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DC178888 DOI: 10.

2118/178888-PA Date: 25-May-17 Stage: Page: 1 Total Pages: 10

Stuck-Pipe Prediction by Use of

Automated Real-Time Modeling
and Data Analysis
Kent Salminen*, Curtis Cheatham, Mark Smith, and Khaydar Valiullin, Weatherford

Summary mendations for preventing stuck drillpipe mainly deal with dril-
A real-time method is presented to predict impending stuck pipe ling practices, such as keeping the neutral point below the top of
with sufficient warning to prevent it. The new method uses auto- the drill collars, keeping the hole “straight,” running a reamer in
mated analysis of real-time modeling coupled with real-time data the drillstring, and avoiding improper mud control by ensuring
analysis. It can be applied to all well types for any well operation, proper cuttings suspension and by providing low filtration rates
including drilling, casing running, completion activities, and re- into the formation and avoiding excessively thick filter cakes.
entries. The method uses leading indicators of stuck pipe that Many of the causes and recommended practices are the same ones
were identified by use of historical data sets of 36 stuck-pipe inci- the industry deals with currently.
dents in the Eagle Ford, Utica, and Permian and in the Gulf of Bradley et al. (1991) was a seminal paper that is often cited by
Mexico. Two case histories show the utility of the new method in other papers on stuck pipe. The paper gives results from an inter-
shale and carbonate horizontal wells for both drilling and off- nal task force in 1989 that details the high cost of stuck pipe to
bottom operations. their global operations and breaks costs and frequency down to
The new method combines two types of analysis: use of various root causes. They concluded that more value would be
hydraulics and torque-and-drag (T&D) software to determine derived by focusing attention on improving people’s performance
deviation of real-time data from the real-time model, and trend rather than introducing new technology. The company achieved
analysis (i.e., rate of change) of real-time data. Parameters used 70% reduction in companywide stuck-pipe costs by recognizing
are pump pressure, flow rate, torque, rotary speed, hookload and the importance of drilling contractor and service companies, pro-
drag, and weight on bit (WOB), along with static inputs such as moting a rig-team approach including training on stuck-pipe prob-
bottomhole-assembly (BHA) and drillstring configuration and lem solving, and raising awareness through a coordinated
directional surveys. Additional parameters, such as downhole worldwide communication program.
equivalent circulating density (ECD), are used when available and In 2007, a service company described another internal com-
improve the results. But the method is designed to monitor all pany initiative to prevent stuck pipe (Yarim et al. 2007). In their
well types and provide a stuck-pipe-risk log even by use of only work, they determined that 54% of their stuck-pipe events (58 of
basic instrumentation. A novel algorithm predicts the probability 108) had occurred during tripping or back reaming.
of stuck pipe, which is presented in a real-time log. The frequency for the various mechanisms of stuck pipe was
Results demonstrate that there is no single leading indicator in as follows:
all stuck-pipe incidents. Our early-detection method, called the • 65% from solids-induced packoffs
stuck-pipe-risk (SPR) log, relies on multiple indicators to • 21% from differential pressure
strengthen the likelihood of detecting impending stuck pipe while • 14% from mechanical and wellbore-geometry issues
avoiding false alerts. A key element to automating the process is Several courses for stuck-pipe prevention were developed and
the use of filtering for rig activity. The first indicator is deviation taught for operations personnel, engineers, and wellsite supervisors.
of actual data from model predictions. A second indicator is trend This paper describes the following real-time monitoring topics:
analysis (specifically, rate-of-change calculations), which pro- • Monitoring the plan during the execution phase by use of
vides valuable insight into rapidly deteriorating wellbore condi- surface and downhole measurements
tions when deviation from model predictions does not respond • Recognizing and monitoring the trends, such as T&D trends
quickly enough over a short depth or time interval. Results are and annular pressure while drilling, that indicate whether the
presented that show the SPR-detection method successfully operations team is drilling to the plan or starting to deviate
detected impending stuck pipe on four historical shale wells an Yarim et al. (2007) reached the following conclusions:
average 38 minutes before sticking and on one historical carbon- • Training is a major contributor to reduction in severity and
ate well more than 2 hours before the event. No false alerts were effect of stuck-pipe incidents.
recorded in these wells. These results were viewed as meeting the • A large focus of training is ensuring adequate hole cleaning
initial goal of providing relevant alerts with sufficient time to pre- because inadequate hole cleaning was identified as the most
vent the pipe from becoming stuck. frequent cause of stuck pipe.
• T&D monitoring is critical in understanding hole cleaning
Introduction and effectively determining wiper-trip needs and the effec-
Sticking Mechanisms, Best Practices, Company Task Forces, tiveness of sweeps and pills.
and Training. Stuck pipe has been a major problem in drilling Dupriest et al. (2011) presented improvements in another oper-
even when most wells were drilled vertically (Warren 1940). This ator’s incidents of stuck pipe. Dupriest et al. (2011) describes a
pioneering paper discusses causes, prevention, and recovery of multiyear effort to reduce differential-pressure sticking through
stuck pipe. Major causes are described as key seating, improper changes in drilling practices, such as BHA design, fluid design,
mud control, cuttings, sand, cavings, and “balling up.” Recom- and real-time cake-shear-strength recognition and remediation
practices. Engineering and operations training also contributed
greatly and allowed uniform implementation to the company’s
* now with Catalyst Software Incorporated
global operations in less than 1 year.
Copyright V
C 2017 Society of Petroleum Engineers
In 2012, an operator observed increased risk of stuck pipe as a
This paper (SPE 178888) was accepted for presentation at the IADC/SPE Drilling result of increased drilling activity in depleted and higher-risk res-
Conference and Exhibition, Fort Worth, Texas, USA, 1–3 March 2016, and revised for
publication. Original manuscript received for review 22 January 2016. Revised manuscript
ervoirs (Muqeem et al. 2012). Like other operators before them,
received for review 3 January 2017. Paper peer approved 27 January 2017. the company formed a task force to focus on lowering stuck-pipe

2017 SPE Drilling & Completion 1

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DC178888 DOI: 10.2118/178888-PA Date: 25-May-17 Stage: Page: 2 Total Pages: 10

costs. Their statistics showed 70% of stuck pipe was caused by focused on detecting stuck pipe with sufficient warning to assist
mechanical sticking and 30% by differential-pressure sticking. A the rigsite drill team to prevent it, or at least to minimize the con-
customized training plan was formulated to certify key drilling sequences. The goal is to develop a method that reliably detects
and workover personnel every 2 years. The result was a signifi- all forms of stuck pipe by use of commonly available rig data.
cant reduction in stuck-pipe costs. The following sections describe how the new method was devel-
These papers conclusively demonstrate that stuck pipe has oped and how it has been applied to date.
been, and continues to be, a major source of nonproductive time
and cost to the drilling industry. Our company conducted an inter-
nal study that clearly showed stuck pipe is a persistent and signifi- Historical-Data Analysis
cant problem. Hole cleaning and consequent solids-induced The approach taken was to first study real-time data sets from
packoffs are the primary causes, but differential-pressure sticking, wells in which stuck-pipe incidents occurred and to determine
wellbore geometry, and other mechanical issues are also impor- leading indicators. The majority of these wells were drilled
tant mechanisms for stuck pipe. between 2009 and 2013 in the Eagle Ford shale; however, also
studied were wells from the Permian Basin, Utica shale, Marcel-
lus shale, and shallow-water Gulf of Mexico. Specific patterns in
Predicting Stuck Pipe. One of the first papers proposing the use the data were identified as leading indicators of stuck pipe. These
of a statistical method for predicting stuck pipe was Hempkins leading indicators formed the basis of the stuck-pipe-identifica-
et al. (1987). Since then, many others have followed, including tion/prevention system designed to alert relevant personnel that a
• Multivariate statistical analysis (Weakley 1990; Biegler and risk exists and to suggest actions to reduce that risk.
Kuhn 1994; Howard and Glover 1994) One of the first issues identified was that the type, frequency,
• Logistic regression (Wisnie and Zhu 1994) and quality of data available are not consistent from well to well.
• Neural networks (Siruvuri et al. 2006) This was true even for wells drilled by the same operator, in the
• Fuzzy logic (Murillo et al. 2009) same field, and by use of the same drilling contractor. Successful
• Support vector machines (Jahanbakhshi et al. 2012; Poordad identification of impending stuck pipe would depend on gathering
et al. 2013) specific streams of real-time data and use of that data to draw con-
• Active-learning methods (Naraghi et al. 2013) clusions regarding the conditions in the well being drilled. Depend-
These statistical methods used databases representing large ing on the company drilling the well and the number of data
numbers of wells. These statistical methods typically used daily sensors on location, the number of data streams coming into the
drilling reports, end-of-well reports, and other recorded informa- Wellsite Information Transfer Markup Language (WITSML)
tion that provides a single point per day for parameters used to server could range from 10 to 100. In general, the presence of more
predict stuck pipe. Input variables generally numbered 30 or more streams allows better interpretation of downhole conditions; how-
and included wellbore-trajectory data (such as measured depth, ever, many wells only have a basic set of instrumentation and will
true vertical depth, inclination, and dogleg severity), mud-proper- not collect any other potentially useful drilling data, such as log-
ties data (such as mud weight, plastic viscosity, 10-second gel ging while drilling (resistivity, neutron porosity, density, and
strength, 10-minute gel strength, American Petroleum Institute sonic), downhole-drilling mechanics (WOB, torque on bit, bending
fluid loss, high-pressure/high-temperature fluid loss, pH, and moment, and vibration), and downhole pressure and temperature.
chlorides), operating parameters (such as WOB, surface torque, To ensure that the alerting system would work on different
hookload, pump pressure, flow rate in, and surface rotary speed), well types, it was designed to monitor a well and provide alerts
and engineering calculations (such as drag). A fundamental limi- even if only “critical” data streams are available. These critical
tation in applying this approach to real-time prediction of stuck streams met the following criteria:
pipe is that conditions leading to stuck pipe often occur within • Are available on most rigs
minutes or hours. Therefore, much-higher data rates are required • Are useful in determining information regarding the drill-
than are available in daily-drilling reports and end-of-well reports. string, drilling fluid, and the wellbore itself
Furthermore, the use of mud properties makes sense, but in our • Fit within a logical progression that can indicate impending
experience, they are not measured frequently enough on most rigs stuck pipe
to provide the warning time necessary to prevent stuck pipe. Sys- Comparison of the commonly available data sets meeting the
tems have been developed for continuous measurement of essen- previously discussed criteria yielded the following list of critical
tial mud properties at the rig site, but these are not widely used parameters:
today (Vajargah et al. 2016). • Inputs: parameters directly controlled by the driller at
Another approach has been to use analytical models to predict surface
T&D depending on the prewell plan and to compare these predic- * Flow rate in

tions with real-time T&D field data to predict stuck pipe (Belaskie * Surface rotary speed

et al. 1994; Guzman et al. 2012). The use of T&D data in this * Surface WOB

manner is essential to predict incipient stuck pipe, but our work • Outputs: measurements that indicate response of the well to
demonstrates that reliability is significantly improved by includ- the inputs
ing hydraulics data [such as standpipe pressure (SPP) and * Pump pressure

flow rate]. * Surface rotary torque

A recent paper (Ferreira et al. 2015) described a case-based * Hookload

reasoning method to predict stuck pipe. Pattern recognition is * ECD

used to recognize symptoms as they occur while drilling. The Downhole-measured ECD was not available in the wells ana-
software platform compares real-time situations with historical lyzed for this study, but it is sufficiently valuable to include when
cases in which problems occurred, and then recalls and presents it is available. The other six parameters are available in nearly all
to the real-time engineer the relevant cases and best drilling prac- cases and formed the basis for the stuck-pipe-prevention method
tices from the knowledge base of experience. In one example, the described later in the text.
remote service engineer monitored overpull and high breakover The various parameters in the wells used in this analysis were
drag events, which can be leading indicators of stuck pipe. In the generally recorded at 1 data point/5 seconds (0.2-Hz frequency).
example, stuck-pipe events were avoided by starting back-ream- The fastest data rate was 1 data point/1 second (1 Hz) and the
ing procedures and mud-weight control. It should be noted that slowest was 1 data point/60 seconds (0.017 Hz). Analysis showed
for this approach to work, a previous case must have been that at least 1 data point/10 seconds (0.1 Hz) for each parameter
recorded and installed in the database. was required for reliable prediction of impending stuck pipe.
This literature review shows that various approaches to pre- An important conclusion drawn from analysis of the historical
dicting stuck pipe have been developed. Our development is stuck-pipe data set is that no single leading indicator is present in

2 2017 SPE Drilling & Completion

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DC178888 DOI: 10.2118/178888-PA Date: 25-May-17 Stage: Page: 3 Total Pages: 10

Rotary-Drilling Hookload (1,000 lbf) and model-predicted values becomes too large, then the risk of
impending stuck pipe increases. This point is discussed later.
0 25,000
Comparison of sensor measurements and model predictions
Model Expected Hookload (1,000 lbf) was used to assess wellbore condition as early as 1994 (Belaskie
0 25,000 et al. 1994). In our own company, such model vs. actual analysis
has been performed for several years but was very time-consum-
ing because it relied solely on an engineer to judge whether a
problem existed. An example of our method by use of activity-fil-
10,400 tered hookload data and a model curve generated from our T&D
software is shown in Fig. 1.
Measurement Depth (ft)

Hookload falling The T&D model used in our analysis is the classic soft-string
below anticipated model. Details of our company’s model have not been published,
value may indicate
insufficient hole but it generally follows standard industry soft-string models origi-
cleaning, drillstring nally developed by Johancsik et al. (1984) and put in differential
buckling, or form by Sheppard et al. (1987). Capabilities of our company’s
10,500 some other
problem. model are similar to commercially available software programs
except that our company’s T&D software accounts for axial and
rotary movement of the drillstring for all modes of drilling, such
as sliding, rotary drilling, tripping, reaming, and backreaming
(Tikhonov et al. 2014) (Table 1). A stiff-string model is also
available in our software, but so far we have not seen the need to
use it for real-time applications.

Fig. 1—Example of model vs. actual analysis. Leading Indicator No. 2: ROC for a Single Data Point. The
second leading indicator, ROC, detects potential problems by
identifying rapid changes in key parameters without reference to
100% of stuck-pipe incidents. Therefore, reliance on a certain pat- the model value. In our method, the ROC formula used for param-
tern in the data to be present all the time will lead to failure in at eter x from interval a to b is as follows:
least some cases. Consequently, we decided that our early-detec-
tion method should be flexible enough to generate valid alerts xb  xa
ROCsingle-point ð%Þ ¼  100: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð2Þ
without depending on deviation of a single specific parameter. xa
We used two types of data behavior to detect impending stuck
pipe: deviation of actual data from the model-predicted value ROC alerts provide valuable insight into rapidly deteriorating
(MVA) and rate of change of actual data (ROC). wellbore conditions. MVA alerts may not be generated when a cer-
tain parameter deviates from the baseline over a small depth or
time interval because of data-sampling/smoothing techniques. The
Leading Indicator No. 1: MVA for a Single Data Point. MVA addition of ROC helps to compensate for this deficiency. An exam-
compares the actual value measured by a rig sensor and the ple of rapid rate of change in real-time data is shown in Fig. 2.
expected value generated from a hydraulics or T&D model. The The results showed that MVA and ROC could be combined as
MVA deviation for parameter x in our method is expressed as reliable leading indicators of stuck pipe. The rest of the develop-
  ment continued by use of the following six parameters:
xactual  xpredicted • Deviation of surface torque data from model value: TQ
Deviation ð%Þ ¼  100: . . . . . . . . ð1Þ
xpredicted deviation
• Deviation of hookload data from model value: HL deviation
When the actual value matches the model value within a tight • Deviation of stand-pipe-pressure data from model value:
tolerance, then conditions are as expected and stuck pipe would SPP deviation
not be anticipated. However, when the deviation between actual • Rate of change of surface torque data: TQ ROC

MVA, Back Reaming ROC, Back Reaming

Bit Depth Hookload Hookload
(ft) Torque (%) (%) SPP (%) Torque (%) (%) SPP (%)
15,188.9 8.0 6.3 52.1 8.2 0.7 26.1
15,189.6 5.8 6.1 46.0 11.5 1.8 20.5
15,189.8 6.1 6.6 38.3 10.0 1.8 14.6
MVA and
ROC 15,190.2 5.3 7.1 30.2 8.3 2.8 3.5
behavior 15,191.6 4.1 7.5 25.2 8.3 4.0 –7.7
changes as
bit is back 15,191.6 3.3 7.2 25.8 7.9 5.2 –14.5
reamed 15,191.9 0.3 7.1 20.1 8.3 5.3 –16.4
stuck-pipe 15,192.2 1.6 7.3 15.8 7.6 5.7 –21.9
depth 15,192.3 0.2 7.6 10.8 5.6 5.5 –24.5
15,192.6 1.2 6.9 11.1 5.4 5.8 –29.9
15,194.3 0.9 7.1 8.3 5.9 6.2 –35.6
15,195.0 1.4 7.1 7.6 4.7 5.9 –37.0
15,195.2 2.8 6.8 7.5 4.9 6.3 –41.6
15,197.0 2.9 6.8 6.9 1.8 5.7 –42.7

Table 1—Determination of actual deviation and trend data during stuck-pipe incidents.

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DC178888 DOI: 10.2118/178888-PA Date: 25-May-17 Stage: Page: 4 Total Pages: 10

Surface Torque (ft-lb)

SPR Calculation
The next step was to determine how the SPR curve could be gen-
0 25,000
erated in real time as a well is being drilled. It was essential that
Model Predicted Torque (ft-lb)
the proposed calculations take place in relevant time so drilling
0 25,000 crews and engineers would have time to mitigate the problem
13,020 when a high risk of stuck pipe was predicted.
There were two key questions:


Depth (ft)
• Should I be concerned with stuck pipe right now?
13,060 • If the answer is yes, how concerned should I be and what
should I do about it?
13,090 Providing a list of six (or more) calculated parameters and
relying on the user to interpret them would not be a successful
strategy. All these data needed to be combined into a single an-
Fig. 2—Example of rate-of-change behavior. Note that much of swer that could be easily understood and acted upon. Our solution
the data are actually below the planned curve. was to combine these values into a single SPR log scaled from 0
to 100%, as described here. As the SPR-calculation system
receives time-based WITSML data, an algorithm automatically
assigns a rig activity to each row of incoming data. This allows all
• Rate of change of hookload data: HL ROC
rotary-drilling data, for instance, to be grouped together, which is
• Rate of change of stand-pipe-pressure data: SPP ROC
vitally important because model predictions from T&D or
hydraulics depend greatly on rig activity. For example, hookload
Data Smoothing: Moving Average. Further study of the stuck- while rotary drilling varies significantly from hookload while
pipe data sets confirmed that not all deviations from plan or trend back reaming. Similarly, the difference in SPP while drilling with
changes indicate an impending problem. There are two reasons a mud motor varies significantly from SPP while reaming.
for this observation. First, T&D and hydraulics models are inher- The first step is to calculate the deviation and ROC values for
ently flawed to some degree because they never capture all the a particular bit depth by use of the smoothing process described
physics. Second, rig-data sensors are never perfect and may expe- previously and accounting for rig activity. Fig. 3 provides an
rience large error because of poor calibration or offset. It is not example to help visualize this process.
uncommon to see outliers in the data set. Data smoothing was In this example, the rig activity is reaming, and the current bit
determined to help mitigate these problems. A moving average is depth is approximately 13,600-ft measured depth. Torque data
used to represent a data sample over a given time or depth inter- have been recorded both above and below this bit depth during
val. Results showed smoothing over 25-ft depth intervals provided the current run. Each “window” is a 25-ft sample of data. Because
best results with data analyzed to date. reaming in implies that the bit is moving deeper into the wellbore,
we will first focus on Window 2, which the bit traversed last to
Thresholds. It was decided that alerts would be generated only reach the current depth.
when moving averages for deviation from model and ROC To calculate the deviation from the model for a data point in
exceeded some predefined thresholds. It is easy to understand that Window 2, we need to determine the percentage difference
0.01% deviation from model should not generate an alert; but between the actual data and the predicted model value. T&D and
what about 1%? Or 10%? Where is the line between “normal” hydraulics models generate predicted values at specific intervals,
and “abnormal”? To answer this question, the historical stuck- but actual data are typically recorded at a much-higher frequency.
pipe-incident data set was used to determine values for the appro- This means that most actual data values will fall in the “gaps”
priate threshold. We calculated the actual deviation of model vs. between predicted values. An effective solution is to interpolate
actual and the rate of change for the critical parameters when the model curve at each bit depth so that we have a prediction for
impending stuck pipe was occurring. Table 1 shows an example every depth (Fig. 4).
for back reaming that led to a stuck-pipe event. The distance between predicted values is determined so that
For each of the six parameter values, a threshold was deter- linear interpolation can be used without incurring significant
mined below which the risk of stuck pipe is very low. The various error. We have used 1 prediction/100 ft with good success.
threshold levels depend on the rig activity as shown in Table 2 The deviation percentage is calculated for each point in Win-
for six common drilling activities. Note that these thresholds are dow 2, and a simple moving average for all those points is calcu-
qualitatively valid values for illustrative purposes rather than the lated and compared with the deviation threshold. For this
actual values. Thresholds shown in green have positive values example, assume that the calculated deviation is 4%. Referring to
(meaning normal deviation and ROC should be less than the Table 2, the threshold for torque deviation while reaming in is
threshold), and thresholds in red have negative values (meaning 6%. The calculated deviation is lower than the acceptable thresh-
the risk of stuck pipe increases if deviation or ROC becomes old. Therefore, an alert is not generated, which is expressed as
more negative than the threshold value). Blank entries indicate Alert Value ¼ 0. But what if the calculated deviation had been
that there is no threshold, such as during slide drilling, when there 15%? The initial approach was to assign Alert Value ¼ 1 to all
is no surface torque. cases in which the threshold is exceeded. The primary downside

Maximum- Maximum- Maximum- Maximum- Maximum- Maximum-

Allowable Allowable Allowable SPP Allowable Allowable Allowable SPP
Activity Hookload MVA Torque MVA MVA Hookload ROC Torque ROC ROC
Rotary drill –4% 10% 12% –8% 7% 4%
Slide drill –5% – 14% –15% – 15%
Ream in –20% 6% 6% –6% 12% 5%
Back ream 10% 4% 20% 4.5% 14% 30%
Trip in –16% – – –4% – –
Trip out 12% – – 7.5% – –

Table 2—Example values for deviation and trend thresholds.

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Reaming In Surface Torque (ft-lb) Reaming In Surface Torque (ft-lb)

0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 0 5,000 10,000 15,000
13,500 13,480

(x1, z1)


Bit Depth (ft)

Predicted Torque (ft-lb)

Window 1

Bit Depth (ft)

Actual Torque from WITSML Predicted from model
13,580 Actual data
Window 2 Interpolated
(xactual, zactual) prediction
13,600 13,560
Current bit depth
Window 3
13,620 (xpredicted, zpredicted)
Window 4
(x2, z2)
Fig. 3—Actual data (activity-filtered and bit-depth-indexed) vs.
model predictions. 13,620

to this approach is that it does not distinguish between deviations Fig. 4—Actual data fall in between predicted values, creating
that exceed the threshold by a large margin vs. a small margin. the need for interpolation.
Therefore, an alert-weighting system was developed, as shown in
Table 3.
Sum of all alert levels
In the example discussed previously of 15% deviation, the alert Stuck-pipe risk ¼ 100: . . . . . . ð4Þ
level would be 15%/6% ¼ 2.5. If the ratio of deviation to threshold Maximum alert level
is 3 or more, the alert level is capped at three. This provides a theo- In general, the maximum alert level will be six times the num-
retical maximum alert level and helps to prevent extraneous data ber of parameters monitored. This is because the MVA and ROC
points from producing an outsized effect on the alert level. methods, each of which is capped at three, is applied to each pa-
After the torque-deviation alert level is calculated, the same rameter. However, for rig activities with fewer than six parame-
process is used to calculate alert levels for hookload and SPP. ters (for example, trip out or in), the algorithm correctly accounts
Because each item is capped at an alert level of three, the maxi- for the lower number of maximum alert levels.
mum that could be achieved would be an alert level of nine. The example previously discussed used data windows appro-
ROC calculations are much simpler. The moving averages for priate for when the rig activity is reaming in. For other rig activ-
Windows 1 and 2 are calculated by use of the raw measurements ities, the MVA and ROC calculations use different data windows,
directly from WITSML. The ROC is defined as as shown in Table 5, for six common rig activities.
Adaption to Drilling Software
MVG AVG ðWindow 2Þ  MVG AVG ðWindow 1Þ
¼  100; During the development of the stuck-pipe-prevention method, a
MVG AVG ðWindow 1Þ software package was released that would serve as a platform for
                   ð3Þ real-time drilling engineering and optimization. This software
includes a number of features that required the method to be
where MVG AVG ¼ moving average. The same alert-level weight- modified slightly, as described here:
calculation method is used as shown in Table 4, although the • The new software continuously recalculates predicted pump
thresholds are different from those shown in Table 2. pressure, hookload, torque, and ECD while accounting for
Each of the three parameters (hookload, SPP, and surface tor- changes in flow rate, WOB, rev/min, and rig activity.
que) is capped at an alert level of three, which means that the * This was a valuable change because it eliminated much of

maximum-achievable alert level from ROC calculations is nine. the manual building of hydraulics and T&D models for
Combining the MVA and ROC alerts yields 18 possible alert each activity. Instead, a continuous, time-based prediction
levels. The final step is to compare the actual alert level with the for each parameter and for each rig activity is automati-
maximum alert level to find the stuck-pipe risk: cally generated.

<1 1–3 >3
Alert level 0 3

Table 3—Alert-weighting methods for MVA.

<1 1–3 >3
Alert level 0 3

Table 4—Alert-weighting methods for ROC.

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DC178888 DOI: 10.2118/178888-PA Date: 25-May-17 Stage: Page: 6 Total Pages: 10

Rig Activity MVA ROC

[(MVG AVG_Window 2) –
Slide drill, rotary drill,
MVA Window 2 (MVG AVG_Window 1)]/
ream in, trip in
(MVG AVG_Window 1)
[(MVG AVG_Window 4) –
Back ream, trip out MVA Window 3 (MVG AVG_Window 3)]/
(MVG AVG_Window 3)

Table 5—Data-window selection for common rig activities.

• The most-recent 300 seconds of data are stored in memory Case Studies
for on-demand calculations. Earlier data are plotted and Once the method was coded into the software, a number of tests
stored in a database and are available for custom calcula- were run by use of recorded real-time data from wells in which
tions only through queries. stuck-pipe incidents were known to have occurred. The data were
* This decision was made to maximize the performance and replayed from a WITSML server to replicate the way that the soft-
memory usage of the software. ware would receive the data during an actual drilling operation.
The most-significant change occurred in how ROC and thresh- The goal was to determine whether the following criteria were met:
olds are calculated. Where ROC had previously been calculated • The numerical value of the SPR calculation should remain
by use of percent change per unit depth, the new method would comparatively low during normal operations when no prob-
require percent change per unit time. The experimentally derived lems occurred.
thresholds were translated from the depth domain to the time do- • SPR should increase leading up to the known stuck-pipe
main by use of the following relationship: event.
• The increase in SPR should occur sufficiently before the
% Change in parameter stuck-pipe event itself so that the rig crew could have con-
ROC Threshold ð%Þ ¼
Depth ceivably taken a mitigating action if they had been alerted to
% Change in parameter the problem.
¼ : . . . . . ð5Þ
Bit velocity  time
Case Study 1. The first test well was drilled in a US shale play.
By including a bit-velocity term with the percentage change of a After landing the curve in the upper target zone, lost circulation
parameter per unit time, the same thresholds previously used for was observed and the operator elected to pull out of hole to run a
depth-based analysis were found to be accurate for time-based anal- contingency liner and isolate the loss zone. On the trip out of
ysis. Another change was added to ROC thresholds to account for hole, the drilling BHA became stuck in the vertical section of the
changes in rotation speed or flow rate, as explained in Appendix A. wellbore while back reaming near the intermediate-casing shoe.
Deviation from model and SPR calculations did not require Fig. 5 shows the software output, including stuck-pipe risk for a
significant changes to the software. In fact, the ability to continu- 2-hour period leading up to the stuck-pipe event.
ously update model predictions and to account for changes in rig All the case-study logs shown in this paper have the same for-
activity made deviation calculations much simpler. mat: The logs are for an approximately 2-hour period. Actual

–50.00 --- 50.00 –50.00 --- 50.00
BP ft HKLDD % RT kipf-ft CSPP psi
–5.00 --- 150.00 –50.00 --- 50.00 0.00 --- 40.00 0.00 --- 5,000.00
WOB kip Hookload kip CTRQ kipf-ft SPP psi ASPR % Well Depth ft
0.00 --- 60.00 0.00 --- 350.00 0.00 --- 40.00 0.00 --- 5,000.00 0.00 --- 100.00 12,689.81
ROP ft/hr Hookload kip TDS rpm Flow in gal/min SPRR % Bit Depth ft
250.00 --- 0.00 0.00 --- 350.00 0.00 --- 300.00 0.00 --- 1,000.00 0.00 --- 100.00 0.00





Average SPR
exceeds 50% 18:10:09
here (18:38)
Monday, September 19,2016




Pipe is fully 18:38:02

immobile here 18:43:53





Fig. 5—Results of the SPR calculation on the first test well; warning time 5 9 minutes.

6 2017 SPE Drilling & Completion

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DC178888 DOI: 10.2118/178888-PA Date: 25-May-17 Stage: Page: 7 Total Pages: 10

False Alarm
Well Name Incident Type Alert Time Incident Time Alert Level Warning Time Present?
Test Well 1 Stuck 8:03 p.m. 8:12 p.m. 59.7% 9 minutes No
Test Well 2 Near-miss 2:48 a.m. 3:36 a.m. 53.4% 48 minutes No
Stuck 4:10 a.m. 4:37 a.m. 62.8% 27 minutes No
Test Well 3 Stuck 5:24 p.m. 5:35 p.m. 54.2% 11 minutes No
Test Well 4 Near-miss 8:31 p.m. 8:50 p.m. 56.0% 19 minutes No
Stuck 8:15 p.m. 10:07 p.m. 65.6% 112 minutes No
Averages: 58.6% 38 minutes

Table 6—Summary of risk levels calculated for each test-well incident.

sensor data are shown in blue; model values are shown in red; per- exceeded 50%. (A near miss was defined as overpull more than
centage difference between the two is shown in dotted green; and twice as high as recent values.) Consequently, we established the
a few other data or calculated values are shown in black. Informa- 50% value for SPR as the leading indicator for stuck pipe. It was
tion in the tracks is as follows: also observed that suboptimal hole cleaning, excessive T&D, and/
• Track 1: Block position, WOB, and rate of penetration or wellbore instability generally occurred when SPR was between
• Track 2: Hookload 35 and 50%. When SPR was less than 35%, normal wellbore and
• Track 3: Surface torque and topdrive speed drilling conditions were observed. By use of these guidelines, the
• Track 4: SPP and flow in (black) SPR successfully detected all six events with an average warning
• Track 5: SPR log with SPR in red; unsmoothed (or raw) val- time of 38 minutes, which was considered sufficient for the rig
ues (SPRR) in dotted black. The dots in this track represent team to take remedial actions to prevent or at least mitigate
each time that SPR or SPRR has exceeded 50%. oncoming stuck pipe before it occurred. The sticking mechanism
• Track 6: Bit depth in black and well depth in red, which for all test cases in these shale wells is believed to have been well-
makes it easy to discern when the bit is on bottom and, if bore packoff, bridging, or wellbore instability.
not, whether it is moving up or down.
In this case study, the first time the SPR exceeded 50% Case Study 2. The second case study was a horizontal well
occurred at 18:38, which was 9 minutes before the actual stuck- drilled in a carbonate formation in the Middle East. Fig. 6 shows
pipe event. The average risk for the preceding 24 hours of operations slightly more than 6 hours before the stuck-pipe event.
“normal” operations was approximately 12%. This test was con- Reaming operations were under way while the hole was being cir-
sidered successful. culated and conditioned. Tracks 2 (hookload) and 4 (SPP) show
Three other wells from the same shale play were tested and are that the deviation between actual data and model values is very
summarized in Table 6 along with the first case study (labeled low (less than 10%). Track 3 shows that surface torque deviation
Test Well 1). Results showed that in each case, stuck pipe (or a between actual data and the model is less than 20%, which is also
near miss) occurred within 2 hours whenever the SPR value relatively low. In our experience, such close agreement confirms

–50.00 --- 50.00 –50.00 --- 50.00
BP ft HKLDD % RT kipf-ft CSPP psi
–5.00 --- 150.00 –50.00 --- 50.00 0.00 --- 15.00 0.00 --- 4,000.00
WOB kip Hookload kip CTRQ kipf-ft SPP psi ASPR % Well Depth ft
0.00 --- 20.00 0.00 --- 350.00 0.00 --- 15.00 0.00 0.00 4,000.00 0.00 --- 100.00 14,546.00
ROP ft/hr Hookload kip TDS rpm Flow in gal/min SPRR % Bit Depth ft
100.00 --- 0.00 0.00 --- 350.00 0.00 --- 150.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 0.00 --- 100.00 0.00
Calibrated models
show close
correlation of MVA 10:39:51



Monday, September 19,2016












Fig. 6—Second test well; low SPR.

2017 SPE Drilling & Completion 7

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DC178888 DOI: 10.2118/178888-PA Date: 25-May-17 Stage: Page: 8 Total Pages: 10

–50.00 --- 50.00 –50.00 --- 50.00
BP ft HKLDD % RT kipf-ft CSPP psi
–5.00 --- 150.00 –50.00 --- 50.00 0.00 --- 15.00 0.00 --- 4,000.00
WOB kip Hookload kip CTRQ kipf-ft SPP psi ASPR % Well Depth ft
0.00 --- 20.00 0.00 --- 350.00 0.00 --- 15.00 0.00 0.00 4,000.00 0.00 --- 100.00 14,546.00
ROP ft/hr Hookload kip TDS rpm Flow in gal/min SPRR % Bit Depth ft
100.00 --- 0.00 0.00 --- 350.00 0.00 --- 150.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 0.00 --- 100.00 0.00

Elevated SPP


Elevated SPR


Monday, September 19,2016

Erratic Torque SPR Flag #1
at 13:35 13:45:00

Fig. 7—Second test well; high risk of stuck pipe predicted more than 2 hours before event.

that the T&D and hydraulics models are accurately calibrated, more than 100 ft/hr), and that required an adjustment to the bit-ve-
which is important to detect impending stuck pipe. Track 5 shows locity term to ensure that the moving average was appropriately
that SPR is very low at less than 10%, as expected during normal calculated. Second, calibration of T&D and hydraulics models is
operating conditions. important, especially the issue of when and when not to calibrate.
At this time, it was decided to go back to the bottom and re- With these factors properly implemented, we concluded that SPR
sume drilling, as shown in Fig. 7. Track 4 shows that by 12:28:51, provides a valid, automated, real-time method for detecting
even before the bit reached bottom, the actual SPP increased sig- impending stuck pipe.
nificantly (by approximately 150 psi) at constant flow rate,
whereas the predicted-model value remained constant. This was Next Steps
certainly an indication of a problem. Once drilling resumed, sur-
The method will be further validated by continuing to test it on
face torque became erratic and deviation from model values
historical wells with known stuck-pipe incidents and on live wells
exceeded 50%, as shown in Track 3. Moreover, SPP continued to
as they are drilled. Generating alerts before the sticking point and
increase at constant flow rate until a very-large (300 psi) deviation
not generating alerts when no problems exist are considered
was observed between actual and model values. At 13:35, SPR
equally important.
exceeded 50%, which was the first warning of impending stuck
The most significant obstacle to effective use of the method
pipe in this case study.
will be training rig crews and drilling engineers on how to effec-
Over the next hour (not shown to save space) the rig came off-
tively communicate stuck-pipe alerts and act on them. Increasing
bottom to ream the hole, presumably to improve the deteriorating
average warning time by strengthening the method will help to
overcome this problem, but rigorous crew training will also be
Fig. 8 shows events after drilling resumed, as indicated by bit
necessary. Future development will also focus on automatic root-
depth equal to well depth in Track 6. Less than an hour later (at
cause analysis to determine the sticking mechanism and auto-
16:00), SPR exceeded 50% for the second time, followed by tor-
mated recommendation of mitigation techniques.
que spikes and topdrive stalls. At 17:07, the drillstring became
stuck. This case study was also considered a success because the
SPR log predicted the stuck pipe 2 hours and 42 minutes before it Conclusions
occurred. Moreover, a second warning was given 1 hour and 7 The method was determined to be accurate for detecting stuck
minutes before the pipe became stuck. pipe in real time. SPR greater than 50% indicated hole conditions
conducive to stuck pipe. In each test case, the average SPR
Discussion. The two case studies were conducted in different for- exceeded 50% before stuck pipe occurred. For the four shale
mations (shale and carbonate) in two different drilling areas. In wells, warning time averaged 38 minutes and varied from 9 to
both cases, the SPR log reliably detected impending stuck pipe 112 minutes. For the one carbonate well, warning time was 162
while avoiding false alarms. Several lessons were learned regard- minutes. False alerts did not occur in any of the test wells, and
ing the use of the method. First, each drilling area has somewhat that is also considered to be an important requirement for stuck-
different conditions that require analyzing several offset wells to pipe prediction. It was observed that SPR was less than 35% dur-
ensure the thresholds and other algorithm parameters are optimal. ing normal operations. SPR values between 35 and 50% generally
For example, rate of penetration in the carbonate wells was much indicated suboptimal hole cleaning, excessive T&D, and/or well-
slower than in the shale wells (average 10–20 ft/hr compared with bore instability.

8 2017 SPE Drilling & Completion

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–50.00 --- 50.00 –50.00 --- 50.00
BP ft HKLDD % RT kipf-ft CSPP psi
–5.00 --- 150.00 –50.00 --- 50.00 0.00 --- 15.00 0.00 --- 4,000.00
WOB kip Hookload kip CTRQ kipf-ft SPP psi ASPR % Well Depth ft
0.00 --- 20.00 0.00 --- 350.00 0.00 --- 15.00 0.00 0.00 4,000.00 0.00 --- 100.00 14,546.00
ROP ft/hr Hookload kip TDS rpm Flow in gal/min SPRR % Bit Depth ft
100.00 --- 0.00 0.00 --- 350.00 0.00 --- 150.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 0.00 --- 100.00 0.00







Monday, September 19,2016

SPR Flag #2
at 16:00 16:10:00

Torque spikes 16:15:00



TD stalls 16:45:00
Pipe is fully
immobile here 16:50:44



Fig. 8—Second test well; fully stuck pipe after a second warning.

These results are viewed as meeting the initial goals of provid- Presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, 4–7 May.
ing relevant alerts with sufficient time to prevent the pipe from OTC-25838-MS.
becoming stuck. The method is believed to be most effective in Guzman, J. M., Khalil, M. E., Orban, N. et al. 2012. Stuck-Pipe Prevention
providing alerts because of impending wellbore-packoff events. Solutions in Deep Gas Drilling; New Approaches. Presented at SPE
This was a positive outcome because wellbore packoff has been Saudi Arabia Section Technical Symposium and Exhibition, Al-Kho-
consistently observed to be the most-common sticking mecha- bar, Saudi Arabia, 8–11 April. SPE-160875-MS.
nism. The method is considered an improvement over current 10.2118/160875-MS.
detection and prevention techniques. Hempkins, W. B., Kingsborough, R. H., Lohec, W. E. et al. 1987. Multi-
variate Statistical Analysis of Stuck Drillpipe Situations. SPE J. 2 (3):
Acknowledgments 237–244. SPE-14181-PA.
Howard, J. A. and Glover, S. B. 1994. Tracking Stuck Pipe Probability
The authors thank Larry “Matt” Briggs for his contributions to the
While Drilling. Presented at SPE/IADC Drilling Conference, Dallas,
development and application of the stuck-pipe-prediction method.
15–18 February. SPE-27528-MS.
We are grateful to Dev Kumar and Greg Smith for their leadership
Jahanbakhshi, R., Keshavarzi, R., Aliyari Shoorehdeli, M. et al. 2012.
in continuing the development of the method as well as their help
Intelligent Prediction of Differential Pipe Sticking by Support Vector
in running the software and producing figures for the case studies.
Machine Compared With Conventional Artificial Neural Networks:
Finally, we greatly appreciate the support of Weatherford.
An Example of Iranian Offshore Oil Fields. SPE Drill & Compl
27 (4): 586–595. SPE-163062-PA.
References Johancsik, C. A., Friesen, D. B., and Dawson, R. 1984. Torque and
Belaskie, J. P., McCann, D. P., and Leshikar, J. F. 1994. A Practical Method Drag in Directional Wells-Prediction and Measurement. J Pet Technol
To Minimize Stuck Pipe Integrating Surface and MWD Measurements. 36 (6): 987–992. SPE-11380-PA.
Presented at the SPE/IADC Drilling Conference, Dallas, 15–18 Febru- Muqeem, M. A., Weekse, A. E., and Al-Hajji, A. A. 2012. Stuck Pipe Best
ary. SPE-27494-MS. Practices–A Challenging Approach to Reducing Stuck Pipe Costs. Pre-
Biegler, M. W. and Kuhn, G. R. 1994. Advances in Prediction of Stuck sented at SPE Saudi Arabia Section Technical Symposium and Exhibi-
Pipe Using Multivariate Statistical Analysis. Presented at the SPE/ tion, Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia, 8–11 April. SPE-160845-MS. https://
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Bradley, W. B., Jarman, D., Plott, R. S. et al. 1991. A Task Force Avoidance Using Adaptive Fuzzy Logic Modeling. Presented at the SPE
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Drilling Conference, Amsterdam, 11–14 March. SPE-21999-MS. April. SPE-120128-MS. Naraghi, M. E., Ezzatyar, P., and Jamshidi, S. 2013. Prediction of Drilling
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2017 SPE Drilling & Completion 9

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21–23 February. SPE-98378-MS. Wisnie, A. P. and Zhu, Z. 1994. Quantifying Stuck Pipe Risk in Gulf of
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Stiff-String Torque and Drag. SPE Drill & Compl 29 (3): 279–294. Conference and Exhibition, New Orleans, Louisiana, 25–28 Septem-
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tember. SPE-180331-MS. ber. SPE-109914-MS.

Shift (seconds) Duration (seconds)

Average Flow In (gal/min) , 0 , 15

Shift (seconds) Shift (seconds) Duration (seconds)

3 × × Average Bit Depth (ft) 0 0 30

Shift (seconds) Duration (seconds)

Average Flow In (gal/min) , 0 , 60

Fig. A-1—Modified ROC and threshold-calculation method.

Appendix A Kent Salminen is founder of Catalyst Software Incorporated.

ROC Thresholds To Account for Changes in Rotation Speed Previously, he worked for 6 years at Weatherford International
in a variety of engineering roles. Salminen’s research interests
or Flow Rate. It was observed that an increase in flow rate from include unconventional-well design and drilling-data analysis.
300 to 400 gal/min, for instance, would cause a rapid increase in He has authored or coauthored four technical papers. Salmi-
SPP ROC that would incorrectly register as an increase in SPR. nen holds a bachelor’s degree in petroleum engineering from
The solution was to multiply the threshold by a unitless term that the University of Texas at Austin.
divides the average value of the input parameter (flow rate in this
Curtis Cheatham is a senior drilling engineering adviser for
case) over a short period of time by the average value of the same Weatherford in reservoir-solutions well engineering. From 2009
parameter over a longer period of time. Thus, if the input parameter to 2012, he was executive editor of SPE Drilling & Completion
is increased (e.g., 300 to 400 gal/min), the term will be greater than and currently serves as an associate editor. Cheatham has
unity for some period of time. This will temporarily increase the received two awards for contributions to SPE peer review: Out-
ROC threshold such that the SPR calculation will not “overreact” standing Technical Editor (2007) and A Peer Apart (2009) for
to changes in input parameters. An example of the modified ROC- involvement in more than 100 papers as editor. He holds
threshold calculation from the software is shown in Fig. A-1. bachelor’s and master’s degrees in mechanical engineering
The numeric term is the original threshold derived from depth- from Rice University in Houston.
based calculations. The second term accounts for changes in flow Mark Smith is the Global Solutions Champion, Drilling for
rate and modifies the threshold accordingly. It was understood that Weatherford in reservoir-solutions well engineering. He has
pump pressure does not follow a linear relationship with changes worked in the industry since 1984 in various field and office
in flow rate. However, the goal of the adjustment was not to com- capacities, has contributed to several previous publications,
prehend the pressure change with great precision because that task and has been awarded a number of patents for drilling appli-
was already accomplished by use of the automated hydraulics cations. Smith holds a bachelor’s degree in mining geology
from the University of Leicester, England.
model. The additional term was included to simply provide a tem-
porary increase in allowable ROC during periods of changing Khaydar Valiullin is a senior project engineer in research and
flow. Once flow stabilizes for 60 seconds (regardless of the magni- development with Weatherford. Previously, he worked for 5
tude of the change), the adjustment term is equal to unity and no years as a research fellow at Polytechnic University of Milan,
longer has any effect on the calculated threshold. The third term Italy. Valiullin’s research interests are wellbore and drillstring in-
tegrity, drilling optimization and automation, defect-tolerance
converts the depth-based threshold to a time-based threshold by
design, and multiaxial fatigue. He has coauthored more than
accounting for average bit velocity, as previously described. 15 technical papers. Valiullin has been a member of SPE since
Similar updates to ROC thresholds were also required for the 1999. He holds a PhD degree in mechanical systems engineer-
relationship between rev/min and torque. No adjustment was made ing from Polytechnic University of Milan and a master’s degree
to the relationship between WOB and hookload because surface- in petroleum engineering from the Ufa State Technological
measured WOB is calculated directly from changes in hookload. University, Russia.

10 2017 SPE Drilling & Completion

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