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Business communication prep 3

Question 1

Piet and Simpiwe used a communication model that had 8 steps .In the first
step ,Piet (the sender) had an idea, he recognised and heard the strange noise
coming from the engine and he needed to fix it. In Step 2 , Piet encodes the
idea into a message, he immediately decided that in order to fix this he had to
enlist help and advise from the vehicle control centre. In the third step Piet
produces the message into a transmittable medium and he radios the vehicle
control centre at the central depot to report the incident. In the fourth step ,
Piet transmits the message through a channel and uses his phone to radio the
vehicle control port ,requesting them to report the incident and help him fix
the problem.

In the fifth step Simpiwe (the audience) receives the message and hears and
listens to the call and request made by Piet. In the sixth step, Simpiwe decodes
the message and makes sense of what Piet is asking and recognises that he
needs to report the incident. In step 7 ,Simpiwe responds to the message and
reports the incident to the mechanics or higher management. In step 8 ,
Simpiwe provides feedback to Piet(sender) and he advises him to continue on
to his final destination that is only 20 km away.

The communication process was a catastrophe because Piet did not mention
all the problems he had and he only mentioned the strange noise coming from
the engine and did not think to mention that there was a problem with the red
indicator light flashing on the dashboard and its because of the problem that
Simpiwe could not answer to all his problems because he only solved the
problem he knew and was told by Piet and Piet failed to transmit the entire
problem(the message) to Simpiwe which resulted in him responding to a part
of the message , which is the message he was told .
The second reason why the comunication process did not go well is because
the problem made by Piet now spread on and affected the whole
communication process and affected Simpiwe’s response and because
Simpiwe was not told the whole message ,he did not see it as problem that
needed immediate attention because he was not told that the red indicator
light was flashing .Had Simpiwe been told that he would responded accordingly
and in an appropriate and reported it and would have seen the urgency and
severity of the situation .Simpiwe (audience ) failed to respond to the message
by reporting it to the mechanics so they can fix it immediately. He provides
Piet with poor feedback on the problem and advises him to continue his
journey not knowing that there is another problem he was not told. Piet’s
actions affected the whole communication process and his failure to transmit
the entire problem resulted in Simpiwe poor response and in him getting a
poor feedback.

Question 2

Simpiwe assumptions came from him not knowing of the severity of the
problem Piet was in .He assumptions were not wrong as they were supported
by his thinking that the noise coming from the engine was a small problem and
the only problem ,not knowing that the greater problem was that Piet had low
petrol in the truck. It is not Simpiwe’s fault for making those assumptions but It
was Piet’s fault for not telling Simpiwe that he was low on petrol and because
he was not told , Simpiwe relaxed and did not see it as an urgent issue and
chose to not tell the mechanics because it is a small and easy problem to fix.

The information given to him by Piet was decoded as an issue that is not
urgent and that it can be fixed quickly and easily when the truck returns to the
depot and this affected Simpiwe’s response and he saw that this problem did
not require the mechanics full attention or urgent response. Simpiwe
assumptions were normal because of how he viewed the situation that Piet
was in based on the information that Piet gave to him. The imformation that
Piet gave to Simpiwe determined how he would respond and determined the
assumptions he would make on whether or not Piet is facing a real and big
problem or just a minor issue.

He undermined the urgency of the situation because of how Piet delivered the
message and he naturally decoded the message believing it to be a small
problem. Simpiwe as the audience in the communication process decoded it in
the right manner but how he decoded it was determined by the sender of the
message and whether or not he sent the entirely so that it triggers the right
response from Simpiwe. The message was not complete which triggered
Simpiwe to act in an inappropriate way but he lack knowledge of the danger
and importance of the message and did not report and just saw it as an issue
that can be solved once the truck reaches the depot

Question 3

The recommendation Simpiwe gave to Piet was based on his thinking and how
he imagined the danger of the situation that Piet was in and he thought that
wasn’t in any real danger and was not facing an urgent issue .His
recommendations were not wrong and were not at all inappropriate because
he decoded the messaged and gave feedback based on the information that he
received from Piet , the sender. The recommendations that Piet received was
affected by his lack of complete information and because he did not correct his
mistake , he received the information , the way Simpiwe decoded it from him.
The resulting recommendations that came were based on how Simpiwe
decoded and analyse the situation that came directly from the information
given by Piet to Simpiwe . Simpiwe is not to blame because he decoded what
he was told as the audience and should not face penalties .

Piet delivered a message that was incomplete and was ‘faulty’ and not good to
be transmitted to the audience , he gave his message prematurely and it
resulted in him receiving poor recommendations because the
recommendation could not solve the entire situation and now its affecting
many commuters. The way Piet sent the message affected the way he was
going to receive it and because his message was incomplete , he
recommendation was given solely on the message he sent out , not the
message he did not deliver. The mistake made by PIet not telling simpiwe
about the red flashing light on the dashboard resulted in Simpiwe missing the
importance and urgency of the problem and gave a recommendation that was
not instructive and helpful because his recommendation was based on the
problem being quick and easy to fix when the truck comes to the depot but
because the message was incomplete.

Simpiwe wasn’t knowledgeable about the fact that Piet was going to be
stranded and gave the recommendation because he lacked the understanding
of how severe and important it was to fix it with immediate effect and must be
given attention because if he knew he would have told Piet to stop somewhere
safe , knowing very well that if he did not stop it would a big traffic jam and
endanger the truck and Piet and those around him.

Question 4

The information provided by Piet influenced the advice and recommendation

he was going to get from Simpiwe. The mistake made by Simpiwe came from
Piet’s lack of giving a complete message and it affected Simpiwe’s advice to
Piet .Simpiwe made his thinking and decision based on the information he was
provided and decoded and analysed the message ,in order to understand the
situation and problem that Piet was in and although his advice was bad the
reason for it being bad was because he did not understand how bad the
situation that Piet was in and he relaxed because of how Piet presented the
problem .Simpiwe thought the problem was a quick fix and wasn’t a big deal
based on the information he was provided.

Piet is equally wrong because he did not give the whole situation or presented
his current issue entirely and that played a role as it affected the
coomunication process and how Simpiwe is going to receive it and
understand the situation. Business communication being a two way process
means whatever information is sent out to the audience , feedback will come
from the audience to the sender based on the information given to the
audience. It is not the audience’s fault if they were given poor communication
and a poor message from the start of the communication process and it results
in them giving poor feedback. Piet failed to give proper communication as to
the current situation he was facing and this lead to Simpiwe thinking that this
problem is too small and doesn’t need to be reported and it might waste the
mechanics time because its such an easy problem to fix. Simpiwe not having
understood the danger Piet was in because of Piet’s own mistake of not giving
proper and accurate information. It lead to Simpiwe not giving appropriate
advice because this advice was meant to solve the issue of the strange noise
coming from the engine and not the issue of having low petrol( this
information was not given to him and was not known by anyone else except
him and because of that , it could not be solved ).

In business , communication is key so the information that Piet fed into the
communication process between him and Simpiwe is then decoded by
Simpiwe and feedback coming from Simpiwe would be given to Piet in form of
advice and this advice was based on what he decided to send to the audience.
If he did decided to hide the rest of the information , it will be at his expense ,
because he failed to communication effectively and give complete information
so that the communication process is done effectively .If Simpiwe had a
mistake and gave poor feedback even though Piet gave accurate information
to Simpiwe , it would then be Simpiwe’s fault because he failed to decode it

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