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Dear Year 8 Parents,

Kindly be informed that Term 1 Exam sessions will start running on 13th Of December 2023. We want to
wish our students the best of luck and hope that the hard work they put in their studies will pay off.
Students are expected to come to school at 7:45 am through gate 5 as usual and go straight to morning
lines, wearing formal school uniform (Biege sweatpants, burgundy polo shirts, school hoodie or jacket),
not PE uniform, students will leave directly after the exams through gate 5, please be on time to pick up
your child.
Buses will leave around 11:15 am.

Exams Schedule

Day Year 8 Exams Schedule

Egyptian Social Studies Religion
8:15 - 9:45 am 9:50 - 11:20 am Dismissal Time
December 13th, 2023
Thursday English Paper 1 English Paper 2 Dismissal Time
December 14th, 2023 8:15 - 9:25 am 9:40 - 10:50 am
Maths Paper 1 Maths Paper 2
non-Calculator Calculator Required Dismissal Time
December 17th, 2023
8:15 - 9:15 am 9:30 - 10:30 am
Monday Science Paper 1 Science Paper 2 Global Perspectives
Dismissal Time
December 18th, 2023 8:15 - 9:00 am 9:15 - 10:00 am 10:15 – 11:15 am
Tuesday Arabic
Dismissal Time
December 19th, 2023 8:15 - 10:45 am
Wednesday French/German Computer Science
Dismissal Time
December 20th,2023 8:15 - 9:15 am 9:30 - 10:15 am
Make-Up exams Winter Bazaar
December 21st, 2023

Below are the rules that will be applied during the Examination period:

1. Water bottles must be transparent.

2. Pencil cases must be transparent.

3. Study materials will be left outside the examination room.

4. Mobile phones, earbuds, and tablets are not allowed in the Examination room. Students may be
disqualified from the examination session if they do not abide by rules and regulations.

5. Students must arrive on time to the Examination room.

6. After the examination ends, students will leave.

7. No borrowing of any materials will be allowed. The student will be asked to work without that
material forgotten.

8. Any cheating incident will be reported immediately to the principal, and the parent will be
informed by the KS3 office. Cheating is a zero-tolerance infraction.

9. No extra time will be allowed. The examinations will follow the same exact timings applied in
Cambridge examinations.

10. Students are not allowed to take from the examination room any used examination papers.

11. Students arriving at the examination out of the correct school uniform will not be permitted to
sit for their examination under any circumstances.

Students need to make sure they have the following on the day of the examination:

General requirements:

• Blue pen
• Pencil

• Ruler
• Eraser (Correctors are not allowed)

Mathematics requirements:

• Geometrical instruments

• Transparent paper

• Calculator
Topics Covered in Term 1 Exams 2023-2024

Year 8 Topics Covered

Subject Topics covered Resources

English Non- Fiction Writing Topics: Paper 1 • Engage

• Newspaper report. • Classified

• Letters and emails formal and informal. • Successful writing
Fiction Writing Topics: Paper 2 booklet
• Cambridge Student Book
• Horror.
• Realistic fiction. • Students’ Notebooks
• Mystery.
Grammar and Structure:

• Peel Method
• Parts of speech
• Sentence structure
• Reported speech
• Conjunctions and connectives
• Active and passive

• Colon
• Semicolon
• Dashes and hyphens
• Embedding quotations
• Inverted commas
Reading and Writing Skills:

• Making inferences
• Summarizing and Note Taking
• Understanding Implicit and explicit meanings
• Word choice
• Think terminology technique
• Sentence fluency
• Sentence patterns
• Parts of paragraph
• Formal and informal writing
• Sentence length
• Characterization steel method
• Figures of speech
• Analyzing content and purpose
• Understanding prompts
• How to create suspense in horror and mystery
Mathematics - Integers powers and roots (classified)) • PPT on engage
- Indices, roots and rational numbers (chapter 1) • Student’s book
- Standard form (chapter 4) • Classified P1 and P2
- Expressions (Chapter 5) • Notes
- Rounding and decimals (Chapter 8)
- Formulas (Chapter 9)
- Probability 1 and 2 (Chapter 12 and 23)
- Equations and inequalities (Chapter 13)
- Area and measurements (Chapter 19)
- Relationships and graphs (Chapter 22)
- Plane of symmetry (Chapter 24)
- Surface area and volume of 3D shapes (Chapter 24)
• Plant & Animal Cells.
Science • Power Points
• Specialized Cells.
• Characteristics of living organisms. • Study Notes
• Level of organization. • Collins Book (Chapters
• Photosynthesis. 1,2,5,6,8,9,10)
• Transport of Water & Mineral Salts in plants.
• Atomic Structure, the periodic table & trends in the • Classified Past Papers
periodic table. • Self-Study Sheets
• Metals & Non-metals.
• Types of energy.
• Energy Conservation.
• Heating & Cooling (Heat & Temperature)
• Conduction, Convection, radiation & evaporation.
• Introduction to electricity.
• Circuit diagrams & Symbols.
• Ammeters & Voltmeters.
• Parallel & Series Circuits.
• Ohms Law & Resistance.
• Density.
• Excretory system.
• Chemical Bonds.
• Simple & Giant Structures.
• Elements, Compounds and Mixtures

* E safety • 1st Term Revision
* Visual Basic: Console / Windows form Sheet
* Artificial Intelligence: How to write good prompt to • Revision HW
generate text or image using AI tools • Revision Game
French Module 1 • All uploaded materials
on Engage
Unité 1: Planète Facebook PPt + Booklet p.4 to p. 19
Unité 2: Comment tu trouves?PPT + Booklet p.23 to p.32 • PPTs

Unité 3: Tu viens aussi? PPT + Booklet p.36 to p.41 • Booklet

Unité 4: Ca s’est bien passé?PPT + Booklet p.45 to p.56 • Revision Pack in the
booklet and its model
Unité 5 :Fou de musique PPT + Booklet p.64 answer uploaded on
Les mots interrogatifs P. 2 Engage

German Lektion 1-Fitness und Sport • All uploaded material

Fitness und Sport on Engage

deine Freizeitaktivitäten (Schreiben) • (PPT & sheets)

Unfall berichten • Booklet from page 1 –

Komperativ und Superlativ
• Consolidation Pack and
Lektion 2- Unsere Feste its Model answer
Feste in Deutschland uploaded on Engage
Feste in Deutschland beschreiben (schreiben)
die Meinung äuβern
Indirekte Fragen
Comprehension skills • Booklet from page 6 to
What is GP? P 12
How to solve GP Exam? • P33-41
Value judgement • An Exam with a mark
To test a claim or verify a claim: Possible Types of Information scheme will be sent
Possible Sources of Information later as a practice
Strength and weakness of the evidence model.
Less.2 Henry VIII-His wives, sons
Age of Explorations
Arabic : ‫القراءة‬ ‫بوكليت المدرسة‬ -
19-18 ‫صـ‬ ‫ كبرياء طفل‬-1 ‫البوربوينت‬ -
21 - 20‫صـ‬ . ‫ لو أنني ضابط شرطة‬-2 ‫ورق المراجعة‬ -
‫النصوص ‪:‬‬
‫صـ ‪41-40‬‬ ‫‪ -1‬من أجل مصر‬
‫صـ‪39-38-37‬‬ ‫‪ -2‬عهد الطفولة‬
‫صـ‪44-43-42‬‬ ‫‪ -3‬في حب مصر‬
‫قصة كفاح شعب مصر ‪:‬‬
‫صـ ‪10-9-8‬‬ ‫الفصل الثالث‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫النحو ‪:‬‬
‫من ص‪ : 53‬ص‪57‬‬ ‫‪ -1‬المعرب و المبني من األسماء و األفعال‬
‫صـ ‪58‬‬ ‫‪ -2‬النعت‬
‫صـ ‪59‬‬ ‫‪ -3‬العطف‬
‫صـ ‪61- 60‬‬ ‫‪ -4‬الحال‬
‫صـ ‪63-62‬‬ ‫‪ -5‬التوكيد‬

‫‪Religion‬‬ ‫الدين االسالم‬ ‫ملزمة الدين‬

‫القرآن الكريم‪:‬‬ ‫والبوربوينت‬
‫سورة الفرقان من اآلية (‪ 1‬حتى ‪ ) 10‬حفظ وتفسير صـ ‪3‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬ ‫ورق المراجعة‬
‫الحديث الشريف ‪:‬‬
‫تركت فيكم ما إن تمسكتم به …‪ .......‬صـ ‪7-6‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫صـ‪11-10‬‬ ‫ما أكل أحد طعا ًما قط …‪....‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫الدروس ‪:‬‬
‫صـ‪7-6‬‬ ‫مفهوم الدين‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫ثمرة عبادة هللا صـ‪11-10‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫غزوة حنين وحصار الطائف صـ‪18-17‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫صـ‪23 - 22‬‬ ‫القصة الفصل األول من قصة أسامة بن زيد‬
‫الدين المسيحى‬
‫الوحدة األولى‬
‫‪ .1‬سر التجسد‬
‫‪ .2‬سر الفداء‬
‫‪ .3‬الوعد بالمجيء الثانى‬
‫‪ .4‬الوحدة الثانية‬
‫‪ .5‬سلطان السيد المسيح على الطبيعة‬
‫‪ .6‬سلطان السيد المسيح على إقامة الموتى‬
‫‪ .7‬السيد المسيح ينادى الخطاه للتوبة‬
‫‪ .8‬المحفوظات ص ‪37‬‬

‫‪EGSS‬‬ ‫أوال ‪ -:‬الجغرافيا‬ ‫البوكليت‬

‫“ الوحدة االولى ‪ /‬وطننا العربى “مكان واحد وطبيعة متنوعة‬ ‫المدرسى‬
‫)الدرس االول‪ /‬وطننا العربى (الموقع والمساحة‬ ‫‪Power Point‬‬
‫الدرس الثانى ‪/‬تضاريس وطننا العربى‬ ‫‪Revision Sheet‬‬
‫الدرس الثالث ‪ /‬المناخ والنبات الطبيعى فى وطننا العربى‬

‫)الوحدة الثانية ‪ /‬سكان وطننا العربى (الوحدة والتنوع‬

‫الدرس الثانى ‪ /‬خصائص السكان فى وطننا العربى‬
‫ثانيا‪ -:‬التاريخ‬
‫)الوحدة الثالثة ‪ /‬حياة محمد (قصة بناء أمة‬
‫الدرس التمهيدى ‪ /‬أحوال شبه الجزيرة العربية قبل االسالم‬
‫)الدرس االول ‪ /‬محمد صلى هللا عليه وسلم (المولد والنشأة‬
‫الدرس الثانى ‪ /‬بعثته صلى هللا عليه وسلم‬
‫الدرس الثالث ‪ /‬الهجرة وبناء الدولة‬

‫)الوحدة الرابعة ‪ /‬الخلفاء الراشدين (‪ 40 – 11‬هــــ‬

‫الدرس االول ‪ /‬خالفة أبوبكر الصديق‬

‫‪We wish our students the best of luck always,‬‬

‫‪KS3 Academic Department‬‬

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