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If you’re scared because you just watched Google’s ad for Gemini…

You should be.

If you live under a rock and have no clue what Gemini is...

It’s basically ChatGPT on steroids with Ironman’s armour (I’m sure they’ll give it the infinity
gauntlet in a few years).

It is hard to explain how awesome this tool is, so you better check it out on YouTube when
you're done reading this.

Since AI and chatGPT burst onto the scene a year ago...

We now have AI image generators, AI video editors, AI video makers, AI voice-over bots, AI
chatbots, AI copywriters and Google Gemini.

So that brings us to the ultimate question: IS AI THE DEATH OF COPYWRITERS?

The short answer: NO.

Yes, it can generate 100 pieces of copy ideas in minutes.

But how do you know which of those ideas are good? How do you know which ones will
resonate the most with your audience?

If you’re using ads and funnels, how do you know which one of them will perform the best based
on your audience and offer?

The world still needs copywriters to separate good copy from bad copy.

That’s not to say you’re completely safe.

This is the time to learn how to use AI to your advantage. Use it to do research faster, generate
ideas faster and refine your ideas.

With new AI tools, editing videos and creating viral Instagram reels is super easy.

Or maybe you can help your clients set up an AI chatbot to take care of all the DMs they get
every day?

Or maybe you can write them a script…

Use the AI voiceover bot to read it in their voice…

Create an AI-avatar to go along with that voice…

Patch it all up in an amazing 30-second video…

And deliver it to them.

They don’t need to do anything and they’ve got a high-quality video to post.

Imagine how much time you’ll save them (and how much traction they’ll get from this).

Yes, I know the video technology isn't there yet. And the voices sound super robotic. For now...

But the bottom line is there are endless ways to use AI.

You just need to be creative.

Use it to build your brand and help your clients do the same.

The opportunities are endless if you know how to leverage them.

With that being said, my flight is about to take off for Bali.

I'll see you on the other side.

Until then, don't do anything that I wouldn't do x

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