My Long Lost Arranged Husband

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My long lost arranged husband.

I knock on the The door. This guy is really serious
about ignoring me, It's been a while since we've
talked or met. I tryed calling him but he doesn't pick
up and when I text him he doesn't even reply. I
think his phone is broken or some... I knock again,if
his phone is really broken I'll have to buy him
another one.
The door opens and he stands there wearing
nothing but his briefs with his six pack on display. I
just in his arms but he pulled me out of his arms,
that was weird.
Him:what do you want leo?
Me:what kinda question is that? Am here to see you
babe. Plus I've been soo worried about you and
when I finally come to see you your being rude!?
Him: Obviously the signs I left for you weren't
enough right?
Me:what's wrong babe? What are you talking
Him:uhm.... Leo. Am sorry but....
"Babe who are you talking too"
WTF, is he cheating on me? A girl wearing a bra
and a bikini comes to the lounge. Damn! She's
beautiful,she's a yellow bone. She isn't like me she is
a slender while I am chubby. She's beautiful
compared to me,Wait isn't she his baby sister Betty?
Her:(to me) ooooh you! What are you doing here!
(to Matt) you promised to get rid of her..You know
what am going home.
She disappeared to Matt's room. Matt looked at me
and he's angry.. What just happened? why was
Matt's sister naked in our apartment? Wtf.
Him:isn't it obvious I broke up with you?
I swear I went deaf right there.
Me:is this some kinda of a joke? Tell me your joking
right now. You are breaking up with me? And why is
your sister wearing like that in here?
Him:Leo am sorry but am breaking up with you. I
never loved you. I was just using you since my
girlfriend was finishing her studies in USA and now
she's back. You are not even my type you fat ass!.
Is this guy joking? My lips are trembling. Tears are
building up.
Betty comes out of Matt's room wearing a crop top
and a high waist with her heels making sounds.
Betty:am leaving, I can't stand her and you know it
why didn't you make it official that your breaking up
with her.. Ooooh (to me) and am not his sister if
that's what you were told.
She pulls her bags and walks to the door.
Matt:babe please don't go. Liorna what part of ITS
OVER didn't you get? Huh. I said it's over. I'll pay you
the money I owe you at month end. For now leave
me and my girlfriend alone. There's no more US....
Oooh let me think there was never US. I want you to
stay away from my girlfriend and me. You hear that.
(to Betty) babe please don't go,this hoe was just on
her way out.(to me) right leo?
I burst into tears. I look at them. Betty looks like she
is holding a laughter.
Me: One day your gonna remember this day and
you will regret what you did to me, my tears won't
be in vain. These are the tears of an orphan. One
day is one day I promise you. God never sleeps am
telling. Your day is coming....
Heyy. My name is Liorna Ibanathi Jackson. 23 years
old, I just graduated few months ago.. I work as a
lawyer at one of the most trusted, successful and
biggest law firm in South Africa. We'll am an orphan.
My parents died when I was doing my first year at
varsity. But before they died they told me that am
already married. They said that when mom was
pregnant. Her pregnancy was complicated and they
had to do an operation or she will lose her baby.
Soo they had no choice but to ask for help.. And
they were were lucky they were offered help by the
Peterson's. My parents didn't have money to pay
soo they decided to have me marry their son when I
turn 20 but unfortunately my mom and dad had to
move away due to their works.... Soo I really don't
remember my soo called husband but I have a
picture of us as babies. Well we moved away when I
was 5 soo I really don't remember him that well.
Mom say I have a tattoo of his name on my back
even he has it. I tryed to look for the Peterson's
family but there's too many Peterson's in South
Africa. Just because am married it didn't mean I
don't have to cheat on my unknown hubby. And
today I just got dumped soo bad my heart is
Join me on this journey of self discovery and to
finding my long lost hubby. Insert 1
Me:I'll get out but can I atleast take my clothes and
other things?
Matt:oukay, your clothes are in the guest room.
The nerve the guy has to tell me that!wow.i walk to
the guest room. I search around the room until I see
a traveling bag. I packed all my clothes and hand
bags but my Gucci hand bag is missing. I walk back
to the launge only to find the bi**h holding my
phone and searching my bag.But I don't think she
they noticed me.
Betty:wow!she's using an iPhone babe a whole
fucken iPhone. She must be stinky! She
has that lipstick from that new American brand....
Babe am taking it..
Matt:babe that's stealing.. How low can stoop
Betty:babe am not stealing, am taking it.
I cleared my throat and they turned to look at me.
Matt:ooooh Leo!
Me:no need Matt.. Oooh Betty if you would have
asked nicely I would have given it to you. But your
stealing my things but it's oukay you Can keep it
babe. Can I have my things..... Be careful don't touch
it like that hunny. You can't afford it.
She angrily dropped it on the floor and stormed out
of the room. I chuckled.matt looks soo embarrassed
he picked it up and gave it to me along with my
Matt:am sorry about that it wa.....
Me:it's oukayy. Can I stay just for few minutes, zaza
is on her way to pick me up. I can't drive in this
state. Please.
Matt:no problem. Can I get you anything to drink.
Me:noo thanks
"Babe the bi**h is finally gone come let's have some
fun babes. I've put on that sexy number you love."
Matt looked at me embarrassed and angry.
Matt:excuse me.
He disappeared to his room.
Few minutes later the were moans and groans filling
the room. Tears just made their way down. Then a
knock came through I didn't even wipe my tears
course from the way this person is knocking its zaza
and max. I stood up and opened the door as soon as
i saw zaza I burst into crying. Zaza hugs me why max
takes my bags. Even they heard the moans.
Zaza:Lio,soo u were sitting here listening to this
nonsense in your own apartment. Sometimes I
really don't get you. How can you let these hoes
treat you like this why leo. Mii chom your more than
that Lio kanti why. Where's the old Leo who didn't
give a damn huh?
Max:I can't stand this am going in there and am
gonna rearrange their faces...Insert 2
Me:"max! Noo stop please... It's not worth it."
max is a piece of work, am hugging his waistline
trying to stop him from doing whatever that's in his
Me:"I'll buy you that makeup kit you always
wanted.. I promise... Oukay that's not working...
Uhm I will take you shopping.. I'll take you to
I don't know what to do. Zaza is just enjoying the
view and not helping ooh God the friends you gave
Me:" Zee please help.."
Zaza:" just let him do his thing."
Me:"hes gonna kill them for God's sake..!"
Zaz:"that's even better.. When his done with them
I'll murder them dead!(to max) kill them
she's pouring paraffin to the fire.i make a sad puppy
face and look at Zaza.
Zaza:"noo not the puppy face..sorry huns its not
gonna work. We are tired of these motherf**kers
playing with your heart like it's nothing.your a
human too you got feelings. You just don't
"can Y'all just keep it down in there, me and love are
trying out for a baby"
I felt my heart breaking into pieces, I felt a tear fall..
My eyes are filled with tears . Max stopped trying to
move.then the door to Matt's room opened Betty h
got out of it wearing an oversized t-shirt.
Max:"what did you just say! Are you kidding me?
Leo just let me deal with this bi**h right here right
I don't know when or how but max was already on
top of her beating her black and blue.
Its kinda funny how Betty talk too much but here
she is screaming on top of her lungs... I wonder why
Matt isn't here to help his annoying girlfriend.
This fight is getting messy for my likings.
Me:"sthandwa sam I think she had enough, you
should let her go!" max let's her go but you can see
that this is not over. I walk over to Betty to help her
stand up but she pushes me away roughly and I fall.
Zaza:"I was feeling sorry for you but now your
gonna get it from me."
"there's no way that's gonna happen here" it was
matt.looks like he just came out of a showed, that
explains why he wasn't he wasnt here when her
fake as girl was being rearranged.. he wasn't
wearing anything on top he had a towel wrapped
around his waistline. Damn he looks so sexy. What
am I thinking... He just broke my heart and am
thinking sh*t. What a wow. I can't believe myself. I
took my things and left them. My heart hurts.. I got
inside Max's Car and sat in side.. My sobs filled the
whole Car.i burst into tears. I called my PA.
Me:"Heyy candy, it's Leo here."
Candy:"hello mam."
Me:"can you email me my schedule for the rest of
the day."
Candy:"oooukay.. Done."
Me:"thank you."
Candy:"are you still coming to work?"
Me:"no... Ooh please tell Mr Nhlapo that I won't be
able to come to work for a few days am not feeling
well and cancel my meetings... Bye"
Candy:oukay mam. But there's definitely something
wrong you. I hope whatever it is you fix it and get
well soon I'll keep calling to check up on you bye."
she hung up.
Betty:" babe look at what they did to me. Teach
them a lesson babe.! They must... "
Matt:" Oooh please shut up Betty... I've heard
enough of you.. Just shut up"
Zaza:"yeah you better tame that chiwawa of yours."
Max:"i don't know if your stupid or what...."
Zaza:"he's the most stupidest being on earth
Max:"our friend bought an apartment a whole
f*ck*n apartment, she provides you with food, buys
you clothes pays the bills then you drop her like a
hot potato! She even bought every thing in this
apartment even that towel around your waistline..."
Betty:"heyyy! You've crossed the line... Everything
you've said is wrong... I know Y'all love your Bestie
but everything you see here my boyfriend worked
hard for it. Right bape? Tell them.."
Zaza:"what happened Matt? Cat cought your
tongue..? Huh.. Tell her. You broke leo's heart, she
loved you with everything she had... she even went
to the extent of buying you an apartment. You
ungrateful brat..your day is coming Matt. I promise
you your gonna get what you deserve...Oooh and
enjoy it while it lasts couse your gonna miss it.. "
Just like that max and zaza left the apartment and
drove their friend to her house.
Me:" Sthandwa sam please open the door or I'll
break it"
Its been a week already and she's still crying and
drinking.. All day. I know a break up hurts but noo
mahn. The door finally opened.
Leo:"oooh babe, come in sthandwa sam. Do you
want something to drink.. Wine? Champagne?
Beer? Water?."
Me:"water wi..."
Lio:"wait that's my favorite jam... Wooo
utlwa(listen) ....
Ayy amanikiniki
Ayy cheese
Ayy chickene
Ayy beef
Ayy a a Niki Nats.."
Ayboo that's not how the song goes..nkosi yam(my
lord). She trys to dance but she fall.. She ends up
Lio:"change the song I wanna tweak. I want WAP or
Level up."
I Ignore her she ends up doing it her self.. Let me
take a video I'll show her when she's sober. I start
recording without her seeing me.
Lio:"Hoes in this house, there's some hoes in the
Nana Na seven days a week.. Wet a*s p*ssy put that
Nana Na to sleep yeah wap, wap wap, blah blah
Oooh Jesus wheres cardi and Meghan? They would
be soo angry hearing her singing their song like this.i
stop recording the video... I went to Lower the
music down..
Lio:" heyyy, what are you doing? Don't be a party
popper mahn. I snapped her bottle of wine and
made her sit down..
Me:" listen here leo. Am not happy seeing you like
this. It breaks my heart seeing you like this... Am
sure not even mom and dad are happy where ever
they are. Do you think they would be happy seeing
you in this state?. Hunny I know it hurts but
drowning your self in alcohol isn't gonna work. You
need to stand up for your rights we are not always
gonna be there to help you out... These
matheref*ck*rs have turned you into a softy..
Weres the old Leo? The sweet but psycho Leo? The
savage Leo? The badass Leo? The Leo that doesn't
tolerate shit? Where is she?.... I want you to go to
your room and take a bath while I clean the house
neh... And don't even think about arguing with me
about it.. I'll order some pizza and burgers we'll eat
after that your going to sleep.. "
She went straight to her room. I started cleaning the
launge then the kitchen then the rest of the house
and sprayed some air freshener. I poured my self
some water and ordered some pizza and burgers.. I
switched the TV on while I wait for the delivery guy..
Insert 3.
I was lotioning but I wasn't concentrating. Max's
words kept ringing in my head. When did I become
this girl? From when do i buy a guy a fucken
apartment. The old me would never do such a thing,
mom and Dad would be disappointed in me. This
wasn't the plan. Love made me weak, insecure, ugly
and all that sh*t...... These f**kers made me feel
soo insecure asf, I was never this weak. I feel soo
stupid right now prolly the dumbest person on
earth,i mean who buys a boyfriend a whole f*cken
apartment? All the stupid things I've done crazy in
I think i started being desperate for love when my
parents died and I had no one. The only ones I
thought had my back betrayed me. My boyfriend
and best friend betrayed me. Two days after the
funeral I found my boyfriend and and best friend
having sex in my parents house, on my parents
sofa. My heart was broken,I lost my parents now
the only ones I had leave. I broke up with them. I
think that's where I started being desperate for love
to a point I started to do anything my boyfriends
wanted then they started to control me and I just
allowed them to use me..that was the stupidest
thing I did. I let them take me for a ride...
Matt? I mett him last year. He came to my house
looking for work he was even willing to be a house
maid, I hired him as my garden boy. Soo I ended up
falling in love with him, and he confessed that the
feeling is mutual. We ended up dating then
suddenly his roommate moved out and he couldn't
afford the rent on his own soo he moved in with
me..and he suggested we buy an apartment for
our weekend getaway,but he didn't pay a cent for
that appointment.....Then he ended up moving
there. But I didn't have any problems since he
wanted his "bro space" Kanti noo mahn am I was
being used but I was blinded buy my one sided love
to see! Here I am being dumbed by Matt the same
one who was willing to be my maid. Wow! I
snapped out of my thoughts and wore my panties
and bra just then the door opens.
Max:"bvbe you've been In here for a whole hour.
Are you oukay?"
Me:"yeah am good, I was thinking about what you
I turn to pick up my night dress. Max came close to
Max:"I never knew you had a tattoo and who is
Me:"I don't know him, noo I do know him I just
don't remember him."
Max:" is he an ex, I don't know about?
Me:" no he's umn. He's my arranged husband."
Max:"wait what!....your married? A whole fucken
hubby?and you never told you us anything about
being married... Soo where is he?"
I tell him what my parents told me before they
passed on.
Max:"soo he's sphamandla Peterson. And he has a
tattoo of your name on his chest... That's all you
know about hubby? Wow"
Me:"yepp! Let's go eat am hungry."
Max:"oukay.. You'll find me down stairs Mrs
Me:"it's not funny max!"
I wore my night dress and socks. And went down
stair,it was Cleaned and smells fresh. Sat down and
Max:"soo that picture of two toddlers playing in
your bedroom is actually you and sphamandla?"
Honestly am not in the mood to talk I just wanna eat
and go back to sleep.
Max:"what if you find him but he's in a relationship
or married or even has kids or gayy."
Me:"then I will leave them in peace."
Max:"Oooh oukay. What if he's someone you know
but you don't know his second name.. Like you your
other name is Ibanathi but most people call you
Me:"honestly I don't know chommie. I've tried
searching for the Peterson family but there too
many Petersons. I kinda gave up.. Maybe he'll try
look for me.... If he's married he can just be my
older brother since he's 3 years older..."
Max:"he's 3 years older!maybe there's something
he remembers about you there's no way he doesn't
remember you."
Max:"Chommiey I gotta go,i have a.. a..
Presentation to make and you know how my boss is
soo.... Mchwaa see you when I see you! Don't
drink again and goo to sleep."
Me:"but you said your on leave.? And I was kinda
thinking maybe you could sleep over."
Max:"am sorry huns byee."
I kinda get the feeling that he's planning grateful to God for giving me
friends like them. I miss my office.
I finished eating. And cleaning the kitchen counter
then lock the doors and switched off the lights and
went to sleep..
I woke up screaming my moms name... In my dream
mom and Dad where angry at me they didn't even
want to talk to me. I kept on screaming their
names until mom pushed me of the clouds. Even I
don't know what I was doing in a house that's in the
I got out of bed and made my bed,went to the
bathroom and brushed my teeth and washed my
face. Then I went down stairs.Insert 4
Liorna's POV.
I went downstairs and started cleaning around the
house,watered the garden and did some
laundry..i've done everything now, I've got nothing
to do. I went to the kitchen made some 5 minutes
noodles and ate. After I was done eating I washed
the dishes and went to my room and called my
bitxh! The phone rang for few minutes then she
picked up.
Zaza:sthandwa sam!
Me:how was your night babeyy!
Zaza:only if you knew.. I was busy with looking for
yo.. I meant... That... Uhm...lost file. You know. Any
way was your night.
Me:uhm... It was great.. Chommy i was hoping that I
could take Y'all out.. am feeling much better korr ke
Zaza: eish.. Friend I wish but I really can't I have to
find that file.
Me:even if your life depends on it?
Zaza:sorry chommie, I'll make it up to you but for
now I have to find that shoe.
Me:TF.. but weren't you looking for a file?
Zaza:I.. I.. Uhm.
"Zee I think I found him... Yea it's him yepppie"
Wait that's Max's voice,but max said he has a
presentation.. Soo he was ditching me..
Me: is that max? Are you with max?
Zaza:whatttt?max here...? Naah max isn't here,look
friend we'll talk later I gotta go.
Me:but zee...!
She hung up on me.. I tryed to call max but it took
me straight to voicemail. Soo they are ditching
me...oukay then I guess am taking my self out, imma
spoil the my self.. I took a shower and and lotioned.
I wore a body hugging dress, it showed my curves
and cleavage.. Korr it showed all my assets and it
wasn't relieving, with some jeans jacket and my
sandles and a side bag. I took my BMW M4 car keys.
Locked the house and got inside my car and started
playing some songs and singing along while favorites song was playing. I sang along.
I wanna get married, like the curry's steph and
ayesha sh*t.
But we more like belly;Tommy and Keisha sh*t
Gave you TLC, you wanna creep and sh*t
Poured out my whole heart to a piece of sh*t
Man, I thought you would've learned your lesson.
'bout liking pictures, not returning' texts
I guess its fine, man I get the massage
You still stutter after certain questions
You keepin' contact with certain exes
Do you though
Trust me, niggas, it's cool though
Said that you are working, but you're out here
chasin' culo
And putas, chillin' poolside, living two lives
I could've did what you did to me to you a few times
But if I decide to slide, find a nigga, f**k him, s**k
his dick you would've been pissed
But that's not my M.O, am not that typa bi**h
And karma for for you it's gonna be who you end up
Don't make me sick nigga.
Me: yepppie.i finally got the lyrics for the first
I've arrived at the mall..
I look for a spot to pack my car, I finally spot the
spot. Every one Is looking at the car, expecially the
girls am sure they are expecting a guy to get out of
the car haaa lol... I can't wait to see the looks on
their faces girls will always be girls..
.. I carefully packed my car and looked at my self in
the mirror and applied my red lip stick and wore my
sunglasses.Insert 5
Liorna's pov
The minute I got out of the car mostly girls were
disappointed... They where hoping that a man
would hop outta the car but no it had to be a girl
jeez. The guys were impressed... I mean Duh! They
had to be impressed I mean I drive a nice car got
ass, curves and boobs the only thing getting on my
way is my belly but it's not that big plus am single...
As I was busy completing my self I heard some h*es
say something.
Them: attention seeker! She just wants attention...
Am sure even the car is not hers... Mxm look at her
walking like she own the place. Am sure she rented
the car.
I turned and looked at them,then removed my
sunglasses... I looked at them from head to toe. I
smiled, i wore my sunglasses.
Me: Be careful what you wish for, i might just own
Girl 1: Oooh please! Who are you? Jesus?
Girl 2:Oooh my gosh! I can't believe it.. It's Liorna
Jackson.. Arrrrh... Ma'am am a big fan of your
work... I follow you everywhere on Facebook,
Instagram, Twitter, YouTube even on Tik Tok... Can I
take a picture with you please... Your an
inspiration... Please.
Me:I didn't know am a celebrity, oukay let's take
some snaps quickly I got somewhere to be.
I took some pictures with her... The rest of her gang
followed their leader,Then she ran after them.
Me:peer pressure at its fullest... Haa Lol. Soo where
do I start?
I started shopping Shop to shop... I went to spot
scene I bought some Nike and Adidas track pants
and some tights. Suddenly I just felt the need to go
to a nearby restaurant. Oukay I went in I was shown
where to sit.
"good afternoon ma'am. Am tumelo Kganya and am
your waiter for today here's your manu."
His voice is deep but not that deep its kinda panty is already soaked.. I looked up only
to meet his Hazel blue eye,his wet pink lips he licks
the upper lip... I don't know why but I kinda find it
Him: a picture lasts longer.
Then he chuckles and smile revealing is dimple on
his left cheek. I look down embarrassed.Insert 6
Liorna's POV.
I've never met someone who makes me wet without
even touching me..he takes a sit.
Him:and she blushes damn she's cute.
Me:thank you... How can I help you sir since your
not a waiter.
Him:forget about that. What's a beautiful lady like
you doing here all by herself?
I raised my hand up and signaled the waiter that am
ready to order.
Me:it's called taking your self out. Thanks for the
company but I wanna be alone.
Him:Mmmh faisty I like you already.
"good day ma'am, sir. Am blossom and your
waiter for today. What would you like to have."
Me:hi, I would like a piece of a red velvet cake and a
can of soda with a straw please.
"and you sir"
Him:water will be fine ooh and make me a takeawaY
of chocolate muffins.
"oukay, you guys look great together,jealous down!"
Me:Oooh noo we ar...
Him:thank you!
The waiter went away after taking our orders.
I gave him a death stare..
Him: what? Don't look at me like that!oukay am
Me:yeah you better! What do you want from me
Him:your not even interested in what I have or
who I am? Since your not gonna ask... Am Austin n
I looked at him.. He things am one of those slay
queen. That are all about money all that. The old
Liorna is back.
Me:Dude am not interested in knowing who your
are or what you have. I came here to spoil my self
not a date I didn't agree on.
Austin:you really don't want anything to do with me
do you?
Me:man I don't even know you for God's sake.
Oukay you can call Leo!
Austin:just Lio?
"here's your order, my couple"
she gave us our food then left. I ate and he was
telling me his childhood stories. It was kinda fun.
Better than being alone... We continued to shop he
insisted to tagg along. We went to a new boutique
he disappeared than he came back with a dress and
a necklace he gave them to me... Wow these a
beautiful xem. They would fit me perfectly. My
phone rang it's max..
Me:hey max
Max:sthandwa sam.
Me:O batlang Maxwell?(what do you want Maxwell)
Max:o nkwatetxe? (are you angry at me)
Me:what do you think!
Max:sorry I didn't mean too... We were busy loo..
Me:I don't wanna hear it oukay.
Austin looked at me.
Austin:are you oukay Leo?
Me:yeah. Am ouk am and thanks for the dress but I
gotta go.
Max:are you with a guy?
Me:kinda! I'll meet you at my house.
I hung up and a hugged Austin.
Me:thanks for keeping me company and for the
Him:it's oukay. I would love to do this again...oooh
the dress is already payed for the dress... Do you
want a lift?
Me:nah I got my own wheels bye.
I left when I was I about to open my car I heard
something one calling me..
"Lio? Lio?" I turned to look at who is calling me. It's
Me:you can't get enough of me? He chuckled.
Austin:maybe. Uhm here.. I ordered these for you.
He gave me a plastic.
Me:thanks eyy. Uhm I guess this is goodbye.
Him:I doesn't have to be. Woow is this your car?
Me:yeah. It's a big deal.
I opened the boot and placed my bags then closed it
then went inside my car then closed the door.
I connected my phone and listened to music I drove
out... Wow what a day..
[Liorna's house]
I arrived at home and took my things out of the
boot and made my way into the house... I found
these b**ches of mine watching TV.
Zaza:soo you already found a new boyfriend soo
fast chommy.!
Max:his voice is very commanding. I heard it that
time he was asking you if your oukay.
Me:yooh chommie am telling you... I was wet the
first time I heard his voice chommie. I told them
everything about what happened..
Zee:wait you did give him your number right?
Me:Oooh Jesus why mee...arh.i totally forgot.
Max:aww chommie how can you forget nawe.
Me:we both were having fun that we even forgot to
exchange numbers..
Zee:atleast Y'all exchange name & surnames...
Maybe he's gonna search for you.. What his names?
Me:uhm.. I kinda told him that am Leo... I didn't tell
him my full names nor did he... He just told me that
he's Austin..
Them:chommy.. Yoh yoh yoh🙆‍♀️. Mara chommie..
Max:Yooh Haii I give up.. Soo how is he gonna find
you if he only knows you as Leo? It could be Leon..
Leonardo bla bla your name is unique..
He's never gonna figure it out.. Yoh a keitsi(I don't
daily new african novels download here

Insert 7
The rest of our day was great, we had drinks, we
danced, we chilled and they where making fun of
me for not giving Austin my numbers. I mean wtf! I
was waiting for him to ask for my numbers not me
giving him my numbers... It would seem like am
desperate for him and am not! I miss my office....
Max: I think I should get going,kat said he's outside.
Me:aaarh guys.. Why don't Y'all sleep over.. I miss
having Y'all all to my self....tell him to come inside,i
haven't seen him in a while.
Max:its late Lio and I have to go to work tomorrow...
Noo his not coming in.
Zee:your not going anywhere... He has to come in
here to get you himself. Max's phone rings he
Max:they want you to come get me.
Max:ouk.. Your on speaker mode they are listening.
Caller: guys please am tired.. I just came back from
work. Just let him go.
Me: the voice says otherwise.
Kat:please guys.
Zee:you've been avoiding us lately....we just wanna
see you.
Me:or else your gonna Wait there all afternoon. You
know we aren't joking.
Max:Y'all are abusing my boo.
Kat:am knocking open the door.Y'all noisy that's
why am distancing my self from Y'all.
Me:the door isn't locked get in.
Kat:am not coming in.. Y'all gonna be forcing me to
sit down and have drinks with Y'all.
Zee:oukay we are coming there.
He hung up.
They packed their things
Me:zee even you are leaving me alone?
Zee:sorry sthandwa(love) ,i have...
Max:you have to what couse you are single were
you going? Just stay here with Lio and warm each
other's beds or cuddle each other all night.
Zee:tsek max! Who said am single?
She blushes...
Me:hahaha,not funny max!... Wait zee is blushing.
Who is it? Is it thabang? Zack? The new neighbor?
She blushes even more when I mentioned new
neighbor. Her cheeks are red.
Max:aaaaah zee it's the new neighbor right? Why
didn't you tell us?
Zee:it's still new I didn't wanna jinx it.
Me:soo am the only one single?.. This isn't fair!
Kat:guys I have been waiting on the door for a
whole 30 minutes...
Me: katlehoooo! My dawg I haven't seen you for a
whole 6 months.
Zee: dawg!
We exchange hand shakes and hugs there and
there. Katlego is Max's boyfriend (max is gay) the
have been dating for about 7 years now. Katlego is a
quiet person then max on the other side is loud I
always wonder how they are when they are at their
Kat:I haven't seen Y'all in like forever.
Me:eix. Kuu(it's) baaad phela. We always busy or
something... With the high unemployment rate in
our country we can't take our jobs for granted xem,
soo we always busy.
Kat:yeah,oukay guys Y'all seen me, max we should
really get going.
I make a sad puppy face.
Me:are Y'all sure you don't wanna stay?
Zee:sorry my love. See you when I see you bye guys.
Max & Kat also leaves. I start cleaning around the
lounge. I showere and wore my silk night dress and
sleepers and went down stairs... Made my self some
food. I tryed searching for Austin on Instagram &
Twitter but I didn't find him. I Finished cooking and
ate after I made some hot chocolate, locked the
doors and when to my bedroom. I called my P.A.
Candy: hello ma'am.
Me:don't call me that,your making me sound like a
mid-aged woman.
She chuckles
Candy:oukay Lio.
Me:yeah,that's more like it... I want you to tell boss
that am coming to work tomorrow...
Candy:thank God.. plus there's this man who said he
wants non other than you to handle his case.... he
called today asking for your number but I didn't give
him,i told him your on holiday.
Me:oukay then set up a meeting with man for
tomorrow morning at a nearby restaurant.
Candy:oukay ma'am I meant leo.
I chuckle
Me:oukay that's all thanks... Have a good night
Candy:same goes for you.
I hung up and drank my hot chocolate and went
straight to bed.
[Dream land]
I looked around am in my room. I stand up..
Suddenly there's a nock on my bedroom door.
Me:who is it?
"it's us Nathi vula(open)"
Only my mom calls me like that... I ran towards the
door and open the door.. I hugged them soo tightly..
I swear they couldn't breath. I just didn't wanna let
them go.
Dad:I can't breathe Liorna
I laugh and let them go..
Mom:hey baby
Me:hey mommy.
A tear escapes. Mom. Wipes it off.
Dad:don't cry baby.
Me:I missed you guys.
Mom:we are here now soo don't cry...
Me:don't leave me alone again...
Dad:but your not alone... You have Zanele(zee/Zaza)
and Maxwell(max).
Mom:plus we never left.we always with you.
Dad:we don't have time we need you to listen and
listen carefully this is serious.
Mom:Ibanathi/Liorna when he approaches you
don't turn him down... There will be ups and downs,
they are gonna be obstacles on the way but don't
lose hope you and him were meant to be.they are
gonna try and brake Y'all up...not every one's will be
happy with your relationship with him... Give him a
chance....have hope, faith and believe... Don't forget
to pray. No metter what happens never lose hope
and never give up.
Dad:daddies lil champ look at you. Your a successful
young lady.. We are proud of you. I couldn't be you have a baby brother and he
needs you. Find your brother and husband and the
rest shall follow. We love you babe.. Remember
there's light at the end of a tunnel... Trust in the
almighty father and pray.. You'll forever be in our
hearts. We'll always be with you.
Me:I have a lil brother I don't know about... Mom
how could you hide my brother from me?
Dad:Noo....I once cheated on your mother.. I was
ashamed to tell your mother about him soo I kept
him a secret and kept sending him money. Now his
mother is dead and he is struggling.
Me:wow too much info. Soo where do I start looking
for him?
Dad:find your husband he will lead you to your
Me: eix.. And where do I find my soo called hubby?
Mom:you've already found him you just don't know
it yet.
Me:why can't you show me his face and names
and I'll take it from there.
Them:it doesn't work like that baby... We have to
go... We love you.
They kissed my cheeks and waved me good bye..
I woke up sweating, my room is cold.
Me:oooooh it was just a dream.. I was dreaming but
it felt soo real thou.
I checked the time it's 3:00 am... I might as well
wake up and start my exercises. I made the bed and
changed my night dress into my training gear And
went to the gym .Insert 8
After doing some exercises I took a bath. I lotioned
my body and wore my undergarments. And I wore
my black tux.. With my black high heels with my
Brazilian weave.. I look hot, I did some finishing
touches there and there.I took my laptop, car keys,
phone, some files and my bags and went down
stairs placed them on the kitchen counter and called
Her:hello ma'am
Me:hey candy
Her:how are you?
Me:am good n your self?
Her:am good ma'am.
Me:that's great uhm I called because of the meeting
I will be having with the stubborn client, what time
is it?
Her:it's at halve past nine(09:30) at that new Cafe
you like.
Me:Mmmh oukay... Soo what are we dealing with
Her:he didn't even tell us anything.... What he
would say is that he wants you and nobody else.
Me:oukay thank let me get going... I'll eat at that
Her:bye and good luck couse your gonna need it..
The she chuckles then hung up.
I take my water bottle and fill it with water mixed
with grandpa then took my things, locked the house
and opened my car place my things carefully on the
passenger sit and closed the door and listened to
Me:what is it gonna be? Hip hop? Gospel? Rnb?
Jazz? Amapiano?.... I chose hip hop..
I played some hip hop song and sang along my
phone rang and it was an international number
there can only be one person.
Her:heeeeyyy booo!
Me:what do you want Bontle?
Her:aren't you happy to hear your Bestie's voice
after soo many years?
Me:FYI best friends don't sleep with each others
boyfriends... You don't even know the meaning of
best friends.. Do you even know what best friends
are? Anyway what do you want?
Bontle: am coming back to S.A and I kinda need a
place to sleep.
Me:don't shit on me... Firstly you sleep with my
boyfriend secondly you stole my money and ran
away with my boyfriend now you want my
help??am being tried am telling you...did I tell you
to sell your parents house?? Go creep back to that
whole you just crept out off.
Her: I thought we've forgotten about that... I said
am sorry and you forgave me.
Me:yess. I forgave you but I didn't forget nor did I
say we can be friends again... The nerve you got
calling me... Leave me the fuck alone don't ever call
me again... Stay away from me.
I hung up the call. I blocked her number. I packed
my car and took all the necessary things for the
meeting. I went inside they know me in this Cafe am
a regular soo I won't have a problem finding a table.
Am welcomed by a hug from nthabiseng she's one
of the workers here.
Nthabi: I haven't seen you in a while yooh... Love
those shoes... You look gorgeous girl.
I follow her to my table.
Me:thank you sthandwa... You look good girl your
even glowing girl.
Her:o thomile le maaka a Hao akerr. (your starting
with your lies right.)
Me:am being serious here girl. It must be Tshepo
(her boyfriend) he is giving it to you good isn't he?
I chuckle a little.
Her:haaai wena Ftsek mahn. I have to attend other
customers bye. I'll call zack for you on My there.
Me:I would appreciate that alot boo. I kiss her
cheeks and take a sit then take out my laptop and
files. I texted Candice(candy)
a message
Me:"please email my schedule for today."
"and she's busy with work again." it must be Zach
telling from the voice. I stand up and we share a hug
then kissed cheeks then I sat down.
Me:how have you been?
Him:am good I can't complain and I can see that
your great telling from that smile.
Me:eish.. Am good...
Him:wooow! You look stunning girl!
Me:thank you... You don't look bad yourself.
Him:don't joke around with me. What can I get you?
Me:the regular plus am starving... But while you're
busy with that I will have some hot chocolate made
by you nobody but you.
He chuckles.
Him : you really don't trust them do you?
Him:oukay my lady I'll go make your order right
now. He walked away.
I got busy with my files.after 5 minutes zack came
back with my hot chocolate.
Him:here you go.
He gave me the hot chocolate.
Him:give me 15 minutes and I'll be done with your
Me:oukay then.
He dissappeared to the kitchen..
I took a sip of my hot chocolate. Just then I heard
nthabiseng's voice.
Nthabi: sir here is your table.
"are you sure this is my table couse am meeting up
with some one."
Nthabi:am sure sir your appointment was set with
miss Jackson here she is.
"oukay thank you please get a waiter for us."
Nthabi:oukay sir.
The perfume, the voice is it? Nooo it can't be him..
Is it?
Him:hello miss Jackson.
Fuck it's him. I stand up and raise my head to look at
him... He looks surprised to see me.. I give him my
hand for hand shake and he shakes it then we sit
down. I look at his eyes for a while....
Me:can't seem to stay away can you? Who would
have guessed that you would be the client that has
been fighting to have a meeting with me.i chuckle
then stir my hot chocolate and take a sip. I look at
him he's still surprised to see me. He finally says
Him:I never thought I would see you again. Who
would have thought my Lio is the best youngest
lawyer in s.a Liorna Jackson...
I chuckle as he says "my lio"
Me:your lio really Austin?
Him:yeah.. Your my lio.
I blush and look down.Insert 9
My meeting with Austins wasn't what I
expected.soo he's currently fighting for his
daughters custody. I wont lie am hurt and kinda
disappointed not that he has a kid just that he's
married...a whole fucken wife wow! Even though he
said they are going thru a divorce am still
disappointed I really like the guy, I actually think I've
fallen for him.
Just that whenever am around him... I have this
feeling.. Its like I know him or something not
forgetting the butterflies in the stomach...
Whenever am with him am at peace its like he
might be the one I've been looking for it's a shame
he's not Sphamandla..
Even if we get a chance and fall in love I still need to
find Sphamandla. We are married...
"earth down to Leo."I looked at him.
Me: Sorry about that.
Austin:soo do I have a chance in winning my
daughter's custody?
Me:yes!with all this proof, I swear she might even
be burned from seeing the kid!
Austin:that's what I wanted to hear I can't wait to
her her, I miss her soo soo much..
Wow he must be really missing his daughter.
Me: but we have to arrange a meeting with her
lawyer and see if we can reach an agreement.
Austin:what if we don't reach an agreement? What
will happen?
Me:then we have to take this matter to court but if
her lawyer....Insert 9
I just can't help but stare at her. She looks sexy,
cute, gorgeous all the words to describe a beautiful
woman like her... Finding out that she's my lawyer I
was really surprised but eyy. She's the best... I'll
definitely wife her as soon as my wife signs the
divorce papers. She looks at me then says
something just can't help but notice how juicy her
lips look. I just can't wait till the day I taste her
lips...she shakes my arm...
Her:what's wrong with you? It's kinda creepy.... Stop
staring at me like that! Do I have something on my
Fuck she looks annoyed.
Me:am sorry about that....
Who am I kidding? I don't want him to stop staring
at me... It's creepy but cute and sexy at the same
time, I don't even know that's possible, is it? Arhg
Me:as I was saying you...
Him: Do you know how cute and sexy you look
when your serious?actually that tux suits you well. I
mean it shows all your curves and that big round
butt just wow!
I can't help but blush. The butterflies in the stomach
are dancing... Honestly I've never been
complimented like this by a guy... Never in my
life....this guy knows how to make me blush... Am
looking at my hot chocolate while blushing.... I
swear cheeks will be swollen from all this smiling
ear to ear and this blushing... I don't know why but
whenever I blush I look down...
Ncooow she's looking down... How cute....
Me:Look at me please?
She looks at me and her cheeks are red fuck.... I was
about to kiss her when my phone rang... I looked at
the phone it's my wife..... Fuck! I ignore it and
looked at lio she busy typing on her laptop... I take a
sip of my coffee.
Her:it's starting to annoye me... Please pick up your
phone or switch it off...
She's being serious... Her cheeks are no longer red
and her face shows that she's annoyed. I pick up the
Me:what do you want?
Mooi: is that a way to talk to your wife?
Me:ke rile o batlang moiponi? (what do you want
Mooi:ke batla wena lerato laka, keo hopotse my
love.(i want you my love, I miss you...)
Me:you? A whole fucken you? Miss a commoner like
me? A whole princess like you miss a nobody like
me? Didn't you say your a princess and you did me a
favor by marring a nobody like me? Now sign those
fucken divorce Papers now... Soo you can go live
with your prince charming...
Am just sitting here looking at him talking to his
wife. Yess she's on loud speaker sounds like his wife
is a princess a sotho princess,princess moiponi the
meanest princess ever! Soo Austin thinks I don't
understand sesotho but nah am just listening to
them talking...
Mooi:that was a mistake babe. I didn't mean any of
what I said... Please don't make me do this... I love
you.. What about our baby girl... Please let's drop
this whole thing.. Am willing to attend a couples
therapy... I'll do anything for us baby...
Wait what? Austin is falling for this shit... Oooh
come on your more than that baby. I wanna cry soo
bad but I wanna know where this gonna end up.
Mooi:babey say something?
Austin:what do want me to say mooi? Huh..
Mooi:anything bape? How about you come to my
house to see Hayley? Then talk about the divorce
and the custody case.
Mooi:yess hubby?
"aaarh mommy uncle Jeremy poured hot cooking oil
on my thighs.. Aaarh.." "your spoilt brat kid was
eavesdropping on my conversion and she said am a
fake prince tf!"
Austin:mooi what happening? That's Hayleys voice
what's going on there?
Mooi:nothing is happening its the tv and....
My phone rang.. I picked it up
Me:please excuse me...
I stood up from the table.. Oooh it's MY P.A
HER:ma'am am sorry for disturbing you but there's a
staff meeting in 30 minutes if you forgot... Please
hurry up coused even the investors are coming...
Everyone is here except you... Where are you?
Cause you meeting ended 1hour ago?
Me:fuck! I lost track of the time... Am coming thanks
God this cafe is close to work.... I'll be there in less
that 20 minutes. Oukay bye.
How can I forget this.. Am soo fucken fired...Ooooh
my father God please intervene. I walk back to my
table... I stop on track and listen.
Austin:oooh really? We'll see about that.. Wear that
pretty dress I bought you Oukay?
... :yesss! I'll definitely where it. I love you
Austin: I love you more! Let's hang up before that
frog come back oukay?
.... :oukay bye..
Then he hung up.. Am I supposed to be the frog? I
thought... I thought... I can't even see properly my
eyes are filled with tears...
Me:uhm there's an urgent meeting at the office. I
have to go..
Austin:ooooh oukay... Are you oukay... I mean your
Me:am oukay dont worry your self...
I packed my things...
Me:bye Austin.
I was about to go away but he grabbed my hand... I
Me:Austin let go of my hand please.
Austin:look at me..
Me:I said let go of my hand!
Austin:did I do something wrong?
"ma'am are you oukay?"
Austin:yeah she's ouk...
"are you her? How do you know she's oukay? Entlek
why are holding her hand like that? Let go of her
hand sir!"
He tightened his grip on my hand... God he's hurting
Me: yess sir am oukay.. Thanks.
Him:are you sure?
Him:if he's hurting you blink twice...
Me:Mr am...
Austin:didn't you hear the lady? She said she's fine
now.... If you still love your job you would leave us
on peace...!
The security guard walked away... He's
unbelievable... He let's go of my hand... Fuck it's
Austin:this will be last time you walk out on me
while am talking to you.... Am I clear?
Wow! Is he serious? He must be kidding me!
Austin: Leo am I clear?
Me:yes.. Yeas! Can I go before I lose my job?
Austin:oukay but....
I ran out of the Cafe and I ran into this other old
lady... Our things fell..
Me:am sorry ma'am am really sorry I didn't mean
it,let me help you.
She stopped me..
Her : you know your, dream wasn't just a dream..
Your parents were actually visiting you... You're
running out of time your brother needs you.. Since
you already found your husband.. Finding your
Me:but I don't even know who's my husband an...
Her:kids these days Argh..
She's chuckles then turn me around..
Her:close your eyes and count from 10 to 1 then
open your eyes who ever you see when you open
your eyes is your Sphamandla..
I do as am told..
My heart is beating soo fast.. I opened my eyes its
him nooo it can't be..
Me:noooo.... Ooooh Nkosi yam! (Oooh my
lord/God) Insert 10.
This must be some kinda joke he cant be
him....noway am marrieng this guy never....maybe I
can use him to find my brother than divorce him...
Austin:yess me!
He chuckles
Him:now move...I have some business to attend to!
Did he he didn't....this Lady made a mistake
it cant be him....
Me:ma'am are you sure its.....
Fuck she's gone!where tf will I find her?
Austin:I always knew that your crazy... Who are you
Me:didn't you see that old lady standing here?
Austin:what old lady are you talking about?now
move you lunatic!
Wow! What a wow! Soo this is the guy am supposed
to married? Like tf man... Couldn't they have chosen
a better hubby? Soo dating someone who calls his
wife a 'lunatic' a whole fucken 'lunatic?' wow! Thank
you mom and dad what a husband you chose for
me... I turned and picked up my files....oooh that
women forgot her things... Let me take them with...
I'll come later to check the cctv footage maybe I'll
get something about her... I head to my car... I look
back at Austin..
Me:you'll regret this you dickhead.... I promise you.
I got inside my car and drove to work.
Hahaha.... I would love to see how your gonna make
me regret my lil nathii... This reminds me of when
we were kids and I used to call her a Lunatic but she
didn't remember anything.... I remember when I
stole her doll and cut its hair and she was like "ke
bone gore ge ke lla you wa Sega(I've noticed that
you laugh at me when am crying, it makes you
happy) soo this time around I wont cry... I'll make
you regret doing that and it shall be something
you'll remember for the rest of your life...." Fuck..
You know what she did, she waited for me to go
play with my friends as soon as I got out she went to
my closet and cut all my underwears curcles.... All of
them... I cryed the whole month.... Dude She's
wicked but now she seems like she's weak... And
every one plays with her and I don't like that... Soo
imma be mean to her till I get the same response
soo now am waiting for my punishment for calling
her a lunatic...just like how we used to do it...
While walking I stepped on something fuck it's her
wallet... I have to give it to her... Nah she'll come
looking for it and she's see on cctv footage that I
took it.. She'll ask for my house address then boom
the rest is history.... I get in my car and drive to my
old house I have to see my baby... Mooi's boyfriend
will know who I am.. You don't mess with baby girl
and hope to get away freely, no ways buddy....
Fuck am 3 minutes late...I hurried to the
boardroom... I opened the door everyone stopped
and looked at me....
The CEO:finally she arrives....Miss Jackson we have
been waiting for you! Are we crazy coming here on
time? Even we have our own problems but we
made sure we come here in time... FOR THE
I see Tim smurking... My competitor.. Surely he
thinks this is some sort of win or something.... But
sir was unfair just for 3 minutes nje.... Fuck it marn...
Austin crossed my mind.... What am gonna do to
that mother fucker.... Only God kno....
"MISS JACKSON!" then bangs the table... I look at
Tim had the biggest smile on face, you could see
that deep down he's hoping I get fired soo he can
rub it in my face and brag about how am not fit for
the job and how man will always be superior to
women and no matter how much we try to be
successful we'll never succeed! That brat! Fuck him!
Me:am extremely sorry for the late coming
everyone it was unprofessional of me to do that. I
promise it will never happen again this is the first
and last time... Am extremely sorry everyone.
Mr mthembu:Mr Henderson just to let you know
something if miss Jackson leaves am leaving with
her along with my money....!just to let you know!
Whaaaaat! Did he just! Wooow! I never knew I had
a fan....honestly the company is nothing without
me! Not that everyone one isn't working but eyy.....
Let's leave it there... The look on Mr Henderson and
Tim are priceless... The can't believe what just
Candice(my P.A):me too!
Me: Mr Mthembu, candice it's not losing you job
and investment over me! I'll get another job but
what about you guys! Please reconsider!
Mr Mthembu: there's nothing to reconsider... Even
we can also find jobs and places to invest our
Candice nods.
The cleaners: us too!
The security team:even us sis Lio!
Other investors:miss Jackson count us in!
Me:guys am not worth this much plea...
Them:your worth more than this!
The look on Tim's face guys..... Weres my phone...
Tim:this is absurd! I won't allow this... Hey girly
what black magic are you using on these people?
Mr Henderson:calm down everyone it was a joke
hahaha.... A joke you get it?? Absolute joke....
Ooooh I guess the jokes on me! Hahaha you get it?
What an embarrassing moment! He's embarrassing
him self....
Mr Mthembu: stop it your embarrassing yourself
man! This meeting is canceled see Y'all next wekk
Thursday same place.... Same time...
Me:uhm.... Before Y'all go.... Thank Y'all for this it
really means alot to me guys...
Mr Mthembu : it's oukay dear... Just keep surprising
Everyone left... I took my things.... I was about to
leave me when Tim grabbed me hand,he tighten his
grip around my hand fuck it hurts...
Me:your hurting me Tim!
Tim:I know you like it..!
Me:are you crazy... Your hurting me Timothy mahn!
Tim:I like how you call me by my full name...
Mmmm it does something to me!
Me:fuck you Tim.... Your hurting me... Let go of my
hand you... You.. You.... Just let go of my hand
please.. Your hurting me....
Tim:I know you're sleeping with Mr Mthembu soo
just give it to me! You Cheap fake ass! Y'all women
are the same.... Y'all using pussy for every thing!
Now give me that damn pussy you hore!
Am head hurts and tears do what they know best!
Me:please let go of my hand Tim please! Let me go
please Tim!...
He slaps me! Then grabs my butt.. I try to fight him
but he's to strong...
He shoved hid tie in my mouth making it difficult
for me to talk or scream...
Tim:you bitch!! 'thwaa,thwaa' he slaps me again!
Him:you do that again I'll murder you... You get
that! Am I clear?
I nod
Him:you see leo I don't like it when people nod
when am talking to them! USE WORDS YOU HOE!
he slaps me again... I try to talk by I can't with this
tie shoved in my mouth it's impossible!
He ripped off my clothes am left with my bra and
lace panties.... Dear God I know I've been a bad girl
and I didn't follow your rules... I promise if you help
me I will stop every bad deed I've been doing... I'll
marry Austin... I'll do anything Oooh my g....
"Ooo Look how sexy you look those
lace panties.. It's a shame I'll reap them apart..."
Tim:ncoow. Look how cute you look when you're
trying to talk...we've waisted enough time in here...
Lets have some fun.
He started taking of his clothes...
Tim:shut up or else he hehe.... I'll show you
something you've never seen in your intire life.
He was about to say something when the door
Melody:fuck I forgot my pho.... Aaaahh!.. What
going on here.
Fuck she can't understand me... I burst into tears..
Tim:its not what it seems... We're just having fun...
We're actually dating... Soo she said sex in the office
sounds fun and that we should do it aaand make it
seem like am raping her..
Melody seems to be believing him...
She shifted her attention to me... I shake my head
indicating No.... So she can see that he's lying.. She
knelt down and was about to take out the tie that
was hushly forced in my mouth out... But Tim hit her
with some thing on her head she fell down...
Tim:nobody is go stop me from getting what I
He locked the boardroom door then he carried me
and placed me on top of the table and teared my
panties to pieces and forcefully opened my my
legs and he shoved his big fat cock inside of me....
Tim:oooh fuck... Your soo tight.. And warm....
WHICH ONE WILL IT BE...?Insert 12.
"fuuuck Liorna ,ooooh yessss! Mmmmh..."
he shots his sperms on my face.... Am weak... I
tried screaming till I couldn't anymore... I can't
move my body is glued to the desk...I fought till I
Tim:that was a steamy session wasn't it Leo?
he picks up his clothes from the floor....i burst into
Tim:I asked you something bitch...
He throws me off the desk and starts throwing
punches and kicks..... He kicked me on the stomach
countless times I was now coughing blood.. My
body hurts I can't even scream in pain....
Tim: I ask something you answer you slut... I said
that was a steamy session wasn't it?
He looked at me... I force my self to say something
Me: yyyyyeessss... It waaaas.
Tim:am glad to hear that hunny now let me tell
you... We are not gonna go around spreading lies
are we? Saying I raped you are we?
Tim:good girl... Now make your self useful and go
clean yourself up. He takes his jacket and unlock the
door and walks out...
I crawl to the door and open it ... Every one is busy...
Me: hhhheeeelppp!
They looked at me and I fainted...
I take one of her blankets she keeps in her office
and cover her with it....
I reach into my pockets AND try to call the
Thato:"candice we already called the ambulance."
Me:thank you.... Leo please wake up.... Please stay
with me please....
Mapule:"why does she cares anyway its not like
she's her sister or something"
Lebo:"friend she's just pretending..."
Lebo :"you know she loves attention... I wonder
what happened to her"
Mapule:"haaa. serves her right!"
Lebo:"noo chommy don't be like that."
Mapule :"whaaaat? Am just stating facts.... She
thinks she is better than us."
Me: Mapule I know it's you talking shit about
Liorna....know what I'll deal with you later bitch....
"miss candice the Press is here.... They heard about
miss Jackson. Someone posted about her on
Twitter... Should I let them in?"
Me:nooo don't.... WHERE'S THE FUCKEN
"we are here miss." it's the paramedics finally...
Them:can we have some space please...
Me:Don't Y'all got something to do? Get outta
MAPULE:jeeez am moving!
Paramedics:her pulse is weak we have to take her
Me:oukay take her with you I'll follow behind with
her car.
I went to her office looks like she didn't even get in
here. I took my things and went to the board room
fucki called the security guard...... Before he could
say anything
Me:stop the paramedics there's another person in
the boardroom and call the police.... Don't let the
press in no matter what!
I hung up..... Basically this is a crime seen I can't take
her car keys... I get out of the boardroom...... I went
to my desk an took my car keys and drove to the
I arrived and called Zaza and max and told them e
everything they are on their way...
Me:yess princess.
Hayley: that famous lawyer you were stalking is
trending.... What was her name again? Uhm aha
Liorna or something... Turn on the news Channel...
I turn on the news channel.... Insert 13
[sponsored by Kamogelo Mnisi]
"we are outside one of the biggest and trusted
lawfirms in South Africa... As you can see behind me
there police cars coming in and out of the offices
and employees are being sent home early... Soo we
haven't got the intire story but they might be high
chances that one of the well known lawyers here
know as miss Liorna Jackson might have been
sexually assaulted....
here with me today is one of the people she works
with Lebogang ....
Presenter:hii Lebogang
Lebogang:hii Bontle and our viewers at home..
Presenter :how are you?
Lebogang :honestly I don't know..... After what I've
seen I really don't know...
She fakes tears.
Presenter:tell us about what happened in there?
Lebogang:it was horrific.... No humans deserves
what happened to miss Jackson.... My heart bleeds
for her... Am hurt... She had blood coming out of her
Virginia, she was naked, had scars all over her body,
she... She.. was coughing blood her hair was a
mess... Yoooh yiiiih
Hayley:oopoh come on! She's faking those tears!
You can tell from the way she was talking that she is
a hater! Booo! I hope she gets well soon.... She
doesn't deserve this.... Dad shouldn't you be at the
hospital or something..... I mean she's your wife!
She rolled her eyes.... Yes she knows about Liorna
and me...
Hayley :Dad are you crying?
Fuck I didn't even notice that.... I run to my garage
and take my car keys and hopped inside my car and
started to drive to the hospital..
My car hit another car... Fuck I was too focused on
Lio I didn't even look at the road.... I look for my
phone and wallet fuck am bleeding I tried to open
the but it doesn't budge.... I brake the wind screen
and I got out..... I can't even work properly.... I take
my phone and call the police...
"10111 how may we help you?"
Me:"theres been an accident on the DR Mahlangu
main road... Please hurry up....
" how man.... "
Me:stop with the stupid question.... I said there's
been an accident on DR MAHLANGU MAIN ROAD....
Ma'am please send the paramedics people are
dying here!.
" oukay sir they are on their way"
I hung up and tried walking... I have to be there for
her..... I car approached wait that's my car... It
stopped near me....
"I knew this would happen.... Get in dad"
Wait what?
Me:Hayley? You... You.. You can drive?
Hayley: just get in dad we need to save her..
Me:how did you know?
She starts driving.
Hayley:I saw it happen in my dream.... Oooh and
mom and her boyfriend were in the other car that
hit yours and her boyfriend won't make it then mom
will be in a coma for 2 months and will.....
I cut her short
Me:hahaha soo funny.... Now tell the truth how
can a 14 year old be driving?
Hayley:am not lying dad...I swear I saw this in my
dream dad believe me am not making this up ...I
also dont know how am able to drive.....
Me:what the hell hayley¿ do you have a boyfriend
thats teaching you to drive or something are dating
Hayley:noo am not dating dad am not....I swear
....what do I have to say or do to make you believe
Me:I don't know about you predict the
future 'miss having having dreams' just drive..
Hayley: Oukay that might just work....
Me: what are you talking about?
She parks the car outside the hospital and locks the
doors .
Hayley:you suggested that I predict the future thats
what am doing.
This kid is gonna be the death of me this isn't the
time for fun and games...
Me: Hayley stop this ...its not funny open the doors!
Hayley:listen to me ...?the doctor will say she lost
alot of blood and she needs blood your gonna test
but unfortunately your not gonna be the match
even her friends wont be matches but I am and
there a high possibility that she might loose her b...
Me:just stop Hayley stop it! You know none of those
are gonna happen now open the doors.
She opens the doors and looks at Me..
Hayley:we'll see!
She gets out of the car and hurries to my side and
helps me walk in to the hospital....I manage to see
zanele and Maxwell. ...yeah I know them they are
the ones who told me about Liorna...
I spot Austin coming towards us but the nurse stops
Austin: I don't need any fucken medical attention I
need my fucken wi...
The girl she was with cut him short.... I couldn't hear
what she was saying but it calmed him down....
How do I know Austin? Remember that day lio told
me about him... I called zaza and told her.... We
didn't sleep we did some investigating and hired
some people.... And yess we knew that he was her
husband but we didn't tell.... She had to find out
Finally Austin agreed to let the nurse treat his
wounds...he came back looking ouk but you can tell
his in pain.. I wonder what happened to him...
Austin:hey guys..
Zaza:hi Austin
Candice:hi sir?
Austin:don't call me that we're not in the office soo
u can call me Austin...
She nods
Me:I wonder what happened to you?
Austin: I got involved in a car accident on my way
here. He chuckles
Zaza: than you ran away? She slightly laugh....
Austin:not really.
I look behind him.... The girl she came with is hiding
behind him...
Me:aren't you gonna introduce us to that cutie pie
behind you? Why is she hiding?
Austin:oooh her she's my daughter... Hayley.. She's
kinda shy.
Her dad hugged her and whispered something to
We all greet her back..
"Liorna Jackson"
The doctor came to us...
Doctor: are Y'all related?
Me:not really... She's um an orphan and we're the
only ones closest to her..
Doctor:oukay then. We exemined her and took
some blood test.. Thank fully... She outta danger but
she lost a lot of blood and she.....
How can this be! Soo Hayley wasn't lying? Nah
surely it was just a wild guess nothing more. She
looks at am me and whispered.
Hayley:you still don't believe?
Me:yep you took a guess that's all.
Hayley:well see about that...
Me:Doctor can we start with the testing.. Uhm I'll
Max:me too
Zaza:mee to
Candice:count me in.
They all looked at me?
Doctor:aren't you gonna do some test?
Zaza:she's a kid.
Me:why should I?? I know am a match soo Carrie on
with your test but all I know it that Y'all aren't
Doctor: how are you sure.?
Me: 100% but I know Y'all won't trust me soo go and
waiste your time with tests..
The doctor looks at me..
Doctor: sister Maria...
A nurse came .. I assume she's sister Maria.
Sis maria: yes Doc.
Doctor: uhm please take this people for blood
tasting and check if their blood matches miss
Sis maria: oukay please follow me..
The follewed her am left With the doctor he's about
to walk away I stop him.
Me: how's the baby?
He looks at me surprised..
Doctor:what are you talking about?
Me:mxm Doc I don't have time for fun and games. I
said how's the baby?
Doctor:how do you know about the baby?
Me: she's my mom for God's sake soo obviously I
would know...
Doctor: I can't believe am talking to a kid about this
oukay... the baby is oukay but the pregnancy will be
complicated... There's a high chance that she might
have a miscarriage if she's doesn't take care of her
Me:mmmmh oukay.. Can I see her. Only for 5
Doctor:mmmmh OK only for five minutes... Follow
I follow him to her ward. I found her staring at the
Doc:miss Jackson your daughter is here to see you...
She looks at me confused. She was about to say
something but I interrupted..
Me:Doc can we have some privacy please.
Doc: Oooh sorry about that..
I watched him leave us... I walk towards her bed and
take a chair and sit down...
Me: am sorry ma'am for lying to the doctor... I just
wanted to see you... I wasn't sent here by that dog
called Tim.. Yess I know he's the one that did this to
you and your baby... And neither am I one if you're
Liorna: ttthen who aaare you?
You can sense how scared she is just by listening
to her voice that matherfucker must pay for this..
Me:am Hayley your step daughter, am Austins
daughter.i know you have a lot of questions but I
want you to know that I've been through what your
going through.... It's going to be oukay stay strong
for my little brother or sister. Don't l give up... I
won't tell anyone anything if you don't want too...
You'll tell them when your ready...
I give her a Kiss on her forehead and her belly.
Me:your not broken, your not disgusting.. Noo...
Your beautiful, your special and sweet... Take care
of yourself and the baby ...
I give her a hug the I got out of the ward.
Zaza:you were with her?
Dad:how's she?
I got disturbed by the doctor.
Doctor:the blood test are here and unfortunately
Y'all are not matches..
They all looked at me.
Me:whaaat? Don't just take me for the blood tests..
Doc:oukay follow me then.
I follow him.
After Hayley came here... I felt good mood
changed completely.. She's such a sweetheart am
trying my best to not to of what happened for the
sake of my baby.. Am just thankful that he or she
survived... But it's kinda hard to not think about
what happened cause every time I try to sleep what
happened replays it's self.... Or I can see a little boy
eating from the dustbin... It's not easy at all....
I tried making it long and this is as long as I can
go!.Insert 14
"noo please let me go! I'll resign and give you my
Tim: don't be like that lio! Lets do this peace fully
with no fights and screaming... You know that after
every meeting with the investor we go home... Soo
the aren't many people here... No Metter how many
times you scream no one will hear you.. Oooh plus
this board room is sound proof. No one will hear
you from here... NOBODY!! NOW STOP SCREAMING
He spat on my cookie entrance....
"Lio! Wake up! It's just a dream baby.... It's just a
His cologne fills the ward... He hugs me soo tight...
This is what I needed a tight long warm hug.I open
my eyes and tears start flowing down wetting his
T-shirt but he doesnt mind.
Austin: its gonna be Oukay...cry it all out.
I cry even more. My sobs fill the whole ward.I feel
save in his arms.I dont ever wanna let go.he kisses
my forehead and assures me that he's not going
I was just sneaking to her ward...the doctor didn't
want anyone with her..soo I tried to sneak to her ...I
couldnt sleep....then I heard heard her scream....I
opened the door and she was shaking in her sleep....
Lio:Noo please don't.. I'll give you my position.. I'll
resign... And you'll never ever see mee.
Ngifunga Ethuneni lika baba, ngizombulala(I swear
on my father grave,i'll kill him).....
I swear that matherfucker that did will die a horrible
death ...
I hug her and she stops shaking...
We end up sleeping ...with her in my arms.
"Wakey wakey!"
I slept good last night with no nightmares... I had
this dream that Austin was with me and he hugged
"Miss Liorna, Mr Austin"
Wait what! Soo it wasn't a dream he's really here... I
try to move but there's arm's around me... I open
my eyes and am met by his..
Both of us: you!
We said that at the same time.
Liorna was surprised that what she thought was a
dream wasn't really a dream but was happening...
Austin moved his arms around Liorna and got of the
bed... The situation was awkward.. In the ward
there was Hayley,Max,Zaza, Katlego, the doctor and
then Liorna and Austin...
Doctor: Mr Peterson didn't I...
Austin: I know what you said doctor just that I.. I..
Uhm.. I... Wwaas! Uhm...
Hayley giggled...
Doctor:mr Peterson what did I say about hav...
Liorna cut the doctor off.
Liorna : I... I called him.. Uhm I couldn't sleep... So
uhm I tried calling them but they didn't pick up and
when... I uhm called him he... Uhm picked up and
came here..
Max:you did?
Zaza:she did?
*She takes out her phone* but there's no mis...
Hayley:oooh yess.. Liorna called we where just
She winks at them..
Zaza:oooh yeah... She did... Oooh silly mee here are
the missed calls.
Max:yes I did see some... Uhm.. Missed calls ...
Earlier today..
Katlego: definitely!
Doctor:hayle do you call your mom by her name?
Austin:are you a detective or a doctor?.
Doctor:oow soo you can talk?
Austin:what do you mean by that?
Doctor:oukay Y'all have 45 minutes with her..
He walked out..
Austin:Hayley stop taking a video! And delete it.
Hayley:never! Soo tell us dad why we're you in here.
Max: and wena(you) lio what missed calls are talking
They all folded their arms and looked at Austin and
Lio and Austin looked at each other...
Lio:uhm... Its... I
Austin stopped lio from talking..
Austin:we don't have to answer any of that.. We're
old enough to do whatever we want.. And am not
gonna answer any of those questions... In fact WE
are not answering anything... Right lio?
Lio:as a Metter of fact yess! Austin help me to the
Austin piggybacked her to the toilet and left her in
Austin:uhm guys I'll go to the coffee shop anything
for Y'all...
Them:nope we ate on our way here!
Austin:oukay that's cool...
He walked out.
Hayley:just like that? there's something going on
between these two and am gonna find out what it
Zaza:we'll leave that to you detective.
They burst into laughter....
Me:are you about what your saying?
Him:that baby wont survive trust me.
Me:that's good...I wont stand for this sh*t...I mean
who the hell does she think she is? Huh?...I dont
want her to give birth for my son! And its gonnna
stay that way! I wont allow shit in my house!
NEVER! Everytime she gets pregnant you kill the hear me!
Him:yes ma'am!
Me:the only women who will give birth for my son is
her.(I point at her and she smiles...) and no one
Her:mom in law why dont we make her
permanently infertile?
Me:thats a good idea and it might jus...
Him:noo! Its not going to work! I want her to lose
her self in every miscarriage, I want her to lose her
mind,I want her to go crazy, I want to see her suffer!
I want her to be
Me:calm down son....we'll do it your wayy!
He finally cools down ... Ibanathi will get what will
get to her...she wont even see it coming!
Sorry I long to post ...I was a lil
busy...Insert 15. *not edited*
Weeks later.
Life has been Priddy amazing, I guess. I've been
discharged few weeks back. My baby bump is
growing faster than I expected . Pregnancy is
treating me good am even glowing batase! Honestly
speaking am living the best life.... I just need to find
my brother,i mean my friends, Hayley and Austin
have been there for me, supporting ever since I got
back from the hospital.
Am now attending therapy. My therapist is the
sweetest mid aged woman. She doesn't judge me, I
think I love her, she kinda reminds me of my
grandmother honestly. Therapy helps alot, it made
me think about my baby.
I took days off work but am thinking of quitting my
job, I really don't wanna see Tim ever in my life that
would be taking me back to that hell hole he put
me in,i don't even go out am always indoors I don't
even wanna bumb into him.
Am currently staying in Austins house with him and
Hayley.... I really appreciate the emotional support
am getting from them. He treats me like am
pregnant for him. I didn't wanna stay here but he
said i would be safe here with them... I haven't got
any nightmares ever since I got here.
I get outta bed and make the bed then went to to
bathroom and did my morning process and a lil bit
if exercises and went down stairs seems like am
alone...i went to the kitchen am craving for a penut
butter and jelly sandwich.... I put my phone on the
kitchen counter and start taking out the
ingredients.... My phone rings... I look at the caller I
don't recognize the numbers... I start dancing to the
Me:yeas, I got the moves.... Only if Kamo mphela
could see me! She would be soo sooo jealous! Am
soo much better than her.... Oooh yeah... Go Lio
Someone clears their throat behind...I hope it's not
Austin.... Please not be him, please not be him. i
slowly turn and am met by his eyes.
Austin:nice moves! *he laughed a little*
Me:yeah whatever.
Austin:are you gonna answer that?
I look at my phone then answer it.
"finally she decides to answer"
Ooh my God it can't be mood completely
changed and I think Austin noticed that my facial
expression change. He stepped down the stairs and
slowly walked to the kitchen.
"why are you quiet hunny? Say something. "
Me:what do you want?
"straight to point I see. I love this new you girl."
I don't reply I just listen.
"I heard your pregnant, is that baby mine?
How... How... How the fuck did he know.
"it's mi Insert 16
Me: please Lio wake up please.i must take to the
hospital let me go take my car keys and phone...
your gonna be out sweetheart.
Liorna just fainted saying that her tummy hurts I
hope the baby is our really, and am panicking I really
don't know eyy. I pick her up and placed her on the
couch and climbed the stairs and went to my room I
found my keys I went down stairs my phone was in
the kitchen counter I took it I was about to call her
doctor to prepare a room for her when a call from
Hayley got in .
Me:hey Lala,we really can't talk now I need to take
Lio to the hospital she just fainted so I'll call you lat..
She cut me short.
Hayley:don't do that,don't take her there her life
will be in danger I've already called the doctor he's
on the way ...what I want you to do is carrie her to
her bedroom and open the gate for the
doctor,Oooh and am on my way .
She hung up.i did as I was told and later on the
buzzer buzzed I opened the gate and a black
Chevrolet car got in followed by Hayley's car,am
assuming the Chevrolet car is the doctors car ...the
door is not closed Soo I made my way to Lio's room
and held her still wondering why Hayley
suggest we call the doctor home and allow me to
take her to the hospital and what danger was she
talking about?I wonder ...the door to Lio room was
opened Hayley got in with the guy am guessing
should be the doctor.
Hayley:Dad this is doctor Mbhatha he's th...
Me:oukay thanks Lala,this isn't the time for
introductions well do that after....*to the DR* dude
just do what am gonna pay you to do and save my
wife, I really don't have time for chit chats.
The smile he had on his face disappeared same
time,he opens his mouth to say something but I
stop him
Me:if you were gonna say that you need some
privacy with her am sorry am not going anywhere ,I
don't trust you with my wife Soo you can just forget
it! You have my permission to Carrie on with doing
your job.
I pull out a chair and watch him and Hayley is
looking at me like I killed someone.
I can believe this,what's wrong with dad?and the
fact that he told Charlie that Lio is his wife suprised
me...he would never say that infront of her wait till
the others hear about this lol!Insert 17.
I woke up in my room with austin sleeping beside
me,i try moving but my abdomen hurts,i wanna pee
soo bad. What happened? Why is austin on my
bed?the memories of what happened replayed
them self again. sametime i wanted to throw up i
ran to the bathroom and locked the bathroom
I heard the Bathroom door being slammed,i woke
up sametime i looked at my left side and liorna is
not there,means she woke up.i got of the bed and
the bathroom door opened and liorna walked
looking sad and sick,am really worried about this
champ here... i look at her she look tired and like
she was crying. I walk up to her and try helping
her walk back to the bed and she decides to sit up...
i swear she looks pail,her skin is dry and her body
temperature is hot no man something is wrong here
she wasn't like this. Her facial expression changed
and she ran back to the bathroom closing the door
behind her ....making me worried about her.
I knock on bathroom door...
Me:Lio are you oukay? Lio?
Seems like she is throwing up.i try to open but the
door is closed..i try knock again.
Me:Lio are you oukay?
No response
Me:Liorna please open and let me help you..please.
Still no response.
Oooh my god...what will i do...oooh my god...
I feel sorry for dad and sis'Lio...why those this things
always happen to me? I just wanna be a normal
teen like orther kids is that too much to ask for?
Am in my room crying my heart out about whats
gonna happen ...i wish i never knew whats gonna
happen to liorna...i really hate the fact that theres
nothing i can do about this whole thing cause if i try
to help something worse might happen....
i know that because i once tryed to help my one
and only bestfriend(ketso).i was about 7 or 8,argh i
don't remember clearly.... i knew things about her
nobody knew,i saw her death and when i told her
she didn't believe me and that her grandma was
using her for her witchcraft things... Insert 18.
I knew everything i needed to do to help ketso so
that her grandma cant be able to use her for soon as i was about to start the ritual
....i fainted and i saw her death and from there on
there was nothing i could do. She died in her sleep
some said its the most peaceful way for one to die
but for all i know her grandma killed her am pretty
sure and it was all my fault if i didn't act like 'miss
know it all' my bestie would be alive and maybe
gotten help from a professional...
i should have let her grandma do whatever she
was doing with her maybe should've been alive till
date... sometimes she visits me in my dreams just
to play with me..yeah play with me it makes me feel
at peace but even thought she plays with me she's
always sad but she wont talk to me soo there's
know way to know what wrong with her ....
But anyway this isn't about me and how i killed my
friend its about sis'Lio..its not that i don't wanna
help her i just don't want history repeating itself.
Its been a verrrry loooonnngg10 minutes since she
went in there and it already feels like years i just
want her outta there ...ooh god please protect her.
Me:Lio its been ten minutes already please come
out! Or i'll break down this door with this hammer. I
Am giving you 3 seconds to come outta there!. 1
The door opened and i dropped the hammer and
catched her...she was about to fall and carried her
to the bed.
she came in the room running like shes running for
her life, her eyes were puffy and red seems like she
was crying.
Me:call that stupid doctor friend of yours.
I've never seen my dad like this he's panicking, going
up and down touching this and that, doing ups and
downs. I looked at liorna she looks soo weak,pale,in
Dad: HAYLEY! Snap out of it and call that doctor
That snapped me out of is going crazy...i
turn around and walk out ...thiss hurts. i hate my
gift! I really do! I just want this burden to be lifted
off my shoulders.Insert 19.
The doctor came to check on Liorna unfortunately
she had to be admitted her condition was way too
serious than they thought Austin kept on swearing
at the doctors that if liorna looses the baby he'll sue
them all....
Zaza was soo stressed about liorna that she
fainted...max wasn't his normal bubbly self,he was
just staring at nothing...
hayley?heyley was with liorna.
Liorna:"am i gonna lose baby?" Liorna asked hayley
who's eyes were filled with tears and was ready to
Liorna:"Leyley am i gonna my baby?"liorna asked
already crying. And still hayley kept quite.
Liorna:"look at me.i want you to look at me and tell
me the truth...the honest truth no metter how
much it hurts."hayley shook her head with tears
streaming down her face.
Hayley:sorry i can't tell you.
She ran out of the room and ran past her father
pacing up down.Austin ran after his daughter and
found her crying in paking lot. And he sits down and
hugs her and lets her cry on his shoulder and says
The cold breeze hitting my face makes me wake up.i
haven't had a great sleep in years. My body in
noumb from sleeping on a mat ..i woke and walked
out of the hut i wore an animal print skirt,it was
very short i usually don't wear anything above my
knees.Am very insecure when it comes to my bodyyi
just dont wear anything. Then on top am wearing a
white bendow. Seems like there's no one here...i
look around the area seems like am in a village
couse the are too many huts. I finally saw an old
women but not that old maybe mid aged.
Me:"hello! Mam please wait for me..." i said running
after her please she waited for me to catch up.
Upclose she looks alot like liorna almost like liorna's
older twin is she liorna's mom?
Me:hello mam.
Her:dumela ngwanake.(hello my child)
She speaks sotho luckily for me i know sotho
Me:Le kae?(how are you?)
I said as we began walking.
Her:ke teng o kae?(am good and you?)wow she's
incredibly beautiful...jealous down!
Me:ke teng.(am good)
Her:i need a favour from you.
Wow.i thought she only speaks sotho but eyy
people will suprise you. I don't even know her why
would i do her a favour? I just want her to give me
directions to go home but let listen to her.
Me:what kinda favour?
Her: i want you to come with me and watch...maybe
you cant save the baby but save her isn't her time
yet. But the baby was never supposed to be
The trip turned out somehow. I mean i got to know
that my late bestie was always sad in my dreams
because i was holding her back from spiritually
leaving our world cause i was always sad and am
alwahs blaming my self for her death. She spoke me
once more it made me feel relaxed and happy.
That old beautiful women gave me beeds to give to
liorna to wear she didn't tell me much.
"Bye, bye" i said waving my hand and walking
thoward the white door.
I woke up sweating, i was sleeping in my dads arms i
was dreaming but yet it felt soo real.
Dad:"oow you worried me baby girl. Are you
oukay?" What worried about me?theres nothing
wrong about me right.
Me:" dad, am really oukayy. Theres nothing wrong
with me."
Dad:"just that..wooee whats that in your hand?" I
opened my hand...oooh god i have the beeds that
women in my dream gave me to give to Liorna or
else shit is about to hit the roof.
Me:"Oooh god. Dad where is liorna being
After hayley fainted i carried her to where we were
waiting for the doctor then he came with a long
face..does this doctor really like lio? He can't be
serious with his little crush on her....i wonder if she
knows this.
Doc:"i come bearing bad news." Mxm duh do
doctors ever have anything good to say?
Max:"go ahead tell us. Whats goingon?" He looks at
all of us then at hayley for a long time.
Me:"u'zonya mfana wam (you'll shit my boy)...thats
my daughter you can't get your stupid filthy eyes already pissed and i don't wanna start a
drama here at the hospital soo just F*CKEN tell us
the MOTHER F*CKEN news.." when am done
everyone and by everyone, i mean EVERYONE is
looking at me like a mad or something...
RUUDDEE!" Black people are problems.
Wow! Not even max is like that..we are all looking at
this guy before this guys is such an
character xem..i clap my hands not believing what
just happened...
Him:"you can continue doc." He said that as if he
didn't just pull out that!we all still
suprised and can't believe what just happened.
Doc:"ehem...uhm..well arh we.." he cut him short
Him:"look doc we don't have time to waiste here
just say something. " what the.....
Doc:"well Lio is un.." he cut him short again.
Him:"my WIFE is not lio to you she is that?" Whaaat!MY LONG LOST ARRANGED
Wife? From when? Where is liorna kanti?shame the
poor doctor doesn't know what to say or even do. I
actually feel sorry for him. I think that this is
personal .
Me:oukayy thank you austin...doc can you please
continue we don't have time to watse.
Doc: as i was saying miss Jackson's blood test are
back and the babies heart is weak and she it might
miscarry the baby . We need to do an operation
ASAP or else she might lose him or her. The
operation is dangerous we might lose them both or
we can save them both or we might be able to save
only her.."

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Wife?from when? Where is liorna kanti?shame the
poor doctor has no words. I actually feel sorry for
him. This is actually personal xem.
Me:oukay. thanks Austin....Doc can you please
continue we don't have time to watse.
Doc:as i was saying miss Jackson's blood test are
back and she's oukay but the babies heart is weak.
we need to do an operation ASAP or else she might
lose the baby. The operation is dangerous we
might lose them both or we can save them both or
we might be able to save only her. Its a risky
operation and a dangerous one, anything could
happen. I would normally give you few hours to
decide but we dont have time soo please call me
when you done deciding. Any questions?
We all still don't believe what's
heart bleeds for her.
Max: can we talk to liorna first, we can't make
decisions about her life without her its about her
after all.
The doctor allowed us to see her for 10min after
that and we all decided to have the operation done.
And we had to sign these other documents and
stuff. When the operation was about to start thats
when hayley woke up acting all strange and stuff.
Then she ran to the operation room saying she
needs to save her. It was like she didn't care about
anything else other than saving liorna i guess. We
tried stopping her but she was strong too strong for
any of us to stop her. Her eyes were black ...she was
They were getting me ready for my operation a set a
little prayer. I hope my baby survives... then
suddenly loud noises coming from outside the door.
Me:Doc whats happening?
Doc:am not quite sure..nurse betty please go and
check whats going on.
A nurse i guess is betty nod and went to the door
and she was pushed back by hayle who doesn't look
much like hayle... she forced her way true and she
made wear beads and sad some weird stuff before
falling asleep or fainting am not sure..MY LONG
After what hayle fainted they admitted her and her
temperature was high and she was very hot...
while o the other hand Liorna's surgery didn't goo
soo well... liorna lost her baby. She cryed asking her
self what went wrong couse hayle gave the beeds to
pretect her and the baby. What she didn't know is
that the baby was ment to die eventually after birth
and that the beads where to protect only her...
Austin on the other hand is confused as to why his
favorite girls in the whole world are are in situations
like this..
My phone rang ...and its my mom. Here comes
drama. I answered.
"mom i really don't need your drama,right now my
wife and kid are in hospital and we just lost a baby
soo please am not in the mood for you shit."
"Mtwanam thats no way to talk to you mother.
What do you mean by wife and kid are in
hospital? Is moipone ouky?"
Wow. What a mother she asked about moipone
than her grand daughter. Thats how much she loves
moipone. She would forget everything and
everyone but not moipone.
"Are you kidding me mom? I told you that me and
moipone are going thru a devorce. And she's not my
wife and you know the only person i see as the
mother of my kids and my wife is Li..."
"Oooh please. God Save me me from that same old
same speech. I've heard enough about that hoe...i
will never see her as my own daughter NEVER!
The inly daughter in law i know and love is PRINCESS
MOIPONE and no one else... and don't you dare tell
me about your dads last wishes ...couse i'll ....i'll i'll .
You know what that bitch deserves everything
coming her way ... that baby would have survived if
it was moipones."
What the this women crazy or what.? What
kinda mother are you? Wishing another women
things like that whi she just lost her first baby? What
a selfish person... my mother was never like this.
She changed after my dad died and his family took
everything that belonged to us and didn't care
about the will. Thats when my mom became this
monster. She fought for everything until she
couldn't any more... then after taking our things and
sharing them among them selves they wanted mom
to marrie my dads brother thats when she ran
away with me.... an since we never looked back.
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