HighNote5 Grammar Quiz Unit01 GroupA

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Grammar Quiz | Group A

Unit 1 LESSON 1D
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Choose the correct option to complete 2 Complete the sentences with the correct form
the dialogue. of the verbs in brackets.
A: What’s the matter? 0 I’m putting ten euros a week in my piggy bank.
B: I 0 lose / ’ve lost / ’m losing l a stamp! I’m sure By June I will have saved (save) two hundred and
I saw it a minute ago. forty euros.
A: And what are you doing? 1 It’s no use going to Jo’s house. I’m sure that she
B: I 1 ’m organising / organise / ’d organised my ____________________ (leave) by now.
stamp collection. 2 By the time I finish school
A: Oh, I see. I ____________________ (learn) English for
B: I 2 ’ve been sorting / ’ve sorted / ’m sorting them twelve years.
into different categories all morning. It’s going to 3 The music at the event was really good, but the
take weeks to finish. organisers ____________________ (promise) us
A: That long? a meal that never materialised.
B: Yes. I think I 3 ’ll finish / finish / ’ll have finished 4 The grass was too wet to sit down on for a picnic
the job by Christmas. because it ____________________ (rain) all night.
A: You’ve got thousands of stamps there. How long 5 I wanted to do my best in the test to make up for
4 did you collect / have you been collecting / the low grade I ____________________ (receive)
are you collecting them? last time.
B: Not that long to be honest. I started off when 6 I’ll find out more details about the concert soon,
I received a letter from a friend in Singapore about because I ____________________ (chat) with my
a year ago. While I 5 was reading / read / had read friend on social media later so I can ask her.
the letter, I noticed how beautiful the stamp was. 7 I’m walking like this because
A: And that was your first stamp? I ____________________ (hurt) my ankle.
B: Yes. I 6 ’d never really taken / 8 When we arrived at the meeting place, Jenny
’ve never really taken / was never really taking ____________________ (wait) for us for over
an interest in stamps before then. an hour.
A: Can I help you with the categorising?
___ / 8
B: Yes, that would be great. You can help me find
that stamp! It’s red and black with a bird on it. TOTAL ___ / 15
A: Is that it over there?
B: Oh yes, there it is! Thanks. I 7 I’m losing /
I’ve always lost / I’m always losing stamps like that.
I need to work out a better system.
___ / 7

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