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Just a little advice for those who have trouble implementing the ideas from this

book (or any other).

1. Save this book to your device (I share it to Samsung notes so it always starts
where I left off).
2. Put your ear buds in and listen to the book while doing chores, at the gym, etc.
Listen to the book all the way through.
3. Listen to this book only (or book of choice). Don't listen to 6 different books
about 6 different topics.
4. After listening to the book in its entirety, think on what you heard. You
probably missed some of it or even forgotten some. But the contents are now
floating around in your mind.
5. Grab a note book, journal, paper. Sit down and listen to one chapter while
Listen to the chapter repeatedly if necessary. Don't move to the next chapter until
you complete the notes of the chapter you're working through.
6. After finishing your notes, read over them and think on them for a day, a week,
a few weeks....
7. Move to the next chapter and repeate the process.

The idea is to condition your brains thought patterns.

Listening to this (or any other) book and moving on gives you a feeling of
completion and victory but quickly dissipates. The end result is listening to 50
books while making zero change or progress.

And finally... don't listen to books about positive thinking while intermingling
baby duck videos.
Lock in on your topic and stay there as much as possible. Save the duck videos (or
equivalent) for their own time.

This works if you do the work.

The knowledge in these books are a treasure. But knowledge without action is
Take the time. Do the work. Mean it.
Changing the thought process is a wonderful step to success. But changing your
thought process, and only your thought process, keeps you dead in the water with a
head full of good ideas.

Getting rich, disciplined, healthy, etc can happen quickly if we do the work.
Don't look at this process as a "get rich scheme". Look at it as the first step to
the life you want.

If you're not willing to do the work involved that I listed above. You're probably
not willing to follow through on the rest.
Lock in. Make your mind up. Get ready to grind. Go after it and stay after it!

Just my experience.
Good luck to all!

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