Solved Examples On Crane Track Girder

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Example 1: calculate the maximum moment and shear on the crane girder given that the maximum wheel load is 70 KN and the 2 loads are spaced 2m. The distance between columns is S =5m , consider bracket is HEB 340 . 70KN 70KN solution: L200 1-straining actions on crane girder :"Loads on Crane girder" A) Dead Load : O.W. of crane girder Assume W, = O.W. of crane girder = 1.5 KN/m~ 1.5 KN/m* “Se, 5 4.687 KNm 3.75 KN Bending Moment( Mu ) Shear Force(Qu) 2 155 4.687 KN.m Mi B)Live Load : moving Load I- Vertical Load : Wheel Load 70 70 70 |_20—| |_2__| -—— fh _L, fs 56K ag? t 25 — 2 2-205 KN Case of maximum Moment Case of Maximum Shear My = 56*2=112 KN.m Qi, =Ri =704 7052 112 KN I- Horizontal Load :"Lateral Shock" Myy= Max — 11.2 KNm Owe oes =11.2KN @ FINALLY: Ow =120, Oy =16xQ,, =17.92KN + 1.6 Oy (14D) = 1.2 (3.75) + 1.6 (112) (1.25)= 228.5 KN My = 1.2M,,+ 16M (I+) = 1.2 (4.687) +1.6 (112) (1.25)= 229.6 KN.m My, =1.6xM, = 17.92 KN.m ur 2- Choice of Crane Girder Section as the crane girder is subjected to both Mx and My so we will use BFIB "HEB" as it can resist both Mx and My = —Mw__,___My ___< 7 Si) OB S(EN1SXS Z, for Upper flange only For HEB sections: $.= 48, — Sypg=l/2S, S. = 8Syne 5, = Mux = 5.33 Mur * OBS)(F) 229.6 +5.33 (17.92) 6 _ : Sy =A) x10 =1593694 mm From table choose HEB 300 3- Check on Crane Girder Section : 1) Compacteness : ¢ _ (300-11-227)}/2 = 618 ty 19 d, 208 = —— = 18.91 ty 1 compact section 168 —— =10.84 iB 1260 < —— =81,33 ip < 2) Lateral Torsion Buckling Ly =5000 mm 1, = 800% _ 800.758) 55 ip = min \Fy 240 = 4380004 1 (74, > L- “GRR 5 ( 1+(0.02 X F,) 19x300/ 12 =83.17 mm (19x300+(262/6)x11) x= (Motn a” 104 r*d ) =(C1me 83.1700" 104 *83 17°300") = = 0.2072 19*300 F,=0.75 F, (HOT ROLLED) — 138000 (19300) | 1_ ( oan 02070 75*D40)F =I L, = Gannisenay [LAE Ho02 s0.207%0 75%240 7 =15442 mm aL< L, [0,,=228.5 KN] OK (hes fond) 2.5K 5) Web local yielding: 2K A- Under the wheel load: es N 6 (70x1,25) =140 KN 2 SKE 2 1% —27+2 SK) etload N =2*rail height = 2*50=100 mm R, =O (N+2.5 K) t,* Fy = 0.95 (100+2.5*46) (11)(240)=539.22 KN > [R, =140 KN] OK +7 Molla sections) (rom ables) B- Under the supporting point: w= 228.5 KN N =1/2*b,(for the bracket supporting crane girder)= 1/2*300=150 mm & t R,=@ (N +2.5 K) t,* Foy = 0.95 (150+2.5*46) (11)(240)=664.62 KN > [R, =228.5 KN] OK brat N 25KAS (Sis crane gider | 2B (hel oad) 6) Web Crippling: A- Under the wheel load: R.=1.6 (70x1.25) =140 KN Wheeltoad Ov N =2*rail height = 2*50=100 mm N/d =100/300=0.33 > 0.2 R,=OR, =O (0.1813 ¢) [aX on (42)"] [Eft fj : R, =0.7 (0.1813*11") [1+(470.333-0.2 dp") jeune =214.81 KN > [R,=140 KN] OK B- Under the supporting point: crane Wyyyy R.=Q..=228.5 KN , by N =1/2*b,(for the bracket supporting crane girder)= 1/2*300=150 mm N /d =150/300=0.5 > 0.2 R, -0R,-0 0.1813 6)| 14X02) ey") E Fal pt R,=0.7(0.1813411') [1+(4205-02) (ry) "] [2tioaaot19 =256.88 KN > [R,=228.5 KN] OK racket, 7) fatigue: JUL hasUt ISS JSBy 9 sable Jaod ary yety py Leste Gace) JUTL rhasl dary shes! Ld Sunes Jiu! y leU laity py Late dngiall delad LUIS gle Je 9 ly gall Ge Gass dae dey Sess S 2 Pod Crane Girder,J tiny Soa 3SRN paddy A Pe able Jad dees LSU JUL shal Poe Ni Smresses Fo M scgMa tg 8S) De F, . Ma Beis 3) ake Lo Crane Girder J Juss JSS P fk = Ma* M,,)-Ma a Sx Se E,: allowable stress range depend on : a) Detail Category SS Detail A for rolled section Detail B for B.U.S section b) No. of loading cycles Us) plot dew yle ais Code Page 11-4 J\ gi caiaga gu US glam yo lary 5 1.68 em? for rolled section r= Spl! pladtol dele Saya LI = ; vad Lala Le 1.26t/em for B.U. section My — * f, M. t= aaa 83.33 MPa We calculate 288,75*10"” 2T10 25170819 46mm _ Span _ 5000 _ <9; 4007 Rog 7 825mm OK Example 2: calculate the maximum moment and shear on the crane girder for the given moving loads , distance between columns is S=7m , consider bracket is IPE 600 solution: roe 1-straining actions on crane girder :"Loads on Crane girder" A) Dead Load : O.W. of crane girder Assume W, = O.W. of crane girder = 2 KN/m* 2 KNim* “SEE | Z 7KN 12.25 KN.m ‘ ; Bending Moment( Mz ) Shear Force(Qu) Myx 722 = 12.25 KN B)Live Load : moving Load I- Vertical Load : Wheel Load For Max. Moment R = 50+50+90+90 = 280 KN L= 50*2+90*3+90*6 280 X =L- 3.00 = 0.25m My, =255.625 KN.m =3.25m point of max. moment oH For Max. Shear : ? 40 For Max. tear 100m cont Q, =170 KN Lam 0, =1to xn II- Horizontal Load :"Lateral Shock" Myy = “he = 95.56 KNm = Qu _ Oy O07 I7KN FINALLY: Quy =1.2Q0,, + 1.6 QO, (14D) = 1.2 (7) + 1.6 (170) (1.25)= 348.4 KN QO. =16x0,, =27.2KN Mey = 1.2M,,+ 1.6 Myy(1+1) = 1.2 (12.25) +1.6 (255.625) (1.25)= 525.95 KN.m M,, =16xM, =40.9KN.m 2- Choice of Crane Girder Section | M, “as Tes = 1g = 700mm “fe (10: for erané Girder supporting two Cranes) iw flew be a 8mm . take *t=max. of SSO = DONG = 4.93 mm t=10mm Ou — 348.4710" — 4.06 mm G (0.6 F)(d,) © 0.85 (0.6*240 )(700) Flange: 6 _ My _ _525.95*10 _ TC 633 Bl p5el) eget po * T=C= a 700... = 751.36 KN dle M, pest toy 751.36*10° ul = BEIT _ 4816, 0. ose = 4816.4 mm 4 casi6. 4)=6421.85mm" Flange J\ gle er Coss 1 Avera =z? A,) ~ Upper Flange tole 3b» 993] 2 12/3 : 1/38 ay Lower Flange J je A, = b,*1,=204, assume b, =(15-20) t, (2xA )- Total Area of Flanges 6421.8 = 18¢; = 18.88 mm ons) 8) OSU OB t, = 20mm b, = 6421.8/20 b, = 330mm 4=t.= 20mm b, =b,/2 b, = 165 mm 350 * Properties of Section : : datum 2 2 TS A=(330)(20)+(165)(20) + (700) (10) =16900 mm * Y =2097 7, = 3302000) +(165)(20)(730)+(700)191370)-99 7 mm — 75010 - 16900 7404 Y,=103 1,=1485691854 mm * 2 : ; 1,=67440208.33 mm* 85 r= | 4a =296.5 mm A 1,= 63.17 mm k 20x3307/ 12 87.82 (20x330+(700/6)x10) ™ — = 4b S,- Fe = 4957263.44 mm’ 8 A= tb+He, fi =|¢ (for upper fl. only) 3- Check on Crane Girder Section : 1) Compacten (330-1012 _ 168 asd — »y. = <== 20 ie . 5 . 700 =7 1260 compact section < = =81.33 10 iB 2) Lateral Torsion Buckling Ly, =7000mm 800 7», — 800 (63.17) = = OOO 33652 mm Ip = == (F 240 p= 43800046 rt 1+ [02 XF) d*F, x= lontd x 0.104 *87.527700)) 0.938 4; 20*330 F,=0.6F, (BUS) = 138000120330) |1_ (14174999 #0,93840,64240) = L, = Fapynenay [oy (EE Ho? *0.938%0.6%240 ?= 1258775 mm als L, [M,, 4) Shear Stresses =525.95 KN.m] V, =O (0.6 F)(d x t,)=0.85x0.6x240x700x10=856.8 KN 5) Web local yielding: A- Under the wheel load: R,=1. 6 (90x1 25) =180 KN (hee ioad) max Whet food (11) N =2*rail height = 2*50=100 mm > [0,,=348.4 sone sin of eld R,=@ (N +2.5 K) ty * Foo K=20+6=26 mm = 0.95 (100+2,5*26) (10)(240)=376.2 KN B- Under the supporting point: Ry =Qu=348.4 KN > [R, =180 KN] b, +P 600 ( ok KN] OK K=1,+8 @USsetion) OK \ N =1/2*b,(for the bracket supporting crane girder)= 1/2*220=110 mm R,=@ (N +2.5 K) t,* Fy = 0.95 (110+2.5*26) (10)(240)=399 KN > [R,=348.4KN] OK 6) Web Crippling: A- Under the wheel load: R,=1.6 (POx1.25) =180 KN ‘max Whee load (Ob) N =2*rail height = 2*50=100 mm N/d =100/700=0.143 < 0.2 R= R,=0 (0.1813. | Hee) Ge J £ fx E Fite R,=0.7 (0 18134 10°) [10340 143) (f) "| arian =146.72 KN < [R, =180 KN] UNSAFE increase t, to 12 mm R,=0.7 (0. 1313* 12°) [14370149 (2) | 2024020 =200.85 KN <[R.=180 KN] OK Ry _———______| -— B- Under the supporting point: crane idee Wy R,=0..=348.4 KN j a N =1/2*b, (for the bracket supporting crane girder)= 1/2*220=110 mm |} ~ N/d =110/700=0.157 < 0.2 R, 70.7 (0.1813* 12°) |1+(340.157) (3g) | [221o aan =204.2 KN < [R,=348.4 KN] OK Use transverse stij or Use doubler plate to increase ty: ASSUME oosbiees then recalculate R by using t,=12+8=20 mm R, =0.7 (0.1813* 20°) 1+(340.157) op] j2tt10 aon =530.3 KN < [R =348.4 KN] OK =8 mm racket, M, unftired __(255.625*10')(1.25) 337427175 = 94.7 MPa 00-7 “gon 7 875mm Monorail Crane Girder The monorail is the same as overhanging crane except: 1-The monorail has only one Load. 2-The monorail crane is hanged from the lower flange. 3-The compression flange is the upper flange 4-The lower flange is the flange subjected to lateral shock. in case of built up section, the wider flange is the lower flange 5-No Check Crippling in Monorail crane girder For design of B.U.S. take h,= Sem Crane Wheel The lower flange is the tension flange and subjected to M, and M,, while the upper flange which is the compression flange and subjected to M, only. lower flangells 35> 50 9 dta\5 sleds yd Laat G 9S ULI! ode yb lower flange Jl. lateral Shock 53% Hwh » 7 So the maximum moment and the maximum Shear caculated from the following cases: P P s a Case of max. Moment Case of max. Shear Mux M101 Mix Qin =R=P ® For Check fatigue Soll plasil Regus Si; a LS! 2 . arb Lato —& 2.52 tlm for rolled section abr of ples = 500 000 F=4 > (regular us nuous operation) * Ls 2.00t/cm for B.U. section Example 3: For the shown figure, it is required to Design the Crane girder supporting the shown monorail twice using Rolled Section , given that : Load of monorail is 80 KN. , Spacing between frames is 7m and the frame carries the monorail only. tv ta DD Solution L-straining actions on crane girder :"Loads on Crane girder" A) Dead Load : O.W. of crane girder Assume o.w.=1.5 KN/m M,,=1.5x (7/8 )=9.2 KN.m B)Live Load :_moving Load pELSx(7 / 2 )=5.25 KN 80 KN 80 KN js 7 M,y =80x7 =140 KNm Q,= 80 KN My =14KN.m Total Straining action. Ow =120,, + 1.60, (+I = 1.2 (5.25) + 1.6 (80) (1.25)=166.3 KN y = 12 M,,+ 1.6M,, (1+) = 1.2 (9.2) +1.6 (140) (1.25)= 291.04 KN.m My, =1.6xM,, = 22.4 KN.m 2- Choice of Crane Girder Section S.= Mux + 5.33 Moy x O85)(F) 291 +5.33 (22.4) « 4 Sy = as504) x10°=2011725 mm Use HEB 340 3- Check on Crane Girder Section : 1) Section Compacteness © _ [300-12-2(27)]/2 168 so A =10.84 t 21.5 JE , 1 d, 243 1260 Ceution = = 20.25 a 8133 section y 12 E 2) Lateral Torsion Buckling Ly =7000 mm 800 7, — 800 (75.3) fe~ je [20 =3888.47 mm =82.87 mm (21.5x300+(297/6)x12) F,=0.75F (HOT ROLLED) x= (enna 104 r.*d ) =(qimens2 57340) 104 *82,87*340 21.5*300 0.2064 — 138000 As (), 7——es L, d*F, 2 (a 1+(0.02 X F, ) 138000 (21. saul (Geman amaraTm0y = L, aano.7s4) {2 1+|1+(0.02 *0.2064*0.75*240 )’ =15412 mm aL< L, 54(585.8-368.8) y)e7” kNim>M, 15412388, M, = M, = 585.8 KN.m M, ES, 3) Bending Stresses | a-comp. side (point "1"): subjected to M, only & LTB may occur 4 M,, =@ M,,=0.85x585.8=497.92 KN.m > [M,,=291 KN.m] ok 2 | | NL b-tens. side (point "2"): subjected to M, & M, Mu + My <1 (| My My om M,,=@ M, =0,85x585.8=497.92 KN.m qo Scare 21.5x300'V12— 39950 mmé reek 3100/2 My (E)(15%S y= 0.85X240x1.5x322500=98, 685 KN. 291 224 497.92 98.68 = 081 <1 4) Shear Stresses V, =O (0.6 F)(d x t,)=0.85x0.6x240x340x12=499.39 KN > [Q =166.3KN] OK 5) Flange local bending: Under the wheel load: R,=1.6 (80x1.25) =160 KN (reetioad) Whesiload 4D) R, =O R, =O 6.25 t; Fy I = 0.85 (6.25)(21.5)(240)=589.37 KN > [R,=160 KN] OK 6) Crippling Stres No Crippling as the wheel is hanged from the lower flange not rested on the upper flange as in case of overhead crane. ae f = Mas COTOT29 «81 MPa < 2) Lateral Torsion Buckling (No LTB) 3) Bending Stresses subjected to Mx only M, =OM» > Mw — 4) Shear Stresses «| 5) Web local yielding: 6) Web Crippling: 7) fatigue: 8) Deflection 20 Steps of design in case of using catwalk bracing attached to the top flange of crane track girder. B.U- Sections 1-straining actions on crane girder :"Loads on Crane girder" as before ... 2- Choice of Crane Girder Section crane girder is subjected to Mx only &[ LTB = zero] Web: * q = —Span_ 10-15 8mm d, ‘max. of 2200NF. ‘max. value Qu T(06 FVa) M, assume F 0.85 F, Force _CorT An “Stress = 7 Stress ~0.85 F, assume b =(15-20) t, Of rsh By 28 ob mM vy GB GB 3- Check on Crane Girder Section : 1) Compacteness : >< 2) Lateral Torsion Buckling (No LTB) ld 3) Bending Stresses subjected to Mx only M,, = OMe > Mux C 1 4 4) Shear Stresses 5) Web local yielding. 6) Web Crippling: 7) fatigue: 8) Deflection:

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