HighNote5 Placement Test GroupA

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Placement Test | Group A

Name: _____________________ Class: ____

Choose the correct option a–d to complete the sentences.

1 Tania, could I ask you to please ___ the message to your sister when you see her later?
a pass on b spread c leave d carry
2 Why ___ the soup? Do you think it’s gone bad?
a are you smelling b is it smelling c do you smell d does it smell
3 After chatting with a few friends, it was clear that Peter ___ that I had sent him the secret
a came across b figured out c brought about d got across
4 The police report states that he was sitting in the kitchen when the doorbell ___.
a had rung b rang c was ringing d has rung
5 The cat damaged our brand new sofa by digging its ___ into the expensive leather cushions.
a beaks b scales c fins d claws
6 Let’s ask her for her opinion, ___?
a will we b do we c should we d shall we
7 I’m convinced that coal and other fossil ___ will be a thing of the past in a few years’ time.
a waste b fuels c fumes d heat
8 I’ve just realised that we ___ this car for fifteen years by the end of this year.
a have had b will have had c had d will be having
9 When the performance was over, his mother told him ___ for behaving so badly in the theatre.
a off b down c up d out
10 Unfortunately, they’re bound ___ too late to catch the train to Paris.
a being b be c to being d to be
11 There’s nothing I ___ more than coffee – it makes me nauseous.
a prefer b idolise c admire d loathe
12 It came as news to me that she ___ a lot of sweets and cakes because now she eats a healthy
a has eaten b was eating c used to eat d used to eating
13 In my experience, not all celebrities are ___ like him – most of them are friendly and humble.
a conceited b compassionate c modest d sincere
14 Had there been a hole in the fence, ___ them to enter the garden without being seen, they would
have used it.
a enable b enabling c enables d enabled
15 In the documentary, they proved that the UFO sightings were a(n) ___ that had fooled a lot of
a hoax b enigma c fraud d claim
16 Desperate for money, she called her brother, ___ she hadn’t spoken to in years.
a whom b that c which d whose

Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2021
Placement Test | Group A
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

17 The chief of police praised his team for managing not to ___ a secret operation for the six months
it lasted.
a report b seize c release d reveal
18 I’ve already told you that I couldn't go to Tom's party because I ___ to do something else.
a had arranged b was arranging c have arranged d arranged
19 What a joy to wake up to the sound of birds ___ in the trees instead of the horrible traffic noise.
a screeching b chirping c rustling d sizzling
20 They were exhausted and needed a break because they ___ football all afternoon.
a played b have been playing c were playing d had been playing
21 I’m sure that you’ll agree there’s nothing quite as exquisite as the ___ of freshly-baked bread.
a trace b aroma c stench d stink
22 No sooner ___ set off than it started to rain heavily and she got drenched.
a did she b had she c she had d has she
23 This review says that the food is ___ and the decor is outdated – overall it’s a terrible restaurant.
a savoury b mild c bland d prickly
24 Would you let her go to the party if she promised ___ before midnight?
a return b to have returned c to return d returning
25 Do you think you could ___ the travel arrangements while I make all of the hotel bookings?
a pick up b come across c break down d deal with
26 I’ve already told him that I don't mind ___ him a lift to the cinema tonight.
a give b giving c to give d having given
27 The showerhead is ___ so that’s why hardly any water comes out.
a tangled b blocked c stained d shattered
28 He insisted that he'd rather ___ in that restaurant because it wasn’t to his taste.
a not eating b not eat c not to eat d to not eat
29 Unfortunately, and to our shame, the research proved that there was ___ at every level of local
a relative poverty b institutional racism c juvenile delinquency d gender equality
30 I ___ in losing weight and keeping it off.
a succeeded b required c managed d supposed
31 He was fired, but he had the last ___ when he found a new job just a week later, at twice the
a shame b laugh c stance d mock
32 ___ Volga is Europe’s longest river.
a The bA c An d–
33 The only way to stop inequality is if politicians from cross party groups ___ for a change in policy.
a prohibit b defend c lobby d interfere

Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2021
Placement Test | Group A
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

34 She criticises him ___ so little for the community.

a to do b for doing c that he does d doing
35 The number of students who use tablets in their classes has ___ steady over the last twelve
a remained b declined c increased d risen
36 Harold paused for a moment before promising that he ___ them the following day.
a sees b will see c would see d is seeing
37 He spent a small fortune on a/an, ___ computer before starting his new job for a publisher.
a obsolete b dated c state-of-the-art d outdated
38 I don’t fancy ___ by webcams /!
a monitoring b to monitor c monitors d being monitored
39 George managed to ___ half of his pocket money every week for a year to save up for his bike.
a pay off b put aside c splash out d mess up
40 I was pretty sure he’d understand that I don't like the idea of ___ observed while I'm working.
a being b be c to be d been
41 I ___ but to pay the asking price because I can’t be without a phone, even for a single day.
a have no clue b take for granted c end up d have no choice
42 If I’d studied IT at university, I ___ a much better-paying job now.
a have b would have c will have d would have had
43 It was ___ for a few minutes but then he started breathing regularly and now he’s on the mend.
a touch and go b take it or leave it c safe and sound d ups and downs
44 After struggling with my homework all evening, I now wish I ___ to the teacher’s explanation last
a would listen b listened c had listened d listen
45 I came across this restaurant ___ accident when I took a wrong turning on my way to work one
a through b in c by d for
46 You ___ Jenny waiting at the park yesterday because now she’s got a poor impression of what
you’re like.
a shouldn’t leave b shouldn’t be leaving c wouldn’t leave d shouldn't have left
47 Elizabeth, please don’t make me sit through another___ film with a silly plot and poor acting.
a breathtaking b lively c cheesy d exceptional
48 Nobody knows for sure how the model was made, but I think they ___ a D printer.
a might use b might have used c might be using d might be used
49 Mary ___ here yesterday because she's left her bag here – look!
a must come b had to come c must have come d must be coming

Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2021
Placement Test | Group A
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

50 I can honestly say that I’ve never met such a ___ child who is so willing to share his games and
a laid-back b strong-willed c tight-fisted d kind-hearted
51 When we got out of our tent and saw all the water, we realised that it ___ for hours.
a had been raining b has been raining c rained d was raining
52 You could tell by her joyful expression that she ___ performing in front of a live audience.
a set great store b was not that into c got a kick out of d was in line with
53 Can I keep this book a bit longer please – I'm halfway through and I ___ reading it by next Friday.
a finish b will have been finished c will have finished d will be finishing
54 While I believe it’s good to speak your mind, I think she could have been more ___ because she
upset a few people.
a assertive b tactful c frank d humble
55 John ___ to school when he saw a road accident at the crossroads at the end of his street.
a had been cycling b had cycled c cycled d was cycling
56 After falling in the garden and hurting his ankle, Nick ___ to the wall to call his neighbour for help.
a hobbled b strode c lurched d wobbled
57 Only when I got home and walked through the door ___ that I had left my jacket on the bus.
a did I realise b I realised c I did realise d had I realised
58 If you ___ at this early stage, you’ll have no energy left to finish the project so please slow down.
a stumble over b drive yourself too hard c jump the lights d sail through this
59 ___ they didn't know was that they were being watched the whole time they were in the room.
a That b It c What d Which
60 Having been unable to make up my mind about which of the two models to buy, I was finally ___
by the colour options of the newer design.
a urged b swayed c coaxed d convinced
61 If you ___ continue to eat so much sugar, you may have problems with your teeth.
a were b had c could d should
62 The shop gained its excellent reputation through ___ because people couldn’t wait to tell their
friends about it.
a its tradename b word-of-mouth c customer service d a sales gimmick
63 If my fingers were a little longer, I ___ to play the piano more easily but I find it really difficult.
a would be able b would have been able c am able d was able
64 After being stuck in a dead-end job with no prospects, I was ___ by their promise of an annual
bonus, so I took their offer.
a signed up b set up c won over d built up
65 The whole project is at risk of ___ so we need to act quickly.
a to be cancelled b being cancelled c cancelling d to cancel

Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2021
Placement Test | Group A
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

66 If I’d set my alarm clock before I went to bed, I ___ up late so I only have myself to blame.
a wouldn’t get b wouldn't have got c haven’t got d hadn’t got
67 The chefs in this restaurant use too much oil in their cooking so the food is always ___.
a gristly b gooey c greasy d soggy
68 More than a hundred vehicles are believed to ___ in the motorway accident this morning.
a being involved b have involved c involve d have been involved
69 Could you cut me another ___ of that cake please?
a slice b segment c scoop d clove
70 You ___ eat or drink anywhere in the library because it is absolutely prohibited.
a mustn’t b don’t have to c couldn’t d needn’t
71 If I don’t ___ for a few days, I won’t meet the deadline and my boss is bound to get angry.
a run on empty b give it my best shot c get the hang of it d get my head down
72 You ___ bought her a blue dress because we all know that her favourite colour is red.
a shouldn’t b shouldn’t have c should have d ought not to
73 She made a ___ attempt at climbing the mountain, but she had to turn back because of the weather.
a valiant b sustained c futile d misguided
74 I can’t find my notebook anywhere so I think I ___ it in the science lab at school.
a might leave b was leaving c might have left d had left
75 This research is ___ the work being done in several other universities across Europe.
a sorted into b associated with c deflected from d crammed into
76 He insisted on ___ for all the food we had ordered and wouldn’t take ‘no’ for an answer.
a paid b to have paid c having paid d paying
77 It was obvious that the report was worrying by the way he ___ as he read through to the end.
a furrowed his brow b tilted his head c steepled his hands d pursed his lips
78 She regretted ___the opportunity to speak to the teacher about her schoolwork.
a not to take b didn’t take c not taking d not take
79 Harry wanted to know how the interview had gone and I ___ to show him it had all gone well.
a shrugged my shoulders b gave him the thumbs up
c crossed my fingers d steepled my hands
80 There were people at the wedding, none of ___ were wearing formal clothes.
a which b whom c who d that
81 I don’t like wearing a ___ blue jumper because it reminds me of my old school uniform.
a sparkly b neon c scarlet d navy
82 Anybody ___ the concert without a ticket will be told to leave as there is a limited seating.
a entering b to enter c enter d who enter
83 Bob Marley, ___ was born in Jamaica, was probably the best reggae singer of all time.
a that b whom c which d who

Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2021
Placement Test | Group A
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

84 Andy is a total ___. It takes him ages to leave the house as he needs to make
sure every part of his outfit matches perfectly.
a fashion police b fashion conscious c slave to fashion d fashion statement
85 Sorry but I just don’t think red and pink ___ because they are two colours that always clash.
a pair items together b are eye-catching c are jazzed up d go well together
86 I have very fond memories of summers working on ___ Ibiza.
a the b– ca d an
87 If the council doesn’t ___ down on this petty vandalism soon, it will get worse and worse.
a clamp b endorse c authorise d proscribe
88 Little did I know this time last week that I’d be in ___ hospital waiting for an operation today.
a a b the c– d any
89 The work came naturally to him after his experience on the farm so he ___ it in record time.
a came out with b took to doing c set about doing d held off on doing
90 I think our team ___ tomorrow because we are playing really well at the moment.
a will win b wins c is winning d would win
91 The critic only gave the film a two-star rating because he found the plotline too ___ and couldn’t
make sense of the story.
a electrifying b mystifying c breathtaking d riveting
92 He said that he ___ to visit us the following summer.
a comes b will come c would come d is coming
93 Don’t just ___ and act as if you know nothing about this because I’m sure that isn’t the case!
a be taken in b scratch your head c pull it off d go against all the rules
94 She can't bear ___ up so early in the morning because she goes to bed so late.
a get b getting c to get d gets
95 When someone you love and trust lets you down it’s only natural that you should feel ___.
a unbelievable b inexplicable c disillusioned d deceitful
96 I was lucky ___ the chance to act in one of his feature films when I was quite young.
a to give b given c to be giving d to be given
97 When she sets her sights on something, she ___ and there’s no stopping her.
a strives for it b pays dividends c retains a balance d grasps the significance
98 I persuaded my brother ___ us a lift into town later that afternoon so we could go shopping.
a that he gives b to giving c to have given d to give
99 He’s lucky to have friends so supportive ___ all his efforts.
a with b of c to d at
100 The boss can see I ___ to get the proposal finished on time so I hope he shows his gratitude.
a called it a day b worked my socks off c threw it all in d met my work demands
TOTAL ___ /100

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