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A. Read the text and complete the blanks with one word.

Anja went to the library for her physics homework assignment ___ Saturday. She ______
physics all day. She left the library at 5 o’clock. Then, she got on a bus to go home. She met
one of her old friends on the bus. But she ____ go to home directly. They went to a café
together. She had really great time with her. She got home ___ six o’clock. Dinner was ready,
so she _____ TV. After dinner, she listened to music in her bedroom.

B. Read the text and complete the blanks with one word.

Portugal is located in the Western Europe. It's the oldest country in the continent. Its capital
city is Lisbon. You can find calm and relaxing atmosphere in this peaceful place. You can see
lovely old buildings in the city and take photos of them. The city has the longest bridge in
Europe and the oldest bookstore in the world. They have a Portuguese folk song Fado which
is usually melancholic and nostalgic.

1. The capital of Portugal is _______.

2. The atmosphere in Lisbon is _________ and ________.
3. The longest bridge in the Europe is in _____________.
4. The name of the folk song is __________.
5. Portugal is in the _______ part of Europe.

C. Write a paragraph about a famous person. Include his or her:

 Physical appearances
 Personality traits
 Job/Occupation
 Achievements and important characteristics.

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