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STAT101, Project_1 climate change Fall 2023

Name: ID: Section:

Write 5 to 20 pages research in word document to answer the next questions,

and write the references you used.

1-What is the greenhouse effect and how it affects climate change?

What are its indicators?

2-Discuss the role of developed and developing countries in facing the

problems of climate change.
Following are the information which developed and developing countries face in climate change. I can
highlight general principles and information based on common knowledge up to September 2021.
Role of Developing Countries:
1. Current Emissions
Developing countries, primarily in the Global South, are now major contributors to greenhouse gas
emissions due to rapid industrialization and population growth. They must take steps to mitigate
emissions while pursuing economic growth.
2. Mitigation Efforts
Developing countries are urged to adopt sustainable development practices and implement mitigation
strategies to reduce emissions. These efforts can be supported through international partnerships and
3. Adaptation Needs
Developing countries are often more vulnerable to the impacts of climate change due to limited
resources and infrastructure. They must prioritize adaptation measures to enhance resilience.
4. Sustainable Development
Developing countries face the challenge of balancing economic development with environmental
sustainability. They must strive to achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) while mitigating
climate change.
5. Global Cooperation
Both developed and developing countries must cooperate to address climate change effectively.
International agreements, such as the Paris Agreement, provide a framework for such cooperation.
6. Accountability
Transparency, monitoring, and reporting are essential for holding countries accountable for their climate
actions and commitments.
Role of Developed Countries

1. Historical Responsibility
Developed countries, primarily in the Global North, have historically been the largest contributors to
greenhouse gas emissions due to industrialization. They bear a significant responsibility for the current
state of climate change.
2. Emission Reduction
Developed countries are expected to take the lead in reducing emissions through policies, regulations,
and investments in clean and renewable energy sources. They often have more resources to implement
emission reduction strategies.
3. Financial Support
Developed countries are responsible for providing financial support to developing nations to aid in
mitigation and adaptation efforts. This support may come in the form of climate finance, technology
transfer, and capacity-building.
4. Technology Sharing
Developed countries are encouraged to share green technologies and best practices with developing
countries to accelerate their transition to cleaner energy and sustainable development.
References for further information and research
1. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Reports.

2. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) documents and


3. Academic research papers and publications on climate change and international


4. Reports from organizations like the World Bank and the International Energy Agency
(IEA) on climate-related topics.

3-Obtain data on Total CO2 emissions, and Per capita CO2 emissions in the
gulf countries
Qatar has the highest per capita carbon dioxide emissions worldwide, at 35.6
metric tons per person. Many countries in the Middle East had high levels
emissions. Some of the Middle East’s largest oil producing countries, including
Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia are among the world’s largest
carbon dioxide (CO₂) emitters per capita. Bahrain is a petroleum-producing
country, with fossil fuel comprising the country’s main energy source, resulting in
an economy with relatively high carbon intensity. So maximum emission of CO2 is
in Qatar, UAE, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia Oman and Bahrain has highest emission of
carbon dioxide in gulf countries. But as we deal with per capita, the sequence will
be Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, UAE, Saudi Arabia and Oman. They emit it is all due
to their oil, gas and other type of energy industries. There is an oil, gas and other
type of industries which uses oil resources in these countries.
4-Rank the gulf countries based on total CO2 emissions and per capita
CO2 emissions, and fill in the following table, comment on the ranking.

Per Capita CO2

Total CO2 Emissions
Rank Amount Country Rank Amount Country
1 586.08 1 43.9 Qatar
2 193.5 UAE 2 25.8 Kuwait
3 98.083 Kuwait 3 23.5 Bahrain
4 97.5 Qatar 4 22.9 UAE
5 87.84 Oman 5 19.4
6 24.46 Bahrain 6 15.2 Oman

References for Q3 and Q4 are as follows

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)

International Energy Agency (IEA)

National Environmental and Statistical Agencies

Academic Research

Environmental Organizations

Government Publications

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