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What is a Witch?

This is a teaser for Hexbound, a 5th edition witchy supplement written by Antonio Demico and published
by Hit Point Press. The text, as well as the layout and art, are subject to change!

A Witch casts spells by asking Spirits to lend them physical mark on a witch’s body which appears once
their magic. They do so through Witchcraft, an an- a covenant is made. Each mentor’s covenant is differ-
cient tradition of magic passed on to them by a Men- ent and, as such, witchmarks vary wildly depending
tor. on who mentored the witch. Some witchmarks may

Unlike wizards, who learn their magic through the look like vines and leaves, others like chains that spi-

study of books and ancient tomes, or warlocks and ral around a witch’s arms, or perhaps like scripture

clerics, who get their powers by the will of a higher that extends along the witch’s back, among countless

and powerful entity, witches summon spirits from other forms. It’s not uncommon for witchmarks to

the ethereal plane to use their magic. This vast and move on their own along the witch’s body as they cast

ever-changing oral tradition is called witchcraft, and spells and grow more powerful.

it can only be taught by a powerful witch. Because witchcraft is an oral tradition, and be-

When an extremely accomplished witch takes an cause each witch trains under a unique mentor,

apprentice, that pupil is then trained in the art of witches are incredibly different from one another.

witchcraft for years. Witches use their own bodies as Some witches focus purely on spellcasting, while

the conduit for magic, so pupils seeking to become others focus on enhancing their bodies with mag-

witches must train their bodies to withstand the ef- ic to fight. Two witches trained under two different

fects of a spirit’s magic, as well as learn the oral tra- mentors will each have a witchmark, use spirits as a

dition of witchcraft through spells source for their magic, and be tied to their masters by

and practices. a covenant, but the similarities end there. One witch
could be a scheming spellcaster who inflicts debuffs
When they are ready, the
on the enemy, whereas another might use their mag-
apprentice forms a pact
ic to amplify their own strength and wield a battle
with their mentor, called a
axe with even more power.
Covenant. The covenant is
what allows the witch to Losing one’s covenant is considered the highest

channel, command, and form of dishonor among witches. A witch without a

give form to the magical covenant loses their witchmark, their ability to con-

energy of spirits. tact spirits, and their capability of using magic. This
effectively strips them of their title as a witch. A cov-
The covenant chang-
enant can only be broken by a witch’s mentor, not by
es the very essence of a
the witch themselves, but at the same time the only
witch, rendering their en-
way for a witch to not have a mentor and still remain
tire body magical. This pact
a witch is for their mentor to die. This has led to a
between pupil and mentor is
sort of balance among witches: if a witch is ruthless
represented by a Witchmark, a

and evil they might lose their covenant, but if a men- master. Witches without a coven are often called
tor is abusive and cruel they might meet their demise hedgewitches, a term that can be used in a neutral
at the hands of their own apprentice. As an oral tra- way or pejoratively, depending on the speaker’s
dition passed from one witch to another, witchcraft opinion.
needs witches to continue taking in apprentices and
Though witchcraft is by its very nature unde-
forming covenants to keep the tradition, and there-
finable, complex, and personal, there’s one single
fore their own magic, alive. The system therefore
truth that applies to all forms of witchcraft:
remains generally in balance, although it’s not un-
“Witchcraft itself is a neutral practice, not inherently
heard of for a particularly evil and selfish witch to
evil or good. Its practitioners decide how they use
kill their master, causing chaos and destruction.
their incredible powers.”
Because witches are inherently diverse
-Calista Dalmau Salavert “An Outsider’s
as a group, there are no rules that
Look on Modern and Ancient
govern all witches, but patterns Witchcraft - Tome 1: A Short
emerge everywhere witchcraft is Introduction, page 981”

practiced. Communities where expe-

rienced witches and witches-in-train-
ing congregate to share knowledge are
common, and are usually referred to as
Covens. A coven can be anything from
a family unit that keeps their particular
familial form of witchcraft alive, to
a group of socialite witches who
convene in incense-thick sa-
lons to discuss the latest
in potions and spells,
to a renowned school
where covenants are gat-
ed behind complex quali-
fying exams.

Not all witches belong to co-

vens; some have only their mentor
as company, and some have lost their
mentor a long time ago. While some
of these covenless witches live in
bustling cities selling their talents
for witchcraft to the general
public, others choose to live
in isolation, whether alone
or with their

Witch Subclasses
Witch subclasses work exactly the same as your anything in between! This can, of course, also lead
run-of-the-mill subclasses, but give you all the witchy to an all-witch party that is balanced and very much
flavor and lore of the Hexbound witches. Whether viable.
approaching character creation as a player looking to
Regardless of the witch subclass you pick when
create their newest PC or as a GM planning to create
creating a character, all witches have three things in
a brand new witch NPC, witch subclasses offer in-
credible variety to the creation of a witch.
• They gain their powers by summoning spirits
Using witch subclasses allows you to create both from the ethereal plane
the classic witches we know from history and media, • They have acquired their abilities by making a
brewing potions in bubbling cauldrons and casting covenant with a mentor
arcane spells, and also witches seen from a complete- • They have a witchmark on their body that serves
ly new lens: ones who punch spiritual energy into as proof of that covenant
their foes to weaken them, or use possession to fuel
When creating a witch, talk with your GM about
their rage in battle and alter their bodies. The point
these three facts to build a deeper, more interesting
of witch subclasses is to allow for the highest level of
character! How did they become a witch? Who was
diversity when it comes to creating witches.
their mentor? Do they have a friendly relationship or
These subclasses make a witch-themed campaign an adversarial one? What does their witchmark look
a very attainable endeavor, as players can befriend like? Why did they become a witch?
and face off against witches with incredibly differ-
Just by choosing a witch subclass, you automatical-
ent skills and powers! Thanks to the variety afforded
ly gain a number of threads that will help you build
through subclasses instead of a single class, witches
a compelling backstory which your GM can use in
can be melee fighters, frail but powerful casters, or
your campaign to make it feel much more personal.

School of Witchcraft
a WizarD Witch suBclass
for hexBounD
A wizard learns through dusty old tomes and rigorous study. A witch
learns through secret whispers and strict mentorship. A wizard witch
melds these two ways of teaching into the School of Witchcraft, a school
that takes both the unbending studying practices of wizardry with the
oral tradition practices of witchery to make a school that seeks and
sees knowledge in places that both wizards and
witches can’t possibly imagine.

Wizard witches are characterized

by their thirst for knowledge, but
also for their unorthodox ways to
obtain it. To a wizard witch, a skill
or a spell can be learned by the words
written in a book, the words of their
mentor, or the words spoken by the
spirits from the beyond, including
those spirits that they have just slain.

Wizards of the School of Witchcraft
traditionally have witchmarks related to
words. Some of them have the last words
of a spirit they have slain that they used
to acquire more knowledge. Some
witchmarks take the shape of words
that the wizard found particularly
insightful, or moving. Some
have the names of their men-
tors as witchmarks. Another
common theme for a wizard
witch’s witchmark is eyes,
to symbolize their constant
quest for knowledge.

2nD level: 6th level:
teachers from the BeyonD spectral learning
You confer with spirits of gifted spellcasters, At 6th level, you summon the spirits of slain
like famed sorcerers and pious clerics, so they can foes to learn new abilities through them. When
teach you their magical secrets. After a long rest, a creature you can see is brought down to 0 hit
you can take 10 minutes to learn a cantrip of the points, roll a d20 and add your proficiency bonus.
sorcerer, warlock, druid, cleric, bard, or wizard Your roll must be higher than the creature’s CR.
spell list. For you, this counts as a wizard cantrip. On a success, you are able to momentarily trap
This cantrip does not count towards the number the spirit of the slain foe and use its power. One
of cantrips you know and is not written on your of their abilities, determined by the GM, is now
spellbook, but you can cast it as many times as yours to use. If the ability in question is a par-
you want. You can use this cantrip until you finish ticular spell, or otherwise consumes a resource,
a long rest. you must consume that resource when using
the ability. If the ability relies on the creature’s
2nD level: oral traDition morphology, like a prehensile tail or a claw, you
The ways of witchcraft are taught through summon a spectral manifestation of that body
conversation and training between a pupil and a part when you use it. The modifier used when us-
mentor. You are able to translate their teachings ing these abilities is Intelligence, even if the ability
to the realm of arcane scholastic tradition. When in question is a melee attack. The spirit is set free
finding a spell that you are able to learn, you may and you lose the ability attached to it after a long
choose to commit it to memory instead of copy- rest. If the ability you acquire is a spell you do not
ing it down. Spells that can be learned through know, you can add it to your list of spells through
oral tradition of witchcraft are under the same your Oral Tradition ability by learning it from the
limitations of spells you can copy in your spell- spirit. Once you’ve used this ability, you can’t use
book. In order to commit it to memory, you must it again until you finish a long rest.
spend 4 hours per spell level practicing the spell.

Once you’ve spent the appropriate time to

10th level: spiritual savant
At 10th level, you have mastered the art of
commit the spell to memory, you can prepare
learning through spirits. When you bring a crea-
it just like your other spells. You can commit to
ture to 0 hit points and learn one of their abilities
memory a spell from a Spell Scroll, in which case
through your Spectral Learning ability, you can
you must also succeed the necessary Intelligence
choose to commit that ability to memory as if it
(Arcana) check to do so successfully, the Spell
was a spell. You can only commit one ability that
Scroll is destroyed just like it would be if you had
isn’t a spell to memory using this feature. It takes
copied it to your spellbook. You can’t commit
CR of the creature x 10 minutes to commit the
to memory cantrips obtained by the use of the
new ability to memory and you must do so before
Teachers from the Beyond ability.
you finish a long rest. You can still hold a different
ability through Spectral Learning along with the
one you have committed to memory, at the end
of a long rest the ability acquired through Spectral

Learning will disappear, and the one committed
to memory through Spiritual Savant will still be
available to you. If you wish to replace the learned
ability with a new one, the old one fades from
your memory as the connection with the spirit
is severed.

14th level:
proDigy of the arcane
Your prodigious mind can summon the spirits
of those that have completely mastered the arcane
arts to teach you their secrets. After a long rest,
you can prepare one spell of your choice from
any class’ spell list. The spell must be of a level
for which you have spell slots and you follow the
normal rules for casting it, including expending a
spell slot. If the spell isn’t a wizard spell, it counts
as a wizard spell when you cast it. It takes 10
minutes per spell level to prepare it. After you
finish a long rest, you’re no longer able to cast this
spell unless you prepare it again using this feature.
You can’t commit this spell to memory using your
Oral Tradition ability.

OPEN GAME License Version 1.0a The following text is the 7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product
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2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content
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3.Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You
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4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use Product Identity: The following items are identified as Product
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Content: The Witch Wizard Subclass.
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