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Geophys. J. Int. (2005) 160, 991–1005 doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2005.02556.

Amplitude of Biot’s slow wave scattered by a spherical inclusion

in a fluid-saturated poroelastic medium

Radim Ciz1 and Boris Gurevich2

1 CSIRO Petroleum, ARRC, 26 Dick Perry Ave, Tech. Park, Kensington, Perth, WA 6151, Australia. E-mail:
2 CurtinUniversity of Technology, Department of Exploration Geophysics, GPO Box U1987, Perth, WA 6845, Australia.

Accepted 2004 December 8. Received 2004 November 12; in original form 2004 February 22

Spatial heterogeneity of hydrocarbon reservoirs causes significant attenuation and dispersion
of seismic waves due to wave-induced flow of the pore fluid between more compliant and
less compliant areas. This paper investigates the interaction between a plane elastic wave in a

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poroelastic medium with a spherical inhomogeneity of another porous material. The behaviour
of both the inclusion and the background medium is described by the low-frequency variant
of Biot’s equations of poroelasticity with the standard boundary conditions at the inclusion
surface, and for the inclusion size much smaller than the wavelength of the fast compressional
wave. The scattering problem is formulated as a series expansion of displacements expressed
in the spherical harmonics. The resulting scattered wavefield consists of the scattered normal
compressional and shear waves and Biot’s slow wave, which attenuates rapidly with distance
from the inclusion and represents the main difference from the elastic case. This study con-
centrates on the attenuation effects caused by the mode conversion into Biot’s slow wave. The
solution obtained for Biot’s slow wave is well described by the two terms of order n = 0 and

GJI Seismology
n = 2 of the scattering series. The scattering amplitude for the term of order n = 0 is given
by a simple expression. The full expression for the term of order n = 2 is very complicated,
but can be simplified assuming that the amplitude of the scattered fast (normal) compressional
and shear waves are well approximated by the solution of the equivalent elastic problem. This
assumption yields a simple approximation for the amplitude of the scattered slow wave, which
is accurate for a wide range of material properties and is sufficient for the analysis of the
scattering amplitude as a function of frequency.
In the low-frequency limit the scattering amplitude of the slow wave scales with ω3/2 ,
and reduces to the asymptotic long-wavelength solution of Berryman (1985), which is valid
for inclusions much smaller than the wavelength of Biot’ slow wave. For inclusions larger
than the wavelength of Biot’s slow wave, the scattering amplitude is proportional to ω1/2 ,
which is consistent with the results of Gurevich et al. (1998), which were derived by the Born
approximation and therefore were limited to a weak contrast between the inclusion and the
background medium. Our general solution, however, does not require these assumptions on
frequency and material properties. The obtained results can be used in the analysis of the
effective properties, attenuation and dispersion of elastic waves in randomly inhomogeneous
porous materials.
Key words: Biot’s slow wave, poroelastic media, scattering, sphere, wave propagation.

1 I N T RO D U C T I O N
A number of studies published over the years have shown that spatial heterogeneity of a fluid-saturated porous material can cause significant
attenuation and dispersion due to wave-induced flow of the pore fluid from more compliant to stiffer areas and vice versa (White 1983;
Gurevich & Lopatnikov 1995; Gelinsky et al. 1998; Pride & Berryman 2003). One of the ways to study this phenomenon is to analyse
the effect of the ensemble of heterogeneities on the passing wave using multiple-scattering theory. This approach requires as its elementary
building block an analytical solution of the problem of the scattering of an elastic wave in a porous medium by an individual heterogeneity of
a given shape, the simplest of which is a sphere.

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The problem of elastic-wave scattering by a spherical inclusion in a fluid-saturated porous medium is similar to the problem of scattering
by a sphere in an elastic medium. This classical problem was comprehensively investigated by Yamakawa (1962) and Ying & Truell (1956),
who formulated the solution as an infinite series of spherical harmonics (see Korneev & Johnson 1993, for a review). A similar series solution
for the problem of scattering in a porous medium was formulated by Berryman (1985), who extended Yamakawa’s (1962) approach to porous
media as described by Biot’s theory of poroelasticity (Biot 1956a,b, 1962).
Both in elasticity and in poroelasticity, the coefficient of each harmonic is determined from the boundary conditions on the surface of
the sphere. These conditions form a 4 × 4 system of linear equations in elasticity (2 × 2 for the zero-order term) and a 6 × 6 system in
poroelasticity (4 × 4 for the zero-order term). Such a system can be solved numerically (Yumatov & Markov 1984; Zimmerman & Stern
1993; Kargl & Lim 1993), but a general 6 × 6 system of boundary conditions appears too cumbersome for analytical treatment (an exception
occurs when fluid flow across the sphere’s interface can be ignored, as in Morochnik & Bardet 1996; however, this case is the least interesting).
Hence an explicit closed-form expression is known only for the zero-order term in the poroelastic series, which is only sufficient for inclusions
much smaller than the wavelength of Biot’s fast and slow waves (Berryman 1985).
This difficulty was addressed by Gurevich et al. (1998), who found an approximate solution to the problem of scattering by an inclusion
in the porous medium for a broad range of frequencies using the so-called Born approximation. However, this approximation has a major
limitation: it is only valid for weak-contrast inclusions.
In this paper we attempt to find an approximate analytical solution to the problem that is valid for a wide range of inclusion sizes and
for arbitrary inclusion contrasts. To do this we make two simplifying assumptions: first, we restrict ourselves to frequencies much smaller
than Biot’s characteristic frequency (for typical porous media such as reservoir rocks and soils this assumption is valid up to frequencies
of 10–100 kHz). According to the theory of poroelasticity (Biot 1956a), at these frequencies the wavelength of Biot’s slow wave is much

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smaller than that of the fast compressional wave. Our second assumption is that the inclusion is small compared with the wavelength of the
fast compressional wave (but may be smaller or larger than that of the slow wave—such heterogeneities are sometimes called mesoscopic, see
Pride et al. 2003). As our analysis shows, these two assumptions greatly simplify the scattering series, so that the solution for the scattered
slow wave only contains two terms, each of which can be expressed in closed form.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 gives the formulation of the problem in terms of the equations of poroelasticity for the
spherical inclusion and the background (host) medium, and the boundary conditions on the interface between them. Section 3 introduces
the solution as a series of spherical harmonics, and presents the linear system of equations for each term, which results from the boundary
conditions. In Section 4 we derive explicit expressions for the first three terms associated with the scattered slow wave, and show that all other
terms are negligible within the assumptions of the model. Further, in Section 5 we compare our analytical results with the known asymptotic
solutions of Berryman (1985) and Gurevich et al. (1998). Finally, in Section 5 we derive analytical asymptotes at low and high frequencies
and compare them with numerical calculations over the entire frequency range.

2 P R O B L E M F O R M U L AT I O N

2.1 Field equations

We consider the problem of the scattering of an elastic wave in a poroelastic medium (called the host or background medium) by a spherical
inclusion of another poroelastic material. Specifically, we consider a plane normal (fast) compressional wave in the host material. When this
incident wave interacts with an inclusion of radius a, it produces fast and slow compressional waves and a shear wave in the background
(called scattered or reflected waves), and waves of the same three kinds inside the inclusion (called refracted waves) (see Fig. 1). The elastic

Scattered waves P1 P2 S

Incident wave P1

Scattered waves P1 P2 S

Figure 1. Geometry of the scattering problem. P 1 is the normal fast compressional wave, P 2 is Biot’s slow wave, and S is the shear wave.

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properties of both porous materials saturated by a compressible fluid are assumed to be described at low frequencies by Gassmann’s (1951)
equation. The dynamic behaviour of both materials is described by Biot’s (1962) equations of poroelasticity. We consider a porous background
medium with a uniformly distributed porosity φ whose pores are filled with a viscous fluid with bulk modulus K f , density ρ f and viscosity η.
The grains of the solid are characterized by the bulk modulus K g , shear modulus µ g and density ρ g . The solid skeleton formed by grains is
characterized by the bulk modulus K 0 , shear modulus µ 0 , density ρ 0 and permeability κ. The inclusion parameters are denoted by the same
symbols with a prime.
For acoustic pulses propagating through such a porous medium, we can define average values of local displacement in the solid u and in
the fluid U. Following Biot (1962), we define the average displacement of fluid w relative to the solid frame as
w = φ(U − u), (1)
and the relative fluid dilatation as
ζ = −φdiv(U − u) = φ(e − ef ), (2)
where e = div u is the solid-frame dilatation and e f = div U is the fluid dilatation. On the basis of these definitions, Biot introduced a quadratic
strain energy functional of the independent variables e and ζ for an isotropic, linear porous medium:
2V = H e2 − 2Ceζ + Mζ 2 − 4µ0 I2 , (3)
where I 2 = exx eyy + eyy ezz + ezz exx − (1/ 4)(e2xy + e2yz+ e2zx )
is the second strain invariant (Biot 1962; Bourbié et al. 1987), and e xx , e yy , e zz ,
e xy , e yz , e zx represent the components of the strain tensor eij = (1/ 2)(u i, j + u j,i ). Then, components of the stress tensor τ for the saturated
porous medium are

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τi j = [(H − 2µ0 )e − Cζ ]δi j + 2µei j , (4)
and the fluid pressure P is
P = Mζ − Ce. (5)

Now, assuming an isotropic medium with spatially constant values of parameters, Biot’s equations of poroelasticity with time dependence
of the form e−iωt can be written (Biot 1962; Dutta & Odé 1983) as
(H − µ0 ) grad div u + µ0 ∇ 2 u + C grad div w + ω2 (ρu + ρf w) = 0, (6)

C grad div u + M grad div w + ω2 (ρf u + qw) = 0, (7)

where ρ is the overall density of the two-phase medium,
ρ = φρf + (1 − φ)ρg , (8)
and q is expressed as
χ iη
q = ρf + . (9)
φ κω
The dimensionless parameter χ ≥ 1 is called the tortuosity. For frequencies lower than Biot’s characteristic frequency, the first bracketed term
on the right-hand side of (9) can be neglected (Bourbié et al. 1987), and the coefficient q simplifies to

q = ρf . (10)
Coefficients appearing in eqs (6) and (7) are defined as (Biot 1962)
H = K 0 + µ0 + σ C = L + σ C, (11)
C = σ M, (12)
σ −φ φ
M −1 = + , (13)
Kg Kf
σ =1− . (14)
Eq. (11) implies that the fluid-saturated bulk modulus K is given by
K = H − µ = K 0 + σ C, (15)
while the fluid-saturated shear modulus is the same as the dry shear modulus, µ = µ 0 (Gassmann 1951).
The coupled equations (6) and (7) describe the propagation of three types of waves through the saturated porous medium: the fast
compressional wave, the shear wave, and the slow compressional wave, often called Biot’s slow wave. In a plane wave of any particular type
within a homogenous poroelastic medium, the amplitude of the average displacements of u and w are related. In particular, in the fast P and

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S waves within the low-frequency approximation of Biot’s theory (i.e. for frequencies below Biot’s characteristic frequency ω c = η φ/κρ f ),
the relative fluid displacement w is negligible, i.e. w = 0. The corresponding relation for the slow P wave is (Geertsma & Smit 1961)
wp = − up. (16)
The wavenumbers of the normal (fast) P wave k + and S wave k S at low frequencies are given by the usual relations:
k+,S = , (17)
with the velocities of the fast P wave v + and S wave v S given by
H K 0 + 43 µ + σ C
v+ = = , (18)
ρ ρ

vS = . (19)
The wavenumber of the slow P wave is (Bourbié et al. 1987)

k− = , (20)
with the parameter N defined as

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N= − = , (21)
σ H H
where L = K 0 + (4/3)µ.

2.2 Interface conditions

Eqs (4)–(7) are based on Biot’s theory of wave propagation in a fluid-saturated porous medium. The same theory provides the conditions that
must be satisfied at any interface between two porous media (Deresiewicz & Skalak 1963; Bourbié et al. 1987; Gurevich & Schoenberg 1999).
We use the following six boundary conditions on the surface of the spherical inclusion (in spherical coordinates):

(i) continuity of total normal stress

τrr = τrr , (22)
(ii) continuity of total tangential stress
τr ϑ = τrϑ , (23)
(iii) continuity of the normal component of the average displacement of the solid
u r = u r , (24)
(iv) continuity of the tangential component of the average displacement of the solid
u ϑ = u ϑ , (25)
(v) continuity of fluid pressure
P = P , (26)
(vi) continuity of the normal component of the relative average fluid displacement

wr = wr , (27)
where primed quantities denote the parameters inside the inclusion. The total normal and tangential stresses appearing in eqs (22) and (23)
are related to displacements by constitutive equations, which in spherical coordinates can be written as
τrr = (H − 2µ)e + 2µer − Cζ, (28)
1 ∂u r ∂u r ur
τr ϑ = µ + − , (29)
r ∂ϑ ∂r r
where u r is the normal component of the solid displacement, e r is the radial component of the solid strain,
∂u r
er = , (30)
e is the solid dilatation,
1 ∂  2  1 ∂
e= 2 r ur + (u ϑ sin ϑ), (31)
r ∂r r sin ϑ ∂ϑ

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and ζ is the increment of fluid content,

1 ∂  2  1 ∂
ζ =− 2 r wr + (wϑ sin ϑ) (32)
r ∂r r sin ϑ ∂ϑ
(see Berryman 1985).

3 M E T H O D O F S O LU T I O N

3.1 Series expansion

The problem described in the previous section is analogous to the problem of scattering in an elastic medium considered by Yamakawa
(1962). Yamakawa’s solution consists of the expansion of the reflection and refraction waveforms in series of spherical harmonics. Following
Berryman (1985) we apply the same approach to equations of poroelasticity. To simplify the problem, however, we make the following two
assumptions: (1) the frequency ω is much smaller than Biot’s characteristic frequency ω c = η φ/κρ f ; and (2) the inclusion is small compared
with the wavelengths of the shear and fast compressional waves, kS a  1, k + a  1 (but may be smaller or larger than that of the slow wave).
We consider a fast compressional plane wave incident on the spherical inclusion. In the following, the index ‘+’ denotes parameters
corresponding to the fast P wave, the index ‘−’ represents parameters of the slow wave, and primed quantities denote the parameters inside the
obstacle. Following Yamakawa (1962) and Berryman (1985), the plane-wave dilatations and displacements for incident, reflected (scattered)
and refracted (inside the inclusion) waves can be expressed as follows:

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(i) incident plane fast compressional wave

e0 = A0 eik+ r cos θ = A0 (2n + 1)i n jn (k+ r )Pn (cos θ ), (33)

A0 d
u 0r = − (2n + 1)i n jn (k+ r )Pn (cos θ ), (34)
k+2 n=0

A0 1 d
u 0θ = − (2n + 1)i n jn (k+ r ) Pn (cos θ ), (35)
k+2 n=1
r dθ
(ii) reflected fast and slow compressional waves

e1 = Bn+ h (1) − (1)
n (k+ r ) − Bn h n (k− r ) Pn (cos θ ), (36)

Bn+ d (1) B − d (1)
u 1r = − 2
h n (k+ r ) − 2n h n (k− r ) Pn (cos θ), (37)
k+ dr k− dr

Bn+ (1) Bn− (1) d
u 1θ = − h (k + r ) − h (k − r ) Pn (cos θ), (38)
k+2 n k−2 n r dθ
(iii) reflected relative fluid displacement

ζ1 = − Bn− h (1)
n (k− r ) Pn (cos θ ), (39)
C n=0

Bn+ − d (1) H Bn− d (1)
w1r = h n (k + r ) − h n (k − r ) Pn (cos θ), (40)
k+2 dr C k−2 dr
(iv) reflected shear waves

1 1
u 2r = − Cn n(n + 1) h (1)
n (k S r )Pn (cos θ ), (41)
k S2 n=1

1 1 d d
u 2θ = − Cn r h (1)
n (k S r ) Pn (cos θ ), (42)
k S2 n=1
r dr dθ

S 1
w2r = − Cn n(n + 1) h (1) (k S r )Pn (cos θ ), (43)
k S2 n=1
r n
(v) refracted fast and slow compressional waves

e3 = Dn+ jn (k+ r ) − Dn− jn (k− r ) Pn (cos θ ), (44)

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Dn+ d  Dn− d 
u 3r = jn (k+ r ) −  2 jn (k− r ) Pn (cos θ), (45)
(k+ )2 dr (k− ) dr

Dn+  Dn−  d
u 3θ = jn (k+ r ) −  2 jn (k− r ) Pn (cos θ ), (46)
(k+ )2 (k− ) r dθ
(vi) refracted relative fluid displacement

ζ3 = − Dn− jn (k− r ) Pn (cos θ ), (47)
C n=0

H Dn− d 
w3r = − j (k
n − r ) Pn (cos θ ), (48)
C n=0
(k− )2 dr
(vii) refracted shear waves

1 1
u 4r = − E n n(n + 1) jn (k S r )Pn (cos θ ), (49)
(k S )2 n=1

1 1 d d
u 4θ = − En r jn (k S r ) Pn (cos θ ), (50)
(k S )2 n=1
r dr dθ

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where  − and  S are defined in the low-frequency limit of Biot’s theory (Berryman 1985):
k+ (ρf H − ρC)H
− = , (51)
k− ρML
kS ρf H µ
S = , (52)
k− ρML
and j n and h(1)
n represent spherical Bessel functions, and P n Legendre polynomials.

3.2 Equations for the scattering amplitudes

For a spherical inhomogeneity of radius a, the open-pores boundary conditions (22)–(27) are given at the interface r = a by

(H − 2µ)(e0 + e1 ) + 2µ (u 0r + u 1r + u 2r ) − Cζ1

= (H  − 2µ )e3 + 2µ (u 3r + u 4r ) − Cζ3 , (53)
1 ∂ ∂ 1
µ (u 0r + u 1r + u 2r ) + (u 0θ + u 1θ + u 2θ ) − (u 0θ + u 1θ + u 2θ )
r ∂θ ∂r r
1 ∂ ∂ 1
= µ (u 3r + u 4r ) + (u 3θ + u 4θ ) − (u 3θ + u 4θ ) , (54)
r ∂θ ∂r r

u 0r + u 1r + u 2r = u 3r + u 4r , (55)

u 0θ + u 1θ + u 2θ = u 3θ + u 4θ , (56)

C(e0 + e1 ) − Mζ1 = C  e3 − M  ζ3 , (57)

w1r + w2r = w3r . (58)

The first four equations, (53)–(56), correspond to the boundary conditions for an elastic wave scattering from an elastic sphere when fluid
effects are neglected. The last two equations, (57) and (58), determine the relative fluid displacement, and the fifth one (57) is coupled with
the solid displacements. In general, we can write these equations for n ≥ 1 by means of the six unknowns B ± ±
n , Cn , D n , E n as follows:
βnm Bn+ + βnm

Bn− + γnm Cnm + δnm
Dn+ + δnm

Dn− + εnm E n = i n (2n + 1)αnm A0 , (59)
where m = 1, . . . , 6 correspond to (53)–(58), respectively (Berryman 1985). The orthogonality properties of Legendre polynomials ensure the
independence of the coefficients α nm , β ± ±
nm , γ nm , δ nm , ε nm for different values of n. The boundary conditions for n = 0 reduce to four equations
in the four unknowns B± 0 and D ±
0 as follows:
β0m B0+ + β0m

B0− + δ0m
D0+ + δ0m

D0− = α0m A0 , (60)

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where m = 1, 3, 5, 6 correspond to boundary conditions (53), (55), (57) and (58). The coefficients α nm , β ± ±
nm , γ nm , δ nm , ε nm in the low-frequency
approximation of Biot’s theory are given in Appendix A.
Eqs (59)–(60) give the complete formal solution to the problem of scattering from a spherical inhomogeneity in a fluid-saturated porous
medium expressed through the coefficients B+ − + −
n , Bn , C n , Dn , Dn , E n , which can be obtained by solving the linear equations (53)–(58).
Analytical solution of these 6 × 6 and 4 × 4 equations is complicated. Berryman (1985) developed a perturbation method that uses C/K 0 as
a small parameter. A full solution of this problem is developed in the next section.

4 E X P L I C I T S O L U T I O N S F O R T H E S C AT T E R I N G C O E F F I C I E N T S

4.1 Solution for n = 0

Solving the linear system (60) for n = 0 we obtain an exact solution for scattered amplitudes B− −
0 and D0 in the form
ξ− C A0 C C
B0− = (1)   −  , (61)
 (1) H H
h 1 (ξ− ) N  j0 (ξ− ) ξ  − N h 0 (ξ− ) ξ + 4 C 2 (µ − µ )
j1 (ξ  ) − (1) − H  H 
− h 1 (ξ− )

ξ− C  A0 H C C
D0− =   − , (62)
j1 (ξ− )  )
j0 (ξ− (1)
h 0 (ξ− ) 2 H H  H
N ξ − N ξ− + 4 HC H  (µ − µ )

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j1 (ξ  ) −

h 1 (ξ− )

where H  = K  + (4/3)µ, ξ + = k + a, and ξ − = k − a.

As will be shown later, in the long-wavelength limit |ξ + |  |ξ − |  1 this solution coincides with the result of Berryman (1985) for
the order n = 0. However, eqs (61)–(62) represent the full solution for any inclusion smaller than the wavelength of the fast wave |ξ + |  1
without any restriction on ξ − .

4.2 An approximate solution for order n = 1

For order n = 1 (and larger) the scattering coefficients must be derived by solving the 6 × 6 system of eq. (59). This leads to very complicated
expressions, which are difficult to analyse. To simplify this derivation, we note that, according to eqs (33)–(50), the main difference of
scattering in a poroelastic medium from scattering in an elastic medium is the presence of reflected and refracted Biot’s slow waves. At low
frequencies the slow wave manifests itself mainly by the relative fluid displacement—see eq. (16). Conversely, in the normal compressional
and shear waves the solid and fluid move together. It is logical to assume that these classical elastic waves (but obviously not the slow wave)
can be adequately (if approximately) described by the solution of an equivalent elastic scattering problem given by Yamakawa (1962). Such an
equivalent problem must involve actual wavenumbers of the normal (fast) compressional and shear waves in the host and inclusion materials,
which in turn are defined by their undrained moduli given by the Gassmann equation (18).
Once the solution of the equivalent elastic problem (i.e. amplitudes of the reflected and refracted normal compressional and shear waves)
is known, it provides four of the six unknowns of eqs (53)–(58). To complete the solution of the poroelastic problem, these elastic amplitudes
can be substituted into eq. (57). Then the amplitudes of the slow waves B− −
n and Dn can be found by solving the 2 × 2 system of equations
(57)–(58), or, in terms of wave amplitudes, eqs (59) and (60) with m = 5 and m = 6. In the low-frequency limit of Biot’s theory, these equations
+ + − − +
βn5 Bn + βn5 Bn + δn5 Dn+ + δn5

Dn− = i n (2n + 1) αn5 A0 , (63)

+ + − − −
βn6 Bn + βn6 Bn + δn6 Dn− + γn6 Cn = 0. (64)
Solving eqs (63)–(64) for any order n yields the following expressions for B−
n and D−
− E − E −
δn6 X n5 − δn5 X n6 E
X n5 − (δn /δn6 E
)X n6
Bn− = − − − − = − − − − −
, (65)
δn6 βn5 − δn5 βn6 βn6 (βn5 /βn6 ) − (δn5 /δn6 )

− E − E − −
βn6 X n5 − βn5 X n6 E
X n5 − (βn5 /βn6 E
)X n6
Dn− = − − − − = − − − − −
, (66)
δn5 βn6 − δn6 βn5 δn6 (δn5 /δn6 ) − (βn5 /βn6 )
where the factors
+ + +
X n5 = i n (2n + 1)αn5 A0 − βn5 Bn − δn5 Dn+ , (67)
+ +
X n6 = −βn6 Bn − γn6 Cn (68)

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depend only on the amplitudes of the scattered waves for an equivalent elastic problem. In particular, for order n = 1 the solution of the
equivalent elastic scattering problem for the reflected amplitude B+
1 and C 1 is given by (Yamakawa 1962)

A0 ξ+ ρ
B1+ = 1− , (69)
3 ρ
C1 = B1+ , (70)
where ξ + = k + a, and a is the radius of the spherical obstacle.
The analogous solution for the refracted amplitude D+ 1 is

3i A0 ([6µ − µ + 10µ (ρ/ρ  )] (λ + 2µ ) λ + 2µ
D1+ = , (71)
(2λ µ + 3λ µ + 8µ µ + 2µ2 ) λ + 2µ
where the parameters λ, λ , µ, µ are undrained elastic constants given by the Gassmann formalism (11)–(15) both for host and inclusion
properties (with λ = H − 2µ, λ = H  − 2µ ). Note that the expression for D+ 1 has not been published before, since it was not needed in
analysing the elastic scattering. It is, however, needed for our derivation as a coefficient in eq. (63).
Substituting the expressions (69)–(70) into eqs (67)–(68) for = 1 yields
A0 ρ C  ξ+ +
X 15 = −i A0 Cξ+ + iCξ+ 1− + D1 , (72)
3 ρ 3

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X 16 = 2i ˜ − − ˜ s ξ+ B̃1+ , (73)

where B1+ = ξ+3 B̃1+ , − = ξ+2 ˜ − , and  S = ξ+2 ˜ S . Note that the quantities X E15 , X E16 and hence amplitudes B− −
1 and D1 are proportional to
+ − − − −
the parameters ξ + and ξ  , which are assumed to be very small. Thus B 1  B 0 and D 1  D 0 . We can therefore conclude that for small
(compared with the wavelength of the incident wave) inclusions the first-order terms corresponding to the reflected and refracted slow waves
can be neglected.

4.3 Approximate and full solutions for order n = 2

As was the case for order n = 1, the problem for order n = 2 leads to very complicated expressions which are difficult to analyse. Therefore
we will first derive an approximate solution before deriving the full solution.
An approximate solution for order n = 2 can be derived in the same way as for order n = 1, that is by assuming that the scattered normal
compressional and shear wavefields are close to those fields for an equivalent elastic inclusion in an equivalent elastic background.
The solution of the equivalent elastic scattering problem for the reflected B+ +
2 and refracted D2 amplitudes is (Yamakawa 1962)
20 i A0 ξ+3 µ(µ − µ) 1 kS 5
B2+ = , C2 = , (74)
3 (16µµ + 6λµ + 14µ + 9λµ)
  2 2 k+
15µ(λ + 2µ )A0
D2+ =
(16µλ + 19λ µ + 56µ µ + 14µ2 )
16λµ + 21(ρ/ρ  )λµ − 2λµ + 32µ2 − 4µµ + 28(ρ/ρ  )µµ + 14(ρ/ρ  )µ2 (75)
× ,
(16µµ + 9λµ + 6λµ + 14µ2 )
where the parameters λ, λ , µ, µ are as before undrained elastic constants given by the Gassmann formalism (11)–(15) both for host and
inclusion properties.
Similarly to the case for order n = 1, the solution for order n = 2 can be obtained by substituting expressions (74)–(75) into eqs (65)–(66).
In particular, to analyse the elastic factor X E25 given by eq. (65) for n = 2 we again examine and neglect the terms of first and higher order of
ξ + and ξ + . From the expressions for the coefficients α 25 , β + +
25,6 and δ 25,6 given in Appendix A and the approximation of Bessel functions for
small arguments (Abramowitz & Stegun 1965; Yamakawa 1962), it follows that α 25 ≈ ξ 2+ and δ + 2
25 ≈ ξ + . Thus the first (5α 25 A 0 ) and third
+ +
(δ 25 D2 ) terms on the right-hand side of eq. (67) can be neglected, and we have
3iC 20i A0 ξ+3 µ(µ − µ) 20A0 Cµ(µ − µ)
X 25 = =− . (76)
ξ+ 3(16µµ + 6λµ + 14µ + 9λµ)
3   2 (16µµ + 6λµ + 14µ2 + 9λµ)

9i H
X 26 = ˜ − + ˜ s E
X 25 . (77)
C µ

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Scattering amplitude of Biot’s slow wave 999

Now, we can express the scattering amplitudes B− −

2 and D2 using the coefficients for order n = 2 derived in Appendix A as follows:

j1 (ξ− ) N ξ
 ) − ξ 1 − N ξ −2
3 E
j2 (ξ−
X 25
− −
B2 =    

 , (78)
(1)  j1 (ξ− ) h 1 (ξ− )
h 2 (ξ− )ξ− N σ N  ξ  j2 (ξ  ) − ξ  − N ξ−
 L 1 3 1
(1) − ξ−
− − − h 2 (ξ− )

h 1 (ξ− ) E
3 (1) X 25
h 2 (ξ− )
D2− =      . (79)
j1 (ξ−
h 1 (ξ− )
j2 (ξ− )ξ− N σL  1

N  ξ−  )
j2 (ξ−
− ξ3 − 1
N ξ− (1) − 3
− h 2 (ξ− )

To obtain an exact solution for the scattered amplitude B−

2 we have to solve the linear system (59). As mentioned above, the resulting expression
is very complicated; for completeness we present this expression in Appendix B.

4.4 Higher order (n > 2)

For terms of higher (n > 2) order, for example B− −

3 , D3 , etc., the same procedure as for n = 1, 2 shows that all these terms are of first or higher

order in parameters ξ + and/or ξ + and thus their contribution to the scattered slow wavefield can be neglected. Therefore we conclude that
for |ξ + |  1 Biot’s slow wave scattered into the background medium is well approximated by the scattering series terms of order n = 0 and
n = 2.

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Thus Biot’s slow wave scattered into the background medium is well approximated by the expressions
(−) (1) (−) (1)
e1 = − B0 h 0 (k− r ) P0 (cos θ ) + B2 h 2 (k− r ) P2 (cos θ), (80)

H  (−) (1)  
(−) (1)
ζ1 = − B0 h 0 (k− r ) P0 (cos θ ) + B2 h 2 (k− r ) P2 (cos θ) . (81)
Eqs (80)–(81) together with eqs (61), (78) and (B1) in Appendix B for the coefficients B− −
0 and B2 , respectively, constitute the main results
of this paper.

5 C O M PA R I S O N W I T H K N O W N S O L U T I O N S

5.1 Long-wavelength approximation

The result for the scattering amplitude of Biot’s slow wave B− 0 can be compared with the exact solution obtained by Berryman (1985, 1986)
for a spherical inclusion. Berryman’s explicit analytical solution is given by
iξ−3 C A0 4 4 C C
B̂0− =   4  C K 0 + µ − C  K 0 + µ + CC  − . (82)
3M  H K 0 + 3 µ 3 3 M M
This solution has been derived for the long-wavelength approximation; that is, for an inclusion radius very small compared with the wavelength
of both the fast and slow P waves, for example |ξ ± |  1.
To compare our results with eq. (82), we need to substitute the asymptotic formulae for spherical Bessel functions for small arguments
(Abramowitz & Stegun 1965; Yamakawa 1962) into expression (61). With these substitutions, eq. (61) for B− 0 yields an expression identical
to (82).

5.2 Born approximation

Gurevich et al. (1998) derived the solution for the wavefield scattered by a spheroidal inclusion using the Born approximation. This approxi-
mation is only valid when the contrast between the material properties of the inclusion and the background is small. In the case of a spherical
inclusion, the solution of Gurevich et al. (1998) for the scattering amplitude is proportional to ω3/2 at low frequencies (|ξ − |  1) and to ω1/2
at high frequencies (|ξ − |  1). The expression for the scattering amplitude Â− given by Gurevich et al. (1998) is related to ζ 1 as:
Â− = ζ1 , (83)
A0 k−2
and the slow wave amplitude Â− in the case of a sphere of radius a reads:
− a 3 k+ k− C 2 [sin(ξ− ) − ξ− cos(ξ− )] δC δλ + 2δµ cos2 θ
 =  × × − . (84)
M K 0 + 43 µ ξ−3 C (λ + 2µ)
Our solution (81) for the scattering amplitude of the slow wave can be recast in terms of the parameter A− as
A− = A− −
0 + A2 , (85)

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B0− ik+
0 = , (86)
A0 k−2
B2− ik+ 1
2 = − (3 cos2 θ − 1), (87)
A0 k−2 2
where as before ξ + = k + a and ξ − = k − a. To compare our solution with the Born approximation (84), we need to consider our solution in
the limit of low contrast between the material properties of the inclusion and the background:
M − M K − K C − C
 1,  1,  1. (88)
Using the low-contrast conditions (88), writing the inclusion moduli in the form λ = λ + δλ, µ = µ + δµ, C = C + δC, and retaining only
the first-order terms in the contrasts, we obtain
− k− k+ a 3 C 2 (sin ξ− − ξ− cos ξ− ) δC δλ + 23 δµ
A0 =  × × − , (89)
M K 0 + 43 µ ξ−3 C (λ + 2µ)
k+ k− a 3 C 2 (sin ξ− − ξ− cos ξ− ) 2
δµ 3 cos2 θ − 1
A− =−  × × 3
. (90)
M K 0 + 43 µ ξ−3 (λ + 2µ)

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Thus, the total amplitude for the low-contrast approximation (85) is identical to the Born approximation (84). Comparison of our solution
with the Born approximation over the entire frequency range requires numerical calculation. This is done in the next section.

6 A S Y M P T O T I C B E H AV I O U R A N D N U M E R I C A L E X A M P L E S
Before we calculate numerically the dependence of amplitudes B− −
0 and B2 on frequency given by expressions (61) and (78), we analyse
the asymptotic behaviour at low and high frequencies. In the limit of low frequencies, expression (61) for the coefficient B− 0 converts to
Berryman’s explicit analytical solution (82). Thus, the scattering coefficient B−
0 scales in the low-frequency limit as B −
0 ∝ ω 3/2
. The same
frequency dependence holds for the scattering coefficient of order n = 2, and the full expression at low frequencies yields
20 iξ−3 A0 σ Cµ(µ − µ)
B̂2− = − ∝ ω3/2 . (91)
3 L(16µµ + 6λµ + 14µ2 + 9λµ)

In the high-frequency limit, when the inclusion is large compared with the wavelength of Biot’s slow wave, both scattering coefficients
(61) and (78) scale with frequency as ω1/2 . Full expressions for the high-frequency approximation of formulae (61) and (78) yield
i A0 C (C H  − C  H ) ξ−2 −iξ−
B̄0− = e ∝ ω1/2 , (92)
H H  (N  ξ− − N ξ− )

−20i A0 µ (µ − µ) C 2 ξ−
B̄2− = e−iξ− ∝ ω1/2 . (93)
H N  (16µµ + 6λµ + 14µ2 + 9λµ)

The derived analytical expressions (61), (78) and (B1) show how the scattering amplitudes of Biot’s slow wave depend on frequency. To
study the complex expressions (61), (78) and (B1), we carry out numerical calculations. We use the notation of (86) and (87) to express the
total amplitude of the slow wave in the form
B0− ik+ B2− ik+ 1
A− = A− −
0 + A2 = − (3 cos2 θ − 1), (94)
A0 k−2 A0 k−2 2
where B− −
0 and B2 are the scattered amplitudes (61) and (78) or (B1), respectively. Fig. 2 shows the amplitude of Biot’s slow wave scattered
by a fluid-saturated sphere, whose properties differ only slightly from those of the surrounding fluid-saturated porous background. Both rock
and fluid properties are given in Table 1 (Rock 1). This plot shows that at low and high frequencies we obtain the same asymptote as derived
in (91)–(93).
As the example in Fig. 2 demonstrates, for a low contrast in elastic moduli between the inclusion and background material, the full and
approximate solutions are identical. The difference between these solutions can only be seen if this contrast is large. Fig. 3 shows the full and
approximate solutions for the scattered amplitude A− 2 for the situation in which the difference between the background and inclusion elastic
moduli is three orders of magnitude (Table 1, Rock 2). These two solutions differ very slightly only at low frequencies for a large contrast.
Therefore, we conclude that the approximate solution for A− 2 can still be used.

7 C O N C LU S I O N S

In this paper we have derived the analytical solution to the problem of the scattering of an elastic wave by a spherical inclusion of another
poroelastic material. The problem was considered in the low-frequency variant of Biot’s theory of poroelasticity, and for the inclusion size

C 2005 RAS, GJI, 160, 991–1005
Scattering amplitude of Biot’s slow wave 1001

Born, full and approx. solutions
full solution - high contrast
-2 Born approx. - high contrast


Log amplitude

~ω 1/2

~ω 3/2

-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
Log frequency (normalized)
Figure 2. Scattering amplitude of Biot’s slow wave versus normalized frequency. The full solution, approximate solution and Born approximation (solid line)

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are identical for a low contrast in material parameters (Table 1, Rock 1). The Born approximation (dashed line) and full solution (dotted line) are different
for a high contrast in material properties (Table 1, Rock 2). The full solution (94) uses full expressions for Biot’s slow-wave coefficients (61) and (B1). The
approximate solution substitutes in expression (94) Biot’s slow-wave coefficients (61) and (78).



~ω -1/2
Log amplitude


~ω 3/2


-8 full solution: scattered amplitude A-2

approx. solution: scattered amplitude A-2
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
Log frequency (normalized)
Figure 3. Scattering amplitude A− 2 of Biot’s slow wave versus normalized frequency. Full solution (solid line) and approximate solution (dashed line) for the
high contrast in material properties given in Table 1 (Rock 2).

much smaller than the wavelength of the fast compressional wave. In this situation, the solution for the amplitude of the scattered Biot slow
wave (whose presence represents the main difference from the elastic case) is well described by the two terms of order n = 0 and n = 2
of the scattering series. The scattering amplitude for order n = 0 is given by a simple expression (61). The expression for order n = 2 is
very complicated (see Appendix B), but can be simplified assuming that the amplitude of the scattered fast (normal) compressional wave is
well approximated by the solution of the equivalent elastic problem. This assumption yields a simple approximation for the amplitude of the
scattered slow wave, eq. (78), which is quite accurate for a wide range of material properties and is sufficient for the analysis of the scattering
amplitude as a function of frequency.
In the low-frequency limit, the scattering amplitude of the slow wave scales with ω3/2 , and reduces to the asymptotic long-wavelength
solution of Berryman (1985), which is valid for inclusions much smaller than the wavelength of Biot’s slow wave. However, our general
solution does not require this assumption and thus allows the analysis of the scattering problem in a broad frequency range. In particular, for
inclusions larger than the wavelength of Biot’s slow wave, the scattering amplitude is proportional to ω1/2 and is consistent with the results of
Gurevich et al. (1998), which were derived using the Born approximation and therefore were limited to a weak contrast between the inclusion
and the background medium.
The results presented in this paper can be used in the analysis of the effective properties, attenuation and dispersion of elastic waves in
randomly inhomogeneous porous materials. In particular, by computing the energy lost by the incident wave due to scattering into Biot’s slow

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1002 R. Ciz and B. Gurevich

Table 1. Mechanical properties of the sample rocks.

Parameter Rock 1 host Rock 1 inclusion Rock 2 host Rock 2 inclusion
K 0 [GPa] 5.8×109 5.74×109 5.8×109 5.8×106
µ 0 [GPa] 3.4×109 3.37×109 3.4×109 3.4×106
κ [m2 ] 0.95×10−12 0.95×10−12 0.95×10−12 0.95×10−12
φ 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16
K g [GPa] 40×109 39.6×109 40×109 40×106
ρ g [kg m3 ] 2760 2760 2760 2760
K f [GPa] 2.4×109 2.4×109 2.4×109 2.4×109
ρ f [kg m3 ] 1000 1000 1000 1000
η [Pa s] 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001

wave, the attenuation caused by the wave-induced flow of the pore fluid between the host medium and the inclusion can be estimated. This
will be done in a separate publication.

The work of BG was supported by the Centre of Excellence for Exploration and Production Geophysics and by the Curtin Reservoir Geophysics
Consortium. The work of RC was supported by the CSIRO Postdoctoral Fellowship Program.

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Defining ξ ± = k ± a and η = kS a, the coefficients α nm , β ± ±

nm , γ nm , δ nm , ε nm , from the equations for the boundary conditions (53)–(58), which
satisfy the system of equations (59) for n ≥ 1, become
(i) for m = 1 corresponding to (53):
2µ(n + 1)(n + 2) 4µ
αn1 = − H − jn (ξ + ) + jn−1 (ξ + ) , (A1)
ξ+2 ξ+
+ 2µ(n + 1)(n + 2) (1) 4µ (1)
βn1 = H− h n (ξ+ ) + h (ξ+ ), (A2)
ξ+2 ξ+ n−1

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Scattering amplitude of Biot’s slow wave 1003

− 2µ(n + 1)(n + 2) (1) 4µ (1)
βn1 = h n (ξ− ) − h (ξ− ), (A3)
ξ− n−1
2µn(n + 1)  (1) 
γn1 =− ηh (η) − (n + 2) h (1)
(η) , (A4)
η2 n−1 n

+ 2µ (n + 1)(n + 2) 4µ
δn1 =− H − jn (ξ+ ) + j (ξ
n +

) , (A5)
(ξ+ )2 ξ+
− 2µ (n + 1)(n + 2) 4µ
δn1 =− jn (ξ− ) + jn (ξ− ), (A6)
(ξ− )2 ξ−
2µ n (n + 1)
εn1 = η jn−1 (η ) − (n + 2) jn (η ) ; (A7)
(ii) m = 2 corresponding to (54):

αn2 = − [(n + 2) jn (ξ+ ) − ξ+ jn−1 (ξ+ )] , (A8)

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+ 2µ  (1)

βn2 = (n + 2)h (1)
(ξ + ) − ξ + h (ξ + ) , (A9)
ξ+2 n n−1

− 2µ  (1)

βn2 =− n (ξ− ) − ξ− h n−1 (ξ− ) ,
(n + 2)h (1) (A10)

µ (1)
γn2 = 2ηh n−1 (η) + η2 − 2n (n + 2) h (1)
n (η) , (A11)
+ 2µ
δn2 =− (n + 2) jn (ξ+ ) − ξ+ jn−1 (ξ+ ) , (A12)
(ξ+ )2
− 2µ
δn2 = (n + 2) jn (ξ− ) − ξ− jn−1 (ξ− ) , (A13)
(ξ− )2
εn2 =− 2η jn−1 (η ) + [η2 − 2n (n + 2)] jn (η ) ; (A14)
(iii) m = 3 corresponding to (55):
1 (n + 1)
αn3 = jn−1 (ξ+ ) − jn (ξ+ ) , (A15)
ξ+ ξ+
+ 1 (1) (n + 1) (1)
βn3 =− h n−1 (ξ+ ) − h n (ξ+ ) , (A16)
ξ+ ξ+
− 1 (1) (n + 1) (1)
βn3 = h n−1 (ξ− ) − h n (ξ− ) , (A17)
ξ− ξ−
n (n + 1) (1)
γn3 = − h n (η), (A18)
+ 1 (n + 1)
δn3 = jn−1 (ξ+ ) − jn (ξ+ ) , (A19)
ξ+ ξ+
− 1 (n + 1)
δn3 =− jn−1 (ξ− ) − jn (ξ− ) , (A20)
ξ− ξ−
n (n + 1)
εn3 = jn (η ); (A21)

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1004 R. Ciz and B. Gurevich

(iv) m = 4 corresponding to (56):

αn4 = jn (ξ+ ), (A22)
+ 1
βn4 =− h (1)
n (ξ+ ), (A23)
− 1
βn4 = h (1)
n (ξ− ), (A24)
1  (1) 
γn4 = − ηh n−1 (η) − nh (1)
n (η) , (A25)
η 2

+ 1
δn4 = jn (ξ+ ), (A26)
(ξ+ )2
− 1
δn4 =− jn (ξ− ), (A27)
(ξ− )2
η jn−1 (η ) − n jn (η ) ;

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εn4 = (A28)
(v) m = 5 corresponding to (57):
αn5 = −C jn (ξ+ ), (A29)

βn5 = Ch (1)
n (ξ+ ), (A30)

− H L (1)
βn5 =− C−M n (ξ− ) =
h (1) h (ξ− ), (A31)
C σ n

δn5 = −C  jn (ξ+ ), (A32)

− H L
δn5 = C  − M   jn (ξ− ) = −  jn (ξ− ), (A33)
C σ

εn5 = 0, γn5 = 0; (A34)

(vi) m = 6 corresponding to (58):
αn6 = 0, δn6 = 0, εn6 = 0, (A35)

+ − (1) n + 1 (1)
βn6 =− h n−1 (ξ+ ) − h n (ξ+ ) , (A36)
ξ+ ξ+
n(n + 1) (1)
γn6 = − S h n (η), (A37)
− H (1) n + 1 (1)
βn6 = h n−1 (ξ− ) − h n (ξ− ) , (A38)
Cξ− ξ−
− H n+1
jn−1 (ξ− ) − jn (ξ− ) ,
δn6 =− (A39)
Cξ− ξ−

A P P E N D I X B : S C AT T E R I N G A M P L I T U D E F O R T H E O R D E R n = 2

The full solution for B−

2 is complicated and can be expressed as
 j ξ  
( ) N  ξ 2
20A0 Cµ (µ − µ) j1 ξ− − ξ3 1 − N ξ −2
2( −) −
B2− =

, (B1)
Z [Q 1 + Q 2 + Q 3 ]

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Scattering amplitude of Biot’s slow wave 1005

where the coefficients Q 1 , Q 2 and Q 3 are

(1)  L 1 j1 (ξ− ) 3 1 h 1 (ξ− ) 3
Q 1 = h 2 (ξ− )ξ− N − − − , (B2)
σ N  ξ− j2 (ξ− ) ξ− N ξ− h (1)
2 (ξ− )
12Cµ (µ − µ) h 1 (ξ− )
j1 (ξ− ) 3
Q2 = − , (B3)
Z ξ− j2 (ξ− ) ξ−
168H C 2 µ (µ − µ) h 2 (ξ− )
j1 (ξ− ) 5
h 1 (ξ− ) 3
Q3 = 
−  − , (B4)
YC H ξ− j2 (ξ− ) ξ− h 2 (ξ− ) ξ−

and Z and Y read

Z = 4µµ + 6H µ − 4µ2 + 9H µ, (B5)

Y = 24µµ + 16H  µ + 9H  µ − 24µ2 . (B6)

Note, that by analysing the expressions Q 1 , Q 2 and Q 3 we can easily see that Q 2 and Q 3 are small and can be neglected if C/H  1.
Considering this condition, the expression (B1) reduces to the approximate solution (78).

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