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ThyssenKrupp OperatingInstructionsDiagnosticUnitI 

Device No.



Dateof- Changes:
Issue:10/2009 Revision Page: 1
ThyssenKrupp OperatingInstructionsDiagnosticUnitI 


Date Prepared Changes
08.03.05 Weinmann Firstedition
24.03.05 Weinmann AddinstructionsIsostop60,
14.08.08 Weinmann Frontpagedesign
11.11.09 Woitanowski Completerevisionofthedocument

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Dateof- Changes:
Issue:10/2009 Revision Page: 2
ThyssenKrupp Operating manual, diagnostic unit I 6510 046 
Aufzugswerke Functions Type Serial no.


Diagnostic Unit I
function display 1 Start / Stop
flashing Button

ThyssenKrupp Aufzugswerke GmbH

Pulses 8 27 16 LK-sensor
7 26 15 Run: IS/RS
6 25 14 Direction Up with IS
SC module 5 24 13 Direction Down with IS
Program selection wheel
Safety circuit EK 4 23 12 LN-sensor
HK 3 22 11
TK 2 21 10 W/W1-contactor
KT 1 20 9 WO/WU-contactor

The diagnostic unit I can be used to query or run a total of 16 functions. The individual functions are
to be set using the program selection wheel. The selected function appears in the 7-segment display
(flashing display).

• Plug diagnostic unit I into the corresponding printed circuit board (CPU, door control, LMS1 etc.); a
function display (flashing) must follow. Use the program selection wheel to select the desired
• It is only possible to change from one function into another if the 7-segment display is flashing.
• To exit from a selected function: turn the program selection wheel one step and then press the
start-stop button
> 2 seconds.
• It is possible to exit from the teach-in function via AF 00 (dF 00, bF 00) or by switching the main
switch off and on.
• The following explanations or functional descriptions for diagnostic unit I apply to all work program
versions as of 04.86/3. The current work programs for each TCI/TCM elevator control system will
be announced in urgent information bulletins.

All functions are described on the following pages:

1) With the 7-segment display flashing, the functions shown on the sides will be displayed by the light-emitting diodes in rows A and
2) IS … Inspection operation, RS … Emergency electrical operation

Editor: QMS Issue Change: revision 

Issuing office: QMS Date: 10 / 2009 D6510-046 Inhaltsangabe Page: 01

ThyssenKrupp Operating manual, diagnostic unit I 6510 046 
Aufzugswerke Functions Type Serial no.

Diagnostic unit I for elevator control TCI and TCM

Functions can be selected for TCI with work program as of version 04.86/3, for TCM with MC, MC1,
MC2 and MC3 control systems.

Function Designation/function Description Page

01 00 Error stack Showing the error and event stack of the controller F01
02 00 Display of order number Possible as of work program version 06.88/6 F02
03 00 Display of position Elevator car position indicator via 7-segment display; F03
In this case the LED’s have no function. 1
04 00 Operating phase Each operating phase is indicated by the 7-segment F04
display and the LED’s. 1-2
05 00 Memory positions Display of important memory positions (elevator car) F05
by the LED’s in row A and row B. 1-20
06 00 Door lock (TCI) Main door display by the LED’s in row A and row B F06
LMS2 (TCM) Adjusting the LMS2 on the MC3 board 1
07 00 Door lock (TCI) Rear entrance display by the LED’s in row A and B F07
CPI parameters (TCM) View the parameters from the CPI frequency inverter 1-3
08 00 Car call Sending car call for main door landings F08
09 00 External calls Sending DOWN calls (TU), main door side F09
10 00 External calls Sending UP calls (TU), main door side F10
11 00 Car call Sending car call for rear landings F11
12 00 External calls Sending DOWN calls (TU) rear door side F12
13 00 External calls Sending UP calls (TU), rear door side F13
14 00 Version display and CPU work program version display and display of the F14
marking flag issue date. 1-2
Enter marking flag in the fault stack
15 00 Control system TCM Teach-in levels and updates F15/0
15 A6 Lift-specific programs and parameters 1-6
15AF Teach-in control system The entire instructions for teach-in can be found in F15/A
15 Ad TCI/TCM the installation instructions booklet 13 / 6510 / 046 1-7
15AE Teach-in APD floor
15 A3 selector
15 A7 Teach-in presettings
Teach-in times
Parameterisation of CPI
15 dF Door drives Teach-in, event or fault stack F15/d
F2/1, F3, F4, F5, D6.C 1-4
15 bF Load measurement Teach-in, fault stack F15/b
device 1-4
00 00 Memory positions Query or display of certain memory positions F00

Editor: QMS Issue Change: revision 

Issuing office: QMS Date: 10 / 2009 D6510-046 Inhaltsangabe Page: 02

ThyssenKrupp Operatingmanual,diagnosticunitI  6510 046
Aufzugswerke Functions TypeSerialno.

Function0100 Displayfaultstack Date:10/2009

1$ Usetheprogramselectionwheeltoselectfunction0100
2$ Pressthestart-stopbutton;the7-segmentdisplayshowsthecodenumberofthelastfaultthatoccurred.
3$ Pressingagainshowsthecodenumberofthelastfaultbutone,lastfaultbuttwoetc.
4$ Exit:turntheprogramselectionwheelonestepfurtherandpressthebuttonforlongerthan2s.
5$ Ifappropriate,setamarkingflag/seefunction1400$.


Fault Explanation EvaluationBW
 AA Elevator-specificerrormessage N Emergencystop
 XX Landing S Shutdown
 YY undefined M Spontaneousmessage
 NN Explainedfrompage28onwards B Elevatorblocked
 ZZ Numberofthemarkingflag 
 ..B Operatingphase Valence: frequencylevelsoffaults:
   Level1 rare
 Faultcodenumber  Level10 frequent

Fault Faultdescription Causes,rectificationornotes BW
01XX Locking contact RK or RKD jammed in Check locking contact or mechanism of the 6
landingXX. doorinlandingXX.
The correct doortypemustbeprogrammedin
0201 Callsareblockedviamonitoring 8kbyteRAMisrequiredintheCPU 1
0202 Quasi-ZSE enabled in the elevator-specific Use a Thyssen CPU with cached RAM module 1
programbutstillSiemensCPU. /positionstorageintheeventofpowerfailureor
0203 TCMcontrolsystem 8kRAMnotdetected;F800follows 1
0204 TCMcontrolsystem 8kEPROMnotdetected;F800follows 1
0280 Undefinedorincorrectoperatingphase  1
0301 No shutdown landing found in theelevator- Shutdown landing has not been programmed 1
specificEPROM /check data sheet$ or order number is not
0302 No parking level found in the elevator- Parking level was not programmed etc., same 
specificEPROM asfault0301.
0303 Nofireservicelandingfoundintheelevator- Fire service landingwasnotprogrammedetc., 
specificEPROM sameasfault0301.
04XX TCM: Fault caused by landing zone switch The CPU checks whether more than one SM
magneticswitch. landing zone switch has been operated. All
landings XX with operated landing zone switch
are displayed. Check landing zone switch

Editor:QMS Issue Changes: 

Issuingoffice:QMS Date:10/2009  Page:F01-1

ThyssenKrupp Operatingmanual,diagnosticunitI  6510 046
Aufzugswerke Functions TypeSerialno.

04NN TCI: Fault caused by landing zone switch TCI: The CPU checks whether more than one SM3
magneticswitch. landing zone switch has been operated. If so,
05YY Incorrect computer request by the group TCI: Check MG printed circuit board or group 2
/MG printed circuit board defective or connections/roundcableandribboncable$.

05XX SpecialprogramfaultmessagesoftheTCM Ifthesefaultsoccur,notifyQMÜorQMS. -
group.Comeafterthefaultsbelow! XX=dataformoredetailedfaultdescription
0510 Otherelevatorwithsamenumber  
0515 Elevatornumberingrouptoohigh  
0517 UnknowngroupphaseMZ1  
0520 Initrequestofelevatornumber  
0521 Elevatornolongersendselevatornumber  
0537 Groupbusisdisrupted  
0542 Number of elevators in groups and/or  
0553 Movement telegram in incorrect group Poor group connection of elevator XX XX = 
phase;05XXfollows elevatornumber
0580 MasterPC1respondsagain  
0581 MasterPC2respondsagain  
0582 MasterPCfailure  
0588 UnknownIDfrommasterPC  
058E MasterPCdeletesownI-call  
058F MasterPCsetsownI-call  
05A0 Groupprotocolincompatible All MZ1 printed circuit boards of the group -
05A8 Group protocol and group control computer Check program version of MZ1 printed circuit 
areincompatible boardandgroupcontrolcomputer

Editor:QMS Issue Changes: 

Issuingoffice:QMS Date:10/2009  Page:F01-2

ThyssenKrupp Operatingmanual,diagnosticunitI  6510 046
Aufzugswerke Functions TypeSerialno.

05b0 ZESreset,05XXfollows ZES has gone onto operation via reset. Check -
ZES=destinationentrystation voltagesupplyandCANconnectiontodestina-
.destinationfloorselectionterminal0 tionentrystation.XX=landingconcerned
05b1 ZES sends unexpected Hello /= initialisation XX=landingconcerned -
05b2 ZES sends unexpected done /= initialisation XX=landingconcerned -
05b3 ZES initialisation timeout, table start: 05 XX Destination entry control ZES cannot be initial- -
follows ised.CheckvoltagesupplyandCANconnection
05b4 ZESinitialisationtimeout,tableend  -
05b5 ZEShandshaketimeout;05XXfollows ZES no longer responds in cycles. Check volt- -
05b8 Bookingoverlap  
05C0 SpecialtravelRESET RESETduetotimeout>10minutes -
05C1 Destinationrequestisnotexecuted Acallissenttoanelevatorthatcannot 
05D0 DGCloggedoffduetohandshaketimeout  -

 Generalfaults Causes,rectificationornotes 
06XX Emergency stop after 3x unsuccessful lock- Lockingcontactordoormechanisminlanding. M2
ingattemptsinlandingXX. Check XX /foreign bodies$. See also explana-
0680 Enhancedlandingdoorlockdiagnosis Landingdoorlockintheshaftbridged:landing SM
+XXH inhexadecimal/seepage28$
06AA On initialisation of the landing door lock ReconnectiononlythroughAF0C BSM
06FD Landingdoorlockdiagnosis No landing door lock diagnosis without MS BSM
06FE Landingdoorlockdiagnosis Nosafetycircuitaddressopen BSM
06FF Landingdoorlockdiagnosis Safetycircuitbridged BSM
0701 TSO fault - main door: TSO switch is not TSOswitchdefectiveorincorrectlyset. 3
operated within 30s after sending a door- Check!
open command. TSO signal is then Oninstallationswithelevatorcarlocking,there
simulated by the CPU so that the door can isnomessagethatcardoorisunlocked.
closeagainafterthenormaldoor-opentime Fault can also lie in the door control if door-
elapses. opencommandisnotexecuted.
0702 TSOfaultmaindoor/seealso0b04$ TSO reports elevator car main door opened N1
although door contact is closed. Leads to
0801 TSODfault-rearentrance TSOD switch defective or incorrectlyset/same 1
0802 TSODfault-rearentrance TSOD reports elevator car rear entrance N3
09NN Blocking>4min:elevatorcarisstandingin Problem with the door reopening device; see M3
a landing and does not start within 4 min function 05 00 column 0d. In the case of
minutes although there are commands or governors with anti-creep device, on hydraulic
calls. elevators the safety switch can be triggered if
the elevator car drops andthegovernorpulley
is sluggish /explanations from page 29 on-


Editor:QMS Issue Changes: 

Issuingoffice:QMS Date:10/2009  Page:F01-3

ThyssenKrupp Operatingmanual,diagnosticunitI  6510 046
Aufzugswerke Functions TypeSerialno.

0AAA Lift-specificfault Fault added as possibility by the maintenance 
a list /the faults are to be clarified with the
0A01 Lockingdevicelanding1to32 e.g.additionallockingcontact 
0A21 3ACdrivecontrolled  
0A22 Emergencybrake,shaft e.g.emergencystopswitch 
0A23 Governorrope  
0A24 Maintenanceplatform e.g.onNC61A/B 
0A25 Limitedtravelpath e.g.onNC61A/B 
0A26 Finallimitswitch,bottom  
0A27 Finallimitswitch,top  
0A28 Speedgovernor,elevatorcar  
0A29 Speedgovernor,counterweight  
0A2A Safetygear,down  
0A2b Safetygear,up  
0A2C Emergencybrake,elevatorcar e.g.emergencystopswitch 
0A2d Cardoor e.g.doorfunctiondisrupted 
0A2E Lockingdeviceforcardoor e.g.additionallocking 
0A2F Slackrope  
0A30 Stopoutsidethedoorzone e.g.emergencystop 
0A31 Cardoornotclosed e.g.cardoorcontact 
0A32 Landingdoornotclosed e.g.lockingcontact 
0A33 Oiltemperatureabove70°C e.g.hydr.elevator 
0A34 Oillevelmonitoring e.g.hydr.elevator 
0A35 Sensorinthesafetycircuithastriggered e.g.EK/ZK/PK/FK/HK 
0A36 Functioncheckinspection  
0A37 Testrelaysafetycircuit K141jamming=shutdown 
0A38 Acknowledgementsafetycircuit RM=shutdown 
0A39 NB!Checkelevatorcarmonitoring Ifadoorisopenedfortoolong 
0A3A Doorisblockedonnudging Ifnudgefunctionisactivefortoolong 
0A3b Faultinpowersupply e.g.withphasefailureetc. 
0A3C Lightbarriercrossovermode e.g.lightbarrierdefective 
0A3d Lightcurtainpersondetection e.g.lightcurtaindefective 
0A3E CollectivefaultsignalsafetySPS Twin 
0A3F FunctionmonitoringA305 Twin 
0A40 Undervoltage,elevatorcarlockingbattery e.g.storagebatterydefective,wirebreak 
0A41 Safetycircuit,fireservice e.g.nooutputportorpowercontactordefective 
0A42 Holdingarm e.g.limitswitchdefective 
0A43 Holdingapparatus,parkingswitch e.g.parkingswitchdefective 
0A44 Withdrawalmonitoring e.g.relayAUZ1defective 
0A45 Braketestswitch e.g.hydraulicbrakes 
0A46 Brakespring1 e.g.hydraulicbrakes 
0A47 Brakespring2 e.g.hydraulicbrakes 
0A48 Brakewear1 e.g.hydraulicbrakes 
0A49 Brakewear2 e.g.hydraulicbrakes 
0A4A Oilleveltoolow e.g.hydraulicbrakes 

Editor:QMS Issue Changes: 

Issuingoffice:QMS Date:10/2009  Page:F01-4

ThyssenKrupp Operatingmanual,diagnosticunitI  6510 046
Aufzugswerke Functions TypeSerialno.

0A4b Checkoilfilters1and2 e.g.hydraulicbrakes 
0A4C Runtimehydraulicpump e.g.hydraulicbrakes 
0A4d Oiltemperaturetoohigh e.g.hydraulicbrakes 
0A4E Contactoracknowledgementhydraulicpump e.g.hydraulicbrakes 
0A4F Lockingdevicemonitoringhastriggered e.g.byspecificadditionalprogram 
0A50 Controlpanelwasopened e.g.byspecificadditionalprogram 
0A51 Dyn.monitoringsafetymodulesperrun e.g.peoplemover 
0A52 Speedmonitoring e.g.peoplemover 
0A53 Stat.monitoringsafetymodules e.g.peoplemover 
0A54 Safetymodulessynchronisation e.g.peoplemover 
0A55 SafetyPLC:warning,sensorfault Twin 
0A56 EmergencystoptriggeredbyASV e.g.zonelost 
0A57 Returnpressure1toohigh e.g.hydraulicbrakes 
0A58 Returnpressure2toohigh e.g.hydraulicbrakes 
0AXX Fault in teach-in /shaft learning main door If this fault occurs during the teach-in function 2
side;0bXXforrearside$ AF0d or AF0C, it meansthatinlandingXXthe
Consultoperatingmanualforteach-in number of landings of the MS2 printed circuit
/MA136510.046$ boardcannotbeallocated.

0b01 Faultinlightbarrier,maindoor Lightbarrierisinterruptedlongerthanspecified M2
in the elevator-specific EPROM; fault 09 00 is
prevented /fault possible on switching off the
0b02 Faultinlightbarrier,rearentrance Seefault0b01 M2
0b03 Elevator for group operation disrupted for Faultentrycanonlybemadewithgroupswhen M2
longerthan1hour the installation is not involved in handling the
external calls, e.g. in the case of priority,
0b04 TSOfault-maindoor After3xresets,theTSOswitchreportselevator SM2
car main door open although the door is
0b05 TSODfault-rearentrance After 3 x resets, the TSOD switch reports SM2
0b06 Earthquakeactive OnlywithMCxCPUs SM1
0b07 InspectionswitchisdefectiveatinputMF3 OnlywithMCxCPUsandworkprogramversion SM1
0b08 Faultinspectionfinallimitswitch  SM
0bbA Initialisation:STSduetosmokedetector  SM
0bbE Smokedetectorinheadroomactive  SM

Editor:QMS Issue Changes: 

Issuingoffice:QMS Date:10/2009  Page:F01-5

ThyssenKrupp Operatingmanual,diagnosticunitI  6510 046
Aufzugswerke Functions TypeSerialno.

0C01 MZ1didnotunderstandtable  S1
0C02 MZ1didnotunderstandtable ConnectionproblemsCPU–MZ1 S1
0C03 MZ1didnotunderstandtable  S1
0C04 a$ Lift-specificprogramnotcorrect
InitialisationelevatorcarReference≠Actual -
b$ Deficientcontactatthebusconnectors.
0C05 InitialisationMPReference1≠Actual1 a$ NumberifMPboardsnotcorrect -
b$ MPboardsnotcorrectlycoded
0C06 InitialisationMPReference2≠Actual2 c$ Busconnectiondefective -
0C07 InitialisationlocalbusReference1≠Actual1 Sameasfaults0C05a$andc$ -
0C08 InitialisationlocalbusReference2≠Actual2  -
0C09 InitialisationMF4Reference1≠Actual1  -
0C0A InitialisationMF4Reference2≠Actual2 MF4printedcircuitboardnotresponding,butis -
0C0b InitialisationMF4Reference3≠Actual3 OK! -
0C0C InitialisationMF4Reference4≠Actual4  -
0C0d InitialisationFKZReference1≠Actual1 FKZ=elevatorcaradd-ons/e.g.doordrive, -
0C0E InitialisationFKZReference2≠Actual2 loadmeasurementsystem$ -
0C10 TimeouterroroninitialisationofMZ1 NoacknowledgementreceivedfromMZ1 S1
0C11 TimeouterroroninitialisationofMZ1 Neither acknowledgement nor initialisation S1
0C12 TimeouterroroninitialisationofMF1 After20s,noinitialisation completedreceived S1
0C13 ResetreceivedfromMZ1 MZ1fault,useprogramV10orhigher N1
0C14 MC3:Portsnotdebouncedafter20attempts  -
0C15 ResetMZ1stationaryreceived Leadstoresetofthecontroller 
0C1C NoconnectiontotheCPI FaultF31Cfollows S1

0C20 Shaftcacheoverflow  -
0C21 Shaftcacheoverflow Datafortheshaft/elevatorcarcannot -
0C22 Shaftcacheoverflow bereadin. -
0C23 Shaftcacheoverflow PossiblyconnectionproblemMZ1/MC3terminal -
0C24 Shaftcacheoverflow block-shaftbus-elevatorcarbus -
0C25 Shaftcacheoverflow -
0C30 Shaftbusdisrupted IsreinitialisedviaMZ1/MC3 N1
0C31 Transmissionerrorintheshaftbus MZ1/MC3detectsfaulttotheshaft -
0C32 Overflowerrorintheshaftbus  -
0C3A TelegramfromMF3Dlost  -
0C3b TelegramfromMF3lost  -
0C3C MF3doesnotrespondafter3s Connection/connectorproblemMZ1–terminal -
0C3d MF3Ddoesnotrespondafter3s block–elevatorcarbus–MF3 -

Editor:QMS Issue Changes: 

Issuingoffice:QMS Date:10/2009  Page:F01-6

ThyssenKrupp Operatingmanual,diagnosticunitI  6510 046
Aufzugswerke Functions TypeSerialno.

0C40 Localcacheoverflow  -
0C42 Localcacheoverflow Moredatawasreadinthan -
0C43 Localcacheoverflow canbeprocessedintheMZ1 -
0C45 Localcacheoverflow  -
0C50 Localbusdisrupted IsreinitialisedviaMZ1 -
0C51 Transmissionerrorinthelocalbus  -
0C52 Overflowerrorinthelocalbus  
0C53 Resetrequestinthelocalbus  
0C60 Clockdividerhasfallenover CANtest  

0C70 CANL:Clockdividerhasfallenover InitialisingCANcontroller -
0C73 CANL:RESETrequestfromCAN InitialisingCANcontroller -
0C74 CANL:Errorinthestatusregister/EMC$ InitialisingCANcontroller -
0C75 CANL:Arithmeticoverflowtransmitcache  -
0C76 CANL:Arithmeticoverflowtransmitcache  -
0C77 CANL:10x0C75/0C76 Observeevents N

0C78 CANS: Clockdividerhasfallenover InitialisingCANcontroller -
0C7A CANS: Overflowerrorintheshaftbus  -
0C7b CANS: RESETrequestintheshaftbus InitialisingCANcontroller -
0C7C CANS: Errorinthestatusregister EMC -

0C80 MF3: ResetofMF3  -
0C81 MF3: TelegramfromMZ1lost  -
0C85 MF3: Overflowerrorintheshaftbus Moredatawasreadinthan -
0C86 MF3: Transmissionerrorintheshaftbus MF3 CAN controller reports transmission -
0C87 MF3: Shaftbusdisrupted  
0C88 MF3: MF2acknowledgementnotpossible >56 landings with MF2 printed circuit boards; 
0C89 MF3: CANchipfallenover Resetrequestorclockdivider 
0C8A MF3: MF3initialisationerror  
0CA0 MF3D:ResetofMF3D  
0CA1 MF3D:TelegramfromMZ1lost  
0CA5 MF3D:Overflowerrorintheshaftbus Moredatawasreadinthan 
0CA6 MF3D:Transmissionerrorshaftbus MF3Dcontrollerregisterstransmissionfailures 
0CA7 MF3D:Shaftbusdisrupted  
0CA8 MF3D:MF2acknowledgementnotpossible >56 landings with MF2 printed circuit boards; 
0CA9 MF3D:CANchipfallenover Resetrequestorclockdivider 
0CAA MF3D:MF3Dinitialisationerror  

Editor:QMS Issue Changes: 

Issuingoffice:QMS Date:10/2009  Page:F01-7

ThyssenKrupp Operatingmanual,diagnosticunitI  6510 046
Aufzugswerke Functions TypeSerialno.

0Cb1 APDtelegramimplausible APDreset 
0Cb2 Overflowerrorintheshaftbus  
0Cb3 Transmissionerrorshaftbus  
0Cb4 Shaftbusdisrupted  
0Cb5 Numberoflandingsdoesnotcorrespondto  
0Cb6 FaultAPDfaultcorrection  
0Cbd NohandshaketelegramfromAPD  
0CbE InitAPDinitiatedbyMCx  
0CbF ResetpathrequestfromAPD  N

0Cd0 RESET  
0Cd2 Memoryoverflowfault  
0Cd3 Busfault  
0Cd4 Businterruption  
0Cd5 Incompletetransmission  
0Cd8 Runtimeerror  
0Cd9 Watchdog  
0CdA Excesscurrent  
0Cdb Overvoltage  
0CdC Overtemperature,heatsink  
0Cdd Overtemperature,doormotor  
0CdE Nocontrollerenable  
0CdF F2/1:Overtemperaturehousing F5:Drivervoltage/mainsvoltage$toolow 

0CE2 Memoryoverflowfault  
0CE3 Busfault  
0CE4 Businterruption  
0CE5 Incompletetransmission  
0CE8 Runtimeerror  
0CE9 Watchdog  
0CEA Excesscurrent  
0CEb Overvoltage  
0CEC Overtemperature,heatsink  
0CEd Overtemperature,doormotor  
0CEE Nocontrollerenable  
0CEF F2/1:Overtemperaturehousing F5:Drivervoltage/mainsvoltage$toolow 

0CFF CPU: UnknowncommandfromMZ1 Withthisfault,usediagnosticunit1toreadout -
Important: The specified memorypositionsare

Editor:QMS Issue Changes: 

Issuingoffice:QMS Date:10/2009  Page:F01-8

ThyssenKrupp Operatingmanual,diagnosticunitI  6510 046
Aufzugswerke Functions TypeSerialno.

0d1B Reference-actualvaluemonitoringMW1 No pulses /only for inspection or emergency N
/B=operatingphase,appliestoall0d recalloperation$;CPUdetectsnopulses.
0d2B Monitoringifpulsesequence: Pulses channel A and channel B swapped. N
ChannelAbeforeBforuprun CorrectpulsesequenceisdisplayedontheESA
0d3B Reference-actualvaluemonitoringMW1 Fault can occur as a consequence of a pre- N
vACTUAL>vREFERENCE/+10%atvRATED; +100%at cedingfaultifonemergencystopthereference
vINSP; valueis0buttheactualvalueisstillpresent.
0d4B Reference-actualvaluemonitoringMW1 Fault can occur: with locking contact inter- N
vACTUAL >vREFERENCE/-10%atvRATED;- ruption /without 14 XX$, with missing pulses,
100%atvINSP; withreferencevaluevoltageontheMW1board
-80%atvADJUST;-50%atvRELEVEL$ >9.8V, with excessively rapid acceleration
 /actual value cannot follow$, with excessively
sluggish control; if necessary, increase I pro-
0d5B Reference-actualvaluemonitoring FaultifvACTUAL>vRATED+10% N
0d6B Control amplifier at terminating point /only Place the drive in the control range /not with N
with analog controller /e.g. Isostop 25M$; digitalcontroller$
notwithdigitalcontroller. It might be that the acceleration is set as too
0d7B Reference value generator /MW1$ not Fault occurs if MW1 computes levelling N
internallyflush deficiency >3mm. It is possible that the fault
of the landing /software error up to 12.95$.
Occurs frequently as consequence of a pre-
0d8B Reference value generator /MW1$ zero- With the elevator stationary, the MW1 board N
speedcontrolvACTUAL>0.25m/s registers a speed >0.25 m/s. Cause: pulse
0d9B Tolerancebandfaultbecausebrakeapplied  N

) can be hidden with switch 6S1 on the MZ or switch S5 on the MZ1 or switch S805 on the MC2 or service switch on the MH3 printed
circuit board.

Editor:QMS Issue Changes: 

Issuingoffice:QMS Date:10/2009  Page:F01-9

ThyssenKrupp Operatingmanual,diagnosticunitI  6510 046
Aufzugswerke Functions TypeSerialno.

0E00 TransmissionfailurefromMW1totheCPU  1
0F0A MarkingflagtestswitchON TestswitchonprintedcircuitboardMZorMZ1 -
0F0b Evolutionelevator Maintenancehatchopened Reset
0F0C MarkingflagTELEservice Serviceoperationenabled -
0F0d MarkingflagTELEservice Serviceoperationdisabled 
0F0E MarkingflagtestswitchOFF TestswitchonprintedcircuitboardMZorMZ1 -
0F0F Evolutionelevator Maintenancehatchclosed Reset
0FZZ Markingflagset ZZ=flagno./possiblenumbersfrom0...9$ -
10YY MalfunctionintheCPUprintedcircuitboards RESETwillfollow N
11YY Malfunction in the MG printed circuit board Groupinput/outputcomponentisdefective. 1
1101 TCM:MalfunctiongroupCANbus GroupCANbusonMZ1notavailable.UseMZ1 
12XX Logical position does not correspond to the FaultdoesnotlieintheLKsensor.Faultliesin 3
realposition. the floor counter program in the operating
13XX Determinedpositiondoesnotcorrespondto Comparefault12XX 3
14XX LockingcontactRKopeninlandingXX Locking contact RK was interrupted during N8
travel. Causes: door opening with emergency
15XX Logical position does not correspond to the Fault in the floor counter program in the 2
realposition. operatingphaseSTANDSTILLBEFORETRAVEL.
16YY MW/MW1 printed circuit board: Position Fault only occurs on installations with running 3
mismatch characteristic computer /printed circuit board
17YY FaultCPU–MW/MW1 FaultonlyoccursoninstallationswithMW/MW1 N1
18XX Locking contact RKD open in the through- Locking contact RKD was interrupted during N8
loadinglandingXX travel/sameasfault14XX$.
19NN Doorzonenotdetected/CPUdoesnotdetect With operating phase STOP, the floor selector N2
thelandingvane,butstopwasinitiated$. does not indicate a door zone. Corresponds to
the description of function 05 00, /see
1AYY Read error floor selector: LK sensor ProblemswithLKsensororlandingvanes.Fault N8
indicatesincorrectsynchronisation: can also occur with rope slip and controller
Referencestate: NOTLITUP vibrations!
Actualstate: LITUP Pulsegeneratormightbedefective!
1bYY Read error floor selector: LK sensor indi- ProblemswithLKsensororlandingvanes.Fault N5
catesincorrectsynchronisation: can also occur with rope slip and controller
Referencestate:LITUP vibrations!
Actualstate: NOTLITUP
1CNN Undefinedtravel Without direction of movement present, a run 4
1dNN Emergency stop /incorrect direction of Noorbothdirectionsofmovementwereformed N3
movement$ /seeexplanationsonpage29$.
1ENN Nodecelerationonrunningoverthemarked Bits20to25carposition; 3
terminal landing vanes or inspection limit Bit26/1$ IFUoperated
switchIFO/IFU Bit27/1$ IFOoperated
NN  is displayed as hexadecimal /see

Editor:QMS Issue Changes: 

Issuingoffice:QMS Date:10/2009  Page:F01-10

ThyssenKrupp Operatingmanual,diagnosticunitI  6510 046
Aufzugswerke Functions TypeSerialno.

 0MPprintedcircuitboard  -
1F00 Localbusinterrupted  -
1F01Localbusfault  -
1F02 Localbusarithmeticoverflow  -
1F03 Receptioncacheoverflow  -
1F04 Printed circuit boards arithmetic overflow  -
1F05 Nohandshaketelegram2$  -
1F08 Localbusinterrupted  -
1F09 Localbusfault  -
1F0A Localbusarithmeticoverflow  -
1F0b Receptioncacheoverflow  -
1F0C Printed circuit boards arithmetic overflow  -
1F0d Nohandshaketelegram2$  -
 ThefaultsoftheMPprintedcircuitboards2MPto15MPcorrespondtothosespecifiedfor0MP -
 2MP⇒1F10to1F15  -
 3MP⇒1F18to1F1d  -
 4MP⇒1F20to1F25  -
 5MP⇒1F28to1F2d  -
 6MP⇒1F30to1F35  -
 7MP⇒1F38to1F3d  -
 8MP⇒1F40to1F45  -
 9MP⇒1F48to1F4d  -
 10MP⇒1F50to1F55  -
 11MP⇒1F58to1F5d  -
 12MP⇒1F60to1F65  -
 13MP⇒1F68to1F6d  -
 14MP⇒1F70to1F75  -
 15MP⇒1F78to1F7d  -

1F80 Localbusinterrupted  -
1F81 Localbusfault  -
1F82 Localbusarithmeticoverflow  -
1F83 Receptioncacheoverflow  -
1F84 FIS,TMC,TMI: Reset EmergencystopandRESETtriggered/MC1$ N1
1F85 FIS,TMC,TMI: Externalcontactor:  -
1F86 FIS,TMC,TMI: Externalcontactor:Cyclical  N1
1F87 FIS,TMC,TMI: Internalfault


$ Dependingontheconnectedfunction,resetcanmeaneitheremergencystopwithsubsequentadjustmentrunorshutdownofthe
$ Ahandshakeisthecyclicalcommunicationcontrol/telegram$betweentwodatamedia.

Editor:QMS Issue Changes: 

Issuingoffice:QMS Date:10/2009  Page:F01-11

ThyssenKrupp Operatingmanual,diagnosticunitI  6510 046
Aufzugswerke Functions TypeSerialno.

1F88 MM/ME:Localbusinterrupted  
1F89 MM/ME:Localbusfault  
1F8A MM/ME:Localbusarithmeticoverflow  
1F8b MM/ME:Receptioncacheoverflow  
1F8C MM/ME:Reset  
1F8d MM/ME:Nohandshaketelegram1$  
1F8E MM/ME:InitialisationstartedbyMCx  
1F8F MM/ME:ResetcausedbyMM/ME  N1

1F90 MQ1:Localbusinterrupted  
1F91 MQ1:Localbusfault  
1F92 MQ1:Localbusarithmeticoverflow  
1F93 MQ1:Receptioncacheoverflow  
1F94 MQ1:Reset  

1FA0 MH3/4:Localbusinterrupted  
1FA1 MH3/4:Localbusfault  
1FA2 MH3/4:Localbusarithmeticoverflow  
1FA3 MH3/4:Receptioncacheoverflow  
1FA4 MH3/4:Reset  N1
1FA5 MH3/4:2xincorrecthandshake1$from  
1FA6 MH3/4: CyclicaltelegramforMC3board  N1
1FA7 MH3/4: InternalfaultintheMH3board  
1FA8 MH3/4: Resetfromsafestate  N1

1Fb0 MQC: Localbusinterrupted  
1Fb1 MQC: Localbusfault  
1Fb2 MQC: Localbusarithmeticoverflow  
1Fb3 MQC: Receptioncacheoverflow  
1Fb4 MCx: ResetMQC  
1Fb5 MCx: 2xincorrecthandshake1$fromMQC  
1Fb6 MCx: CyclicaltelegramforMC3board  
1Fb7 MCx: ResetMQC  N1
1Fb8 MCx: Initialisationwithoutreset  
1Fbd MCx: HandshaketimeoutMQC  

$ Ahandshakeisthecyclicalcommunicationcontrol/telegram$betweentwodatamedia.

Editor:QMS Issue Changes: 

Issuingoffice:QMS Date:10/2009  Page:F01-12

ThyssenKrupp Operatingmanual,diagnosticunitI  6510 046
Aufzugswerke Functions TypeSerialno.

20TT SCmodulefault Acknowledge time to CPU when bridging is -
2100 EEPROMfault/component28C64$ Memory position defective in the EEPROM S1
2200 SCmodulefault/resolution>100ms$ Fault SC module: 100 ms after the CPU inter- N4
rupted channel I, acknowledgement for CPU is
2300 SCmodulefault2$ Sameasfault4300butwithoutshutdown/not 8
2400 CPU:EEPROMdefective MemorypositionintheEEPROMdefective. SM3

2502  Downcallonfrontsideblocked -
2504 Externalcallbuttondefective, Upcallonfrontsideblocked -
2520 Externalcallbuttonoperatedforlongerthan Downcallonrearsideblocked -
2540 5min. Upcallonrearsideblocked -

 S82 S83A S83Z RMSR1  
1 1 1 0 Normaltravel
0 0 0 1 Limitedtravelwithplatformopenandtravellimiterdown
2604 0 1 1 - S82: AcknowledgementswitchS82,maintenance MS
2605 1 0 1 - platform MS
2606 0 0 1 - S83A: AcknowledgementswitchS83A,travellimitertop MS
2607 0 1 0 - S83Z: AcknowledgementswitchS83Z,travellimiter MS
2608 1 1 0 - bottom MS
2609 1 1 1 1 RMSR1: AcknowledgementSR1module MS
260A 0 0 0 0 
 MC1controlsystem: MC2controlsystem: 
-X29b4b8b2b10 -X37/3-X38/2-X37/4-X37/5

$ SCmodulecanbehiddenusingtheteach-inmodefunctionAF0d/AF0C$.Nolevellingwithopeningdoorsandrelevellingwithopen

Editor:QMS Issue Changes: 

Issuingoffice:QMS Date:10/2009  Page:F01-13

ThyssenKrupp Operatingmanual,diagnosticunitI  6510 046
Aufzugswerke Functions TypeSerialno.

27XX Monitoring input or RFS module /relay for OnlywithMC1,MC2 MS
2791 Acknowledgement from RFS bad, EK good, OnlywithMC1,MC2 MB
27C0 Acknowledgement from RFS bad, EK good, OnlywithMC1,MC2 MB
27A3 AcknowledgementfromRFSgood,EKgood, OnlywithMC1,MC2 MB
2800 Faultwithundertravel,flatshaftpit OnlywithMC1,MC2 N
2821 BuffersupportedSynergy During run into the top landing the support N
284X Underruntakeslongerthan30s,cancel  N
288X UnderrunUPtakes>10s,cancel  N
29XX Elevatorcarfoldingtoeguardisdefective OnlywithMC1,MC2 MS
2900 Elevator car folding toe guard is folded in  MS
2910 3timesunsuccessfullyinitiatedundertravel  MS
2A00  Correspondswith 0000 -
2A11  Correspondswith 0101 -
2A12 AcknowledgementviaTMIboard, Correspondswith 0110 -
2A20 comparefaultmessages Correspondswith 1000 -
2A21 6500………7400 Correspondswith 1001 -
2A22 Correspondswith 1010 -
2A32 Correspondswith 1110 -
2A33 Correspondswith 1111 -
2b00 Longerthan60sintheoperatingphase  -

Editor:QMS Issue Changes: 

Issuingoffice:QMS Date:10/2009  Page:F01-14

ThyssenKrupp Operatingmanual,diagnosticunitI  6510 046
Aufzugswerke Functions TypeSerialno.

2C00 Faultinplausibilitycheck Onrelevelling,sensorsLKandLNarechecked. 5
/LK/LNsensoronrelevelling$ IntheUPdirection,theconstellationLK=litup
and LN= not lit upandinDOWNdirectionLK=
lit up and LN= not lit up must not occur.
Causes: Relevelling speed too high; clearance
2d00 MalfunctioninSCmodule During relevelling, acknowledgement to the N2
CPU is disrupted. Causes: check zone switch
2E00 Relevelling time >7s /increased to ≤20s as Cause:Relevellingspeedtoolow;inthecaseof N2
ofworkprogram02.96/26$ hydraulicelevators,basicquantitysetincorrect-
ly; it takes too long before the elevator car
2F00 Relevellingpath>4RE Relevelling path is too long /4 grid units with N1
3000 Read error floor selector /emergency stop Cause: on adjustment, code of landing vane N2
duringadjustmentrun$ was not detected. Teach-in  required /teach
3100 FaultLKsensor1$ CheckLKsensor -
3200 FaultLKsensor1$ CheckLKsensor -
3300 FaultLKsensor $
1 CheckLKsensor -
3400 FaultLKsensor1$ CheckLKsensor -
3500 Faultexternalfloorselector 2
04.98$ Landing vane departing hook not detected 2
3600 Faultexternalfloorselector2$ Flush levelling window scanning is in the 2
3700 Faultexternalfloorselector Landing zone switch is not operated in the 2
3b00 Faultflushlevellingwindow/landingvane$2$  -
3C00 FaultLKsensor/readerror$ Landing vane code does not match the value N4
learned in the teach-in. Emergency stop takes
place only during levelling operation: no
emergency stop on running past. Causes: LK
slip over the traction sheave$; slip pulse
3d00 FaultLKsensor/landingvane$ Approachcodeisnotequaltothedepartcode -

$ FaultasofTCIworkprogram03.89/7nolongerinuse.
$ Faults 35 00 and 3b 00 can no longer occur as of work program 02.87/4 and fault 36 00 can no longer occur as of 06.95/25.

Editor:QMS Issue Changes: 

Issuingoffice:QMS Date:10/2009  Page:F01-15

ThyssenKrupp Operatingmanual,diagnosticunitI  6510 046
Aufzugswerke Functions TypeSerialno.

3E00 Faultanti-creepdevice/governorenable$ MAS magnet does not energise; switch on the SM3
governor does not close. Cause: switch on the
governor defective; pawl on governor jammed
/if the engaging lever makes contact with the
thumb disc, the stroke of the magnet is
3F00 Fault anti-creep device  /governor inter- Magnet is switched off but switch does not SM3
locking$ open. Cause: switch defective; event block
contactor ZSP set too long, governor is not
4000 Emergencycalloperated Enableisorder-specific. -
4100 Malfunction in run monitoring /missing RunmonitoringoftheCPUtriggers/pulseshave SM1
pulses$ notcomefor>4sinthecaseofropeelevators
and >8 s in the case of hydraulic elevators$.
Causes: pulse generator defective; on Iso16M,
check pulses /with diagnostic unit$; on
hydraulics, might be that the basic quantity is
4200 Runtimelimiter Creepagetoolongwithapproachoradjustment SM3
run speed: no foreground and background
4300 Malfunction in SC module /no bridging of Acknowledgement to the CPU disrupted. SM8
lockingdeviceswitch$1$ Causes: SC module defective, landing zone
switch defective; groove depth of landing zone
4400 MalfunctioninSCmodule/shutdownonlyin Sameas4300and4400iffaultoccursinthe SM2
bottom landing in the case of hydraulic toplanding;only4400iffaultoccursinbottom 
elevators$ landing. Reason: in the case of hydraulics, 
4500 Emergencystopbuttonoperated OnlyinNorwayversion/comparedatasheet$. N
4600 Repairswitchon Onlypresentduetoorder/datasheet$ -
4700 RepairswitchOFF Onlypresentduetoorder/datasheet$ -
4800 Ready-againmessage Elevator ready for operation again after N
4900 Operating phase ADJUSTMENT RUN longer Check why adjustment run cannot be carried M2
thandefaultvalue/5min$ outwithin5minutes.
4A00 Communication between CPU and MW or PrintedcircuitboardMW/MW1/pathcomputer$ N2
MW1defective defectivewithhigher-qualitydrives.
4b00 Path computer MW/MW1: logical car posi- PrintedcircuitboardMW/MW1hasnotdetected N2
tionnotequaltorealposition an identifying hook of a landing vane. Cause:
run following emergency stop was carried out
4C00 PathcomputerMW/MW1:intestoperation OnprintedcircuitboardMW/MW1,closebridge -
4d00 Path computer MW/MW1: not ready for Printed circuit board MW/MW1 required by the N2

operation CPURESET.

$ SCmodulecanbehiddenusingtheteach-inmodefunctionAF0d/AF0C$.Nolevellingwithopeningdoorsandrelevellingwithopen

Editor:QMS Issue Changes: 

Issuingoffice:QMS Date:10/2009  Page:F01-16

ThyssenKrupp Operatingmanual,diagnosticunitI  6510 046
Aufzugswerke Functions TypeSerialno.

4E00 PathcomputerMW/MW1: Communication /RST 5.5$ to path computer -
4F00 Contactor acknowledgement to the CPU Incorrect contactor acknowledgement on SM2
/contactorreference-actualcomparison$ adjustment run or number of unsuccessful
5000 Collective fault for shutdown with reactiva- Causes: TCM faults 0C 01, 0C 02, 0C 03, 0C SM2
tioninthecaseofTCMcontrolsystem 042$, 0C 11, 0C12 occurred /problems with
5100 Runmonitoringor Pulsesdonotcomefor>4sordefectivewiring N2
incorrectacknowledgementtravelcontactor onthetravelcontactors
5200 Adjustmentrunafteremergencystop Adjustment run after emergency stop carried -
5300 Runfollowingadjustmentrun Run was carried out after adjustment run -
5400 MalfunctionCPU/interruptwatchdog$ ComputermalfunctionCPU -
5500 RESET RESET leads to new program start /after main -
switch OFF/ON or after mains-related power
Causes: % V voltage not correct set; mains
5501 RestartMC2group 24VDCwasswitchedoff 

56… Non-definedinterrupt  N
5600 Divideerrorexception  
5601 Traceinterrupt  N
5602 Non-maskableinterrupt  N
5603 Breakpointinterrupt  N
5604 INTOdetectedoverflowexception  N
5605 Arrayboundsexception  N
5606 Unusedopcodeexception 4xfault8900follow N
5607 Escapeopcodeexception Warning! N
5608 Timer0interrupt Faultcodes5600to56FF N
5609 AMDreservedinterrupt Processorfaultmessagesaccordingtodata N
560A DMA0orINT5 ReplaceCPUand N
560b DMA1orINT6 InformdepartmentQMS N
560C INT0  N
560d INT1  N
560E INT2  N
560F INT3  N
5610 INT4  N
5611 Asynchronousserialport0interrupt  N
5612 Timer1interrupt  N
5613 Timer2interrupt  N
5614 Asynchronousserialport1Interrupt  N
5615 Unusedopcodeexception 4xfault8900follow N
5616 Unusedopcodeexception 4xfault8900follow 
56FF Undefinedsoftwareinterrupt  N

$ 0C04to0C0Calsoleadtoshutdownifnothingelseisspecifiedintheelevator-specificEPROM!

Editor:QMS Issue Changes: 

Issuingoffice:QMS Date:10/2009  Page:F01-17

ThyssenKrupp Operatingmanual,diagnosticunitI  6510 046
Aufzugswerke Functions TypeSerialno.

5600 CPUfault/TRAP$ ComputermalfunctionCPUE60,changeboard -

5700 ADJUSTMENTRUN Adjustmentrunentryismadeafteremergency -
5755 Adjustmentrun Reset,asnodirectionoftravelrequest 
5800 Emergencystop Emergencystoptakesplaceaftercertainfaults -
5900 SHUTDOWNwithEMERGENCYSTOP Installation is shut down ofthefaultthatleads SM1
to the EMERGENCY STOP is entered in the
codes can be entered; compare also part 3
Memory positions$
59AB Lift-specificadditionalprogramfailed Shutdown,controllerlight 

5A00 FaultCPU–MW/MW1 MW/MW1:Doesnotreportoperability SM2
5b00 FaultCPU–MW/MW1 MW/MW1:DoesnotrequesttelegramsafterTCI SM2
5C00 FaultCPU–MW/MW1 MW/MW1: No interrupt read port after sending SM2
5d00 FaultCPU–MW/MW1 MW/MW1: Telegram not understood once -
5E00 FaultCPU–MW/MW1 MW/MW1: Telegram not understood twice /no SM2

5F00 EKfault/EK=endcontact$ Afterendcontactfault,shutdowninbottom MB
5FXX QuasishutdowninXXduetouninterruptible Relevellingpermitted. MB

6000 Safetycircuit:Terminalendcontactopen Cause: end contact is interrupted during travel MN
/not adjustment run. On some devices e.g.
monitoring because monitoring contact lies
6100 Safetycircuit:TerminalHKopen StopcontactHKorsafetygearcontactFKopen N
6200 Safetycircuit:TerminalTKopen Elevator car contact KTK or KTKD was N
6300 Safetycircuit:TerminalKTopen Locking contact RK or RkD was interrupted N
63XX XX=landingdoorlockopeninlanding  

Editor:QMS Issue Changes: 

Issuingoffice:QMS Date:10/2009  Page:F01-18

ThyssenKrupp Operatingmanual,diagnosticunitI  6510 046
Aufzugswerke Functions TypeSerialno.

6400 Temperaturemonitoringfordrivemotorhas Posistororposistorconnected/thermalcontact$ MN
triggered hastriggered.Check!

Contactorstate Explanations:Contactorstate

6500* 00 00   0011 NSM4
6600 00 01    
6700 00 10   Travelcontactor Travelcontactor
6800 00 11    
6900 01 00    
6A00* 01 01    
6b00 01 10   Directioncontactor Directioncontactor
6C00 01 11    
6d00 10 00 The CPU outputs the contactor reference state. Within 500 ms, the
6E00 10 01 contactor actual state must assume the specified reference state, other-
6F00* 10 10 wisethereisanemergencystop
7000 10 11 Meaning: 0…contactorde-energised
7100 11 00  1…contactorenergised
7200 11 01  *nofault/REFERENCE=ACTUAL$
7300 11 10 /seealsofault4F00$
7400* 11 11 Comment: if incorrect acknowledgement is issued 10 times in the range

7500 QuerycarKTdefective Check corresponding sensors and/or the 
7600 QueryTKsensordefective MQ/MQ1 2
7700 QueryHKsensordefective printedcircuitboard/etc.$,replaceifnecessary.
7800 QueryEKsensordefective UsediagnosticunitItocheckfunction0500!

7900 Temperaturesensordefective Check drive motor temperature monitoring -
7A00 Monitoring sensor for control device Checkmonitoringsensor;ifnecessary,replace -
defective MZ/1$board.
7b00 24VDCvoltagesupplyfailure Check voltage supply /also on the MQ printed MBS

7C00 Control device CPI switches off although CheckfaultstackintheCPIcontroldevice. N5

) If faults 65 00 to 74 00 occur more than 3 times, fault 4F 00 follows. This leads to a spontaneous message and shutdown.

Editor:QMS Issue Changes: 

Issuingoffice:QMS Date:10/2009  Page:F01-19

ThyssenKrupp Operatingmanual,diagnosticunitI  6510 046
Aufzugswerke Functions TypeSerialno.

7dxx CPI:Faultxx  -
7d00 CPI:Nofault  -
7d01 CPI:ControlvoltageON  -
7d02 CPI:Watchdogfault  -
7d03 CPI:No SMR /fault message from control  -
7d04 CPI:SMR /fault message from control  -
7d05 CPI:EEPROMerror  -
7d06 CPI:Overtemperature,heatsink  -

7d07 CPI:Overtemperature,drivemotor -

7d08 CPI:Earthleakagemessage  -
7d09 CPI:Powerpartnotdetected  -
7d0A CPI:ZK undervoltage /ZK= intermediate cir-  -
cuit$ QuerywithparameterentrypanelintheCPI
7d0B CPI:Pulseblockingpowerpartenabled controldevice -
7d0C CPI:ZKovervoltage/ZK=intermediatecircuit$ -
7d0d CPI:Faultstackdeleted -
7d0E CPI:Excesscurrent -
7d0F CPI:Mainsovervoltage -
7d10 CPI:TimeerrorintheDSP1$ -
7d11 CPI:±15Vor24Vundervoltage -
7d12 CPI:Faultno./notcurrentlyused$18 -
7d13 CPI:CANbusfault -
7d14 CPI:vACTUALisnotequaltovREFERENCE±10% -
7d15 CPI:FaultinthecurrentregulatorDSP1$ -
7d16 CPI:DSPreset1$ -
7d17 CPI:UnknownsignaltotheDSP1$ -
7d18 CPI:Referencevaluetelegramno.isincorrect -
7d19 CPI:Problemwithtravelcontactor -
7d1A CPI:Markingflagset -
7d1b CPI:Faultinthepulseencodercalibration -
7d1C CPI:Failureofpulseencoder -
7d1d CPI:Pulseencodersuccessfullycalibrated -
7d1E CPI:Brakefault -
7d1F CPI:Overtemperaturemotororbrake -
7d20 CPI:FaultSIN-COSencoder -
7d21 CPI:Regenerationunitnotready -
7d22 CPI:LS2connectionfault -
7d23 CPI:ZK>200Vnotreached -
7d24 CPI:Unitsizealtered -
7d25 CPI:Cyclecounterwithpulseinhibitor -
7d26 CPI:Thereisexcessspeed -
7d27 CPI:Standbypowermodeactive -
7d28 CPI:NMIfromexternal -
7d29 CPI:UndefinedOpcode -
7d2A CPI:Protectedinstruction -
7d2B CPIillegalwordaccess -
7d2C CPI:Illegalinstructionaccess -
7d2d CPI:Illegalexternalbusaccess  -
7d2E CPI:Parametersaved  -

$ DSP=digitalsignalprocessorinthecontroldevice

Editor:QMS Issue Changes: 

Issuingoffice:QMS Date:10/2009  Page:F01-20

ThyssenKrupp Operatingmanual,diagnosticunitI  6510 046
Aufzugswerke Functions TypeSerialno.

7d2F CPI:Factoryvaluesloaded  -
7d30 CPI:Motorselectionchanged  -
7d34 ACANresetofthecontrollerhastriggereda OnlyV5.7b,V15.7b 
7d35 Speedmonitor Vreference<=>Vactual>20% 
7d36 No motor current measured before opening  
7d37 Motorselectionunknown  
7d38 MotorreplacementLS2  
7d3E EEPROMwarning  
7d3F EEPROMreaderror  
7d84 MC3:ResetbycontroldeviceCPI  N1
7d85 MC3:2xincorrecthandshake2$fromCPI  -
7d86 MC3:Cyclicaltelegramtothecontroldevice CPIhasfailed N1
7d87 MC3:CPIreadytimeout Notreadyforlongerthan15s N
7d88 MC3: CPI ready to run present although  
7d89 MC3: K1-RM=1 or HSD-RM=0 although  S
7d9x MC3: CPX switches off although travel X=operatingphaseasofV54.07, N
requestsent. previous7C0x

7dA5 ReadytorungoesawaybeforeESPcomes  N
7dA6 ReadytorungoesawaybeforeK2RMcomes  N
7dA7 ReadytorungoesawaybeforeEBScomes  N
7dA8 Normaloperation:K1-RM=0,HDS-RM=0,EBS=0  N
7dA9 Normaloperation:K1-RM=1,HDS-RM=0,EBS=0  N
7dAA Normaloperation:K1-RM=0,HDS-RM=1,EBS=0  N
7dAb Normaloperation:K1-RM=1,HDS-RM=1,EBS=0  N
7dAC Normaloperation:K1-RM=0,HDS-RM=0,EBS=1  N
7dAd Normaloperation:K1-RM=1,HDS-RM=0,EBS=1  N
7dAE Normaloperation:K1-RM=0,HDS-RM=1,EBS=1 Referencestate 
7dAF Normaloperation:K1-RM=1,HDS-RM=1,EBS=1  N
7db1 K1-RMdoesnotcome WithMQCorCPI N
7db2 Currenttestdoesnotcome  N
7db3 Currenttestfailed  N
7db5 EPSdoesnotcome Atstart N
7db6 K2-RMdoesnotcome WithMQCorCPIatstart N
7db7 EBSdoesnotcome Atstart N
7db9 EBSdoesnotgoaway  N
7dbA ESPdoesnotgoaway  N
7dbb K2-RMdoesnotgoaway WithMQCorCPI N
7dCx x=BPHS500msafteremergencyshutdown emergencystophasnotbeeninitiated 
7ddx Faultmessageiscreatedinthe dailytestroutine 
7dd1 Starttestdoesnotcome  N
7dd2 K1doesnotswitchoffoverK10  N
7dd3 K1doesnotswitchonoverK10  N
7dd4 K1doesnotswitchoffoverK15  N
7dd5 K1doesnotswitchonoverK15  N
7dd6 Currenttestdoesnotcome  N
7dd7 Currenttestfailed  N

$ Ahandshakeisthecyclicalcommunicationcontrol/telegram$betweentwodatamedia.

Editor:QMS Issue Changes: 

Issuingoffice:QMS Date:10/2009  Page:F01-21

ThyssenKrupp Operatingmanual,diagnosticunitI  6510 046
Aufzugswerke Functions TypeSerialno.

7EXX MH3/4: InternalfaultofMH3/4,ifXX=00...7F  -
MC3: Fault of MH3/4 is detected by MC3, if
7E01 MH3/4:ErrorwritingintheEEPROM  -
7E02 MH3/4: Modemnotdetectedonconnection  -
7E03 MH3/4:Renewedmodemsearch  -
7E04 MH3/4:Switchoverfromslavetomaster ResetrequestfromMH3/4toMC3. -
7E05 MH3/4:ErrorwritingintheEEPROM Ifthesefaultsoccurmorefrequently, -
7E06 MH3/4:ErrorwritingintheEEPROM forwardthefaultstackwithsub-IDtothe -
7E07 MH3/4:ErrorwritingintheEEPROM departmentQMS/ThyssenAufzugswerke -
7E08 MH3:DOSdownloadrequest Neuhausen$! -
7E09 MH3/4:Restorebasestate -
7E0A MH3/4:ErrorwritingintheEEPROM -
7EA4 MC3:ResetfromMH3/4  N1
7EA5 MC3:2xincorrecthandshakefromMH3/4 Handshake, see footnote on page 12,13 or -
7EA6 MC3: CyclicaltelegramtoMH3/4hasfailed  N1
7EA8 MC3:Resetfromsafestate ViarequestfromtheM3H N1
7EB1 MC3:az-flkslipisincorrect/slipcontrolSpiritelevator$ 
7EB2 MC3:Teleg.counterMH3/4incorrect/slipcontrolSpiritelevator$ 

7FXX MM/ME:XX=00…7FareinternalfaultsofMMorME 
7FXX MCx:  XX=80…FFarefaultsofMMorMEdetectedbytheMCx -
7F10 MM_ME:Atleast1IDispresentsev.times/enc.$ -
7F11 MM_ME:Telegram81hlost/localbus$ -
7F12 MM_ME:Workprogramtooold,updatenecessary -
7F13 MM_ME:VariousMM_MEversionsinthecompound -
7F14 MM_ME:SeveralMMMEsonthelocalbusinsteadofoneMMME -
7F15 MM_ME:MorethanoneMMMEhasrespondedononeelevator -
7F16 MM_ME:Nomainscontactorenabledinthestandbysupplycompound -
7F17 MM_ME:TheEEPROMhasbeendeleted -
7F2x MM_ME:ErrorwritingintheEEPROM -
7F30 MM_ME:Resetofstandbysupplyoperation/AV -
7F31 MM_ME:SoftwareresetofMMboard -
7F32 MM_ME:HardwareresetofMMboard -
7F34 MM_ME:InitialisationofMCxmissingafterstandbycurrentmessage -
7F8C MCx:2*incorrecthandshaketelegramfromMM_ME -
7F8d MCx:NohandshaketelegramfromMMorME -
7F8E MCx:InitialisationofMMorMEstartedbyMCx -
7F8F MCx:ResetduetoMMorME N1

Editor:QMS Issue Changes: 

Issuingoffice:QMS Date:10/2009  Page:F01-22

ThyssenKrupp Operatingmanual,diagnosticunitI  6510 046
Aufzugswerke Functions TypeSerialno.

8000* Incorrectruncommand Run command DOWN with position bottom N1
8100* Incorrectruncommand RuncommandUPwithpositiontoplanding. N1
8200* Undefinedcarposition ζ.. New teach-in required; if not successful, N3
8300* Undefinedcarposition check 5V voltage supply of the CPU, 
8400* Undefinedcarposition EEPROMontheCPUmightbedefective. 
8500* Undefinedcarposition 

8600 Brakecontrolcircuithastriggered Checksettingofbrakecontrolsensors;check MNS
/asofTCIworkprogram06.95/25$ brakelining.Themonitoringcanbefadedout
8601 Brakecanonlybeswitchedoffviathesafety  MNS
8608 Before start of run, a brake block reports Check the brake contact via function 0500 / MNS
8680 open. column3C.
8688 Before run start, both brake blocks report Checkthebrakecontacts. MNS
86XX AsofV53.05,reservedbit-wiseunlesstheabove-mentionedfaults Note: MNS
occur: ConvertXXhexinto
2^0:0/with1brakefaultisreportedbyCPI-E$ binarynumber!

87PP Parametersthatcontainnon-permitteddefaultvaluesintheelevator-specificprogramforthe 
path computer MW1. On the basis of the variables PP, the corresponding /incorrect$ para-
8701 Ratedspeedvrated Explanation: -
8702 MaximumspeedvCON Thememorypositionsfordecelerationetc.are -
8703 Accelerationa notprogrammedorincorrectlyprogrammed.In -
8704 Deceleration–a this case, the elevator-specific program must -
8705 Jerk bereprogrammedorderprocessingwithindica- -
8706 Jerk1 tion of the fault code number. The memory -
8707 Jerk2/poss.alsoA37D-red.jerk2$ positions concerned in the elevator-specific -
8708 Jerk3 program can be queried on site using the -
diagnostic unit, see also point 4$ MEMORY
8709 Jerk4 -
870A Adjustmentrunspeedvadjust -
870b RelevellingspeedvNA -
870C InspectionspeedvINSP -
8800 Brakediscrunningoutofround Concentric running control circuit has SM1

Editor:QMS Issue Changes: 

Issuingoffice:QMS Date:10/2009  Page:F01-23

ThyssenKrupp Operatingmanual,diagnosticunitI  6510 046
Aufzugswerke Functions TypeSerialno.

89.... Incorrectoperationcode Followsfaultcodenumber56XXandisstored SM1
1. Byte:Codesegmenthigh 4timesinsuccession.Readoutfaultstackwith
2. Byte:Codesegmentlow sub-ID XX and contact department QMS
3. Instructionspointerhigh /ThyssenKruppAufzugswerke$.
4. Instructionspointerlow
8A... Parameters that are to go to the MW1 Faultcanonlyoccuroninitialisation. -
printed circuit board are outside of the
8A01 Acceleration  -
8A02 Deceleration  -
8A03 Brakeapplicationtime  -
8A04 Jerk/general$  -
8A05 1stjerk  -
8A06 2ndjerk  -
8A07 3rdjerk  -
8A08 4thjerk  -
8A09 Accelerationcontrolpresetting  -
8A0A Amplificationfactor  -
8A0b Ratedspeed  -
8A0C Inspectionoperationspeed  -
8A0d Adjustmentrunspeed  -
8A0E Relevellingspeed  -
8A0F Shortenedovertravelupperthreshold  -
8A10 Shortenedovertravellowerthreshold  -
8A11 Approachspeed  -
8A12 Approachpath  -

Editor:QMS Issue Changes: 

Issuingoffice:QMS Date:10/2009  Page:F01-24

ThyssenKrupp Operatingmanual,diagnosticunitI  6510 046
Aufzugswerke Functions TypeSerialno.

8Bxx TWINupperelevatorcar -
8B89 TWIN lower elevator car off but MZ1 lower  -
8B8A Position of TWIN lower elevator car  S
8B8b 2 times landing zone switch received from  -
8B8C 2 times incorrect handshake telegram from  -
8B8d Handshaketimeout:Initfromsafestate  -
8B8E Initialise lower elevator car during regular  -
8B8F Lower elevator car was shut down, reset to  Reset
8BAX TWINlowerelevatorcar:TWINclearancetoo Proposal:X -
8BFF TWIN lower elevator car has different  S
8Cxx TWINlowerelevatorcar  -
8C89 TWINupperelevatorcaroff,butMZ1upper  -
8C8A Position of TWIN upper elevator car  S
8C8b 2 times landing zone switch received from  -
8C8C 2 times incorrect handshake telegram from  -
8C8d Handshaketimeout:Initfromsafestate  -
8C8E Initialise upper elevator car during regular  -
8C8F Lower elevator car was shut down, reset to  Reset
8CAX TWIN upper elevator car: TWIN clearance Proposal:X -
8CFF TWIN upper elevator car has different  S

Editor:QMS Issue Changes: 

Issuingoffice:QMS Date:10/2009  Page:F01-25

ThyssenKrupp Operatingmanual,diagnosticunitI  6510 046
Aufzugswerke Functions TypeSerialno.

8dEx 150N signal when door closed, x =  
8dFx 150Nsignalwhendoorclosed Cardepthpoorlysimulated 
9000 Speed>0.5m/swithbridgedsafetycircuit Explanation:Safetycircuithasbeenbridgedby N2
the CPU. Possible cause: Pulse generator
delivers pulses at a standstill and these
9100 With bridged safety circuit, elevator car is Explanation:Safetycircuithasbeenbridgedby N2-
notlocatedinazone the SC module and the CPU detects that the
before the zone /e.g. rope slip$ or elevator
9200 WithoperatingphaseSTOPorSTANDSTILL, Possible causes: Pulse generator, in particular N6
v>0.3m/s Wachendorfmake,deliverspulsesatstandstill.
work program 06.95, v isnolongermonitored
9300 Relevellingspeed>0.2m/s In the operating phase STOP or STANDSTILL, N6
9400 Triggeringofspeedmonitoring MonitoringrespondsatvRATED+10%;itcanalso SM1
9500 Monitoringcontroldevicehastriggered Malfunctioncontroldevice: MN2
/Isostop 16M, Isostop 25M, Isostop 60 - Temperaturemonitoring
/API$, controlled hydraulic elevator with - Phasesequenceandfailuremonitoring
Beringercontrolvalveunit$ - Reference-actualvaluemonitoring
/monitoringinputviaMZboard$ /Beringer$
- Controlleratterminatingpointetc.
- API,seefaultstackforparameterentry
9900 MW1:Speedmonitoringonrelevelling During operating phase 00, 01 or 04 was N1
9A00 MW1: Speed monitoring on levelling with During operating phase was v >0.5 m/s in the N1
openingdoors doorzone.
9b00 Monitoringtheinspection/recallspeed During operating phase 07 was v >0.63 m/s N1
/EN81$; v >0.4 m/s /Russia$; v >0.85 m/s

Editor:QMS Issue Changes: 

Issuingoffice:QMS Date:10/2009  Page:F01-26

ThyssenKrupp Operatingmanual,diagnosticunitI  6510 046
Aufzugswerke Functions TypeSerialno.

DSP:Decelerationcontrolthirdtrack GKVTO:Topmonitoringzone
Sitrack:evaluationcircuitfor GKVTU:Bottommonitoringzone
decelerationcontrol GKDZ:Monitoringperiod
9E00 DSP:Lightbarrierdefective Checklightbarrier MS1
9E01 DSP:Elevatortoofast  MS
9E02 Si track: Channel 1 SR module does not  MS
9E03 Sitrack:SRmoduledoesnotbridgeafter  MS
9E04 Sitrack:Timervaluefallenover  MS
9E05 Sitrack:Testmodereached Nomeasurement MS
9E06 Sitrack:SRmodulehasinterruptedsafety Possiblecause:Fromtravel,processor2has MS
circuit triggeredonMF3/channel2$.
9E07 Sitrack:GKVTOorGKVTUincorrect  MS
9ECE Sitrack:Checksuminthecoderangeincorrect MS
9F00 DSP:Decelerationmonitoringhastriggered Elevatortoofast N1
9F01 DSP:TimervalueGKDZis0  N
9F04 DSP:Timererror/cannotbelifted$  N

b000 Operatingphasefault Floorselectorhasnofoundacorrectoperating N3
b1XX Faultmessagesforslipcontrol NC71A-SPIRIT 
b1AA Detects during initialisation that slip control ReconnectionbyAFOC! SBM
hasactivated NB!Beforereconnection,checkdrivingbelt
b1EE Slippathuptoolarge fromSpiritelevator! SBM

Editor:QMS Issue Changes: 

Issuingoffice:QMS Date:10/2009  Page:F01-27

ThyssenKrupp Operatingmanual,diagnosticunitI  6510 046
Aufzugswerke Functions TypeSerialno.

C000 In the case of nearby landings, the Setacceleration/decelerationontheMD/MD1 N1
d000 acceleration/decelerationistoorapid boardasflatter.Teach-in!
C100 Installationcharacteristicshavechanged Decelerationpointliesclosetothelandingvane N1
d100 identifyinghook.Setacceleration/deceleration
C200 Installationcharacteristicshavechanged Accelerationabortnotintheaccelerationrange. N1
d200 SameasfaultC100/d100!
C300 Installationcharacteristicshavechanged Reference/actualdeviationtoogreat/elevator N1
d300 cartoofast?$SameasfaultC100/d100!
C400 Installationcharacteristicshavechanged SameasfaultC300/d300! N1
C500 FaultinsignalinterchangeMD/MD1–CPU Fictitiousaccelerationabort,decelerationor N1
d500 shutdownpointalreadypassed.Pulse
C600 FaultinsignalinterchangeMD/MD1–CPU Elevatorcarbetweentwozones.Fictitious N1
d600 pointsinthezoneleftlast.
C700 FaultinsignalinterchangeMD/MD1–CPU Pathactualvaluecorrectioncarriedout. -
d700 SameasfaultC500/d500!
C800 Value range exceeded if AF13/AF20 is not Runteach-in! -
d800 programmedintheteach-inmode.
C900 DOWN/nodirectionofmovement Wcontactorswitchedoffbeforeshutdownpoint N
d900 UP reached. N
CA00 DOWN/nodirectionofmovement Brakeappliedbeforeshutdownpointreached. N
dA00 UP N
Cb00 DOWN/nodirectionofmovement WcontactorswitchedoffbeforespeedVn/Ve N
db00 UP reached. N
CC00 DOWN/nodirectionofmovement BrakeappliedbeforespeedVn/Vereached. N
dC00 UP N
Cd00 DOWN/nodirectionofmovement ArithmeticunderflowbeforeVereached N
dd00 UP N
CE00 DOWN/nodirectionofmovement Arithmeticunderflowduringapproach. N
dE00 UP N
CFXX 2ndsamecodevaneinlandingXX /onlyinAF10$ -

Editor:QMS Issue Changes: 

Issuingoffice:QMS Date:10/2009  Page:F01-28

ThyssenKrupp Operatingmanual,diagnosticunitI  6510 046
Aufzugswerke Functions TypeSerialno.

E000 Faultonreadingback EEPROMontheCPUdefective,replace;check SM1
E100 voltagesupply5V
E200 Checksumnotcorrect/BCCoriginalBCC ReplaceEEPROM;runnewteach-in. SM1
E300 Checksumnotcorrect/BCCoriginalBCC ReplaceEEPROM;runnewteach-in. SM1
E400 Memoryfault RAMinCPUdefective -
E500 Backupblock:checksumincorrect–backup  -
E600 Originalblock:checksumincorrect–original  -
E700 OngoingchecksumRAMincorrect.  N1
E800 Thetoplandingisreducedtothebottom Maintenancehatchopenedoninstallationswith S1
landing lowtravelheight.
E801 ThetoplandingisZERO RunAF10teach-in;numberoflandingsmust S1
/OnelevatorEVOLUTION,faulttextofE800 bestoredintheorder-specificEPROM/also
applies$ dummylandings$.
E900 Overflowerror CalculationforAF71/shortenedovertravel$or S1
EAXX MC3:UnknowncommandXXatperipherals 
EEYY MemorypositionXXYYintheEEPROM UsenewEEPROMontheCPU. -
EEXX defective 
F000 CommunicationerrorMZ1CPU Triggeredbythefaults: MS1-
F100 CommunicationerrorMZ1elevatorcar Triggeredbythefaults: MS1
e.g.MF3/MF4printedcircuitboard 0C04,0C09,0C0A,0C0b,0C0C
F200 CommunicationerrorMZ1elevatorcaradd- Triggeredbythefaults: MS1
onse.g.LSM1,doordrives 0C0d,0C0E,
F300 CommunicationerrorMZ1localbus Triggeredbythefaults: MS1
e.g...MPboard 0C05,0C06,0C07,0C08
F31C NoconnectiontotheCPX Triggeredbyfault0C1C S
F389 OtherTwinelevatorcarnotresponding  S
F38A PositionofTwinelevatorcarunknown  S
F3AB Elevator-specificadditionalprogramfailed  S
F3FF TWINelevatorcarxhasdifferentsoftware  S
F40C Faultwithshutdown FaultsthatarenotdefinedinF000..F300. MS1
F4AF Missingfloorteach-in. OnlyoneAF0Ewasrun.Travelonlypossible SM
F800 8kRAM/EEPROMnotdetected Formerlyfault02.03or0204 MS1
Fb00 Teleservicecode MessagegeneratedbytheTeleservicedevice 
Fd00 MC1:Flashdataerror Teach-indataintheRAMcopyareaisOK. -
Fd01 MC1:RAMcopydataerror Teach-indataintheflashmemoryisOK. -
Fd0F Flashdataerror Faultintheareaoftheelevator-specificdata -
FdFA Noorder-specificEPROMavailable Useorder-specificprogram! 
FE00 MC1:Flashdataerror Teach-indataislost;completenewteach-in MS1
/BCCchecksum$ required!
Warning!   Faultcodesthatarenotinthelistareundefined!

Editor:QMS Issue Changes: 

Issuingoffice:QMS Date:10/2009  Page:F01-29

ThyssenKrupp Operatingmanual,diagnosticunitI  6510 046
Aufzugswerke Functions TypeSerialno.


04NN   TCIcontrolsystem-querylandingzoneswitchmagneticswitch

1stdisplay: 0442,
 = binary01000010 /landingzoneswitches 1-8$ landingzoneswitchlanding2
 = binary00000000 /landingzoneswitches 9-16$ nolandingzoneswitchclosed.
3rddisplay: 0402,
 = binary00000010 /landingzoneswitches 17-24$ landingzoneswitchinlanding18
4thdisplay: 0400,
 = binary00000000 /landingzoneswitches 25-32$ nolandingzoneswitchclosed.

04XX TCMcontrolsystem-querylandingzoneswitchmagneticswitch

1stdisplay: 0402, = landingzoneswitchlanding2closed.
2nddisplay:0407, = landingzoneswitchlanding7closed.
3rddisplay: 0418 = landingzoneswitchlanding18closed.

06XX Doorlocknotpossible



0680hex Enhancedlandingdoorlockdiagnosis

Editor:QMS Issue Changes: 

Issuingoffice:QMS Date:10/2009  Page:F01-30

ThyssenKrupp Operatingmanual,diagnosticunitI  6510 046
Aufzugswerke Functions TypeSerialno.

09NN Elevatorcarisblockedinthelanding>4min

     Example 0931  LED  Signalname/LEDindicatorinthediagnosticunitI,rowA$
             0   KKD
             0   LSD
             1   KK  OK   
             1   LS  OK   
             0   TSUD        
             0   TSOD        
             0   TSU
             1   TSO  operated


19NN Doorzonenotdetected

             1   VR 
             1   A5A
             0   TO
             0   TU 
             1   FL        
             0   FS        
             0   FO
             0   FU 

In the operating phase STOP /elevator at a standstill$, the CPU detects that the door zone

1dNN Emergencystop.incorrectdirectionofmovement0


With fault 1d C8, the processor issues the signals VR, A5A and FL /but not a direction of

Editor:QMS Issue Changes: 

Issuingoffice:QMS Date:10/2009  Page:F01-31

ThyssenKrupp Operatingmanual,diagnosticunitI  6510 046
Aufzugswerke Functions TypeSerialno.

1ENN Decelerationnoteffective

There is a check as to whether deceleration was already initiated on reaching the marked

     Example: 1E9d

             1  27    FOoperated/directionofmovementUP$
             0  26    FU   /directionofmovementDOWN$
             0  25    
             1  24    
             1  23    Position/hexadecimalnumber
             1  22    convertedintobinarynumber$
             0  21    
             1  20    

1E9d:asthebits20 to 27 indicatelanding29,thiscanonlymeanthedirectionofmovement

Editor:QMS Issue Changes: 

Issuingoffice:QMS Date:10/2009  Page:F01-32

ThyssenKrupp Operating manual, diagnostic unit I 6510 046 
Aufzugswerke Functions Type Serial no.

Function 02 00 Display order number (as of TCI work program version 06.88/6 and with TCM)

1) Use the program selection wheel to select function 02 00

2) Press the button: the first four numbers of the order number appear in the
7-segment display; simultaneously, LED 5 in row B and LED 12 in row A light up.
3) Use the program selection wheel to shift the order number to the left until the next four numbers
appear; LED 3 in row B and LED 10 in row A light up.
4) Use the program selection wheel to shift further to the left until the last four positions of the order
number appear; simultaneously, LED 1 in row B lights up.
5) Exit: press start-stop button longer than 2 s.

Example: order no.: 27 70 06 42 1

    
LED 5 12 3 10 1

Diagnostic Unit I

Start / Stop

ThyssenKrupp Aufzugswerke GmbH

Pulses 8 27 16 LK-sensor
7 26 15 Run: IS/RS
6 25 14 Direction Up with IS
SC module 5 24 13 Direction Down with IS
Program selection wheel
Safety circuit EK 4 23 12 LN-sensor
HK 3 22 11
TK 2 21 10 W/W1-contactor
KT 1 20 9 WO/WU-contactor

Editor: QMS Issue Change: revision 

Issuing office: QMS Date: 10 / 2009 D6510-046 Fkt 02.doc Page: F02-1

ThyssenKrupp Operating manual, diagnostic unit I 6510 046 
Aufzugswerke Functions Type Serial no.

Function 03 00 Position indicator (decimal)

1) Use the program selection wheel to select function 03 00

2) Each car position is displayed as a decimal number.
3) Exit: press start-stop button longer than 2 s.

Diagnostic Unit I

Start / Stop

ThyssenKrupp Aufzugswerke GmbH

Pulses 8 27 16 LK-sensor
7 26 15 Run: IS/RS
6 25 14 Direction Up with IS
SC module 5 24 13 Direction Down with IS
Program selection wheel
Safety circuit EK 4 23 12 LN-sensor
HK 3 22 11
TK 2 21 10 W/W1-contactor
KT 1 20 9 WO/WU-contactor

Editor: QMS Issue Change: revision 

Issuing office: QMS Date: 10 / 2009 D6510-046 Fkt 03doc Page: F03-1

ThyssenKrupp Operating manual, diagnostic unit I 6510 046 
Aufzugswerke Functions Type Serial no.

Function 04 00 Operating phases

1) Use the program selection wheel to select function 04 00 and press the start-stop button
2) The following appears in the 7-segment display:

XX Operating phase
XX Operating phase control word
00 Operating phase STANDSTILL
00 00 OK
00 01 no destination present
00 02 Door not closed
00 03 Door unlocked
00 04 Operating phase after stop
00 05 Operating phase stop
00 06 Safety circuit bridged
00 07 Start locked (start interlocking)
00 08 M3TK door open
00 09 Doors close
00 0A MZ-/MZ1 test switch switched on, fault 0F 0A beforehand, see 11
00 0b Governor free
00 0C Relevelling is active
00 0d Temperature monitoring has responded
00 0E Monitoring control device has responded
00 0F Maintenance hatch / travel limiter has responded (Evolution)
00 10 Hydraulic elevator was in the limit switch
00 11 Flat shaft pit: undertravel to fetch the folding toe guard active
00 12 Elevator temporarily blocked at a standstill due to additional function (e.g. clean function for destination selector
controller DSC)
00 OK
02 Operating phase TRAVEL
02 00 OK (normal operation)
02 01 Parking run interrupted
02 02 Parking run
03 Operating phase DECELERATION
03 00 OK
03 01 Program run
03 02 Parking call present
03 03 no call or command present

Editor: QMS Issue Change: revision 

Issuing office: QMS Date: 10 / 2009 D6510-046 Fkt 04doc Page: F04-1

ThyssenKrupp Operating manual, diagnostic unit I 6510 046 
Aufzugswerke Functions Type Serial no.

04 Operating phase STOP

04 00 OK
04 01 Main door cannot be closed
04 02 Door contact TK open
04 03 Rear entrance cannot be closed
04 04 Door X cannot be closed
04 05 Main door opens
04 06 Rear entrance opens
04 07 Direction of movement is reserved
04 08 Minimum occupancy period
04 09 Anti-creep device cannot be activated
04 0A Slip opening active
05 Operating phase EMERGENCY STOP
05 YY Operating phases control word (not defined)
06 Operating phase ADJUSTMENT RUN
06 00 Control system was switched on again and thus all memory set to 00
07 Operating phase INSPECTION
07 00 Inspection or emergency operation switch operated
07 01 No inspection operation button (Up or Down) was operated
07 02 Inspection or emergency operation switch not operated
07 03 Safety circuit stop contact nodal point reports OK
08 Operating phase SHUTDOWN
08 YY Operating phases control word (not defined)
09 YY Operating phases control word (not defined)

Editor: QMS Issue Change: revision 

Issuing office: QMS Date: 10 / 2009 D6510-046 Fkt 04doc Page: F04-2

ThyssenKrupp Operating manual, diagnostic unit I 6510 046 
Aufzugswerke Functions Type Serial no.

Function 05 00 Display of specified memory positions

1) Use the program selection wheel to set function 05 00

2) Press start-stop button
3) Select the desired column in the 7-segment display with program selection wheel
Example: column 0d is desired. In the 7-segment display, select e.g. 0C 0d, then the left-hand LED row B applies
to column 0C and the right-hand LED row A applies to column 0d, etc.
4) Query LED indicator (consult overview and signal description)
5) Exit: press start-stop button for longer than 2 s.

On selection of a column (col), the LEDs listed in the table light up as follows:
(NB: the free places are not used)

Col LED Signal Inputs / outputs and states Notes

01 Not used
02 Zone SRTUEV
27 SW Software zone
25 v <0.5 m/s Speed threshold v = 0.5 m/s not reached
23 v <0.3 m/s Speed threshold v = 0.3 m/s not reached
20 SC Output channel 1 SC module
03 Adjustment run (indicator only with FV drive) JUFAN
23 JFL Slow contactor energised
22 JFS Fast contactor energised
21 JFO Direction of movement UP contactor energised
20 JFU Direction of movement DOWN contactor energised
04 Stored direction of movement FARI
21 FO1 Stored direction of movement UP
20 FU1 Stored direction of movement DOWN
05 Power part output word 1 FARIL
27 VR/VRR Locking magnet (TSM) has energised
26 A5A Flashing indicator (is not evaluated)
25 TO Door-open command for main door (goes out when door-open time has elapsed)
24 TU Door-close command for main door (goes out when locking contact is closed)
23 FL L contactor (FV)/W contactor (controlled drives) is switched on
22 FS/VRB S contactor (FV)/brake magnet (Isostop 16M) switched on
21 FO current direction of movement UP
20 FU current direction of movement DOWN

Editor: QMS Issue Change: revision 

Issuing office: QMS Date: 10 / 2009 D6510-046 Fkt 05.doc Page: F05-1
ThyssenKrupp Operating manual, diagnostic unit I 6510 046 
Aufzugswerke Functions Type Serial no.

06 Power part output word 2

27 AL Shutdown of control system and light (takes effect when all car calls have been
25 TOD Door-open command for rear entrance (goes out when door-open time has
24 TUD Door-close command for rear entrance (RKD contact - same as TU for main
door )
23 NS Activation of standby supply relay
22 NAV Activation of start interlocking relay
20 v <0.3 m/s Output channel 1 SC module
07 Door moving time INFBI
24 TOZ Total door opening time (start of opening to end of closing)
08 Elevator car INFB2
23 BE Elevator car occupied (only with control system type 6510/.. enabled)
09 Fire service functions INFB3
23 FWI Fireman's run car call has been sent
22 FW Add-on fireman's circuit is active (fireman's run)
0A Not used INFB4
27 TSP Door blocked (door block switch operated on the MZ printed circuit board)
26 THE Temperature monitoring main motor OK (1 = OK)
25 AL1 Switch input shutdown control system and light operated
24 SWG Collective fault signal control device (1 = OK)
23 RU Car call sent in lowest landing
22 V Priority switch on MZ/MZ1 enabled
21 RO Car call sent in top landing
20 Z(D) Test switch MZ/MZ1 switched on

Editor: QMS Issue Change: revision 

Issuing office: QMS Date: 10 / 2009 D6510-046 Fkt 05.doc Page: F05-2
ThyssenKrupp Operating manual, diagnostic unit I 6510 046 
Aufzugswerke Functions Type Serial no.

27 UT Door-close button on front side (only TCM)
26 FW Add-on fireman's circuit is active (fireman's run)
25 ZTK Intermediate door contact closed (only TCI)
24 ÜB Overload device operated
23 KL Elevator car empty (load < 5% with load measurement system)
22 OT Door-open button for main door operated (in the elevator car)
21 B Elevator car occupied (occupied device has responded)
20 V Priority switch in the elevator car enabled
0d KBEW2
27 KKD Buckling lever contact rear entrance closed
26 LSD Light barrier etc. rear entrance (goes out on interruption)
25 KK Buckling lever contact main door closed
24 LS Light barrier, door edge safety, dynamic pressure contact main door (goes out
on interruption)
23 TSUD Door closed acknowledgement, rear entrance
22 TSOD Door open acknowledgement, rear entrance
21 TSU Door closed acknowledgement, main door
20 TSO Door open acknowledgement, main door
27 UT Certain attachments are operated with TCI (with TCM: UTD):
− Key operated switch operated to block certain landings
− Door-close button operated
− Peak traffic switch operated
26 FW Add-on fireman's circuit is active (fireman's run)
25 ZTK Intermediate door contact closed
24 ÜB Overload device operated
23 KL Elevator car empty (load < 5% with load measurement system)
22 OTD Door-open button for rear entrance operated (in the elevator car)
21 B Elevator car occupied (occupied device has responded)
20 VD Priority switch in the elevator car enabled with selective door control on rear side
0F Same as 0d KBEWD2
27 KKD Buckling lever contact rear entrance closed
26 LSD Light barrier etc. rear entrance (goes out on interruption)
25 KK Buckling lever contact main door closed
24 LS Light barrier, door edge safety, dynamic pressure contact main door (goes out
on interruption)
23 TSUD Door closed acknowledgement, rear entrance
22 TSOD Door open acknowledgement, rear entrance
21 TSU Door closed acknowledgement, main door
20 TSO Door open acknowledgement, main door
10 Elevator car output word 1 KBAW1
27 ZTZ Forced door-close command (slow closing speed)
26 FWA Fireman's run indicator in the elevator car is switched on
25 FWH Fireman's run horn is operated
24 ÜBA Overload indicator
22 NA Standby supply indicator in the elevator car
20 SF Special travel indicator

Editor: QMS Issue Change: revision 

Issuing office: QMS Date: 10 / 2009 D6510-046 Fkt 05.doc Page: F05-3
ThyssenKrupp Operating manual, diagnostic unit I 6510 046 
Aufzugswerke Functions Type Serial no.

11 Not used KBAWD

12 Destination is displayed in binary code ZIELO
25 X
24 X
23 X
22 X
21 X
20 X
13 Destination present ZIELJN
20 ZV Destination present
27 LK Floor selector sensor
26 IS/RS Inspection / return switch enabled
25 ISO Inspection operation in UP direction
24 ISU Inspection operation in DOWN direction
23 LN Relevelling sensor (not displayed during travel)
21 W/W1 Contactor acknowledgement (has energised)
20 WO/WU Direction contactor acknowledgement (has energised)
15 Not used LTLCW
24 SR-RM Acknowledgement SC module
23 EK End contact closed (safety circuit)
22 HK Stop contact closed (safety circuit)
21 TK Door contact closed (safety circuit)
20 KT Elevator car door contact closed (safety circuit)
17 Not used LSKCW
18 Not used LNHCW
19 Not used TOEZ
1A Not used TOEDZ
1b Car position is displayed in binary code KSTND
27 Zone
24 X
23 X
22 X
21 X
20 X

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1C Speed selection in binary code (only with Isostop 16M) VSEL

21 X
20 X
1d Port control word A4 PCWA4
27 MBV Mischief prevention (with Telenot and TELEservice facility) Only with TCI
26 VÜ Shortened overtravel (set speed exceeded)
22 SM Collective fault signal control system and drive motor
21 AVO Protection against pressure loss / emergency brake system
20 ABA Out-of-order indicator:
− Safety circuit interrupted
− Inspection operation
− Elevator shut down (e.g. by AL = shutdown of control system and light)
− Elevator blocked by emergency supply facility
− Thermal contact (main motor) has triggered
1F Port control word A6 PCWA6
27 EO Direction indicator UP is displayed (TCI)
26 EU Direction indicator DOWN is displayed (TCI)
24 FeMa1) Fault trace add-on (TCM)

1) Fault marking
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Extension of the columns with the TCM control system with MC1, MC2 or MC3 printed circuit boards

Col LED Signal Inputs & states Notes

20 Absolute position of landing zone switch (binary) with MC1/MC2 ASTND
26 X
25 X
24 X
23 X
22 X
21 X
20 X
21 Pulses channel A low byte 1)
22 Pulse channel A high byte 1)
23 Pulse channel B low byte 1)
24 Pulse channel B high byte 1)
25 Additional inputs on MZ1 Evolution (DC9F) MZ1ZE
26 Acknowledgement relay flat shaft pit (RFS) 1SPL:b12
25 Acknowledgement SR1 module travel limiter (Evolution) 1SPL:b8
24 Acknowledgement blocking device speed governor 1SPL:b6
23 State of entire maintenance platform is OK
22 Travel limiter, top FWBO (Evolution) 1SPL:b2
21 Travel limiter, bottom (Evolution) break contact! (0 - active) 1SPL:b4
20 Maintenance platform at top (Evolution) 1SPL:b10
26 Port control word A0 (D1ED) PCWA0
25 FJR (intermediate speed hydraulics) MV6-x32.8
on Evolution: FWV: travel shortened 1SPL:b26
27 ZSE0(1) 1. detected ZSE switch in landing XX (display in binary code) D1B1
28 ZSE0(2) 2. detected ZSE switch in landing XX (display in binary code) D1B2
29 ZSE0(3) 3. detected ZSE switch in landing XX (display in binary code) D1B3
2A ZSE0(4) 4. detected ZSE switch in landing XX (display in binary code) d1b4
2b Issue to the EL display (telegram) (DE0A) ELDISP
27 B occupied
26 F Fire service
25 V Priority
24 ÜB Overload
23 Out of order indicator
22 Emergency power supply active
21 Collective fault signal
20 SF Special travel

1 ) Pulses are counted up or down depending on direction of movement (display of 20 to 27 in LED row A/B)
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2C Current cause of fault on group elevators1) (D8CE) STGRND

00 Elevator available
01 Forced travel active
02 Out of order
03 Operating phase bad (depending on Norway variant)
04 VK Priority elevator car
05 ZTK Intermediate door contact open
06 V Priority MZ1 printed circuit board
07 SF Special travel
08 FW Fire service
09 N Emergency power
0A Car door open too long
0b Door malfunction
10 Taken out of the group control by monitoring
>80 Lift-specific program
2d Last fault on group elevators2) (D8D0) STGRA
00 Elevator available
01 Forced travel active
02 Out of order
03 Operating phase bad (depending on the Norway variant)
04 VK Priority elevator car
05 ZTK Intermediate door contact open
06 V Priority MZ1 printed circuit board
07 SF Special travel
08 FW Fire department
09 N Emergency power
0A Car door open too long
0b Door malfunction
10 Taken out of the group structure by monitoring
>80 Lift-specific program
2E Data from CPI to MC (DCA5) APISMC
27 CPI not ready
26 STS Reference value start signal
25 NN Revolution is zero
24 THE Temperature
23 SMR Malfunction on frequency inverter
22 v< 0.3 m/s
21 EBS Request to enable brake
20 ESP Request to enable ESP contactor (FL)
2F Output at CPI drive (DCA6) MCAPIS
27 ER Frequency inverter ON
26 FF Ready to run
25 VE Levelling speed
24 Vi Inspection speed
23 vadjust Adjustment run speed
22 vrated Rated speed
21 WU Direction of travel DOWN
20 WO Direction of travel UP

1) is displayed as hexadecimal number in LED row A. Example: 09 in LED row A LEDs 0000 1001 light up
2) displays the last malfunction before the current cause of fault column 2C. Display hexadecimal as in column 2C
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30 Same as 1MI printed circuit board, port B (DC81) MI1PB

26 IF/RS Inspection / return switch MF3-x40:1/2SPL:b30
25 IFO Inspection button UP MF3-X40:2
24 IFU Inspection button DOWN MF3-X40:3
23 LN Light barrier relevelling MF3-X42:2
21 W/L-S Contactor acknowledgement travel contactor 1SPL:b12
20 WO/WU Contactor acknowledgement direction contactor 1SPL:b10
31 Same as 1MI printed circuit board, port C (DC82) MI1PC
27 NSE Emergency power 1MP-X1:8
26 B Occupied MZ1 MV6-X4:11
25 ÜL Overload MZ1 MV6-X4:3
24 SR SR module acknowledgement MV6-X4:2
23 EK End contact 1SPL:b2
22 HK Stop contact 1SPL:b4
21 TK Door contact 1SPL:b6
20 KT Elevator car door contact 1SPL:b8
32 Same as 2MI printed circuit board - now MP inputs (DC84)(DC42) MI2PA
27 free
26 Block calls 1MP-X1:7
25 Reserve (formerly: MV-X4:7) 1MP-X1:6
24 Emergency call (Bayer) 1MP-X1:5
23 Repair switch (Bayer) 1MP-X1:4
22 Return operation can be deactivated 1MP-X1:3
21 Peak traffic DOWN 1MP-X1:2
20 Peak traffic UP 1MP-X1:1
33 Same as 2MI port B (DC85)(DC43) MI2PB
27 free
26 Earthquake 1MP X2:7
25 SFG1 MV6-X9:12
24 free
23 free
22 Tony Warren fire service 1MP-X2:3
21 Emergency stop button (Norway) 1MP-X2:2
20 AVI Protection against pressure loss / emergency brake system 1MP-X2:1
34 Cabin input word 1 (D112) MKEW1
27 UT Door-close button MF3-X18:1/X60:3
26 FW/BF Fire service / case of fire MF3 (VA) 1)-x6:3
25 free
24 ÜB Overload MF3-X9:1
23 LM1 Elevator car empty MF3(VA)-X16:1
22 OT Door-open button MF3-X8:1/X59:3
21 B occupied MF3-X15:1
20 V Priority MF3-X7:1/X34:3

1) MF3 (VA) is printed circuit board MF3, double-sided insertion version

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Aufzugswerke Functions Type Serial no.

35 Cabin input word 2 (d113H) MKEW2

27 KKD Buckling lever contact, rear entrance MF3 (VA) -X6:1
26 LTD Door light barrier, rear entrance MF3 (VA)-X6:3
25 KK Buckling lever contact, main door MF3-X5:1
24 LT Door light barrier, main door MF3-X5:3
23 free
22 TSOD Door open acknowledgement, rear entrance MF3 (VA)-X4:1
21 free
20 TSO Door open acknowledgement, main door MF3-X3:1
36 Cabin input word 3 (dCA0) MKEW3
27 IFO Inspection button UP MF3-X40:2
26 IFU Inspection button DOWN MF3-X40:3
25 IF Inspection switch MF3-X40:1
24 LM2 Load measurement input 2 MF3(VA)1)-X17:1
23 free
22 RES2 Reserve 2 MF3-(VA)-X47:1
21 RES1 Reserve 1 (ZTK or elevator car folding toe guard / flat shaft pit) MF3-X41:1
20 AT Encryption of landings MF3-(VA)-X48:1/
37 Cabin input word 1 (d114) MKEWD1
27 UTD Door-close button, rear side MF3-X18:1/X60:3
26 FWD Fire service, rear side MF3(VA)-X10:1/X50:3
25 free
24 free
23 free
22 OTD Door-open button, rear side MF3-X8:1/X59:3
21 free
20 VD Priority front & rear entrance MF3-X7:1/X34:3
38 Cabin input word 2 rear side (d115) MKEWD2
27 KKT Buckling lever, rear side MF3(VA)-X6:1
26 LTD Light barrier, rear side MF3(VA)-X6:3
25 free
24 free
23 free
22 TSOD Door switch on rear side open MF3(VA)-X4:1
21 free
20 free
39 Cabin input word 3 rear side (dCA1) MKEWD3
27 free
26 free
25 free
24 free
23 free
22 RES2D Reserve 2, rear side MF3(VA)-X47:1
21 RES1D Reserve 1, rear side MF3-X41:1
20 ATD Encryption of rear landings MF3(VA)-X48:1/X49:3

1) MF3 (VA) is printed circuit board MF3, double-sided insertion version

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Aufzugswerke Functions Type Serial no.

3A Port control word MZ1 (d11d) MPMZ

27 TSP Lock elevator car door Switch to MZ1
26 THE Temperature monitoring motor is OK MV6-X4:12
25 AL Shutdown, control system, light operated MV6-X4:6
24 ÜWR Monitoring of control device has triggered (1 = OK) MV6-X6:16
23 RU Command in lowest landing Button to MZ1
22 V Priority enabled Switch to MZ1
21 RO Command in top landing Button to MZ1
20 S Test switch Switch to MZ1
3b Messages from the ME standby supply printed circuit board (d139) MNSAV
27 AF Start interlocking enabled
26 RESET Reset button pressed
25 free
24 free
23 NF Electrical emergency evacuation enabled
22 AS Start interlocking not enabled
21 NS Power contactor enabled
20 ME ME standby supply printed circuit board present
3C Brake test switch (D458) PEX01
27 BLK2 Brake control switch 2 MV6-1SPL:b30
26 free
25 free
24 free
23 BLK1 Brake control switch 1 MV6-1SPL:b28
22 free
21 free
20 free
3d Electrical recall operation (DCA4) RHSEIN
27 free
26 RS Electrical recall operation enabled MV6-2SPL:b30
25 RSO Return switch UP operated MV6-2SPL:b28
24 RSU Return switch DOWN operated MV6-2SPL:b26
23 free
22 free
21 free
20 free
3E Command and calls (main and rear side) (DC98) MSBOIT
27 free
26 TOD External call UP operated on rear side
25 TUD External call DOWN operated on rear side
24 TID Car call sent on rear side
23 free
22 TO External call UP operated on front side
21 TU External call DOWN operated on front side
20 TI Car call sent on front side
3F Data from the load measurement system LMS1 (D9BC) QBEL
27 Load of the elevator car in percent of rated load
23 X
22 X
21 X
20 X

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Aufzugswerke Functions Type Serial no.

40 Door states, door drives with CAN bus (DC99) MTEW

27 free
26 free
25 >150 N Closing force of rear entrance
24 >150 N Closing force of main door
23 TSUD Door closed acknowledgement, rear entrance
22 TSOD Door open acknowledgement, rear entrance
21 TSU Door closed acknowledgement, main door
20 TSO Door open acknowledgement, main door
41 Fault messages from main door drives with CAN bus (DC9D) F2HSF
27 Door drive F2/1: overtemperature housing
F5: driver voltage too low
26 No controller enable
25 Door motor has overtemperature
24 Heat sink has overtemperature
23 Overvoltage
22 Excess current
21 Watchdog has responded
20 Run time limiter has responded
42 Fault messages from rear door drives with CAN bus (DC9D) F2DSF
27 Door drive F2/1: overtemperature housing
F5: driver voltage too low
26 No controller enable
25 Door motor has overtemperature
24 Heat sink has overtemperature
23 Overvoltage
22 Excess current
21 Watchdog has responded
20 Run time limiter has responded
43 Main memory (D18C) KBEWX1
27 UT Door-close button
26 FW/BF Fire service/case of fire
25 free
24 ÜB Overload
23 LM1 Elevator car empty
22 OT Door-open button
21 B Elevator car occupied
20 V Elevator car priority switch operated
44 Flat shaft pit control word (D8D7) FSGCW
27 Shutdown has been initiated
26 Immediate shutdown
25 Shutdown after travel
24 Immediate shutdown with emergency stop
23 free
22 Case 0...7
21 Case 0...7
20 Case 0...7

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Aufzugswerke Functions Type Serial no.

45 Elevator car folding toe guard control word (D8DB) FKSCW

24 20 – 27 = phases of undertravel 0= normal operating mode
46 Input port 600 of the MH3 (DEC8) MH3_IN600
27 Door interlock
26 Acknowledgement RFS module
25 Shutdown of control system + light
24 AVI
23 Command, bottom landing
22 Priority
21 Command, top landing
20 Service switch
47 Input port 601 of the MH3 (DEC9) MH3_IN601
27 free
26 RS Emergency operation switch
25 RSO Return switch UP
24 RSU Return switch DOWN
23 RES- In 4
22 RES- In 3
21 RES- In 2
20 Fire service / case of fire
48 Input port 602 of the MH3 (DECA) MH3_IN602
27 MH3 internal
26 MH3 internal
25 MH3 internal
24 Acknowledgement SC module
23 EK
22 HK
21 TK
20 KT
49 Input port 603 of the MH3 (DECB) MH3_IN603
27 free
26 Diag1 – E1.4
25 Diag1 – E1.3
24 Diag1 – E1.2
23 free
22 free
21 Diag1 – E1.1
20 Diag1 – E1.0
4A Telegram 1 local bus from TMC (TMI) (DEC2) TMC_MC_0
27 CPI not ready
26 STS Reference value start
25 NN Revoluiton = 0
24 Teta
23 SFG Reference value enable
22 V<=0,3
21 EBS Operating command for brake
20 ESP Operating command for main contactor

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Aufzugswerke Functions Type Serial no.

4b Telegram 2 local bus from TMC (TMI) (DEC3) TMC_MC_1

27 BLK2 Brake control switch 2
23 BLK1 Brake control switch 1
21 WL/S
20 WO/U
4C Input port 204 of the M3C (DEDA) MC3PORT_204
27 Ser. EEPROM
26 Hardware version
25 Hardware version
24 Hardware version
23 LN
22 IFO
21 IFU
20 IF
4d Input port 207 of the M3C (DEDB) MC3PORT_207
27 RES E2 (KKD)
26 LTD
25 RES E1 (KK)
24 LT
23 LN1
21 n.c
20 TSO
4E Input port 20A of the M3C (DEDC) MC3PORT_20A
27 UT
26 RES E6 (fireman's control)
25 RES E5 (elevator car folding toe guard on NC61E10 and Synergy ASD are active)
24 UEL
23 RES E4 (safety gear, bottom)
22 OT
21 RES E3
20 V
50 Power part output word 1 (same as column 05) (D107) FARIL
27 VR VR (lock command) MV6 x4.9 ...
26 is not evaluated
25 TO Door-open command for main door (goes out when door-open time has MF3 x43:2
24 TU Door-close command for main door (goes out when locking contact is closed) MF3 x43:1
23 FL L contactor (FV)/W contactor (controlled drives) is switched on 1SPL b22 ...
22 FS S contactor (FV)/brake magnet (Isostop 16M) switched on 1SPL b24 ...
21 FO current direction of movement UP 1SPL b20 ...
20 FU current direction of movement DOWN 1SPL b18 ...
51 Power part output word 2 (same as column 06) (D108) LAW2
27 AL2 Shutdown of control system and light (takes effect when all car calls have MV6 x4:5
been run)
26 FM Fault message LED on the MZ1 printed circuit board MZ1:H2
25 TOD Door-open command for rear entrance (goes out when door-open time has MF3(VA) x45:2
24 TUD Door-close command for rear entrance (RKD contact - same as TU for main MF3(VA) x45:1
23 NS Activation of standby supply relay 1MP x1:14
22 ASP Standby supply start blocked 1MP x1:15
21 is not evaluated
20 ZS Elevator car zone signal within landing vane MV6 x4.1

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Aufzugswerke Functions Type Serial no.

52 Port control word A4 (same as column 1d) (D527) PCWA4

27 not used
26 VUE Shortened overtravel 1MP x2:15
25 ER Isostop 40RM: converter enabled 1MP x2:14
24 NHTN Emergency stop button, Norway, operated 1MP x2:13
23 FES Fine adjustment with special gear enabled 1MP x2:12
22 SM Collective fault signal activated 2SPL b14
21 AVO Anti-creep device / emergency brake system activates Evolution 1MP x2:10/1SPL b24
20 ABA ABA (out-of order indicator) 1MP x2:9
53 Port control word A6 (same as column 1F) (D529) PCWA6
27 free
26 free
25 free
24 Fault marking 1MP-X2:11
23 ZS3 Early sampling point floor selector 1MP-X1:16
22 free
21 free
20 free
54 Elevator car output word 1 (same as column 10) (DEC5) KBAW1
27 free
26 FWL Fireman's control display MF3-X14:2
25 FW/BF Horn fire service/case of fire MF3-X21:2
24 ÜL/ÜW Overload indicator alarm MF3-X13:2
23 RW Call bell MF3-X20:2
22 N Standby supply indicator MF3-X12:2
21 free
20 SFQ Special travel acknowledgement MF3-X11:2
55 Cabin output word 2 front side (same as column 10) (D11B) KBAW2
27 GO Gong, top MF3-X19:2
26 GU Gong, bottom MF3-X22:2
25 LB3 Position indicator luminous bar 3 MF3-X35:9
24 LB2 Position indicator luminous bar 2 MF3-X35:8
23 RES4 Reserve 4 MF3-X63:2
22 RES3 Reserve 3 MF3-X62:2
21 LB1 Position indicator luminous bar 1 MF3-X35:7
20 DIM Dimmer MF3-X61:2
56 Cabin output word 2 rear side (DE02) KBAWD2
27 GOD Gong, top (reserve) MF3-X19:2
26 GUD Gong, bottom (reserve) MF3-X22:2
25 LB3D Position indicator luminous bar 3 MF3-X35:9
24 LB2D Position indicator luminous bar 2 MF3-X35:8
23 RES4D Reserve 4 MF3-X63:2
22 RES3D Reserve 3 MF3-X62:2
21 LB1D Position indicator luminous bar 1 MF3-X35:7
20 RES Dimmer MF3-X61:2
57 Cabin output word 3 (DE04) KBAW3
27 free
26 free
25 free
24 free
23 ZTZD Slip – nudge command rear side, internal
22 ZTZ Slip – nudge command front side, internal
21 ZTZD Nudge command, rear side MF3-X46:2
20 ZTZ Nudge command, front side MF3-X44:2

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Aufzugswerke Functions Type Serial no.

58 MH3 output port 604 (DEC4) MH3_OUT 604

27 Safety gear operation LED (safety gear bottom permanent, top flashing)
25 Door interlock LED
24 free
23 Priority LED
22 Collective fault signal
21 AVO
20 Out of order
59 MH3 output port 606 (DEC5) MH3_OUT 606
26 RES Out2
25 RES Out1 optional contactor acknowledgement for activation of FZ/BZ or RFS
23 INI-D
22 INI-H
21 Motor pulse LED
20 ZONE (channel 1 SC module)
5A Output local bus to TMC (TMI) (DEC0) MC_TMC_0
27 ER Converter ON
26 FF Ready to run
25 V0 (CPI with external reference value generator)
24 Vi (CPI with external reference value generator)
23 Vadjust (CPI with external reference value generator)
22 vrated (CPI with external reference value generator)
21 WU
20 WO
5b MC3 output port 208 (DED0) MC_OUT208
26 Command 12
25 Command 11
24 Command 10
22 Command 9
21 Command 8
20 Command 7
5C MC3 output port 209 (DED1) MC_OUT209
27 AL1
26 VRR
25 TO
24 TU
23 LB3
22 LB2
21 LB1
20 Buzzer
5d MC3 output port 20 (DED2) MC_OUT20B
26 Res A5
25 TOD
24 TUD
23 Res A4
22 Res A3
21 Res A2 optional ZTZD with SELCOM door via bitmap
20 Res A1 optional ZTZD with SELCOM door via bitmap

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Aufzugswerke Functions Type Serial no.

5E MC3 output port 20 (DED3) MC_OUT20C

26 Command 6
25 Command 5
24 Command 4
22 Command 3
21 Command 2
20 Command 1
5F Can be assigned as desired from diagnostic unit VI via IDs 9016 and

60 Reference state MF3 printed circuit boards (A2C1) FKSOLL

21 MF3 printed circuit board rear side is present
20 MF3 printed circuit board front side is present
61 Actual state MF3 printed circuit boards (DC61) FKIST
21 MF3 printed circuit board rear side has responded
20 MF3 printed circuit board front side has responded
62 Reference state MP printed circuit boards 0 - 7 (A2C2) MPSOL1
27 7MP is present
26 6MP is present
25 5MP is present
24 4MP is present
23 3MP is present
22 2MP is present
21 1MP is present
20 0MP is present (0MP does not exist)
63 Actual state MP printed circuit boards 0 – 7 (DC62) MPIST1
27 7MP has responded
26 6MP has responded
25 5MP has responded
24 4MP has responded
23 3MP has responded
22 2MP has responded
21 1MP has responded
20 0MP has responded (0MP does not exist)

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Aufzugswerke Functions Type Serial no.

64 Reference state MP printed circuit boards 8 - 15 (A2C3) MPSOL2

27 15MP is present
26 14MP is present
25 13MP is present
24 12MP is present
23 11MP is present
22 10MP is present
21 9MP is present
20 8MP is present
65 Actual state MP printed circuit boards 8 – 15 (DC63) MPIST2
27 15MP has responded
26 14MP has responded
25 13MP has responded
24 12MP has responded
23 11MP has responded
22 10MP has responded
21 9MP has responded
20 8MP has responded
66 Reference state local additional printed circuit boards 1 – 8 (A2C5) LOKOSO1
21 MQ1 present
20 TMI (CPI) present
67 Actual state local additional printed circuit boards 1 – 8 (DC64) LOKIST1
21 MQ1 has responded
20 TMI (CPI) has responded
68 Reference state local additional printed circuit boards 9 – 16 (A2C6) LOKOSO2
27 TWIN: 1000 = upper elevator car / 0100 = lower elevator car
26 TWIN: 1000 = upper elevator car / 0100 = lower elevator car
25 TWIN: 1000 = upper elevator car / 0100 = lower elevator car
24 TWIN: 1000 = upper elevator car / 0100 = lower elevator car
23 MM/ME
22 MG3 (group board)
21 MH3 dec. control system
20 TMI (CPI) (integrated contactor) dec. control system
69 Actual state local additional printed circuit boards 1 – 8 (DC65) LOKIS2
27 TWIN: 1000 = upper elevator car / 0100 = lower elevator car
26 TWIN: 1000 = upper elevator car / 0100 = lower elevator car
25 TWIN: 1000 = upper elevator car / 0100 = lower elevator car
24 TWIN: 1000 = upper elevator car / 0100 = lower elevator car
23 MM/ME
22 MG3 (group board)
21 MH3 dec. control system
20 TMI (CPI) (integrated contactor) dec. control system

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Aufzugswerke Functions Type Serial no.

6A Reference state of elevator car additional circuit boards 1 – 8 (A2CB) FKZSO1

25 APD floor selector is present
24 Electro-luminiscence display for rear side is present
23 Electro-luminiscence display for front side is present
22 Fx – door drive for rear side is present
21 Fx – door drive for front side is present
20 LMS1 is present
6b Actual state of elevator car additional circuit boards 1 – 8 (6DCA) FKZIS1
25 APD floor selector has responded
24 Electro-luminiscence display for rear side has responded
23 Electro-luminiscence display for front side has responded
22 Fx – door drive for rear side has responded
21 Fx – door drive for front side has responded
20 LMS1 has responded
6C Reference state of elevator car additional circuit boards 9 – 16 (A2CC) FKZSO2
23 COP rear side 2 (France) has responsed
22 COP rear side 1 (France) has responsed
21 COP front side 2 (France) has responsed
20 COP front side 1 (France) has responsed
6d Actual state of elevator car additional circuit boards 9 – 16 (6DCB) FKZIS2
23 COP rear side 2 (France) has responsed
22 COP rear side 1 (France) has responsed
21 COP front side 2 (France) has responsed
20 COP front side 1 (France) has responsed
6E From diagnostic unit 6 via address 9014 and 9015 freely assignable

6F From diagnostic unit 6 via address 9016 and 9017 freely assignable

Editor: QMS Issue Change: revision 

Issuing office: QMS Date: 10 / 2009 D6510-046 Fkt 05.doc Page: F05-18
ThyssenKrupp Operating manual, diagnostic unit I 6510 046 
Aufzugswerke Functions Type Serial no.

70 Landing zone switch present 1 ... 8 (C0E4)

27 Landing zone switch landing 8 present
26 Landing zone switch landing 7 present
25 Landing zone switch landing 6 present
24 Landing zone switch landing 5 present
23 Landing zone switch landing 4 present
22 Landing zone switch landing 3 present
21 Landing zone switch landing 2 present
20 Landing zone switch landing 1 present
71 Landing zone switch present 9 ... 16 (C0E5)
27 Landing zone switch landing 16 present
26 Landing zone switch landing 15 present
25 Landing zone switch landing 14 present
24 Landing zone switch landing 13 present
23 Landing zone switch landing 12 present
22 Landing zone switch landing 11 present
21 Landing zone switch landing 10 present
20 Landing zone switch landing 9 present
72 Landing zone switch present 17 ... 24 (C0E6)
27 Landing zone switch landing 24 present
26 Landing zone switch landing 23 present
25 Landing zone switch landing 22 present
24 Landing zone switch landing 21 present
23 Landing zone switch landing 20 present
22 Landing zone switch landing 19 present
21 Landing zone switch landing 18 present
20 Landing zone switch landing 17 present
73 Landing zone switch present 25 ... 32 (C0E7)
27 Landing zone switch landing 32 present
26 Landing zone switch landing 31 present
25 Landing zone switch landing 30 present
24 Landing zone switch landing 29 present
23 Landing zone switch landing 28 present
22 Landing zone switch landing 27 present
21 Landing zone switch landing 26 present
20 Landing zone switch landing 25 present
74 Landing zone switch present 33 ... 40 (C0E8)
27 Landing zone switch landing 40 present
26 Landing zone switch landing 39 present
25 Landing zone switch landing 38 present
24 Landing zone switch landing 37 present
23 Landing zone switch landing 36 present
22 Landing zone switch landing 35 present
21 Landing zone switch landing 34 present
20 Landing zone switch landing 33 present
75 Landing zone switch present 41 ... 48 (C0E9)
27 Landing zone switch landing 48 present
26 Landing zone switch landing 47 present
25 Landing zone switch landing 46 present
24 Landing zone switch landing 45 present
23 Landing zone switch landing 44 present
22 Landing zone switch landing 43 present
21 Landing zone switch landing 42 present
20 Landing zone switch landing 41 present

Editor: QMS Issue Change: revision 

Issuing office: QMS Date: 10 / 2009 D6510-046 Fkt 05.doc Page: F05-19
ThyssenKrupp Operating manual, diagnostic unit I 6510 046 
Aufzugswerke Functions Type Serial no.

76 Landing zone switch present 49 ... 56 (C0EA)

27 Landing zone switch landing 56 present
26 Landing zone switch landing 55 present
25 Landing zone switch landing 54 present
24 Landing zone switch landing 53 present
23 Landing zone switch landing 52 present
22 Landing zone switch landing 51 present
21 Landing zone switch landing 50 present
20 Landing zone switch landing 49 present
77 Landing zone switch present 57 ... 64 (C0EB)
27 Landing zone switch landing 64 present
26 Landing zone switch landing 63 present
25 Landing zone switch landing 62 present
24 Landing zone switch landing 61 present
23 Landing zone switch landing 60 present
22 Landing zone switch landing 59 present
21 Landing zone switch landing 58 present
20 Landing zone switch landing 57 present
78 Lift-specific influence port A1
(bits marked with 1 are influenced)
79 Lift-specific influence port A2
(bits marked with 1 are influenced)
7A Data from MC to ME1
22 Contactor on/off
20 NS NS
7b Data from ME1 to MC
27 Start enabled
26 Reset button pressed
23 Emergency power supply evacuation travel free
22 Start blocked
21 Main contactor OK
20 ME printed circuit board present
7C Reserve
7d Reserve
7E Reserve
7F Reserve

Editor: QMS Issue Change: revision 

Issuing office: QMS Date: 10 / 2009 D6510-046 Fkt 05.doc Page: F05-20
ThyssenKrupp Operatingmanual,diagnosticunitI  6510 046
Aufzugswerke Functions TypeSerialno.

Function 0600 teach-inLMS2integratedontheMC3

611 Displayoflastcalculatedvalueoftheropeloadcorrection.
612 Displayofhowoftenanautomaticsensorcalibrationwasattempted.
613 Jump-outfromtheLMS2level.
614 Displayofcurrentcarload.Displayinkgor%dependingonthesettinginbF04.
615 Entryinteach-in.

bFfunctions Description
displays change learn
00   Exitresetorteach-inandsavevalues
  0d Enterdefaultvalues
03 04  Elevatorcarload:0001=weightspecifiedin%ofratedload;0002=weightspecifiedinkg
05 06  Sensortypes:Seeboxbelow
07 08  Workingdistance750/100mmor1350/100mm
09   Displayofloadcapacity9ratedload:Qinkg
0b 0C  Sensorworkingdistancezeropointsetting9observebuzzerontheMC3:
0E 0F  CharacteristiccurvecalibrationwithdefinedloadorifmemorylocationA423setauto-teach-in
10   Displayofallstoredsupportpoints
 11  Deleteindividualsupportpoints
 12  Enteranadditionalsupportpoint
 13  Deletealladditionallyenteredsupportpoints
29   DisplayoftheLMS2programversion
2b 2C  Detectionsensorde-energised90001=de-energisedenabled;0000=disabled:
2d 2E  Cableloadcorrection90001=enabled;0000=disabled:
2F 30  Beamdeflectiontoplanding
31 32  Beamdeflectionbottomlanding
33 34  MultiplicationfactorfordirectionofmovementDOWN
35 36  MultiplicationfactorfordirectionofmovementDOWN
37 38  Monitoringsensorworkingrange90001=enabled;0001=disabled:
39 3A  Autocalibration90001=enabled;0000=disabled:
3b 3C  Limitsofautocalibration:standard5%90001=enabled;0000=disabled:
3d 3E  Automaticcalibrationtolerance
  Ab Cancelteach-inwithoutsavingenteredvalues
FEFE   Finishedmessage

Important MemorylocationA422=019LMS2activated,01=LMS1isactivated!:

Synergyinstallations Germansprings9uptoV3: Spanishsprings9asofV4:
450kg  A423=1DH92.9mm:
630kg A423=2AH94.2mm: A423=1AH92.6mm:
1000kg A423=2DH94.5mm: A423=22H93.4mm:

Spiritinstallations Germansprings
450kg A423=1EH93.0mm:
630kg A423=2AH94.2mm:
675kg A423=2DH94.5mm:



Editor:QMS Issue Changes:LMS2 

Issuingoffice:QMS Date:10/2009  Page:F06-1
ThyssenKrupp Operatingmanual,diagnosticunitI  6510 046
Aufzugswerke Functions TypeSerialno.

Function 0600 Queryoflockingcontactsmaindoor)onlywithTCIcontrolsystem+


Example: Elevatorinstallationwith6landings

 Mainlanding 1 2 3 4  6 
 Rearlanding  2   5  

Sequence: 1: Usetheprogramselectionwheeltoselectfunction0600
 2: LEDs1,2,3,4,6,inrowBlightup95doesnotlightupbecausethe5thlandingisalanding
 3: If,forinstance,LED3doesnotlightup,thelockingcontactinthe3rdlandingisnotclosed.

NB Intheeventofafault,alltheLEDsabovetheinterruptedlockingcontactgoout
The display has no meaning if the safety circuit is used 9SC module on levelling with opening

 Diagnostic unit I

 function display, Start / stop
 flashing button

 Pulses LK sensor

 Run: IS/RS

 Direction UP with IS
 Acknowledgement SC module Direction DOWN with IS

 Program selection wheel
 Safety circuit EK LN sensor

 TK W/W1 contactor

 CD WO/WU contactor

Editor:QMS Issue Changes:LMS2 

Issuingoffice:QMS Date:10/2009  Page:F06-2
ThyssenKrupp Operating manual, diagnostic unit I 6510 046 
Aufzugswerke Functions Type Serial no.

Function 07 00 Query of locking contacts for rear entrance (only with TCI control system)

On TCI installations, the query runs in the same way as function 06 00 (example rear landing)

Function 07 00 View of control device CPI parameters (only with TCM control systems)

1) Use the program selection wheel to select function 0700. After subsequently pressing the button, you
enter the parameterisation selection level. The number of the first parameter (7001) appears in the
7-segment display.
2) The selection wheel can be used to select the desired parameter from the following list of specified
parameters and the content can be displayed by pressing the button again.
3) Pressing the button again exits from function 7001. Only the content of one parameter can be displayed at
one time; it is not possible to change the parameter values. Changes to the parameter settings can only
be made in the teach-in mode A7 XX.
4) When LED 8 lights up, the displayed value has a negative preceding sign!
Display CPI parameters (same as displays with parameter entry panel) Unit Parameters
70 01 Motor revolution rpm P100
70 02 Actual speed cm/s P101
70 03 Binary inputs without P103
70 04 Binary outputs without P104
70 05 Number of encoder marks without P105
70 06 Speed reference value V (cm/s) P106
70 07 Load current x 0.1A P107
70 08 Switching sequence index without P110
70 09 Deceleration distance sv calculated cm P111
70 10 Deceleration distance sv measured cm P112
70 11 Travel path cm P113

70 12 Reference value start delay tSTS ms P0

70 13 Brake application time tBE ms P1
70 14 Direction of rotation (0000=not inverted, 0001=inverted) without P3
70 15 Control direction (0000=not inverted, 0001=inverted) without P4
70 16 Speed controller P gain x 0.1 P5
70 17 Speed controller I gain ms P6
70 18 Load weighing device (0001=On, 0000=Off) On / Off
70 19 Specified load value
70 20 Analog outputs MP42 without P10
70 21 Analog outputs MP43 without P11
70 22 Gear reduction x 0.1 P13
70 23 Diameter of traction sheave MM P14
70 24 Suspension (0001=1:1, 0002=2:1) without P15
70 25 Rated speed
70 26 Motor speed (calculated) rpm P17
70 27 Threshold for n = 0 x 0.1 rpm P18
70 28 Starting jerk cm/s3 P19
70 29 Acceleration cm/s2 P20
70 30 Acceleration pre-control (0001=On, 0000=Off) On / Off P21
70 31 Acceleration pre-control boost x 0.1 % P22
70 32 Relevelling speed vE cm/s P23
70 33 Inspection speed vI cm/s P24

Editor: QMS Issue Update: revised 

Issuing office: QMS Date: 10 / 2009 D6510-046 Fkt 07.doc Page: F07-1
ThyssenKrupp Operating manual, diagnostic unit I 6510 046 
Aufzugswerke Functions Type Serial no.

Display CPI parameters (same as displays with parameter entry panel) Unit Parameters
70 34 Rated speed vrated cm/s P25
70 35 Adjustment run speed vadjust cm/s P26
70 36 Threshold for output v<0.3 m/s cm/s
70 37 Short run computer (0001=On, 0000=Off) On / Off P38
70 38 Correction of short run computer without P39
70 39 Motor selection (fan coasting time), motor type without
70 40 Load measurement On / Off P50
70 41 Measurement value from load measurement % P51
70 42 Load compensation % P52
70 43 Calculating load current from load distribution A P53
70 44 Load measurement amplification x 0.1 % P54
70 45 Check of readiness of the CPI..E(R) without P121

Function 7045


BK1 Contactor auto
Designation Description
Light emitting diode LED The light emitting diode LED lights up when ...
READY Converter ready
T_MOT_BREAK Overtemperature motor or brake
THKK Overtemperature, heat sink
IF Impulse enabling (more exactly "current controller On")
RSP_ACTIVE Current regeneration is ready for mains supply (on CPI50R)
RSP_EIN Activation of energy recovery (on CPI50R)
BK2 Feedback contact brake
BK1 Feedback contact brake
EBS Activation of brake
EBS_PERMANENT_ON Permanent activation of brake (normally OFF, can be programmed to ON for
test purposes [technical inspection])
RK2 Feedback contact travel contactor
FLR Relay K3 of travel contactor activation switches (travel)
RK1 Feedback contact travel contactor
FUR Relay K2 of travel contactor activation switches (direction DOWN)
FOR Relay K1 of travel contactor activation switches (direction UP)
Contactor auto Normally ON, i.e. relays K1, K2, K3 (FOR, FUR, FLR) are operated by the
control system; can be programmed to OFF for test purposes [technical
inspection], i.e. K1, K2, K3 are operated 'by hand'.
Remarks: Display of the parameter settings via function 07 00 can be useful help for querying when required.
The exact explanation (settings and changes) can be found in each of the special installation instructions.
Compare also the operating manual for diagnostic unit I Teach-in and Parameterisation.

Editor: QMS Issue Update: revised 

Issuing office: QMS Date: 10 / 2009 D6510-046 Fkt 07.doc Page: F07-2
ThyssenKrupp Operating manual, diagnostic unit I 6510 046 
Aufzugswerke Functions Type Serial no.

Function 08 00 Sending car call main door side

1) Use the program selection wheel to select function 08 00.

2) Press the button briefly, 08 00 appears in the 7-segment display.
3) Press button briefly; depending on the number of landings, LEDs 1 ... 8 in row B and LEDs 9 ... 16 in
row A light up briefly in succession.
4) When the LED of the desired landing lights up, press the button briefly to set one or more car calls. At
the same time, the acknowledge signals on the elevator car control panel light up.
5) Pressing the button for longer than 2 s exits from the function.

NB With more than 16 landings, when the first run is over, pressing the button starts the run for 17th to 32nd
landing etc.
The number 00 80 appears in the 7-segment display. Repetitions and renewed sending of commands
possible at any time!

Diagnostic Unit I

Start / Stop

ThyssenKrupp Aufzugswerke GmbH

Pulses 8 27 16 LK-sensor
7 26 15 Run: IS/RS
6 25 14 Direction Up with IS
SC module 5 24 13 Direction Down with IS
Program selection wheel
Safety circuit EK 4 23 12 LN-sensor
HK 3 22 11
TK 2 21 10 W/W1-contactor
KT 1 20 9 WO/WU-contactor

Editor: QMS Issue Update:  

Issuing office: QMS Date: 10 / 2009  Page: F08-1
ThyssenKrupp Operating manual, diagnostic unit I 6510 046 
Aufzugswerke Functions Type Serial no.

Function 09 00 Sending external DOWN landing calls on front side

Operation same as function 08 00 (after briefly pressing the button, 00 09 etc. appears)

Diagnostic Unit I

Start / Stop

ThyssenKrupp Aufzugswerke GmbH

Pulses 8 27 16 LK-sensor
7 26 15 Run: IS/RS
6 25 14 Direction Up with IS
SC module 5 24 13 Direction Down with IS
Program selection wheel
Safety circuit EK 4 23 12 LN-sensor
HK 3 22 11
TK 2 21 10 W/W1-contactor
KT 1 20 9 WO/WU-contactor

Editor: QMS Issue Update:  

Issuing office: QMS Date: 10 / 2009  Page: F09-1
ThyssenKrupp Operating manual, diagnostic unit I 6510 046 
Aufzugswerke Functions Type Serial no.

Function 10 00 Sending external UP landing calls

Operation same as function 08 00 (after briefly pressing the button, 00 0A etc. appears)

Diagnostic Unit I

Start / Stop

ThyssenKrupp Aufzugswerke GmbH

Pulses 8 27 16 LK-sensor
7 26 15 Run: IS/RS
6 25 14 Direction Up with IS
SC module 5 24 13 Direction Down with IS
Program selection wheel
Safety circuit EK 4 23 12 LN-sensor
HK 3 22 11
TK 2 21 10 W/W1-contactor
KT 1 20 9 WO/WU-contactor

Editor: QMS Issue Update: 

Issuing office: QMS Date: 10 / 2009  Page: F10-1
ThyssenKrupp Operating manual, diagnostic unit I 6510 046 
Aufzugswerke Functions Type Serial no.

Function 11 00 Sending car call rear side (selective door control)

Operation same as function 08 00 (after pressing the button, 00 0b etc. appears)

Diagnostic Unit I

Start / Stop

ThyssenKrupp Aufzugswerke GmbH

Pulses 8 27 16 LK-sensor
7 26 15 Run: IS/RS
6 25 14 Direction Up with IS
SC module 5 24 13 Direction Down with IS
Program selection wheel
Safety circuit EK 4 23 12 LN-sensor
HK 3 22 11
TK 2 21 10 W/W1-contactor
KT 1 20 9 WO/WU-contactor

Editor: QMS Issue Update: 

Issuing office: QMS Date: 10 / 2009  Page: F11-1
ThyssenKrupp Operating manual, diagnostic unit I 6510 046 
Aufzugswerke Functions Type Serial no.

Function 12 00 Sending external DOWN landing calls rear side (selective door control)

Operation same as function 08 00 (after pressing the button, 00 0C etc. appears)

Diagnostic Unit I

Start / Stop

ThyssenKrupp Aufzugswerke GmbH

Pulses 8 27 16 LK-sensor
7 26 15 Run: IS/RS
6 25 14 Direction Up with IS
SC module 5 24 13 Direction Down with IS
Program selection wheel
Safety circuit EK 4 23 12 LN-sensor
HK 3 22 11
TK 2 21 10 W/W1-contactor
KT 1 20 9 WO/WU-contactor

Editor: QMS Issue Update: 

Issuing office: QMS Date: 10 / 2009  Page: F12-1
ThyssenKrupp Operating manual, diagnostic unit I 6510 046 
Aufzugswerke Functions Type Serial no.

Function 13 00 Sending external UP landing calls rear side (selective door control)

Operation same as function 08 00 (after pressing the button, 00 0C etc. appears)

Diagnostic Unit I

Start / Stop

ThyssenKrupp Aufzugswerke GmbH

Pulses 8 27 16 LK-sensor
7 26 15 Run: IS/RS
6 25 14 Direction Up with IS
SC module 5 24 13 Direction Down with IS
Program selection wheel
Safety circuit EK 4 23 12 LN-sensor
HK 3 22 11
TK 2 21 10 W/W1-contactor
KT 1 20 9 WO/WU-contactor

Editor: QMS Issue Update: 

Issuing office: QMS Date: 10 / 2009  Page: F13-1
ThyssenKrupp Operating manual, diagnostic unit I 6510 046 
Aufzugswerke Functions Type Serial no.

Function 14 00 Version display and set marking flag

Version display of work program (for Siemens or Thyssen CPU)

1) Use the program selection switch to select function 14 00

2) Press the button; the work program version appears in the 7-segment display.

Example: 0296/26
Version number in binary form (by LEDs in row A)
Modification number in binary form (by LEDs in row B
only with TCM)

Year of output (7-segment display)

Month of output (7-segment display)

Diagnostic Unit I

ThyssenKrupp Aufzugswerke GmbH

Example of version display 26

8 27 16
7 26 15 26hex = 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0
LEDs 14, 11, 10 light up.
6 25 14
5 24 13

4 23 12
3 22 11
2 21 10
1 20 9

Editor: QMS Issue Update: 

Issuing office: QMS Date: 10 / 2009  Page: F14-1
ThyssenKrupp Operating manual, diagnostic unit I 6510 046 
Aufzugswerke Functions Type Serial no.

Marking flag (for designation in the fault stack)

1) If a work program version is displayed, turn the program selection switch further until all LEDs 5 ... 8 in
row B light up.
2) Continue turning the selector switch until the binary number sequence 0 ... 9 appears in LEDs 1 ... 4 in
row B.

Row B 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Decimal numbers

LED 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Binary numbers
LED 3 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 = LED lights up
LED 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 = LED does not light up
LED 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

3) Set the desired binary number with the selector switch and save it in the fault stack of the CPU by
pressing the button.
4) On querying the fault stack (function 01 00), the following appear in the 7-segment display

0 F X X

Desired binary number

Marking flag

NB On writing in a marking flag, the fault message light emitting diode on the MZ (MZ1)/MC2/MH3/MH4
printed circuit board goes out.
The fault stack can be deleted by the teach-in function Learn shaft.
It is possible to save a number of marking flags in succession!

Official work program versions:

The further development of add-ons and the deployment of new drive variants make it necessary to adapt the work program
to each development status.
As a rule, the work programs are downwardly compatible (observe the corresponding notes). Older work programs are only
to be replaced in by current, official versions in urgent cases (day software, defective elevator functions, retrofitting etc.).

The current software in each case and its compatibility is announced in urgent information bulletins!

Editor: QMS Issue Update: 

Issuing office: QMS Date: 10 / 2009  Page: F14-2

ThyssenKrupp Operating manual, diagnostic unit I 6510 046 

Aufzugswerke Teach-in levels and updates TCM Type Serial no.

1 Levels in teach-in of the diagnostic unit I

Diagnostic unit I As the teach-in function of the CPU E60/2 are distinguished by means of an 8-bit identifier, whereby
the top bit is used for control purposes, only 127 functions could be managed in the teach-in. In the
course of development of the MC1, MC2 and MC3, a total of 16 teach-in levels were implemented,
whereby 127 functions can be called up from each level.
The teach-in level 15AF comprises the status of CPU E60/2. This means there is no update in the op-
eration of the diagnostic unit I. 
In order to arrange the teach-in functions in a more manageable form, the individual functions of the
teach-in are now assigned to various levels. These levels can be selected using the diagnostic unit I
after starting function 1500 with the program selection wheel, whereby only levels with functions ap-
proved for each drive can be enabled.

After starting teach-in function 1500 and then pressing the button, 15AF appears in the display. When
the program selection wheel is moved, the last digit changes if the level assigned to the hexadecimal
value 0 ... F is enabled for the drive of the elevator (table 1).
If level 15AF is required, press the button; AFFF appears. Then use the program selection wheel to
select the corresponding teach-in function, e.g. AF10 Learn shaft. Activate the other teach-in functions
AF19, AF50 etc. as usual either by pressing the button or using the program selection wheel.

Following is the scheme for the structure of the levels:

Table 1 Display Function Function type Notes
Level designation or to be found in installation
15AF AF XX all existing teach-in functions Instructions for diagnostic unit I
15AE AE XX Teach-in function (presetting) New function
15 Ad Ad XX Teach-in function (learning) APD floor selector
15 AC AC XX Teach-in function (acceleration) New function
15 Ab Ab XX Teach-in function (deceleration) New function
15 AA AA XX Teach-in function (jerk) New function
15 A9 A9 XX Teach-in function (speed) New function
15 A8 A8 XX Teach-in function (path) New function
15 A7 A7 XX CPI parameterisation Installation instructions
13 6510-059
15 A6 A6 XX Lift-specific parameters Installation instructions
 12 6510-065/070
Installation instructions
15 6510-081
15 A5 A5 XX Destination selector controller DSC Installation instructions
8 6568-002
15 A4 A4 XX Teach-in function (thresholds) New A4XX functions
15 A3 A3 XX Teach-in function (times) New A3XX functions
15 A2 A2 XX planned for add-ons New A2XX functions
15 A1 none free -
15 A0 none free -

Operation of function level 15AF corresponds to the existing status for starting a teach-in function. 
On activating a teach-in function that can also be started in level 15Ad, although e.g. Ad10 appears as
function name, this is in fact the existing function AF10 Learn shaft.
In future, it will be possible to implement new functions in the individual levels, only defined for exam-
ple under the function name Ad30 or A220. The new functions are then not adopted into level 15AF.

Turning the program selection wheel while holding down the button runs through the list of teach-in
functions quickly (scrolling).

Editor: QMS Issue Change: 

Issuing office: QMS Date: 10 / 2009  Page: F15/0-1

ThyssenKrupp Operating manual, diagnostic unit I 6510 046 

Aufzugswerke Teach-in levels and updates TCM Type Serial no.

2 Teach-in function - lift-specific parameters 

The diagnostic unit 1 can be used in the teach-in level 15A6 to implement a total of 16 functions that
are not included in the work program in the lift-specific program. This means that order processing has
the possibility to accommodate special customer wishes when required. The functional sequence of
these additional programs is documented in the data sheet and can be queried and changed using the
diagnostic unit 1. (Examples are given in the corresponding operating manuals).

NB! The circular LEDs in the teach-in level 15A6 indicate that a lift-specific additional program is active. If
the LEDs stay off, the lift-specific additional program is not active.

3 Updates of lift-specific programs

Enabling and disabling lift-specific additional programs

To load the data

from the EPROM
in the CPU:
Select Diagnostic Unit I
15A6 CPU-
Lift- Display
specific Press button (addresses
EPROM A6Ad are called
SGS- up from
Thomson Lift-specific here)
addresses are
M27C256B transferred LEDs are moving
Additional Additional Press button in a circle
press button
programs programs A6EA A600
Additional program
is enabled
Press button
Additional Programs press button Press button
are transferred A6dA
Additional program
is disabled,
LEDs no longer
moving in a circle

Editor: QMS Issue Change: 

Issuing office: QMS Date: 10 / 2009  Page: F15/0-2

ThyssenKrupp Operating manual, diagnostic unit I 6510 046 

Aufzugswerke Teach-in levels and updates TCM Type Serial no.

4 Detection of lift-specific additional programs

In order to detect which lift-specific additional program is being used in a CPU, the program number
and the creation or revision date is stored in the lift-specific EPROM and can be read out with the
memory positions or addresses from 0300 to 031F.

This reading is possible using the diagnostic units on all TCM elevator control systems with CPU
MC1, MC2 or MC3.

Diagnostic unit 1 Function 0000 Select query or display of certain memory positions and enter addresses.

Diagnostic unit 6 Function 8 Select display/change memory and enter addresses.

Addresses 0304 and 0305 display the program number of the lift-specific additional program.

Addresses 0306 to 0308 display the creation or revision date of the elevator-specific program.
The remaining addresses 0300 to 031F (shaded in the table) contain program commands and of no
significance to installation.

The following table lists the different addresses.

Explanation Jump command to program Without Program no. Date
Address in the specific 4000 4001 4002 4003 4004 4005 4006 4007 4008
Addresses in the 88000 88001 88002 88003 88004 88005 88006 88007 88008
EPROM list
Addresses for 0300 0301 0302 0303 0304 0305 0306 0307 0308
diagnostic unit 1 and 6
Value EB 07 90 00 Dx yy Day Month Year

Example Input of the address 0306 (day) with diagnostic unit 1
Light emitting diodes 13 and 11 in row A light up (see diagram).

LED 16 15 14 13  12 11 10 9
Row A ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ λ  ⊗ λ ⊗ ⊗
Value 1  4

Result of the day input: 14 (the value is displayed in hexadecimal form by the LEDs)
Addresses 0307 (month) and 0308 (year) can be used to read out the complete date.

Comment In the case of TCI and TCM control systems with CPU E60, the program number can be de-
termined via the addresses A704 and A705 and the date determined via A706 to A708.

Editor: QMS Issue Change: 

Issuing office: QMS Date: 10 / 2009  Page: F15/0-3

ThyssenKrupp Operating manual, diagnostic unit I 6510 046 

Aufzugswerke Teach-in levels and updates TCM Type Serial no.

5 Programming MC1/2/3 printed circuit boards

Boot program for MC1/2/3 printed circuit boards

If "0000" or "FFFF" and not "FdFd" appears in the display of the diagnostic unit I on switching on, no boot program is in-

Boot program present - can be seen from the label on the printed circuit board (B:V05).
Install the boot program (only when required).
Boot program is loaded via EPROM record. Type 27C1001 boot program V0.5
This boot EPROM set (1 x 2 modules) is loaded in the same way as the normal EPROM load. 

Procedure for the EPROM load:
1 Switch off the main switch and F00.
2 Remove the lift-specific EPROM from base 1 of the printed circuit board (if present).
3 Plug in the jumpers J501, J502, J503 on the printed circuit board on columns 2 - 3 (see illustrations in the relevant
installation instructions: MC1: MA12/6510/065; MC2: MA12/6510/070;
MC3: MA15/6510/081).
4 Now insert the boot EPROM set in base 1 and 2 on the printed circuit board (there is no need to observe any par-
ticular order).
NB! Insert the EPROM correctly in the base: notches of EPROM and base must match up.
5 Connect diagnostic unit I (local bus and jumper cable to the control device CPI do not need to be connected).
6 Switch on main switch and F00. The following messages appear on the diagnostic unit I:

Table 1 Step Display Meaning
1 FFCX Flash sector X is deleted (if a program version was loaded)
2 FF0A Flash programming running
3 FF0E Flash programming completed

7 Switch off the main switch and F00. Remove the EPROM set. Re-insert jumper on column 1 - 2.
8 Switch on main switch and F00. The diagnostic unit I must now show "FdFd" in the display and the LED columns
flash alternately.

The boot program now runs and the work programs can be loaded onto the printed circuit boards.

TCM MC1 Load work program (download)

Run the download process with program file from the PC.
NB! On downloading, the lift-specific EPROM must always be connected in base 1 on the printed circuit board. Correct seat-
ing of the EPROM: ensure that the base is flush; notches of EPROM and base must match up.
When the download process has been started from the PC, the display of the diagnostic unit I changes in quick succession.
The display is only interesting for diagnostic purposes.
Important! If the display shows 'FECA', 'FdbA' or 'FdAA', do not interrupt the operation as otherwise all programs of the tar-
get hardware are lost.
Completion message FC00: data is saved; board runs reset.
Done when display flashes.

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Aufzugswerke Teach-in levels and updates TCM Type Serial no.

TCM MC2 Load work program (download and with older versions also EPROM load)

Up to version V83, the MZ program (for function "Central") must be loaded via EPROM load.
As of version V84, there is a packed version in two program files that contain the work program and the function
"Central". Both files are loaded per program download from the PC.

Up to version V83: the MC2MZ program loaded using EPROM load.

Procedure for the EPROM load:
1 Switch off the main switch and F00.
2 Remove the lift-specific EPROM from base 1 of the printed circuit board (if present).
3 Insert jumpers J501, J502, J503 on the printed circuit board on columns 2 - 3 (see illustration in the installation in-
structions: MC2: MA12/6510/070).
4 Now insert the MC2MZ EPROM set in bases SO501 and SO502 on the printed circuit board (there is no need to ob-
serve any particular order).
NB! Insert the EPROM correctly in the base: notches of EPROM and base must match up.
5 Connect diagnostic unit I (local bus and jumper cable to the control device CPI do not need to be connected).
6 Switch on main switch and F00. The following messages appear on the diagnostic unit I:

Table 1 Step Display Meaning
1 FFCX Flash sector X is deleted (if a program version was loaded)
2 FF0A Flash programming running
3 FF0E Flash programming completed

7 Switch off the main switch and F00. Remove the EPROM set. Re-insert jumper on column 1 - 2.
8 Switch on main switch and F00. The diagnostic unit I must now show "FdFd" in the display and the LED columns
flash alternately.

Run the download process with program file(s) from the PC.

Up to version V83, the download program consists of one program file; as of version V84, there is a packed version
in two program files (see above).
NB! On downloading, the lift-specific EPROM must always be connected in base 1 on the printed circuit board. Correct seat-
ing of the EPROM: ensure that the base is flush; notches of EPROM and base must match up.
When the download process has been started from the PC, the display of the diagnostic unit I changes in quick succession.
The display is only interesting for diagnostic purposes.
Important! If the display shows 'FECA', 'FdbA' or 'FdAA', do not interrupt the operation as otherwise all programs of the tar-
get hardware are lost.
Completion message FC00: data is saved; board runs reset.
Done when display flashes.

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Aufzugswerke Teach-in levels and updates TCM Type Serial no.

TCM MC3 Load work program (download)

On the MC3, two program files must be loaded!

Run the download process with program files from the PC.

NB! On downloading, the lift-specific EPROM must always be connected in base 1 on the printed circuit board. Correct seat-
ing of the EPROM: ensure that the base is flush; notches of EPROM and base must match up.
When the download process has been started from the PC, the display of the diagnostic unit I changes in quick succession.
The display is only interesting for diagnostic purposes.
Important! If the display shows 'FECA', 'FdbA' or 'FdAA', do not interrupt the operation as otherwise all programs of the tar-
get hardware are lost.
Completion message FC00: data is saved; board runs reset.
Done when display flashes.

For programming of the lift-specific program (EPROM load), the following rules apply in general to the MC1/2/3 prin-
ted circuit boards (see plan on page 2):

The EPROM with the lift-specific program must be seated on base 1 of the printed circuit board.
Load the lift-specific program using diagnostic unit I function "A6Ad" in the flash EPROM on the MC1/2/3 printed circuit
NB! Only the standard program is adopted.
Load the lift-specific additional programs: "A6Fd" Download into the flash EPROM on the MC1/2/3 board 
"A6EA" Activating the lift-specific additional program!
Indicator of activation: circular LEDs in rows A and B on selection of teach-in level 15A6.
"A6dA" Deactivating the lift-specific additional program!
Indicator of deactivation: all LEDs are off on selection of the teach-in level 15A6!
After the software update, lift-specific additional programs are to be re-enabled. "AF0C" must be run without fail after a soft-
ware update.

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Aufzugswerke Quick guide to teach-in for TCI/TCM control Type Serial no.

Function 15 00 Teach-in elevator

The teach-in function applies to the control system generations TCI and TCM with all their drive variants. The AF functions
are listed with ascending valence. An exact description of the teach-in functions is provided in installation instructions
13 6510.046

Fault messages in the teach-in (AF 10) learn shaft

AD01-11 APD teach-in: cancel in the APD status 1 to 11H (17 dec.)
ADb5 APD teach-in: number of landings does not correspond to specification.
ADb6 APD teach-in: fault in APD fault correction.
AF E0 Arithmetic overflow in multiplication (TIU30).
AF E1 Number of pulses per grid unit too high.
AF E2 Number of pulses per grid unit too low.
AF E3 Flush levelling window of landing vane too large.
AF E4 Flush levelling window of landing vane too small.
AF E5 Top landing does not correspond to the details in the lift-specific EPROM.
AF E6 Two identical landing vanes (NB: repeat teach-in until OK), see also fault entry CF XX: in
landing XX, the code is the same.
AF E7 Maintenance hatch opened (with NC 61A/B elevator).
AF E8 A/B pulses swapped: repeat AF 10.
AF E9 Terminal landing vane incorrect, not vane 99 (geometry vane or A0bH in the lift-specific
AF Eb Clearance LK-LN sensor too great (greater than flush window width.)
AF EC On Spirit elevator: no pulses or incorrect pulses from MH3/4 for slip control in
AF 16 (learn speed).
AF Ed Average from 10 speed measurements > FFFF; range exceeded on measurement of nrated
(number of pulses too high) – repeat shaft learning!
AF EE Problems saving to EEPROM on the CPU: check voltage supply 5 V; EEPROM module might
be defective.
AF EF Landing distance too great; dummy landing must be set (order processing).
AF Fb Speed in the teach-in > FFFF (TIU60); range exceeded on measurement (number of pulses
too high) – repeat shaft learning!
AF Fd LN sensor not reacting (on hydraulic elevators, LN and LK sensor must be available).
AF FE LK sensor swapped with LN sensor.
FE b0 An error occurred on writing in the FLASH EPROM.
FE C0 An error occurred on deleting the FLASH EPROM.

Fault messages on MS board teach-in: AF0C (check up), AF0D (set default values)

0A XX MS board front side in landing XX not responding

0b XX MS board rear side in landing XX not responding
1A XX Fault table CANMSA: entry XX incorrect
1b XX Fault table CANMSB: entry XX incorrect

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Aufzugswerke Quick guide to teach-in for TCI/TCM control Type Serial no.

Function 15 AF Elevator control TCI/TCM

Para AF functions Hydr. FV MD MW/MW1 Description
meter display change learn MD1 digital analog
 00   ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Reset
 01 02     ∗  Rated speed rpm
 04 05     ∗  Pulses per channel (pulse generator)
   0C      Set default values without parameter change1)
   0d ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Set default values 2)
   10 ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Learn shaft (landing distances)
 13 14  ∗     Deceleration distance, direction of movement UP
   16 ∗ ∗   ∗ Speed vrated(mm/s)
   19   ∗   Speed or travel path for v3
   1A   ∗   Speed or travel path for v2
   1b   ∗   Speed or travel path for v1
   1C   ∗   Speed or travel path for v0
   1d  ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Braking deceleration direction of movement UP (mm/s2)
   1F  ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Braking deceleration direction of movement DOWN
 20 21  ∗     Deceleration distance direction of movement DOWN
 20 21   ∗    Deceleration distance mm
 20 21    ∗   Levelling distance (mm)
P25 23 24  ∗   ∗ ∗ Rated speed vrated or vcon (mm/s)
P20 26 27    MD1 ∗ ∗ Acceleration / deceleration (mm/s2)
P19 29 2A     ∗ ∗ Jerk (rounding) (mm/s3)
 30 31  ∗     Stopping distance or stopping distance correction UP
 30 31   ∗    Stopping distance or stopping distance correction
UP/DOWN (mm)
 3b 3C  ∗     Stopping distance or stopping distance correction DOWN
P24 33 34     ∗ ∗ Speed vinsp or vR (mm/s).
P26 36 37     ∗ ∗ Adjustment run speed vadjust (mm/s)
P23 39 3A     ∗ ∗ Relevelling speed vrelevel
 40 41  ∗ ∗    87.5% of the rated speed vrated
P1 43 44     ∗ ∗ Brake application time (ms)
 46 47     ∗ ∗ Amplification factor for path controller
 48 49  ∗     Relevelling path UP (mm)
 4b 4C  ∗     Relevelling path DOWN (mm)
 50 51  ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Door-open time (s)
 53 54  ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Forced door close 3) (nudge time) (s)
 56 57  ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Start delay time with peak traffic (s)
 59 5A  ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Door reopening open time (s)
 5C 5d  ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Door-open time with external calls (s)
 60 61  ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Parking run waiting time (s)
 63 64  ∗     Parking run in lowest landing
 66 67  ∗     Soft start-up time (ms)
 69 6A  ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Door-open time in main landing (s)
 70 71  ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ % threshold GKO/GKU
 73 74  ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ % threshold monitoring vrated

1) Function AF0C is used to set default values without changing the control parameters!
2) NB: function AF0d deletes all specially entered values and resets the default values!
3) Only with controlled door drives.

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Para- AF functions Hydr. FV MD MW1 Description

meter display change learn MD1 digital analog
 75 76     ∗ ∗ Threshold peak traffic 4)
 77 78     ∗ ∗ Threshold peak current suppression 4)
 80 81    ∗ ∗ ∗ Correction when stop too early (mm)
 83 84    ∗ ∗ ∗ Correction when stop too late (mm)
 90 91     ∗ ∗ Approach path (mm)
 93 94     ∗ ∗ Approach speed (mm/s)
 96 97     ∗  Threshold control parameter (mm/s)
 99 9A     ∗  P proportion for low speed
 9C 9d     ∗  I proportion for low speed
 9F A0     ∗  P proportion for normal operation (vrated)
 A2 A3     ∗  I proportion for normal operation (vrated)
 A5 A6     ∗  P proportion for levelling speed (vlevel)
 A8 A9     ∗  I proportion for levelling speed (vlevel)
P21 b1 B2     ∗  % acceleration pre-control
 C0 C1     ∗ ∗ Acceleration (mm/s2)
 C2 C3     ∗ ∗ Deceleration (mm/s2)
 C4 C5     ∗ ∗ 1st jerk (mm/s3)
 C6 C7     ∗ ∗ 2nd jerk (mm/s3)
 C8 C9     ∗ ∗ 3rd jerk (mm/s3)
 CA Cb     ∗ ∗ 4th jerk (mm/s3)
 D0 d1     ∗ ∗ vrated with standby power mode (mm/s
 D2 d3     ∗ ∗ +a with standby power mode (mm/s2)
 D4 d5     ∗ ∗ -a with standby power mode (mm/s2)
 D6 d7     ∗ ∗ Jerk with standby supply (mm/s3)
 D8 d9     ∗ ∗ Jerk 2 with function AF77
 DA db     ∗ ∗ +a with overload (mm/s2)
 DC dd     ∗ ∗ -a with overload (mm/s2)
   0E    ∗  Calculation from pulses/channel and speed

Setting braking deceleration with one brake block in direction of empty UP (full DOWN):

1) Use recall to place elevator car in the bottom (top) shaft area
2) Set one brake block as opened
3) Use the diagnostic unit in the teach-in mode to select function AF1d (AF1F)
4) Press start-stop button; AF bD (AF bF) appears
5) Switch off emergency operation switch and press start-stop button; the elevator car accelerates to rated speed and
then automatic makes an emergency stop
6) Read brake deceleration value in mm/s on the diagnostic unit

Run the measurement with the other brake block or other load case (full DOWN) in the same way. The bias voltage of the
brake springs is to be set in such a way that the braking deceleration –a (mm/s2) with one brake block in both load cases
empty UP and full DOWN comes as close as possible to the maximum limit values specified in the table.
The measurement is only meaningful if the suspension ropes do not slip over the traction sheave!

4) Only with control system TCM and load measurement system LMS1.

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Aufzugswerke Quick guide to teach-in for TCI/TCM control Type Serial no.

Gearless drives
Unit Machine with Machine with Light elevator Heavy elevator
Flywheel mass Handwinding wheel car car
F/Q < 1.5 F/Q >1.5
vrated (m/s) ≤0 ,63 ≤1 ,25 >1 ,25 ≤0 ,63 ≤1 ,25 >1 ,25 all all
-amin (mm/s2) 200 300 400 300 400 500 700 700
-amax (mm/s2) 400 500 600 500 600 750 1000 750

Function 15 Ad Teach-in with APD floor selector

Engage electrical recall

Place the elevator car below the bottom magnet
Go to teach-in, select level 15AD
Display ADFF
Use hexwheel to set to ADD0
 Press button: ADD1
 Electrical recall off, press button
 Display 0001; if not in the end contact, the elevator starts with inspection speed
 If the elevator does not start automatically: use electrical recall to initiate teach-in run from end contact
Note: outside of the end contact range, electrical recall can then be switched off and then the button can be released.
 Elevator runs, display 0002
 Detection 1st flush magnet: display 01 02
 Detection 2nd flush magnet: display 02 02
 Detection 3rd flush magnet: display etc.
 Detection 6th flush magnet: display 02 06
 Detection 7th flush magnet: display 07 03
 Detection 8th flush magnet: display 08 03
 Elevator switches off
 Display ADD2 APD teach-in carried out correctly. The APD is configured
 Electrical recall on, press button
 Display ADD3
 Electrical recall off, press button
 Elevator starts downwards, display 08 02
 If the elevator does not start automatically: use electrical recall to initiate teach-in run from end contact
Note: outside of the end contact area, electrical recall can then be switched off and then the button can be released.
 Elevator reaches landing 7: display 07 02
 Elevator reaches landing 6: display 06 02
 Elevator reaches landing 5: display etc.
 Elevator reaches landing 3: display 03 02
 Elevator reaches landing 2: display 02 03
 Elevator reaches landing 1: display 01 03
 Elevator is shut down: display ADD4
 Switch electrical recall on, press button
 Display AD10 (same function as AF10)
 Place elevator in teach-in position (may also be the end contact area)
 Press button: display AF11
 Switch electrical recall off, press button, display 0001
 If the elevator does not start automatically: use electrical recall to initiate teach-in run from end contact

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Aufzugswerke Quick guide to teach-in for TCI/TCM control Type Serial no.

 Outside of the end contact range, electrical recall can then be switched off and then the button can be released.
 Elevator learns the shaft in the usual manner.
 Shaft teach-in is followed by AD16 (same as AF16) to initiate the speed teach-in run
 If the elevator is in the end contact, electrical recall can also be used to initiate the teach-in run.

Function 15 A3 Times

15A3 functions Description

display change Unit
A310 A311 250 ms Door contact delay time 1)
A330 A331 Sec. Car fan time of coasting 2)
A332 A333 Sec. Delay time elevator car light deactivation 3)

1) Values can be set between 0.....10, per 'jump' approx. 250 ms, default value 3 (= 750 ms).
2) Only if enabled in an additional program.
3) Automatic elevator car light shutdown:
Activation as of software MC1_V52 (MC2_V82, MC3_V92) in A40C = 01.
Delay time can be set in 15A3, A332/33.

The altered values are set to default values after a AFOd!

Function 15 AE Presetting

15AE functions Description

AEE8 Swapping the pulse encoder channels A and B 1)
AE86 Inverting the function of the brake test switches from
break contact to make contact or vice versa (software)

1) Note: on shaft teach-in AF10, the pulse sequence of channels A and B are automatically set correctly by the pulse
encoder software.
Running AEE8 means that the software swaps channels A+B independently of AF10.

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Aufzugswerke Quick guide to teach-in for TCI/TCM control Type Serial no.

Function 15 A7 Parameter settings on the CPI control device

Plug the parameter entry panel into the corresponding connector of the control device and run or check the
parameterisation, as the case may be.
Alternatively, the parameter values for the CPI control device can be displayed or changed in the elevator control system
TCM with the diagnostic unit 1 if the MC1/MC2/MC3 printed circuit board is used as the CPU. In this case, diagnostic unit 1
is to be plugged into the corresponding connector on the CPU.

Comment: the diagnostic unit cannot be used to change all the parameters! An exact description of the parameter
entry panel can be found in installation instructions 13 6510.059.
All the required parameters are also explained in the descriptions of the CPI control device.

NB! CPI control devices can be operated with an internal or external reference value generator. With an internal
reference value generator, important settings (e.g. all speeds, acceleration etc.) are to be made with the
parameter entry panel. With an external reference value generator, the MW1 function (path computer function)
is used. Accordingly, the settings are made with diagnostic unit 1. In some cases, adjustment with diagnostic
unit 6 is also possible.

Diagnostic unit 1 – A7 functions Parameter entry panel Function

Display Change Default value Unit Para- Default value
Synchr. / asynchr. meter Synchr. / asynchr.
A700 Reset in the MC1/MC2/MC3 printed circuit board
A70b Adopt set values into CPI control device
A70d Adopt default values set values into CPI control device
A701 0500/1500 e.g. V5.0/V15.0 Display software version in the CPI control device
A7FF Appears on selection of the level
A710 A711 0500 ms P0 500 ms Reference value start delay tSTS
A712 A713 0810/0700 ms P1 810/700 ms Brake application time tBE
A714 A715 0001/0000 - P3 inv./not inv. Direction of rotation
A716 A717 0001/0000 P4 inv./not inv. Control direction (only in the case of asynchronous machines)
A718 A719 0020/0100 x 0.1 P5 2.0/10.0 Speed controller P gain
A71A A71b 0070/0020 ms P6 70/20 ms Speed controller I gain
A71C A71d
A71E A71F 0000 - P10 (0) Analog output metering point MP42 (TMI printed circuit board)
A720 A721 0000 - P11 (0) Analog output metering point MP43 (TMI printed circuit board)
A722 A723 0010/0350 x 0.1 P13 1.0/35.0 Gear reduction
A724 A725 0360/0450 MM P14 360/450 mm Diameter of traction sheave
A726 A727 0002/0001 - P15 2/1 Suspension 1:1 = 1, 2:1 = 2
A728 A729 0100 cm/s P16 1.00 m/s Rated speed vrated with external reference value generator
P17 … rpm Rated speed nrated calculated 1) (only display)
A72A A72b 0010/0100 x 0.1 P18 1.0/10.0 rpm Threshold for zero speed
A72C A72d 0070 cm/s3 P192) 0.7 m/s3 Starting jerk (acceleration change)
A72E A72F 0070 cm/s2 P202) 0.7 m/s2 Acceleration
A730 A731 0000/0001 - P21 Off / On Acceleration pre-control
A763 A764 pos. 0100 % P22 +100% Acceleration pre-control boost
A765 neg. 0000
A732 A733 0003 cm/s P232) 0.03 m/s Speed v0 (relevelling speed)
A734 A735 0030 cm/s P242) 0.30 m/s Inspection / recall speed vI
A736 A737 0100 cm/s P252) 1.0 m/s Rated speed vrated
A738 A739 0030 cm/s P262) 0.3 m/s Adjustment run speed vadjust
A73A A73b 0030 cm/s P372) cm/s Threshold v<0.3 m/s (
A73C A73d 0000/0001 - P382) Off / On Short run computer

1) The speed is calculated automatically from the rated speed (P16 or P25), gear reduction (P13), diameter of traction sheave (P14) and suspension
(P15). Adjustment is not possible.
2) Parameter only with internal reference value generator!

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Aufzugswerke Quick guide to teach-in for TCI/TCM control Type Serial no.

Diagnostic unit 1 – A7 functions Parameter entry panel Function

display change Default value Unit Parame Default value
Synchr. / asynchr. ter Synchr. / asynchr.
A766 A767 pos. 0000 MM P392) +0.0/-0.0 cm Correction of short run (short runs up to +40 cm / -40 cm are
A768 neg. 0000 MM possible)
A73E A73F do not use P40 <motor type> Motor selection (selection of the synchronous/ asynchronous motor)
A740 A741 0000/0001 P50 Off / On Load measurement
A742 A743 0000 % P51 0% Measurement value from load measurement system
A744 A745 0045 % P52 + 45% Input value for load compensation
A746 A747 0000 x 0.1A P53 0.0 A Calculation: amplification of load measurement from load current
A769 A76A pos. 0650 0.1 % P54 + 65% Amplification of load measurement
A76b neg. 0000
P92 0...600 V Voltage DC circuit capacitor ZK (discharge)
P96 <1> 4096 ASM Pulse generator input
<1> 2048 SM

For more information on the settings, see corresponding installation instructions:

Adjustment instructions Isostop 60

API: API control device Installation instructions 10 6510.051

Standard type series API 12/18/26/40/60 for TCI and TCM control system Installation instructions10 6510.052

Type series API 12S/18S/26S/40S/60S with CAN interface for TCM

control system Installation instructions 10 6510.053

Type series API 12C – 60C, API 12B – 60B for non-TCI/TCM control system Installation instructions10 6510.054

Type series API 40R/60R/90R with integrated power regeneration for

TCI/TCM control system Installation instructions 10 6510.055

Parameter entry via parameter entry panel on API Installation instructions 13 6510.056

CPI: Type series CPI 12/26/40/60 (C) drive asynchronous machine Installation instructions10 6510.058

Standard type series CPI 12, CPI 26 drive synchronous machine Installation instructions14 6510.057

Frequency converter CPI.... E(R) with decentralised control system Installation instructions 15 6510.090

Frequency converter CPI 100 R Installation instructions 10 6510.094

Parameter entry via parameter entry panel on CPI Installation instructions 13 6510.059

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Aufzugswerke Quick guide for teach-in of door drives Type Serial no.

Function 1500 Teach-in controlled door drives

Plug in diagnostic unit I and select the teach-in functions via 15 00 and 15 dF. After correct input, the completed message
FEFE always appears. In the event of faults, a fault code number appears.

dF functions Door drive (type) Description
display change learn F2/1 F3 F4 F5 D6.C
00   ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Reset (exit from function and save)
01 02  ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Door width, door leading edge
 12 11 ∗     Nominal travel path 
Centre-closing door width / 2 in mm
Not centre-closing door width / in mm
  0d      After pressing the button: default values are entered (required for
13 14      ∗ Display / change the door type:
0000 = centre-closing, 0001 = right, 0002 = left
14  14 ∗     Left-hand / right-hand motor installation
0001 = left, 0002 = right, 0000 = not learned
16  15 ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Torque limit value for max. 150 N
17 18      ∗ Display / change the door relay contacts:
Setting in the case of TCI/TCM control system: 0111
  1d ∗∗ ∗ ∗ ∗  ∗∗Only mode B and C are set to default values
1E   ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗  Display of CAN interface
  1F ∗ ∗ ∗   Enable / disable CAN interface
0000 = disabled 
0001 = CAN front side enabled
0002 = CAN rear side enabled
20 21  ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Door-open speed in mm/s
22 23  ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Door-close speed in mm/s
24 25  ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗  Acceleration in mm/s2
26 27  ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗  Deceleration (normal) in mm/s2
28 29  ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗  Deceleration for reopening in mm/s2
2A 2b  ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗  Jerk (speed change) in mm/s3 
2C 2d  ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗  P amplifier speed controller (displayed value x 0.1) 
2E 2F  ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗  I amplifier speed controller (displayed value x 0.01)
30 31  ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗  Display of approach path in mm
32 33  ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗  Approach speed in mm/s
34 35  ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗  Nudge speed (forced door close) mm/s
36 37  ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗  Maximum door final position force in N (Newton)
38 39  ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗  Minimum door final position force in N
3A 3b  ∗     Acceleration pre-control factor (displayed value x 0.01) 0000
Acceleration pre-control not active
40 41  ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Acceleration door opening in mm/s2
42 43  ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Acceleration door closing in mm/s2
44 45  ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Deceleration door opening (normal) in mm/2
46 47  ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Deceleration door closing (normal) in mm/s2
48 49  ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗  Deceleration door opening (reopen) in mm/s2
4A 4b  ∗     Deceleration door closing (reopen) in mm/s2
4C 4d  ∗     Jerk 1 door opening in mm/s3
4C 4d      ∗ Display/change deceleration point for opening in mm
4E 4F  ∗     Jerk 2 door opening in mm/s3
4E 4F      ∗ Display/change deceleration point for closing in mm
50 51  ∗     Jerk 3 door opening in mm/s3
52 53  ∗     Jerk 4 door opening in mm/s3
54 55  ∗     Jerk 1 door closing in mm/s3

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ThyssenKrupp Operating manual, diagnostic unit I 6510 046 
Aufzugswerke Quick guide for teach-in of door drives Type Serial no.

dF functions Door drive (type) Description

display change learn F2/1 F3 F4 F5 D6.C
56 57  ∗     Jerk 2 door closing in mm/s3
58 59  ∗     Jerk 3 door closing in mm/s3
5A 5b  ∗     Jerk 4 door closing in mm/s3
5C 5d    ∗   Selection of characteristic curve for retard and reopen
62 63  ∗   ∗  Approach path opening in mm
64 65  ∗   ∗  Approach path closing in mm
66 67  ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Approach speed opening in mm
68 69  ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Approach speed closing in mm
6A 6b  ∗   ∗  Maximum door final position force in the open state in N
6C 6d  ∗   ∗  Minimum door final position force in the open state in N
6E 6F  ∗   ∗  Maximum door final position force in the closed state in N
70 71  ∗   ∗  Minimum door final position force in the closed state in N
72 73  ∗     Flat acceleration on closing in mm/s2 B
74 75  ∗     Flat jerk 1 on closing in mm/s3
76 77  ∗     Flat jerk 2 on closing in mm/s3
80 81  ∗     Amplification factor path controller (displayed value x 0.1)
0000 = path controller disabled
80 81   ∗ ∗ ∗  Characteristic curve I (high torque) voltage at f = 0 Hz 
82 83  ∗     Duration of end position ramp in ms (default value 250 ms)
82 83   ∗ ∗ ∗  Characteristic curve I (high torque): voltage at cut-off frequency
84 85  ∗     Jerk 3 on reopening the door in mm/s3 
0000 = value for jerk 3 on closing according to dF 58 is enabled.
84 85   ∗ ∗ ∗  Characteristic curve I (high torque): cut-off frequency (Hz)
86 87  ∗     Jerk 4 on reopening the door in mm/s3
0000= value for jerk 4 on closing on closing according to dF 5A is
86 87   ∗    Minimum frequency in Hz
88 89    ∗   Characteristic curve II (to 150 N red. torque): same as 80/81
8A 8b  ∗     Door width partial opening in % of door width (0000 = disabled)
8A 8b    ∗   Characteristic curve II (to 150 N red. torque): same as 82/83
8C 8d  ∗     Position of quasi door switch in % of door width (output as signal
8C 8d    ∗   Characteristic curve II (to 150 N red. torque): same as 84/85
8E 8F  ∗     Speed after RESET in mm/s
90 91  ∗     Selection: efficiency of the door closing force limitation:
0000 = closing force limitation after EN 81, i.e., in the the limitation
is disabled in the first third of the closing path.
0001 = closing force limitation after TRA is enabled across the
entire door width
90 91    ∗ ∗  Characteristic curve III (stop torque in end position open): same as
92 93  ∗     New switchover time on exceeding closing force in ms
92 93    ∗ ∗  Characteristic curve III (voltage at cut-off frequency): same as
94 95  ∗     2nd switchover time with widening cam operation in ms
94 95    ∗ ∗  Characteristic curve III: cut-off frequency in Hz
96 97  ∗     Tolerance path for widening cam operation in mm
96 97    ∗   Characteristic curve III: minimum frequency in Hz
96 97     ∗  Selection of TSU/TSO as break contact/make contact
0000 = break contact / 0001 = make contact
98 99  ∗   ∗  Selection of widening cam operation
0000 = widening cam operation via door drive off
0001 = widening cam operation via door drive on

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ThyssenKrupp Operating manual, diagnostic unit I 6510 046 
Aufzugswerke Quick guide for teach-in of door drives Type Serial no.

dF functions Door drive (type) Description

display change learn F2/1 F3 F4 F5 D6.C
98 99    ∗   Characteristic curve IV (stop torque in end position door closed):
same as 80/81
9A   ∗   ∗  Displays of cam path
  9b ∗   ∗  Learning cam path
9A 9b    ∗   Characteristic curve IV
9C 9d  ∗     Jerk widening cam operation opening in mm/s3
9C 9d    ∗   Characteristic curve IV
9C 9d     ∗  Speed widening cam operation opening in mm/s
9C 9d      ∗ Speed locking and unlocking in mm/s
9E 9F  ∗     Jerk widening cam operation closing in mm/s3
9E 9F    ∗   Characteristic curve IV 
9E 9F     ∗  Speed widening cam operation closing in mm/s
A0 A1  ∗    ∗ Door path (from door leading edge) in mm
0000 = learned value is active.
0001 = plausibility limits (dF 11, dF 12) are disabled; every
value learned with dF 11 is accepted.
With D6.C door, set to the value of dF01!
A2 A3  ∗     Enable maximum door closing force in N
0000 = learned value is active.
A2 A3      ∗ Sensitivity of the door edge safety
A4 A5  ∗   ∗  Width of the confidence window in mm
A4 A5      ∗ Door light barrier (without function because not connected)
A6 A7  ∗     Time: end position acknowledgement opening in ms
A8 A9  ∗     Time: end position acknowledgement closing in ms
AA Down  ∗     Selection of special signals
0000 = special signals disabled
0001 = TSU
0002 = TSO
0004 = 150 N exceeded
AC AD  ∗   ∗  Window width pull in end position in mm
AE AF  ∗   ∗  Speed after reset in mm/s
B0 b1  ∗     Threshold for entry of slip in the event stack
B2 b3  ∗     Effective door force closing in N
b4 b5  ∗     Moment of end position detection after RESET
bA bb  ∗     Delete selection end positions:
0000 = no reopening
0001 = reopening up to TSO
0002 = time-dependent reopening
 FF  ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ RESET (adoption of new values)

The detailed adjustment instructions for all door drives can be found in the installation instructions booklet 7 Elevator car
finishing doors

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ThyssenKrupp Operating manual, diagnostic unit I 6510 046 
Aufzugswerke Quick guide for teach-in of door drives Type Serial no.

Display of faults, input and output signals for the individual door drives

Plug in diagnostic unit I; signal levels of inputs (E) and outputs (A) are shown with flashing 7-segment display.

Signals Door drive (type) Description
A/E LED F2/1 F3 F4 F5 D6.C
A 1  ∗ ∗ ∗  Switch-off error present
A 2  ∗ ∗ ∗  Excess current fault
A 3  ∗ ∗ ∗  Final stage disabled / no controller enable
A 4  ∗ ∗ ∗  Overvoltage fault
A 5  ∗ ∗ ∗  Undervoltage warning
A 6  ∗ ∗ ∗  Overtemperature heat sink warning (door controller)
A 7  ∗ ∗ ∗  Overtemperature heat sink fault (door controller)
A 8  ∗ ∗ ∗  Door motor overtemperature fault
A 9 ∗   ∗  Door closing force 150 N exceeded
A 9  ∗ ∗   Pre-end switch opening (TVO)
A 10 ∗     Special signal (programming: dF AA/dF Ab)
A 10  ∗ ∗   Pre-end switch closing (TVU)
A 11 ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗  Door opened (TSO)
A 12 ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗  Door closed (TSU)
E 13      free
E 14 ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗  Close slowly (nudge speed)
E 15 ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗  Open
E 16 ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗  Close

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ThyssenKrupp Operating manual, diagnostic unit I 6510 046 
Aufzugswerke Quick guide for teach-in of load measurement Type Serial no.
device LMS1

Function 15 00 Teach-in load measurement system LMS1

Plug in diagnostic unit I and use 15 00 and 15 bF to select the teach-in functions. After correct input, the completed
message FEFE always appears; in the event of faults, a fault code number appears.

bF functions Description
display change learn
00 Exit reset or teach-in and save values
0d Enter default values
01 02 CAN bus connection: 0000 = CAN bus not connected; 0001 = CAN bus connected
03 04 Elevator car load: 0001 = weight specified in % of rated load; 0002 = weight specified in kg
05 06 Sensor types: see box below
07 08 Working distance 750/100 mm or 1350/100 mm
09 0A Rated load in kg (only enter if CAN bus is not connected)
0b 0C Sensor working distance zero point setting (0000 if unadjusted; all LEDs have gone out)
0E 0F Characteristic curve calibration with defined load
10 Display of all stored support points
11 Delete individual support points
12 Enter an additional support point
13 Delete all additionally entered support points
14 15 Level outputs: 0001 = enabled; 0002 = disabled
16 Change level values (change only possible if CAN bus faded out via bF01)
17 18 Level value 1
19 1A Level value 2
1b 1C Level value 3
1d 1E Level value 4
1F 20 Level value 5
21 22 Frequency output: 0001 = enabled (standard); 0000 = disabled
23 Limit frequency in Hz (default value 1 kHz)
25 26 Upper limit frequency in Hz (default value 9 kHz)
27 EPROM manufacturer code
28 EPROM device code
29 LMS1 program version
2A Elevator no. (e.g. in the case of groups: elevator 1, 2, 3 etc.) only for TCM installations with CAN bus
2b 2C Detection sensor de-energised (0001 = de-energised enabled; 0000 = disabled)
2d 2E Cable load correction (0001 = enabled; 0000 = disabled)
2F 30 Beam deflection top landing
31 32 Beam deflection bottom landing
33 34 Multiplication factor for direction of movement DOWN
35 36 Multiplication factor for direction of movement DOWN
37 38 Monitoring sensor working range (0001 = enabled; 0000 = disabled)
39 3A Automatic calibration (0001 = enabled; 0000 = disabled)
3b 3C Boundaries of automatic calibration: standard 5% (0001 = enabled; 0000 = disabled)
3d 3E Automatic calibration tolerance
Down Cancel teach-in without saving entered values
FEFE Completed message

1 Schneider sensor
2 DMS from Velomat (do not enable, requires special teach-in sequence)
3 DMS from Velomat (do not enable with HW compensation of compensating ropes; requires special teach-in sequence)
4 Pulsotronik sensor (standard)
5 User-defined linear sensor

The exact adjustment instructions, fault stack etc. can be found in installation instructions 8 6075.007 Load measurement
system LMS1.

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ThyssenKrupp Operating manual, diagnostic unit I 6510 046 
Aufzugswerke Quick guide for teach-in of load measurement Type Serial no.
device LMS1

Fault code numbers

As a rule, faults occur during teach-in due to incorrect inputs. On the basis of the fault code number, determine the fault and
rectify if necessary. Selecting a fault stack in the same way e.g. as with elevator control system TCI or TCM is not possible.

Fault Fault description Causes, rectification or notes

F001 The value set on the diagnostic unit for Check the value of the maximum elevator car load; correct if necessary
rated load Q' does not match the value and rerun teach-in completely.
stored in the lift-specific program and
sent via the CAN bus.
F003 CAN bus fault If no CAN bus is connected, set CAN output (bF02) to off.
Check connection of the CAN bus, in particular contact of the connector.
Check jumper J3:
− J3 must be set if the LMS1 is to terminate the CAN bus (i.e. is to be
the last data station on the CAN bus)
− J3 must remain free if the CAN bus is terminated by another data
station (i.e. the LMS1 is not the last data station on the CAN bus)
F005 Sensor is not adjusted within Check jumper position J1/J2
installation tolerance. Readjust sensor.
F006 Warning! If the cable load correction or correction of beam deflection is used,
Upper limit frequency has been there is an automatic check as to whether with 110% load and activated
changed. corrections an output frequency for Fout of 11 kHz can be exceeded. If
this is the case, the upper limit frequency is automatically set to a
corresponding lower value and warning message F006 is issued. The
new upper limit frequency can be read out in function bF25.
As this changes the assignment of weight and frequency, the setting on
the ESA or LUW2 printed circuit board must be checked and carried out
again if necessary. If this is not possible (e.g. no weights on site), the
corrections can be disabled (set cable load correction via bF2D/bF2E,
beam deflection via bF33 bF34 and bF35/bF36 to 0000). Subsequently,
the upper limit frequency can be reset to its original value in the function
F009 Calculated value of the maximum input Check:
voltage exceeds the operating range of − Has jumper J1/J2 been set correctly? Set jumper correctly and re-run
the A/D converter. teach-in completely (including sensor adjustment).
− Has the sensor be correctly adjusted? Perform a sensor adjustment
with a smaller sensor gap
F00A Attempt to read out a weight in kg Select input type % (bF04) or enter the correct rated load (bF0A).
without the rated load having been
specified beforehand.
F00b Attempt to enter or read out a level in Select input type % (bF04) or enter the correct rated load (bF0A).
kg without the rated load having been
specified beforehand.
F00C Attempt to enter more than 10 support The possible number of support points is limited to 10. If another support
points. point is to be entered, an existing one must be deleted (see bF11).
F00d Input of a non-permitted value for the Re-enter calibration weight. It must lie between 1% and 100% of the
calibration weight. rated load Q.

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ThyssenKrupp Operating manual, diagnostic unit I 6510 046 
Aufzugswerke Quick guide for teach-in of load measurement Type Serial no.
device LMS1

F00E Non-permitted elevator car buffering The calculated working distance at full load lies outside of the measuring
range of the sensor.
At full load, the elevator car must buffer at least 2.5 mm and no more
than 6 mm.
− Was the set calibration weight loaded in the elevator car before the
input of bF0F? Repeat adjustment at bF0F with correct setting.
− Has jumper J1/J2 been set correctly? Set jumper correctly and re-run
teach-in completely (including sensor adjustment).
− If the adjustment at bF0F falsified due to strong friction between the
car sling and elevator car? If necessary, rock the elevator car to bring
it into the correct buffering position.
− Is the correct car isolation fitted? Fit the right car isolation.
− Is the path difference elevator car/car sling between no load and full
load in the permissible range between 2.5 mm and 6 mm? If not,
consult the mechanical design department.
F00F Deviation between calculated and Measures same as at F00E. This does not work, enter additional support
entered value of the calibration weight points.
is too great.
F010 Entered kg value for level exceeds Enter a value that is less than or a maximum of 110% of the rated load.
110% of the rated load Q.
F011 Flash EPROM is defective. Use a new flash EPROM even if the LMS1 apparently works without
difficulty. A sustained function can no longer be ensured and it might not
be possible to save parameter changes even if they appear to be
displayed correctly in the diagnostic unit.
F012 Input of additional support points before First adjust the sensor and run the load measurement in the normal
sensor adjustment. mode. Only if this does not achieve satisfactory results should additional
support pointed be entered.
F013 Additional support points violate the The buffering path of the elevator car must increase with increasing
monotony condition. load. This condition has been violated.
Possible causes:
− Incorrect input of additional support points.
− Due to friction between the car sling and elevator car or due to
hysteresis of the elevator car buffering (rubber bushes), the
measurement results are falsified in the case of support points that
are close to one another. Select a greater clearance between the
support points.
F014 kg value for entered support point Enter a value that is less than or a maximum of 110% of the rated load.
exceeds 110% of the rated load Q.
F021 Input of a non-permitted calibration On activation of the CAN bus, it was established that on entering the
weight calibration weight with the range check disabled a non-permitted value
was entered for the calibration weight (see fault F00D).
Run the calibration again with the correct calibration weight; otherwise
operation with the CAN bus is not possible.
F022 Non-permitted cabin buffering The calibration weight was entered with the range check disabled. On
activation of the CAN bus, a non-permitted cabin buffering was
determined (see fault F00E).
F023 Input voltage exceeds the working Calculated value of the maximum input voltage exceeds the operating
range of the A/D converter range of the A/D converter. The calibration weight was entered with the
range check disabled. On activation of the CAN bus, it was established
that the voltage range of the sensor exceeds the working range of the
A/D converter of the LMS1 (see fault F009).

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Issuing office: QMS Date: 10 / 2009  Page: F15/b-3


ThyssenKrupp Operating manual, diagnostic unit I
6510 046 
Aufzugswerke Memory positions Type Serial no.

Function 00 00 Query of certain memory positions

If required, certain memory positions can be displayed in the lift-specific program on the
basis of the EPROM list.

Example: address A093, door type of the main door

1) Use the program selection wheel to select function 0000

2) Press the start-stop button and enter the address A0 93: counter in the position with
the lowest value runs from 0 ... F (hexadecimal display). If the number 3 appears,
press the button. Repeat in the next position with the number 9, also with the
numbers 0 and A.
3) After entering the solid address A0 93, the memory position can be checked on the
basis of the light pattern of the LEDs in row A.
4) If, for example, LED 11 or 22 lights up, the main door is configured for a D4 drive (see
illustration of diagnostic unit I).
5) The program selection wheel can be used to change the set address.

The address list or also EPROM list can be used to check whether certain functions are present in an
elevator installation or not.

Diagnostic Unit I

Start / Stop

ThyssenKrupp Aufzugswerke GmbH

Pulses 8 27 16 LK-sensor
7 26 15 Run: IS/RS
6 25 14 Direction Up with IS
SC module 5 24 13 Direction Down with IS
Program selection wheel
Safety circuit EK 4 23 12 LN-sensor
HK 3 22 11
TK 2 21 10 W/W1-contactor
KT 1 20 9 WO/WU-contactor

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ThyssenKrupp Operating manual, diagnostic unit I
6510 046 
Aufzugswerke Memory positions Type Serial no.

Number systems Decimal number Hexadecimal number Binary number

00 00 0000 0000
01 01 0000 0001
02 02 0000 0010
03 03 0000 0011
04 04 0000 0100
05 05 0000 0101
06 06 0000 0110
07 07 0000 0111
08 08 0000 1000
09 09 0000 1001
10 0A 0000 1010
11 0b 0000 1011
12 0C 0000 1100
13 0d 0000 1101
14 0E 0000 1110
15 0F 0000 1111
16 10 0001 0000
17 11 0001 0001
18 12 0001 0010
19 13 0001 0011
20 14 0001 0100
. .
30 1E 0001 1110
31 1F 0001 1111
32 20 0010 0000
. .
63 3F 0011 1111
64 40 0100 0000
65 41 0100 0001
. .
128 80 1000 0000
etc. etc. etc.

Example of conversion of a hexadecimal number into a binary number

Address Data word

in the 7-segment display in the LED row A


Hexadecimal numbers
 A 0 b 3 C 1
Binary numbers
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓  ↓ ↓

Decimal numbers 1010 0000 1011 0011 1100 0001
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓  ↓ ↓
10 0 11 3 12 1
LED row A 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20
Binary number 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1

Explanation: 1 = LED in row A lights up 1 byte = 8 bits

0 = LED in row A does not light up

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6510 046 
Aufzugswerke Memory positions Type Serial no.

Addresses in the lift-specific program

(The addresses with * are described in installation instructions 12 6510.062 Additional functions)
(If the addresses are assigned twice, the left-hand column is TCI and right-hand column is TCM)

Addresses Designation LED Explanations

27 24 23 20
A000 F000 Landing variable: enter XXXX XXX1 Door on the front side
A001 landing-based, XXXX XX1X Door on the rear side
number of landings XXXX X1XX Selective door
hexadecimal as from XXXX XXXX not used
A001 - A02F or XXX1 XXXX Shutdown landing (shutdown of control system and light)
F001 - F04F XXXX XXXX not used
e.g. A00b or F00b = X1XX XXXX Fire service landing
11. Landing 1XXX XXXX Parking level
A030 F050 Main door - general XXXX XXX1 Car call is blocked
landing-based XXXX XX1X Down external call is blocked
XXXX XX1X Up external call is blocked
1XXX XXXX 0 = door may open first
A060 F0A0 Rear entrance - general XXXX XXX1 Car call is blocked
landing-based XXXX XX1X Down external call is blocked
XXXX XX1X Up external call is blocked
1XXX XXXX 0 = door may open first
A090 F0F0 Lowest landing 000X XXXX Lowest landing in binary code
A091 F0F1 Top landing 000X XXXX Top landing in binary code
A092 F0F2 Control system type 0000 0001 6510/6 or 6510/7
0000 0010 6511/6 or 6511/7
0000 0100 6512/6 or 6512/7
0000 1000 6513/6 or 6513/7
0010 0000 6526/6 or 6526/7
0100 0000 TCM control system
A093 F0F3 Door type, main door 0000 0001 Hinged door
0000 0010 Hinged door and car front end boundary
0000 0100 Doors with locking via door motor
0000 1000 Doors with locking via locking magnet
0010 1000 Doors with locking via spindle motor
A094 F0F4 Door type rear entrance 0000 0001 Hinged door
0000 0010 Hinged door and car front end boundary
0000 0100 Doors with locking via door motor
0000 1000 Doors with locking via locking magnet
0010 1000 Doors with locking via spindle motor
A095* Door functions, main XXXX XXX1 Light barrier (not required with TCM)
door XXXX XX1X Sensor row
present XXXX X1XX Slip opening main door side activated
XXXX 1XXX Nudge circuit (with closed loop door drives)
XXX1 XXXX Door-close button
XX1X XXXX Buckling lever KK (with mech. special solutions)
X1XX XXXX not used
1XXX XXXX not used
11XX XXXX Function same as activation of KK

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ThyssenKrupp Operating manual, diagnostic unit I
6510 046 
Aufzugswerke Memory positions Type Serial no.

A096* Door function rear XXXX XXX1 Light barrier (not required with TCM)
entrance present XXXX XX1X Sensor row
XXXX X1XX Slip opening rear entrance activated
XXXX 1XXX Nudge circuit (forced door closing)
XXX1 XXXX Door-close button
XX1X XXXX Buckling lever KK (with mech. special solutions)
11XX XXXX Function same as activation of KK
A097 Nudge standard time XXXX XXXX Time = binary number x 0.25 s
A099* Door open time 000X XXXX Time = binary number x 0.25 s on approach in certain
landing (A31C)
A09A* Door open time I 000X XXXX Time = binary number X 0.25 s (default value)
A09b* Door open time II 0000 XXXX Time = binary number X 0.25 s (default value)
A09C Parking time XXXX XXXX Time = binary number X 0.25 s (default value)
AF09 Standby supply travel XXXX XXXX Time = binary number X 0.25 s (default value), after this
continuation default value time a blocked elevator switches on the standby supply
A0A0 F0F8 Elevator drive variant 0000 0001 Single-speed drive motor
0000 0010 Drive motor with pole changing (travel-delayed FV)
0000 0100 Drive Isostop 12
0000 1100 Drive Isostop 16M
0001 0000 Drive with MW1: Isostop 25M, Isostop 40SW, Isostop 60 (API)
0010 0010 Hydraulic drives
0100 0000 Drive Isostop 60: API-S, CPI and modernisation with internal
reference value input
1000 0000 Drive Isostop 60: CPI with external reference value input
F1AC Emergency brake 0110 1110 Emergency brake system output low
F1Ad Emergency brake 1110 1001 Emergency brake system output high
F1AE Emergency brake 0000 0001 Output to bit 20 inverted
F1AF Emergency brake 0000 0000 Output to bit 20 not inverted
F1C0 MZ1 printed circuit board XXXX XXX1 Additional output on MZ1:c19
F1C1 Emergency brake XXXX XXXX Limited operation: top landing with extended maintenance
system platform
F1C2 Car calls in top landing XXXX XXX1 Do not copy car calls in OBH
(OBH) XXXX XX1X Do not copy parking run in OBH
XXXX XX1X Do not copy peak traffic travel request in OBH
A0A1 Return operation (RS) XXXX XXX1 After 15 min without travel, return operation in lowest
XXXX XX1X landing
XXXX X1XX A car call is issued for return operation
Normal parking run active again after return operation
XXXX 1XXX (under certain circumstances, self-aligning)
Approach to parking level from bottom landing up to 15 min
1XXX XXXX after last run
Forced return excluded
A0A4 Enable flags for input XXX1 XXXX NN signal (zero speed signal) connected
control device XX1X XXXX SFG1 signal (start enable) connected
A0A6 Drive options XXXX XXX1 Isostop 40RM: generator signal is output by 2MO:d28 3 s
before start
XXXX XXX1 API with regeneration unit: regeneration unit is controlled via
this signal (function same as on Isostop 40RM)
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ThyssenKrupp Operating manual, diagnostic unit I
6510 046 
Aufzugswerke Memory positions Type Serial no.

A0A7 Startup time Iso 40RM 0000 XXXX Startup time = binary number X 0.25 s
A0A8* Parking level peak traffic 00XX XXXX Parking level in binary code
A0A9* Parking level peak traffic 00XX XXXX Parking level in binary code
A0Ab* Elevator blocked XXXX XXXX Installation blocks after set time X 250 ms (low-value byte)
A0AC* Elevator blocked XXXX XXXX Installation blocks after set time X 250 ms (low-value byte)
A0b0* Special travel SF 0000 0001 Add-on special travel is present
0000 0010 A car call is enabled
0000 0100 Car calls are still being processed
0000 1000 Generally 1 stop before run to special travel landing
A0b1 Add-on shutdown of XXXX XXX1 Add-on shutdown is present
control system and light XXXX XX1X All present car calls are fulfilled
XXXX X1XX Shutdown variant with open door
XXXX 1XXX not used
XXX1 XXXX not used
XX1X XXXX not used
X1XX XXXX Main door remains opened
1XXX XXXX Rear entrance remains opened
A0b2* Fireman's control XXXX XXXX Fireman's control: Germany
variants XXXX XXX1 Fireman's control: France
XXXX XX1X Clignoteur external calls
XXXX X1XX Clignoteur direction of movement
XXXX 1XXX not used
XXX1 XXXX Direction indicator in every landing instead of entry arrows
XX1X XXXX See address d112 or function 0500, column 0E
A0b3 Emergency power XXXX XXX1 Standby supply present
Start interlocking XXXX XX1X In the standby power mode, adjustment is generally
XXXX XX1X Main door is opened in evacuation landing
XXXX 1XXX Tear entrance is opened in evacuation landing
XXX1 XXXX Add-on start interlocking is enabled
XX1X XXXX Add-on start interlocking is only enabled in the standby
power mode
X1XX XXXX Main door remains opened in evacuation landing
1XXX XXXX Rear entrance remains opened in evacuation landing
A0b4 Standby supply landing 0XXX XXXX Standby supply landing in binary code
A0b5 Water float switch 0000 0001 Float switch present in shaft pit
XXXX XXX1 Number of landings that are blocked when the float switch is
A0b6 SR module fault 0000 0000 With fault 2300, lift is not blocked
0000 0001 With fault 4300, lift is blocked
A0b7 Car partition door 0000 0000 Car partition door not present
0000 0001 Car partition door present
A0b8* Add-ons for shaft XXXX XXX1 Anti-creep device actual
XXXX XX1X Landing zone switch present in the shaft
XXXX X1XX FES present (fine adjusting device)
XXXX 1XXX Levelling operation opening door blocked
A0b8* Add-ons for shaft XXX1 XXXX Relevelling blocked
XX1X XXXX Inspection limit switch in the shaft
X1XX XXXX 1.5 s after stop, there is a switch from v <0.5 to v <0.3 m/s
1XXX XXXX Relevelling with FES with closed door (FES 22 must beset)

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A0b9* Mischief prevention XXXX XXX1 Mischief prevention present with empty elevator car
XXXX XX1X Send car call: only the same number of car calls as the
number of persons in the elevator car can be sent (see
A308 Number of persons in binary code)
1XXX XXXX Commands are deleted with the elevator car empty if 80%
of the commands have been sent
A0bA* Shortened overtravel 0000 0001 Shortened overtravel or deceleration control present
A0bb Deceleration control XXXX XXXX Default value upper threshold (in % of vrated)
A0bC Deceleration control XXXX XXXX Default value lower threshold (in % of vrated)
A0bD Parking with open door XXXX XXX1 Open main door
XXXX XX1X Open rear entrance
1XXX XXXX Park with open door activated
A0bE* Repair switch 0000 1000 Repair switch present
A0bF* Run following adjustment 0000 0001 Run following adjustment is parking run
A0C0* Fireman's elevator 0000 0001 Version H1 British standard
Variants 0000 0010 Version E1 Old English version
0000 0100 With E1 and in the Netherlands, travel continuation is free
after an evacuation
0000 1000 Read in fire detector via 2MI:b8 (TCI) or 1MP X2:3 (TCM)
0001 0000 not used
0010 0000 After evacuation, parking with closed door
0100 0000 Fire service version, the Netherlands
1000 0000 Door open function is enabled again after the evacuation
A0C1 Fireman's elevator 0000 0001 Emergency stop button, Norway
Norway version 0000 0010 The adjustment run is initiated not only by issuing a car call
but also by opening the landing door (EK + HK = OK or RK
+ TK = not OK).
A0C2* Belgian version 0000 0001 When the elevator car is in the quiescent state, the direction
indicators light up
A0C4 Adjustment run door 0000 0000 With landing vanes (standard size and smaller), the door
open function open function (button) is enabled for adjustment run.
0000 0001 With longer vanes within the zone, also enabled.
A0C5 Adjustment run direction 0000 0001 Adjustment run direction corresponds to the direction of
movement last travelled
0000 0010 not used (function, see address A403)
A0C7* Command deletion 0000 0001 Deletion of all commands in the terminal landings
(if entry was incorrect) 0000 0010 Deletion of all commands opposed to the direction of
movement, each at the deceleration point

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A0C8 Priority variants XXXX XXXX With priority, the door remains open if opened due to a
command or if called to own landing.
When both doors are closed (with selective door control or
selective landings):
XXXX XXXX no door opens,
XX1X XXXX rear entrance opens and remains open,
X1XX XXXX main door opens and remains open,
X11X XXXX both door open and remain open.
With non-selective landings, all doors are always opened:
XXXX XXX1 The side where priority was operated opens.
XXXX XX1X Priority Canada (TCI 16 bits)
XXXX XX1X With priority, stored car calls are deleted.
0XXX XXXX TCI/TCM reacts to priority in the elevator car in the same
way as to priority on the MZ/MZ1 printed circuit board
1XXX XXXX Priority on MZ/MZ1 switches the return operation off after
15 minutes (not permitted after TRA)
A0C9 Occupied / overload 0000 0000 Occupied switch has responded via MI:d22
(with TCI) 0000 0001 Overload switch has responded via MI:d22
These inputs are present on TCM and do not need to be
A0CA Isostop 40 0000 0001 Instant start enabled
0000 0010 MW1: positioning signal enabled (telegram 59)
0000 0100 MW1: telegram 59 high value at first sensor that enters the
flush levelling window
0000 1000 14 Hz filter is enabled
0001 0000 Positioning signal comes with edge of sensing
A0Cb* Inspection speed 0000 0000 Inspection speed is 0.3 m/s
0000 0001 Inspection speed is transferred from lift-specific program.
Maximum speed after EN 81 is not exceeded
0000 0010 Inspection speed after EN 81 <= 0.63 m/s
A0CC* Adjustment run speed XXXX XXX1 Adjust with high speed (with FV)
XXXX XX1X Entry arrows only with external calls (always 21 = 0)
XXXX X1XX FV: at vane start, there is a switch to L contactor
(22 = 0 adjustment speed is disabled at vane start)
XXXX 1XXX With fault 4100, a shut down takes place
XXX1 XXXX Every adjustment run is followed automatically by another
XX1X XXXX Installation with docking operation
X1XX XXXX Monitoring inspection speed to 0.85 m/s instead of 0.63 m/s
A0Cd Hydraulics options XXXX XXXX FS signal for changeover from star to delta staring
XXXX XXX1 FS signal for pump coasting
XXXX XX1X Control valve unit without 1/2 speed (21 = 0 with 1/2 speed)
XXXX XX1X Shutdown path on relevelling:
Down: activation threshold x 0.5
XXXX 1XXX Up: on entering the flush levelling window
Hydraulic elevator (e.g. Giehl) without dummy landing
before terminal landing

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A0CE Fire service program 0000 0001The fire service program is in the lift-specific program
A0CF Fire service 0000 0001The fireman's control internal operation is only possible after
evacuation of all other elevators in the standby supply
A0d0 Type of position indicator 0000 0001 7-segment display
(see also page 18) 0000 0010 9-segment display or 5 x 7 LED matrix (standard)
0000 0100 16-segment display
0001 0000 Soretex position indicator
1XXX XXXX In operating phases 5 and 9 and all undefined states, the
position indicator remains; with 27 = 0, "--" is displayed
A0d1 F300 Position indicator Addresses A0d1 ... A1CF addresses for position indicator
(see page 19) per landing 4 bytes.
Addresses F300 ... F43F addresses for position indicator
TCM (see page 19) per landing 4 bytes.
A1E4* Luminous bar 1 front 0000 0001 Direction of travel down
side 0000 0010 Direction of travel up
A1E5* Luminous bar 2 front 0000 00XX same as A1E4
A1E6* Luminous bar 3 front 0000 00XX same as A1E4
A1E7* Luminous bar 1 rear side 0000 00XX same as A1E4
A1E8* Luminous bar 2 rear side 0000 00XX same as A1E4
A1E9* Luminous bar 3 rear side 0000 00XX same as A1E4
A1EA* Luminous bar 1 front XXXX XXX1 Special travel
side XXXX XX1X Collective fault signal
XXXX XX1X Emergency power
XXXX 1XXX Out of order indicator
XXX1 XXXX Overload
XX1X XXXX Priority
X1XX XXXX Fire department
1XXX XXXX occupied
A1Eb* Luminous bar 2 front XXXX XXXX same as A1EA
A1EC* Luminous bar 3 front XXXX XXXX same as A1EA
A1Ed* Luminous bar 1 rear side XXXX XXXX same as A1EA
A1EE* Luminous bar 2 rear side XXXX XXXX same as A1EA
A1EF* Luminous bar 3 rear side XXXX XXXX same as A1EA
A1F0 Code for adjustment run XXXX XXXX Indicator for adjustment run (up to address A1F3 = 4 bytes)
A1F4 Code for inspection XXXX XXXX Indicator for inspection operation (up to address A1F7 =
operation 4 bytes)
A1F8 Code for shutdown XXXX XXXX Indicator for shutdown (up to address A1Fb = 4 bytes)
A200 F0F5 Group XXXX XXXX Number of landings in the group
A201 F0F6 Group 0000 XXXX Number of elevators in group
A202 Group 0000 XXXX Elevator number in the group:
in the case of single elevators, always 0000 0001

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A220* Priority for zone 1 0000 0001 Zone 1 is served with priority

A221* Type of return operation0000 0000 No return operation

with elevator groups 0000 0001 Fixed return operation
6526 0000 0010 Moving return operation
0100 00XX Version park command is enabled
1000 00XX Parking run or return operation is enabled
A222* Peak traffic management 0000 XXXX Number of the elevator that is to serve all calls (in binary
code); default value = elevator 1
0000 0000 No elevator should serve all calls
0001 0000 Inverse peak traffic (up or down)
0010 0000 With peak traffic up and closed door, elevator car standing
in the peak traffic up landing.
0100 0000 Peak traffic present
1100 0000 Decides which door is to be opened in the peak traffic up
landing with front & rear entrance on the same floor: 27 = 0
front side, 27 = 1 rear side
A223* Special travel add-on 0000 XXXX Number of elevators for special travel
0100 XXXX Special travel for elevators with empty elevator car
A224* Special travel calls 0000 0010 External operation (monitoring) enabled for special travel
1000 0000 External operation (monitoring) enabled for special travel
A225* Special travel group 0000 0000 No second special travel group subgroup
0000 XXXX XXXX = number of elevators pooled in the second special
travel group (binary number)
A226 Monitoring: blocking 0000 0000 No blocking of calls
calls 0000 0001 Blocking of calls
0XXX XXX1 Key operated switch in the elevator car enables calls
blocked by monitoring.
1XXX XXX1 The calls blocked by monitoring remain blocked and can
only be enabled by monitoring.
A2b0 Retrofit control 0000 0001 Identifier bit for retrofit control
A2C0 Monitoring XXXX XXX0 Temperature monitoring: 20 = 0 present, 20 = 1 not present
Temperature and XXXX XX0X 21 = 0 normal (1 - active)
Control device XXXX XX10 21 = 1 inverted (0 - active)
XXXX XX11 Entry with decentralised control system
XX00 XXXX Controller monitoring: 24 = 0 present, 24 = 1 not present
XX00 XXXX 25 = 0 normal (1 - active)
XX10 XXXX 25 = 1 inverted (0 - active)
A2C1 Elevator car printed XXXX XXX1 MF3 front side present
circuit board MF3 XXXX XX1X MF3D rear side present
A2C2 Port boards 0000 0010 1MP present
1MP ... 7MP 0000 0100 2MP present
0000 1000 3MP present
0001 0000 4MP present
0010 0000 5MP present
0100 0000 6MP present
1000 0000 7MP present
A2C3 Port boards XXXX XXXX same as A2C2
8MP ... 15MP

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A2C4 Port boards MP standby 0000 0001 20 up to 23 MP boards to be multiplexed

supply boards 0000 0010
0000 0100
0000 1000
0100 0000
Standby supply board is multiplexed
1000 0000
Position indicator is multiplexed
A2C5 Local additional printed XXXX XXX1
FIS printed circuit board present
circuit boards XXXX XX1X
MQ1 printed circuit board present
other positions not defined
A2C6 Other local additional XXXX XXXX not yet defined
printed circuit boards
A2C7 Elevator car printed XXXX XXX1 1MF4 HS present
circuit board MF4 XXXX XX1X 2MF4 HS present
Front side (HS) XXXX XX1X 3MF4 HS present
XXXX 1XXX 4MF4 HS present
XXX1 XXXX 5MF4 HS present
XX1X XXXX 6MF4 HS present
X1XX XXXX 7MF4 HS present
1XXX XXXX 8MF4 HS present
A2C8 Elevator car printed XXXX XXXX same as A2C7 for DS
circuit board MF4
Rear side (DS)
A2Cb Elevator car additions XXXX XXX1 Load measurement system LMS1 present
(LMS1 see also: XXXX XX1X Door drive HS present F2/1, F3, F4, F5, M3TK
A3bC, A3bd, A372) XXXX XX1X Door drive DS present F2/1, F3, F4, F5, M3TK
XXXX 1XXX Touch display front side (HS) present
XXX1 XXXX Touch display rear side (DS) present
25 ... 27 not used
A2d6* Speed XXXX XXXX Upper limit speed pre-stopping (in % of vrated)
A2d7* Speed XXXX XXXX Default value speed pre-stopping (in % of vrated)
A2d8* Speed XXXX XXXX Lower limit speed pre-stopping (in % of vrated)
A2d9* Lift-specific speed pre- XXXX XXX1 Lift-specific speed pre-stopping can be set with AF73/AF74.
stopping Upper and lower limit and default value must be set
A2dA* Speed control 0000 0001 Speed control in the deceleration range
A2dC* Delete up-down call XXXX XXX1 Up and down call is deleted on approaching a landing
A2dE Adjustment run attempts 0000 0000 Shutdown after 10 adjustment run attempts
0000 00XX Shutdown after another xx adjustment run attempts
1111 1111 Unlimited adjustment run attempts
A2E0* Activation after power XXXX XXX1 Shutdown control system and light
failure XXXX XX1X Switch elevator out of the group
Both functions remain active after a power failure after the
voltage is switched on again.
XXXX XX1X Peak traffic up
XXXX 1XXX Peak traffic down
A2E1 Speed XXXX XXX1 Speed threshold on levelling with opening doors is 0.4 m/s
threshold Monitoring of the inspection operation has been reset from
0.63 m/s to 0.4 m/s (Russian elevator regulations).

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A2E2 Emergency brake system XXXX XXX1 Emergency brake system (emergency brake system and
anti-creep device are not possible simultaneously because
the same inputs are used).
A2E4* MD1 printed circuit boards XXXX XXX1 Enable MD1 printed circuit board
26 = 1 special adjustment run speed of
0.5 m/s at vrated = 1 m/s
27 = 0 at vrated = 1 m/s, 27 = 1 at vrated = 1.6 m/s
A2Eb* Run monitoring 0000 0000 Lift-specific run monitoring 4 s
0000 0001 With Isostop 40 SR run monitoring 5 s
A2Ed Light curtain 0000 0001 Cedes light curtain as car front end boundary
A2EE* Mischief prevention 0000 0001 Add-on mischief prevention with TELENOT
A2F7* Car calls 0000 0001 Car calls are acknowledged through onto the other side in
the case of non-selective landings
A2FC* TRA or EN 81 XXXX XXX0 on responding run monitoring: fault 5100 (emergency stop)
on responding run monitoring: fault 4100 (shutdown and
spontaneous message)
A300* Rated speed of the 0000 0010 0.5 m/s
installation 0000 0100 0.63 m/s
0000 0110 0.8/0.85 m/s
0000 1000 1.0 m/s
0000 1010 1.25 m/s
0000 1100 1.6 m/s
A301 Rated speed vrated in mm/s XXXX XXXX Low-value byte
A302 XXXX XXXX High-value byte
A303 Motor speed rpm at rated XXXX XXXX Low-value byte
A304 speed vrated XXXX XXXX High-value byte
A305 Pulse generator pulses / XXXX XXXX Low-value byte
A306 channel XXXX XXXX High-value byte
A308* Number of persons 0XXX XXXX Number of persons permitted in the elevator car (in binary
A309 Entry arrows XXXX XXX0 In terminal landings, both entry arrows are always activated
EO and EU are activated depending on the direction of
XXXX XXX1 movement
A30A Landing door lock diagnosis Not yet implemented
A30b Door reopening with car call XXXX XXX0 No door reopening in response to external call
present XXXX XXX1 One door reopening in response to external call
A311* Door zone 0000 0110 Vane 1:1 Length approx. 50 cm (standard vane)
(values depending on vane 0000 1111 Vane 1.6:1 Length approx. 70 cm
length) 0001 1000 Vane 0.2:1 Length approx. 25 cm
0001 1011 Vane < 0.2:1 Length approx. 25 cm
A312* Door zone 0001 0000 Vane 1:1 Length approx. 50 cm (standard vane)
(values depending on vane 0000 1111 Vane 1.6:1 Length approx. 70 cm
length) 0001 1000 Vane 0.2:1 Length approx. 25 cm
0001 1001 Vane < 0.2:1 Length approx. 25 cm
A316 Deceleration point XXXX XXX1 Absolute deceleration point on adjustment run 1300 mm
before car is at the level of the landing
A31C* Special door open time XXXX XXXX Read out with AF69; change with AF6A
A31d* Door open time on levelling 000X XXXX If there is a run to the main landing in response to an
operation external call, a special door-open time takes effect (binary
number x 0.25 s)

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A31F* Floor selector 0000 0000 Normal LK/LN floor selector

0000 0001 Initiator floor selector
A36C LMS1 loading XXXX XXXX Elevator car rated load lower-value byte (hexadecimal)
A36d (see also A2Cb) XXXX XXXX Elevator car rated load higher-value byte (hexadecimal)
A372 LMS1 travel height XXXX XXXX With LMS1, travel height in metres (hexadecimal)
A37F Sensor latch XXXX XXX0 Input sensor latch not inverted
XXXX XXX1 Input latch inverted
A386* Inspection speed XXXX XXXX Speed in mm/s (hexadecimal)
A38A* Acceleration XXXX XXXX Upper limit for adjustment the acceleration
A3E1* Parameterisation byte XXXX XXX0 Speed reference value polarised
XXXX XXX1 Speed reference value as amount
A3E4 Pawl delay time XXXX XXXX Delay time on engaging the pawl in the governor. Basis 10ms (00H
is 100ms default value)
F0F Drive variant 0000 0001 Single-speed drive
8 0000 0010 Pole changing drive (FV)
0000 0100 Isostop 12
0000 1100 Isostop 16M
0001 0000 MW1, Isostop 25M, Isostop 40SW
0010 0010 Hydraulics
0100 0000 Isostop 60 (API-S )
A3Eb Emergency stop 0000 0001 Manual triggering of the emergency stop on measurement of the
emergency deceleration Up/Down; required in the case of
electrical brake release instead of mechanically brake release
A3FE F0F Path computer MW1 0000 0000 Speed reference value for analog controller
9 0000 0001 Speed reference value for digital controller

A403* Quasi landing zone 0000 0000 No adjustment run after power failure if elevator car is standing in a
switch 0000 0001 landing (RAM is cached from approx. 6 days)

A40C Elevator car light 0000 0001 Elevator car light is switched off after end of run and switched on
Shutdown again after next door opening.

A444 Slip opening XXXX XXXX Time value how long the slip opening remains activated with
permanently interrupted light barrier;
Default value: 0001 0100 = 5 s
A44A Brake test switch 1111 0000 Shutdown if a brake block indicates closed on travel
Safety brake 0000..0001 Shutdown after end of run with call cancellation in the next landing
No fade out possible using test switch. Without DZS, polarity is
1111 0000 learned at AF10.

A450* Flat shaft pit 1001 1111

A451* Flat shaft pit 1101 1100
A452* Flat shaft pit 0100 0000
Bit position
A453* Flat shaft pit 0000 0000
A454* Flat shaft pit 1111 0000
Shutdown after travel
0000 0001
Immediate shutdown
A455* Flat shaft pit XXXX XXXX
Debounce time: time basis 250 ms; default value 1 s corresponds
to 0000 0100
A458* Door contact delay 0000 0XXX Delay time: time basis 250 ms (same as A455)
A45A* Output TU signal XXXX XXXX Time from sending VRR signal (door lock) to sending TU signal
A45b* (max. 65535 ms) XXXX XXXX (door close) Time basis: 1 ms

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A470* MS2 printed circuit 0XXX XXXX Number of MS2 printed circuit boards on the CAN bus line A
A471 MS2 printed circuit 0XXX XXXX Number of landings of the MS2 printed circuit board on the
to boards CAN bus line A in the order of wiring (viewed from the
A4EF control system)
A4F0 MS2 printed circuit 0XXX XXXX Number of MS2 printed circuit boards on the CAN bus line B
A4F1 MS2 printed circuit 0XXX XXXX Number of landings of the MS2 printed circuit board on the
to boards CAN bus line B in the order of wiring (viewed from the
A55F control system)
A5b0* Faults that lead to a XXXX XXXX Table with faults that should lead to a spontaneous
spontaneous message message of the elevator. Memory positions from A5b0 to
A6F0 F0FA Order number (copy) XXXX XXXX Highest-value byte in binary code
A6F4 F0FE XXXX XXXX Lowest-value byte in binary code
F0FF Type of elevator XXXX XXX1 Elevator EVOLUTION
A700 Lift-specific programs XXXX XXXX Range A700 to AFFF reserved for lift-specific programs
b1A0 SC module XXX0 XXXX SC module not present
XXX1 XXXX SC module present
b2b0 Query MS printed circuit 1111 1100 MS printed circuit board 1st generation in HS + DS
boards 1111 1101 MS printed circuit board 2nd generation in HS
1111 1110 MS printed circuit board 2nd generation in DS
1111 1111 MS printed circuit board 2nd generation in HS + DS
E880* Trip counter XXXX XXXX Lowest-value byte
E881* XXXX XXXX ...
E882* XXXX XXXX Highest-value byte
E883* Service hour meter XXXX XXXX Seconds
E884* XXXX XXXX Minutes
E885* XXXX XXXX Hours, counter from 0 to 3
E886* XXXX XXXX Hours of operation low-value byte
E887* XXXX XXXX Hours of operation high-value byte
EA1E Speed 0000 0000 Speed indicator via LED enabled
F0FF Type of elevator 0000 0001 Elevator without machine room
F1d0 Buzzer XXXX XXX1 Special travel
XXXX 1XXX Call bell
XXX1 XXXX Overload
XX1X XXXX Nudging
X1XX XXXX Fire department
1XXX XXXX Lift-specific activation
F200* Voice module 1000 0000 Enable of verbal announcement without gong
1000 0001 Enable of verbal announcement with gong
F201* Verbal announcement XXXX XXXX F201 ... F2FF addresses for table for verbal announcement
F300 16-segment display XXXX XXXX F300 ... F43F addresses for table with the codes for the
floor indicator (per landing 4 bytes, see page 18)
F44b Time between two XXXX XXXX Time between two announcements; default value 3 s
announcements (binary number x 250 ms)

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F44C Special announcement XXXX XXX1 Special travel

XXXX XX1X Fire service/case of fire
XXXX XX1X Emergency power
XXXX 1XXX Elevator out of order
XXX1 XXXX Overload
XX1X XXXX Reopening device blocked (OT, LT, KK)
X1XX XXXX Direction of travel announcement
1XXX XXXX free
F44d Special announcement XXXX XXXX Free for extensions to enable special announcement texts
F44E Multiple issue of the XXXX XXX1 Optional multiple output of the announcement text possible:
announcement text with XXXX XX1X With fire service/case of fire
multiple or non-permitted XXXX XX1X With standby supply
car calls XXXX 1XXX With elevator out of order
XXX1 XXXX With overload
F44F Extensions Reserved for extension of standard texts
F450 Table with standard texts F450 - F453 special travel
for standard outputs F454 - F457 fire service / case of fire
(reserved up to F493) F458 - F45b emergency power
F45C - F45F out of order
F460 - F463 overload
F464 - F467 reopening device blocked
F468 - F46b direction indicator down
F46C - F46F direction indicator up

Lift-specific memory - elevator group operation

Addresses Designation LED Explanations

Row A
27 24 23 20
A091 F0F1 Top landing 000X XXXX Top landing in binary code
A200 F0F5 Number of landings 000X XXXX Number of landings in binary code
A201 F0F6 Number of elevators 0000 0XXX Number of elevators in group in binary code
A202 Elevator number 0000 00XX Elevator number in group in binary code (see also
description on page 15)
0000 0001 Single elevator
A230 F100 Group front side XXXX XX1X Block supply line and deletion of Up call
(depending on number of XXXX XX1X Block supply line and deletion of Down call
landings, from A230 to XXX1 XXXX Block down-call with peak traffic UP
A25F) XX1X XXXX Block up-call with peak traffic UP
X1XX XXXX Block down-call with peak traffic DOWN
1XXX XXXX Block up-call with peak traffic DOWN
A260 F150 Group rear side XXXX XX1X Block supply line and deletion of down-call
(depending on number of XXXX XX1X Block supply line and deletion of up-call
landings, from A260 to

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Example: group of 3 elevators with different number of landings

HS Elevator A Elevator B Elevator C

Designation (01)* (10)* (11)*

7 10.HS ** A091

6 9.HS 9.HS A091

5 8.HS A091 8.HS 8.HS

4 7.HS 7.HS 7.HS

3 6.HS 6.HS 6.HS

2 5.HS 5.HS 5.HS

1 4.HS 4.HS 4.HS

E 3.HS 3.HS A090

U1 2.HS 2.HS A090

U2 1.HS A090

* Elevator number (binary number) in group Address A202

** Maximum number of landings in group Address A200

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Definitions of the RAM memory positions used in the program

(The addresses marked with * can also be queried using the diagnostic unit I, function 0500)

Addresses Designation LED Explanations

Row A
27 24 23 20
d0F0 Information for the door Door remains open:
closing programs XXXX XXX1 served by program AL
(that the main door is to XXXX XX1X served by program ZTOH
remain open) XXXX XX1X served by program NS
d0F1 Same as d0F0 for rear XXXX XXX1
entrance XXXX XX1X
d0F3 Parking with open door XXXX XXX1 Keep main door closed
XXXX XX1X Keep rear entrance closed
XXXX XX1X Keep main door open
XXXX 1XXX Keep rear entrance open
d102* Car position 000X XXXX Displays the car position in binary code
d103* Door zone 0000 0001 Elevator car located in the door zone
d104* Display inspection XXXX XXX1 IFU inspection operation, down
operation XXXX XX1X IFO inspection operation, up
XXXX XX1X IFS inspection operation, fast
XXXX 1XXX IFL inspection operation, slow
d105* Direction of travel 0000 0001 FU1 direction of travel, down
0000 0010 FO1 direction of travel, up
d107* Signals to power part I XXXX XXX1 FU current direction of movement down
XXXX XX1X FO current direction of movement up
XXXX XX1X FS S contactor (FV) / brake magnet (Iso16M) energised
XXXX 1XXX FL L contactor (FV) / W contactor (Iso 16M) energised
XXX1 XXXX TU Main door closed command
XX1X XXXX TO Main door open command
X1XX XXXX A5A (flashing signal)
1XXX XXXX VR Locking magnet energised
d108* Signals to power part II XXXX XXX1 v < 0.3 m/s
XXXX XX1X free
XXXX XX1X NAV Activation of start interlocking relay
XXXX 1XXX NS Activation of standby supply relay
XXX1 XXXX TUD Rear entrance down command
XX1X XXXX TOD Rear entrance up command
X1XX XXXX free
1XXX XXXX AL Shutdown control system and light
d10b Shutdown landing XXXX XXXX Displays shutdown landing (in binary code)
d10C Parking level XXXX XXXX Displays parking level (in binary code)
d110 Destination XXXX XXXX Displays destination landing (in binary code)
d111* Destination present XXXX XXX1
d112* Signals from XXXX XXX1 V Priority switch enabled
Elevator car I XXXX XX1X B Elevator car occupied
XXXX XX1X OT Door-open button operated
XXXX 1XXX KL Elevator car empty (load < 5%)
XXX1 XXXX ÜB Overload device operated
XX1X XXXX ZTK Intermediate door contact closed
X1XX XXXX FW Add-on fireman's circuit is active
1XXX XXXX free
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d113* Signals from XXXX XXX1 TSO Door-open acknowledgement operated

Elevator car II XXXX XX1X TSU Door-closed acknowledgement operated
XXXX XX1X TS0DRear side
XXX1 XXXX LS Light barrier (door edge safety) operated
XX1X XXXX KK Buckling lever contact operated
X1XX XXXX LSD Light barrier, rear side
1XXX XXXX KKD Buckling lever contact, rear side
d114* Signals from XXXX XXX1 VD Priority switch
Elevator car III XXXX XX1X B Elevator car occupied
XXXX XX1X OTD Door-open button front & rear entrance operated
XXXX 1XXX KL Elevator car empty (load < 5% with load
measurement system)
XXX1 XXXX ÜB Overload device operated
XX1X XXXX ZTK Intermediate door contact closed
X1XX XXXX FW Add-on fireman's control is active (fireman's run)
1XXX XXXX UT1 1) Key operated switch operated to block certain
2) Door-close button operated
3) Peak traffic switch operated (> 30% load)
d115* same as d113*
d116* Information XXX1 XXXX TOZ Total door opening time (from start of the opening to
end of the closing operation)
d119 Information XXXX 1XXX BE Elevator occupied (only with control system type 6510)
PBD Car position in a rear landing
(goes out when a call is activated)
d11A* Information XXXX XXX1 SF special travel indicator
XXXX XX1X NA Standby supply indicator
XXX1 XXXX ÜBA Overload indicator (alarm / horn)
XX1X XXXX FWH Fireman's run horn is operated
X1XX XXXX FWA Fireman's indicator in the elevator car becomes active
1XXX XXXX ZTZ Forced door-close command (nudge)
d11d* MZ/MZ1 printed circuit XXXX XXX1 S Test switch 6S1/S5 operated
board XXXX XX1X RO Car call sent in top landing
XXXX XX1X V Elevator car priority enabled via S5/S3
XXXX 1XXX RU Car call sent in bottom landing
XXX1 XXXX SWG Fault message from control device
XX1X XXXX AL Switch input shutdown control system and light
X1XX XXXX THE Temperature monitoring, main motor
1XXX XXXX TSP Door interlock via S2/S4 switch
d12E* Information XXXX XX1X FW
d139 ME printed circuit board XXXX XXX1 ME printed circuit board present
(read-in bits) XXXX XX1X Mains contactor OK (no standby power mode)
XXXX XX1X Start blocked
XXXX 1XXX Standby supply evacuation run enabled
X1XX XXXX Reset button operated
1XXX XXXX Start enabled

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d13A Standby supply (NS) XXXX XXX1 Standby supply time is lifted
Start interlocking (AV) XXXX XX1X Program AV started until standby supply operation
XXXX XX1X Standby supply program not run after INI
XXXX 1XXX Start interlocking: start is blocked
XXX1 XXXX Elevator is blocked
XX1X XXXX Elevator has already evacuated
X1XX XXXX Do not accept calls (or delete)
1XXX XXXX Standby supply is active
d13F Shaft input word XXXX XXX1 Extension
XXXX XX1X Locking contact closed
XXXX XX1X TU External calls
XXXX 1XXX TO External calls
XXX1 XXXX ZSE Landing zone switch absolute position
XX1X XXXX FW Fireman's run
X1XX XXXX SF Special travel
d140* Power part control XXXX XXX1 WO/WU
XXXX XX1X Serial data information
XXXX 1XXX LN relevelling (sensor)
XXX1 XXXX Inspection run, Down
XX1X XXXX Inspection run, Up
X1XX XXXX Inspection / return call enabled
1XXX XXXX LK floor selector (sensor)
d141* Safety check XXXX XXX1 KT Elevator car door contacts closed
XXXX XX1X TK Door contacts closed
XXXX X1XX HK Stop contact closed
XXXX 1XXX EK End contacts closed
d142* Operating phase 0000 00XX Operating phase is displayed in binary code
d14F Forced door closing XXXX XXX1 Nudge time for main door started
(nudge circuit) XXXX XX1X Nudge time for rear entrance started
XXXX XX1X Timer started
XXXX 1XXX not used
XXX1 XXXX State of door light barrier, main door
XX1X XXXX not used
X1XX XXXX State of door light barrier, rear entrance
1XXX XXXX Function for forced door closing is disabled
d186 Stop initiation MW1 XXXX XXX1 Speed zero detection control device actual value
XXXX XX1X Reference value zero detection MW1 printed circuit board
XXXX XX11 Flush path shutdown (forced shutdown if elevator
overtravels by ½ grid unit)
d188 Elevator number 0000 XXXX Elevator number in binary code

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d1b1 Landing zone switch XXXX XXX1 Landing zone switch 1st landing operated
1st - 8th landing XXXX XX1X 2.
With TCM control XXXX 1XXX 4.
system in binary code XXX1 XXXX 5.
of address XX1X XXXX 6.
d1b1 to d1bC X1XX XXXX 7.
d1b2 Landing zone switch XXXX XXXX Landing zone switch 9th - 16th landing operated
9th - 16th landing Arrangement same as 1st - 8th landing
d1b3 Landing zone switch XXXX XXXX Arrangement same as 1st - 8th landing
17th - 24th landing
d1b4 Landing zone switch XXXX XXXX Arrangement same as 1st - 8th landing
25th - 31th landing
d1bC Landing zone switch XXXX XXXX Operated landing zone switch; current status in
hexadecimal code
d1C0 Group 0000 XXXX Number of the most favourable elevator
d1C1 Group 0000 XXXX Number of the selected elevator
d1C5 Group peak traffic 0000 XXXX Number of the elevator that services all calls even during
peak traffic
0001 XXXX Door is open in the peak traffic landing
0010 XXXX Reservation time is stored
0100 XXXX Peak traffic up is enabled
1000 XXXX Peak traffic down is enabled
d1CA Parking zone n = separate zone word
nnnn 0000 Elevator located in parking zone N
nnnn 0001 Elevator moves into parking zone N
nnnn 0010 Elevator wants to move into parking zone N
0000 1001 Elevator standing due to a park command
nnnn 1010 Elevator moves due to a park command
nnnn 1011 Elevator parks due to a park command
nnnn 1111 Elevator parks in parking zone N
0000 0000 Elevator not is located in any zone and is available for
return operation
1111 0000 Elevator is not available for a return operation
d310 MS board and MPP 0000 0001 1 MS board front side / 1 landing on MPP board
to board after reset 0000 0010 2 MS board front side / 2 landings on MPP board
d317 d310 1-8 landing 0000 0100 3 MS board front side / 3 landings on MPP board
d311 9-16 landing 0000 1000 4 MS board front side / 4 landings on MPP board
d312 17-24 landing 0001 0000 5 MS board front side / 5 landings on MPP board
d313 25-32 landing 0010 0000 6 MS board front side / 6 landings on MPP board
etc. etc. 0100 0000 7 MS board front side / 7 landings on MPP board
1000 0000 8 MS board front side / 8 landings on MPP board
d318 MS board and MPP 0000 0001 1 MS board rear side / 1 landing on MPP board
to board after reset 0000 0010 2 MS board rear side / 2 landing on MPP board
d31F d310 1-8 landing 0000 0100 3 MS board rear side / 3 landing on MPP board
d311 9-16 landing 0000 1000 4 MS board rear side / 4 landing on MPP board
d312 17-24 landing 0001 0000 5 MS board rear side / 5 landing on MPP board
d313 25-32 landing 0010 0000 6 MS board rear side / 6 landing on MPP board
etc. etc. 0100 0000 7 MS board rear side / 7 landing on MPP board
1000 0000 8 MS board rear side / 8 landing on MPP board

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d340 MW1 printed circuit XXXX XXX1 No pulses (message only with inspection operation)
board XXXX XX1X Pulses channel A & B swapped
XXX1 XXXX vACTUAL > vrated + 10%
XX1X XXXX not used
X1XX XXXX not used
1XXX XXXX not used
d343 MW1 printed circuit XXXX XXX1 Telegram 59 coming
board XXXX XX1X 14 Hz filter disabled
XXXX XX1X free
XXXX 1XXX free
d51A* Rated speed 0000 00XX
d527* Information XXXX XXX1 ABA Out-of-order indicator
XXXX XX1X AVO Anti-creep device (magnet MAS on governor is
XXXX XX1X Collective fault signal activated
XXXX 1XXX FES (fine adjusting device working)
XXX1 XXXX Emergency stop button, Norway, operated
X1XX XXXX Shortened overtravel (lights up when set threshold speed is
1XXX XXXX Mischief prevention with TELENOT
d529* Information XXXX XXX1 Switchover relay for floor selector switchover with landing
distance < 20 cm
XX1X XXXX Output of scanning times
X1XX XXXX Direction indicator EU (gong)
1XXX XXXX Direction indicator EO (gong)
d9bC LMS1 000X XXXX Elevator car load in %
Eb00 Fault time table The last 31 faults are
to stored here with fault code, sub-ID,
EbFF day, month, year, hour, minute, second

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6510 046 
Aufzugswerke Memory positions Type Serial no.

Landing designations list only applies to 5x7 LED dot matrix

Addresses in the lift-specific Data in the lift-specific

program program
Landing Ten One Ten One Display Hex code Display Hex code
1 A0d2 A0d1 F301 F300 a 82 a C2
2 A0d6 A0d5 F305 F304 B 84 B C4
3 A0dA A0d9 F309 F308 C 86 C C6
4 A0dE A0dd F30d F30C D 88 D C8
5 A0E2 A0E1 F311 F310 E 8A E CA
6 A0E6 A0E5 F315 F314 F 8C F CC
7 A0EA A0E9 F319 F318 G 8E G CE
8 A0EE A0Ed F31d F31C H 90 H D0
9 A0F2 A0F1 F321 F320 I 92 I D2
10 A0F6 A0F5 F325 F324 J 94 J D4
11 A0FA A0F9 F328 F327 K 96 K D6
12 A0FE A0Fd F32d F32C L 98 L D8
13 A102 A101 F331 F330 M 9A M DA
14 A106 A105 F335 F334 N 9C N DC
15 A10A A109 F339 F338 O 9E O DE
16 A10E A10d F33d F33C P A0 P E0
17 A112 A111 F341 F340 Q A2 Q E2
18 A116 A115 F345 F344 R A4 R E4
19 A11A A119 F349 F348 S A6 S E6
20 A11E A11d F34d F34C T A8 T E8
21 A122 A121 F351 F350 U AA U EA
22 A126 A125 F355 F354 V AC V EC
23 A12A A129 F359 F358 W AE W EE
24 A12E A12d F35d F35C x B0 x F0
25 A132 A131 F361 F360 Y B2 Y F2
26 A136 A135 F365 F364 Z B4 Z F4
27 A13A A139 F369 F368
28 A13E A13d F36d F36C 0 60 + 56
29 A142 A141 F371 F370 1 62 − 5A
30 A146 A145 F375 F374 2 64 none 00
Display 2nd 1st 3 66
position position
JU A1F1 A1F0 4 68
IF A1F5 A1F4 5 6A
A1F9 A1F8 6 6C
7 6E
8 70
9 72

Explanations for landing indicator Example:

Select the addresses of each landing with the Select function 0000 and press button. Check
Elevator car display
diagnostic unit I using the function 0000; in display ground floor of 3rd landing: select address
LED row A, convert the binary number into a A0d9 (one position). In the LED row A, the diodes
hexadecimal number and compare with the for the letter G = 1000 1110 (corresponds to
Ten One
table. hexacode 8E) must light up.
or or
Type of display: see address A0d0 on 2nd 1st Run the same operation for the ten position
page 8! position position address A0dA and letter E : E = 1000 1010
(corresponds to hexacode 8 A).
Repeat operation also with the F... addresses for
elevator control TCM!
Editor: QMS Issue Change: revision 
Issuing office: QMS Date: 10 / 2009  Page: F00-21

ThyssenKrupp Operating manual, diagnostic unit I
6510 046 
Aufzugswerke Memory positions Type Serial no.

Parameters for analog and digital speed controllers

Parameters Address Decimal Kind of drive
Iso 25M Iso 40SW Iso 60
Approach path in mm/s
Lower limit A320 0 mm 00 00 00
A321 00 00 00
Default value A322 20 mm 14 14 14
A323 00 00 00
Upper limit A324 600 mm 58 58 58
A325 02 02 02
Approach speed
Lower limit A326 0 mm/s 00 00 00
A327 00 00 00
Default value A328 30 mm/s 1E 1E 1E
A329 00 00 00
Upper limit A32A 50 mm/s 32 32 32
Rated speed vrated
Lower limit 90% of vrated A380 0.9 x vrated
Default value A382 vrated
Upper limit A384 1.15 x vrated
Acceleration in mm/s2
Lower limit A386 350 mm/s2 5E 5E
A387 01 01
Default value A388 900 mm/s2 84 84
A389 03 03
Upper limit A38A 1500 mm/s DC DC
A38b 05 05
Acceleration change in mm/s3
Lower limit A38C 500 mm/s3 F4 F4
A38d 01 01
Default value A38E 900 mm/s3 84 84
A38F 03 03
Upper limit A390 1500 mm/s3 DC DC
A391 05 05
Inspection and recall speed vinsp
Lower limit A392 200 mm/s C8 C8 C8
A393 00 00 00
Default value A394 400 mm/s 90 90 90
A395 01 01 01
Upper limit A396 600 mm/s 3) vrated vrated vrated
Adjustment speed vadjust
Lower limit A398 200 mm/s C8 C8 C8
A399 00 00 00
Default value A39A 300 mm/s 2C 2C 2C
A39b 01 01 01
Upper limit A39C 500 mm/s F4 F4 F4
A39d 01 01 01

3) The recall speed can be set in the teach-in mode using AF34 up to the level of the rated speed.
Editor: QMS Issue Change: revision 
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6510 046 
Aufzugswerke Memory positions Type Serial no.

Parameters Address Decimal Kind of drive

Iso 25M Iso 40SW Iso 60
Relevelling speed vNA
Lower limit A39E 10 mm/s 0A 0A 0A
A39F 00 00 00
Default value A3A0 30 mm/s 1E 1E 1E
A3A1 00 00 00
Upper limit A3A2 80 mm/s 50 50 50
A3A3 00 00 00
Brake application time value x 10
Lower limit A3A4 0 ms 00 00 00
A3A5 00 00 00
Default value A3A6 700 ms 46 46 46
A3A7 00 00 00
Upper limit A3A8 1000 ms 64 64 64
A3A9 00 00 00
Amplification factor value : 10
Lower limit A3AA 0 00 00 00
A3Ab 00 00 00
Default value A3AC 10 0A 0A 0A
A3Ad 00 00 00
Upper limit A3AE 100 64 64 64
A3AF 00 00 00
Delay time between W contactor on and brake
maximum 600 ms A3E0 100 ms 0A
200 ms 14
0 ms 004 )
Parameterisation byte
LED 27 = 0 → vREFERENCE polarised A3E1 80 00 00
LED 27 = 1 → vREFERENCE as amount
Pulse division by MW1 path computer
see dividend TZ according to formulas on page 25 A3FC TZ TZ TZ
Switching over analog/digital speed controller
LED 20 = 0 → analog A3FE dig/analog 01 01 00
LED 21 = 0 → digital
Positioning signal / instant start
LED 20 = 1 → instant start enabled A0CA 06 06 06
LED 21 = 1 → positioning signal on
LED 22 = 1 → Tele 59 high value
LED 23 = 1 → 14 Hz filter on
Actual value averaging
1 times = 0F; 2 times = 00 A3FA 2 times 00 00 00
Speed zero detection NN
LED 24 = 0 → NN disabled A0A4 digital 20 20
LED 24 = 1 → NN enabled A0A4 analog 30 30 30
Motor speed at vrated
Example three-phase motor 1350 rpm A303 46
A304 05

4) On TPI installations, memory position A3E0 must be filled differently; as a general principle, API = TPI applies
TPI gearless: 500 ms = 32; TPI with gear: 250 ms = 19.
Editor: QMS Issue Change: revision 
Issuing office: QMS Date: 10 / 2009  Page: F00-23

ThyssenKrupp Operating manual, diagnostic unit I
6510 046 
Aufzugswerke Memory positions Type Serial no.

Parameters Address Decimal Kind of drive

Iso 25M Iso 40SW Iso 60
Pulse generator pulses per channel
Example 1000 pulses with Iso 25M A305 E8 10 00
Example 10000 pulses with Iso 40SW A306 03 27 10
Example 4096 pulses with API

Parameters for digital speed controllers

Parameters Address Decimal Kind of drive

Iso 25M Iso 40SW Iso 60
Control parameters for low speed
Lower limit P proportion A32C 02 02 00
A32d 00 00 00
Default value P proportion A32E 14 0A 00
A32F 00 00 00
Upper limit P proportion A330 32 32 00
A331 00 00 00
Lower limit I proportion A332 01 01 00
A333 00 00 00
Default value I proportion A334 02 0F 00
A335 00 00 00
Upper limit I proportion A336 1E 32 00
A337 00 00 00
Control parameters for normal operation
Lower limit P proportion A338 02 02 00
A339 00 00 00
Default value P proportion A33A 14 0A 00
A33b 00 00 00
Upper limit P proportion A33C 32 32 00
A33d 00 00 00
Lower limit I proportion A33E 01 01 00
A33F 00 00 00
Default value I proportion A340 02 0F 00
A341 00 00 00
Upper limit I proportion A342 1E 32 00
A343 00 00 00
Control parameter for approach
Lower limit P proportion A344 02 02 00
A345 00 00 00
Default value P proportion A346 14 0A 00
A347 00 00 00
Upper limit P proportion A348 32 32 00
A349 00 00 00
Lower limit I proportion A34A 01 01 00
A34b 00 00 00
Default value I proportion A34C 02 0F 00
A34d 00 00 00
Upper limit I proportion A34E 1E 32 00
A34F 00 00 00

Editor: QMS Issue Change: revision 

Issuing office: QMS Date: 10 / 2009  Page: F00-24

ThyssenKrupp Operating manual, diagnostic unit I
6510 046 
Aufzugswerke Memory positions Type Serial no.

Parameters Address Decimal Kind of drive

Iso 25M Iso 40SW Iso 60
Threshold parameter transition from normal operation
to approach in mm/s
Lower limit A350 0 00 00 00
A351 00 00 00
Default value A352 1/3 vrated 00
A353 00
Upper limit A354 vrated 00
A355 00
Acceleration pre-control in 1/100
Lower limit A3b0 00 00 00
A3b1 00 00 00
Default value A3b2 00 46 00
A3b3 00 00 00
Upper limit A3b4 00 2C 00
A3b5 00 01 00

Determining the dividend TZ

For each grid unit of the landing vane, no more than 255 pulses may be counted. For this reason, in the case of pulse generators that
deliver a high number of pulses per motor revolution, the number of pulses might have to be divided according to the following formulas.

1) Formula for geared installations

motor speed × 2 × pulses / channel

TZ = × 0,2
60 × rated speed in mm / s

2) Formula for gearless installations with pulse generator directly flange-connected on the motor shaft

speed × 2 × pulses /channel

TZ =
60 × rated speed in mm / s × 8

The result, if greater than 1, must be rounded up to the next-highest even number and divided by 2. The result is then to be converted
into a hexadecimal number.


Isostop 60 (API) vrated = 1600 mm/s, motor speed: 1320 rpm, pulse generator 4096 pulses/channel

1320 × 2 × 4096
TZ = × 0,2 = 22,528 = rounded up 24 divided by 2 = 12 = hexadecimal = 0C
60 ×1600

The hexadecimal dividend is 0C!

Editor: QMS Issue Change: revision 

Issuing office: QMS Date: 10 / 2009  Page: F00-25
ThyssenKrupp Aufzugswerke GmbH
Fax:+497158/12-2585 Version 10 / 2009

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