A1 Revision

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GRAMMAR PRACTICE 2 Read the text in Exercise 1 again and write

questions for the answers.
6.1 past simple was/were 1 Where ?
Maria lived in Poland.
1 Complete Jenny’s personal profile with was/wasn’t 2 Where ?
or were/weren’t. She worked in factory in Ireland.
3 When ?
Jenny goes to the National University of Bogota in
Colombia, she is an environmental scientist. She She le twenty years ago.
(not) born in Colombia, she was born 4 Did ?
in Calgary, in Canada. Her favourite subject at school Yes, they called each other.
art but she became interested in 5 Did ?
biology when she was on a painting trip to Colombia No, they didn’t visit each other.
– there 3 so many different animals
that 4 (not) in Canada. Her favourite 3 Read the conversation. Find and correct 10
animal was the spectacled bear. When Jenny learned mistakes with the past simple.
that they 5 in danger, she A: There aren’t many people here for the football
(not) so interested in painting them –
match today. Where are Janos and Andras?
she was more interested in saving them.
2 Write questions about the text. B: They go to a restaurant last night and eaten
1 Where / born? something bad.
A: And what about Jack – he doesn’t look very
2 Where / painting trip? healthy today.
B: Yes, he decided to get fit so he didn’t catched the
3 What / favourite animal?
bus today. He ranned here and hurted his leg.
4 / they / in danger? A: And where’s Ahmed?
B: Oh, he crashed his car this morning. He didn’t saw
5 / she / interested in painting or saving them? a car in front of him and drived straight into it.
A: And what happened to you? I think you were at
the cinema last night.
6.2 past simple B: I’m just tired. I didn’t sleeped well last night and
1 Complete the text with the regular past form of the went up very early.
verbs in brackets.

My friend Maria 1 (move) away twenty

years ago. She 2 (travel) from Poland to
Ireland and 3 (work) in a factory. She
(marry) someone there and
(start) a family. We 6
(try) to keep in touch and 7 (call) each
other sometimes. But the days 8 (pass)
by and the letters 9 (not arrive) and the
calls 10 (stop). When her parents
(die), she 12 (not visit)
her hometown any more. Then last week I
(receive) a text from her. She
(invite) me to her wedding with her
second husband.

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