India Breach Digest Issues 00002

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13 March, 2024 Vol.



Know them. Know thyself.


Google's advanced language model, Gemini, has been discovered to have
critical security flaws. According to HiddenLayer research, these weaknesses
could allow attackers to reveal system prompts, steer the AI towards harmful
content, and even execute indirect injection attacks. This vulnerability affects
both consumers using Gemini Advanced within Google Workspace and
companies utilizing the LLM API.
Researchers found attackers could manipulate Gemini by using clever
"jailbreaking" techniques or synonym attacks to bypass security measures.
This includes tactics like prompting Gemini to enter a fictional mode, making it
more likely to output dangerous or misleading information. Additional
vulnerabilities expose Gemini to system prompt leaks. Hackers can exploit this
to uncover sensitive instructions designed to guide the AI's response.
Perhaps most concerning is the ability to use a specially crafted Google
document within Gemini Advanced to inject malicious code. This essentially
gives an attacker complete control over the user's interactions with the
language model.
These revelations highlight the ongoing security challenges inherent in large
language models like Google's Gemini. As AI technology grows more
sophisticated, it's vital to prioritize proactive cybersecurity measures for
responsible implementation.
A synonym attack on large language models (LLMs)
involves attackers subtly changing their input
wording to bypass security filters. LLMs often have
safeguards to block unsafe or harmful responses.
Attackers find trigger words and substitute
synonyms to express the same intent without getting
flagged. This technique is used to force the LLM to
reveal sensitive system prompts, generate
dangerous instructions, or spread misinformation by
subtly rephrasing harmful content.


What to expect in 2024-25

Escalating Ransomware:
Ransomware will remain a major threat,
evolving to become more targeted and
harmful. Expect to see increased use of
RaaS (Ransomware-as-a-Service) for
wider attacks, double extortion tactics
with data theft, and a focus on infiltrating
larger targets through their supply chains.

Weaponizing AI
Cybercriminals will increasingly weaponize
AI. Expect automated attacks exploiting AI
for speed and scale, hyper-personalized
phishing attempts to trick individuals, and
the use of deepfakes to spread
disinformation and fuel social engineering
Cloud as a Battleground
As cloud usage grows, expect a rise in
cloud-based attacks. These will likely
include exploiting misconfigured cloud
setups, hijacking cloud accounts (cloud
jacking), and targeting cloud service
providers to gain wider access to their
clients' data.

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