we value and are conscious of in physiotherapy. which have other functions. Every practice that
We often discuss the interests and competences of functions for changes in the sociocultural world
physiotherapists, but we more seldom reflect the has its paradigm. Actors are equipped with speci-
pictures of the world and views on profession and fic paradigms in relation to these practices (Tor-
science, including ideals, in physiotherapy. The nebom, 1986).
only internationally published article I am aware All professions are characterised by their spe-
of that deals with a view of the world and a view cific paradigms. Actors’ professional paradigms
of science in physiotherapy was written by Helen are acquired during education and further de-
Hislop (1975). However, these are very import- veloped in practice. Tornebom’s concept of par-
ant issues for the development of our profession adigm includes four components: interest, com-
and discipline. Therefore, it is necessary that petence, picture of world, and view on science,
members of our profession turn their attention to including ideals of science (Tornebom, 1985;
physiotherapy paradigms. 1986; 1987).
The American Physical Therapy Association Three main practices are contained in the
(APTA) has encouraged physiotherapists to par- field of physiotherapy: clinical practice/patient
ticipate in the advancement of theory in phy- care practice, educational practice and research
siotherapy (APTA, 1986). The concept of theory practice, each of them including several subprac-
in physiotherapy is then used at different levels- tices. I consider administration as a part of each
from a certain type of patient treatment to the of these practices.
level of general physiotherapy theory. As Clinical practice and educational practice
recently as May 1988, Krebs and Harris pointed have a long tradition in physiotherapy and their
out that they cannot provide any examples of paradigms have undergone a long international
general physiotherapy theory because they are development. However, the concept of paradigm
not aware of any such general theory having has the characteristics of an iceberg; we are only
been published (Krebs and Harris, 1988). conscious of a small part of it. Research practice
According to APTA’s committee on research, is very young in physiotherapy, and in many

countries it has not yet started. In certain coun- I strongly encourage physiotherapists to re-
tries, like Sweden, possibilities for research have flect upon, discuss, and study the paradigms of
lately been opened for physiotherapists. physiotherapy in its different practices and sub-
Paradigm discussions are necessary when pre- practices.
paring the genesis of a new field of research, and
have as their goal to work out the paradigm Raija Tyni-LennC
specific to this new field of science. Paradigm Stockholm, Sweden
discussions are always important and are a means
of development, both for individuals and for the
discipline at large. Paradigms deserve to be sub-
mitted to systematic study (Tornebom, 1986).
The practice-oriented aspects of research can-
not be established unless the paradigms of the References
practitioners are subject to articulation and criti- APTA 1986 Committee on research: Theory in physical
cal assessment, to be followed by necessary modi- therapy. Physical Therapy 66: 661462
fication ('Tornebom, 1985). Physiotherapy re- Hislop H 1975 The not-so-impossible dream. Physical
Therapy 55: 1064-1080
search belongs to the practice-oriented sphere Krebs D E, Harris S R 1988 Elements of theory
within research. It is our responsibility to identify presentation in physical therapy. Physical Therapy 6 8
our paradigm and to establish physiotherapy 690-693
Kuhn T S 1970 The structure of scientific revolutions, 2nd
research to the benefit of our patientslclients, edn. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, pp 66-79
and to the care complex at large. It is my view Tornebom H 1985 Reflections on practice-oriented
that in our established practices, in the field of research. Report from the Department of Theory of
Science, University of Gothenburg
patient care and education, a physiotherapy par- Tornebom H 1986 Caring, knowing and paradigms.
adigm can be identified. The full establishment Report from the Department of Theory of Science,
of physiotherapy science will then be possible University of Gothenburg
Tornebom H 1987 Program for studies of paradigm.
and there will be a path towards the general Report from the Department of Theory of Science,
theory of physiotherapy. University of Gothenburg

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